Your Color Vibe for 7/28

Sunday, July 28:   Magenta

This is truly a day for rest, so put aside some of the busy-ness you might have put on your day’s agenda.  There is more happening on more levels that in quite some time, and just feeling the shifts on any level can cause you to be tired.  If you feel yourself getting overwhelmed, and this may seem to be for no reason (always frustrating), then take a rest.  This is not a day for beating yourself up because what you think you should be doing, i.e. the eyes of other’s expectations, you are not producing, rather it is a day for finding amazement in the small things.  Your perspective is changing, and this is a good time to accept that and no longer set up a screen.  There just is no time for that any longer.

Your Color Vibe for 07/27

Saturday, July 27:
Okay, it is time to give up a lot of the stuff that you had been counting on, and to see it for what it is/was.  These things are pretty well rooted in your past dreams, desires, and expectations.  They have no more real import as the energies are shifting and changing.  If you are to hold onto them, you can find yourself being really, really frustrated, and frustration can meld into anger if it is not nipped in the bud.  So today is about taking a look at that old stuff that you had once thought was so important.  It is about seeing the competitions, the encounters, the happenings, real, imagined, or dreamt about, for what they are and knowing that  they were merely things that you thought were important then.  Then was a big word then.  NOW is the new word.  Let all of that then stuff go, and open to the NOWness of what is all around you.  Now is today, and today is showing you a few things that you need to look at.  How you will deal with them, receive them, open to them is up to you.  Throughout it all there is always choice

Your Color VIbe for 07/24

Wednesday, July 24    Silky Red

Things that you thought were certain can slip through your fingers today.  If there is something that you are wanting, something that you had been planning for, hold onto it tightly today.  Be aware of it.  Nourish it and care for it, then set out a plan for achieving it.  Things are shifting quite wildly right now, and at the present time there are undercurrents of energy and erratic vibratory pulses that can wreak havoc on things that you are setting up.  Today is a good day for taking stock of what it is that is of value to you.  It is time to recognize the people places, and things that truly fulfill you, that bring you joy, that touch your heart.  These are the stepping stones of the new path that you are creating.  Yes, you are on your way, but there are many, many forks in the general road.  It is time to know which is your particular route, to take to it, and to move forward centered in your heart’s knowing and acting from your core self.  There will be assistance along the way.  Ask for it.

Your COlor Vibe for 7/21

Sunday, July 21:  Lightest Blue

There is something coming your way, but just as a whisper, as a passage of wind across your cheek, as a flash of light that does not startle but awakens wonder.  There is something definitely in the air today.  It is time to follow your intuition.  Follow your fancy.  Follow your fantasy.  There is reality in fantasy and fantasy in reality.  All three are here today – folly, fantasy, and reality.  This is a day in which there are so many hidden messages that if you are truly open to what things mean, you can find yourself overwhelmed.  If you are moving in that direction, then take time to focus.  That is what this is really all about.  Focus.  It is time to see, to feel, to know what is truly important, what is truly real.  You have the key.  You have the vision.  It is time to accept that what you feel from deep within, form the core of your heart is real.   Basically, it is all about love.

Your Color Vibe for 7/20

Mercury Goes Direct.  Time to go for a ride!!

Saturday, July 20:     Steel Blue

This is a day to be getting through.  There will be some bumps along the way that you will need to navigate around.  These are reminders of where you have been, what you are doing, and questions about where you want to go.  This is a day in the middle of so many things.  It is not a day to assume that you will be getting lots of things done.  It is important to stay in the moment and take things as they come.  By so doing, you will not feel yourself overwhelmed.  If you do try to do too much, you can find that your emotions will come rushing out.  Each of those little bumps has some emotional residue that can awaken memories and bring you back to that time to which they are attached.  If that happens, then remove yourself.  Be the observer.  Watch.  Do not comment.  Allow.  And then you will see that things were not always what they seemed.  You are moving into your power now more and more on a daily basis.  Hearkening back to times when you gave your power away can be good object lessons, but those times need to be seen for what they are, and then let go.

Your Color Vibe for 07/19

Friday, July 19:   Canary Yellow

There is a song you have to sing, partly because it is your rightful song and partly because it is time it message was heard.  There are those who are wanting, needing to hear what it is you have to say.  You have been holding it in for long enough, and if you do not soon allow it to burst forth, then you can find yourself beset by all sort of ailments, physical, emotional, and otherwise.  There are those who are out there waiting to hear it.  They are part of your community.  Their tunes harmonize with yours.  This is a time for coming together, and today gives you the opportunity to open up to those like energies that are there for you.  It is time for all of you to work together and form your place of comfort, understanding, and belonging.  Be brave today.  Know your power.  Stand in your power, based upon the deepest knowing of your heart and your connection to the Universal Consciousness.  Speak your truth and watch as you see, hear, and feel the reverberations around you.

Your Color VIbe for 07/18

Thursday, July 18:     Rose Purple

This is a day for being strong in WHO you are.  There are many challenges about today, and they are not merely limited to one area.  Step back from it all, and observe.  Each challenge brings with it a message of what is going on outside you and how those things are attempting to influence you in one way or another.  As the challenges come, go within and take a new perspective.  This is not a good time for seeing things from a narrow point of view.  As the pattern takes shape, more and more pieces are being added.  In order to get a better sense of what is forming in the pattern, you need to move back, to see more.  Remember the tale of the blind men and the elephant! (Here’s a link if you want to check it out:  Tis can be a great day of celebration, as your new perspective brings along with it some well deserved ah-ha’s!

Your 7/17 Color Vibe

Wednesday, July 17:    Red Orange

This is a day for records in many areas.  These can include your own abilities, activities, etc.  You can be surprised by just what you can do.  All of this is a reminder of just that – that you are powerful.  It is time to accept that fact and allow yourself to step into your power.  This will involve some work with centering, grounding, and allowing.  It is time to know that you are part of All, and as such, you can accomplish whatever you so desire.  Manifestation is merely a process of allowing the energetic vibrations of your own heart directed power to take form in this 3D world.  You need to open yourself to that deep inner knowing of your own core that says I AM.  This statement is an affirmation of your connectedness and your capability.  It needs to come form the deepest areas within, from the core of the heart, from the point of connection with the Universal Consciousness.  Vision and visions are changing.

Overall Color VIbe for the Week 7/14-20

July 14-20

The theme this week is coming together.  All sorts of things will be gravitating inwards this week.  Many of them you would never consider as having any sort of relation.  There can be many surprises with all of this.  It will be occurring on all levels and in all areas.


Overall Color for the Week:     Light Orange

There can be some disturbing issues that are coming your way this week.  They can be related to any area of your life, such as health, finance, belief, relationships, etc.  These are actually opportunities to stop, take a breath, and look at things from a different and new perspective.  This is a good week for letting your sense of humor be ready to deal with tricky situations.  A lot of people are kind of losing it, and by using your sense of humor as your first response, you can find yourself defusing some otherwise potentially inflammatory encounters.  You will be asked to look at some things in your life this week as the predictability you expected has begun to fall apart.  But even as this is happening, the pattern is taking form.  You can be surprised to find yourself saying things, doing things, liking things that previously you would have not done.  This can lead to some soul-searching moments.  Those are the times to go within and contact WHO you truly are.  There is comfort in this.  It can lead to a new appreciation of self, and ability to move forward.

On the larger scale, the week will start out somewhat quietly, but will be followed by a lot of missteps, misinterpretations, miscommunication, etc.   This will leave a lot of people looking very badly while, at the same time, showing them for what they truly are.  There will be a kind of odd quiet in the financial markets as things just go differently.  There is no real interpretation of what this means, so it is being left alone.  The weather patterns are shifting greatly, and you will see some of this this week as storms come and go erratically, temperatures go from one extreme to the other, and disasters happen where none were expected and are averted when according to all the old patterns, they should have occurred.  There is an eerie quiet in the beginning of the week.  This merely covers much of what is going on below the surface in all areas.  This week has a bright light as a new breakthrough is made in the field of alternative health, even as those in the mainstream are predicting more disease.  The Galactic energy is making itself felt more and more as it establishes an echo with the heartbeat of Gaia.  This will grow as the year progresses, becoming more obvious, even as those strange hums throughout the world are becoming more obvious.  It is very important at this time to research everything.  There is more and more partial information, even misinformation out there.  The week ends with a boom as Mercury goes direct.

Your Color Vibe for 07/16

Tuesday, July 16:    Frosty White

This is not a day for approaching things too quickly.  It is important to allow things to be as they are and then to react.  Any premature action can cause barriers to shoot up in your way.  You do not need that right now.  You are beginning to get a clearer picture of what it all means, but at the same time, there are a lot of things that are obscuring the picture.  This is a day for staying strongly grounded and set within your inner knowing, trusting the vision of the heart and listening to your intuition.  You are being tested today in some odd, way, but this is not something that you have not done before.  Allow yourself to respond openly and fully to what comes your way trust your feelings, and honor the direction in which they lead.  By so doing, you can break through the film of illusory particles, and you can find yourself so much more in control at the end of it all.
