The View for the Week

June 9-16

The theme this week is twins and twinning.  Things that happen once will happen again, and while there are certain things that you cannot control, there are other things you can.


Overall Color for the Week:    Apricot Orange

This week marks a transition on all levels, so it is best to be ready for anything.  You can find some shake-ups and mix-ups in relationships, jobs, emotional levels, etc.  It is a good idea to have back-up plans.  Furthermore, you must be ready for just about anything, so take stuff in stride and do not allow yourself to get overly excited about the unexpected that falls into your path.  Your perspectives are changing and trying to see new stuff with old vision is not going to work.  It can leave you confused and angry.  This is not a week for attempting to place a round peg in a square hole.  This is a week for being present in what you do, making no judgments, and getting rid of a lot of those preconceived notions.  There can be some emotional upsets as some people are showing themselves unable o deal with the energetic changes and they are choosing ways to deal with them that perhaps you would not condone.  You cannot make up other’s minds for them.  This is a week for knowing that allowing is the proper mode of response.  You can be WHO you are in everything while at the same time honoring the choices others make.  This is important to remember.  Take care in traffic and in dealings with strangers.  There is a lot of fire in the air right now, and people can overreact.  It is important to be at one with your choices and to know that you have a deep inner wisdom.  Connect with the deep inner knowing of your heart center.  Stay within your core, ground and align every morning before taking on the day. It is also well to be alert to the messages you are receiving from your body.  This is a good time to make sure that you have stocked up on things like candles, batteries, bottled water, and non-perishable foods.  There is a degree of uncertainty in the electric grid right now and for some time to come.  If you couple that with some of the solar storms that are beginning and will continue for the next few months, there can be challenges to your usual lifestyle as well as to your electronics.


On the larger scale the transitions continue.  There are angry people in power who can no longer ‘keep a lid on it’.  You will be seeing the results of this as the week progresses.  There are going to be a number of things thrown, like a net, upon people in general, upon the grassroots, but they have not take into account that people are fed up.  They have had enough.  Like in Turkey, these kinds of grassroots movements are growing, are spreading.  It should be interesting to see what this all brings forth. Women especially in countries in which they have been oppressed, even though the media might tell you they are not oppressed, will be making their power felt.  India is in the balance.  Interesting, one of the oldest civilizations, with a story mired and secreted.  Things are boiling up from beneath.  There will be a general movement in consort with the Earth energies that will bring forth many unexpected results.  The weather is wafting, wafting, and will hit here and there without program, without prediction. This can lead to craziness in meteorological areas.  There is something brewing in the Gulf.  It is a dark night.  It can make itself felt this week, but may not materialize for some time.   There is something coming onto the scene.  It is not yet formed.  Also look to the skies.  There is some kind of movement happening within the galactic plane.

Sunday, 06/09 Chromoscope

Sunday, June 9:    Periwinkle Blue

It is time to get going on all those projects that assist you in WHO you are.  If you are a crystal worker, then it is time to reintroduce yourself to those crystals and listen for their voices to tell you what it is that needs to be done.  If you work with Nature, then spend some time out there.  Pay attention, honor, and open.  If you are a body worker, open to the healing energies of the Universe.  If you are a psychic, then know that things are shifting, and that a whole new layer of communication is there for you to tap.  All light-workers, however you express your talents, it is time today to honor all that you know, how far you have come, the wonder of you, and be open to receive more light and expansion from All That Is.  This week makers a transition and the energies are starting to awaken those elements that have been marinating for so long.  There is serendipity and synchronicity in the air today.  Open and receive.  You can find some of the joy returning.

Chromoscope – Saturday, 06/08

Saturday, June 8:     Hazy Green

So you have not gotten the message you expected.  So you have not heard from the one you thought was going to get in touch.  Perhaps the message is that they have other important issues to deal with.  SO it did not come through, and you were so, sop, so sure this time……  Where does that leave you?  Well, it gives you the opportunity to truly be WHO you are.  To let go of all the stuff around you that you needed to affirm you, to hold you up, to go over in you mind to let you know that it was something after all.  This is a day, this is an energy that tells you to go forth in your power, in your truth, in your beauty, and to know that all those other things are fine for what they are, but what is most important is what  and WHO you are.  There can be some tears.  There can be some revelations.  And it is all good.   You are, after all, becoming, and becoming involves letting go of some of some old stuff.    And, as Nighthawk reminded us, “Walk in steps of light.”  Then everything becomes so much clearer.

Chromoscope 6/07

Friday, June 7:     Crazy Blue

So, once again, you have let yourself get involved with some things that you had thought you had given up.  Take time today to see what that means for you and to take action to get rid of all of that.  You have/you are moving beyond so many things right now.  To fall into someone else’s agenda and someone else’s plan is not going to benefit you.  This is a tough one, and there can be some equally tough moments today.  It is hard to make a change.  It is scary to move out of a comfort zone.  It is hell to give up the blanket, but you know, you know it has to be done.  Do it or not.  That is the question.  Today present \s you with choice, challenges and opportunities   it is up to you to see what you will do with all that.

06/05 Chromoscope

Thursday, June 6:     Dark Blue

This is a day for seeing through things.  There have been a lot of scenarios that you have built up recently, and it is time to see them for what they are.  They seem wonderful, doable, interesting, extraordinary, but deep down beneath it all, they are not you.  Today’s energies call you to connect with WHO you are.  That can be tough because right now there are so many demands being placed upon you by outside forces, and willy-nilly, you do feel the need to be nice.  Underneath it all of course, is the reality that you do not want to be nice at all, rather you would be WHO you are and do what is most positive fort yourself.  Well, you have the power.  You have the strength.  Are you brave enough?  That is always a big question.  It is time to speak you truth loudly and strongly.  You are not on this turn of the wheel for others.  It is all about you.  Take time today to know that and to know that it is okay, even better than okay to do-be, do-be, do-be, do all that is you.

Wednesday, June 5; Chromoscope

Wednesday, June 5:    Magenta

There is so much to be heard, and so few people who are listening.  This will become very clear to you today as you speak and no one seems to respond to what you are saying.  Rather they seem to be carrying on some sort of weird monologue that has only to do with an endless repetition of the same thing.  You can find yourself wondering if you might have just stepped into an unrehearsed episode of the Twilight Zone.  And perhaps you have.  The day’s energies are so disconnected from what has gone before that it will be quite difficult to get any sense of bearing, any feeling of familiarity, any concept of what is going on.  Because of this, you need to ground, and not just only in the morning, but as each and every time you encounter the weirdness, the strangeness, the odd, the unusual.  In grounding you can gain the necessary perspective to see what is happening.  In grounding you can find what you can hold onto.  In grounding, you will know where safety lies.

June 2-8 Chromoscope

June 2-8

The theme this week is caution advised in open areas.  This is a week for being aware of the larger picture and being ready to react when things shift and change as they will unexpectedly.  You are coming to a new perspective on things, and as this happens, your vistas not only become wider but also clearer.  The time for moving forward is at hand but not yet.  It is time to get used to this new sight.


Something is determined to happen this week on quite a large scale.  There will be hints and signs around you that can leave your confused, concerned, questioning.  These are all hints that something is about to shift.  You will not need to be on the lookout for these things as they will be so obvious and unusual that you will not be able to overlook them.  Listen to the sounds in the winds, the creaks in the door, the thunder in the cloudless sky.  Pay attention to things that appear along your way.  Open to your intuition.  All of these things are letting you know that now, truly, nothing can ever be the same.  And so it is.



Overall Color for the Week:   Pale Orange

This is a week of shifts and changes.  You can find your priorities shifting, your tastes changing, and your body becoming unfamiliar.  It is all part of what is going on.  Everyone is reacting to the new energy surges in very individual ways.  The energies can buffet, influence things according to how you are open to them, how you deal with them, and how you let them go.  This week can lead to interesting changes in relationships and group allegiances.  It is good to remember through all of this, starting this week and moving on into November, that this is all part of a new alignment.  Things are becoming clearer and as this happens, you are realizing that some of the stuff you thought was so important was really not all that wonderful after all.  There can be some tears, some arguments, some regrets, but all of these are temporary, and with perspective you will see that the choices that came truly from your heart, from you deep connection to the Universal Consciousness, from within your deepest core were right and correct and essential

The weather this week will bring large shifts and changes.  This will not be quite so apparent at first, but small things that have been dismissed will take a new turn and become something quite large.  The hurricane season has officially begun and, if not this week, soon after, there will be a week with four named hurricanes.  This can lead a lot of meteorologists scratching their heads.  But do not worry.  Much of this will not be reported in mainstream news.  Political battles are becoming more and more prevalent in different areas of the world as the grassroots no longer will accept being told what to do by those who have no consequences from their actions.  Watch the food supply and be cautious in your choices of foods, especially in terms of some of the fruits that are not in season in the areas in which you live.  There is the possibility of some kind of disease striking the bovine folk.  They have been so taken advantage of.   There are places where battles were fought in the past, the long, long time ago past, historical battles, and battles are going to be fought there again.  You will see the beginnings of this this week.  There is energy in these areas.  There is connection to other times and places.  So there is a strangeness in all of this.  If action is taken, there can be the possibility of response that is totally unexpected perhaps in terms or Earth movements, perhaps in terms of reverberation from the Seed Race.  Be alert to the skies.  They are bringing much activity this week, smoke, wind, rain, hail.  It is a week in which everyone in all parts will be touched.

Monday’s Chromoscope

Monday, June 3:    Rose Gold

Something is coming down today.  Be alert, although you really will not have to be that in-depth as it will be pretty much undeniable.  This can lead to a lot of after shocks that will reverberate through the end of the day and into the next few weeks.  There are things that you are needing to understand, things that you are needing to become clearer on as the pattern emerges, and today’s event will assist in that process.  There can be a great deal of emotion attached to it, and it is well to let the emotion through.  This is a day for being clearly grounded in the NOW and not holding on to one thing or another.  As with so many things, if you hold on too tightly, there can be a snap back.  Be cautious today, but also know that there is joy coming your way in the process of getting unstuck.  It is the gold in the rose.



April 21-27

The theme this week is the old versus the new.  There can be things remembered, perhaps things regretted, all to be offset by things that are there in potential.  You will be becoming more aware of the patterns around you and what fits (the new) and what will need to be jettisoned (the old).

Color of the Week:    Natural Beige

This is a week when a lot of things will be coming out for you.  You are going to see, and perhaps be surprised by, some of the revelations that people will be making to you.  The energies that are entering into the grid this week are such that people are finding themselves off-center.  In an attempt to gain some sort of equilibrium, they are bringing out things in their pasts that they may have kept hidden or left unsaid.  It is as though the secrets of the past are establishing the foundation, the point of stability for dealing with what is going on.   It is important this week to be centered and grounded in all you do.  The current energies are very supportive of core work.  Take advantage of this.  There are going to be some moments of déjà vu as elements from your past lives cause reverberations in the current energy fabric.  These can leave you feeling unsettled, dizzy, unsure of your own sanity.  But that is okay.  The shake-up often precedes the establishment of a stronger basis.  There are some revelations that will be coming your way this week.  Be open to them and accepting.  They are lessons and assists on your path as you move forward in this energy.  Listen to your intuition, especially as your body does whacky stuff.  This is a week to get through, and when you have done so, if you stay within your heart center and open to receive, you will find yourself stronger in WHO you are and more aware of the process, the Shift, that is happening around you and of which you have chosen to be a part.

On the larger scale, there is the potential for the tops to be blown off of things in all areas.  The shells are being broken, and out of them can come all sorts of unexpected actions, responses, emotions, disasters, joys, etc.  This means that this week will bring a lot of activity in all areas, especially the political as there will be some Earth related events that will lead to large challenges for the leaders of the countries in which they occur.  There is also a conspiracy that is coming to the surface in one country that will cause a great deal of turmoil and spill into other areas, particularly as the year goes on.  The Earth is moving in new ways, almost as though there is a contrary spin beginning to develop beneath the surface.  This will lead to odd and unexpected Earth tremors, movements, geysers, even volcanoes.  Additionally, it can cause problems with magnetic movements, even affecting the electro-magnetism of human bodies.  This also is something that is beginning now and will continue to grow in intensity.  The Sun is throwing off a new kind of radiant energy.  This is not well understood, however there will be some mention made in the news media, merely as a curiosity.  The stock market will be shivering and shaking as more and more people turn their focus from that towards other ways of prosperity.  The coming eclipse is going to bring a lot of things out of the shadow, moreover it has the potential to change the foci for many.  There is a new health issue that can affect the globe.  It is being incubated in an area around India.  There will also be mention made of the odd things being done by birds and animals.  They are letting us know that there is something shifting in Nature herself.  This week will bring many signs and symbols of what is to come.  Depending upon how you relate to these, this can either be a nothing week or a most enlightening one.


Sunday, April 21:    Amber Yellow

There are questions in the air today as you are feeling yourself somewhat put upon as though things are focusing on you just when you want some private and away-from-it-all time.  When you find yourself feeling this way, it is an opportunity to remove yourself from the outside influences and go within.  Take a moment to breathe and center.  Listen to the flow of your blood and the beat of your heart.  There is that inner knowing then that can come to the surface.  Moreover you can find the sense of peace in the midst of chaos that will be your best refuge as the times go on.  Mark that place and that feeling.  There is much in the air today on many different levels.  You can choose the level you wish to acknowledge, but know that choices you make now are beginning to be somewhat critical in terms of your development as we move further in the second quarter of the year.

Monday, April 22:    Chocolate

So, take advantage of the deliciousness of today.  It is time to know what it is that truly pleases you, that makes you feel whole, that brings you a sense of peace, that lets you know what community means to you.  This is a day for finding in your joy just how things have shifted for you, how your perspective has changed, and how you have grown through all of this.  It is all good.  Celebrate yourself and your union with Nature, with Gaia.  Take time to honor her and acknowledge your desire to be part of her in this crazy time.  Take some time to meditate, create, whatever brings you in touch with your core.  The energy is open for bringing you the knowing of your oneness with the Universal Consciousness.

Tuesday, April 23:    Orange

There is something that you have left undone and you are going to be bothered by this today.  It can color all of your actions, hence it is well to take care in all that you do.  You can find yourself distracted from what is going on around you, so if there are times today when you need to be 100%, it is a good idea to prepare for these, take notes, and refer to them often.  Also, do your grounding ritual this morning and connect with the All.  This is important as you will need your cheering section around you today and your connection is what lets you know on an instant by instant basis of your power and the love that surrounds you in all you do.  There is, in the evening, some sadness, some darkness on the horizon.  Let it be what it is and stay always within your heart center.


The theme this week is watch what you wish for.  This will be coming up in all areas — your personal life, communities, cities, countries, politicians, nations, corporations, etc.  So expect there to be a lot of movement in terms of dealing with the past, facing the future, and owning up to stuff.  All in all a most curious week.

Overall Color for the Week:     Chocolate

Desire, passion, fulfillment, disappointment, these are all things that will be coming to the fore this week.  You are in a situation now when a kind of tiredness is setting in.  This comes from a sense of having waited so long and not feeling as though there has been any positive response.  Moreover, and paradoxically, it is related to a sense that things are happening but not as you expected.  There is much emotion in the air this week.  Allow yourself to feel.  It is all good.  These feelings hold a truth, a new realization, that needs the water of tears in order to grow.  This is a good week for knowing who your community is and for being in contact with them.  There is support on all levels in that.  What you are feeling, they too are feeling and it is a good idea to share.

On the larger scale, there is a huge shadow over the earth this week.  It will make itself known in outbursts here and there.  Gaia is moving, and she is wanting to come out of the darkness that has been placed upon her by the work of men.  She will bring new light into the Earth this week in her own way.  Look for this.  The ley lines are becoming more and more activated.  Perhaps you will be feeling a tug to another place.  Honor it.  Take a look at it and research the area that is calling out to you.  There will be shifts also within certain political areas as things get shaken up on many different levels.  Expect an outburst from the population of a small country that has been held down for many, many years.  This is not necessarily political, but perhaps related to the use of GMO seeds or unhealthy practices.  The stock market will have a crazy ride, but will generally end the week on an upturn.  There is a new light coming upon the political scene, a popular figure, a person of the people.  Look to the area in which this happens.  There is an old, old secret there left from the Seed Race.  There is also a new kind of challenge to the human body that will be making itself felt.  It is both a physical thing as well as a magnetic thing.  It can disrupt the electro-magnetic field of the body.  This is not good.  It is not clear just who is behind this, however it will be making itself felt first in the world of the animals where it is being tested to determine the effects upon herds.  The week is crazy as craziness becomes the theme for those who are wanting to maintain their control.  The foundation, however, is irrevocably shaken.

Monday, April 15:    Salmon Pink

There are a lot of things that you have had in the works, and now you are feeling that they need to be done.  You are feeling a new sense of urgency, that you want to remove yourself from a lot of the old stuff that has been hanging around for so long.  The day’s energies give you momentum in this task, moreover they are even pushing you forward.  Accept this assistance and take a second look at many of the things that you have been making excuses for.  The time for excuses is coming to a close.  There is a new light on the horizon, and if you want to see it clearly, you need to make some changes.

Tuesday, April 16:    Silky Red

Things are not going to hold together very well today, and there will be a whole lot of slipping and sliding going on.  Because of this, it is imperative that you spend some time grounding and centering yourself.  When you do this. You will begin to see what is happening beneath the surface.  There is a new understanding that will come your way.  This is going to affect you as the year progresses, especially as you become more aware of the many layers of things.  It is very easy to become befuddled by what appears on the surface.  There is more going on below the surface, and this is true especially today in relationships with people.  It is a good idea to choose your words carefully and to listen well.  You have been waiting for a sign to come your way, and it is coming.  Unfortunately, it is coming in pieces.  Part also of the patterns that are around these days.  If something strikes you as important, even critical, note it.  There is more to come.

Wednesday, April 17:    Slate Blue

This is a day for knowing what belongs to you and what you do not want.  This is true in all areas, including emotions, advice, guilt, fear, fondness, possessions, etc.  There are things that you have held back from doing, being, having, wanting because of stuff that was dumped on you when you were young or perhaps things carried over from other lifetimes.  This stuff is no good and it can trip you up on your path to Ascension.  Let it all go.  The first thing to do is to see these things for what they are.  There will be a number of opportunities today to understand just what this means.  You can find yourself faced with decisions or encountering events that will allow you to take a different approach. You will know them when they arise.  It is time then to go within, into your heart center, into the deep knowing and connection with the Universal Consciousness and to open to that flow.  Wow!  You can just feel the attachments snap away.  They have no power over you unless you allow them to.