Your Color Vibe for Sunday, 10/27

Sunday, October 27:    Light green Blue

You will be aware today of many undercurrents, many hums, many themes, many distractions.  This is a great time to go within and center, ground, and open to the mind of the Universal Consciousness’.  By connecting, you have the perspective to see things for what they are, to sort out all the confusion strands of stuff and information that is coming your way, and to revel beneath it all the theme that is at its heart.  This is a special time for connection.  First, however you need to know that that is what you are looking for.  Take time today in this swirling energy to find within your self that golden thread that does truly connect you to your community, your family, your future, and guides you along your path.  There are so many hints out there today.  The pattern continues to fall into place. RSCN1053

Your Color Vibe for Saturday, 10/26

Saturday, October 26:     Frosty White

Change is in the air today, but it can come in unexpected ways.  It can leave you totally confused, with your head whirling, and with things in chaos all around you.  So what is this all about?  There are a number of items related to the levels of energetic process that are hitting the Earth today, and these things are basically incompatible although, with some revision and adjustment, they can be made to work together.  Whether they will or not will depend upon the various situations they encounter.  If you are feeling that you are getting out of control of things, know that you have the power to make it all change.  To access your power, you need to go within, ground, trust, and allow.  You can be amazed at how things will change if you allow yourself to take hold of the situation.  Along with the craziness, there are some very important lessons for you today and many revolve around what you can do when you are working from within your core.


Your Color Vibe for Thursday, 10/24

Thursday,  October 24:    Pumpkin Orange

It is time that you realized that there are things that are just good for you.  It is time also to act upon that.  This is a day for shifting focus.  Take a moment to go within and take a look at what you have been prioritizing and see whether it might be a good idea to make some changes.  The energies now are upsetting so many things.  This is not an even time nor is it an easy day.  Step back from everything that is jumping out at you, trying to grab your attention, blinding you with its glare, and step within to look through the clear filter of your heart’s knowing.  These times are not hard, but it does not mean that they are difficult.  They are challenges, and they are challenges you are up to for you had chosen them as part of your destiny right now.


Your Weekly Chromoscope 10/20-26

October 20-26:

The theme this week is the focus is shifting, ready or not.  This means that places, people, and things that have been in the limelight, in your face for quite some time will be replaced.


Overall Color for the Week:    Yellow Ochre

You probably have been wondering just when thing will start to happen.  Well, if they did not start last week, you will find that this week will bring a flurry of activity.  Things that you thought were certain are going to be changing, so leave your schedule open.  Be aware of comments made casually by others, by remarks that you hear offhandedly, by little signs and symbols that keep recurring.  There are no accidents, and something or some things is/are trying to get your attention.  This is a week for awareness.  Take nothing for granted.  This is a week for making note of, journaling, listing the odd events, people, dreams that come your way.  The pattern is coming together more quickly at this time, and all these seemingly random occurrences actually have an important piece to play in the overall pattern as well as in your individual unique pattern.  You are not done.  There is much to do, and this week can bring some rather unsettling inter-dimensional occurrences.  Take note of them when they happen and be open to the information that is there.  You had, in your past, set yup your own reference library, sort of a private Akashic record, that you were going to open at a significant point in your many turns of the wheel.  That point is now.  The answers are there for you as well as the larger questions that you have been gathering information on throughout many cycles.  This week brings so many things to the forefront.  It can be unsettling.  It can be scary.  It can be mind-blowing.  Most of all, however, as you relax into the energy, I know, hard to do with the energies being so chaotic, but just allow and as you align with the energies, you will see that is all so very, very right.  And the time is now.  And you have the power.  So, be ready for the week.  Move forward grounded in your core self, work for your heart, and act from love.

On the larger scale there are going to be a lot of backwards movement and then moving forward and then back and then forward, and if you can see from a distance, you will observe that none of it is making any sense at all.  This is because the political systems in their old paradigms are no longer working.  The have no relevance.  So you will be finding new voices coming forward this week.  They will be making some sense.  And this will be happening in countries throughout the world.  There are alliances being made on different levels and by people who were considered irrelevant by those who thought they held the reins, and those guys are learning a lesson.  There can be some backlash.  Things can get out of hand in some areas.  This can be hard on the surface but it will become a kind of rallying call for others who are tired of the injustices that they are seeing in their own countries.  A lot of stuff will be coming to the fore this week, a lot of secrets revealed and a lot of nonsense shown to be just that.  Emotions can run high in all areas.  Some really unusual earth movements and storms will further accentuate these things.  The net effect of the Earth’s activities will to be to let us know that there is no longer the predictability that we had counted on for so long.  Time is taking on a new aspect, and it is so outside of the usual realm of experience that there can be some rather interesting time issues this week — time crashes, schedule mix-ups, leakages of temporal dimensions outside this one.  This will be reflected in atmospheric disturbances.  There can be discharges of energy in the atmosphere that most will choose to ignore, however those who deal with electronics for their livelihoods, must take care to back up their systems.  There will be an underlying rhythm in the movements of Gaia this week which will reflect the craziness of time, so that cause and effect and pattern and flow will be jumbled together making it very difficult to predict with any certainty where things will go.  In general, cause and effect are becoming muddled, so you will see answers being given before questions are asked, and then those is the media will rush to make sense of it all.  Ah, blessed confusion, you have come to characterize this period right now.  This week on the larger scene will put to the test many time honored assumptions, but it is not to cause fear, but rather to be a lesson to look beyond the appearances, for that which was the standard outline is no longer defining the steps.

Your Color Vibe for Monday, 10/21

Monday, October  21:    Graphite Grey

There is no telling what will be coming out of the shadow’s today, so the best thing is to be ready for anything and everything.  There is a strong possibility that you will be getting a message from someone who has information for you that they have been sitting on for quite some time.  When this happens, listen well for they are not telling the whole story, only what they are comfortable with.  There is a lot of morphing going on in the energies today so there really is nothing solid to hold onto.  This is the perfect time to observe.  There is a certain beauty in what is unformed.  Take time to appreciate that.  The time will be coming when you will need to mold energies to your needs, but today is merely an exercise.  It all sounds rather strange and cryptic, but it will make sense as the day progresses.  Additionally, this will give you an exercise in how to BE as the year winds down.

Your Color Vibe for Saturday, 10/19

Saturday, October 19:    Red Orange

You may be wondering just what is wrong with you today as little aches and pains flare up here and there in the body.  There can be a few large issues also, and it is well to see them for what they are and to respond accordingly.  This is a day for knowing what to do and knowing that you can find within yourself the answers that you are needing.  There is a lot of shifting going on today on many different levels as the full moon/eclipse energy settles into the Earth’s grid.  This movement will be obvious in many unexpected blips on the radar.  This is not going to be an easy day as things get shifted around, and some of them are left undone, but it can be an enlightening day as certain secrets come out of the shadows.


Your Color Vibe for Friday, 10/18

Friday, October 18:    Light Rose

There are a lot of changes in the air today, so get out your planners.  You can find that some of the things on the list you will have to be re-scheduled.  This is all for the best as there is a large blast of energy that is preparing to intersect with Gaia.  This is actually, a lot greater than what has been happening for quite some time.  It can be unnerving because it is coming in one great influx.  Today is a day for getting ready.  Take time today to ground.  Take time today to prioritize.  Things are shifting right now, and if you have not set up a list of what is most important to you, there is a good possibility that you can find yourself totally bewildered.  So, for today, work within your heart.  Take time and allow yourself to feel before taking action or responding to things.  Do not allow yourself to be victimized by those out there who are trying to put blame on someone/thing because they are having problems accepting their own responsibility.  And know that you know.  You are incredibly powerful and today gives you an opportunity to recognize your power and your ability to see through the illusion and know the reality.


Your Color Vibe for Tuesday, 10/15

Tuesday, October 15:  Banana Yellow

Things can be coming at you today fast and furiously.  Your best defense is to get out of the way.  This is a day for sitting back and just observing everything that is happening around you.  You will see things align in new ways.  There is no really settled energy about today, so it is not a good time for making large changes in your life.  There is a question that has been plaguing you for some time, and you will have hints as to the best way to resolves it in the current energy.  Emotions can run high; even the observer is affected by what is seen.  Let them move through you.  This is not a day for holding onto things, so take them as they come, react, let go, forgive, and be.

Your Color VIbe for Mondya, 10/14

Monday, October  14:    Blue-Green

If you are one of those who is easily distracted, then this can be a tough day for you.  There are a lot of things swirling around in the energies today, and this is leading to many fits and starts.  You can find yourself with a strong purpose going somewhere to do something, get something, and just in that instant forget completely what it was that you were thinking of doing.  Conversations can be difficult as subject lines will blur and the gist will go off on incredible tangents.  Notice when these things are happening, when you see the movement in the periphery of your vision.  All of these things are indications of the direction in which things are going.  Knowing what that is can assist you in moving forward.


Your Overall Weekly Chromoscope 10/13-19

October 13-19:

The theme this week “Really! Who do you think you are”.  So be ready to be surprised by things said and happening and be equally prepared to stand up for WHO you are.  Oh, and this will be going on all over this week, personally, locally, statewide, countrywide, globally, and universally.  Hang on, keep your eyes open, and look for the AHA’s!


Overall Color for the Week:  Zephyr Blue

And yes, the winds will be blowing this week.  Be alert as things shift and move around and through you.  It is very, very important to start out each day grounded and centered this week, lest you find yourself blown away by what is presenting around you.  There is much that you will be seeing this week.  In terms of relationships, things can become clear and questions answered in regard to people with who you have been interacting yet always having that uncertainty about.  This week you will get them, and you will need to be willing and able to take action upon what you are hearing, sensing, and seeing.  Not everything is on the surface, so trust your intuition as you navigate your world.  Listen to its hints and urgings.  This can be critical in terms of potential situations that might not be the most positive for you.  This is a week also for cloaking.  This means that it is not well to say everything that you wish to.  The time is not right for giving opinions. You will find much that you can lean much by paying attention to slips of the tongue and things you seeing that are out of context.  This is a week that can challenge your sense of what is real and what is illusion.  There can be some feelings tied to these, and it is best always to allow the emotions to pour forth when they arise.  Stuffing them down can lead to a kind of emotional dyspepsia.  This is not a week for making any large and/or life changing decisions.  The energies are too erratic.  There is not enough information that has been unveiled.  Things can be rocky around you this week, but it is all to let you know that you have the power to get through what is happening, you have the vision to see things for what they are, and you have the choice as to what you will do about all of this.  Be wise.  Trust your inner knowing.  Act from your core, and see with the eyes of the heart.  Truth was never meant to be hidden.

On the larger scale, there will be a long of hot air blowing around.  Some will be bluff, while some will be deadly serious.  It will be interesting to see how the politicos and governmental types deal with all of this.  It seems, unfortunately, that they are wanting to blame the people, the masses, if you will, for the problems that they have created.  Because of this, there can be some really unsettling actions on the parts of various governments in relation to acts of the people, demonstrations.  There can be some issues with something with air travel that can cause a general uproar.  Meanwhile, the Earth, herself, will be shifting this week also.  There can be some rather large storms developing unexpectedly out of small beginnings.  There can be some unusual earth movements in places where they traditionally have not occurred.  Centers of countries will be prime locations for these things.  Also, it is good to take a look at the ley lines and the energetic portals on the Earth to get a sense of the patterning that is behind this.  Patterns are falling into place more and more, and it is important to be aware of this right now.  When one thing happens, and it is followed by another that seems somewhat oddly coincidental, this is the time to sit down and look at what and where things are happening.  Time is shifting also, so expect deadlines and schedules to be skewed.  There is a new kind of germ appearing right now which can affect many people.  It is important to stay within and strong in your sense of WHO you are and listen to what your physicality is telling you.  This is a time of choices, and many choices will be made this week.  The time spiral is intersecting with a new dimensional ray.  Things cannot be the same.  The galactic energy is here, and will be evinced in some interesting celestial events.  Look to the skies.  There is much happening there, and not just those scary Blackhawk copters buzzing metropolitan areas.  The skies hold a new kind of watcher, one that will become more obvious as the year winds down.
