Category Archives: CHROMOSCOPE
May 13-19
Overall Color for the Week: Violet Rose
The theme this week is that of that which is familiar seeming different, strange, and unfamiliar. This can leads to times of confusion and wonder. Part of this is as a way of shaking you out of some of your long held ideas, rituals, traditions, concepts, and things you take for granted. Things are morphing in unusual ways. It is time to be aware of that. It is time to take a look at old ways and patterns and see how they are or are not assisting you in adapting to all that is going on right now. Much is happening. This is a week in which there can be some major shifts in occupations and relationships. Step back if these things happen around you. Do not over-react. This is the week for being the observer. See what is going on within the larger pattern. The past few months have shown that things are falling into new grooves. This week is critical in terms of certain elements lining up, Things that may seem to be destructive or disastrous or even wonderful and amazing, as the elements of the patterns move forward, can take on different guises. This is a week for marinating. Let all the elements that are happening in your lfe settle around you and then take what is important. There are lessons coming forward. Interestingly, some are lessons that you have wanted, yet put off. Time is changing and with it. the various actions, etc. that were meant to occur. You will understand it better as the week goes on.
Monday, May 14; Medium Purple
Things will not be quite what they seem today. This can leave you a bit flustered and/or uncertain. Emotions are again close to the surface, as you respond to things with feelings that come up unexpectedly. Allow them to flow through. Many of them are pegged to other things, things that you are not even aware of. The dimensions are shifting today, so much of what is happening is going on unobserved. It is like being near an earthquake. You are not a part of what is happening, but yet you still feel some of the fallout. This is a good day for staying grounded and aware of what it is that is your true center, your core. These days it is well to be very familiar with WHO you are as there are many challenges that will be coming your way, and by being strong in your heart and sould, you will be able to get a concept of the larger context and where you fit within it.
Crystal VIbe: Jarosite—-The energy of this mineral assists with letting go of, with cleansing. Resonates to the Root Chakra.
Tuesday, May 15: Frosty White
Relationships can take a turn for the worse today. It is not a good time for addressing long standing issues as there will be misconceptions and miscommunication abounding. Step back from potential conflict. Let your sense of humor be your best defense. It things arise, let them go. There is no need to move into the general confusion that is characteristic of the day’s energies. Again, emotions will be out there, so you will not want to push situations to a limit. There is a time for things to be settled. Today is not it. There is the potential for shifts today in relationships and jobs. It is time to know what you truily want. You can face an interesting decision before the day is over.
Crystal Vibe: Forsterite—-The energy of this mineral works with the wisdom of the heart for addressing inssues and decisions. Resonates with the Heart Chakra.
Wednesday, May 16: Red
Opportunities abound today for making choices and making decisions. It is important to say centered within your heart so that what you do comes from the true knowing of the Central Core of your being. The choices you make in this energy will be important in terms of the developing themes. This is a time for alignment. It is advisable to have compatibility in what you do, who you hang out with, and the greater whole. There will be a sense of relationship in the days energies, as part of the larger comes into focus. Compassion. That is a theme of the day as you begin to see things differently.
Crystal VIbe: Pink Danburite—-The energy of this stone brings a kind of balance and a chameleon-like energy which assists with adapting to various situations. Resonates with the Heart and Upper Chakras.
Thursday, May 17: Bright Blue
You will feel as though the Sun has truly come out today. Things are going to be standing in sharp relief, so if you are needing clarity in regards to something, this is the time to go for it. Use your powers of visual discrimination tempered by the true knowing of the heart to understand what situations, objects, people, energies, etc. mean as they pass through your line of perception. There is a bit of laughter in the air also, as you realize that some of the stuff you were holding onto as important really is not so. Look also for a fun time with someone you have missed for a while. The day will end with some questions needing to be answered. The dream time can assist with that.
Crystal VIbe: Galena—-The energy of this mineral assists with grounding and centering. Resonates with the Root Chakra.
Friday, May 18: Lime Green
Things are up and down today. Be careful of your health issues, and if something is to arise, deal with it on all levels. Your physical form is reacting to the energetic shifts, and you will be aware of that today. Also, when there is an issue, take a look at where it is located in your body and what that area means to you. Your body also gives you messages. This is a day for taking care in traffic and out and about. The Trickster is roaming the world and is looking to cause some mischief. Sometimes he is there as an observer, but today he is feeling the need for action. Take time to ground and center before going out. Also, align your energies with those of the Universal Consciousness, having a broader view of things is always a good idea.
Crystal Vibe: Wavellite—-The energy of this mineral assists with seeing things as they are dispassionately and without attachment. Resonates with the Solar Plexus and Throat Chakras.
Saturday, May 19: Light Orange
What is up today? That is a question you may be asking yourself a lot today, as things happen unexpectedly. Things that you thought were predictable are no longer so. It is a good time for dealing with some long standing issues, as Freudian slips and body language can cue you into things about people that you were not aware of. The current energy can lead to changes and shifts, so see what is happening and listen to the messages that come to you however that may be, synchronicity, deja vu, whatever. There is a lot of fun in the air today also. This kind of crazy energy always has some fun, some surprises.
Crystal Vibe: Green Chysoprase—-The energy of this mineral can bring about positive solutions while assisting in behavioral shifts. Resonates with the Heart and Third Eye Chakras.
April 29-May 5
Overall Color for the Week: Bright L:avender
There are three large themes this week: 1} Loneliness 2) Sorrow 3) Physical symptoms. Loneliness has many roots and causes, but this week it stems from an existential sense of not belonging. This is not unusual in the current energy. Things are falling apart and there is no real feeling of continuity or context. Because of this, what once seemed a good idea or to be part of something now seems not quite right. There can be a lot of emotion in the air this week. It is best to step back and take a look at things. This is not a good time to act, but it is a good time to marinate.
2) Sorrow; Things past and things present. All are experiencing change at this time, and it is out of your control. THis is a week when you can find yourself looking back on things that have happened, seeing them in a new light, taking no responsibility, and moving forward. There is always something of a feeling of loss when we let things go, even things we know do nto serve us. It is nostalgia and what if coming up and taunting. It is time to move on. Take what you need from what has gone before and leave the rest behind.
3) Physical Symptoms: The body is going through shifts and changes. Many are disturbing, making you wonder if something is wrong. There will be off headaches, eyes flashes, feelings of vertigo, memory lapses. These are all part of the new energy charging into the rifts that are opening up as the illusions of the old energies begin to dissipate. Take time in what you do this week and listen to your body.
On the larger scale, things are going to be quite uncomfortable in all areas. Expect some odd news to come out, and then be quickly retracted. There is activity going on in Washington that is going to hit the news. It revolves around taking away more of individual freedoms. Expect new fringe groups to rise up on the right calling for even militant responses to things. These will be exacerbated by their media stars, who will end up effectively putting their collective feet into their mouths. The Earth is shifting and changing and there are movements that will be going on within large land masses, things not heard of before. This can be a dangerous week in terms of Earth Changes. Again, there is movement on the Sun, so take care to back up your electronics. That galactic energy is moving closer, and it is exerting a pull on our solar system that can kead to strange effects. Astronomers will be watching this. The dimensions are getting closer, so there will be some popping in and out of things. Look also for some things happening in the area of religions which will try to deal with all that is going on. Travel can be tough this week. This is all aprt of the coming together of various pieces of the larger puzzle that is 2012.
Sunday, April 29: Frosty White
This is a day on which you will be wanting to bring things out into the open. You are feeling as though what you have been working on is ready now for a larger audience. While this may be true, the current atmosphere does not welcome novelty or unexpected events. It is best to step back and develop a master plan. Be the observer and see how people are acting and reacting. The energies are crazier every day, making people’s reactions less predictable. It is best to has an intuitive feel for what is going on before taking a step. Aso use the wisdom of your heart to know which is the best audience. Presenting things to the wrong people can cause them to become pushed aside.
Crystal Vibe: Glory Blue Gate—-This stone assists one in transmitting and interpreting the light of the spirit as it enters in through the Throat. Resonates with the Throat Chakra.
Monday, April 30:
There is a good possibility that this April will go out like a lion, so be prepared for confrontations. When they happen, the best response is to step back and take a look at what exactly is going on and what exactly is being said. Also, it is a good idea to remove yourself from that atmosphere. Things tends to brew in small spaces today. This includes mental as well as physical spaces. This is a day on which you or others can become fixated on a certain thought or idea to the point of obsession. Step back from that one also and take a look at it. Right now, lots of things are surfacing, as hints of the greater pattern emerge. You are changing. It is time to honor that and just be with the change. Do not try to force it.
Crystal Vibe: Psilomelane—-The energy of this mineral assists one in grounding. It also can help in releasing stuckness and toxins in many of the layers of the body. Resonates with the Root Chakra.
Tuesday, May 1: Apricot
There is a peace in the morning that will be more than made up for in the afternoon as things begin to spiral out of control. If you have things you are working on, back them up, set them in stone, get your models done before noon, because the energy of the afternoon today can shake things up. Make sure you have everything you need before going out. Check and double check, take along some extras just-in-case. The Trickster is about, and he has some surprises in store. Be alert for information that will be coming today in unusual ways. The pattern is emerging in this energy and you will be glimpsing more of it.
Wednesday, May 2: Cloudy White
Things are not clear today. People are muddled and out of sorts. This is not a day on which a lot of things will get done. Put aside your expectations and enjoy the ride. In the current energy many things that have been hidden or out of the way are popping to the surface. If you are observant, aware, or even awake there is much that you can learn, especially about one issue that has been confounding you for some time now. Be alert today and take nothing for granted. You can learn much that way, as well as gain some important insights as to what is coming next.
Crystal Vibe: Analcime—-This mineral works to bring into alignment energies that have vibrational frequencies that tend towards instability. Resonates with the Crown Chakra.
Thursday, May 3: Cherry Rose
What started slowly and without promise will end with a flourish, a zing, and a grand hurrah. Take time today to savort every moment. Yes, the morning can be confusing. There are many different strands and elements in the air. Nothing has settled, however by mid-morning, there will be a leveling out and a sifting through. Things will be clearer. Today is a day for seeing things as they are and knowing them in their true essence. It is a day to step into your power. To be strong enough to accept what you know is true and to act on that. There will never be a better time. The energies are settling today, albeit briefly. If you can seize that time, then things will become more clear. You can get some answers.
Crystal Vibe: Morganite—This stone allows for leaving it behind, moving on, and opening to the wisdom of the true heart. Resonates with the Heart Chakra.
Friday, May 4: Rose Tint
The beat goes on, as they say. More and more comes faster and faster. It is time to see things for what they are. The rapid pace allows for you to take what you desire and let the rest go. Choose wisely. There are decisions to be made in this energy that will affect you and your movement throughout this year. There is a wise one deep within your soul. If you are confused or uncertain, turn to the true wisdom of your heart which is linked to Universal Consciousness, and a light will shine. This is a day for knowing that you are never alone. Even in your most solitary and despairing moments, you are not alone.
Crystal Vibe: Galena—-The energy of this mineral brings balance and perspective. It can assist in bringing one into alignment with the here and now while opening a window to the larger picture. Resonates with the Solar Plexus and Third Eye Chakras.
Saturday, May 5: Hazy White
There is a kind of drowsiness that pervades the energy of the day. Things will not be terribly clear. You can see things that are not there and wonder if they are there, because, perhaps, they are there…. But then they could not be there….. These kinds of exchanges will be common today. It is important to ground yourself and stay centered throughout the day. The balance ifs off right now, and nothing will be as it should. Stay away from emotional conversations. Look. Observe. Let action take a back seat to everything else. This is not a time for doing, rathier it is a good day for marinating.
Crystal Vibe: Vivianite—-This mineral takes the etheric and brings it into the physical through intention and awareness. Resonates with the Third Eye, Crown, and Ninth Chakras.
April 15-21
Due to some computer issues and the fact that I have been traveling, this week’s Chromoscope is greatly abbreviated. Thanks for your understanding.
Overall Color for the Week: White Quartz
So, it is pretty obvious that something is up this week, and how you will relate to it, where you stand in relation to it, and how you will be affected by it are all up to you. There is much going on on the outside with people. places, and things in turmoil, much of which they are attempting to shift onto others. You must decide what is your and what does not belong to you. Stay in your power and do not take on stuff that is really someone else’s concern. The lessons continue and ‘s/he who does not learn from history is forced to repeat it.’ Look back on what you had realized last week, and know that there is more to come. There can be some similarities in the lessons as you are being given an opportunity to get out of the stuckness. Emotions will be close to the surface. There will be tears. There will be laughter. Stay centered and grounded; The patterns are beginning to emerge. Tribes are beginning to form.
On the larger scale, there will be very little consistency. Everything will b e in a state of turmoil. In this kind of energy, there can be upsets in many areas, including politics, finance, weather, health, Earth movements, etc. It is a good time for new inventions and revelations to come out. There are a number of different strands at work here, so be aware. Some of the things that may be touted as terrible, awful, disastrous, can turn out to be the very best things ever. There is a Trickster at work in the Universal energies, and he sees the larger pattern.
Thursday, April19: Grainy White
Very little is clear today, so do not expect things to come out into the open. This can lead to some frustration as there are those out there with agendas and schedules and many have targeted this date. This is a common occurrence in this energy, where things are mapped out and programmed for a specific time, but it just does not come together. Your reaction will determine how you are handling the energy. Right now everything in your super-world rests upon you, your decisions, your actions, your preparedness, your spirit, your connectedness. Take it from there. But do look within and see things with an objective eye. The energies are very crazy right now. and we are not always in control. You need to know how much you own of all of this. Take time to ground and center. Work from your core. The true eyes of the Heart Connection will bring everything into focus. Th evening brings an interesting parting of the energies. You can find a new clarity in this.
Friday, April 20: Deep Purple
Things today seem somewhat muted and toned down. There will not be a lot of clarity coming to the surface, but the hints are there of the changes that are stirring. You will see this in how people are behaving towards you., You will feel it in your changed response to ordinary things. Take time and space to look at this. You have been changing your patterns, ideas, preferences, etc. Much of this has gone unnoticed by you, b ut the current energy is asking you to slow down and see what is going on. There is much to be gained from this. You will see that your priorities are shifting. Honor that, but know why and wherefore. SOme interesting messages are out there for you today. Be alert for them.
April 8-14
Overall Color for the Week: Dark Blue-Green
This is a week for lessons, lots of them large, some hard, some easy. And it is equally a time for no regrets. When things come your way, step back and take a look at them. You may find that your perspectives are shifting. In the new light, you can see things that were not obvious before. Accept what is happening as it is a way to move you forward. There is a lot of stuckness that has been going on, and a major shakeup, even a complete reversal, is often the thing that can take you out of what was, turn you around, and open up new ways. Events that are happening now are exactly what need to happen, and while you may question, blame, angst and whine, know that this is part of the process and the very fact that you are in this place means that you are being given the opportunity for change. It is easy to take things for granted, accept that they cannot be changed, even to give our power away. This week gives you the opportunity to step back and see what is going on in your life, while giving you the option to deal with them in a way that is most acceptable to you. Choices made this week will last. You are in control of all of this, and decisions made now will be affecting you as the shift moves forward. Good luck.
On the larger scale, there are lessons to be learned also. They will come in all areas, politics, economics, travel, medicine, energy, spirituality, etc., etc., etc. There are some surprises, but mostly confirmations of things that have been going on for quite some time. The Earth shifts and shudders. Things in that area will be out of character. There will be a sense that something is gong to happen, and then there will be nothing. Some interesting things will be coming to the surface.
Sunday, April 8: Blue Grey
Easter Sunday: There is something new on the horizon here today. You can see it if you wish to. The last few weeks, have brought you face to face in many ways with people, places, and thing that have been causing you some turmoil. The current energy is somewhat rough and it is leading you to attempt to deal with these feelings in such a way as to reinstate your comfort level. Take a look at what it is that is most obvious in the all of this. Then step back and place it into the larger perspective. Now is the important moment, Now is made up of many prior and future nows, You have the ability to set the trajectory for the next moment. Take time to meditate, create, go within, journal, whatever it is that allows you to reach a new point of comfort. That will be the basis for tomorrow.
Crystal Vibe: Hematite — This stone brings grounding and connection. Resonates with the Root and Crown Chakras
Monday, April 9: Dark Violet
Things can be a bit rough today. Be prepared to deal with changes of plan, reversals, setbacks, and delays. When these things happen, do not react, rather step back and see the opportunities they are presenting to you. There are new perspectives out there. It is time to look in other directions for solutions. A lot of the stuff you have done in the past, relied on in the past, is not longer workable, And that is okay. Old lessons and old solutions are no longer applicable in the new energies, The dimensions are moving and shifting and, guess what….., there is magic in the air. Truly. Many things that may cause you concern, anger, whatever, actually are openings to some pretty incredible results. You must be accepting and allowing, stay grounded in your true heart’s knowing, and in tune with the Universal Consciousness, of which you are a part. Much can come of this.
Crystal Vibe: Cathedral Quartz—-The energy of this stone brings together that which is of Earth and that which is of the Universe. It can bring balance and open to new revelations. Resonates with the Root and Crown Chakras.
Tuesday, April 10: Dark Orange
There are questions to be asked today. Not all of them will get answers. Some do not need answers. Some do not deserve answers. And some answers are not yet ready. There is an instability in the air today, and it can lead to uncertainty on all levels. This is not a good time for making decisions, plans, or commitments. All things are subject to change. The current energy favors stepping back and observing all that is going on around you. but also how things are moving in relation to what is there. Patterns are beginning to take form, and you are going to want to know where you stand in the midst of them. It is advisable to take some time today to go within, to go to your Core, and to discover the power of WHO you are.
Crystal Energy: Green Sapphire—-The energy of this stone brings hope and comfort in the midst of the storm. It allows you to go within and know the inner power that can get you through. Resonates with the Heart Chakra.
Wednesday, April 11: Lavender
Things will not be as they seem today. Look through the obvious to what lies beneath. There are hints of truths that are shaping these times. This is a day for knowing what it is that you are truly wanting to manifest in your life. This is a day for recognizing WHO you truly are, in all your strengths and weakness. Then know that each and every weakness is merely a strength in disguise. There will be some synchronicities today that are going to assist with a number of issues that you have been trying to resolve. These events will allow you to see things differently, even open you to some facts about yourself that you have hidden. Look for an interesting remark from an unexpected source. It can be revealing.
Crystal Energy: Strawberry Agate—-This mineral assists in transformative points in one’s life by opening to possibility while closing down a lot of those nagging voices in the head. It works through the heart. Resonates with the Solar Plexus and Heart Chakras.
Thursday, April 12: Dark Green
Things that are happening today are largely under the surface. If you are trying to figure something out, you will need to look deep within the obvious. The hints are there, as always, but they are at best small glimmers. The best option here is to step back and let the day be. That which is hidden will not show itself until the time is right. The current energy calls for what is out in front, in your face. It is a good time to deal with big issues that you may have been putting on hold. As you do this, you can discover that they are not as big as you had thought them to be. This will assist in changing your perspective and shifting your focus. Take some time this evening to ground and relax. Find the quiet center of your core and find the peace that lies within.
Crystal Frequency: Galena—-This metallic element walks into the middle of the physical and spiritual and creates a bridge and balance. It can bring healing and a new way of looking at things. Resonates with the Third Eye and Solar Plexus Chakras, as well as the eleventh.
Friday, April 13: Light Magenta
Things will be up and down today, and most of it will not be what it seems. Take time in conversations and situations to be aware of just what is going on. Also be sensitive to what is happening at the periphery. The current energy is bringing in a lot of new and unusual strands. you can find yourself feeling a bit overwhelmed or even on unfamiliar ground. If this happens, go in and ground. It is a good idea to keep a grounding stone or mineral with your today, such as hematite, obsidian, black jade or amber. This can help with brief moments of vertigo. There is much shifting and slipping right now, and the openness of the dimensions in the current energy will allow those who are sensitive to be affected by it. It is a good day for connecting with WHO you are on this plane as well as the WHO you are as part of Universal Consciousness.
Crystal Vibe: Rainbow Fluorite—-This stone also assists with grounding. It brings into a matrix the various energies that are swirling around and lines them up for easier understanding. It resonates with all the lower seven Chakras, while connecting with the higher ones.
Saturday, April 14: Silver-White
There is a sense of unreality about the day. This will allow for unusual events and occurrences. You can find yourself meeting with strange people, and then wondering whether that really happened. There is also that sense of longing and melancholy. Do not let it get you down, rather see it a s a gift from the past to the present bringing those various times and events together and into focus. There is a possibility of some significant happening today. You will not need to plan or anticipate. It will come as it must. And you can see in it anew reflection of WHO you are.
April 1-7
This week brings with it a lull in the storm. Take time to go within, to meditate, contemplate, create over what you have learned. What has changed in your life in the past three months? Change can be gradual, day to day, but when seen from a temporal perspective, you can get a sense of all that has happened. There is joy in some of the discoveries that you will be making this week,. some sorrow in others. Yet you will learn more of the people who are really there for you. Stay focused and know what is right for you within your deepest heart knowing. This is a week for realizing that everything is coming together as is right. There are more changes coming your way, some quite dramatic. This is a time for knowing your strength and your power. There are things that you must do, some of them you are aware of and have been putting off. The larger view that this week provides will give you the impetus and desire to move forward. Continue reading
March 25-31
Overall Color for the Week: Blue Silk
This will be an interesting week in so many ways. You will be discovering things about yourself, about friends, about relationships. Things are coming out that have been unsaid for so long, and emotions can be at the surface. It is a good week for stepping back from all the stuff going on around you and taking a good look at things. You ahve accepted a lot as just the way things are, and you need to be aware of that. You have the power to make some really important changes in your life. If you decide to go ahead, you will be surprised by the support that comes your way. The ups and downs of the week can leave you drained, but the sense of community that is there for you will bolster you up, bringing you renewed vigor. (Yes, vigor) This is a week for reading into things. The context is there now. It has been formulating itself, but now it has solidified. The big questions you have been asking have direction, and this week you will see it all is leading. It can be tough, but if you take time to feel what is truly important in your life, things will be easier. Continue reading
March 18-24
Overall Color for the Week: Red Amber
This is a week for being aware of what is going on around you. There will be bouts of synchronicity, times of deja vu, and events that will leave you confused and wondering what just happened, much of it not terribly clear. Take time in all you do. Traffic can be crazy. People will be close to anger. It is best for you to observe. Patterns are falling into place as communities of spirit begin to form. You can find yourself at times thinking you know someone. Be aware of this, as these people can move into your circle as the next two months unfold. There is a bit of joy to be discovered in the middle of the week as your sense of humor comes forth and reveals to you some kind of movement behind all the seemingly random events of the week. This is a time to know your power and your abilities. These will become clearer to you this week. Do not discount your intuition. There are some things that you will be discovering this week that will trouble you. Let them go. It is not worth hanging onto things that you cannot change. Continue reading
March 11-17
Overall Color for the Week: Light Amber Orange
No, you are not going crazy. The energies are coming together right now, old and new, and the result is confusion, chaos, and oddities. Step back from things this week. Use your sense of humor as a defense. It carries a certain kindness and acceptance that will be appealing to those out there who are looking for reaction. There is a strong urge these days towards purging a lot of the old. This can manifest itself in bouts of throwing things away or crying your eyes out or laughing hysterically. The important thing now is to let things happen as they do and then let them go. Not always so easy, but helpful and healthful in the long run. There can be some physical issues this week, so listen to your body and do not attempt to overdo, You will pay for it in the end. Oh, this is not a good time for second guessing or making decisions for yourself based on other’s opinions, the lure of the media, or the spur of the moment. There is time. It is good to remember that. There is time to get the important things done. The rest, well they are not that important after all. Mercury goes retrograde Monday. This can be a tough retrograde, so stay centered and grounded in your own knowing and personal strength, and listen to your intuition. You are,after all, part of it all. Please, also be aware of your power. It is growing, perhaps with growing pains inside of you — some of those physical issues. See things for what they have to say to you. Again, listen to your intuition and the voices in your head. You are connected to Universal Consciousness, and as you take time, through meditation,, centering, grounding, opening, being WHO you are, its voice, gentle and true, will speak to you. Continue reading
March 4-10
Overall Color for the Week: Pinkless Pink
This week can bring some physical issues, including a strong sense of tiredness. Honor them when they come, and see them for what they are. We are all changing as the new energies fly in and disrupt a lot of old patterns and ways of being. The shifts and changes are affecting everything, even your sense of reality, of time and space. Some people refer to the aches and pains as symptoms of Ascension. Whatever you might wish to call them, they are there and must be seen for what they are. In some cases, they can relate to real body issues, and you will know these by speaking with your inner wisdom. If you feel fatigued, take a rest. There was a Zen Master who, when asked of his path to enlightenment, responded, “When I am hungry, I eat. When I am tired, I sleep.” And so it is. This week brings completion in many areas. You may find yourself finishing projects that you had put on hold for a long time, making a call that you had been waiting on, having a conversation you dreaded, finally making your first Tiramisu, etc. There will be a strong joy of accomplishment in these things. You will come out of them with a sense of lightening up some of the load you have been carrying. IT is time now to look to the future and what it si that truly fits WHO you are coming into. Take time to be with yourself, to journal, to dream, to draw, to open to the energies of your Core Self. There is much to be learned this week of the past, the present, and the future. Start the week out grounded. Trust your intuition, and work from the true knowing of your heart. Continue reading