Your Color VIbe for 8/08

Thursday, August 8:    Hazy Green

There can be some holdups, some setbacks, some changes of schedules in the offing today.  Keep yourself open to what is happening around you and be flexible.  There are times to speak and there are times to be silent.  You will be aware of that.  Listen to your heart before you say something.  Even the best intentioned comments can be taken the wrong way.  This is a day also for looking around and seeing the people that truly mean something to you.  You might be surprised to realize that they are not always the ones you thought.  This is a day for shifts, and this is a day for shifting.  Stay grounded and centered so that you can see the pieces as they fall ever more into place.


Looking towards the Pedernal, Abiquiu, NM

Your Color VIbe for 8/07

Wednesday, August 7:     Light Pink

This is a good day for playing your extra card if you feel the need.  Things will be going quite smoothly for you, and you might just feel as though you are on a high.  Go for it!  It is your time to win.  There are people there who are noticing you for talents that you generally do not show.  Expect to hear about this within the next ten days.  There are many seeds that are being planted at this time, and today, the seeds that you plant can bring you fulfillment as the year progresses.  Be ready to accept help if it presents itself.  There is no hidden agenda.  People in general are feeling more open right now, so it is a good time to ask some of those questions that you were unwilling to ask before because you felt they would be overlooked or not addressed.  This is also an excellent time to take a look in the mirror and appreciate and love WHO you are.  Know that in everything you are doing right now, you are doing the best you can.

Your Color VIbe for 8/06

Tuesday, August 6:    Nile Blue

This is a day for substantiation.  This means that things will be verified for you just as you will be verifying things for others and yourself.  Today it is important to stand firmly in your own truth and to act from the deepest recesses of your core self.  This is all part of the process of shedding light on things, bringing clarity to some areas that have been overlooked, as well as acknowledging your power to accomplish.  You have the will and determination now to move forward in your process.   Stuff is falling away.  It is as though you had been pressed into a mold, and the outer pieces of the mold are coming off as the true essence of yourself is being brought to light.  It is time to see yourself for what you have been and are becoming and to love yourself.  You have great power.  It is important to stay grounded and centered in that knowing.  There is joy in all of this.  Take some time to honor the New Moon today and compose a small ceremony of becoming and realization.

Your Color VIbe for 8/05

Monday, August 5:    Rose Tint

There is something in the air today which really has no definition, no form, and that can bug you quite a bit.  Right now you are feeling the need for clarity as there are a number of issues in your life you want to take action on now.  But do they really need to be addressed right now?  Today’s energy is telling you to accept that there are things in the air which you cannot do a lot about right now.  They are merely hints of what is to come, lights, as it were, along the path.  Let things be as they are, and you can find that at least one item can be resolved.  This is something that actually relates to an item that you have been carrying forward from your past and which really has no place in your life right now.  So take that as your lesson for the day and let all those other things just be.  Accept that they are there and that you will get to them when the time is right to deal with them properly for WHO you are.

Your Color Vibe for 08/04

Sunday, August 4:    Red

This is a watery kind of day, when there will be tides coming in and out and tides turning.  Be aware of the little things today, the stuff that seems to be merely an ornament, something in the background.  The little things today are actually mirroring what is going on on the larger scale.  So, if a bee buzzes you when you walk outside, a stranger asks an odd question, a book falls from a shelf, take heed.  There are messages in all of these things.  You are changing, and you need the little things to startle you into realizing and accepting that you are changing.  It is time to focus on yourself within the whole, and to see how it all ways together.  Today is a day for things moving and churning, but there is a rhythm in all of this, and at the end of the day, you will find a shift has occurred.

Your Color Vibe for 8/03

Saturday, August 3:  Rose Purple

It is all about you today, but you need to determine what that means. You have been working on many levels and trying to define what it is that makes you feel most like what you are.  Well, perhaps that is the issue.  It is time to work with WHO you are, to know what that means, to go for all the changes and directions and decisions that are part of that.  This is a day for looking at yourself directly and honestly in the mirror.  This is a day for truly accepting, honoring and, yes, LOVING you.  You have made it this far, some of it by being comfortable with your who, and some of it by rejecting the potential that was there because of what others have said.  But today none of that matters.  This day is a frst step in breaking out of the mold that others put you in and moving forward into your true potential.

Your Color Vibe for 08/02

Friday, August 2:    Copper

Today is all about connections.  It is a time for looking at who/what/where is around you, what you have connected with.  Then it is time to look at the things that are bit by bit entering your aura-field.  There is much here at this time that is changing, and you are acting as a kind of polarity-entity attracting like charged individuals and ideas.  So there is a double meaning to what is going on today.  Things will come to you on many levels, and you are being given the opportunity to see them in a new light, to feel whether or not there is a true connection there, and if you feel it is right, then you will find that whatever/whoever those things/people/places/ events are, they will be attracted into your life starting from today and culminating in the month of November.

Your Color Vibe for 08/01

Thursday, August 1:    Cloudy Red

Yes, indeed, the old stuff is coming back and making you wonder just what is going on.  You can find yourself really out of touch with things that are going on.  Along with that may come some self-doubt and questioning.  You might be feeling as though your basis is shifting and moving and not really solid enough.  Because of this, today is not a good day for making decisions or setting up allegiances.  You can find that a lot of those decisions you will want to change tomorrow.  Moreover you can be wondering, even as you ally yourself with a person, place or cause just why you are doing that.  The best way to be today is to be the observer.  Watch what is going on.  Again, more pieces are falling into place.  As that happens, the pattern is shifting and your piece gets moved around.  It is best to see how everything else is moving before taking any action.

Your Color Vibe for 7/30


Tuesday, July 30:    Pale Violet

You might just feel as if you had dodged a bullet today, but you need to be wary lest there be some reverberations coming back your way.  This means that you are needing to take a long and critical look at the places in which you find yourself, the things you are involved with, and the people whom you think are important.  Things are changing now, and if you are not the center of each and every one of your personal equations, then you can find yourself on the outs,  Today the energy is asking you to step back form all the stuff around you, all the got-to’s, have-to’s need-to’s, and see each and every one of them for what they are.  Once you have done that, then that is the time for setting up your priorities, working with this or that, jettisoning that or this, and moving forward on your own.

Your Color VIbe for 07/29

Monday, July 29:     Blue Green

There are songs in the wind.  There are sighs in the wind.  You will hear at the edges of your hearing and find yourself distracted and somewhat off balance.  These are hints of what is to come.  These are reminders that things have changed, and you too are changing.  Many different strains are colliding this week, bringing with them confused feelings, compelling distractions, and the sense that something is missing.  Today you will be somewhere in the middle of this soup.  It is a day for stepping back, for observing, for noticing that things in this mix have reverberations in other themes that are at work in you life right now.  Step back and see what really makes sense for you.  It is a day for acknowledging what really makes a difference for you, what is important, who is important, and for making some decisions.  You have known for a long time that these choices have had to be made.  Now, well, it is time.  Remember, in choosing for yourself, if it is true, heart-centered, and from your core, there is no wrong choice.  Intuition.  Intuition.  Intuition.