Your Color Vibe for 8/19

Monday, August 19:    Red Gold

This is a day for reminding yourself of all the things you can do, all the gifts that you have, all the things you have learned, all the love that surrounds you.  This can take some soul searching, as we are always so ready to discredit how amazing we really are.  If you are having trouble, why not call a good friend.  They will remind you of things you perhaps have overlooked about yourself, things you take for granted.  It is a good day for some interior work, for letting the mind run free.  Do this in whatever way best suits you – a quick meditation, a breathing exercise, baking cookies, taking a walk, etc..  You know what quiets your soul.  Let things be what they are today.  This is not good energy for reacting.  It is great energy for grounding, for observing, for taking it easy, for just being.

Your Color Vibe for 8/18

Sunday, August 18:    Brilliant Blue

This is a great day for starting new projects, making big shifts in your life styles, changing your environment, meeting new people.  It marks a big turning point between where you have been and where you are going.  Carpe Diem!  Take advantage of the energies that are out there and trust that you can do whatever it is that you desire.  This is not a time for what-if’s or the what-will-they-think’s or the I’m-not-worthy’s.  This is a time for knowing how truly great and powerful you are.  It is an opportunity to embrace and accept the creator inside of you who has the ability to mold things to your desires. This current does not last long nor come terribly often.  It is the push you need to get out of your way and into the light.

Your Color Vibe for 8/17

Saturday, August 17:    Venice Blue

This is a day for closure.  Closure can happen in many different areas and many different ways.   You will know it when you encounter it.  There can be some emotions attached to these things, so keep the tissues handy.  The nice thing about endings is that they are merely entryways into new beginnings, and you have been wanting to make some changes.  You just were not sure how to do it.  You also needed the push to get started in that direction.  The day’s energies can give you that impetus to move forward into different areas.  There is a bit of the Trickster about also, so you can find yourself encountering some surprises along the way.

Your COlor Vibe for 8/15

Thursday, August 15:   Light Grey Blue

Memories and activities.  Both of these things are on the agenda today.  It is up to you as to how you will deal with them, how you will mix them up, how you will let them go.  There is no right.  There is no wrong.  There is jut what has been.  So where do you live in the midst of all of this?  What are you going to do about it?  What do you mean?  WHO are you?  This is a day for looking at things that seem so obvious on the surface and finding yourself lost in questions and questioning.  These things can take you by surprise for everything really seems so very, very ordinary.  BUT beneath the ordinary lies the mysterious, the uncertainty, the other side of everything that you like to take for granted.  So today is an odd one, but a fulfilling one if you will just let that person you hold to so tightly, just let that person go.

Your COlor VIbe for 8/14

Wednesday, August 14:    Salmon Pink

This is a good day for being alert to what is going on below the surface.  There are shifts and changes that are happening right now, and they are affecting every area of your life.  It is time to be aware of where you are going, why you are going, how you are going, and with whom you are going.  It is time to let go of a lot of the old stories that you used to determine your actions and activities.  The invisible hand that was at work in your life is no longer there.  Curious that we can be so influenced by things that are invisible.  Thankfully it has moved out of this realm.  If you wish to call it back, then you must own that decision for yourself.  This is a time of choices and a time of responsibility.  This is a time for knowing.  Work within your heart’s core to know what it is that truly defines you, to know how you wish to move forward in this new energy.

Your Color Vibe for 8/13

Tuesday, August 13:  Light Orange FLame

Today you can achieve some of the stuff you were wanting to achieve.  Actually, it will not all be that high-falutin’, you can get stuff you were hoping to get.  Hey, there is nothing wrong with that.  So let today be what it wants to be.  There are opportunities out there for you, and they are just beginning to get their definition.  Today the pencils, crayons, brushes are in your hands and you can add some lines and angles to things you are working towards.  There can be fun in all of this or there can be work.  Just remember the outcomes.  Fun results in more fun and work results in more work.  Think about what each means to you.  There is a bit of the Trickster in the air, so there is the secret door out there, and you are being invited to take a look.  First you have to choose to take the chance.  Then you have to do it.  Today offers you so many things on so many levels and how it will all turn out will depend upon how many chances you are willing to take and how strong you are in WHO you are.  Down the rabbit hole……

Your Color Vibe for 8/12

Monday, August 12:    Pale Lavender

You might just be needing those energy drinks today as you find yourself falling into lethargy about this, that, and the other thing.  It is not a good day for focusing as you find yourself being torn this way and that by all the shiny things that seem to be out there.  Then it is time to step back, ground, and center.  You are not seeing what is in front of your eyes.  The energetic bubbles are popping out there, but the information they have, the messages for you are close by.  You do not want to miss them by becoming bedazzled by things that ultimately have no real meaning for you.  So, today, when the flows of the energy become too much, step back.  Regroup.  Ground. Go within.  Center.  Be within.  Then take another look.  When perspectives change, things that looked so glamorous are shown to be merely façade, stage sets, ephemeral.  This is the day’s energy and the lesson.  Things are on the surface what they seem to be, but in their deepest nature they have another meaning.  Best to go below the surface to find out what it all purports for you.


Your Color Vibe for 8/11

Sunday, August 11:    Banana Yellow

If there is something that you have to do today that you were not looking forward to, get ready.  Time is going to stretch out to eternity, and you will not be able to get any sense of what is going on or why things are taking so long or why you are in this situation, etc., etc., etc..  When that happens, you need to find a new point of focus, and open with the intent to be part of a different reality, and, poof, everything will change.  Perspective, interest, connection.  These are three big issues for today.  You can change what you are looking at by seeing it from a different angle.  You can find things interesting when they take on a mysterious nature.  And when you feel that you are part of what is happening, then you are invested and what is going on means something to you.  It is all up to you.


Your Color Vibe for 8/10

Saturday, August 10:    Lavender

There are things that have been done that cannot be undone, but, as fate would have it, the effects that might have seemed not so good back then have changed, as minds have changed and perspectives shifted.  There had been lessons there, and the lessons that have now been learned have shed light on some other events in your life that needed to be explored.  Take advantage of this energy and see things for what they were.  If you can do this, then in so many ways you will be opening up new opportunities for yourself.  You can find that you are more open to suggestions that formerly you disregarded, that you are more open to individuals that before you shrugged off.  Interesting energy today.  It brings many things into focus, and that focus shows things for what they were.  Even more, it shows you new opportunities in seeing old things in new lights.

Your Color Vibe for 8/09

Friday, August 9:    Deep Blue

There are secrets coming out today in many ways.  So many things have been hidden on so many levels.  Friends and family have stories to tell of the past.  These have been stewing for quite some time now, and people want to get them out into the open. You, too, can be feeling the urge to get things off your chest.  Think before you speak.  There really are things that are better left unsaid.  There are gestures that can say and mean so much.  This is day for being in the NOW and letting things come as they will.  This is not a time for attempting to control or pontificate. Take time in the evening to work within, to create, bake, meditate, whatever brings you that freedom of mind that allows your spirit to break free.
