Your Color VIbe for Friday, 11/08

Friday, November  8:    Purple Rose

Today is all about operating expenses and what that means to you.  It is a good day for looking at the things that make you feel wealthy, the things that make you feel poor, the things that bring you fulfillment, the things that suck the life out of you.  But looking at is not enough.  Today is a day also for taking action on all that you are finding out when you consider your operating expenses.  What sort of stuff can you get rid of?  What are paying into without getting any return?  What are you overlooking that might actually bring you a lot of happiness?  And what do you really need?  Time to do some prioritizing.  Time to look at what is all around you.  Is it time to redecorate?

Your Weekly Chromoscope 11/3=9

November 3-9

The theme this week is No Favorites.  That means that anything can happen to anyone anywhere at anytime and/or anywhere at any time and/or at any time.  Be prepared.

Overall Color for the Week:     Medium Grey

So, it is time to forget everything that you thought you knew.  And it is time to begin to know everything that you never really thought about.  This is true in all areas of your life — people, places, things, ideas, concepts, employment, food preferences, health issues, cause and effect.  All different.  Things you never thought could happen will be happening.  So you can find yourself really, really out of it this week and unfocused.  It is important at all times and in all things to be grounded and to open to the perspective that comes from connectedness to the Universal Consciousness.  That is where it all becomes clearer.  Your emotions can be on a roller coaster up and down and up again throughout the day.  You will find old stuff welling up this week, things you thought you had moved beyond.  And the dreams.  Pay attention.  There is a theme throughout it all, but well disguised behind tales and events and people from here and the past.  You will find as the week progresses that it will be very important to speak your truth and to stand firm in your power.  There are whirlwinds of energy coming through that are upsetting people and things around you, and if you are to stay focused, you must grounded and strong in your core.  This is not a week for questioning what you know to be right.  If doubts arise, then go within and see them for what they are, distractions to take you from position of WHO you are in an attempt to make you view things from someone else’s perspective.  All that matters right now for you is that you are strong within yourself.  You have all the resources within.  Trust your intuition.  Things can be very noisy.

On the larger scale there are so many levels of things happening right now.  It is as though there are many, many different dramas being practiced on one stage, each behind its separate curtain, yet things are leaking from one are to the other.  Because of this, the political situation this week is going to be incredibly muddled.  This can lead to some interesting moments within international affairs.  Sit tight.  This kind of a mix up is actually beneficial as it forces countries to see things differently.  There is something coming in from space that will be making the headlines.  It will be used by some people as a fear-gathering technique and by others as a curiosity, while there will be some of those fundamentalists will be harping even more about the end times.  There is an energetic burst on the way from the area of the Sun.  Whether or not it is from the Sun itself or some kind of extra-dimensional energy that is being focused and directed through the Sun is hard to say.  It can lead to some rather touchy moments with the communications system.  Gaia is heaving at this point in time.  There can be some rather startling and unexpected weather and earth events as a result.  Perhaps related to ground shifts attendant upon other seismic or volcanic activity.  Things are getting slippery on the Earth, so there can also be more landslide type events.  The animal world is acting and reacting differently.  You will be hearing of these things in the news this week.  Government policies that have been enacted in haste and without the good of the people in mind will be shown for what they are.  Also there can be more news coming out this week about the real dangers of GE foods.

Your Color VIbe for Wednesday 11/06

Wednesday, November 6:    Pale Violet

There are certain things that will become clearer today, but they can leave you feel somewhat emotionally drained.  You have had expectations and images about people and things and some of those can be shattered in the day’s energies.  There are bumps ahead in the road also, so it is a good day to be aware of what you are doing, what is happening around you, and what you are seeing on the periphery of your vision.  This is a day for some sacred work.  This can mean many things to many people, but ultimately it means a time for quite contemplation and connection with the Universal Consciousness, with All That Is, with God/Goddess, however you see the principle that links you to your greatest potential.  Know what you know and do what brings you joy.  This way, you will begin to see the rightness in all that has transpired today.


YourColor Vibe for Tuesday 11/05

Tuesday, November 5:   Dark Cobalt Blue

Why does everything seem so…….   Not right?  You had thought that you had every thing under control, and now stuff is just not working.  What is that all about?  Time to take a look around yourself today.  Yes, you create your reality, but there are other creators of their own realities around you who may be working at odds with what you want.  This is not a problem unless you allow it to be so. It can be a tough day but ultimately perhaps the most rewarding if you are willing to take an open look around yourself.  Your perspective is changing, and that, all that you have built up in your super-world may need a bit of rearranging.  You are walking into your power and with that, people, places, and things are taking on new meanings and import.  You are seeing the scope of the larger context as the pattern begins to move towards completion.  T his is a day for finding out what is truly meaningful for you.  It is a day for knowing what it means to be within a larger matrix.  It is a day for thinking and re-thinking community and doing some internal visualizations of what that means to you.

Your Color Vibe for Monday, 11/04

Monday, November 4:    Bright Red

This is a good day for reviewing your priorities and your desires.  There is a lot of bookkeeping that needs to be done right now, and you just may find, in your review of the old stuff, that you have kept on your list a lot of things that you have no interest in any more.  These kinds of loose ends are the things that trip you up.  They are the things that tie you to the way things used to be.  These are the things that cause relationships that are no longer working to be maintained.  There is work to be done today, but the overall effect of it will be to establish your foundation more fully on a stronger and steadier basis.  From here you can make some great strides in getting things moved along in terms of what it is that will most truly bring you fulfillment.

Your Color Vibe for Sunday 11/03

Sunday, November 3:    Orange Straw

This is a day for looking at things from all aspects, inner, outer, upwards, downwards, and in between.  There is much to be gained from that and, in some cases, much to be lost.  Oh, in other cases also, much to be won.  Things are shifting right now and in the day’s energies stuff is being shown for what it truly is beneath the surface.  This can mean different things to different people, and for those who do not want the rocking of the boat, it can just be business as normal.  For those of you who are seeing behind the appearances into the meanings, it can open you to the information of where and how things have been linked together and what are your options in dealing with all of this.  Sounds complicated, right?  But truly, it is not.  It is merely a matter of going within and using your intuition and the true vision of the heart’s knowing to see what is all around you.  There are some people out there who have claimed friendship for quite some time who really are merely some kind of psychic vacuums  It is time to get rid of them

Your Color VIbe for Friday, 11/01

Friday, November 1:    Cloudy White

Things will not be much clearer today than they have been before, but at least you are more willing to accept that that is the way it is.  You will need to be trusting your intuition today as things are moving out of the familiar realm of usual cause and effect into some kind of hazy area of what-if.  This allows you the opportunity to put into motion some plans and/or ideas that you have been keeping on a back shelf just in case.  This is a day of opportunities for things like these, but be aware that the window is not large.  Time is shifting more and more, and if you are wanting a result in what would be considered a logical time frame, this is probably your last chance for getting it before the year winds down.  Listen to the advice of the crazy one.  There can be wisdom in the mad.  But you need to be able to sift out the wisdom from the craziness.

Your Color VIbe for Halloween

Wednesday, October 31:    Cloudy Green

There are going to be a number of emotional issues coming your way today.  They will arise seemingly out of nowhere.  It is a good day for starting out grounded and strong within your core self.  You are going to need those reserves to deal with the morning and afternoon oddities.  The energies are such that people are frantic, and you can find yourself falling into this if you are not careful.  You might even begin to feel that there is some kind of target on your back.  This is because, with the day’s energies, things are swirling and people are frazzled and unfocused.  It is your job to stay focused in what you are doing and not to allow yourself to call into other people’s stuff.  There can be a lot of it coming your way today, so just duck.


Your Weekly Chromoscope

October 27-November 2

The theme this week is Things Are Becoming Clearer.  This could be good news or bad news.  It will all depend upon how open and receptive you are to the new energies that are coming in faster all the time.


Overall Color for the Week:     Red Gold

This is a week of distractions.  Things are not going to be what they seem to be.  This is a week for patience and understanding.  Everyone is being bombarded by a lot of changes in many, many areas.  It is important for you to be grounded and steadfast in WHO you are.  The changes are happening, and if you had any doubts, then step back from the fray and take a good look at what is going on around you.  Some of the shifts have been subtle, but now, from a new perspective you can see how things are no longer what they were.  This is a week for being at one with WHO you are.  This means that it is a week for doing some internal work.  It is a week for setting aside some time for meditation, whatever that means to you, and reflection.  It is also well to make a kind record of how you are seeing things.  This will be important as the time goes by.  It will act both as a reminder and a milepost.  It is well to have a whole repertoire of Plan B’s at hand….  Just in case.  Things are no longer as they were and people are no longer who they said they were.  You will be finding out more and more as the time progresses just who your friends are and who constitutes your true community.  Trust your intuition.  There can be some tears.  There can be some revelations.  But most of all, there can be moments in which you are most truly aware of your own power.

On the larger scale there are more and more changes and upsets in the air.  Politics in all places is becoming a very nasty game.  It is being played, in most cases, in the interests of the politicians, and the people are left hanging.  Has it not been this way throughout history?  However, you will see that this week there will be movements among the grassroots that will allow the politicians to see that they need to recognize and respect the needs of the people.  There is a long-standing divide between the people who feel they are in control and the people who have been controlled.  That divide is breaking down.  You will see that there will be some interesting movements in the financial areas in which certain groups will be working to establish a new kind of currency.  The Earth is shifting more and more.  There has been a subtle change of direction of Gaia’s energetics below the surface that has been going on for quite some time now.  You will see the effects of this in the earth patterns this week.  Expect things to be unpredictable.  There is more activity than ever in the skies, and it is becoming more obvious.  There is a new wave of help from the Galaxies that is coming in.  They will make them selves obvious in very subtle ways.  There can be things starting which all will expect to result in some sort of large scale event, and then those things will all fizzle out.  There are a lot of anomalies that will be around this week.  The energetic grid that has sustained the globe for so long is breaking down.  There is a new direction to the energies and the spin is unknown.  This will be seen this week in strange occurrences.  The Sun is more active and there can be effects on the magnetics.  There is a shift of the magnetics going on right now but it is not what you have always expected.  This one, because it has a relationship to the higher energetic and dimensional grids, is not part of this 3D continuum.  Because of this, there can be odd things happening in all areas, including electricity, electronics, and even the usual cause and effect mechanisms can be affected.


Your Color VIbe for Monday, 10/28

Monday, October  28:    Red Silk

This is a day when, once again, things will not be as they seem.  It is important to see what happens for what it really is,.  There are those out there who are attempting to put a rosy glow on things in order to win you over to their side.  You always have the choice, but it is important to be informed.  Your best bet is to put things off until tomorrow.  There is nothing wrong with gathering enough information to be able to see an issue from all sides.  Emotionally today, you can find yourself somewhat up and down.  Also, there will be little messages coming from your body that you might just want to pay attention to.  If you are hungry, eat.  If you are tired, sleep.  And then your intuition also will be active.  It you get the feeling that it is not the best idea to take a certain byway, pay attention.  Many things are happening today on many levels.  Focus is a good idea.