Your Color Vibe for 8/29

Thursday, August 29:   Silky Red

Stuff is coming out of the woodwork today, and all of that stuff is there to trip you up.  Some of it is okay.  There are things you have forgotten that you need to remember, lessons that you have learned that you might have forgotten, people you once knew who are back on the scene in some uncanny way.  It is all there.  So what are you going to do about it.  Unfortunately, the energies are such that you are not going to feel as though you are ready to deal with much, and if anything else comes your way, well, it is just too much.  So you might feel the need to get away to run away, to hide, to ignore, to dis…..  it is all good.  Things are coming right now in your face, in my face, in everyone’s face, and all are trying to find a way to deal.  Some can.  Some will. Some cannot.  Some will not.  Where are you in the mix?  Today offers comfort and challenge.  You will know it when it comes your way.  What you are needing is resolution. You may need right now to be assertive to find the resolution that will allow you to move on.

Your Color Vibe for 8/28

Wednesday, August 28:    Amber Yellow

Old stuff continues to come back, sometimes in not quite so pleasant ways.  Start out the day being grounded and within your power.  There is no need to feel that things are too much for you.  If you will just look around, you will see that you have the knowledge, the help, the assistance, and the love to get you through what the day brings your way.  This is also a time for taking a look at what it is you are wanting to accomplish.  Your perspective is becoming clearer as you clean out some of the old stuff.  Your understanding is becoming more complete as you see what has attached to you to what over this turn of the wheel.  You relationships are shifting and there can be some important moves in that area right now.  Take time today to do some meditating, however that suits you, listening to music, sitting, walking, being in Nature, singing, baking, dancing, etc.  There is no wrong way to meditate as long as the intention is clear and the heart is open to receive.

Your Color VIbe for 8/27

Tuesday, August 27:     Red

Hurry and wait.  Beginnings and ends.  Forward and back.  These are all things that will be part of the energy today.  It is not a good day for powering through stuff, as you can find yourself powering into a dead end.  This is a good day for stepping back, seeing things as they are, imagining how you would like them to be, establishing a plan, step by step, and then  going over all of it one more time.  Tomorrow there is a new rush of energies that will be coming in that can just pull you along in their flow.  Because of this, if you have already set out what it is that you want to be doing, then you will have an established plan which can bring some order out of the coming chaotic energies, allowing you to harness them and direct them into channels and avenues that will most benefit you as you are moving forward.  This is a day also for stepping back and just feeling about people, places, and things.  Take time to make note of the thoughts that come to you.  Write them down.  Journal them.  These things will be important.  You will see.

Your COlor VIbe for 8/26

A day late, but no internet yesterday:

Monday, August 26:   Cobalt Blue

This is a day for horizons.  This is a day for precipices.  This is a day for new perspectives. Take advantage of all this energy to see things once again from a new vantage point.  Things are becoming clearer. Your wishes, needs, and desires are becoming clearer, and you are more open to accepting them along with the acknowledgement of the importance of self over all the rest of the stuff.  If you are strong, centered, and grounded then you can meet and overcome any and all challenges that come your way today.  Things are falling apart.  Things are breaking down.  All of that energy can translate into its opposite, and you can take advantage of that today if you will let things be what they are, do what they do, and then just know WHO you are.  Your personal power is all about being your most essential core self.  You know that, and there will be some lessons relating to this topic today.

Your COLOR Vibe for 8/25

Sunday, August 25:   Chocolate Brown

Umm.  Yum.  So there is something comforting in the air today.  Perhaps it is that Peace Portal that so many are speaking of.  Perhaps it is a sense of things having been done, things being over with.  Perhaps it is being with good friends, good food, good conversation, good memories.  Just yummy things.  This is a day for enjoying, for languishing, for just being in whatever it is that makes you feel comfortable.  This is the point in the middle.  This is the place where things stop for a moment and you can see all around.  You can be with the stopping or be with the seeing.  Clarity is in the air, and the focus is what you need to choose.  Choose wisely for there is truth in the air today and you can get some answers to questions that you have had within for so long….  The genie only grants one wish.  Ask wisely.

YOUR color VIbe for 8/24

Saturday, August 24:    Light Lady Blue (make of it what you will)

Doldrums.  Here we are stuck in the middle of all this cloudy stuff.  We can hear things going on out there, but it is hard to discern what is out there and what is not.  So, what to do?  Close your eyes.  The path to many things lies within, and with your eyes closed, well, you can see it so much better.  Second.  Take time to laugh.  If there is an old movie, book, routine, a friend who is always funny, go there.  Take time to know what it means to have funniness in your life.  It is a way of removing you from what is right here, right now.  Humor takes the world and turns it into an exclamation point.  Now, that is fun.  There is nothing so serious that it cannot be funny.  Two sides of the same coin.  SO, today’s energy says that stuff might not be clear, but (or nonetheless, three syllables are so much better than one) that in this uncertainty there lies a message, a direction, and that there is some laughter in the midst of it all.

Your Color Vibe for 8/23

Friday, August 23:    Pale Apricot

Old times, old friends, old memories, old habits.  These are all part of the day’s energies.  You are moving into the new, and even as this happens, you are reminded of everything that went before.  The eyes of memory can be myopic, so when things in the past seem rosy in your mind, take some time to recall exactly what it was all about.  There are variables in every occasion that can make even the worst seem better and vice versa.  This is another day for stepping back from the action.  It is a good day for centering, grounding, and working within.  Use your intuition to guide you in what to do and what to leave undone.  There are those out there who are try to work you into a place of owing.  You owe nothing to anyone except yourself, and that is being true to WHO you are.

Your Color VIbe for 8/21

Wednesday, August 21:    Forest Green

There are many things that are stirring, and you will be feeling that today.  You can find yourself being very distracted by…. just stuff.  You can be in the middle of a conversation or a project, and then just find yourself going off on a tangent, looking at that shiny object.  Actually, that is the heart’s knowing directing you to something that is related, yet peripheral, to what you are doing and asking you to take a look at ii in terms of where you are going and how you are developing.  This can be a bit distracting in traffic, so be careful when on the roads.  It is time to be grounded in all that you do today.  Grounding implies connection, so in grounding yourself, you will become aware, albeit energetically, of the flow around you.

Weekly Color Vibe

August 18-24

The theme this week is why didn’t I see it before?….  There will be many things coming into your face that you have been looking at for so long, but never saw.  What a difference a shift of perspective makes!


Overall Color for the Week:   Light Steel Blue

This is very much a week in which to make it through.  Things are going to be coming up that were not in the schedule, and you will need to find a way to deal with them.  There can be a lot of stuff in your face that you did not want to have anything to do with, some of it you thought had been settled, some of it you knew had nothing to do with you, and some of it you had let go of a long time ago.  Be ready for anything, and know that if you stay strong in WHO you are, you can make it through everything, get your voice heard, and put into place a lot of the people who have been just buzzing around for so long.  You need to know what you tolerance level is.  Once you have figured that out, it is time to be aware of what it is that you no longer want on your agenda.  This is a week for settling of you and your needs, your desires, and the things that most assist you in the changes that are happening. There are the things that matter.  There are things that do not matter.  The changes will turn things upside down and when that happens, you will definitely see that a lot of the old politeness that you bought into was just someone else’s game.  Oh, and it is time to know what is real and what is illusion.

On the larger scale, Gaia has a few points to make this week, and you will be seeing them come out in different areas.  She has changed, the face of the Earth has changed, and the once so-predictable jet streams, seasons, and storms are no longer the same.  There is upheaval within the core of the Earth that will be felt on a small scale beginning on Thursday, but growing in intensity as the weeks progress.  There will be many out of season events associated with that along with some relatively startling movements, explosions, etc.  These things will bring to light certain facts and artifacts related to very old cultures.  When these things are brought forward, there will be an attempt to explain them away as recent forgeries, etc.  You will know the truth if you go within.  Money is becoming quite the ball court issue, as the markets swing back and forth between the winners and the losers.  Actually, with all of this, you will probably see this week the beginning of some pretty radical time-outs.  Watch also of the movement of illnesses on the globe.  There is a virus that has been injected into the atmosphere that can begin to affect people who are choosing the negative.  Interestingly, the positive attitude that you adhere to, the joy and love that you embrace are the only vaccines you need to make you immune to all of this.

Your Color Vibe for 8/20

Tuesday, August 20:    Light Yellow Ochre

Full Moon/August Blue Moon:     This full moon will be bringing many things that have been in the shadows out into the open.  There are things here that you never thought you would have to look at again.  It is time to see things for what they are.  The old emotional stuff that you heaped upon them means nothing to anyone but you, and now, looking at them again through a new lens, well, they do not seem to mean much to you either.  Just like those old mementoes or love letters or souvenirs that came, that left so enthralled, that you saved them and stuffed them into a remember box, well right now, they are nothing but paper that can be recycled.  And perhaps a few memories to be reconsidered.  There is the possibility that in the light of the full moon today, you can see yourself strong in WHO you are..