December 18-24

This is a week for paying attention to what is in the skies.  This means not only what is actually in the sky in whatever form it manifests itself, but also what is falling from the skies.  There is information in all of that, and it is well t be aware.  Nature will be most active this week.  Look for strange actions and reactions from birds, animals, and sea creatures.  There will be some announcements made about things going on in the natural world which will contradict long held preconceptions.  Everything is changing at this time.  The very basis of what is true is being challenged.  Things done in the past by experimentation, whether actual or thought, ware beginning to show some holes.  It should be interesting to hear what kinds of explanations will be given for that.  you may need to look to the alternative media for truth.  

Sunday, December 18:    Lavender Mist

Today showcases ups and downs, and lots of those places in-between.  It is a great tme to let yourself go and just do what you can.  there is not judgment in this and no right or wrong.  Take things as they come and do not expect to plan anything definitively.   It is not so much that things will shift, but you will find yourself just floating from one thing to another, and that is perfect.  There is much going on within today, and letting the physical do as it will assists in that process.  At the end of the day, you will feel and know that a lot was accomplished.  You will find there can be great healing in this.

Monday, December 19:    Frosty White

Do not be surprised if people are reacting oddly, even inappropriately, to things that you say and do.  In the day’s energy there is much that is being withheld being reconsidered, being decided against.  People are not willing to take a stand or to go out on a limb.  And for everyone, that is the wisest way to deal with what comes your way today.  Think before you act.  Do not take things at face value.  Take time to look within what is going on.  Trust your intuition and listen to the true knowing of your heart.  Consider, analyze, but no headlong reactions.  There are precipices around, and there are those who would not care were you to trip and fall.  This is a day for knowing your friends, appreciating them, and learning the meaning of trust.

Crystal Energy:    Azulcte—-This mineral assists with balance, especially when one is working with energy healing.  Resonates with the Solar Plexus, Crown and 9th Chakras.

Tuesday, December 20:    Light Lime Green

Happy Chanukah:    This is a day for reading the footnotes.  Not everything is said in the text, and it s worthwhile to get a bit more information.  Sometimes it will be helpful, sometimes not, and sometimes it will leave you with a lot to think about.  Step back fro mall that s gong on around you today, get out of the noise and listen to the quiet voice of the heart.  there is much going on, and the emotions are being touched.  That will continue throughout the week.  it s good to be aware of why it s that you are responding to things in certain ways.  There is a larger context behind all of this that is beginning to come into view.  It is good to be part of it from the start.

Crystal Vibration:    Royalite—-This mineral works with one’s level of consciousness to move through issues and blockages, ultimately to connect with the larger consciousness.  Resonates with the Crown and Upper Chakras.

Wednesday, December 21:    Turquoise Blue

This is a day for dreams and dreaming.  Nothing is too fantastic of outrageous.  take time to meditate, to relax and allow yourself to create the perfect life scenario.  Then focus on that, make it your intention, create some kind of image, word, whatever that will bring this to mind.  It is important to be centered in what your heat’s true desire is.  By so doing, you contribute to it and the manifestation of that on a daily basis.  This is also a day fro observation via all the senses, especially the ears.  Listen well today to what is being said, then go within and feel what lie behind the words.  There are many messages lurking deep within.  Many are feeling unfulfilled, less than, and lacking at this time, and the brave face is often betrayed by a slip of the tongue.  Live today in compassion towards self and others.

Crystal Vibration:    Solution Quartz—-There is a magic in the vibration of this quartz which opens you to the wonders of All That Is, while at the same time focusing in on an answer to a deep question.  resonates with the Crown Chakra.

Thursday, December 22:    Deep Rose Pink

Winter Solstice:    Happy Birthday, Capricorns:    Time and love are major themes today.  There will be both too much and not enough time in the day to accomplish things that you are wanting to get done.  It is important to express yourself when emotions and feelings arise, especially those of love and compassion.  This is a day for helping hands.  You will find yourself giving an helping hand, as well as receiving one.  There is joy as you recognize a kinship with those around you.  It is not necessarily something that will be expressed in words, rather is will be a calming sense that makes you aware of the larger whole of which you and everyone and everything else are a part.  Look for synchronicity.  It s there.

Crystal Vibration:    Marcasite with Galena and Quartz—-A most felicitous synergy of crystals which brings about alignment, attunement, and knowing.  It resonates with all the Chakras.

Friday, December 23:    Light Pink

Things will be easing up today on all levels.  It is a good time to take a breather.  You might even be surprised by how well things fall into place.  Take that feeling of joy and savor it.  Make it your place t go later on when things get tough.  Synchronicity is in the air.  You will  not need to look for it, because t will come to you.  People will be acting somewhat differently.  You will find yourself coming t new realizations about many things.  Take time to journal, to meditate.  The energies are taking you to new places and by being grounded and within your Core, you will find a level of comfort in the oncoming craziness.

Crystal Vibration:    Andradite—-This mineral brings calm in the middle of the storm.  It resonates with the Root, Navel, Solar Plexus, and Crown Chakras.

Saturday, December 24:    Grainy White

Christmas Eve:    This is a day on which you will be getting glimpses of all sorts of truths — truths about yourself, truths about others, truths about things happening around you on all levels, Universal truths, etc. Whether or not you choose to honor what you are getting is up to you.  There will be emotions in the air today. as many people feel that their expectations have not been met and that they are not meeting others’ expectations. Take time, when you awake to ground yourself well.  Use your mantras, visualizations, intentions, whatever works for you as a part of this process.  And walk around in the light.  There can be some interesting ‘coincidences’ .

December 11-17

Overall Color for the Week:    Grainy White

This week will bring surprises on every level.  Do not believe everything you hear or see.  This will be brought home to you again and again as the week progresses.  Use your discrimination and intuition.  People are getting confused messages and being confused by the energies that are playing out all around them.  There is a clash of vibrations going on at this time as old and new start to come into closer and more immediate contact.  Look to your health and be generous with yourself in that regard.  Do not overdo it.  Your body is reacting to the new energetic shifts.  This can result in aches and pains and emotional upsets.  While these things can be disconcerting and cause you some anguish, remember that it is merely a reaction to what is going on outside of you and does not necessarily reflect an inner condition.  This is a week for staying within your power, for taking care of yoruself, and for observation.  Before going out, it is a good idea to ward yourself against influences outside of you.  Step back from things and do not react.  Regard, reflect, and only then, respond.  Stay within your heart center and listen to the wisdom there.  It is your connection point with Universal Consciousness.  It is the ultimate perspective giver.  This is a time also for forgiveness.  Remember, though, that forgiveness is about you.  It will not change the other, so do not look for it to do so.  You must walk your path and show your light. Others have to take care of themselves.

On the larger scene, there will be oddities everywhere.  Strange noises in the environment will take place.  It will be difficult to pinpoint their source.  Meanwhile the weather will be crazy, out of sync, and out of season.  Expect more Earth movements in odd areas, and expect the strength to increase.  Animals and birds will be acting differently.  Look to them.  Their patterns are shifting and the direction of those shifts can indicate to you how things are going in the natural world.  The fish world also will have some odd occurrences, particularly in the usually ice bound areas.  There will be mention made of clearer communication with the sea mammals.  People will begin to speak of messages from whales and dolphins that will bring a kind of perspective as they tell tales of how this Earth was at the time of Atlantis and Lemuria.  The financial picture will be shifting behind the scenes, as news reporters tout the positive  nature of the  holiday season spending.  While those in power speak of peace, there are rumblings of war beginning to be heard, particularly in the Mid East.  Along with that will come some information concerning the role of that area in the development of history and influence from Extraterrestrials.  Things will be happening in the U.K. that are going to lead people to wonder.  The good news is that things are beginning to fall into place for a transformation on all levels.  Things have not been able to be hidden for quite some time now, and this week will bring more old stuff to the surface.

Sunday, December 11:    Sea Blue

Many things have been drifting about in your life, thoughts, ideas, images, stuff, people, plans, and things. This is a day for gaining some perspective on all of these.  Center and ground, then take a look.  What do they all mean?  It is time to prioritize and clear out.  What are the things that you cannot, will not, want not live without.  Those should be the first items on your list, then go down from there.  Oh, and in the process, it is important to know where you belong.  It is time to see, feel, understand, appreciate, and be true to WHO you are and where you are within your life.  You should be Number One on your list.  True selflessness at times comes out to be sincere and authentic selfishness.  There is no guilt here.  If, first and foremost, you are good for you, then you can be good for everything else.

Crystal energy:     Blue Tiger Eye—The energy of this stone grants vision without judgment and knowledge that opens accepts, and understands, and the discrimination to know how to react.  Resonates with the Third Eye Chakra.

Monday, December 12:    Lime Green

There is a shadow on some of the things that you are dealing with.  It is time for clarity.  People have been keeping you in the dark about events and items that you are wanting to clear up.  Today is a day for knowing what is right and just.  Your intuition is strong today, and if you feel that things are being kept from you, then it is time to speak out and ask for reasons, clarity, and guidance.  There is someone who has some answers to give you.  You could be surprised to know just who this person is.  Look for signs in the air today. The energy shifts are stronger and odder.  It is time to be aware of what is around you. You have always known more than you give yourself credit for.  Open to that and you can see the meaning in the signs and symbols you encounter.

Crystal Energy:    Serandite—-This mineral allows for connections to be made on all levels, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual, being channeled through the energetic systems of the body.  At the same time it works to heal points and issues that could otherwise act as blocks to connectivity.  Resonates with the Crown and Upper Chakras.

Tuesday, December 13:    Dark Sky Blue

There are messages in the winds today.  Along with those, are words and statements made by others.  This is a good day for sorting out truth from fiction.  The overall energy has a number of different layers.  Some are related to truth and others are related to illusion.  This is a day for staying in your Core Self in order to know which is which. Listen to the knowing of your heart.  It will not lead you astray.  There can be some difficult moments today when you come to grips with stuff in your life.  Some of the things you already knew but were unwilling to accept.  Others can really surprise you.  There is much in the way of emotional energy around.  It is time to give in to the urges to cry, to laugh,k to be joyful.  This is not a time for holding onto, but allowing the flow.

Crystal Energy:    Azurite-Malachite—-The dynamic synergy of these two enegied brings about a movement into, or at leas,a sense of the greater whole and where you belong.  It brings a sense of calm and perspective to the troubled heart.  Resonates with the Heart and Third Eye Chakras.

Wednesday, December 14:    Barely Blue

The energy of the day favors goodness and compassion, understanding and brotherhood.  It is a time to look at people, places, and things that you have some kind of grudge or ill feeling about and see them in a new light.  Perspectives are changing.  What seemed one way in the past can be different today.  This is a time for being aware of the total picture, remember the story of the blind men and the elephant.  Step back from things.  Give them time.  You have plenty more opportunities for dealing stuff.  Today is a time to engage yourself in reflection. Take time in nature, listen to soothing music, close your eyes, dream, meditate — whatever allows you best to go within and connect with your true essence,  There is much you can teach yourself.  Today is a good day for a lesson.

Crystal Energy:    Sapphire—-The energy of this stone wards off negativity.  It assists one with centering, and though that activity with knowing one’s truth.  It is a good protection stone.  Vibrates to the Throat and Third Eye Chakras.

Thursday, December 15:     Golden Amber

Hearing, seeing, touching, tasting.  The senses are at the forefront today.  This is a good day to take things easily, quietly, slowly.  Let things be what they are and then taste them.  You have much to learn from that. There is no hurry.  If you choose to rush thing, then the magic can very easily fall apart.  The dimensions are exceptionally leaky today and you can see, hear, and feel things from times past, other places, and those who have moved on.  Listen closely to your inner knowing, your intuition, there are messages there for you.  It is time to realize what means most to you.  Take time to look around before you act.  Know the territory.  Sense the blockages.  There is nothing in the air today that can hold you back unless you allow it.

Crystal Energy:    Almandine Garnet—-This stone opens one to the wonder of life, awakening the passions and the joy in life.  Resonates with the Root Chakra.

Friday, December 16:    Light Magenta:

Take a breather today.  Allow yourself some fun.  The current energy allows for inspiration and understanding to come through enjoyable activities.  Look around and listen.,  You will know your real friends.  There are things that you have not been willing to look at because of the emotional upset that they have for you.  Let the energies of transformation that are in the air at this time run through you, and you will find yourself seeing things in a new way.  You need to let go of more and more old stuff as the Solstice approaches.  It is time for a change.  You have known that for quite some time.  Your power, strength, and resolves are growing.  Take time to meditate on what it is that you truly want.  Be centered and grounded.  That way you can follow through as you never have before.

Saturday, December 17:    Dark Lavender

This is a day for contrasts and noticing the relationships of one thing to another.  Questions can arise today that have no easy answers, and there will be those who become angry because the answers are not there.  Moreover, there is a sense in the air that things are more complicated and difficult than you thought they would be.Know that when you feel that way, it is merely a reminder to go within and see the larger picture.  There will be many themes that are run through today and you have the opportunity to choose which ones you wish to focus upon.  By making one or the other your point of reference, you allow the others to take care of themselves.  This is a day for seeing things one at a time.  If people or situations attempt to force you to do otherwise, know then that this is not the best place for you at this time.

Crystal Energy:    Psilomelane—-This mineral grants protection and grounding in times of need.  Resonates with the Root and Navel Chakras.

December 4-10

Overall Color for the Week:    Cloudy Green

Expectation, excitement, and energy shifts will be part of this week’s theme.  You are beginning to feel a bit more lighthearted one moment, but the next you might just find yourself crashing and burning.   But look into this. The sense of happy expectation is also part of the low period.  Because of this, the crash and burn is not so devatsating, moreover it becomes just another point to move through.  There is something different in the current energy, and ti does not allow you to dwell on anything.  This is because things are shifting and changing so much on a vibrational level that if you are to attempt to hold on to one thing, you can find yourself blocked, and some of this can show itself as physical symptoms, exhibiting as colds or flu or stomach distress.  So just let go this week.  Take nothing too serioiusly.  Listen to your heart’s deep wisdom, especially when others are attempting to convince you of things.  Look around.  Your own perspective is changing and it is up to you to acccept and allow. There is much to be learned and much to be done this week.  Let yourself go.  Stay centered. Trust your intuition. And always, remain grounded.  Oh, and it is a good time to discover your talisman.  It can be anything — a stone, a key, a piece of fabric, whatever speaks to you.  It can be your reminder of going within and calming when things get weird.

On the larger scale, weird weather conditions will persist throughout most of the week.  The movements of birds, animals, and water creatures will be out of character but in tune with what is going on within the Earth.  Look for more large Earth movements and possible extreme events, like tsunamis or tornadoes out of season.  If someone attempts through the media or whatever to convince you of a certain pattern or predictability of what is going on with these things, do not believe them.  At this time, the patterns are shifting and old predictions no longer hold. You will find that there is a merry-go-round kind of theme with the political candidates, up and down, and all around.  Look for some unexpected announcements in this area.  The financial picture is just weird.  The stock market will continue its up and down, without any real stability.  Meanwhile, we will be told that all is well.  There are more unsettling financial; issues coming out of Europe.  They have been going on for some time, but they will be hinted at, if not made public this week.  There are going to be some odd events around the whole conspiracy thing  which will bring to the fore some of the things those theorists have been saying.  Those who choose to believe that all is well and that the Emperor’s outfit is stylish will have a hard time defending their positions this week.  There is the potential this week for a falling apart, even a disaster unrelated to the weather, on some level, but it is not clear at this time just what that means.

Sunday, December 4:    Light Pink

There is a lighthearted breeze in the air today.  Take advantage of it, and do not take things too seriously.  If you do, you will find that you will be misunderstood and misunderstanding.  Things are pretty much as they are on the surface.  Below it, there are other agendas and objectives, but today they will pretty much remain out of sight.  It is a good day for being the observer.  In this energy things can be said and done that reveal something of what has not heretofore been acknowledged.  Know what it is that is important for you, and regardless, do not compromise that.  Your inner knowing and your personal power come together in lighting your direction.

Crystal Energy:    Fire Agate—-This stone brings a cleansing energy to blocked areas, burning out debris and attachment.  Resonates with the Heart and Crown Chakras.

Monday, December 5:    Baby Blue

There is a lot of confusion in the air.  Add to that those people out there who purposely are trying to cause chaos and uncertainty, and there is a lot of stuff going on.  This is a day to step back from all the action and just let it do what it is going to do.  If they ask you questions or want answers, just let them know that you have nothing to say right now.  There is too much going on to look at anything as a final answer.  Interestingly, there is some enjoyment ot be had here.  You do not have to commit.  You do not have to decide.  You do not have to take any action.  Just be WHO you are and let everything else be as it will.  Actually, there is much to be learned from just watching.  There is a pattern, and it is falling into place.  Now is not the time to say exactly what it will be.

Crystal Energy:    Axinite—-The energy of this mineral attunes one to the vibrations of the earth energy.  It can enhance connectivity.  Resonates with the Root Chakra.

Tuesday, December 6:    Yellow Orange

St. Nicholas Day:    Perhaps you wake up feeling not quite right, sore throat, dry eyes.  Time to look at your dreams of the night before.  There are messages there.  Your expectations at this time are not corresponding with the reality you are seeing.  In many ways, you feel that you are being taken for granted.  This is a time to recognize just WHO you are, your own power, and all that you can do.  It is time to let others know about it.  It is time to stand up for yourself, and if you cannot do that, then stand up for what you believe in.  That is a first step. You cannot fail if you do what comes from your innermost heart.  The Universe and all around you acknowledge what it is that you desire if you will just let yourself do what you want to and be WHO you are.  You are amazing. It is time that you know that.  And when you know just how powerful you are, then all will agree.  Hey, it is St. Nicholas Day, and you deserve a gift.

Crystal Energy:    Pink Snowflake Obsidian—- The energy emitted by this stone brings a sense of joy and a knowing of the impermanence of things.  It connects with the vibration of the fairies.   It attunes with the frequency of the Heart Chakra.

Wednesday, December 7:    Cobalt Blue

There is a need to get things straightened out today, and there will be more than one opportunity for that to happen.  First, however, you need to be clear that you are wanting things to be clarified.  Sometimes it is better to be left in the dark.  It is another parameter of the ‘watch what you wish for’.  In the current energy people you know will be a bit out of sync.  You., yourself, are out of sync.  There is a time delay in what is occurring today. Schedules can be disrupted.  Take heed of this and do not obsess if things do not happen according to plan.There is a greater plan that they are fitting into.  Oh, and there can be some laughter about some of the mishaps of the day.

Crystal Energy:    Morganite—-This mineral aids one in connecting with the higher energies.  As part of this process, when you listens, you find understadning of the larger picture and a sense of belonging.  Resonates with the Third Eye and Crown Chakras.

Thursday, December 8:     Magenta

This is a good day to be centered within the knowing of your heart and to stay out of your head.  There are a lot of rocky roads ahead today, and it is best to navigate with your intuition.  If you overthink or overdo, you can find that things just become more complicated.  Let stuff be what it is. A lot of what is going on outside has nothing to do with you and if you try to interject yourself into it, you might just get hurt.  Step back and watch.  there is much to be learned.  And if those you care for find themselves learning tough stuff, the best you can do is to be there for them.  Oh, and synchronicity.  It is there today.

Crystal Energy:   Schist—-This category of mineral aids with change and alignment.  According to color, it can resonate with various chakras.;

Friday, December 9:    Moss Green

Things are hiding directly in sight, and some of the things you think you see are actually there.  This is a day when lots on interesting and amazing things can happen.  Do not lose your sense of surprise and wonder.  There is a kind of joy bubbling up today that can come forth in the most unexpected ways and circumstances.  Look to what people have to say.  Listen well to what is going on around you.  There are lots of messages oon all levels. Things begun today will take time to germinate and grow.  They are indications of what the new energy is bringing in as we approach Solstice.  This is a time of change.  The themes are being given to you now.  Watch and listen.

Crystal Energy:    Chalcedony Rose—-The energy of this stone brings calming and healing vibrations.  IT can assist in focus.  Resonates with the Solar Plexus and Upper Chakras.

Saturday, December 10:    Dark Amber

Full Moon:  Total Lunar Eclipse:    It will be hard to get a grip on what is going on around you today.  That is because nothing is settled and everything is in flux.  People will make plans, just to change them at the last moment.  You will decide on something, and then change your mind.  This is a good day for keeping your sense of humor.  There is nothing that will be that momentous that it cannot be remedied another time.    Stay away from negative energies, as some people will react with anger when things do not turn out the way they want them to.  Then they look for someone to blame.  Step back from the center of things and watch what is going on.  Change your perspective. You can learn a lot..

Crystal Energy:    Aurichalcite—-The energy of this mineral brings calm and understanding.  It serves well in bringing clarity and perspective to situations of the heart.  Resonates with the Third Eye Chakra.

November 27-December 3

I was away all last week, and was unable to finish the Chromoscope before now.  It will be updated shortly.

Sunday, November 27:    Yellow Gold

There is something in the air today that will surprise you while at the sane time bringing you revelations and understanding about an issue, or possibly more, that has been bothering you for sometime.  Along with that, if you are open there is something within people in general today that can bring about an appreciation for the greater whole.  As that happens, you can find yourself moving more and more towards community.  All of the energies are open to awareness and self knowledge.  This is a good time for going within,. meditating, creating, and knowing things within your Core Self that you had not before realized.  The energy of the day is strange and new, but comforting.  Allow yourself to be with it.

Monday, November 28:    Bright Yellow

Things are getting very bright all around you, and it is important not to allow yourself to be blinded by the light. Rather use the extra illumination to see things for what they truly are.  There are those out there who are playing games and they feel that they can have the upper hand because people do not know what they are doing. You are in charge of what you do and what you choose.  Do not allow yourself to be swayed by others for any reason, especially because it is being nice.  Nice ultimately does not get you anywhere.  This is a time to honor and come into your own power.  You know what is right for you, and you must follow your intuition.  The deeper messages that are coming your way will help you see the patterns and the meanings behind all that is going on at this time.  It is important now to be aware of things.  That way, you will understand the movement of the energies as they cascade in with the times.

Crystal Energy:    Brown Tourmaline—-This stone casts a healing vibration on the lower abdomen and the legs, allowing one to move forward in things that were stuck.  Resonates with the Navel Chakra.

Tuesday, November 29:    Bright Orange

Issues will be arising today concerning your life path, what you are doing,m what you are wanting, what you are proposing, and what you are lacking.  You know these are all conversations and issues that you should have dealt with a long time ago.  The current energies favor looking at things straight in the eye, knowing what you are doing right, what you are doing wrong, what you can change, and what you cannot.  There is help for you in this endeavor, and from the most unexpected places.  Today is a day of mystery and unfolding.  Take hold of the frequency and let it move through you.  You can find that much is clearer.  And at the end of the day, there is some fun.

Wednesday, November 30:    Deep Blue

Things that you have not/had not thought about for a very, very long time are coming to the surface now.  This can cause emotional outbursts, confusion, and sentimentality.  You need to deal with each thing individually and for what it is.  You have changed.  That does not change the past, but it changes how you look at and are affected by the past.  This is a day for moving ahead or staying where you are.  The choice is, as always, yours.  There is no right or wrong, there is only what you are wanting at this point in time and what you are willing to accept.   Take time with things today and allow yourself the space to know what is truly right for you.  This can be the beginning of a lot of very new and very exciting things.

Crystal Energy:    Elbaite Tourmaline—–This stone works to unify all the disparate and varied elements of the self into a consistent whole through the energies of the knowing heart.  Resonates with the Heart Chakra.

Thursday, December 1:    Bright Blue

Dreams begin today.   And expectations.  Let it roll.  Dreams can come true, but who knows how, who knows when.  So take time out today to dream.  There is nothing to be lost, and much to be discovered.  Speak your truth and you will be heard and understood by those who, in the long run, truly matter.  Hedge, pretend, make nice and you will hear the emptiness of it all, but there are those who will take it seriously.  This can become an issue later on.  Know your heart.  Go within.  You know more than you give yourself credit for.  ANd you know it clearly and unequivocally.  It is time to sing your song, live your dream, and be your WHO.  Look around.  There is assistance if you will just allow.

Crystal Energy:    Blue Topaz—-The energy of this stone focuses purpose, when modulated with peace and compassion, to bring protection and fulfillment.  It hears and takes care.  Resonates with the Throat and Third Eye Chakras.

Friday, December 2:    Opera Blue

Go with the flow, both today and tomorrow.  If you have made plans, then take time to know what it is right to do, what needs to be done, what can be overlooked, and how you feel about the whole thing.  It comes down, basically, to you, to what you want, what you honor, what you desire, what you will and what you will not.  This is not a time for fear, and if you will take time to analyze your fears, you will discover that many of them are tagged to old programs and beliefs —- many of which you are choosing to release.  So take time in the energy of this day to do and be what is right for WHO you are.  There is no one you need to impress.  Those who are truly your friends, family, and community accept you always for yourself.  Take time to know that, to let go of a lot of stuff, and to relax.  It can all work out if you will just allow.

Crystal Energy:    Scolecite—-The energy of this mineral works with those who are feeling less than, fearful, and guilty to allow them to see through these things to the truth behind them.  Resonates with the Crown Chakra.

Saturday, December 3:    Lime Green

Things are going to be shifting and changing almost on a moment to moment basis today.  Just let it be, and take time to go withing.  There is a lot of uncertainty in the air today, much fueled by expectations from the past. You can accept them or not.  There is nothing wrong in either option today.  The important things here is to be centered and to work from your core self.  Where there is authenticity, there is knowledge. and where there is knowledge there is acceptance and manifestation.  Yes, you can do it all.  You just need to know that.  But first, be certain of what it is that you desire.  Once again, be careful what you wish for…

Crystal energy:    Albite—-This mineral works with that which is fluid on all levels.  It assists in moving things through.  Resonates with all chakras.


November 20-26

Overall Color for the Week:   Moss Green

This week there is much in the air that indicates the direction of things as the year winds down and the Holiday Season begins.  Take time to see what it is that you wish to have as your culmination for 2011.  Look around at things that are and are not working in your life, and know that in the crescendo of the energy at this time, there is the potential for great and quick change.  This is not a time for over-thinking things, that can just lead to some overlooking.  This is a time for truly being in the flow and in the know, the know being that you are taken care of and if you allow the best you deserve, it will happen.  Trust your intuition.  That cannot be stressed enough.  Intuition will get you through many tough situations.  Do not fall into judgment about yourself or others. You will see more and more odd behaviors from those whom you have known for quite some time.  As this month nears it close, more and more unions are being shaken up and more and more health situations are arising.  Again, if you go within to your heart, you will feel what this is all about.  Know that in all things you have both power and choice.  Use them wisely.  You will also be finding that more and more things are going bump, as odd noises and occurrences happen.  Your senses are changing.  You see things that cannot be there, but are.  The same with sounds, hearing odd things.  Taste preferences are changing.  Smells are affecting you differently.  And even the feel of things is shifting. Continue reading

November 13-19

Overall Color for the Week:    Royal Blue

The energy of this color assists you in knowing, without a doubt, of your deservedness.  It can remove doubts and open you to what it is that you feel is your true queen/kingdom.  Much that was unresolved can be finding form this week. At this time, you can take a hand in how things are turning out, so be aware of what is happening around you and take hold of the opportunities that are coming your way.  There is much emotion in the air this week, and some sorrow.  As things shift and change, so are you and those around you.  This can lead to nostalgia and a desire for how things used to be.  This is part of everything that is happening right now.  When you are feeling out of control, there is a tendency to look to the past for it is set, and there are no more decisions to be made.  There might be regrets, but at this time your perspective is widening, and you will be able to see things in a new way, even to make out a plan behind it all.  This is a week to be in touch with your life’s purpose.  This is a week in which you can move forward in many areas.  Take advantage of the flow and the vibration.,  It is there for you.  Be aware also that your senses are changing, and you will be finding that things are just different.  This is all a response to the shifts of the new vibrations and frequencies as they come in.

Animals and plants and weather and water and everything else take on a new meaning this week as old patterns and ways change and anomalies prevail.  Keep an eye on these things as they are all part of the larger pattern and, in many cases, they represent a response, a reaction, to what has been done to the environment, to Nature, and to the things of Nature.  As this happens, so-called revelations will come out about things that have been going on for a long, long time, but have been hidden.  This will effect all areas, politics, religion, finance, spirituality, ET’s, etc.  Be ready for some surprises.  There will be more Earth events, some tragic, and many unexpected and seemingly without a cause.  It is time to go within and recognize the ley lines and grids that hold Gaia together.  She does not work within our definitions.  She has her own, and that will become more and more obvious as time goes by.  It appears that Air is the element to watch this week.

Sunday, November 13:    Lilac

There is time today for remembering people and things that have been important in your life.  These are not just people you knew personally, but also such as historical figures, characters in novels, etc.  There are so many layers at work today.  You can find yourself aware of all sort s of things at all different times.  This can be a bit confusing and perhaps disconcerting, but there is synchronicity in the air today and everything can be brought together in a new perspective.  Look for that ah-ha moment.  It can tell you much about what is going on right now in your life.

Crystal energy:    Brazilianite—-The energies of this mineral work to align separate levels and types to bring about an harmonious and fulfilling exchange.  Resonates with the Solar Plexus, Heart, and Throat chakras.

Monday, November 14:    Grainy White

There is not a lot of ambition or perkiness in the air this morning, so just take it easy.  This is a good day for engaging with things you love, people, places, and things — some real, some imaginary, and some very wishful. Do not look to get things settled today, there is a slipperiness in the air that makes things not stick.  So center in WHO you are and take a look at the environment.  The very slipperiness of the energy of the day leaves trails and tracks which can show you what is behind a lot of the things that are happening all around you.  Take time to go within when things are confusing.  Your own strong heart knooing will bring to the surface all that you need to know.  And the wonderful thing about it all, is the serendipity and the play.  There is a lot of that around today also.

Crystal Energy:    Fossils—-Ammonites:  The energy of this fossil aids in working with the mysteries of the individual within the whole. It traces a path with many outcroppings and allows one to see the choices ahead. Resonates with the Solar Plexus and Heart Chakras.

Tuesday, November 15:    Dark Blue

There is more going on with people from your past, so expect there to be a rebound.  Perhaps there will be contact, on whatever level, perhaps not, however in any case there will be a sense of what went before.  This is a foundational energy and assists you in establishing your own foundation, both knowing where you came from and being clearer as to where you are going.  This is a day for stepping into the mystery of which all things are part and becoming one with it.  By so doing, you can learn much about you, about WHO you are on all levels and in all dimensions.  The Trickster loves this in-between energy and likes to have fun with it, so be clear as to what is real and what is just seeming.

Crystal Energy:    Pearl—-The energy of this beautiful piece has to do with taking what you are given and, through clear focus, creating what you desire.  There are no limits or definitions unless you choose them. Resonates wtih the Crown and Upper Chakras.

Wednesday, November 16:    Royal Blue

Pay attention to your intuition today as it can guide you through some otherwise sticky situations.  Once again, the Trickster is about, and he is causing a lot of little slip ups, including Freudian slips, schedule mix-ups, and lacks of communication.  The energy is such that you will be seeing things more within a larger picture than usual, and you might just feel “Oh, well,” about it all. Just remember that not everyone is feeling that way and do not react without first taking a moment to understand what it is that is truly happening.  A lot of people are having trouble knowing what their priorities are.

Crystal Energy:    Root Beer Obsidian—-This stone emits a strong healing energy, but one that is also discretionary and listens to the needs, wants, and desires of the person.  It can be a good friend to those of the heart, yet seem powerless to those who cannot be at peace with its lessons.  It resonates with all chakras.

Thursday, November 17:    Pale Apricot

There is a kind of lazy energy in the air today, contrasting at the same time with a snese that there are a lot of things that you want to get down.  But then, there is confusion as to which is most important, which to do first, and which can wait until later.  Do not allow yourself to fall into this.  If you are confused, take a moment to write down what it si that you are thinking of doing.  Then take a moment, go within, center, and then look again.  You will find that things become a lot clearer when you go from your heart center.  There will be a lot of things being said today also, and you will want to know the true from the not-so-true.  People are beginning to feel themselves bowing to pressures all around them, especially as the time of the Holiday Season grows nearer, along with the powerful Winter Solstice of this year.  Time is all out of whack, that too adds to the general muddledness of the day and the next month or so.

Crystal Energy:    Sugilite—-This mineral emits a healing energy which can be directed and utliized in accordance with its color, blue or purple.  It brings clarity of vision and connection.  Resonates with the THird Eye, Crown, and Upper Chakras.

Friday, November 18:    Light Navy Blue

Look around at the things and people who surround you.  This is a day for knowing your “team”, which can also be your community.  If you are feeling yourself isolated and not part of the group, then this is a good time to analyze what is going on with all of this, and if it is not right for you, then it is time to move on.  Again intuition and the knowing of the heart fit onto this process.  Do not discount what you are feeling or even the ‘voices in your head’.  You know deep inside what is right for you and it is time to act upon  that.  You do not need to be one of the crowd unless you want to be.  This is a time for making decisions, but first you must o within to your Core Self .  This involves time spent in meditative activity, whatever kind works for you — sitting, walking, drawing, painting, writing, day dreaming, anything that allows you to let go of the logical element and move into the deeper place within.

Crystal Energy:    Conichalcite—-There is a healing energy that this mineral imparts.  Its influence moves throughout the body.  Resonates with all chakras.

Saturday, November 19:    Bright Lavender

Things that you have been expecting to happen today may take more time than you thought.  Also, you can find that you will need to change your plans as odd obstacles pop up unexpectedly.. Keep your sense of bhumore about you and do not fall into some of the general anger and upset that is all around.  The waves opf energy that are penetrating this dimension right now are contradictory and out of sync.  You may feel this alos in how you are feeling physically.  Listen to your body.  This is a good day to stay well hydrated, so keep that water coming. This is a kind of symbolic representation of allowing the energy to move through.

Crystal Energy:    Analcime—–The energy of this mineral aids in setting boundaries and defining terms in relationships.  It resonates with the Fourth Dimension and assists in dimensional shifts.

November 6-12

Overall Color for the Week:    Light Grey

Is it at all possible that you are not yet aware of all the shifts and changes that are happening all around you, and at times, even within you? There is so much going on, and that is leading everyone ot feeling a bit unsettled, testy, and not quite with it.  There can be times of intense distraction, when all of a sudden you will snap out of it and wonder where you were and what just happened.  Your sense of what is important is shifting.  Time seems out of whack.  Pay attention to when these things happen, for there is meaning in it.  You will begin to see in others certain patterns and behaviors that can either attract you or turn you off.  People are shifting and changing, just as you are.  This can lead to changes in friendships and relationships.  There are many choices to be made at this time, and one of them is whether or not you wish to remain where you are, when, you are and with whom you are.  This is not a time for precipitate action, .  Slow and steady, in this case, will more than win the day, it will assist you in making the changes you have been wanting to make, and in becoming the WHO you chose to be at this time.  Trust your intuition and do not let go.  There is comfort and assistance if you will call upon it and accept it Continue reading

October 30-November 5

Sunday, October 30:    Light Red-Orange

Well, here you are again.  This is a day for looking at patterns and repeated actions, habitual people, and usual old things.  It is a time for knowing why you are doing what you are doing and what it all means in the grand scheme of things — for you, your grand scheme, your life.  Take time to go within, even when you are in the midst of things, and just see, just feel how it all is for you at that time.  If you are not ready to look at it right away, then put it aside, but do not let it lie for too long, because it can and will come back to haunt you.  And Halloween is tomorrow.  Change your focus, change your perspective, change you life.  You know all this.  And take time to laugh.  You will find that in the greater picture, there is something funny in all of this. Continue reading

October 23-29

Overall Color for the Week:    Light Lime Green

So, if you were not aware of it yet, you will be finding more and more that the veils keep getting thinner and thinner.  Along with those little guys on the stairs will come smells, sounds, vibrations, and even really, really real stuff coming through.  There is no fear in any of this, rather when these things happen, take a moment to see where you are, what you are doing, and try to get a sense of why your NOW has attracted this energy.  You might be surprised to find out what it is.  It can also give you an indication of how who you are, what you are doing and being right now fits into the larger plan, the path, the unfolding that you chose when you agreed to step into this turn of the Wheel.  iI you are one of those who finds themselves trapped within a job, a relationship, a community in which you are not feeling yourself fulfilled or valued, know that this week will give you opportunities to see things for what they are and to make choices as to where you want to go from there and what you want to do.  Around you, there will be people and animals making choices for themselves, choices to transition, choices to make major life and/or path changes.  Allow for that.  Know that they are honoring themselves.  We all have schedules and timetables.  And  priorities.  This is the time to become very clear on your priorities. Continue reading

October 16-22

Overall Color for the Week:    Light Lavender

Once again, this is an hold-onto-your-hats kind of week as the energies shift, change, and collide.  The old and the new will become more and more incompatible.  You will see this on all levels and in all areas of your life, as well as in the world at large.  There is sorrow attached to much of this.  Honor your feelings and know that they are at this time an important type of catharsis.  By allowing them their process, you can move through many issues and turmoils in your life. This is not a week for holding tightly or strongly to things around you, rather it is a time for being firmly grounded in WHO you are and centered in your Core Self.  Go to the heart for counsel when you are unsure.  Listen to your intuition.  And know that your connection to the Universal Consciousness is clear, strong, direct, and  infallible.  Do not give in to uncertainties.  Go to your heart center when you are unsure, and listen the advice that comes forth from there.  Also, you are probably aware that there is a kind of shift going on with your senses.  It seems that you are seeing things differently.  Food preferences are changing.  There might be a ringing in your ears.  And the smells, where are they coming from.  Even your fingers pick up different vibrations when touching something.  This is all an indication that you are reacting to the settling of these new energies as they move into your field.  Do not feel concerned or upset, changes are happening even within your physicality.  This is part of the Shift.  Be calm with it. Continue reading