Teaching Kids Nothing



May 7, 2020 By Joseph P. Farrell

As the propatainment media hysteria over the Lieber-Wuhan-Fauci (rhymes with Grouchy) virus continues, and as everyone throws in their two cents on what they think is going on and what “they” hope to accomplish with all of this, I’ve been hearing from teachers. I have a few friends who are teachers, and there are a few members of this site who are teachers. And I can assure the regular readers of my blogs, that without exception, none of them were in favor of the Common Core curriculum and agenda being promoted by Darth Hillary, Jeb What’s-his-Name, and Billious Hates.

Most of their criticism of the whole miserable thing was its reliance on computer standardized tests that were “adaptive”, i.e., that in addition to the normal multiple guess questions on standardized tests composed by “experts”, the tests would be adapted to individual students by computer algorithms, algorithms again prepared by “experts.” The problem with standardized tests, as I and so many others have so often pointed out, is that multiple guess questions do not require reasoning, nor that one shows one’s reasoning. They are tailor-made to present narratives, and this particularly so in the so-called “soft” disciplines like history. Consider the following hypothetical question on a standardized test for, say, late elementary school or middle school: “Who killed President John Kennedy?” You know that the establishment edugarchy – a word we’ll return to in a moment – will push the narrative of the Warren Report. Answer: “Lee Harvey Oswald.” Never mind all the vast amounts of research that has been done since that event that have raised serious questions about that event.

But as my co-author Gary Lawrence and I pointed out in our book about Common Core, Rotten to the (Common) Core, the standardized tests had massive problems even in their presentations of questions and answers for the so-called hard sciences. In the book, we pointed out a controversy in the late 1950s and early 1960s between mathematician Banesh Hoffman – a friend of Albert Einstein – and the Educational Testing Service over some questions about physics where the Educational Testing Service’s “correct answer” to a question was manifestly and seriously flawed. Hoffman wrote articles about the controversy at the time which ran in various national magazines and newspapers. All to no avail. The Educational Testing Service’s explanations of their “reasoning” for insisting a wrong answer was correct, only dug themselves into further difficulties (and please note, they were allowed to explain their process of reasoning for insisting a wrong answer was in fact correct, while their test subjects were not allowed to do so). We call this attitude and the people behind it the “edugarchy.”

And all of this before Common Core’s “adaptive” tests.

So what’s the goal? Get everyone addicted to “computer books” and the easy sound-bite of a google search, and call that “research”, just so long as you agree with the promoted narrative (and with Google designing the search algorithms, how could it be anything but?). And along the way, reduce teachers to classroom proctors for standardized tests, break the teachers’ unions, and gain total control of a curriculum in a one-size-fits-all federal monster, which, incidentally, tracks you throughout your entire “academic” career.

So as this propatainment media hysteria over the Fauci-Lieber-Wuhan virus has taken down schools, and forced teachers into “distance learning” and “online classrooms,” I’ve been wondering whether or not that may have been one of the operational objectives of this whole plandemic. Just a few weeks ago, the pushback from parents and teachers against Common Core – not to mention its disastrous results as I’ve blogged about recently – were in, and Common Core was in trouble.

Not so any more, as one of our regular readers, N.S., caught this tweet from Andrew Cuomo, New York’s infanticide-approving governor:

Yes, what a great idea: let’s turn our edgykayshun system over to the man whose vaccines have allegedly killed people in India (which has banned him), who has invested in 3d printed “meat,” who has made his fortune by designing the world’s worst and most-virus ridden operating software and who wants to tell everyone how to deal with real viruses, and who was a major backer of the Common Core fiasco.

Funny how all this has worked out to his benefit, isn’t it?

See you on the flip side…

from:    https://gizadeathstar.com/2020/05/amairikuhn-edgykayshun-the-other-agenda-of-the-fauci-virus-online-schooling/

The Younger Dryas Event

Scientists Agree: Younger Dryas Impact Event Wiped Out Ancient Civilization | Ancient Architects


Via Ancient Architects

The Earth was hit by a fragmented comet around 13,000 years ago at the end of the Pleistocene Era and scientists are now starting to agree.

A new research paper has been published in Scientific Reports regarding an ancient civilisation in what is modern-day Syria that was wiped out by the cataclysm, as academics finally come round to the idea that yes this event did happen.

Even the sceptic Michael Shermer, who famously debated Graham Hancock on the Joe Rogan podcast has tweeted Graham saying:

“Ok Graham, I shall adjust my priors in light of more research like this, and modify my credence about your theory.”

The evidence always spoke for itself for a lot of people, but it’s positive to see him address Graham in a public manner like this.

So what have the scientists discovered? Well, remnants of glass have been found that could only have been created during a high-impact event. Other minerals such as chromium, iron, nickel and others were discovered too, all of which form at temperatures higher than 2,200 degrees, according to a statement from the University of California-Santa Barbara.

The site the discovery was made is known as Abu Hureyra, which was abandoned around 5,000 years ago.

The glass finds are believed to have been formed from the instantaneous melting and vaporization of regional biomass, soils and floodplain deposits, followed by instantaneous cooling. This is really only common during impact events.

Graham Hancock and others such as Randall Carlson have long said that it was likely a fragmented comet, and that is what the scientists are saying who are analysing the Syrian finds. A single, major asteroid impact could not have caused the widely scattered material discovered at Abu Hureyra and the experts say that it is more likely a fragmented comet.

The Younger Dryas Event is what caused a large megafaunal extinction, seeing the end of woolly mammoths, species of bison, American horses and camels, and giant sloths. It also saw the end of the North American Clovis culture.

The evidence is there in the field and it continues to stack up. Two years ago we read about reports of a 19-mile wide crater in Greenland that could be related to this cataclysmic event and in October 2019, a study was published that said there was a mini ice age 12,800 years ago that was caused by an impact event.

But at the beginning of this mini ice age there were huge levels of burning and now we know that Abu Hureyra was abruptly destroyed from what can only be an impact event. We have new direct evidence of the disaster, together with tons of data from around the world. History is finally being re-written!

All images are taken from Google Images and the below sources for educational purposes only.


from:    https://sacredgeometryinternational.com/scientists-agree-younger-dryas-impact-event-wiped-ancient-civilization-ancient-architects/

New Findings RE: Gobekli Tepi

Göbekli Tepe’s Architectural Layout Required an Understanding of Geometry and Complex Planning—13,000 Years Ago

Archaeologists with Israel’s Tel Aviv University have discovered a previously-unnoticed geometric pattern in the layout of the excavated portions of Göbekli Tepe, the 13,000-year-old megalithic complex in modern-day Turkey that has upended modern archaeological assumptions since its unveiling over two decades ago. This geometric pattern not only predates the advent of writing and the wheel by at least a millennium, but it also appears to hint at the evolution of human society and consciousness—specifically, the change in our understanding of our place in the natural world.

The discovery of these geometric patterns was made by Tel Aviv University’s Gil Haklay and Avi Gopher, with the architectural pattern apparent in both the internal and external layouts of the three stone circles at Göbekli Tepe known as enclosures B, C and D. An analytical method called “architectural formal analysis” was applied to the complex’s layout by Haklay, an Israel Antiquities Authority archaeologist and a former architect; this form of analysis is used to determine the planning methods and principles used in the design of existing structures.

The analysis was used to determine the center points of each of the three otherwise irregularly-shaped enclosures, each of which sat roughly between the set of twin T-shaped pillars that dominate the center of each circle. While that outcome was expected, one important pattern became apparent: the three points formed a nearly perfect equilateral triangle, with each point only 25 centimeters (9.8 inches) away from forming a perfect triangle with 19.25-meter (63.16-foot) sides.

“I certainly did not expect this,” Haklay said. “The enclosures all have different sizes and shapes so the odds that these center points would form an equilateral triangle by chance are very low.”

Specifically, a line can be traced through enclosure B and C’s four central pillars, forming the southern side of the triangle; a line drawn perpendicularly through the midpoint of this line intersects the triangle’s northern point in the middle of enclosure D, consistent with the geometry of an equilateral triangle.

While such a simple geometric arrangement might be easily taken for granted today, this layout implies that the supposedly hunter-gatherer builders of Göbekli Tepe made a plan of the layout before they commenced construction of the three enclosures, at a time when written language had yet to be invented. The layout would have required the use of a scaled floor plan, according to Haklay, possibly using something as simple as a diagram set out on the ground using reeds cut to equal lengths.

“Each enclosure subsequently went through a long construction history with multiple modifications, but at least in an initial phase they started as a single project,” Haklay explains, referring to the commonly-held assumption that each of Göbekli Tepe’s enclosures were made individually over a long period of time. However, the complex—or at least enclosures B, C and D—appear to have at least been planned as one project, if they weren’t actually built as such. However, if the three circles were constructed at the same time, then even more manpower would be required to build the complex than previously assumed.

“The implication is that a single project at Göbekli Tepe was three times larger than previously thought and required three times as much manpower – a level that is unprecedented in hunter-gatherer societies,” Haklay concludes.

This large-scale coordination of planners and workers (not to mention the people supporting the project with food and other necessities) would make Göbekli Tepe the oldest known example of a stratified society, requiring a hierarchy to successfully plan and execute the project.

The site itself may also indicate that the complex’s builders were aware of such changes to their way of life: Haklay and Gopher suspect that the triangle itself may represent the emergence of a hierarchy in the builders’ society. And while the stonework at Göbekli Tepe is rich with carved reliefs of both humans and animals, the twin pillars at the center of enclosure D are the only ones that depict human figures exclusively, in what may be a powerful message that the humans there began to consider themselves above the natural world.

“In Paleolithic art humans are rare, and this is true here as well, but you start to see change, the beginning of an anthropocentric world view in which animals and plants are no longer equal to humans but are subordinated to them,” according to Gopher.

“The end of the hunter-gatherer lifestyle is more of an ideological transformation than an economic or technological one,” Gopher continues. “Hunter-gatherers cannot domesticate anything; it’s against their world view, which is based on equality and trust. Once that ideology changes, the entire structure of society is transformed and a new world is born.”

Image Credits:
News Source:

from:    https://www.unknowncountry.com/headline-news/gobekli-tepes-architectural-layout-required-an-understanding-of-geometry-and-complex-planning-13000-years-ago-unknowncountry-x/

Whitley Streiber in Pine Ridge

It is our privilege and pleasure to welcome the world-renowned author Whitley Strieber as our featured author for May.

Whitley has dedicated many decades of his life to investigating the paranormal and detailing his profound supernatural experiences for the world to read. In this excerpt from his book ‘A New World’ Whitley explores his extraordinary encounter with a hidden landscape during his stay on the Lakota Sioux Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota; and the messages he received about the nature of the universe and the mysterious visitors that interact with our world.

Chapter Four, The Fields of Asphodel

During the weekend of July 19–22, 2019, I went to a place of great human suffering and incredible power. While there, I had extended, days-long access to another world, an experience that went far beyond anything else that has happened in this lifetime of strange and extraordinary experiences. I think that what happened offers a major clue about the origin of the visitors, and possibly also of their enigmatic human allies.

I had been invited to a small conference at the All Nations Gathering Center on the Lakota Sioux Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, where I was to give a talk about The Afterlife Revolution. It was hosted by Dallas Chief Eagle and his wife Becky and organized by Mia Feroleto, publisher of New Observations Magazine.

Before going, I had learned some of the reservation’s history, but it had offered no clue about what was actually going to happen to me there. Like most people outside of American Indian culture, my awareness of the spiritual power of their religions was very limited. Being a Texas German, I was aware that my ancestors had a high opinion of their religion and spiritual development. Why, I did not know. I do now.

I also knew that Pine Ridge was the site of the 1890 Wounded Knee Massacre and the Wounded Knee occupation of 1973. On December 29, 1890, the US Army had opened fire on a group of 300 Lakota Sioux, killing 90 men and 200 women and children. In 1973, Wounded Knee was occupied by 200 Oglala Lakota and members of the American Indian Movement in protest over corruption in the tribe’s government. This led to a siege that lasted two months that left two Lakota killed and fourteen wounded and two federal officers injured. I also learned that Oglala Lakota County was the poorest county in the United States, with an average annual income per person of just over $8,000. Officially, the average life expectancy on the Pine Ridge reservation is 66.81 years, but statistics attributed to the Pine Ridge hospital cite a life expectancy among women of 55 years and men 47 years. Suicide rates are high, especially among teens, driven by the sense of hopelessness that infects their lives like a virus. During the winter of 2015–2016, one 12-year-old girl killed herself because her family could not afford heat, and she could no longer bear the cold. Alcoholism affects 85% of the population. Drug abuse and crime are rampant, and living conditions are dreadful beyond anything I have ever seen in my life.

None of this is an accident or due to laziness or any such issue. It is because of the location. During the 19th century American Indian wars, the Lakota Sioux were intentionally confined to this place because it is so lacking in resources. Distances are long, so work off the reservation isn’t economical for most residents. Because of its isolation, lack of good farmland and general scarcity of exploitable resources, there are few jobs on it, contributing to a chronically high unemployment rate.

While I found an oppressed people there, I also found that it was a place of great human spiritual power, in fact, power beyond anything I have ever known anywhere. I have some idea of what this power is, which I will discuss in depth in a later chapter. I had not been on the reservation for more than a few hours before I began to feel it. And when I say feel, I am not talking about something vague—some sense of unusual energies. Far from it.

On my first morning there, when I happened to close my eyes during a drive of half an hour or so, I saw movement behind my closed lids—what looked like shadowy trees and rolling hills, but not the ones we were passing. Surprised, I opened them immediately. I couldn’t understand why I’d been seeing anything at all. When I closed them again, what I saw simply took my breath away. I sat there watching an entire second landscape flow past the car. Although it seemed to be twilit rather than sunny, the effect was so vivid it was like wearing a virtual reality headset.

I was flooded with strong, poignant and yet contradictory emotions. There was at once a sense of homecoming and homesickness. It wasn’t as if I was in two places at once, but rather looking out the windows of my heart into two worlds that have been locked forever in a secret embrace and seeing that wonderful, sweet thing for the first time.

As we drove along, I sang out the different features I was seeing. “There’s a creek over there, we’re passing under an arbor of trees, there are long hills on the horizon. Oops, the road’s gone off down the hill.” Among those in the car who heard me doing this was our very kind driver, Kevin Briggs, who unfortunately could not close his eyes and look as the others did. Conferees Alan Steinfeld, Ananda Bosman, Mia Feroleto and others did close their eyes. Some saw it vaguely, others not at all. Only Ananda and I saw it clearly.

Even though the image was shadowy, it was extremely detailed. I could pick out individual trees, fields, even a narrower version of the road we were on.

After a few moments, I realized that I was watching not another world altogether, but another version of the landscape we were passing through. It was a bit more rough, with occasional gorges and generally wider streams. The other road was not only narrower, it wasn’t graded. The result of this was that it sometimes wound off down a hill while we continued along the graded version in our world. This would leave me with the uncanny sensation that the car had taken flight.

The vision didn’t go on for just a few minutes, but for the entire time I was on the reservation. It continued whether I was riding in a car, walking, sitting or standing. For those three days, I was living in two landscapes at once. After I closed my eyes, it would take about thirty seconds for the other world to appear, but it did so reliably. When I was standing somewhere, I could look down and see grass and gravel that was not present in this world. I could bend down and look closely, even to the point of being able to count the number of petals on flowers and observe the details of grasses and the discolorations on stones. I could touch and smell nothing of the other world. In this sense, it was very much like out of body travel, which detaches you from those senses. I was not physical in that world, and I have to wonder if that might not be how our visitors experience this one. I tried using the sensing exercise as a tool for physically moving into the other world, but it didn’t work. Nevertheless, it is my strong sense that what we think of as technology is not what enables things like this to happen. I think that it’s something to do with attention, concentration and the brain, and possibly also requires the cooperation of an outside energy that is itself conscious. My thought is that my lifetime of doing the sensing exercise and the changes in my brain that have resulted have made me more able to see this other universe and, to a limited extent (so far), interact with it.

The changes I am referring to involve a brain area called the dorsal striatum. It contains two regions, the caudate and the putamen, which are connected by an area of white matter called the internal capsule. There is a study under way that suggests that the density of the white matter region may govern the degree to which an individual possesses intuitive sensitivities.

To read the rest of the article, go to:    https://grahamhancock.com/strieberw1/

The Group Address COVID

Greetings from Home, dear ones.

We join you this day as a collective because planet Earth is shifting. It’s moving very quickly now because you have a visitor on planet Earth, a new life form. Although it’s been there for a while, now it has crossed over into the human kingdom and is spreading aggressively. There are several important aspects of this to keep in mind. First, this being is evolving or what you’d consider to be mutating very quickly. Because it’s fighting for its life, this being instead calls it evolution.

The Gift

We also tell you that the integration occurring between humans and this creature, which you’re calling COVID-19, will result in a positive benefit in the long run. The next stage of evolution is to start bringing through more of your spirit into your physical body. However, one of the biggest challenges is that your spirit and physical body are incredibly enmeshed. It’s very difficult to loosen one from the other, but that’s what this virus does. It loosens the connection just enough, so that the next stages of evolution will actually be a little more comfortable. Dear ones, understand that not everyone on the planet needs to catch the virus. A critical mass will be reached, when everyone with the new attributes will no longer need to go through this process. When that happens, COVID-19 will either mutate again so that it isn’t as harmful, or you will find many of the answers that you’re currently looking for. At this very moment, a cure for this is available and humans are on track to find it. You’re starting to hone in on the different combinations and other techniques that will work best for the majority of people in most places.

An Answer

Yes, there is an answer that is coming soon. You haven’t quite found it because you have not yet reached that critical mass. However, it is already on the horizon and there are several ways to reduce that timeline even further. Obviously, you can focus on bringing in all that energy to discover the cure that in truth is already there. Yes, it’s already been found. Now it is simply a question of going through the shortened process of approvals to learn more about how it works. Besides being what you refer to as a vaccine or preventative treatment, it’s also a cure for people who already have the virus and it will help them greatly.

The Wave

In the meantime, the wave will pass through planet Earth. You are seeing the effects of it in different countries around the globe. Many of the poorer countries, especially those with humanitarian crises already well underway, will be hit very hard. This wave will continue for a time while this process spreads in many different areas. Dear ones, we tell you, that is the most difficult piece. The wave of this life form entering has hit the United States very hard, and much of that has to do with the way people are polarized there. However, at the same time they also have an opportunity to make more of a difference than other nations. For similar reasons, India will lead the way shortly.

Know that many people who catch this virus may only show slight symptoms or might not even know they are sick. The virus can be fatal and should be taken seriously, but not everyone who catches is it is going to come close to death. There is much more to this that you can work with. For some time, we’ve been very concerned about the incredible separation you’ve had on your planet. The beautiful part about that is that the separation is easing. Oh yes, people are still pointing fingers. But remember you’re all in this together, and that’s the most important piece. You will see the human heart rising during all the chaos. When you see it, identify it, celebrate it, share it with your friends, and pass it around because that’s what will bring a resolution to everything.

Come Together

For those of you who consider yourselves energy healers, especially distance healers, join any programs you can to find ways of connecting people. It might be either online with us here, or in small groups somewhere else. You can even come together online with other people and focus your energy on returning health, because that is coming now. Even after all of this clears out, you’ll find that your world is different. It will feel quite restrictive in the beginning, because you’re not used to these differences. But we also tell you there’s real beauty that can come from all of this. Hold on to that potential and know that every step you take now leaves a path that many can follow.

It’s not as difficult a time as you think. So, breathe, walk through it. Try to be there for those who are working with this energy. As you can understand, the first responders are those taking the brunt of this right now. We also tell you, dear ones, that is an incredible achievement for them. Support them in any way you can. Know that you’re all in this together, and the only way out is together. Allow this experience to eradicate much of the separation that has previously existed.

So with that, know that everything you are able to do from this point forward will make a huge difference. Re-member to look at the ways you are alike, instead of the ways you are separate. By doing this you will bring together the human heart of mankind. And with that, we will leave you for the time being. Know that you’re never alone. It is with the greatest of honor, that we ask you to treat each other with respect, nurture one another, and hold each other tightly, even at a distance.

Espavo, dear ones.

The group

from:    https://www.espavo.org/beacons-light-april-2020/

Gene Therapy & DNA Alteration

Lockdowns: looks like an op, smells like an op, walks six feet apart like an op

May 6, 2020

We don’t need Rahm Emanuel to tell us a crisis shouldn’t go to waste. It’s a strategy that probably got off the ground a hundred thousand years ago. The other half of it is, create the crisis to begin with. Then don’t waste it.

The Bill Gates plan involves a mother of all vaccines for COVID, mandated across the globe, before the lockdowns end. That’s his psychopathic wet dream. Then, coming in behind that, his lackey, the World Health Organization, along with the professional liars at the CDC, will add—“we must mandate EVERY vaccine…”

To pull off a mandated global vaccine for eight billion people takes a manufactured crisis.

Fake virus plus real lockdown is the crisis.

You don’t think that one up overnight. You plan. You drill, and you organize. You put all your ducks in a row. You prepare, in order to become Stalin and Mao.

Then somebody has to break the ice.

In this case, it was the Chinese regime—locking down 50 million people overnight in three cities. Moving quickly to a hundred million.

“If the Chinese did it, we can do it, too. We must.”

Then follow up with a dire prediction. Where will that come from? “Let’s dust off that broken-down hack, Neil Ferguson. He’ll give us what we want. He always does. Tell him to slap together one of his computer models. You know, predictions of lots of deaths up the road. Half a million in the UK, a couple of million in the US. Fauci will salute it like money.”


Drive people back into their homes. Put them out of work. Shut down businesses. Wreck economies.

NOW, hold out the carrot. The vaccine.

Note: A new COVID vaccine could be used to alter the genetic makeup of humans. That’s exactly what the emerging (and as yet unlicensed) DNA technology does. It’s a form of gene therapy, now in clinical trials—and, officially, one of the “competing candidates” for a COVID vaccine.

The New York Times, 3/10/15, “Protection Without a Vaccine.” It describes a frontier of research. Here are key quotes that illustrate the use of synthetic genes to “protect against disease,” while changing the genetic makeup of humans. This is not science fiction:

“By delivering synthetic genes into the muscles of the [experimental] monkeys, the scientists are essentially re-engineering the animals to resist disease.”

“’The sky’s the limit,’ said Michael Farzan, an immunologist at Scripps and lead author of the new study.”

“The first human trial based on this strategy — called immunoprophylaxis by gene transfer, or I.G.T. — is underway, and several new ones are planned.” [That was five years ago.]

“I.G.T. is altogether different from traditional vaccination. It is instead a form of gene therapy. Scientists isolate the genes that produce powerful antibodies against certain diseases and then synthesize artificial versions. The genes are placed into viruses and injected into human tissue, usually muscle.”

Here is the punchline: “The viruses invade human cells with their DNA payloads, and the synthetic gene is incorporated into the recipient’s own DNA. If all goes well, the new genes instruct the cells to begin manufacturing powerful antibodies.”

Read that again: “the synthetic gene is incorporated into the recipient’s own DNA.” Alteration of the human genetic makeup. Permanent alteration.

The Times article taps Dr. David Baltimore for an opinion:

“Still, Dr. Baltimore says that he envisions that some people might be leery of a vaccination strategy that means altering their own DNA, even if it prevents a potentially fatal disease.”

Yes, some people might be leery. If they have two or three working brain cells.

Even if we (falsely) assume this is an epidemic caused by a virus, the official case numbers—as I’ve described in a recent article—do NOT warrant nearly as much concern as annual official flu numbers.

And, of course, NO lockdowns faintly resembling what we have now have ever been recommended, much less enforced, for flu.

And there is no mandated global flu vaccine.

Therefore, a planet-wide, mandated COVID vaccine, as a get-out-of-jail-card, is absurd.

The freedom to reject the vaccine MUST be protected.

The actual conspiracy theorists—Gates, WHO, CDC—who invented the conspiracy, must also be rejected.


* https://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/10/health/protection-without-a-vaccine.html

* https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/05/05/covid-the-numbers-game-the-fraud-and-the-final-answer/

* https://medcitynews.com/2020/04/gsk-sanofi-huddle-to-develop-covid-19-recombinant-dna-vaccine/

* https://www.technologynetworks.com/biopharma/product-news/phase-1-us-trial-of-covid-19-dna-vaccine-enrollment-complete-334373

from:    https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/05/06/lockdowns-looks-like-an-op-smells-like-an-op-walks-six-feet-apart-like-an-op/

The Dangers of Research



May 6, 2020 By Joseph P. Farrell

Well, I suspect that we all suspected that sooner or later this would happen.

Sooner or later, someone involved in researching the Fauci-Lieber-Wuhan virus, was going to end up yet another victim of those strange “health care deaths” that we have blogged about from time to time. Well, it has happened, according to this article shared by C.S.:

Coronavirus In Pittsburgh: Researcher Killed In Apparent Murder-Suicide Was Close To ‘Making Very Significant Findings’ Related To COVID-19, Pitt Says

And you can color me really skeptical here. Note the following:

A researcher killed in an apparent murder-suicide was close to “making very significant findings” related to the coronavirus, his department said.

Two shootings that happened over the weekend in Ross Township appear to be a murder-suicide, according to police.

On May 2, police said 37-year-old Bing Liu was found dead in his home on Elm Court from apparent gunshot wounds to his head, neck and torso. Investigators say they now believe his death is a homicide.

Liu was a research assistant professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, his department said on Monday.

Bing was on the verge of making very significant findings toward understanding the cellular mechanisms that underlie SARS-CoV-2 infection and the cellular basis of the following complications. We will make an effort to complete what he started in an effort to pay homage to his scientific excellence,” the department said on its website. (Emphasis added)

So we have: (1) a Chinese-American, an assistant professor of medicine at the University of Pittsburg, who is (2) researching corona viruses and particularly (2a) the mechanisms of how they infect people and (2B) the cellular structures or bases of the complications following. Or to put that country simple, Professor Bing Liu’s research might have cracked the mystery as to why some people become horribly ill, and why some remain asymptomatic, or at best, suffer a cold.

Ahhh… but you can relax, because his apparent murderer was found in a car, the victim of an apparent suicide:

A second man was also found dead in his car on Charlemagne Circle, near Elm Court. Police say it appears he died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.

According to police, the two victims knew each other. Investigators say they believe the male found in his car shot and killed the man in the Elm Court home before coming back to his car and taking his own life.

There you go, Professor Bing Liu and the other man knew each other. It must have been all a friends’ squabble gone horribly wrong. Nothing to see here, move along. But we can relax because Professor Liu’s research will be continued:

“Bing was on the verge of making very significant findings toward understanding the cellular mechanisms that underlie SARS-CoV-2 infection and the cellular basis of the following complications. We will make an effort to complete what he started in an effort to pay homage to his scientific excellence,” the department said on its website. (Emphasis added)

Who wants to lay odds that we’ll never hear any more about Liu’s research?

Of course, there’s not a shred of data, or information, that can support my hypothesis that the unfortunate Professor Liu’s murder was anything more than a friends’ dispute gone wrong. But since virtually everything else about the Fauci-Lieber-Wuhan virus story stinks, not the least malodorous thing about it being the connections between Fauci (rhymes with Grouchy) and Billious Hates, I feel entirely justified in indulging in some high octane speculation. So yes, I would not be honest if I did not admit that my suspicion meter is in the red zone on this one. Somebody wanted this virus out and circulating, and somebody certainly is driving the propatainment media hysteria about the story, and somebody is willing to trash the global economy, and that means that whatever the motivations behind their actions, those motivations are important enough to trash the global economy and to take the risks associated with that action.

And that means in turn that they would do almost anything to anyone threatening whatever their agenda is, like, murdering a medical college professor investigating their virus… why, he might uncover evidence of its bio-engineered nature, and “whodunnit”, or might discover a very simple cure that doesn’t need big pharma. And would “they” make his murder look entirely innocent, like a quarrel between friends gone wrong? Yes. Would “they” plan it so that friend’s gun was used? Yes. Would “they” then turn that friend’s gun on that friend himself, and carefully place the gun in his hand to make it look like suicide (think Vince Foster here)? Yes. Indeed, might these two murders have occurred somewhere else, and the crime scenes staged? Yes. Would “they” be capable of that? Yes.

See you on the flip side…

from:    https://gizadeathstar.com/2020/05/virus-researcher-dead/

H2N2, Spanish Flu – Time to Reconsider Now

– May 4, 2020

The year was 1957.

Elvis’s new movie “Jailhouse Rock” was packing the theaters. The last episode of “I Love Lucy” aired on television. The show “West Side Story” held tryouts in Washington, D.C., and opened on Broadway in September. Ford’s new car the Edsel rolled off the assembly line. The Cold War with Russia was on and “In God We Trust” appeared on U.S. currency. The first Toys R Us store opened.

Also that year, the so-called Asian Flu killed 116,000 Americans. Here is the full summary from the Centers for Disease Control:

In February 1957, a new influenza A (H2N2) virus emerged in East Asia, triggering a pandemic (“Asian Flu”). This H2N2 virus was comprised of three different genes from an H2N2 virus that originated from an avian influenza A virus, including the H2 hemagglutinin and the N2 neuraminidase genes. It was first reported in Singapore in February 1957, Hong Kong in April 1957, and in coastal cities in the United States in summer 1957. The estimated number of deaths was 1.1 million worldwide and 116,000 in the United States.

Like the current pandemic, there was a demographic pattern to the deaths. It hit the elderly population with heart and lung disease. In a frightening twist, the virus could also be fatal for pregnant women. The infection rate was probably even higher than the Spanish flu of 1918 (675,000 Americans died from this), but this lowered the overall case fatality rate to 0.67%. A vaccine became available in late 1957 but was not widely distributed.

The population of the U.S. at the time was 172 million, which is a little more than half of the current population. Life expectancy was 69 as versus 78 today. It was a much healthier population with negligible obesity. To extrapolate the data to a counterfactual, we can conclude that this virus was more wicked than COVID-19 thus far.

What’s remarkable when we look back at this year, nothing was shut down. Restaurants, schools, theaters, sporting events, travel – everything continued without interruption. Without a 24-hour news cycle with thousands of news agencies and a billion websites hungry for traffic, mostly people paid no attention other than to keep basic hygiene. It was covered in the press as a medical problem. The notion that there was a political solution never occurred to anyone.

Again, this was a very serious flu, and it persisted for 10 years until it mutated to become the Hong Kong flu of 1968.

The New York Times had some but not much coverage. On September 18, 1957, an editorial counseled: “Let us all keep a cool head about Asian influenza as the statistics on the spread and the virulence of the disease begin to accumulate. For one thing, let us be sure that the 1957 type of A influenza virus is innocuous, as early returns show, and that antibiotics can indeed control the complications that may develop.”

The mystery of why today vast numbers of governments around the world (but not all) have crushed economies, locked people under house arrest, wrecked business, spread despair, disregarded basic freedoms and rights will require years if not decades to sort out. Is it the news cycle that is creating mass hysteria? Political ambition and arrogance? A decline in philosophical regard for freedom as the best system for dealing with crises? Most likely, the ultimate answer will look roughly like what historians say about the Great War (WWI): it was a perfect storm that created a calamity that no one intended at the outset.

For staying calm and treating the terrible Asian flu of 1957 as a medical problem to address with medical intelligence, rather than as an excuse to unleash Medieval-style brutality, this first postwar generation deserves our respect and admiration.

Jeffrey A. Tucker

Jeffrey A. Tucker is Editorial Director for the American Institute for Economic Research. He is the author of many thousands of articles in the scholarly and popular press and eight books in 5 languages, most recently The Market Loves You. He is also the editor of The Best of Mises. He speaks widely on topics of economics, technology, social philosophy, and culture. Jeffrey is available for speaking and interviews via his email.

from:    https://www.aier.org/article/elvis-was-king-ike-was-president-and-116000-americans-died-in-a-pandemic/

Summer of Love & A Pandemic

– May 1, 2020

Woman running through the mud at the Woodstock Music Festival, New York, US, 17th August 1969. (Photo by Owen Franken/Corbis via Getty Images))

In my lifetime, there was another deadly flu epidemic in the United States. The flu spread from Hong Kong to the United States, arriving December 1968 and peaking a year later. It ultimately killed 100,000 people in the U.S., mostly over the age of 65, and one million worldwide.

Lifespan in the US in those days was 70 whereas it is 78 today. Population was 200 million as compared with 328 million today. It was also a healthier population with low obesity. If it would be possible to extrapolate the death data based on population and demographics, we might be looking at a quarter million deaths today from this virus. So in terms of lethality, it was as deadly and scary as COVID-19 if not more so, though we shall have to wait to see.

“In 1968,” says Nathaniel L. Moir in National Interest, “the H3N2 pandemic killed more individuals in the U.S. than the combined total number of American fatalities during both the Vietnam and Korean Wars.”

And this happened in the lifetimes of every American over 52 years of age.

I was 5 years old and have no memory of this at all. My mother vaguely remembers being careful and washing surfaces, and encouraging her mom and dad to be careful. Otherwise, it’s mostly forgotten today. Why is that?

Nothing closed. Schools stayed open. All businesses did too. You could go to the movies. You could go to bars and restaurants. John Fund has a friend who reports having attended a Grateful Dead concert. In fact, people have no memory or awareness that the famous Woodstock concert of August 1969 – planned in January during the worse period of death – actually occurred during a deadly American flu pandemic that only peaked globally six months later. There was no thought given to the virus which, like ours today, was dangerous mainly for a non-concert-going demographic.

Stock markets didn’t crash. Congress passed no legislation. The Federal Reserve did nothing. Not a single governor acted to enforce social distancing, curve flattening (even though hundreds of thousands of people were hospitalized), or banning of crowds. No mothers were arrested for taking their kids to other homes. No surfers were arrested. No daycares were shut even though there were more infant deaths with this virus than the one we are experiencing now. There were no suicides, no unemployment, no drug overdoses.

Media covered the pandemic but it never became a big issue.

As Bojan Pancevski in the Wall Street Journal points out, “In 1968-70, news outlets devoted cursory attention to the virus while training their lenses on other events such as the moon landing and the Vietnam War, and the cultural upheaval of the civil-rights movements, student protests and the sexual revolution.”

The only actions governments took was to collect data, watch and wait, encourage testing and vaccines, and so on. The medical community took the primary responsibility for disease mitigation, as one might expect. It was widely assumed that diseases require medical not political responses.

It’s not as if we had governments unwilling to intervene in other matters. We had the Vietnam War, social welfare, public housing, urban renewal, and the rise of Medicare and Medicaid. We had a president swearing to cure all poverty, illiteracy, and disease. Government was as intrusive as it had ever been in history. But for some reason, there was no thought given to shutdowns.

Which raises the question: why was this different? We will be trying to figure this one out for decades.

Was the difference that we have mass media invading our lives with endless notifications blowing up in our pockets? Was there some change in philosophy such that we now think politics is responsible for all existing aspects of life? Was there a political element here in that the media blew this wildly out of proportion as revenge against Trump and his deplorables? Or did our excessive adoration of predictive modelling get out of control to the point that we let a physicist with ridiculous models frighten the world’s governments into violating the human rights of billions of people?

Maybe all of these were factors. Or maybe there is something darker and nefarious at work, as the conspiracy theorists would have it.

Regardless, they all have some explaining to do.

By way of personal recollection, my own mother and father were part of a generation that believed they had developed sophisticated views of viruses. They understood that less vulnerable people getting them not only strengthened immune systems but contributed to disease mitigation by reaching “herd immunity.” They had a whole protocol to make a child feel better about being sick. I got a “sick toy,” unlimited ice cream, Vicks rub on my chest, a humidifier in my room, and so on.

They would constantly congratulate me on building immunity. They did their very best to be happy about my viruses, while doing their best to get me through them.

If we used government lockdowns then like we use them now, Woodstock (which changed music forever and still resonates today) would never have occurred. How much prosperity, culture, tech, etc. are losing in this calamity?

What happened between then and now? Was there some kind of lost knowledge, as happened with scurvy, when we once had sophistication and then the knowledge was lost and had to be re-found? For COVID-19, we reverted to medieval-style understandings and policies, even in the 21st century. It’s all very strange.

The contrast between 1968 and 2020 couldn’t be more striking. They were smart. We are idiots. Or at least our governments are.

[Note an earlier version of this article featured a photo not from Woodstock 1969. This photo from the montage at the Atlantic.]

from:    https://www.aier.org/article/woodstock-occurred-in-the-middle-of-a-pandemic/

Rushing to Vaccinate

Dr. Tenpenny: This is The Biggest Scam Ever Perpetrated on The Human Race…

By Spiro Skouras

In this explosive interview, Spiro Skouras is joined by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny. The two discuss the latest developments regarding the coronavirus situation which was declared a global health pandemic by the Gates-funded World Health Organization, as more information comes to light questioning the need for a global lockdown.

Dr. Tenpenny and Spiro examine and explore the motives of the global response by governments, global institutions and private interests, as Dr. Tenpenny exposes perhaps the most alarming aspect of the crisis yet!

No, it is not the virus, it is the blank check issued to the vaccine and drug manufacturers, which not only provides unlimited funding, but also provides blanket immunity to Big Pharma for any harm attributed with the treatments produced during the declared emergency, including all drugs and vaccines.

This blanket immunity is provided by the US government under the PREP Act and provides the drug and vaccine manufacturers the ‘Ultimate Blank Check’ during a declared emergency. As Dr. Tenpenny points out, the vaccine and drug manufacturers have zero incentive to produce a safe product, as the declared emergency not only rolls back regulatory standards and removes them from any and all liability, but it also ensures the government will purchase their products.

This is an unprecedented level of immunity which raises many questions and safety concerns.

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny Twitter Account

Dr Tenpenny Vaxxter Website

Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act

Coronavirus Pt 1: How Soon We Forget – Same Playbook, Different Virus

Coronavirus Pt 2: ‘Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste’, Replay

UN / UNICEF Report Against Dr. Tenpenny & other ‘Anti-Vaxxers’

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: Responds to UNICEF putting her on the ANTI-VACCINE HIT LIST

What you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccine


Hancock: compulsory vaccinations being seriously considered

New Proposed Law To Jail “Anti-Vaxxers” & The CDC Fear Based Talking Points To Media Revealed!

“One Conversation”, LIVE from Atlanta!

“One Conversation”, LIVE from Atlanta! PART 2

Coronavirus has mutated into at least 30 different strains new study finds

About the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program


Provisional Death Counts for Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

Cancer risk associated with simian virus 40 contaminated polio vaccine.

As Business Owners Face Jail for Staying Open During Lockdown, “High-Risk” Child Rapists Set Free

from:    https://www.activistpost.com/2020/05/dr-tenpenny-this-is-the-biggest-scam-ever-perpetrated-on-the-human-race.html