Your Color Vibe for Saturday

Saturday, September 14:    Grainy White

Sometimes you just have to believe in yourself and know that everything that is going to be fine.  There are a lot of old things that will be coming up today dn they can be challenging.  They are challenging because you thought you were over them already, because you thought that you ahd learned that lesson, because you thought that some things would never happen again.  It is time to look things in the face and let them know that you are finally done with them.  This is a day for knowing your strength and your power, for taking command of things, and for letting go of others.  If you go to your core and work within your heart, you will find that the sun will come out.

Your Color VIbe for Sept.13

Friday, September  13:    Bright Blue

There is joy hidden within the moments of today and it is your job to find it.  Some might not be on the surface, so perhaps you will have to dig.  Some might be so much in your face that you cannot stand the glare, but it is all part of what is going on.  Today is a day for laughter and surprises. Today is a day for putting aside plans and have-to’s.  Throw away the schedules and the date books.  There is much to be learned in being spontaneous, in doing what you feel like when the feeling hits you.  SO, go for it.  There is nothing to be lost and lots to be gained. But if you do not feel yourself up to it, then that is okay too.  We have to do what we can do when we can do it.

Your Color VIbe for September 11

Wednesday,   September 11:    Light Salmon Pink

So, are you ready for today?  There is a lot in the air right now, and today’s energies are coming on very strong.  You will need to start your day centered and in alignment.  Things will be rocky from the moment that you leave your place of comfort.  That is why the grounding is extremely important.  Watch yourself in traffic and think before you react or speak. Things are shifting today, and that can make you a little crazy.  Yes, that little man in the corner was there.  No, you are not crazy.  The veils are very thin right now, and there are portals that are opening up.  Some of the things you are seeing are related to those opening.  You will know when what you see is real and what is mere a kind of imago asking you, telling you to pay attention to what is going on around you.  This is a kind of pivotal day.  There is nothing written in stone about today, and it is time for you to begin building, continue the construction of, or complete your foundation.  Foundations, strong foundations, are what will give you the basis for being and surviving in the coming energies.  Today can teach you a lot about foundations.

Weekly Color VIbe

September 8-17:

The theme this week is just when you thought it was safe….  You must sometimes wonder why “they” are just not getting it.  Well, this week will give them a run for their money, maybe break a few preconceptions and make “them” take somewhat of a different point of view.


Overall Color for the Week:

Okay, personal power is a really, really important thing to be aware of in all you do, how you do it, with whom, and when .  You will get it as the week goes on.  You will be faced by challenges that can test your deepest abilities.  When things get to be too much, remember there is no weakness in turning towards trusted ones for assistance.  But this week, how they respond to you will tell you quite a bit about where the relationship.  There can be some startling moments.  There can be some tears.  There can be surprises as those you took for granted can turn out to be your best friends when things get tough.  Things are changing,  You will need to do some real soul searching in terms of WHO you are and what it is that you are really seeking to realize in this turn of the wheel.   No judgments.  It is all up to the one you look at in the mirror.  Oh, and look for some unexpected developments in areas that perhaps you were worried about.

On the larger sale, there will be many turnabouts this week.  Watch what is being said in the news.  If you are one of the people watchers, then look to see what the stars who are in the forefront are saying and doing.  You may be surprised to see many having regrets over things done and/or said in the past.  The political scene will be rocking as there is an undercurrent of disharmony that is making itself felt in many different ways.  The governmental leaders will be finding themselves challenged more and ore by those politicians who truly represent the people.  This is a also a week in which there will be some secrets revealed in terms of various government agencies and their agendas.  There can be the beginnings of some topplings in areas of power as more and more stuff is brought to the fore. and more and more those in charge are finding themselves like the Emperor with no clothes.  This will be an interesting week on the media and political scenes.  Look to the sky for more activity in terms of both UFO’s and national army maneuvers.  There is something moving within the core of Gaia.  It is responding to a tug from that extra-galactic energy which is now within in our solar system and likewise exerting a pull on the Sun.  Expect there to be new and unusual activity from the Sun. You might even notice yourself, when outside, that it seems as though there is something different about the Sun.  Gaia is rearranging herself, and this week will give evidence to what she is beginning to do.  There will be more storms in areas that have been quiet.  There also can be a barrage of sea storms, one after the other.  Tis is beginning now and will continue for some time.  Watch the birds.  They have messages for everyone.  If you can spend time and meditate on their song, you might even find that they have something to say to you.  Look also at the activities of the animals on the land and the creatures in the sea.  They are taking on new patterns and strategies as these crazy energies come flying through.

Your Color Vibe for September 9

Monday, September 9:     Hazy Blue

There will be a lot of confusion around today.  Some of it will be accidental and some will be on purpose.  It is good to be aware, when things do not seem clear, as to whether this is due to the energetic shifts and changes or rather if it is because of some people not wanting you to be aware of what it really going on.  If you step back from the situation, you will be able to see the difference.  It is well, therefore, to be cautious in word and deed.  There are a lot of agendas out there, and people are trying hard right now to get theirs all taken care of.  You do not want to be a victim of someone else’s ambition or desire.  Again, step back from things today.  Be the observer; see the longer view.  Right now, the pieces are falling ever more into place and there are various people out there who are trying to arrange matters to suit their own ambitions.  If you step back and take a new perspective, you will be able to understand where they are going.  It is time to know from within, to be grounded and centered, and to go forth in your true knowing towards that which you desire.  There is no wrong in this as long as you are strong within your heart center, working from your core, and connected to the Universal Consciousness.

Your Color VIbe for 09/06

Friday, September 6:    Dark Rose

Times certainly are a-changing, and you will really get a sense of this today.  Things are not going to make much sense. There will be those who seem to be completely out of touch and then there will be those who are so needy that you just want to get away .  The best thing to do is to remain centered in your core and to see things with the eyes of the heart.  There is true knowing there and it can make you understand what it is that is going on in people and animals around you which is making them look to you for some kind of a center or a support.  This is a time to go within and acknowledge your own power and your own effect upon those around you.  You are truly making a difference for them, and in this shifting and changing energy, they are looking to you for some acknowledgement.

The Color of the Week 9/1-7

September 1-7

The theme this week is expect the unexpected.  In case you have not realized it yet, things are happening on their own schedule.  This will be a factor of life from now on.  IT is best to get used to it and be ready for change at any instant.  That way, you will find yourself walking into novelty with joy and acceptance.


Overall Color for the Week:  Bright Apricot

The week starts out on kind of a down note.  Your energies will be low and you may not be feeling quite yourself.  Take this as a hint that it is time to step back from all that is going on and do some internal work.  Things are shifting quite a bit right now, and all these changes are making new demands on you spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally.  It is time really to feel your feelings, so if you fell a cry coming on, let it go, if you feel like laugh, laugh loud and long.  When things like anger appear, work through them but do not hold onto them.  It is time to know what is truly right for you.  This pertains to all areas, so take a look at where you are, the people around you, the foods you eat, the lifestyle choices you have made, etc., etc., etc..  it is a good time for meditating on them and letting the Universe work with you to see if there are changes that need to made in any area.  This is a week also for taking time with things.  Sit back and let them develop.  You can learn a lot from seeing just how things come together and where they go.  You can close out the week a lot wiser than you began it.

On the larger scale, you will see that they definitely have not learned their lessons as things seem to spiral out of control in many political areas.  There is a realignment happening in positions of power, and this realignment is going to characterize the rest of the year.  You are seeing it all beginning this week.   Be alert to mention of new figures who will be coming onto the scene.  Some of these will merely be puppets who will be attempting to establish the old status quo.  In the area of finances, the stock market is truly in a daze.  It is time for you to look at your relationship with money and know that it is merely numbers on paper.  It is no measure of your real worth.  The skies will be brining forth some unusual things this week.  This can be in the shape of precipitation, magnetics, perhaps, UFO’s, and other things.  The weather will continue along its unpredictable path with many things occurring out of season.  There will be attempts to explain what is going on, but you will be able to see through them.  One is an anomaly, numerous create a new norm.  SO the skies will turn dark and menacing, and you will think something awful is coming your way, but in no time it is gone and some place completely else has been inundated.  This is the week for the beginning of many things in terms of weather events.  Things will eb getting rocky from the end of the week on, not just in the US, but in other areas throughout the globe where Gaia is shifting, moving, tossing, and turning.  She is working to establish her own comfort right now and that can involve detox in clogged areas on her surface.  You will become aware of it.  Her little ones, the mammals of the sea, have taken much on.  They continue to do so.  It is time to send them your love and healing energy.

Your Color VIbe for 9/03

Tuesday,    September 3:    Light Yellow-Green

This is a good time for knowing the relationship between understanding and allowing.  One is passive and the other is active.  This is a day when you will need action, so be sure that you know what your basis is.  And when it is time for action, it is best to see it for what it is and not to hold onto what is happening before you.  Be in the process as it unfolds.  Your power is always greater than you accept, so take heart. And when you are feeling challenged, know that there is help for you always if you will just open to it, not question it, and know that when you are in alignment, the things that come your way are right.  The shifting of the energies today can make things a bit slippery, so be grounded and connected as you start your day.

Your Color Vibe for 2/2

Monday, September 2:    Blue Grey

There is something in the air today, and it is both obvious and hidden.  There are secrets that will be revealed, so keep you eyes and east open and listen well to your intuition.  Things are shifting right now as the energies coming flashing through.  It is important today not to hold on to the energies as they fly.  Also them to arrive, move through, and leave.  This is not a time for setting up blockages.  It is a time for being present in WHO you are and seeing things for the many layers that they involve.  Relationships are shifting too, and you can get a hint of that now when you find yourself in conversation with people and realize, at last, that you are not truly communicating but rather speaking at cross purposes.  It is important to know your own way and not allow yourself to follow someone else’s path.  For you, that would lead no where.

Your Color Vibe for 8/31

Saturday, August 31:  Light Yellow

This is not going to be your best day, but there is no reason not to make the best of it.  A sense of humor is the best defense when things get crazy or out of hand or totally incomprehensible.  This is a day not to take things too seriously.  If you do, there will be consequences down the line.  There will be some things and people out there who can be really annoying, but know that you really do not need to make them a priority.  You can recognize they are there, acknowledge their existence, and then move on.  There is never enough time to be pulled into someone else’s reality.  Just remember, they may be living in a nightmare and you certainly do not want to be part of that.  Okay, this all sounds kind of odd and off the wall, but you will see it today and you will know that when you act from your place of power and knowing there is nothing and/or no one who can separate you from your truth.  Ya-Ya.