Your Color Vibe for Monday, 12/29

Monday, December 30:

There are things that were lost that were meant to stay lost.  There were things that were lost that it is time to rediscover.  This is a day for knowing that and knowing which is which. You will find hints in odd places.  You may find yourself disinclined to take heed, but it would be well to follow the hints to their sources.  There is a craziness and an unraveling that is happening today.  You can find yourself going from one extreme to another.  Things might seem good, and then, in the next instance totally unacceptable.  And then you will find that things you loved so much in the past are no longer pleasing to you, that piece of music, that color combination, that voice on the other end of the line.  The shift is happening now, and there are many things that are up in the air today.  Step back from it all if you can.  Best of all take the longer view.  Breathe.  Deal with one thing at a time and let the rest take care of itself.  There can be some difficult moments today, but you can learn much from them if you are open and do not close down, do not fall into old patterns of rejection.  There is much still to learn.

A photo taken just ten minutes ago looking out in the back at the trees:


Your Color Vibe for Saturday, 12/28

Saturday, December 28:    Rusty Red

The air is full of thick memories and heavy emotions.  You can find yourself being in joy one moment and the next feeling as though everything has changed.  The wind blows warm one minute and cold the next.  There are scufflings behind you, while you are looking at the light.  There are things you have not though of for so long coming forth and scratching at the periphery of your senses.  This is a day for being quiet and accepting, while at the same time, knowing your power, knowing how powerful you are ,and how you have always within you the reserves to deal with anything and everything that comes your way, whether it comes in drips or as a wave.  This is a day for knowing your focus.  This is a time for setting your focus and your resolve and knowing that through all, this will keep you strong in where you are going and light the way.  You must be ready, however, to accept the truth of what you see along the way and be ready to deal with it from your point of strength, centered in your core and working with the deep knowledge of the inner knowing of the heart.


This shot was taken on December 26, 2013 in my backyard.

Your Color Vibe for Friday, 12/27

Friday, December 27:   Dark Brown Earth

There are things in the air today that can leave you wondering just what is happening.  The energies are swirling around, reaching a crescendo as the year draws to the end.  This is a day in which the truth will be uncovered in different areas.  You can respond as you will.  Things that are true remain so, it is your reaction and desires which color the truth according to how you are able to deal with it in a given time period.  Be kind to yourself and others today.  The sense of ease that is around can be accessed by you if you are open, allowing, and accepting.  Know what you know and use your intuition, the inner knowing of your heart as your guide.  Listen to what it being said there and know that the messages coming forth are for you to assist you in these most chaotic times.

Your Color Vibe for Tuesday, 12/24

Tuesday, December 24:    Dark Grey

Christmas Eve:   This is the eve of light and shadow as expectation and turmoil meet and do their crazy dance.  Tempers can be off center and can run high.  There is a lot of emotion in the air as the energy courses through Gaia and unsettles many things that you thought were so well planned, so obvious, so predictable.  The Trickster is about this Christmas Eve, perhaps helping Santa deliver his gifts, leaving surprises in his wake.  This is a day for relaxed vigilance.  This is a day to be open to the unusual and accepting of things that otherwise you would be upset or angry about.  Take things as they come.  This is truly a time for what is happening NOW.  There is a resurgence of the sense of compassion that is being brought in with the day’s energies.

Your Color Vibe for Thursday, 12/19

Thursday,  December 19:    Bright Orange

Everything is right out there, right in front of you, calling to you, directing you, urging you, showing you.  So……  What are you going to do about all of this?  In case you have not noticed, those signs in the skies are becoming clearer and clearer, and , oh by the way, there is intelligence behind it all.  There has been a conference, a council which has made some decisions as to what will be coming forth, what we will be seeing, what we will be knowing, and there are so many surprises in store.  Things that you thought were written in stone are now crumbling.  You will see that today.  This is a most visceral today, when things will affect you on a very deep internal level.  You may need to take some time to ground and regroup in dealing with people who are not st the point t which you are.  They can cause you some moments of irritation and perhaps even anger,  But that is stuff to be worked through.  It will all be okay if you are grounded and centered.



Your Color VIbe for Wednesday, 12/18

Wednesday, December 18:    Dark Straw

Things are beginning to take their own ways and means.  This is not a day for attempting to stop things, rather it is a good time to let things go and see the movement of the flow underneath it all.  There is that pattern that more and more falls into place.  It is time to know where you fit in it all.  Take time today to go within, to be alone, to open to your intuitive.  There are things to be shown to you right now and if you are not allowing yourself to be still, then you can miss some of what it all means.  Things also need to be said today.  Emotions run high at this time, and it is good to let your true feelings be expressed.

Your Color Vibe for Tuesday, 12/10

Tuesday, December 10:    Mediterranean Blue

Your energy levels can be doing some weird things today, so honor them as they come and go.  If you feel tired, take a few minutes to ground, to breathe, to center, and just to relax.  If you are feeling a burst of vitality, it is time to get things done.  You can be amazed at what you will accomplish in those times.  Through it all be alert to what is going on around you.  Things are shifting greatly on all levels.  The veils are quite thin, and the current atmosphere is making them even more so.  You may be aware of movement around you that is not really happening in 3D.  Keep your observation powers honed, and feel through your inner core what is truly going on.  Be open to your sense of paradox today, and remember that there is truth hidden within

Yourt Color Vibe for Monday, 12/09


Monday, December 9:    Dark Amber

This is a day for knowing what is true and what is merely façade.  And there will be a great deal of façade out there.  The current energetic swath that is coming through is showing things for what they are.  You can find some real surprises in learning what is truly substantial versus what merely seems so.  This will be true in many areas today.  This is not a time to take things at face value.  Look beneath the surface.  That means that you must connect with your inner knowing and view things with the eyes of the heart.  This is a day also for compassion as some find themselves quite shaken by what is going on.

your Color VIbe for Sunday, December 8

Sunday, December 8:    Blue Grass:

Today is a day for some excitement, however you might be discovering that your current idea of excitement is not what it used to be.  There can be excitement in watching the sunset.  There can be excitement in seeing the petals of a flower unfold.  There can be excitement in see a soufflé rise perfectly.  There can be excitement in watching delight erupt in the face of a child.  Things are changing, and along with them, so are you.  You can find that words that once meant one things to you have different nuance.  There are times today when you might find that you do not recognize yourself in how you react, in what you say, in how you are feeling.  This is all part of how you are reacting to the new energies as they flow around you.  There is creativity in all of this.  And right now, you greatest act of creativity is creating the new you.

Your COlor Vibe for Monday, 11/25

Monday, November 25:     Dark Blue

Open to your sense today.  They are very aware of everything that is going on around you.  And these are not just the physical sense but also the spiritual and emotional sensitivities that can bring information to you in new ways.  There are symbols that will be appearing in some of this, so it would be well to investigate what they mean.  Also, you will be finding that some of your friends and colleagues might be looking at you a bit askance right now.  That is because you are changing and no longer are the predictable personality that they could depend upon, go to, manipulate, whatever.  This can result in some interesting exchanges.  All in all, this day brings some revelations and some new information.  You are walking forward in your power, and it is time that you saw the effects of how you are changing and the evidence of your own power.
