Your Color Vibe for 6/22

Saturday, June 22:     Steel Blue

Today is about what you see and what you do not see.  There are choices to be made in this.  What do you want to see?  This can set a theme for the rest of the month, perhaps for the rest of the year.  What do you not want to see?  Again, a theme.  It is important now to know which what you are going in all that you are doing.  Yes, we have to live in this 3D world.  Yes, we have bills to pay and stuff to take care of.  Above and beyond all of that is what we truly are and what is truly important to us.  Today’s energies bring much of this into focus, mainly as something to see, something to work with, something to consider, something for decisions.  This is not a day for decisions or decision-making.  This is a day for seeing and opening of the eyes.  So open your eyes today.  See what is out there.  See what is important for you and recognize the things that are merely stage dressing.   Actually, some of this can be rather tough.  SO much of the background we have taken for real for so long, not realizing that it was only temporary.  Arrrrgggghhhhh.

Your Color Vibe for THursday, June 20

Thursday, June 20:    Rose Indigo

Inspiration and renewal are the two themes that will run throughout the day.  You can find yourself doing things in new ways, finding unexpected answers, and solving problems that had been vexing you for sometime.  This same sense of seeing things anew and approaching them from a fresh perspective will also color your relationships with people today.  You can find some delight in surprising people who always thought you were so predictable.  This can have some far-reaching consequences, so remember today alter on when things start falling into new pattern and opportunities are offered to you that you never thought you would get.  And there is where the renewal comes in.  You will find today a new sense of purpose, a greater appreciation of just WHO you are, and a new joy in what you are.  Your eyes are being opened.  Things are looking different, and you are moving into your own.  You will get hints of all of this in the current energy.

June 16-22 Chromoscope

June 16-22

The theme this week is Turning the Corner.  If you have been feeling before that everything is different, everything is changing, well, this week it will be undeniable.  So stay centered and open to your intuition.  Much to learn.  Much to understand.  Much to encounter.



Overall Color for the Week:    Dark Lavender

Emotions are very close to the surface this week, and the best thing to do is allow them to come.  This is not a time for bottling them up because any thing that is bottled up will come spilling out in a deluge later on and that cannot be good.  Look to your intuition in making decisions this week.  Listen to your intuition in dealing with people in all situations.  Things are falling apart and this includes all areas of your life.  When things happen see them as opportunities to do something new, to take a different direction, to rethink some old preconceptions.  Pay attention to your body.  It is shifting and changing and with it come aches and pains and general weirdness.  If you are concerned, then seek advice.  However, if it seems to be a hint to you concerning where you are needing to set your attention, then honor that also.  This is not a week for feeling comfortable.  Accept this and be aware of it.  It will help as the week progresses.  There is a big ouch somewhere in this week.  When it comes, look at it from all angles.  There is more there than meets the eye.  As time progresses you will find that your circle of friends shifts and changes.  There can be some sadness here, but if you take time to go within, you can see that there are certain ones that you deal with who are not truly assisting you.  It can be sad.  The past is always a comfortable cushion regardless of how good or bad it was.  Now can be scary and the future overwhelming, however with the unity of like-minded and open hearted friends, compatriots, and partners, all will be well.  Oh, and a big issue again this week will be the senses, particularly the sense of smell. Be aware to what you are sensing, ask advice, and go within.  Also, along with all the people leaving.  You will be seeing things that make you question what is going on.  Again, go within and find the message.

On the larger picture there is movement underneath in all areas.  This includes the Earth, the weather, volcanoes, sea life, politics, medicine, finance, etc.  Something is moving underneath it all.  New vortexes will be opening up in areas throughout the world.  Some will be underwater vortexes, so there can be some odd movements in the waters.  There is also some kind of blight that is making itself felt on the earth.  You will not hear much of this now, but it will become very much to the forefront as time progresses.  In terms of finances, this week it will begin to become obvious that the emperor has no clothes.  The media will make light of this, practicing their time-honored distraction tactics.  The opinions of the financiers will be that we are looking at ‘correction’, temporary glitch, inaccurate reporting.  But there will be more grassroots movements springing up to challenge the illusion that has been spread by the ones in power.  There is a political leader who is poised for a fall.  This will bring about a reworking of a lot of alliances.  In the wake of this more and more information will come spilling out that can cause reverberations throughout the world.  There is a coming together of a group of people who have been overlooked for many years.  These people will be showing themselves as having pretty much been in hiding for so long in order to establish their position and power.  And the pattern continues to form.  On the game board, the pieces are moving erratically, and yet, inexorably falling in their tracks.  Interesting week, but still just the beginning as this is the turning point.  There are people on all levels and in all positions who are making the decision to follow what they know deep in their hearts to be the true way to interact with others.

Your Color Vibe for 6/19

Wednesday, June 19:     Frosty White

Things are happening.  Things are coming to pass.  Things are getting done.  Somehow, you are feeling that it all does not matter quite as much as you thought it would.  Even as peripheral things that you thought you wanted begin to manifest, you question how important they were after all.  There is an air of melancholia in the current of energy today.  Along with that comes nostalgia of a different type, for things still there but you are feeling as though they are gone.  Allow these feeling to come, to well up, and to move through you.  At the other side is a sense of rightness, a bout of synchronicity, an opening to what the symbols around you are telling you.  This is a day of mysteries and mysteries solved.  You can do as much, find as much, understand as much, become as much as you are open to, as you are willing to go.

Your Color Vibe for June 18


Tuesday, June 18:     Dark Orange

Revelations can be found today.  Many of these relate to what you are doing now, what you think you want to do, and WHO you truly are.  In other words, there can be some soul-searching times and decisions to be made.  You need to take a second look at things today, and you will be given the opportunity to do so.  In some cases, you can even be asked to take a second look.  This is a time in which you need to be clear on your priorities and make your choices in line with what is right for your innermost being, your Core Self.  There is guidance for you always.  This is a time to appreciate and be aware of your connectedness with the Universal Consciousness.  If you feel your horizons are limited, just ask that they be opened up.  If you are confused, ask for an answer.  If you are sad, ask for comfort.  This is the time to know the true power of deep hearted-centered petition.

06/15 Your Color Vibe

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Saturday, June 15:      Grey Mist

Things are coming true.  What does this all mean?  You have had some wishes and dreams, but sometimes dreams are better kept in the land of maybe’s.  This will come home to you today as stuff comes into your life.  There were decisions you made, and you can see today the consequences of some of those decisions.  Interestingly some are real, and some are imagined. It s hard to realize that being so right sometimes is not the best thing, especially when being right is just an excuse for lording it over others while not really having the answer yourself.  There can be some tears.  There can be some revelations.   There can be some reevaluations.  There can be some reunions.  It is all part of the day’s energy.  But most of all, it is important to watch, to see, and only to be as involved as peripherally necessary.

Your Color Vibe for June 13

Thursday, June 13:    Yellow Green

Pay attention to your physicalities today as they will be giving you messages.  Listen well for the messages are coming on many different levels.  At the present time, the energies are dragging through with them some elements of other dimensions.  As a result you might be seeing things, hearing things, feeling things that have no source in the regular 3D.  As the energies shift and churn, there are more and more hints of where you are going coming in towards you.  Be open to these.  You are needing to learn some new things.  They will be like tools, even weapons, to assist you as the times grow more turbulent.  Today brings synchronicity and the hints of greater joy to come.  Take time to relish in those moments.  They will relax and renew you in ways so many other things cannot do anymore.

6/12 Chromoscope

Wednesday, June 12:    Lily White

Well, you could come out smelling like a rose but especially if you stay true to WHO you are in all you do today.  There are going to be some challenges coming along that will put you in a situation in which you might try to ‘psych’ out the right answer or the proper response.  Forget about it.  (As they say in NYC.)  Do what is right for you.  So many things do not matter anymore.  You need to remember that there are a lot of people out there who are not hearing what you say anyhow.  For them, it is just the “Blah, blah, blah,” like in the Charlie Brown cartoons.  So why not go for what you believe in and let the chips fall as they may.  You can be incredibly amazed by the responses you will get.  Oh, and there is something you had been waiting for and it can come today if you just go ahead and speak your truth.

06/11 Chromoscope

Tuesday, June 11:     Blue Diffusion

There are things that you are wanting to get done today, but stuff can get in the way.  This is a day for patience and observation.  And a sense of humor.  Pay attention to things that get in your path.  Each is a kind of a message.  Moreover there is an element of synchronicity in the air today, and these things will build on top of each other.  There is something that is trying to get your attention.  You have been ignoring it, but it will be there today quite obviously. That means that at some point you will need to disengage from stuff around you for a while.  If you are in the midst of something when the realization hits, then just step back, honor it, and allow yourself to hold onto it in the back of your soul until such a time that you can work with it, experience the myriad facets, and find the joy within.  The pattern is merging and along with that, your place in the pattern.  There are some important pieces coming your way today.

06/10 Chromoscope

Monday, June 10:     Barbie Pink

You might find that things are seeing different today.  Perhaps you are noticing elements that you had previously overlooked.  You can find that your senses are running on high.  You might be keenly aware of how loud something is, how sweet an object smells, how bright the colors are.  This is part of the day’s energy.  Things will seem to be more than you thought they were.  When this happens, take time, observe.  What is this all saying to you?  Are things really different or is it just you.  This is a day for trusting your intuition.  As part of this, it is good to spend some time in meditation, however is most comfortable for you.  And, as always, take time to ground and center.