Your Color Vibe for SUnday, 3/02


Sunday, March 2:    Dark Lavender

There are a lot of physical issues that can be making their way to the surface today.  When they do, it is time to take a look at them and work with where they came from, the real roots of the discomfort you are feeling at this time.  Perhaps it is something you took on from the past, something from your parents, some issue that you tried to resolve for another.  …Stuff.  Stuff that is not yours.  Today is a day for knowing what belongs to you and what does not.  You are not responsible for what others choose not to look at about themselves.  Let it go!

Your Color Vibe for Friday, 2/28

Friday, February 28:    Golden Amber

Things are definitely looking better, but whether this is because they are actually better or because you have changed how you are seeing them is for you to decide.  There are more opportunities coming your way today.  You will also be getting some news about something that you are working on, a project, a sale, a proposal, who knows!  The day also begins some challenges.  They are there for you to decide just how it is you are choosing to go forward in this new energy.  There is a dimensional shift happening, and if you are choosing to move forward, then many so-called rules and expectations will be changing.  The disconnect between cause and effect will become more obvious so sometimes the totally irrational, illogical is the best way to deal with things.

PS:  Mercury Goes Direct Today, but while we are still in that energy, step back from too much activity.

The Weekly Chromoscope 2/22-3/1

February 23-March 1:


The theme this week is Déjà vu all over again.  There can be a lot of repetitive events, happenings, moments, words, etc. as well as people you have not heard from in a long time getting back in touch.  Pay attention.  Each has something to say to you.


Overall Color for the Week:     Silky Red

Things are moving forward this week in unpredictable ways.  There can be some steps forward, shifts in your outlook, changing your mind one minute, which can be followed by doubt and questioning.  When these things happen, it is well to go within, to center and ground, and to engage your inner wisdom.  The connection of the heart to the Ultimate Ground brings in right answers and guidance.  There will be those who turn away from you now as your commitment to your own modus grows greater and your light shines brighter this week.  That can cause a bit of anxiety, but it will not last as you realize that some friendships are bound to a certain defined time period in your life.  Mercury goes direct on Friday, but it happens with a boom, so you might find that the last few days of the week and the weekend are difficult for you.  You can bee feeling out of sorts and confused and not know why, again, go within, and as always, breathe.  There are some messages coming your way this week.  It is well to be aware of synchronicity.  The dimensions are sliding into each other at this time, and you may find that you are seeing and hearing more than what is there.  This is an indication of your alignment with what is going on as the pattern begins to move into three dimensional existence.  The pattern has been in place now for some time, however it was in two dimensions only.  Now it is beginning to take on its definition.  As it does, your feelings and reactions can become somewhat muddled.  Again, breathe.  Step back and see things from the new perspective.

On the larger scale, the earth is making some major movements this week. Some of them are part of setting into place a chain reaction that will go into operation in the early summer.  It is a good time, if you are living in climates that are not in a growing season in summer to start getting together a store of clean food and to secure a safe source of water.  Things are shifting greatly right now, and this is merely preparatory for what is coming.  The storms of the summer will become legendary.  Right now, the oceans are changing the patterning of the currents.  This can bring in some rough weather for this week.  There is also a new movement of magma which will infuse some dormant volcanoes.  There is a storm going on within the political arena as bills and laws are passed cavalierly throughout the many nations, and people begin to rise up and make their voices heard, even, in some cases, taking things in their own hands.  This will cause a ripple in the financial markets, however only the bravest commentators will suggest that things are getting out of control, that these kinds of things have not been seen before, that the financial picture is falling apart.  The time of surplus is over.  Crops are being planted now, however those planted with GMO seeds will find that Gaia has a surprise in store for them as storms and extremes of temperatures cause them to fail.  That is to come, although the planting starts now.  The Sun will become more active as the week goes forward.  This can cause some issues in travel and electronics.  There will be noises in the air that have not been heard before.  Is it the planet crying?  Is it the planet speaking?   There will be odd movements of animals and birds.  And there will be signs in the skies that we are not alone.  This is an interesting and potential disturbing week we embark upon.  If you remain open to the counsel of the Universe, listen to the wisdom of your heart ,and follow your intuition, all will be well.

Your Color VIbe for Friday, 2/21

Friday, February 21:    Hazy White

There is a time for regrets, and there is a time for moving forward.  This is not a day to get stuck in things that you have done that you might wish you had not.  Let it all go.  The current energies are roiling about and in that mish-mash things get terribly confused and uncertain.  Take time to step back from it all.  It is a good day for dealing with perspective – how you see things, where you fit in it all, how you feel about stuff.  You are aware that your perspective is changing.  Now you need to do something about it.  This involves a bit of interior work. Make time today to go within and open to what comes.  Your internal knowing can bring some clarity in the day’s chaos.

Your Color Vibe for Tuesday, 2/18

Tuesday, February 18:    Dark Lavender

This is a day for being strong in your convictions.  There is much that will be coming to the surface today and you will find that your views of people and things are changing.  Your focus is adjusting to a new way.  Things are not as they were before.  This can lead to some confusion in conversation. This is not a good day for committing to things because what seems easy and quick today can and will turn out to be very difficult and time consuming when you are called upon to ante up.  There is a tension in the air today that will be felt by all.  Stay away from any kind of confrontational situation.  Things can spiral out of control and leave you feeling totally confused and, in some ways, abandoned.

A night light in the backyard just last week:


Your Color VIbe for Wednesday, 2/12

Wednesday, February 12:    Burnt Orange

Things are shifting today as you begin to become more aware of the dimensions at work.  You will be finding yourself not quite centered or into things when you are out and about, at work, dealing with people, in conversation, in your car.  It is a good day to be focused, especially in traffic, for some of the energetic bursts can make things seem to be what they really are not in the 3D.  This is a day of distraction.  It is a good time to make your distractions work for you.  Some of then are really in-between times when you are contacting more than the mere here and now.  If you find yourself moving into a shimmery kind of moment, then it is good to ground yourself.  If you are doing something that needs your attention in the 3D, ask for the moment to return, and know that the impression come back when you are able to deal with it.  This a kind of pivotal day in many ways, so when you are able take time to be with WHO you are in all that you are and to know your connectedness and open the conversation with Goddess/God, All That Is, the Universal Consciousness, however you deem to call it.  There are answers there.  Open, allow, and receive.

Note:  This Mercury Retrograde has started out on a very tough note and will continue so.  You can ride the waves peacefully and harmoniously if you will work with the energies that are there and not attempt to run counter.

Your Color VIbe for Saturday, 2/08/14

Saturday, February 8:   Banana Yellow

You must be on vacation….   Anyhow, you might be feeling that way when you get up in the morning.  You are trying very hard to hide from stuff that has been perplexing your reality of late, and the best way for doing that?  Well, you know the answer.  There are answers that work and answers that do not work and you can find out the difference between the two today.  Things will not appear right, so when you have that happening, take time to analyze where you are, what you are thinking, what is being said, what is being planned, etc.  Perhaps there is something in all of that which needs to be altered, changed, tweaked, omitted.  There is work to do today on many levels, and that vacation, it will have to wait.

Your Color Vibe for Thursday, February 6

Thursday, February 6:    Cloudy Red

This is a day for remembering.  So much has happened recently that you have not truly given yourself time to process it fully.  Look at the past year, and take some time to see the highlights and the lowlights.  There is something that you have learned from each of those experiences.  Look also at your circle of friends.  Do changes need to be made?  Look at yourself?  Who are you right now.  Be aware, also, that the Trickster is about today.  He will attempt to confuse you in this process, but you know better than he.  This is a great time for being strong in WHO you are and opening the true eyes of the heart to see beyond the seemings of the Trickster into the truth behind it all, for even the Trickster hides the truth if you are strong enough to follow the hints he gives.

Your Weekly Chromoscope 2/1-7


February 1-7 :

The theme this week is Nothing is ever as it Seems.  This is a week for being aware on all levels as to just what exactly is happening around you and for taking nothing for granted.

Overall Color for the Week:   Light Amber

Things are sifting and shifting this week. You will find that your opinions and tastes will be changing quickly, seemingly moment to moment, only to come back to the very beginning.  All of this can leave you confused and wondering,  When this happens, it is time for some perspective.  It is time to ground and center, to go within, to open to the language of the Universe, to know that you are connected, that you are one with The One.  There is comfort and renewal in that.  Then, your senses will be going crazy this week, finding things too loud, too bright, too over the top, and the next moment not enough.  You will wonder just what is going on.  Moreover you might just question your own sanity.  This is a week for finding out what it is that keeps you in touch with the larger whole.  This is a time for knowing where and what your connections are, and honoring them. This is a week also of crazy emotions.  Feelings happen, and it is time to allow them to come and flow.  They are there as signals that something is going on that you need to take note of.  They are a way that your deepest knowing can get in touch with you outside of the linear/logical.  Do not discount them.  This is a week also for finding the time on a daily basis to go within and allow your creativity.  Meditation can happen in so many ways, and in the moment of deep meditation is when you are contacting The All.  Take the time to go into your deepest enjoyment, that thing that makes time disappear and fulfills you, and create that which most truly speaks to you.

On the larger scale, things are bumpy and bumpier.  There is a coming to light of many different things, secrets, that they thought were so well hidden.  Some will deal with politics, some with finance, some with conspiracies, and some with ancient cultures.  There is information that needs to come out about a connection of the history of this planet with the extraterrestrials.  There will be movement in this direction this week.  There is a great deal of unsettledness among the populations of many countries, particularly those that were part of the old Soviet Union.  There were things done in those times that are beginning to be dug up, and there is unrest continuing because of this.  The truth is coming up all over.  In areas in which the people are finding out that they have been lied to and taken advantage of there will be a groundswell of feeling and action.  You will see more and more the beginnings of this this week.  Even as Gaia tosses and turns.  Her waters are active this week, and things can be uncovered, even as other things are covered up.  The grounds are shifting as the middle portions of the Earth feel a new current of energy.  Look for some odd climatic events in places that do not experience those kinds of things.  Secrets.  Secrets.  This is a week of secrets coming out even as other secrets are being formulated.   But these things no longer can be.  The dimensions are shifting and sliding.  There can be odd events, occurrences, and phenomena coming in and out of focus.  There will be some quick reports of these oddities which will then be just as quickly retracted.  The conservative media is beginning to reveal is self as lies and buffoonery.  There can be quite a show this week.  And the Sun will be joining in all of his with some interesting solar displays.


Your COlor VIbe for Thursday, 1/30

Thursday, January 30:    Hazy White

There are many questions in the air today, and some of them are the big ones.  This is a day for taking the broader perspective to see what is happening around you, and then to focus on one part.  You will know which one by the light that shines around it, by the sound that it makes, by the colors that it emits.  And then follow that focus to its end. Interestingly, there art the end you will not only find the beginning, but also the whole story.  So when you are told things today, take a part and see where it leads you.  Yes, this is the day to go down the rabbit hole.  There are many answers to your questions there.  The pattern is morphing right now, and you are feeling a bit unsettled by it all. By the focus exercise, you can find yourself getting a sense of what it is all about.  This is a day for being WHO you are, grounded and powerful.  Oh, and never forget to laugh.