Your Color Vibe for 9/29

Sunday, September 29:    Magenta

This is a day of opposites when what looks large is actually much smaller than what might appear to be lesser.  This means that you must use your discretion in things that are happening today.  This is not  time for decision making because there is not enough information for you to make an informed decision.  There are those out there who are aware of this vibration and who can be attempting to pull you into agreeing with something that you do not really understand.  Step away from anyone or anything that is attempting to pressure you.  Their agenda is not necessarily in your best interest.  It is time to be strong, to stand in your own power.  You can do it.  You have incredibly deep reserves of power and a great strength of intuition.  It may be time to let you logical mind step back and allow your intuitive to set the course. 

Your Color Vibe for 9/28

Saturday, September 28:     Dark Purple

There is a lot of pressure today to fall into a kind of lethargy, reverie, to think that all is well, things are find, life is good.  And actually, that would be great, but there is a lot happening under the surface today.  It has to do with what it is you are truly wanting to do at this point in time.  You have been finding out that a lot of the things that you thought were so great, so wonderful are in fact just illusory.  That can be a shocker, but following upon that, it is quite possible that you have been having a shifting in your relationships, in your friendships.  You might be feeling a bit out of sorts today, and that is okay.  You are right now beginning to establish a new pattern and a new way.  It is always hard to leave the past behind, but there can be some really interesting and intriguing things happening today that can change your focus and you expectation and allow you to look to the future with anticipation.

Your Color VIbe for 9/27

Friday, September 27:    Light Periwinkle Blue

You can find that a lot of things will be missing today.  You can put something down, and when you turn to get it, it has disappeared.  You can run to the bus stop, only to find it has just left.  You can have an appointment and one or more of the people involved will have made a scheduling mistake.  You can plan to make brownies, and find that you are out of the most necessary ingredient.  So, there are lessons in all of this right now.  The energies are sending everyone into a time in which you will have to be able to come up with a quick and effective Plan B.  Today is kind of a practice for all of that.  There can be some mistakes,  there can be some laughter, but all in all, it will be a most valuable learning experience

Your Color Vibe for 9/26

Thursday,  September 26:    Chalky White

There are going to be a lot of things whirling around today in the atmosphere.  The question is will you get caught up in them or will you see through them to the illusion that they are masking.  There are people in your life who are looking to trip you up, and they are going to be out there today.  It is a good day for being cautious in word and deed.  Think before you respond and plan before you act.  It can be hard, but it will be to your benefit to be cautious.  There is a lot of stuff going on right now and there are a lot of people who are not willing to take the responsibility for their own actions, so they are looking for scapegoats.  If you can stay within your power and see things through the eyes of your heart, you will be able to see just what is truly going on around you, who to trust, and who to be wary of.

Your Color VIbe for Wednesday, 9/25

Wednesday,   September 25:    Payne’s Grey

There are surprises in the air today, and along with these, can come some pretty significant revelations.  This is a time in which you need to allow yourself to believe that anything is possible because, guess what, right now, anything is possible.  You will see today how things that once seemed so logical are no longer making sense, and people that you looked up to really had nothing of substance to offer.  These kinds of things can cause a bit of a shake up in your worldview.  After all, we all like things to flow evenly, smoothly, and predictably.  Right now, however the energetic currents are swiftly flowing, and the important thing is to hang on while always keeping your focus on your destination.  You will get a lot of reminders today that things are on the move.  Be aware of these and take them to heart, work with them and open to receive the information and the guidance that the Universe is offering.

Your Color Vibe for Tuesday 9/24

Tuesday, September 24:  Red Gold

This is a day for perspective, for seeing things as they fit into the larger picture, for realizing that you are part of that larger whole and that your job as a creator is to be true to yourself within this context.  There can be people coming to you today to ask for advice, to ask for direction, even to criticize some of the things that you have stood for.  It is your task in all of this to see through this momentary illusion into where it all fits together, how it all fits together.  You can find yourself not quite in touch with everything going on, a bit spacy, but that is what the energy is doing right now.  It is tearing apart and bringing together at the same time, and because you are in touch with the flow of these energetic shifts and changes, you are acting and reacting simultaneously.  So, take the day as it comes.  Be ready to laugh at yourself when those Freudian slips occur, those lapses of memory happen.  And do not take anything too seriously right now.  The time is right for observing without judgment.

Weekly Chromoscope

September 22-28:

The theme this week is expect a change.  Things are moving fast and furiously now, and all the old stuff that you thought was so predictable is no longer so.  Foundations are shifting and things are changing.  You will see a lot of it this week.  Fasten your seatbelt, and enjoy the ride.

Overall Color for the Week:    Rose Indigo

It can be hard to face a lot of things this week, but the energies are going to make you do just that.  You may be ready.  You may not be ready.  Either way it does not matter.  Things are going to be the way they are.  They are all part of the trajectory that moves ever closer to the climax of the year.  This is a week for getting ready for that.  You will need to become aware of that, to know that preparation will make everything so much easier when things comes to pass.  But the choice is always yours.  To believe that the old will always be or to choose unending novelty, to take each moment as it comes, and to rejoice in the newness that it brings.  This is your week for looking at things all over again and choosing what is important, what can be jettisoned, what you really, really are here to do, what you have taken on because of others and their cajoling and what is your truth.  Hey, no right, no wrong.  Choices.  But there are always choices.  It is a good week for taking the longer view, having the wider perspective, and using that for your compass.  Oh, and intuition, intuition, intuition.  Listen to that inner voice.   You can be very much aware of your body this week as it starts responding to foods, environments, people in new ways.  This is not a time for panic, but it is an opportunity to work with your physicality to discover the changes it is going through and the stresses it is dealing with.  Honor your body this week and heed its directives.  You will feel better.


On the larger scale, there are some major shake-ups that can happen this week.  The whereabouts will be unexpected, and the results can be either devastating or fulfilling for the areas in which they occur.  We are not speaking here of only the political issues, but also the financial, climatic, and media-touted. You might just find yourself rethinking a lot of the things that you have taken for granted.  There is a new kind of currency on the horizon, and it will be goods based.  This is a week for looking at your personal worth and how your skills translate into marketable items.  There will be some rather large figures out there who are going to try to convince the people in general that things are fine and under control and just to trust them.  Basically, they do not understand what is happening and are trying to ,move away from their own fears.  Interestingly, their egos have kept them from even considering that there might arise some kind of popular outcry on all levels and in all areas which could question, much less threaten, the plans that they have had set up for so long.  There is something stirring in the area of the Balkans that can bring some interesting things to light.  Some of it is related to ancient, ancient times and the original races of Gaia, and some of it is related tot trouble that is being fomented there due to interests that wish to remain hidden.  It should be interesting as time goes on.  It is a good time not to listen to what is being said in the mass media.  Anything that is sponsored, remember this, has an agenda.  Anything that comes forth from the heart is connected to the larger intelligence, and it is there that you can find your truth.  Things are spinning this week as the pattern emerges more and more.  You can see it if you take your focus off what is nearby and allow your perspective to widen.  Weather, there seems always to be a great deal of interest here.  Well, if nothing else, the weather can be capricious this week.  You will see it in many areas throughout the world.  In the high mountains of the Himalayas waters will wash to the surface some artifacts that have been hidden for millennia, but there time is now come to be seen, acknowledged, and utilized.  The Adepts will know the function.  These kinds of thing will be brought forward outside the mass media.

Your Color Vibe for Sunday

Sunday,  September 22:    Magenta

Ah, Equinox, the sublimity of being in the balance.  BUT do not let it rock you into some kind of lethargy.  This Equinox is not placid.  It is active.  It is not allowing.  It is demanding.  Choices have to be made today and direction set.  Where will you go from here?  What is most important?  What to keep and what to let go of?  Arrrggghh.  This can be a day form hell or a day form heaven.  It all depends upon your readiness.  It is too late now to make the preparations.  That is what the past few months were for.  It is time to move forward into the next phase.  So, the balance is tipping today and you have the option of making it go and be and do what you wish it go and be and do, regardless of the outcome.  I hope this is not overly cryptic, but it is what it is.

Your Color Vibe for Wednesday

Wednesday,   September 18:    Light Pink

Just when you thought things were getting very complicated, it turns out that everything somehow or another is able to sort itself out.  Take advantage of this energy to look at things that are concerning you right now.  You might just find that much of what you thought they entailed was actually just part of your perspective, where you were, when those things first arose.   Things are different now, and you can see them for what they are.  You are changing greatly in this energy, and as part of this, your viewpoints and priorities are also shifting.  This is a good day for cleaning out, tearing down, and then you can plan to build anew.

Your Color Vibe for Sunday

Sunday,  September 15:    Light Rose

Even the best results can come out what seem to be the worst situations.  You will be seeing this today as things are shifting and moving more and more.  There is help for you if you will go within and allow yourself to open to receive it.  It can come in the most unusual ways, so do not discount the little things today.  This is also a good time to find joy in doing things you love.  There is no point in dwelling on the negative.  See the glass as half full and know that it is half full only because it is right now being filled up with things that you are wishing to manifest.  This is a good day, therefore, to sit down and write out, draw, think about, etc. what it is that you are wishing to manifest as tis year moves towards an end.  There is lots of energy coming in right now, and if you can hook into the positive stuff, then you can use that momentum to bring forth your deepest desires.  Take hold of the energy of the day and go for it.