Your Color Vibe for Sunday, 11/24

Sunday, November 24:    Bermuda Blue

There can be some really enjoyable moments today as things seem to relax into some kind of routine.  With that, you might just realize that the old routines have by and large become fractured, and you have been living and working day to day without that sense of predictability that comes from having a routine.  Today is a day to stop what you are doing and look around you.  What it is there on your horizon that you are desiring to come into focus?  What are the changes that you are needing to make in order to ameliorate how you are feeling?  What are the things you need to say and do in order to know that you can move forward?   Peace and action, peace in action, these are some of the themes of the day.  Relax into your power.

Your Color vibe for Friday 11/22

Friday, November  22:    Silky White

Things are actually going to be a lot smoother today than you thought they would.  It is important, however, not to over-think, not to over-rationalize, not to bee too logical.  There is something that you just know at this point in tie before it gets any later, something that will help you as you move forward in these difficult energies, and that something will come your way today.  It may seem anti-climatic.  You may be inclined to ignore it, but upon further reflection, the ah-ha moment will arrive, and you will get some clarity on why things have been going as they have.  Listen to the voices around you, however they may present themselves – actual voices, a puff of wind, a cry from an animal, the fall of a rock.  Today marks a new step in what is going on as the pattern moves towards it completion.

Your Color Vibe for Thursday, 11/21

Thursday,  November 21:    Nile Blue

This is a day for splitting apart.  This can happen in many different areas, so be aware of situations and incidents that seem to be somewhat inflammatory.  Things can spin out of control, and there can be a battle of egos that will ensue.  This is a battle that no one will win, so it is best to steer clear of it all together.  There is a shifting in the air today, and along with that, things are not set in stone.  Another good reason not to attempt to hold fast to any one opinion.  Things are changing.  Also, the veils are particularly thin today.  This is part of the lingering effect of the last full moon.  You can be seeing things out of the corner of your eye that are not there at second glance.  Also it is a good idea to be centered and aware if you are driving or even just walking.  There can be things in your path that may or may not truly be in the 3D.

Your Color Vibe for Wednesday, 11/20

Wednesday, November 20:    Lavender

The day’s energies are telling you to go with the flow.  This is not a day for being uptight when things do not work out as planned.  This is a day for a sense of humor and an acceptance of what it means to live in the 3D.  You are getting messages from those little stumbling blocks, those hold-ups, those schedule changes.  This is a day for looking at priorities, seeing what is really important, and spending sometime just being.  Step back from it all for a moment.  Breathe.  Think of what it is that truly makes you happy, brings you fulfillment, and then meditate upon how to bring more of that into your life.  Times are changing and so are you.  You can get a new perspective on that today if you will allow yourself to be open to the larger context.


Your Weekly Chromoscope 11/17-23

November 17-23

The theme this week is No Plan B.  Okay, for everyone who was work-ins on what you saw as a plausible alternative, the message this week is that it will not work.  And all of this relates to the week’s sub-theme which is Turning the Corner.


Overall Color for the Week:   Griany WHite

There is some resolution in the air this week.  Things have seemed stagnant for quite some time.  Perhaps you have felt that you have been doing the work and not seeing any kind of finalization or reward.  Well, this week will bring some indication that you are finally beginning to reap some of the rewards for all the work you have done.  This is a week for you to take heart.  This is a week for knowing your power and knowing that you are truly a most powerful being.  This is a week for honing your strengths.  This is a week for preparing.  The rest of the weeks until the end of the year will be bringing many more challenges, some of them quite dramatic, and you need to be ready for what is coming.  This week tells you that you have all that you need to face anything.  Know that.  Be that.  Live that.  This is truly the time that you have been waiting for.  You are moving forward on many levels, but you must be aware that you exist in more than just the 3D.  it is a week for grounding within, within your core, within that essential connectedness that unites you with Universal Consciousness, with The One, with All That Is, with God/Goddess, however you wish to term it…   You can be seeing some old relationships falling apart his week, some old institutions crumbling, some old truths turning into lies, and at the same time some new communities forming.  Be ready for anything this week, and it can be quite illuminating.

On the larger scale, also, things are falling apart as old things come to the surface.  Old truths that have been hidden overtake many of the lies that have been out there for so long.  There will be a lot of stumbling and falling going on in all areas.  Gaia has many weather and earth related surprises for those who trod her surface this week.  This is a slippery time.  Tread carefully.  Step back from the  emotions that will be flying about as people on all levels attempt to make sense of what is going on while passing the blame onto someone else.  This is a week of weather, again.  There will be huge shifts in the weather patterns and more than ever, it will be difficult, even impossible to predict what is going to happen.  Storms will seem to be upon a certain trajectory, and then abruptly shift.  Natural or HAARP?  Well, there are those behind the scenes who are still attempting to pull the strings, but they will find that their power is no longer as strong as they thought.  Finances can be touchy this week.  The Holidays approach so there will be those in the economic world who will try to manipulate the flow of money.  There is much happening in the skies.  The Sun is being visited by some unusual extra-galactic energies that are going to begin some new solar events that will continue to the end of the year.  There is more happening in the area of the extra-terrestrials.  This is a week for re-examining some of your old preconceptions.  There is much in the skies these days.  Watch the clouds.  Send energy to the earth.  Know your community.  Open to love and compassion.  Much is needed right now.


Your Color Vibe for Sunday, 11/17

Sunday, November 17:    Cloudy Green

What did you mean to say?  Are you sure that is what you meant?  There will be a lot of that going around today as people pose this way then the next attempting to make themselves comfortable, and in so doing, they say and do things that are uncharacteristic but perhaps reflective of their true opinions.  This is a day for stepping back from all of that.  This is a day for having a hard outer shell.  This is a day for forgiving.  Everyone is being bombarded by a blast of energy associated with the full moon.  They cannot really be WHO they are in all of this unless they are willing to go within.  And that in itself can be a hard task.  It is easy enough to talk about meditation, compassion, equanimity, understanding, etc., but it is much harder to live it in this 3D.

Your Color Vibe for Saturday, 11/16

Saturday, November 16:    Dark Green Blue

There are things to be seen today but not commented upon.  Take time to be aware of what is going on around you.  Without judgment, without fear.  Let it be.  You are seeing many changes at this time and all of them can put you in a place in which you are finding yourself confused and uncentered.  Take time to ground, to go within, to connect with WHO you are and see things for what they truly are.  The confusion is only temporary, and the end of the day will bring clarity to more than one issue that you have been grappling with.  There is also an answer to something that you have been wanting to know.  The time for making plans begins now.

Overall Weekly Color 11/10-16

November 10-16

The theme this week is Too Near and yet, Too Far.   You can find yourself getting rally fed up with things that keep happening over and over.  You can find yourself really, really ready for that change, that move, that new sunrise.  This is a perspective changing week!


Overall Color for the Week:     Tan

The week is almost over, yet the surprises and events of the week are just beginning to crescendo.  This is a good week for making sure that you have things on hand.  You can find yourself needing things that you never thought you would and missing things that you thought you had.  You can also be finding that some of your usual habits are changing and along with those eating and sleeping patterns.  Do not fight it, just go with it.  Your body is changing some of its nutritional needs and some of the old right and wrong nutritional so-called paradigms are no longer quite so applicable to the new physicality that is emerging.  This is all good.  You will be changing more as the patterns click more and more into place, and those changes can bring tears and laughter.  You will be feeling the shift his week, and the important this is to allow, to go with it, not to fight it.  Step back from all the craziness and be the observer.  It is time to allow the new information to come in.  Some of it you might be aware of , and some can be an huge surprise.  Regardless, take it.  It is there for you and will benefit you as the year moves towards its end.

On the larger scale, things are just beginning.  What you have seen happening in the firs days of this week will continue more and more.  There is a huge atmospheric bump or cloud that will be expressing or spilling or coming forth in some crazy way this weekend.  It will be affecting the Earth and the effects will shake up some rocky political situations.  There is an individual in South America who will be coming on the stage.  This person has some unusual messages to put out there.  Some of these are warnings.  Much will be taken for granted until it is seen that what is being said is true and verifiable.  There can be fear attached to all of this.  There is much uncertainty in many countries these days.  Add to it the fear that is being engendered by those who feel they are pulling the strings, and this weekend can see some really unexpected and potentially frightening things.  The extra galactic energy is playing hide and seek with the Sun these days.  It will be felt in the atmosphere of the earth as things begin to drift in.  Along with that, there can be unusual activity in the skies as the Cloud Gatherers come froth in an attempt to regulate and give direction to this energy.

Your Color Vibe for Tuesdaym 11/12

Tuesday, November :    Rose Pink

Once upon a time…   So, be prepared to listen to a lot of stories today.  Some are true.  Some are patently not true.  Some are merely fiction.  And some have a moral to tell.  The tricky part is knowing which is which.  As always, it is well to start the day grounded and centered.  Work with the knowing of your heart and open the sense of its deepest intuition.  There are lessons in everything around you, and there are pointers.  You are working towards your own fulfillment right now, and the closer you get, the more confusing it can become  Even as you are weeding out and throwing away, that opens up space where other stuff flies in.  Right now, you are the quester upon the path to the grail.  There is help along the way, but the deepest and truest and most consoling of help comes from your connection to All That Is, the Universal Consciousness, god/goddess, however you wish to term that totality of which you are a clear part.  Know your power, and know that when things become cloudy or difficult, there is always help.

Your Color Vibe for Saturday, 11/09

Saturday, November 9:    Apricot

Things will literally be coming out of the woodwork today, so be prepared.  The current energies are blowing around a lot of dust and you will have things in your face that you had forgotten about, that you were over, that you were tired of, that you never wanted to know.  Along with that, you will begin to see glimpses of new friends, new themes, new abodes, new interests, new jobs flying in the wind.  This is a good time to pick and choose.  What is it that you have gotten over and are ready to let go of?  What is it that is attracting you and calling you forward right now?  You have changed.  This is a day for looking at who you were just a year ago, just a few months ago and recognizing that you have gone beyond that place.  Regardless of whether you have moved in small ways or large ones, the important thing is the recognition that you have made some changes.  There are more to make, and today offers some possibilities, some hints.

Some Crystal People:
