Your Color Vibe for Sunday, 10/13

Sunday, October 13:    Bright Green

This morning might lead you to think that you have everything all figured out, but as the day unfolds, you will find that things are not happening quite as you had planned.  This is a good day for being ready for anything and being open to most everything.  Good things come in small packages and big surprises can appear from small beginnings.  Let it be.  You are part of everything that is happening right now, so the evening is a good time to sit and center and ground and just be aware of how you participated in the creation of some of the events of the day and, if you have the curiosity, you can also catch a glimpse of how you have created many of the events in your past.  Honor the power that is yours.  It is time you were aware of it.


Your Color Vibe for Friday, 10/11

Friday, October 11: Deep Lavender

Take a look around you this morning.  It is a good time for grounding and centering.  There are things happening today that can lull you into a sense of ease, of comfort, but you need to allow your inner knowing, your intuition to be your guide through all of this.  The day’s energy speaks of shifts and changes, of designs and costumes.  You can find your self bedazzled by what seems to be.  When this happens, go to your inner knowing and see with the eyes of the heart for they have the perspective to see into appearances, to find the core meaning and allow you to see them for what they are.  As you know, things are not always what they seem.  The energy of the day speaks of layers and levels.  You can find your bearings within all of these if you will remain true to WHO you are.  There are lessons in all of this, lessons that will move you forward into a sense of purpose and a feeling of joy.


Your Color Vibe for Wednesday, 10/09

Wednesday, October  9:    Apricot (again – I guess we are all looking for the seed inside the fruit.)

Where did all that time go and what happened while it was going on?  You can find yourself today really out of sync with what is going on around you.  It is as though there is something in the shadows that is catching your attention and attracting you away from everything in front of you.  So, the energies are bringing a lot of flux into the day.  It is a good idea to be grounded in all that you do.  This is a day also when clear focus is a must if you are to get a grip on just what is happening. Because of the various dimensional slippages, etc., you can see people in a new light.  You can see some of them for what they truly are, and in many cases this is a first because so many of the masked people have become so good at being who they pretend to be that they have lost some contact with their inner cores.  Well, you can find a lot of stuff coming out today.  It can also affect you.  Be strong in WHO you are and you will begin to see just where the energies are leading you now.




Your Color Vibe for Tuesday, 10/08

Tuesday, October 8:    Filmy White

This is a day for things that are seen, things that are not seen, and things that hide in the shadows.  People see things, say things, mean things, screw things up, make things wonderful, and all of that is happening right now.  This is a time now for choice, for knowing what is or is not right for you.  This is a time to listen to your inner guidance and for knowing that all those so-called experts and learned ones have (as they say) “done their research and their studies” have done it all for themselves.  They, even more than you, are looking for approval, affirmation from outside.  So sometimes they coerce, force, manipulate.   You need to do your own thing.  You know what is right for you, for ytourself.  You know WHO you are.  You know that influences are just that. Aspects are just that.  They are all part of the scenery, but you are the director and can change things as you will.  Take heart in today’s energy and create, design, be, laugh, know….



Your Color Vibe for Sunday 10/06

Sunday, October 6:    Dark Blue

There are decisions to be made today, and it is important to have all the necessary information in order to be aware of all the various elements involved.    When you are making decisions, it is important also to go from your heart and not to listen to the loudest voice or the one who is most knowledgeable in term so of how things have always been.  How things have always been is not how things are developing at thins point in time.  This is a time to be grounded.  This is a time to be centered within your core self and to see all things with the eyes of the heart and the depth of the knowing of the heart.  There are many levels and layers of influences out there even as there are many levels and layers of energies.  Some of the energies that are coming in at this time are quite disruptive, and unless you are deep within and working from the level of true knowing, you can be swayed in directions that might not be the most beneficial for you right now.

Your Color Vibe for Saturday, 10/05


Saturday, October 5:    Cloudy Cobalt Blue

You are not going to find a lot of reasons for which to bounce out of bed this morning, so it might be well just to relax for an extra few minutes and give yourself time to ground and center.  This day is bringing with it a lot of questions, and some of them are things that you do not really want to deal with right now.  The time for making decisions is at hand, and you need to start looking at things from your own unique, creative, powerful perspective.  It is time to put aside all the well-intentioned advice, all the jealous criticism, all the off-handed comments and look at things from your own point of view.  And that is what today is all about.  It is a time to clear out all that cloudy clutter of others, other people, other ideas, other objectives, others, and just go for, know what it is that is truly WHO you are.  Moving forward is not the easiest thing in the world, but it can be the most rewarding.  Today you can take that most important step.  Go for it.

Your Color Vibe for 10/03

Thursday,  October 3:    Dark Yellow Green

There are deadlines, some you knew about and others that just came up out of the blue.  Today is all about those deadlines.  How real are they to you?  What do they mean to you?  Where do you stand in relation to all of that?  This is a day for decision-making and what you need to keep in the forefront through all of this is WHO you are.  You need to recognize that you are the one whoi s determining where the pieces will fall in your life at this time.  Yes, there are others who have agreed to be part of this along with you, but many of them are waiting on your cue.  Today, therefore, is a day to recognize your power to be responsible for all that you can be, to know what it is that is most important and to move forward on that.

Your Color Vibe for 10/02


Wednesday,   October 2:    Silky Green

Everything today is on a low key.  If you can keep that in mind, it will assist you in not over-reacting.  Things that are being said are merely part of the whole story.  People are being circumspect.  They are holding back.  There is a sense today that stuff is not quite right.  It would do you well to keep that in mind and not attempt to put the finishing touches on things that are important.  This is also not a good day for starting larger projects.  You will find, if you do, that the original efforts will need to be scrapped and you will have to start all over again.  This is also true in terms of important conversations and decisions.  Let them ride.  There is nothing wrong with taking a little extra time for consideration, for tying up the loose ends.  This is a also good day for some hibernating, so if you can, take the actual time to step away from things and be with yourself.  If you do not have an extra block of time, just go within, do some centering, grounding and, of course, breathe.

Your Color Vibe for 10/01

Tuesday, October 1:    Light Peach

Yes, things can be just peachy today, so hook into that energy and get some of those loose ends tied up.  You can be surprised by what they are attached to.  As every ending has a beginning, so things follow after things, and right now, that logic has begun to fall apart, you can get some surprising non-sequitur effects that can bring amazingly great benefits, not so much today but as time goes on. This is a day also for serendipity and synchronicity.  It is in a large part dependent upon your attitude.  In the morning, take some time to ground and center, to love yourself, and to open to the best of all you desire.  Then set that as your intention and be open to the surprises that the Universe has for you.  This is a day for joy and laughter, even in things that might on the surface not seem so positive.  You will get it as the day unfolds.

Your Color Vibe for 9/30

Monday, September  30:    Yellow Straw

Today is a day of endings and beginnings.  It is important that you know the difference.  It is important also that you have some concept of where it is that you are wanting to go as this year enters its last quarter.  This was a year of changes and decisions.  Now it is time to move forward with new intentions and a strongly set direction.  Take time today to go within and to acknowledge all that you have accomplished to this point.  Take time to see the pieces of the pattern and to know that you hold within yourself all the other pieces to make that pattern become what it is you are wishing to create.  This is a large task and one not taken on lightly for there have been many trials, upsets, tears and laughter this year, and now you have the opportunity to bring forth the form of the essence of WHO you are.