August 5-11

Overall Color for the Week:    Dark Violet

It is curious that the old stuff can still affect us the way it does.  This is a week in which you will be aware of this on may different levels.  Because of all of the changes that are going on it is important to be strong in your Core Self.  When you are confronted by situations in which you feel challenged or out of control. Take a moment, breathe, center, and allow your greater perspective to take over.  There are twists and turns in things and relationships, jobs and acquaintances that will become obvious.  Emotions are at the surface.  Allow them to come out.  This is about you.  Never doubt that you have the power and the resources to succeed in any endeavor.  You must make the choice to be the winner.  Do not believe other’s illusions.  They can become yours if you let them.

This will be a tough week.  You are going to be called upon to see things as they really are, including yourself and many of the things that you have been trying to ignore.  Just realize that there is always assistance available if you call on it.  Things are changing.  You are being asked to walk your true path.  This means knowing what is right for you, what is sacred for you, what is meaningful for you, what is important for you.  AS the week goes on, be kind to yourself.  Be willing to take time out when you need it.  The other stuff will always be there.  You need to know where you stand in the midst of it all and how much of it is real for you. Continue reading

July 29-August 4

Sunday, July 29:    Sap Green

The juices may be flowing today, but it is a good idea to be aware of what they mean, where they are going, and how they are feeling.  There are always those who are not wishing the best for you.  They just might come forward, say things, do things, etc. to challenge your work, your opinions, your vision.  It is time to be centered and strong in WHO you are.  The illusions are always there, and in this energy they pile up in all areas.  Take time to set an intention for the day and allow that to keep you going through all of the ups and downs.  They are there.  You might just be surprised at the people who are there for you and the ones who are not.

Monday, July 30:    Royal Blue

Today starts on a kind of down note.  It is hard to get moving, and then everything seems to be just too much.  Even the simplest activity is enough to push you to the edge.  Hang on, though, for things get better as the day goes on.  Noontime will bring some interesting revelations, things you have been aware of but not really looked in the face.  This will give you the strength to move forward and take some positive action in regard to an issue that has been bothering you for a while.  Having done that, things will look better and better.  You will find that some of the stuff you had dreaded, some things you thought were going to turn out badly actually have resolved themselves easily.  There is an opportunity that is coming you way, and you will get wind of it this evening.

Tuesday, July 31:    Lavender

It is time to get rid of some of the old stuff.  What it is and how you go about it are your choices.  But then again, you can choose to do nothing at all.  Today is all about perspective, and this perspective is all about the choices you want to make in terms of what catches your eye and what is merely background noise.  You have had time in the past few weeks to get some thing in order, to analyze, reminisce, and pick things out.  Today is all about what you have accomplished in these activities.  There is a mirror there.  You can look into it or not.  It will be there for a time, and then it is gone, and the illusion returns.  No right.  No wrong.  When you are ready, then there it is for you.  Take it or not.  It is up to you.

Wednesday, August 1:    Slate Blue

You will be called upon today to show your strength.  It will be at a time when you are feeling vulnerable, perhaps because of something that was just said, something that happened, but you will need to pull yourself together and stand firm.  Start the day with a grounding and centering exercise.  Know that you are powerful and repeat, ‘In all I do, in all I encounter, I stand firm in my power and knowing.’  This will assist you in times of doubt.  There are signs in the air today, and you will be very aware of them.  There is always a helping hand.  If you will reach a out and allow its grace, you can find yourself in comfort wherever you are.

Thursday, August 2:    Red Diffusion

First Full Moon of August 2012:    Tempers can rage today for no reason and in every direction, so set your intentions and ground, center, and go within before going out to deal with all the stuff that is out there.  You have the strength, the resources, the humor to take on whatever comes you way today if you are accepting of all that you can do.  So not only will there be testing on the outside, there will also be the trials of recognizing, facing and accepting the fact that you everything you need to deal with anything and everything that comes your way.  This is a time for accepting and walking into your power.  The choice is yours.  You know what is right.  Go for it.

Friday, August 3:    Dark Violet

There is a bit of whimsy and fun in the air.  The Trickster is about and ready to stick its finger into things.  Keep a sense of humor about you, and remember that the Trickster is not always kind in the tricks that it plays.  Be alert in all situations.  Listen for the hidden agendas, and watch for the body language clues that will let you know truly what is going on.  Things are uncertain, and people are feeling vulnerable and on the defensive.  Do not play into their realities.  Unless, of course, you choose to.  This is a good time to be the observer.  Things are falling into place, and patterns are emerging.  You can have some of those ah-ha moments today if you step back and absorb what is going on.

Saturday, August 4:    Hazy White

You may be looking for clarity today, but it is not there.  Things are muddled and you can become befuddled.  It is part of the crazy energy shift that is coming into motion today and lasting throughout the coming week.  Criticism will not get you anywhere.  It is a time for compassion.  You can find that you are somewhat weepy as things are affecting you in odd and unexpected ways.  There is the possibility of a large event coming before the day is over.  Be ready for anything.  Everything old is new again and vice versa, so you might just find yourself surprised by stuff that you that you thought was soooooo predictable.


July 22-28

Overall Color for the Week:    Salmon Pink

You will find both a gulp and a surprise at work in the energy of this week.  The gulp can be related to an emotional reaction to an unexpected event.  When this occurs, it is best to step back and take a look at things from the larger perspective.  There is much that you know, much that you have been holding onto, much that you have been wanting, all of which you have filed away for a later date.  This week is that later date.  You can feel that things are not letting up and that you do not have room to breathe, but that sense will dissipate if you take the time to center in your Core, to spend some time grounding in the essential nature of your Heart’s knowing, and open to the serendipity that comes from change. Continue reading

July 15-21

Overall Color for the Week:    Mid Royal Blue

Things are what they are this week, and it will not be revealing to look too deeply into them.  That is the key.  The surface.  So often you think it is important to look below the surface, but the current energy has brought everything to the top.  This is a week for understanding and compassion.  There are things that will be falling apart on all levels. You will see them, and while you can feel for them, it is important to step back and see the larger picture.  Perspective.  Ugh.  Sometimes a good thing, bit at others something that brings to the folly of many and the wish to believe.  It is just how things are.  The pattern is there behind it all.  Look for that ad beyond the tears and laughter.  Sometimes there is more of being human in understanding how things are moving forward than in getting caught on one individual event.

A general theme at this time is one of a disconnect between cause and effect.  This means that a lot of tings you used to take for granted will be unpredictable.  It is a good idea to prepare for anything.  That way when anything happens, you will be able to respond appropriately.


Sunday, July 15:    Night Blue

This is a good day for stay close to home and just recuperating.  There was a large shift of energies throughout the night which has left things unresolved.  It can be felt as physical symptoms, emotional unrest, and/or ennui and a lack of wanting to get things done.  If there are tasks to complete,

you may just find that you cannot concentrate or focus and they take many times longer than they should.  There is change in the air today, and it is affecting all and everything.  Be aware in what you do of what you do.  There is a disconnect right now between cause and effect.

Monday, July 16:    Neon Pink

This is a day for noticing and being noticed.  If there are things that you have been wanting to get out there, the energies of the day will assist you in resenting them in the best light.  It is a good idea to know what it is that you want people to know and what it is that you want to keep private.  There can be some slip-ups if you do not.  This means to know your priorities and to be ready to stand up for them.  Morning time is a good opportunity for focus and grounding.  And be aware of who is around you, who is listening and who is not.  This information will be important as time goes on.

Tuesday, July 18:    Grainy White

Emotions will run high today and be close to the surface.  Because of this, you will want to think before you speak or act.  There is a good possibility that things will be taken the wrong way, and this can lead to ongoing issues.  There is someone who has information for you, however they do not wish for you to be aware of what it is they know.  Be alert to signs and signals of people who come into your life today.  Patterns are happening, and relationships are shifting.  Things can happen in the obscurity of the current energy which you will have to deal with later on.

Wednesday, July 19:    Steel Grey

Be ready for some surprises today and for a change of schedule.  Right now, glitches and screw-ups abound.  There is nothing that you can do about it other than keeping a sense of humor.  Well, actually this is a time for taking the longer view of things.  See he context before you relate a single item  Things are falling into place at this time, but not everything has reached where it is heading.  This is not a good time for making plans or decision based upon partial knowledge. Sometimes the wisest thing is to sit back, observe, allow to happen, and watch.  It is no longer business as usual.

Thursday, July 19:    Blue Violet

Completion.  This is a great day for getting things done and off your agenda.  Take time in the morning to look at your list of things you have been wanting to do, prioritize, and get to work.  You will be surprised at what you can accomplish.  This is not a day for dwelling on anything, past actions, past wrongs, past regrets.  Honestly, they really do not mean anything any more, and basically they serve to trip you up.  You do not need that!

Friday, July 20:    Zephyr Blue

This is a good day for taking a risk. If there is something you have been wanting to do, yet making excuses out of fear, this is the time to go ahead and go for it.  There is much that you will learn by that of where you are standing in the midst of all the craziness that is going on at this time.  Listen carefully to things that are said, whether it is in conversation, by overhearing, or perhaps through the media.  There is a message that you have been needing, and today it can come through.  You will know it when it comes.

Saturday, July 21:    Medium Red

There is luck in the air today, and it is yours if you choose to grasp it.  This is a day also on which you can be fearless.  The energies favor accepting, facing, and overcoming some deep rooted fears.  The first step is to overcome the fear of facing them!   Oftentimes, that is what is most difficult.  Take time to recognize your own personal power.  Take time to congratulate yourself on what you can do.  Limitations often are imposed from the outside, and you accept them or not.  Perspective is part of the current energy.  It is a good time, having fought the good battle, to congratulate yourself, and to look forward to what it is that you want to create from this point forward.  There is help there if you will be aware, listen and comprehend the signs.

July 8-14

It is important now to look into things that are happening around you with the true eyes of the heart.  Things are beginning to unravel as other things show themselves for what they truly are.  This is a week for knowing, discovering, and deciding.  There is no judgment in your choices as long as they are guided by your inner wisdom.  You might feel yourself tired, even overwhelmed, as the week progresses.  You are responding to the energetic shifts and changes.  There are vortexes opening up.  While the energy of the vortex can bring cleansing, it can also be somewhat unsettling.  This week you might just find out some things about people that will surprise you and revise your opinions. Changes are in the air.  Take time with what you do this week.  Trust your intuition.  Emotions can be close to the surface.  It is best to let them out when they come.

On a larger scale, the Sun will be active this week.  There can be interesting reverberations and effects in the Earth’s atmosphere.  Back up your electronics.

The heat may be subsiding, but tempers and emotions are high in the political and social arenas.  This can lead to some crazy outbursts in various countries among the citizenry as they start reacting to what is going on financially and as more information is leaked about behind the scenes activities.  There is a sorrow in the energies of the week.  There can be losses in all areas, personal, global, and universal.  Storms are taking strange turns and volcanic activity is on the rise.  There is something beneath the oceans that will be affecting the Earth and its gravity.  Polarities are shifting also as the tug from that Extra-Galactic energy begins to be felt on the Earth.  Stay cool grounded, and centered.  You will need this as things begin to look as though they are about to blow.

Sunday, July 8:

This is a good day to watch what you wish for.  Things will start out on an even keel, but fall apart as the day moves on.  Be ready for glitches in your plans, Freudian Slips, some of them your own, and general klutziness.  So, what to do?  Do not take things too seriously.  Use your sense of humor as your best defense as well as the proper response.  This is not a time for clarity, so if you are insisting on that, you can find yourself being frustrated.  The best option it to take things as they come today.  Notice them for what they are.  And file them away for future reference.  Themes are out there and as the month progresses, you will recognize them for what they are.

Monday, July 9:   Blue Diffusion

So, it seems that confusion continues.  This time it has to do with saying what you feel.  Always a tough one.  This energy is also precautionary.  Things are not settled, and to decide, judge, take action precipitously can lead to stuff that will need to be dealt with later.  What to do?  Step back.  Take a second look.  Wait for tomorrow.  Let today be what it will.  See yourself as the observer.  You see it.  You take it in, but that is okay.  Pieces are falling into place.  Watch.  See what is going on.  There is enough time to take action.  And this is not the time.

Tuesday, July 10:     Apricot

This is a day for getting to the root of things.  There are changes going on all around you and within you.  Some, you have been aware of, others have happened while your attention was focused elsewhere.  So, take the time to see what is going on around you.  Pay attention to yourself.  To the clues and the the interests and the distractions.  There are messages in each and every one of these.  Energetic shifts have caused a lot of the predictable to tear, rip, and become ragged in the wind.  See things for what they are.  Start within your core.  Open your eyes to the truth of what is around you and allow the knowing that comes from being part of Universal Consciousness to whisper what is true.

Wednesday, July 11:    Medium Pink

All that great stuff you were hoping for is not going to happen today.  Rather, you will find yourself faced with issues and decisions that have been hiding in the wings, which you thought would never come out again.  Curses!  So, this is an interesting energy and it offers opportunities, but no judgments.  What will you do.  Stand firm in knowing WHO you are because when the unexpected crosses your path today, you are going to have to make decisions and interpretations based on the knowledge you have. By being within your core and connected, you will be able to see the larger picture.  Good luck, pilgrim.

Thursday, July 12:     Green Diffusion

Things might look fine this morning, but there is a good chance they can fall apart as the day progresses.  This is a day on which it is important not to take on too much.  If you over-fill your schedule, you can find yourself, anxious, reactive, even angry.  Take time to prioritize before starting out on stuff.  Know what it is that you really want to get done today, and let the other stuff be.  If some of it happens, hurray!  If not, oh well.  It is time to realize that not everything has to be done all at once.  Sit back, take time out.  Breathe.  Observe.  The important thing is to feel good about what you are doing.

Friday, July 13:    Dark Silky Blue

Everything old is new again and vice versa.  There is surprise and unpredictability in the air, so be ready for anything.  This is a day on which much can come to the surface in odd and unusual ways, but there is a pattern and a kind of resolution behind it all.  Be alert, be aware, and be compassionate towards yourself and others.  There are many energetic pressures on everyone right now as this day represents a kind of tipping point within the year.  Stay centered and grounded.  Be the observer.  You can feel much about what is going on.  It is also a good day for making changes, so if you have been wanting to do something different in your life, today the energies will assist you in taking that first step.

Saturday, July 14:     Violet Blue

Bastille Day:   The energy of the day is all about dreams, both good and bad.  Dreams as illusion and dreams coming true.  Take time to see where you stand in relation to your dreams and what it is that you are trying to make real in your life.  Then see things for what they are.  They exist on many levels.  Things have meanings, and meanings belong to other things.  So, what is it that you are looking for?  Have you dreamed it?  Are you ready to follow it down the rabbit hole?  Today is about play, illusion, creation, manifestation, and what is truly real.  Your place in it all is what you choose.

July 1-7

This is a week for revelations, and you might just find yourself making some fireworks of your own.  A lot of the things that you have been dealing with, putting up with, accepting are no longer acceptable.  There are choices to be made in this.  You can keep on in this way or let it be known that you have moved beyond.  Either way, you will be changing yourself, how you look at yourself, and how others see you.  You will also be finding more and more the joy in little things.  This will delight you and at the same time, will assist in doing some of the clearing out you have been wanting to do.  It is one thing to know that you have to un-stuff.  It is quite another thing actually to go ahead and do it.  This can bring up issues of worth and value in terms of things, but they must be dealt with.  You are beginning to see what is important in a different light.  By the end of the week, you will have opened up areas of opportunity in your life.  It will be interesting to see how, in the next few months, people, opportunities, and things come in to fill it up!

On the larger scale, things will be up and down in all areas.  There is a good chance that there will be a number of unlikely tropical storms rolling in.  Some of these lows will be dismissed as nothing, only to show themselves as players to deal with as time goes by.  The Earth movements will accelerate, and there will be reverberations in unexpected areas.  Fear will become very palpable as things that have been planned fall apart even at the last moment. People are reaching breaking points in various places, and this will become obvious as lawsuits get filed, grass roots movements begin to make themselves heard, protests abound, and non-violent actions start to happen. Finances become more and more of an issue as other countries find themselves in precarious positions.  The Stock Market remains questionable.  There will be electronic disruption as communications become garbled in all areas.  More and more stuff will be coming out in the media which will uncover various conspiratorial acts.  History is bringing to light much that will change the view of Earth’s History.

Sunday, July 1:    Clearwater Blue

A lot of things will be coming to the surface today, and for the first time, you will be able to see them for what they are.  It is your choice as to what you are going to do about all that.  Emotions can be close to the surface as old ways, friendships, relationships, ideas, and opinions are shown for what they are and always have been.  Behind the façade there is always a truth that is waiting to be discovered.  The question is one of when are we willing to discover that truth and accept it for what it is. There can be a bit of shaking up going on today, but it will all end with a sense of accomplishment if you stay grounded, center in your Core, and trust the knowing of your true heart.  You are always as brave and as strong as you need to be.

Monday, July 2:     Grainy White

There is not much happening in the morning, and that is probably a good thing.  The day starts on a down note, perhaps a reflective note.  There are things that have been coming up in your life that have been a bit unsettling.  You have been able to ignore them for some time, however they are becoming a bit too obvious right now, and they are demanding your attention.  All of this can lead to some physical symptoms.  It is time to choose which way you wish to go in terms of taking things on.  It is a good idea to sit down and focus on your priorities.  List them, draw them, sing them, poeticize them, but most of all know what they are.  As time goes on, it is these things that will guide you, ground you, and fulfill you.

Tuesday, July 3:    Dark Violet

Full Moon — Thunder Moon/Full Buck Moon:    There are things stirring n the shadows today.  You will be aware of them in many different ways.  In conversation, you will recognize that there is much that is not being said.  Then there will be those things you catch out of the corner of your eye.  This is a good time for working inside, within your Core.  Much is changing now, and you are getting a sense of it.  The questions will remain because so much has not yet reached maturity.  This is not a time for judgment.  All the facts are not out there yet.  Take time to work with your inner knowing.  Your perspective is changing, and you will feel better if you are directing the process, rather than reacting to what has happened.

Wednesday, July 4:    Pea Green

Independence Day:    Traditionally a time to spend with family and friends, but it will be advisable to keep everything on a very light note.  There is unrest in the day’s energies and that will translate easily to those who are letting stuff take them where it will.  This is a time for remembering that you control what you do and you create your outcomes.  Do not give away your power.  Take time to know what true Independence means to you.  Then stand up for WHO you are.

Thursday, July 5:    Silky Red

This is a day when emotions can run high.  There is a quiet sense of desperation in the air which everyone is reacting to.  If you are grounded and work from your inner heart’s true knowing, then you will see through the façade to what is lying behind the scenes.  The energy is erratic.  It is not following one direct course today.  This throws things into turmoil.  You might be feeling that you can no longer rely on the old stuff.  There is some truth in that.  Work on your priorities.  Take time to focus on what it is you wish to get out of the day.  Just getting through on a positive note sometimes is enough.

Friday, July 6:    Silky Blue

Take a good look around you today at what is going on, who is saying what, who is doing what.  Actions speak louder than words, and today that will be very obviously true.  The hidden agendas, thoughts, words, acts are coming to the surface.  Stay centered in your Core because you just might find yourself challenged by what you are seeing and you will be needing that grounding to give you the necessary focus.  Much of what happens today will not be quickly resolved.  You can find that some of the events of the day have reverberations.  Approach everything from the point of the heart’s true knowing and you will be able to see tings for what they are at their very essential nature.  There is much to be learned.  Sometimes lesson involve tears, but you are all the better for it once you have gotten it.

Saturday, July 7:    Red Orange

This is a day for doing what you have to do and being okay with it.  If you take that attitude, there is much positive that will come out of it all.  There are surprises in the air, but they are tied to things you had thought were set in stone and completely defined.  No surprises.  Some things can lead you to look at things from a different perspective. You have been looking for a change while change has been staring you in the face.  Embrace the day’s energies and you might just get clear on what that is all about.

June 24-30

This week can bring some surprises, some freshness, some questions, and lots of emotions.  This is not a time for doubt or uncertainty, rather you must own your own power.  Take time each day to center and align.  Put aside some time for meditation.  It does not have to be a huge chunk of time.  Just take a moment, center, breathe into your heart, and allow the energies of All That Is to fill you with light.

The good news is that if you are working from your heart and open to the winds of Universal Consciousness, ultimately, it will all be fine.  Everything is going to work out if you allow for things to flow.  The Universe wishes the best for all.  How could it not, we are all bits of Universal energy.  The important thing is not to get in the way of the flow.


On the larger scale, there will be rumblings on every level, on the Earth, within the Earth, in politics, in finance, in health, in war.  Things are being shaken up on a very critical level.  The Sun will bring in new information in terms of how it works and how it is affecting all the planets.  Meanwhile, the galactic energy is causing turbulence within the Solar System.  Expect new information about the structure of our Solar System.  Old ways and predictions are no longer working.  Things are no going according to definition or schedule.  This can lead to some interesting commentary, especially by non-mainstream talk show hosts.  And Gaia, she has so much to say.  Look for her message in the patterns and locations of her movements.

Sunday, June 24, 2012    Light Lime Green

This is just a day that will be what it is meant to be.  You can get the results you are wanting if you just let go.  Admittedly, the results will not be earth shaking but they may be just enough to let you get a glimmer of your power.  It is a good day for a smile.  Look for a contact from someone you care for who has been out of touch for a while.  It is good to speak with old friends and family.  The evening is a sigh and a kind of hug.  It will let you relax.  See things for what they are and add your gratitude for what you have.

Monday, June 25:    Light Pink

This is a day of in-betweens.  Things will be okay.  Trust that today.  Even if it may seem that there will be a conflict/upheaval/confrontation…. Etc.  Things will not escalate.  They will fumble.  Things can be stirred up and unclear, but that is about the extent of it all today.  So, what to do?  Just take the day for what it is.  Step back from all the potentially big stuff and take time to enjoy all the stuff that you tend to overlook.  The spotlight is on that which has been forgotten, stuffed in the back of the closet, taken for granted.  There are huge lessons to learn from all of this.

Tuesday, June 26:    Frosty White

There are things you had hoped for and things you had planned for.  In the energy of today, everything will be topsy-turvy.  This can leave you wondering just what exactly is happening, and that is okay.  It is okay because as everything is in flux, it is probably good to see things as moving and changing.  That which is too stationary is probably not going anywhere.  So take a look at things in your life in terms of the stationary focus.  Do you want to stay there or move on?  It is up to you, and btw, no judgment; no right; no wrong.  Just what you choose.

Wednesday, June 27:    Aquamarine

The uh-oh’s have it today.  The energies are reminding you to check and double check.  This means, also, relying on your intuition.  Today it is right on and if you will listen and heed, not only will you not be left behind, but also you can find yourself making some interesting discoveries.  There are those around you who have been playing a role and in the current energy, the facades are breaking down.  This can lead to emotional episodes.  Stay grounded and within your heart.  Make compassion your motto today.

Thursday, June 28:    Grainy White

Things that you have to do today will be just what you expected, so let it be.  No illusions.  And, under any circumstances, you can make some interesting observations about it all.  So be the observer.  Definitely not the commentator.  You just might find, if you choose that route, that your commentaries can be misunderstood, even later to come back to haunt you as the words were twisted and turned.  Everyone is on their own trajectory, and it is totally unrealistic to expect that they all will complement each other.  So let it go.

Friday, June 29:   Dark Pink

Things that were supposed to be easy can prove to be more tricky than expected today.  You are not going to feel that you have the requisite energy to deal with all this stuff, and that can make it all be more than it would seem to be on the surface.  There are things out there that can push you to the edge.  Okay, all of this seems overwhelming but attitude makes all the difference in this energy.  Choose how you are willing to let what is out there affect your inner Core.  Focus on what is important and alluring to your true essences, and all will be well.  And is it September yet??????

June 17-23

June 17, 2012


So we all make false starts.  Sometimes things seem to be just the way we want them to be.  We feel that we have it all in order, and then something pops up, and plans have to change.  This is okay, and actually, kind of fun from time to time, but this week, it is going to be a theme.  And after a while, it can become really annoying.  So, best option, just let all your plans for the week go and take each day, each moment, as they come.  There are things there that can open you to some stuff you felt deep within but were not quite ready to face.  This week, it is okay.  You are ready for the unexpected.  There is laughter in this.  Perhaps a few tears, and a rearranging of priorities and a total tossing out of the stuff that was always crap, but it has been crap you kept because……..  You can fill in the dots.  They are falling away anyhow.  Take some time to look in the mirror and love WHO you are.  You are opening up many of those mysteries of yourself that you kept under lock and key.  Again, laughter.  When you see them, realize what they are, you can see the why of keeping them hidden.  And, hey, it is not necessary.  You are WHO you are, and for you that is the best WHO ever.


On the larger scene, there will be false starts also.  Unfortunately some of them, because of egos and agendas will not have an happy ending, rather they can escalate into some really crazy and potentially dangerous stuff.


Sunday, June 17, 2012

So, Sunday is over.  I tried to get the day done, and the computer burped.  So, I figured …. Computer indigestion means that the day will be whatever it has to be, whatever it wants to be.  Go computer burps!!!!

So, on to Monday…..


Monday, June 18:    Bubble Gum Pink

A lot of what is going on today is up in the air.  There is not a lot of seriousness because no one is really grounded.  The best thing to do is just to step back and relax.  See what is happening.  There is a lot of stuff that can come out into the open, like that slip showing under the skirt.  You will find yourself wanting to say things, to point things out, but hesitating.  Hesitation is in the air.  So many do not want to know.  It is just the way things are right now.  So…. Be secure and strong in what you know, what you see, what you feel and let all that stuff outside of you just be what it is.

Tuesday, June 19:   Light Purple

New Moon:   Beginnings.  Take time today to see what it is that you are wishing to bring into your life, the projects you are ready to start, the freedom you are wanting to realize.  Or not.  Take time to see where you are within the scene you call your life.  There is neither good nor bad.  There just is.  So see what is and feel what you would wish to be.  Dream.  The energy now is about the dream.  The moon is new, and the possibilities are endless.  Catch a star.  Make it your own.  Go for it.

Wednesday, June 20:   Light Pink

Happy Birthday, Cancer:   Happy Solstice to everyone!!!  This is a day of many layers. Your perspective will determine how you view it.  Even so, you will find that there will be a sense of other things going on.  The layers are each distinct, but now they are touching, and in some cases melting through one to the other.  This can lead to a bit of vertigo or a feeling that things are not quite right.  This is a time for being grounded.  Take time to work within, to center and to calm.  Step back and observe.  This is the longest day of the year.  You have the time and the light to get a sense of the larger picture.  Take advantage of this, as the dark begins to return heading towards the December Solstice when, once again, the light re-emerges.  Know what you know and stay strong within your connection to the Universal Consciousness.

Thursday, June 21:    Red

There are residual effects from yesterday’s energies that can cause you to be a bit clumsy in what you are doing today.  Watch what you say and what you do.  It is possible that a little too much might come through, and effect your relationships.  Plans are shifting and changing, and you will be aware of that today.  Things are no longer set in stone.  Set, perhaps, but the certainty is shifting on many different levels.  This is a day for looking into things and asking questions.  You can learn a lot by so doing of motives and actions, but also of the direction of things as time passes.

Friday:   Dark Violet

Clarity is what you will be needing in all of your encounters and exchanges today.  There is a definite movement towards understanding, but, as often happens, even as you feel yourself getting it, there can be things popping up to distract and redirect your attention.  Stay focused.  A good exercise would be, after aligning in the morning, to set a kind of agenda for the day and to hold to that.  It will act as a kind of base to return to if things get crazy.

Saturday, June 23:    Red Orange

Old routines are coming back.  See them for what they are and what they can tell you of the past.  This is a day for a sense of humor as the Trickster is having his way and putting his finger into the pot to stir things up.  You can find yourself easily confused right now, so put aside important decisions and conversations.  There are those out there who are wanting you to commit to plans of actions about which you have questions.  Stay away from them.  Put off those decisions.  You can be easily swayed as the energy shifts back and forth today..


June 10-16

Lighthouse Cat:  

Overall Color for the Week:    Rose Purple

You may find that the things you once thought were so interesting or important are beginning to lose their attraction.  This is all part of the current energy.  As things shift and change, you are seeing things from a different angle, one which shows up heretofore unseen points, trivialities, elements which you had not noticed before.  This is true also in relationships.  Priorities are shifting.  You are asking yourself some questions that you had put off for a long time, and the answers are making you think twice.  Interestingly, they resonate somewhere within your core, and because that is so, you cannot deny them.

The Earth is going through some soul-searching on her own.  This can result in some pretty dramatic upheavals this week.  The tropical storms will begin to make themselves known, along with tornadic activity in the Mid West.  Politicians will be tripping up this week, so expect some interesting revelations to come out.  There are some blatant lies that have been bandied about as truth for quite some time.  These will be uncovered this week.  Other things that will come forth this week have to do with things that have been hidden from the consumer in terms of food safety and drug interactions.  These will come forth due to some unfortunate events that will be tied to the foods and drugs.  This will bring into question the government’s true motivations in these areas, leading to questions of who exactly is pulling the strings.  This ball will be put in motion this week and continue to gain momentum throughout the year.  Communities are forming, slowly, but inevitably.  People are coming together based on common concerns, needs, and desires.  This is a positive trend as much of the former bickering is being forgotten.  The media, etc., have tried to foment dissension and distraction.  Little by little, person by person, people are becoming aware of this.  Important questions are being asked.  The activities of the Stock Market this week are going to be somewhat drastic, with the end of the week bringing a leveling.  People are going to look at that and ask some important questions also.  Listen, too, for some reports of new archaeological discoveries that can alter the accepted view of pre-history.

Sunday, June 10:    Fire Engine Red

What are you waiting for?  everything is out there for you, but you must accept that as true and go for it.  The longer you wait, the farther away things move.  They are still available, however the current energy favors a swift and relatively easy acquisition of that which is truly important to you.  And that is the key — truly important.  In this energetic shift, a lot of things that you had thought were necessary, critical, crucial are no longer so.  It is time to release, to let go of all that old stuff.  This will call for a change of attitude, a change of mindset.  It is not always that easy, but you know within your Heart that the change is a first step.  Moreover, you basically desire it.  Let go of the old patterning, let the scales fall from your eyes, and look again.  The fire that is characteristic of the day’s energy will assist in burning out the old.

Monday, June 11:   Sapphire Blue

What was old is new again.  And that is because there are some things out there that you just never let get old.  Take a look at them.  See them for what they are, and then see the deeper meaning inside.  You have moved forward to a point at which your history is behind you, there for you to read, to reminisce and to do what it is right for you to do.  Choices.  There are so many in the air today.  Plans are changing.  There are new players and new messages.  Take time to be in the moment and see all that is there.  The n find what it is that will bring you fulfillment.  Go for it.  There are surprises in things you thought would be ordinary.  And then, that is all part of the nature of the Trickster.

Tuesday, July 12:    Orange Flame

If your heart is not aligned with your connection to All, well then things today can be a bit confusing.  This is a day for going within, for knowing what the larger pattern is, for knowing your part in it all.  We all spend time interpreting things to ourselves as we wish them to be.  That translation is no longer working.  The light is shining.  Things are clearer.  Take the current energy to choose, choose what it is that you are wanting at this time and where you want it to go.  Be pure in intent and not deluded by the things that can delude.  You know what they are.  You can accept or not.  It is up to you.  There is no judgment for it is all about you.

Wednesday, July 13:    Light Rose

There is a lot of distraction in the air today.  What are you hearing?  What are you seeing?  What is that smell? Interesting that no one but you seems to be aware, but that is how things go today.  It is time to know just who your PEEPS are.   There are surprises in the air today, but ultimately, you will realize that you knew it all along.  So, sit back, relax, and watch the day unfold.  You can jump in when you want or leave it all to be just what it is.  It is all okay.  This is a time to reminisce.  So go for it.  There are memories to savor and to let go. Other memories to look at, turn over in your head, and put them aside as just what they were.  It does not matter anymore.

Thursday, June 14:    Yellow

So much has come to this, and you will know what that means as the day goes on.  This is a time for being the observer, for looking around, for seeing what it is that is defining you in terms of the stuff you have, the place you live, the aspirations you harbor, the people you admire. There are things that can be understood and clarified by this kind of a rumination.  Take the time.  This is a step back energy.  It is allowing for you to be open to trends, ideas, and patterns that have been scratching at the back of your mind, perhaps coming to fore briefly as you dream.  They are there now for you to catch onto, to hold, to understand.  Things are shifting and what you thought to be the way it is is not necessarily so.  Remember also, that there is help for you when you need if you will just ask for and be open to it.



June 3-9

Overall Color for the Week:    Chrome Green

This is a week for catching up on a lot of things.  Once it becomes known on all levels, especially energetically, that you are doing this, many things can come to the fore.  Take a look at them for what they are at this time, in the present moment and do not dwell on what they were then.  The shifts and vagaries of the energies are such that nostalgia and attempts to reinvent the past will be met with frustration, even physical issues.  What has passed was there for you to experience.  The choices you made were right at the time.  There was learning going on, perspective forming.  Now it is time to put it all together.  And there will be ample opportunity for that this week as all sorts of stuff just happens.  You might feel as though someone had pushed the fast forward button.  Do not try to hold onto what is going on, let it go.  The important thing at this time is the overall pattern, the minutiae, well, it just does not mean that much right now. Continue reading