October 9-15

So, whoever said things cannot go crazy.  Well, they are crazy now and getting crazier still.  This will be evident in your personal life as come relationships and friendships begin to crumble.  You do not even have to say what you mean, people are out there interpreting things for themselves, and because they are feeling threatened by the general tenor of unrest that is sweeping the world, they do not listen to what  you are saying.  They cannot.  They must see what they feel is right and true.  As for you, it is time to know WHO you are and what is most important for you.  This will be the things that holds you together and strong as things spin more and more out of control.  People are feeling the shift and they do not know what to do.  More and more people are choosing to check out by whatever means available.  Take time this week to know what it is that keeps you strong and in touch.  You are part of Universal Consciousness, and as such you can see, know, understand  and be in control of all that matters to you.  This is a week for compassion and understanding, but for strength also as you will have choices coming up this week that must be made.  Choose wisely, and always from your heart, then all will be well.

Sunday, October 9:    Grainy Orange

There can be some clashes today concerning different perspectives, opinions, and objectives.  It is important for you to be centered and grounded in WHO you are in order to see these things for what they really are.  Moreover, you to need to know for yourself what it is that is truly important and meaningful.  These days. there are challenges on every level and in every incoming vibration.  Clear seeing, far seeing, seeing with the eyes of the heart, will allow you to understand what it is that is really happening, to sort out the nuances and agendas, and to be strong in your own path and destiny.  Right now, things are crazy everywhere. but they need not make you crazy if you will just remember what it is that is truly important for you and be one with making that your reality.  It is time to discover and use your own personal mantra.

Crystal Energy:    Ruby Spinel in Biotite Mica—-A strong and powerful grounding and balancing combination, these energies bring focus and direction.  Resonates with the Root Chakra.

Monday, October 10:    Lemon Yellow

Columbus Day:    Everything appears to be on the up and up.  People seem happier than they have been for a time.  There is a sense that things are going along more smoothly than they have for a long time, and yet you are harboring a sense that something is up.  Be aware of your intuition.  Honor those crazy urges not to go somewhere, to do something out of character, to get out of weird conversations.  This will all be to your benefit.  There is a lot of tipping going on today and a lot of tipping points being reached.  Stay away from controversy and arguments.  Nothing will be settled that way.  Look to the comfort of your good friends and clarifying conversation. These kinds of things can bring a perspective on just what is going on.

Crystal Energy:    Fluorite—-This stone can assist in bringing a sense of calm to otherwise somewhat chaotic situations.  Its energy counters negativity and opens to the energies of the Universe.

Tuesday, October 11:    Red Violet

Full Hunter’s Moon:    This is an uh-oh, up and down kind of day.  Pay attention to your health.  If you are tired, take a few minutes to center and breathe.  You will need your wits about you as the day progresses.  Challenges will appear from all sides, and even things that you thought were dependable and written in stone can show themselves to have a hidden side.  Emotions will be close to the surface as news comes forth of things going on that you were not aware of.  Personal situations and relationships too will have a hard time finding any kind of even keel.  The best way to approach these energies is as the observer.  Watch hat is happening.  Feel the feelings, and go within to understand what it all means for you.  There is a greater picture evolving now and as it attempts to come into focus, a lot of things get twisted and turned about.

Crystal Energy:    Burro Creek Agate—-This stone can open one to what is truly going on, while bringing into focus the larger picture. It assists in forgiveness.  Resonates with the Crown and the 12th Chakras.

Wednesday, October 12:    Frosty White

You will need to look deeply into things that people have said, promised, sworn to,etc.  There is duplicity in the air, and with all the shifting energy it may be hard to determine just where it is coming from.  This is not a time to jump the gun in make decisions and/or accusations.  Rather, look within and see how peoples’s words and actions resonate with you on  a heart level.  There is much to be learned in the energy of the day about people and their motivations, just do not let yourself get so caught up in the obvious that you miss what is coalescing below the surface.

Crystal Energy:    Wavellite—-This mineral works to assist one in the skill of discernment, to see things dispassionately as they truly are.  Resonates with the Solar Plexus and Third Eye Chakras.

Thursday, October 13:    Dark Violet

Take extra time today in all that you do.  Even though there are things around you that make you feel you need to hurry, do not give into that kind of nervousness.  It is much more important to be aware of what is going on around you today.  The details are of great importance, especially in terms of some personal life changing projects,. ideas, and goals that you are working on.  Do not get caught up in other people’s stuff.  It is time for you to know and understand that your own stuff is more important to you than anything else.  Take time to work on and know your priorities.  Things are falling into shape right now, and in order for you to find your own true fulfillment, you must be certain, sure, and empowered in WHO you are.

Crystal Energy:    Green Prase—-This mineral brings balance by strengthening the foundation, moving through the heart and resonating with the vibrations of the Universal Consciousness.  Vibrates with the Root, Heart, and Crown Chakras.

Friday, October 14:    Bright Yellow

Take care today in what you do, what you think, and what you choose.  There can be surprises for you if you do not follow your own innate truth.  Take a look at some of the people you deal with and determine whether these are contacts you wish to pursue or just let go of.  THis is a decision making day.  There is clarity in the air which can assist you in making your choices, but you have to want to see things as they really are.  It is much easier to go with how things have been, the old paradigm may be somewhat toxic, but at least it is familiar. What are you choosing today.  Take some time to deal with WHO you are and what it is that you truly want.  Think about a plan.  Not too long term.  Things are shifting too quickly and too much to deal with long term, but a plan for what you want in your life by the end of this year …. or next year.  It does not matter.  The point of the exercise is taking time to feel what is right for you.  This involves a strong, long look at things as they are right now.

Crystal Energy:    Pearl —-Not really a crystal, but definitely an energy, an energy of making the most out of what you are given.  Take the lessons learned from the pearl to know your personal worth.  Resonates with the Third Eye Chakra.

Saturday, October 15:     Magneta

There is an air of unreality about today.  You are not going to feel connected to what is around you. You will, however, have the sense that something else is calling you, beckoning you, becoming very important in your life.  Look towards that urge.  There are messages there that can help you unlock some of the secret places in your life and your heart that have puzzled you because they seemed so out of character, so unrelated.  You are becoming more of WHO you are.  That can be scary, but it also can become more comfortable as you try it on and see how it all fits.  There is a lot of stuff going on around you today.  It is important to focus.  A lot of the stuff you once thought was important…. It is time for a garage sale.

Crystal Energy:    Clear Danburite—-The energy of this mineral is highly charged and directional, and, like lightning, it can illuminate, overcome, and wound.  It is a stone to use with caution and preparedness.  Vibrates to the Crown Chakra.

October 2- 8

Overall Color for the Week:    Bright Blue

This week can both fulfill your expectations and turn them all into mush.  The lesson involves priorities and focus.  You have spent enough time helping, aiding, enabling others.  Let that all go.  All of that energy and work, while seeming impotant at the time, was not truly in your best interests.  This is a week for knowing what is in your best interests.  What is not working for you and why?  Take a look at that stuff and open to the answers. They are all there.  It really is not profitable to ignore them.  Look around you at the friends and situations you find yourself in.  Are they good for you?  Do you find a sense of belonging, of camaraderie?  If not, then….  Well, I will leave it up to you.  Everything now is spinning upon, depending upon, waiting upon you.  What will you do about this?  But do not worry.  Do not feel that it is the finality.  It is what it is in the moment, and you always have choices.

On the larger scale, this is a take-nothing-for-granted week.  One of the themes of these times is the disconnect between cause and effect.  This can lead to people in the media lashing out against seemingly insignificant remarks, people in the news flaunting things about themselves that are actually not quite so seemingly, and earth movements and event s happening in random places and in not according to patterns.  This theme will also effect the political arena.  Expect some of your basic assumptions about candidates to be validated.  This recent campaign is more like an arcade game than a serious attempt to present the important issues and topics and to give reasonable and doable solutions.  Economics will be crazy this week, even scary.  There ill be news out of Europe concerning the Euro.  The area of the Sudan seems to have something at work>  Weather issues will adversely effect various countries, not just the United States.  It seems that Russia, too, is under the gun.  There is someone who is going to get themselves heard who will be putting fort some pretty bizarre predictions, accusations, and requirements.  Be alert to the news of the crops this year.  There is not a lot of good news there.  The energy of the week is such that anything can (And probably will) flip-flop and morph.  Watch the weather.  Be alert to the Earth.  So called natural disasters are increasing.  Stay centered in your heart and you will know the direction in which to go.

Sunday, October 2:    Lavender Mist

There is much in the air today, and although it is time for clarity, you will find yourself unable to see things quite clearly.  This is, instead, a day for listening, for paying attention with all the other senses.  There is much that you can learn when you open your other senses to things around you.  Take time to use your hands to feel things. See what they can tell you,  Know what smooth is.  Know what prickly is.  Listen to the winds and the voices of the birds.  Hear the things that fly in the air, the noises machines make, the rumble of passing vehicles.  Open to the smells around, and experience what they are reminding you of.  Smells are strongly attached to memories, perhaps you can take a trip to a past life.  And taste…  Savor those things you eat and drink.  Take time today to experience the world through the other senses.  And tonight, open to the knowing of your heart.  There is a message there for you.

Monday, October 3:    Light Amber

This is a day for knowing what is real and what is fake, what belongs and what is merely passing through.  It is important to take time and analyze what is being said and spoken about.  People have agendas, and today the agendas are taking over much of what is really importnat.  Look carefully at things before committing.  You may want to postpone any decisions that are potentially life chagning.  Take time to go within, center, and work through what is coming your way.  There is so much going on out there, that you will find it very difficult to concentrate or  focue.  Just because someone has the loudest voice does not mean that what theya re putting forth has merit.

Tuesday, October 4:    Frosty White

Winter is definitely coming, and today there is a chill in the air.The energies around and within are vibrating to a new frequency.  You are recalibrating yourself, and at these times, the best thing to do is to spend time with yourself.  This is a good day for knowing what it is that you truly desire in your life.  It is time to separate needs from desires, to know the differences between the two, and to choose what really is meaningful.  THis is true in all areas, in relationships, in food choices, in exercise regimes, in job options, in personal passions.  IT is time to focus on yourself, to make yoruself number one.  The waves in the air today assist you in breaking out of old patterns.  Take advantage of these and know WHO ytou are.  That is most important.  You cannot be good for anyone or anything else if youare not good for you.

Crystal energy:    Edenite in Quartaz—-The energy of this stone assist in releasing stuff.  Its connection to the Goddess energy can help to resolve issues with calming vibration.  Resonates to the heart and Crown Chakras.

Wednesday, October 5:     Purple Blue

There is something new in the wind today and an echo in the waters.  The elements are alive and active, and you will find yourself responding to them.  Expect a bit of discomfort throughout all of this.  Things are sifting on all levels, and there is no certainty to be found.  Do not look for it today.  This is a good day for putting off old stuff that you have been thinking about.  One of the reasons that no decisions have been reached is due to the fact that you are changing.  Take some time to work with yourself.  Go within, journal, paint, act, write.  The evening is a good time for conversation with those who really matter in your life.  It is time to realize that a lot of the things that you have been denying yourself are really important.  Why is it that we so often do that?

Crystal energy:    Zebra Agate—-This is a good stone for keeping around when you want to bring balance into your life, into situations, and into relationships.  Vibrates with the Root and Crown Chakras.

Thursday, October 6:    Aquamarine

The energies of the day encourage and support flow.  this can assist when you need to be in the moment and not to get caught up in the details.  Take time to look around you and you can see the larger picture coming into focus.  This can surprise, even delight you.  Also, be alert to others who are finding the same revelations around them.  People are changing, relationships are changing, patterns are changing, and with them so are personal preferences.  This is a time of coming together and breaking apart.  Today is a good time to get in flow with the tide of difference, and be open to the cues around you that let you know that you are a part of this, that you are aware of what is going on, and that you are not crazy.

Crystal Energy:    Diopside—-This stone is a friend in need, indeed.  It is there in times of stress and uncertainty to soothe and calm.  Resonates with the Root Chakra.

Friday, October 7:    Aquamarine

Yesterday’s energies have spilled over into today.  You will continue to see may of the same sorts of things happening today that you saw yesterday.  The lessons are there, and they are getting stronger.  You will feel that it is most important to be focused on, conscious of what is going on around you today.  There is a shift in the air, and you can be surprised to see things move before your very eyes.  The dimensions are very thin, very watery today and things that pop into and out of focus are actually doing just that.  Take time today today center, to go into your heart center and find the feelings that tell you what is right and proper for you at this time.  Much is going on and there are choices to be made.  Know that nothing is wrong in the larger scheme of things, however you need to set your priorities, hone you r focus, and be alert to what is right for WHO you are.

Crystal Energy:   Blue-Banded Fluorite—-The energy of this beautiful stone assist one when you are engaged in the work of the psyche and the mind.  It can aid those who are working to bring together the two sides of the brain for diamond focus.  Resonates with the Solar Plexus, Throat, and Third Eye Chakras.

Saturday, October 8:    Bright Orange

Keep your eyes out today because anything can happen.  You may find that a lot of your old expectations, thoughts, and preconceptions are being challenged by the energy of the day.  Look around you for hints of what is shifting in your life and what it is that you wish to maintain.  There will be moments of synchronicity, as well as times when someone will say something, you will see something, or feel something and it contains an important message for you.  In many ways, this is a pivotal kind of a day.  It is a day that lets in energy that can change your life.  The tears are coming, but not today.  There is time for regret for things left behind, but that must always be tempered by the perspective of what it is that you have changed and made better.  Sometimes we grieve merely for its own sake.

Crystal Energy:    Yellow Lepidolite—-The energy of this mineral opens one to the truth of one’s own life purpose.  It can assist in opening to the energies of the Universal Consciousness and linking to the Akashic. Resonates with the Solar Plexus and Crown Chakras.



September 25-October 1


Overall Color for the Week:    Fire Engine Red

What’s the hurry?  What’s the emergency?  The energies of the week will make you feel as though everything is so important, however before you accept the overall importance of this or that, it is really, really important that you first know what it is that you are wanting for yourself.  Take some time this week to look around you are recognize the stuff that really does not mean much to you, the people who are there out of habit, the situations that constantly repeat.  There is much to be learned by a critical and impersonal analysis of these things.

Sunday, September 25:    Light Lavender

The morning is not going to be at all what you expected, so be ready for anything.  There is a message coming your way that has something importnat for you.  Do not discredit synchronicites or serendipity in this regard. Perhaps all you need is just to know that things are okay.  There is a lot of movement right now in your life, and sometimes you can feel like you are walking on a conveyor belt through a swamp, not having the time to focus or complete anything that you want to do.  This is a good time to look at priorities.  Pick out one, make that your folcus for the day, and get it done.  Get some kind of feeling of resolution about it.  Then you can put that aside and move on.  Tonight is a good time and a good energy for relaxing and just feeling what it is that you enjoy doing.  Make a little celebration of things.  Look out on the natural world around you and feel yoru connectedness.  This is a great exercise for calming the heart.

Crystal energy:    Albite—-The energies of this stone assist within flow, particularly in terms of cellular hydration.  Resonates with all chakras.

Monday, September 26:    Slate Grey

You will be finding that things are kind of oozing up from your memories and your past today.  The energy is such that there can be emotion around a lot of these.  Do not fight it, rather let the feelings come, take a look at them, honor them, and let them move on.  This is not a time to become stuck in things that are not helping you to move forward in what it is that you are truly wanting to do and be at this time.  We all have a past, and we can recognize that, but it is important tot to get stuck in it.  The new challenges and opportunities that are here in front of you today need your complete and conscious focus and attention.  Take time to center within your heart and know what it is that will be best for you at this time.  Stay focused on the essential WHO of you, and things will begin to flow more easily.  Moreover, you will start to see things and people for what they are.  This can cause a bit of upheaval, but sometimes upheaval is good..

Tuesday, September 27:    Cloudy White

This is a good day for taking care of yourself, honoring how you feel, doing what you want, and not worrying about all the other stuff.  Sometimes the other stuff has to take care of itself, and today you need to take care of you.  Take some time out to center.  Then treat yourself to something you love, a small (or large) indulgence, but it must come from your heart.  You know that if the indulgence is out of proportion with the other stuff going on in your life, you will regret it.  You are NOT to regret this indulgence.  It is something that will get you through some of the crazy times that are on the horizon.  This is also a good day for making a call that you have been putting off.  You can be very surprised at how they had looked forward to hearing from you.  There is not a lot of clarity in the air, but remember that miracles can come out of the clouds.

Crystal Energy:    Lavender Aventurine—-The energy of this stone assists those who are struggling with depression to let go of worries and achieve some calm.  It also is good for people who work with those in need, particularly counselors.  Resonates with the Third Eye and Crown Chakras.

Wednesday, September 28:     Grainy White

This is a day for remembering all the good things, and that is because there is a lot of turmoil, anger, and uncertainty in the air.  While it may not be coming from you, it is so much in the atmosphere that you will be noticing it.  This is a good time to step back (way back, today) and take a look at what is going on around you,.  You can find that there are those who will be revealing their true personalities and opinions.  Some of that might just surprised you. Do not plan to start or finish anything today because it all is going to take a lot more effort than it should.  This can leave you feeling frustrated and testy.  In this kind of energy also, it is good to take care in traffic and let that other guy go.  Sometimes the ride there is more rewarding and enlightening than the actual destination.  Tonight, take time to relax, do a little journaling or creative work, something that will allow you to come to grips with how you are feeling at this time.  And then, a good dinner, a glass of wine, a great conversation or a comfort movie.

Crystal Energy:    Massive Cuprite—-The energies of this mineral assist in bringing relaxation to one, particularly in terms of digestive related issues.  It allows for release of certain toxins in these areas.  Resonates with the Root, Navel, and Solar Plexus chakras.

Thursday, September 29:    Red Flame

Getting rid of the old, bringing in the new, and acknowledging all that you have done are all part of the atmosphere today.  If things are upsetting you, it is time to let people know about it.  Even more so, it is time to accept for yourself that you have limits in terms of what you will allow from others, and to define clearly those limits.  This is a huge step in reclaiming your power and putting forth your declaration of self worthiness, honor, and ability.  You have worked for a long time to make things accommodate the truths that you feel within your heart.  The energies of the day allow you to become your own champion and stand up for what it is that is truly you.

Crystal Energy:    Peach Moonstone—-This stone vibrates to the true knowing of the heart, bringing a sense of peace, understanding, and compassion.  It resonates with the Heart Chakra.

Friday, September 30:    Lime Green

Things will be appearing out of the mists today, but be aware that other things can just as easily be lost in them.  This is true on all levels – physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental.  There may be some strongly held ideas that are being shaken up as evidence comes forth to make you question their validity.  In dealings with people, be certain inside yourself of their sincerity and of the importance of the things they are presenting to you. The Trickster loves these foggy days, and he can hide himself in many, many different ways.  Look around you and be certain of the paths you take, the decisions you make, and the situations you encounter.  Past stuff can confuse when dealing with present focus and desire.

Crystal Energy:    Astrophyllite—-The energy of this mineral assists one in bringing together many strands of mysteries, emotions, relationships, and making sense of the whole, but not without dedication and effort on one’s own part.  Resonates with the Root and Crown Chakras.

Saturday, October 1:    Orange Yellow

There is movement going on today, and even if your were planning a quiet time, you cannot help but feel; it.  Along with that can come a sense of restlessness and the feeling that things are not going the way you want them to.  When you feel this way, step back and think about how it is that you are wishing things to fall into place in your life.  These kinds of feelings are hints of the greater picture that you need to be aware of.  Everything is falling into new patterns, ideas, and ways right now.  Not much is for certain.  That is why it is so important to center, to ground, and always to be aware of WHO you are.  Today affords you an experience of being you in the midst of all that is shifting and changing outside of you.  There can be some laughter as the day closes.

Crystal Energy:    Zincite—-This mineral is a great stimulant.  It works with the positive energies of the body to remove what is no longer desired.  It asks for your communication and agreement, and with those can bring about amazing results.  Resonates with the Navel and Solar Plexus Chakras.

September 18-24

Overall Color for the Week:   Light Pink

Ah, this week.  Everything is in such flux.  This is not a good time for relying upon…. whatever.  The Trickster is about and he is spinning his tricks everywhere.  In relationships, in job situations, in promises, in trusts, … in everything.  Let it go.  This is a time in which you must let it go or you will find your self; spiraling downward into expectations and old patterns which cannot help but be thwarted now.  This is a week for a sense of humor, a sense of optimism, and a super strong sense of self.  You have all the tools and strength you need.  What you are lacking is your own confidence in WHO you are.  Spend some time within.  Take some time to know what you truly are and what that means in what you want and your expectations.  This is an important time, and this is an important exercise.  Choices now are what we will be manifesting and discovering for the next eighteen months. Just an additional note, this is a very important time to listen to your intuition, pay attention to your hunches.  You can learn a great deal about what lies just around the corner. Oh, and emotions, emotions, emotions.  Let them flow. Continue reading

September 11-17

Overall Color for the Week:    Indigo

From the darkness to the light is the theme of the week.  Expect a lot of uncertainties, mistakes, misunderstandings, slips of tongue, etc. as the week begins.  Do not judge yourself or others too harshly in this energy.  It is as though something just pops up.  The usual filters are not working, and out it pops.  This can lead to some stress.  Have your sense of humor at hand, and be ready to shrug things off.  Sometimes what comes out unexpectedly does not really reflect what we are feeling about a situation or an individual, rather it is our way of voicing our own frustrations with things we are dealing with on other le3vels.  There is much to be learned about love and compassion this week, as you discover as the week progresses that there is a support system out there for you that you were not aware of.  Do not discount the good intentions of that system, regardless of how you used to look at it.  On the other hand, do not embrace it completely and fully without first taking time to understand just what it is all about.

On the larger scale, there will be things coming out in the media relating events and situations that are really unthinkable.  The interesting thing is that on the surface they may seem somewhat mundane and uninteresting, however the ramifications are immense.  Political antics will continue, and tyhis definitely is an area in which one must be aware of actions, words, and their ultimate import.  It is easy to want things to be a certain way and to read that into what is going on.  This is not a time for that.  This is a time in which your intuition and the knowing of your heart are your best guides.  The Sun continues with unusual and random activities.  There will be some geomagnetic happenings this week that will cause concern.  Some of them will emanate from the Earth itself. Along with these earth movements will be happening in odd places.  The volcanoes are speaking more and more, and this will be even more true this week.  Look out for the small stuff in the atmosphere and the weather.  These things are merely hints of what is to come, as the Atlantic hurricane season continues with a bang.  There is something afire in the Mid East.  Egypt has some secrets to reveal.  There is a person, a charismatic type, who is inching towards recognition.

Sunday, September 11: Light Purple
There are many different strands of things in the air today. Many are attached to old memories, some good, some bad. You will be feeling like breaking away from all of the old stuff, however there is such pressure in the air to remember, that you will find it difficult to do. If, however, you are able to focus on what it is that you are hoping and intending for yourself as this week progresses, then you can truly create something new and interesting by the end of the week. Do not discount your intuition or even words said casually by others. Sometimes the voices of angels and prophets come through the most unlikely and/or surprising individuals.

Crystal Energy:    Strombolite—-The energies of this mineral assist one in speaking one’s truth, clearly, succinctly, and from the heart.  It allows one to delve deeply into the core and encounter true motivations.  Resonates with the Throat and Third Eye Chakras.

Monday, September 12: Cloudy White
Full Corn Moon:    Energy and ambition are low today. You can find yourself feeling as though you are walking through molasses. there is a lot of confusion about, so do not expect things to get cleared up. If you have jobs to attend to, papers to write, or things to finalize, this is not a good time to get those things done. Some times however, you just have to do it, so be very clear in what you are doing that yu understand exactly what things mean and what their implications are. It is important also to cover all your bases because there are always those things that can come back to haunt you, often because someone else is unwilling to acknowledge their roles in the situation. If things do not belong to you, then be very clear and make sure that everyone knows who did what. You will be glad that you did.

Crystal Energy:    Brucite—-This mineral works with one in breathing issues.  It has a resonating effect on the body and is a good tool for meditation.  Vibrates to the Throat Chakra.

Tuesday, September 13: Dark Night Blue
Take time when you awaken to remember your dreams. There is much going on at this time in the dream state. There are things you are working through as well as hints of new directions in which to go. If you can become aware of some of the major themes, you will find them echoed in events of the day. Synchronicity. that can bring you a sense of relief. You are feeling that you cannot get a hold on what it is that is going on. You are feeling as though there is no real point in a lot of the work that you are doing. Take time to step back from it all. It is time for anew perspective. Move one piece, and everything else will change. You are wanting and dreading it both at the same time. It is time to put aside your fears and go for what you truly want. You can make some surprising discoveries.

Crystal Energy:    Turgite—-The energy of this stone goes deep within the self to work with issues of anxiety attacks and feelings of less than, allowing one to move into a place of greater confidence.  Vibrates with the Root as well as the Auric Chakras.

Wednesday, September 14: Medium Violet
Get ready for a surprise today. It will nt come until the day is almost over, and before it goes, you will be hit by a lot of unexpected responses to things that you have said and done. If there is a project that you have been working on, you can find that it is being interpreted as not working. DO not listen to what others are saying. You have a vision for the outcome, and you know how to make it succeed. Because other people do not care to understand or listen to what you, have to say does not in any way compromise the value of your work. And they will see. As you take time to express yourself through your core directed by the true knowing of your heart, you will find that others cannot help but become interested in what you are doing. this is a day in which you can find a new sense of who you are and what you are dong. And there will be that reward at the end of the day.

Crystal Energy:    Chalcedony—-This stone resonates with all kinds of disparate energies.  It opens one to the concept of the community and the knowing that one has a place where you belong.  It carries great mystical power and can bring peace when accessed through the heart.

Thursday, September 15: Dark Blue-Green
Listen to your intuition today. It is giving you hints of the larger picture and of things that are coming your way. This is a day for preparing for something new. Take time t clear out old clutter. If things no longer suit you or resonate with you, then this is a good time to let them go. there are others out there who can use them. Look for some bouts of deja vu, some f that will bring with them a touch of nostalgia and knowing at the same time. This is a good day for doing some journalling, for working with yourself and what it is that you are wishing to realize before the year comes to an end.

Crystal Energy:    Royalite—-This stone assists one in centering, going within, and accessing the true nature of things.  It is helpful in shutting out a lot of the noises going on in the head.  Resonates with the Crown Chakra.

Friday, September 16: Slate Blue
This is a day for knowing what it is that supports you. Think about the people, places, and things that truly give you a sense of community and belonging. If there is a lack, then it is time to look for what it is that you are wanting to create in your life. Spend time with that. Be open and honest in dealing with situations coming your way. You can find that today The Fool, the initial cared of the tarot, is on the move. That is the one that is willing ton take life by the you-know-whats and make it into what it needs to be. But, then today, the Trickster is about. So listen carefully to what is said and listen to your intuition. You can find that people, things, the media are whispering into your ears things that you do not truly believe in. Let that stuff go. Let it drop away. Continue your journey. THere are others along the way who are waiting to work with you.

Crystal Energy:    Anapaite—-This mineral energizes the physical and assists in full body healing.  Resonates with all chakras.

Saturday, September 17: Yellow Orange
There are things that you are not going to want to do today, and it is best that you honor that and do not do them. There are things that are very important for you to get done, and there are things that you need to start. Take time to know what it is that you are truly interested in and go for that. Do not listen to the people out the who only want to get you to do and be what they are comfortable with. You may be feeling very distracted, and that is your way of responding to the energetic shifts and changes that are going on.  Interestingly enough, even in distraction there can be focus.

Crystal Energy:    Chalcanthite—-The energy of this mineral assists one in delving deeply within the soul for one’s true purpose are communion with the Universal Consciousness.  Resonates with the Solar Plexus and Third Eye Chakras.

September 4-10

Things will be shifting this week, including alliances and allegiances. You also might begin to feel that where you are living and what you are doing is reaching a point at which you cannot continue in that place or that occupation for much longer.  These are things that you have been aware of for some time,  but just as a nagging itch. Now you are becoming less tolerant and more anxious for things to get moving.  This is good. Take time this week to get rid of things that confine you to an image that no longer suits the new you that is rapidly coming out of the cocoon, getting ready to fly.  Hurrah.  You have known this would be happening, just not when;  The time is now as the energies all over are shifting.  There will be less judgement about what you are doing and why as others become very focused on the confusion in their own lives.  Corporations, institutions, and groups also will find themselves in turmoil and looking at what is happening to the greater whole.  So do not worry!  This is the perfect time to be WHO you are and go for it.  Look around for signs and symbols, even art work, that reflect your growing individuality, an individuality that belongs to a community.  You will also be noticing physical issues and weirdness.  This is the core of your physicality responding to the energetic shifts, blips, and changes. These changes are happening on every level, emotional, physical, spiritual, and mental.  Be kind to yourself and know that if what you are feeling rings true to your heart, your intuition, then all is well.  This is also a good time to backup, double check, and ascertain that things you are working on or planning are safe and available.  Things will be disappearing on all levels, from your computer, your files, etc..   Prioritize and be certain that what you need is protected.  (I have available in the GALLERY section some pieces that might help in this transition..  Or for some god karma, a donation goes a long way towards assisting with keeping things going and up to date)

On the larger scale things are starting this week in terms of Earth changes, however we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg here.  More will come into view as time goes by.  There are many things in this atmosphere that need to be equalized and what is going on right now indicates an attempt towards this.  There is a lot of crazy ego-bound anger that is working against the movement towards change.  All of this results in upheavals.  Spiritual crises on alarge scale cannot help but be mirrored in actual physical events.  So, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanoes.  The energy of the galaxy that has been moving towards us is now in proximity and twists certainty into uncertainty.  This will leave those in the area of science wondering why their methods no longer yield predictable results. Prediction based upon the past has no future.  Prediction based upon uncertainty tells the truth.  But it is something that so many wish not to hear.  The easy, good, none-to-five, work and get a good retirement life is over.  The politicians do not know this on an intellectual level, but intuitively they are aware.  Therefore the whole political game, for game it is, is up in the air.  They do not know what they are saying, and they do not know what it means.  But there is a very large wedge moving into this whole thing — perhaps a wild card, but it will  make everyone see things in a different light.  Finances are as best they can be.  It is time to see it all for illusion, a game in which you do not hold the winning cards.  Best approach—follow your intuition.  Expect the unexpected.  Keep your eyes to the skies. And look below the surface.

Sunday, September 4:    Grainty White

Things will be in and out of focus today.  At times, that might just leave you feeling that you are going a bit daft.  This is not the case, however, it is just the way things are.  There is something that you have been searching for or wanting to do that has eluded you for quite sometime.  Today, it will be closer to you than before.  You will also get a sense as to how to achieve what it is that you have been desiring.  There is unexpected assistance coming your way.  Do not discredit such things as dreams, intuition, or coincidence.  Things are bringing themselves to the fore these days in ma ny different disguises.  This is a time for looking below the surface.  If you are not sure, ask questions.  If you are still not sure, ask more.  In terms of what it is that you are becoming, this is a good time for some meditation, journaling, or other creative work.  In these kinds of activities, you can contact layers of yourself that are often hidden.

Monday, September 5:    Cloudy White

Labor Day:    When dealing with people today, again, it will be important to understand what is being said and about whom or what it is being said.  There is a lot of confusion in the air, and people will be saying things out of sync with what is going on around them.  This is not a time to take tings seriously.  If you find yourself feeling out of sorts because of words or actions that you are not clear about, ask.  And if it is too late to ask, review the situation.  Much is happening today on all levels, and in this kind of energy it is hard to know on what level you are.  This is not a day for firm decision making or for making big changes.  Let the day be as it is.  Observe, question, and as best you can clarify.  There are things that happen today that will become important in the next few weeks in terms of getting it straight about some people, options, opportunities, and future plans.

Tuesday, September 6:    Periwinkle Blue

There is much to be learned today in terms of your friends and your community.  In many cases, the communities are just beginning to be drawn together, and there will be indications of who it is that will be part of your community.  You are aware that you have been feeling the need to make some shifts in your life.  There are indications out there of what would best fit you.  Because of all the inner turmoil, you have lost touch with the really important aspects of yourself. This is a day in which you will find reminders of just what those are.  Be open to what is around you. Synchronicity is in the air.

Wednesday, September 7:    Violet

This is a day for staying strong in WHO you are and grounded in your core.  There is innuendo in the air.  People seem to be talking about you.This can lead to feelings of uncertainty and powerlessness.  Do not act before making sure that you know what its going on.  The imagination can definitely play tricks on one, and when you are in the midst of the shadows, it is easy to mistake one thing for another.  The nest thing to do today is to stay with your routine. Be with the people,  places, and things that you know and trust most.  If you have to go out and about, then plan your activities carefully.  Be observant and see how things are happening around you.  There is much to be learned.

Thursday,  September 8:    Medium Blue

At this time, more and more things are coming up from the past. Emotions will be close to the surface.  There can be exchanges about past matters and even a phone call from someone from long ago.  At this time, you are feeling somewhat off center and not balanced.  Today, the energies are letting you take what it is that you are feeling and make them into a  kind of basis for you to work from as time goes by.  You need perspective and this what they are giving to you.  There are opportunities around right now.  Do not let them pass.

Friday, September 9: Light Amber
Plans can be changed unexpectedly today. besides, there are so many lose ends that still need to be tied up before you can get started on… This is a day also for planning, for determining what it is that you are wanting to get done by the end of the month. thing are shifting and changing right now, as are you. You need to be okay with everything that is going on and everything that is happening in your life right now. Take some time to go inside and work with your core and your own personal heartfelt sense of destiny. Then write down what it is that you discover. Put together your month’s work and prioritize. Do not let the important things slip through the holes.

Crystal Energy: TurtleBack Stone—-A good mineral for cleansing and renewal. It assists with the inner journey of soul recognition. Resonates with the Divine Feminine. Vibrates to the Root and Heart Chakras.

Saturday, September 10: Chocolate Brown
This is a god day for enjoying the sweetness of life. Just do not overdo it. There will be temptations to go beyond what you usually think of as enough. these can be found in conversation, in emotion, in reaction, in physical movement, and of course, in eating. This is a good time to go within and become aware of what your limits are, how much you are willing to do, and how much you are willing to put up with. There are people out there who are watching you, waiting for you to make a mistakes. This is a good time to remember that you are in charge of all that you do and how you do that will present to those outside of you a picture of yourself. The bottom line is WHO you are. DO not worry about the watchers. They will always be there, but they will only be able to effect you if you let them.

Crystal Energy: Siberian Amethyst—-The energy of this stone assists with alignment of the true purpose of self with the All. It allows for vision into the truth of one’s being. Resonates with the Third Eye Chakra.

Typhoon Talas Heads Towards Tokyo

Typhoon Talas to strike Tokyo Japan on Friday, according to TheWeatherSpace.com

Published on August 28, 2011 2:15 pm PT
– By Jim Duran – Writer
– Article Editor and Approved – Warren Miller

Click for larger image

(TheWeatherSpace.com) — While we say “Goodnight Irene” to Tropical Storm Irene, across the ocean another tropical system is developing, according to Senior Meteorologist Kevin Martin.

“There is not much info for this area in terms of upper air readings, but current satellite images show a flow that will bring now Tropical Storm Talas to Typhoon stages and slam into Southern Japan on Friday,” said Martin. “A ridge nowover Tokyo looks to be breaking down and this will drive the storm northward.”

Martin says the timing is around Friday morning local Tokyo time and his tracking charts are showing the storm curving in from the southwest toward Tokyo then.

TheWeatherSpace.com will update this storm sometime on Wednesday afternoon U.S. time.


August 28-September 3

Overall Color for the Week:    Lavender Pink

Take time this week to allow good things into your life.  You think you do that, but in so many cases what you are doing is trying to manipulate and cause things to be as you wish them to be.  That is too difficult.  Alowing involves letting go and letting in.  Try it.  There may be some interesting results.  Also, the energies of the Feminine will be particualrly strong this week as time and purpose comntinue to weave their new patterns. Meanings will begin to change, along with personal tastes and preferences.  These things are meant to delight you, to let you see the variety out there that you might have missed as you limited your focus and tended to concentrate on things at hand. At this time, you are opening to new things, new people, new ideas, etc. Communities are forming.  You can be pleasantly surprised as you recognize in strangers a kindred spirit and a feeling of comradeship. Little by little you are becoming aware of the growing importance of things, and mostly things spiritual or so-called woo-woo, that you knew were there but tended to see as sport and not serious.  Synchronicity is in the air, so that when something strikes you as odd, it can be followed by a sign, an event, a comment, that will make you realize its importance.  Be aware, but know that at this time and in this energy you will be reminded more than once if there  is something you are meant to see.

On the larger scale, the week will start out pretty much on an even keel,relatively uneventful, but all this will begin to shift as we move into September, with the first three days being particularly difficult. There will be unexpected and unprecedented Earth and climate events.  A lot of old preconceptions can be shaken up, leaving experts from different areas in conflict as to what this all means.  Politically there will be tosses and turns throughout the world.  There will be continued silliness as candidates here vie for something new to day.  Then there is a feeling of come kind of large event in the Middle East.  Egypt will again make the news.  There is some energy in the Atlantic area that will be making itself felt through all four of the elements.  Things globally can get quite touchy.  The Sun will be acting oddly, and again, back up your electronics and have a few flashlights, etc. on hand.  THere can be pwoer outages, some unexplained.  More information will be coming out about the tectonic structure of the Earth, and there can be some movement in the center of the country.  Something is stirring in Tibet.  There are energetic blips in Alaska and in Northern California.  Something is in the air, and this can lead to a general feeling of unease which will be seen in financial matters.  Word will be coming out about the flu season.  There is also activity in the skies.  Before discrediting anything, investigate.  People in the media, on the web, in charge, both mainstream and fringe, will be changing their opinions on a lot of things and you are going to need the background and information to make up your own mind.  At the same time, use your intuition.

Sunday, August 28:    Cloudy Red

What were you thinking?  There is so much going on right now, and it is not a good time in which to cause misunderstandings.  Clarification.  That is what is needed, but the energies of the day do not favor it.  Put off important conversations, phone calls, decisions.  You might just regret what you choose in this energy.  There are those out there who need help and they have been asking you, but they have not know how to approach you.  Let yourself sink into the craziness of today’s energy, and you will get a sense of the maelstrom that is brewing underneath everything.  If you can hold onto that, if you can conceptualize that, then things will begin to clear up. Paradoxical but true.  If you dive into the confusion and let yourself move through it, there is the clarity on the other side  This is a day when confusion reigns, so jump in, no judgments, no expectations.  Observe, and move through.  There is much to be learned.

Crystal Energy:    Psilomelane—-This mineral allows for grounding and centering.  It also assists in terms of root issues and the abdomen. Resonates with the Root and Navel Chakras.

Monday, August 29:    Clear

There is much that can be learned today.  Defenses will be down all around, and poeple will be feeling more open and more willing to share things.  There can be moments of Freudian slips and secrets let out.  It is important to be grounded in WHO you are and to be alert and sensitive to the situations and the people you encounter.  In this energy things can be revealed that are better kept to oneself or to a small group.  Consider carefully before speaking and listen well.  Because of the general shift of things all over much is being reshuffled and reworked. Take some time today to center, meditate, journal, create, anything that will allow you to get more in touch with your core.  It is important at this time to be in touch with the true knowing of your heart-mind.

Crystal energy:    Stichtite—-The energy of this mineral harmonizes with the Pleiadian vibration.  It works with the core for healing and understanding. Resonates with the Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown Chakras.

Tuesday, August 30:    Light Amber

There is an air of unreality about the day.  This can lead to day dreams, lapses of attention, and loss of focus.  Put the internal critic to rest.  You are responding to the energies around you.  It is time to see things from a new and different perspective.  This is something that, perhaps, you have never given yourself permission to do before.  Today not only is there permission, there is also a really good reason,  Things are shifting and changing, and so are you.  You need to let go of some of your old ideas and determinations about what you should do and who you should be .  Most of that comes from conditioning and the expectations of others.  Take time to work with what your expectations are for yourself.  Take some time to be with your core the true WHO of you.  There is much to be learned in such an exercise.  It will assist you in seeing things in a new light and in being able to make some tough decisions that you have been putting off for some time.

Crystal Energy:    Crazy Lace Agate—-There is a gentle energy to this stone which assist with healing, particularly emotional healing.  It resonates with all chakras, depending upon the color, and is good for time of emotional stress.

Wednesday, August 31:    Light Lime Green

You might be feeling that you finally got it….  Whatever IT might be, but look more closely.  What you are thinking you are seeing might just be, upon closer inspection, something else all together.  There is much duplicity in the air today, along with seeming but not being.  Nothing decided upon today will come to fruition. So, if there are things you do not want to do but people are pressuring you to get involved in, you can say yes toady and know that you will not be held to it.  This is a day when things done and said will be lost and forgotten as time goes by.  That means that if there is something really, really important that you are wanting to communicate, this is not the day for it.  This is a good day just to veg and let the world go by.  No judgment, no opinion, no reaction.  Take it for what it is and let it go.

Crystal Energy:    Phacolite—-This is a good mineral to have around when you are feeling under stress.  It helps to center and brings a sense of the larger picture.  Resonates with the Navel Chakra.

Thursday, September 1:    Bluebonnet Blue

Today is all about what is going on around you.  This can lead to confusion and lack of focus.  Everything will seem to be calling for notice at once, and it will be hard to gather your thoughts together and give some sort of coherent sense to everything.  Do not let yourself get sucked into everyone else’s reality.  You need to take time to center, focus, prioritize.  You are not good for anyone or anything else if you are not good for yourself.  Today comes in with craziness and confusion.  But it is ultimately an opportunity for you to clear out all the background noise and begin to know what it is that is most important for you.

Crystal Energy:    Kammererite—-This mineral  resonates strongly with the female energy, bringing a sense of calm, belonging, and comfort.  It is good for ceremony honoring the Goddess.  Resonates with the Root and Crown Chakras.

Friday, August 2:   Lavender Blue

There is a lot going on in your head these days, and you can find that today you will be experiencing some real battles between the logical/intellectual and the intuitive/feeling.  This can lead to some confusion along with shortness of temper.  In these kinds of energy fields, vibrations are crashing against one another.  You are working in more than one reality at a time and you must make choices as to which one is the right one for this time.  This is also an excellent opportunity for learning what is involved with each one of those particular fields.  By spending time with what is going on and how you are feeling today, you can learn what you resonate with.  It is a time when you are learning of the shift that is happening, how you fit into it, and what it mean to be part of more than one dimension.

Crystal Energy:    Blue Aragonite (Laurium)—-This mineral allows for a leadership perspective and knowing of one’s power, while at the same time being receptive to the needs of others. It is helpful in bringing the bigger picture into view, especially at times of questioning.  Vibrates to the Throat Chakra.

Saturday, September 3:    Cloudy White

This week started with clouds and ends also on a cloudy note. There is a kind of nostalgia and longing in the air. There is also a sense of disconnect, of not being quite there with yourself, with others, with things that are happening around you.  Focus is off and things that seemed so important no longer seem to be that way.  This affects even your usual style.  You can find yourself doing uncharacteristic things, wearing clothing that is different from what you tend to choose, saying things that in other times you might have kept to yourself.  This will surprise you, but there will be other surprises in how people out there are acting and reacting.  This is, therefore, a good day for regrouping, taking time to yourself, attending to your feelings, and just relaxing.  Sometimes the best things to do is to stay home.

Crystal Energy:    Cuprian Aragonite—-The energy of this mineral works particularly well below the surface, affecting core and root issues, and allowng you to understand true motivations. Vibrates to the Throat Chakra.

Flowers Versus Fukushima Snow

Sunflowers melt Fukushima’s nuclear “snow”

By Antoni Slodkowski
and Yuriko NakaoPosted 2011/08/19 at 1:31 am EDT

FUKUSHIMA, Japan, Aug. 19, 2011 (Reuters) — Sparks from burning strips of paper swirled into the hot summer sky, carrying the names of the dead above a temple in Fukushima where thousands of sunflowers have been planted to help fight the omnipresent radiation.

Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plan’s No.1 (C) and No.2 (L) reactors are seen in Fukushima Prefecture, northeastern Japan, in this photo taken March 31 and released by Japan’s Defence Ministry April 1, 2011. REUTERS/Japan Maritime Self-Defence Force/Handout

he Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant some 50 km away suffered a series of core meltdowns and explosions after the massive March 11 earthquake and tsunami knocked out cooling systems, setting off the world’s worst nuclear accident in 25 years and forcing tens of thousands from their homes.

“It is as if an invisible snow had fallen on Fukushima and continued to fall, covering the area,” said Koyu Abe, chief monk at the Buddhist Joenji temple.

“This snow, which doesn’t melt, brought a long, long winter to Fukushima.”

Some 80,000 people were forced to evacuate from a vast swathe of land around the reactor as engineers battled radiation leaks, hydrogen explosions and overheating fuel rods — and have no idea when, if ever, they can return to homes that have been in their families for generations.

Worse still, radiation spread well outside the mandatory evacuation zone, nestling in “hot spots” and contaminating the ground in what remains a largely agricultural region.

Rice, still a significant staple, has not been planted in many areas. Others face stringent tests and potentially harmful shipping bans after radioactive cesium was found in rice straw.

Excessive radiation levels have also been found in beef, vegetables, milk, seafood and water and, in hot spots more than 100 km from the plant, tea.

In an effort to lift the spirits of area residents as well as lighten the impact of the radiation, Abe began growing and distributing sunflowers and other plants.

“We plant sunflowers, field mustard, amaranthus and cockscomb, which are all believed to absorb radiation,” said the monk.

to read more, go to:    http://www.newsdaily.com/stories/tre77i0pg-us-japan-disaster-sunflowers/

August 21-27

Overall Color for the Week:    Royal Lavender

If you are one of those who gets freaked out by odd noises and ‘things that go bump in the night’, this is probably a good time in which to be aware of the fact that stuff like this will be happening more and more.  Cause and effect have encountered a disconnect as time frames and dimensions bump into one another.  You are well aware that the veils are thinning more and more all the time.  This is bringing into play more and more odd phenomena.   When things happen around you that cause you to stop, do that.  Take time and analyze what just occurred.  See if there is some larger framework into which you can put it.  This will be a big help in making sense of the new energy surges and blips that are heating up and will be more an more in evidence after Mercury goes direct on the 26th. So do not be surprised if things that did not/could not happen before begin to occur.  There are so many choices to make right now, and there is much that is not clear.  The seemingly hard choices can actually turn out to be the easy ones, especially if they involve doing what others tell us is the thing to do. The hard choices are the ones that involve listening to our hearts and following our intuition. Continue reading