Your Color Vibe for Wednesday, 3/19


Wednesday, March 19:   Frosty White

This is going to be one of those Whaddya Know kinds of days, so get ready.  Things will be up and down, and there will be a lot of conflicting threads to follow.  And, honestly, you can find yourself confused by all of this.  There is some clarity, but it lies within.  When things get a bit overwhelming, take a minute to ground and center.  Step back and breathe.  You can see the whole thing much more clearly with a little perspective.  There is a decision that you will need to make today and it is important that you have the information necessary to make it as well as the feeling within that it is correct.

Your Color Vibe for Tuesday, 3/18

Tuesday, March 18:    Brick Red

This is a good day for getting things done, tying up loose ends, and planning for the next phase.  You have made some progress since the beginning of the year, and it is time to look back on what you have accomplished.  Last year was about laying the groundwork, now it is time to start building, if you have not done so yet.  The day’s energies are supportive in tasks that are directed towards self-fulfillment.  You know what it is that makes you happy.  You know how it is that you can be centered.  Today’s energies are giving you the perspective to see all the preliminary steps that you have taken as well as to glimpse the form of the process that you are creating.  This is a good day also for talking things over.  There are those out there with suggestions and assistance, both physical and non-physical.

Your Weekly Chromoscope

March 16-22:


The theme this week is The Storm Is Coming.  This is a good time to prepare for the changes that are ahead.


Overall Color for the Week:    Frosty White

There will be much uncertainty in your coming week.  You can find yourself moving from highs to lows in your emotions, your energy, your enthusiasm, your caring.  Allow things to be as they are and do not get stuck on any one thing.  It is by getting stuck that the blockages begin to be created and blockages that are set up at this time will be quite difficult to remove later.  Your senses are getting more acute as time goes by.  The sense of smell is becoming increasingly engaged.  Smells are linked to thoughts and emotions, to memories and feelings.  When you find that scent in the air, take time to see what it means to you as part of your life story.  There will be moments of déjà vu that can take you by surprise and leave you confused and muddled.  It is important when you are about and about to be grounded in the moment, lest the energetic bursts and detours pull you into a place of uncertainty and distraction.  When you are in your car, especially, be aware of what is going on around you.  It is most important this week, and going forward, to spend some time on a regular basis allowing and accepting WHO you are to assume more and more an active role in your life.  Perhaps you feel it is woo-woo, but, actually, it is not.  It is the truth of reality, which spans times and dimensions and universes relating you to your true potential.

On the larger scale, the storm clouds are truly gathering.  There will be flashes of lightning and claps of thunder as international incident ifs followed by international incident.  There will be statements made to clarify things, but they will be found, upon closer observation, not to be true.  And closer observation will be going on all around.  This is a time when those in the public eye are going to have to be very careful in what they say for the general public is no longer as accepting as they had been in the past.  There will be more uprisings occurring this week, some starting with words, others starting with action.  There will be more people choosing to leave this week, and their choices may leave many confused and upset.  It is well to remember always that on this planet of free will, each person has the ability to determine the parameters of his/her own life.   There will be secrets coming out about the missing flight that will open up questions regarding what certain secret agencies have been involved in, perhaps even involving Extra-terrestrials.  This can lead to a panic reaction in some sectors as many feel their so-regular worlds are beginning to crumble.  Expect to see coming forward from this time on a push on the part of the Evangelicals, regardless of the faith they espouse, towards an end-of-the-world/panic scenario.  You know better, however.  The financial markets will be up and down this week as new and different and strange events hit the news.  That disconnect between cause and effect is becoming greater, so there is no clear line between points A and B.  The weather, well, the Earth is beginning a very active period right now, and you will see the first hints this week, along with more earth movements and volcanic activity. They will be on all levels, and eventually lost land will come to the surface.  There will be more artifacts being found right now and going forward that offer an alternative explanation of the history of this beautiful planet.

Your Color Vibe for Satuday, 3/15

Saturday, March 15:     Golden Amber

The Ides of March.  Well, this is a good day to take it easy, to relax, to step back from everything going on around you and just be.  There is so much to be learned now by the simple act of observation.  Things are shifting and changing, sliding and moving, and it is by taking that new long view, that new perspective that you can begin to get everything into some kind of manageable context.  This is a good time to make those lists that will help you through the next month or so of unsettled energies.  Take time to prioritize.  Take time to appreciate WHO you are.  Take time for gratitude.  This the homework for today.  There is help for you now as long as you are willing to ask for it and to accept what it is.  It may not make sense at first, but with time, you will realize that it was just the right thing.

Your Color VIbe for Friday, 3.14

Friday, March 14:    Bright Amber

This is a day for doing what you have to do.  So go for it, but go for it knowing that your time of dealing with these kinds of requirements that you have placed upon yourself which were motivated by thoughts of owing or obligation will soon become less and less.  You are changing and shifting at this time, and going into situations that no longer suit nor serve are reminders that you are moving ahead while other people and things are remaining.  You have choices in all of these things, and today is a time for choosing.  You may not act upon your choices immediately, but making a commitment to yourself is the first and most important step.  You create your reality so why are you allowing others to determine how you do that?

Your Color Vibe for Saturday, 3/08

Saturday, March 8:    Cotton Candy Pink

There can be some moments of déjà vu today as things begin to fall into place concerning a question you have been dealing with around your abilities.  There is a clashing of the dimensions going on right now, and there will be some odd time manifestations and dislocations as a result.  Some of what you are experiencing right now is related to other lives and other times.  There were things you put on a To-Do list for the future, and right now, you are encountering that list.  Interesting.  Some people will look different to you today. There might even be a flash in which they have a quick overlay of a past persona.  There is much in the atmosphere today.  Take advantage of it, and you will find that a number of issues will come into perspective.

Your Color Vibe for Friday 3/07

Friday, March 7:    Navy Blue

There are those pesky rules and regulations that you will be needing to deal with today.  This can lead to some questioning as to just what is right and what is wrong.  There are so many things that you have held onto, allowed yourself to be ruled by, taken as a given, but now you are seeing things differently.  You realize now that your perspective has, in fact, changed and that a lot of the things you were so willing to accept in the past no longer make sense or even seem relevant.  You are shifting.  You will see it today also in your physicality.  There may be some strange sensations.  When they do occur, take a moment, go within and follow it to the source.  Your body is speaking to you.  It is always a good idea to listen.

Your Color Vibe for Thursday, 3/06

Thursday, March 6:    Brown Earth

Well, it looks as though there will be some action today in areas of concern.  You can find that there will be some resolution regarding certain things you have been worried about.  When that happens, it is a good idea to step back and realize that you had something to do in getting this done.  It is time to accept, acknowledge, be aware, and rejoice in your power.  The more you accept the power you have, the more that power will grow.  These times and the current energy are coming together to give you the boost necessary to move forward in WHO you are and all that that can be.  Take time today to honor yourself.  Take time to day to look around yourself, and take time today to know that a lot of the old stuff is no longer helpful to you.  So, it might be a good idea to start that list of Things to Keep and Things to Let Go Of.


Your Color Vibe for Wednesday 3/05

Wednesday, March 5:     Dark Green Marble

Now that Mardi Gras has passed, there is a new energy in the air.  There are those who find themselves falling into the old ways and beliefs, and then again, there are those others who are seeing all that old stuff with new eyes and realizing that those metaphors no longer hold sway.  Where are you in the mix?  This is a day for dreams and memories.  Dreams move forward and memories rehash.  Novelty can challenge and routine can deaden.  There is change and choice in the air today.  You have known for quite sometime that something is not right.  This is a day for action.  You must make the choice as to what road you will take, what weapon you will take up, what song you will sing, what band you will walk with.  It does make a difference.


Your Color Vibe for Tuesday, 3/04

Tuesday, March 4:    Kelly Green

This is a day for putting yourself into the mix, for seeing yourself in the midst of all that is happening around you, not just as doe,  but as creator.  We all take on roles in this life, and the energies now are urging you to take hold of your life and truly make it into what you are desiring it to become.  Throw off the masks.  There is a push in the energy today that can bring you to another level in what you are doing.  There will be signs and synchronicities along the way today that will give you advice and counsel.  You can deal with these as you will, but know that the energies now are not allowing for a lot of do-overs.  The time has truly come for moving forward in the Now and looking to the future.  No regrets.