Do you have questions about what is going on?

Would you like a  new perspective?

Then take some time and watch this:

This Is A Concern for EVERYONE!

French Doctors Speak Out Against New Contact Tracing As Attack on Right to Medical Privacy

French Doctors Speak Out Against New Contact Tracing

Pam Barker | Director of TLB Europe Reloaded Project

A somewhat emotional video from a young practicing physician on Youtube, republished below, alerted us to this topic of medical snooping by the French government in order to allegedly stop / control / monitor the chain of infection (and us). Overall, this practice may become the next reason why we shouldn’t be visiting our family doctor or the local hospital starting from tomorrow, May 11, when our two-month(!) lockdown officially ends.

An MSM report of the French situation may be found here, but below are two actual doctors giving their feedback, one on video and one anonymously in writing. Readers may also be interested in this US article by Daisy Luther via Zerohedge on the rollout of contact tracing titled “Contact Tracer” And “Disease Investigator” Jobs Spring Up Across The Country.

So from tomorrow, the French family doctor (and the hospital doctor) will be the initiating person to identify a patient supposedly with covid, ask for the names and contact numbers of those people the patient has been in contact with (both within and without the immediate family), enter the information given into a centralized database, and do (unreliable) testing on the patient. At which point the non-medical staff of the French health insurance system will take over and send teams of people to test those contacts, hoping to find patient zero along the way. The initiating doctors themselves will get 55 euros instead of the regular fee of around 25 euros, plus 2 (or 4) extra euros for each contact name with a phone number.

The infection has likely been in France since at least October/November; confirmed cases were predicted to be going down around the time lockdowns were enforced in France (March 16) and the UK (March 23); Public Health England downgraded the severity of the disease on March 19. So is this all a case of a system and government justifying themselves to the public when, originally, they did absolutely nothing, telling us via the media that it was a Chinese problem? Likely the infection has been doing the rounds here for a while although it remains to be seen what kind of spike in cases will happen post-lockdown. Some government heads are expected to roll following the resumption of ‘normal’ life, so they must be anxious to be seen to be doing something. As well as finding a reason to implement Big Data surveillance systems on us.

The anonymous doctor below raises concerns about doctors being motivated to participate with a fee incentive; the reliability of the diagnostic tests (presumably the PCR test); confidentiality of a patient’s medical data by administrative, i.e. non-medical, staff; use and security of patient data entered in the system once it’s all finished; retaliation by people named as contacts who may be subject to confinement. And overall, the ethical problem of doctors turning in their patients to a bigger, data-driven system outside the normal bounds of doctor-patient relationship, as well as turning in names of people to the government who are not even their patients.

The doctor in the very short video below raises some additional points:

  1. Covid is a notifiable disease so reporting these cases in and of itself isn’t a problem. (ER: It is in the UK, too, but should it be? Should covid, with a death rate comparable to ‘flu and mild or no symptoms in the majority of the population, be put in the class of diseases like cholera and TB?)
  2. Yet a government bill is in the pipeline to create a new system of health data in the context of this crisis, without our input. Patient health information cannot be kept for more than a year, but it is likely to become a permanent system.
  3. The national platform of patient data will be kept on Microsoft servers; the data will be drawn from hospitals, pharmacies, and patient files.
  4. Will this result in health insurance costs going up for people? Will banks refuse loans to people? Will employers not re-hire people because their health data is accessible?

The young guy’s overall point below is – I’m a doctor, not a cop.



Philippe Jandrok’s Blog, 7 May 2020

Message from a Doctor Who Wishes to Remain Anonymous

The total compromise of the SS in this so-called state of emergency, totally falsified and allowing all the most Orwellian excesses!

What I am reporting here is taken from a communication from the CGT Union of social security funds following a meeting with the national director of the fund, Mr. Nicola Revel, dated May 5, 2020.

It concerns the plan to mobilize the fund’s administrative employees (and not the fund’s medical personnel, who are supposed to be trained and protect the notion of medical secrecy!) to supposedly limit the spread of the post-lockdown virus.

It consists of the creation of a “brigade” (sic!) in the form of a telephone platform of 6,500 people at the national level, which they cynically call the “Guardian Angel Brigade” BAD (… Really, what a sense of humour!) supposed to carry out large-scale epidemic detection of the famous “contact cases,” identified by family doctors on the declaration of their Covid patients.

In order not to get rid of the increasingly invasive anglicisms, it is called “contact tracing”!

These agents will be employed 7 days a week, this by freezing their collective agreement, and with compulsory overtime, but not eligible for the scheme in question from 8am to 7pm .

I remind us all once again (we can never hammer it home enough) that the covid tests have no validity, with a positive predictive value between 30 and 50%, which means that one can be a carrier of the virus and negative on the test, just as one can be declared positive even without having contracted the virus!! It is, however, on this basis that the policing will be carried out with an insane stigmatization of anyone!

But in high places, it causes no remorse!

The “contact tracing,” in fact, is old-fashioned: the family doctor diagnoses an infected patient. He tests him with a virological test, takes care of him and organizes his confinement as well as that of his close entourage. 3,000 to 5,000 cases will be expected per day starting May 11th according to Santé Publique France.

The doctor registers his patient in Ameli Pro, with his consent within 24 hours. (ER: is the website portal for all health insurers in France.)

He receives 55 €, plus 2 € per individual name (4 € with a phone number) entered in Ameli Pro, with whom the patient has been in contact, outside the rules of physical distance and protection.

(ER: From another report, the 55 euros includes the normal 25 euro family doctor consultation fee.)

Mr Revel considers that the professional secrecy to which the employees of the Sécu are bound is sufficient to guarantee data protection. No details are given on what will happen to the data collected on Ameli Pro after the crisis is over.

On the other hand, it is confirmed that its twin, the SITEP tool (operated by DGS/AP-HP/Santé Publique France) will (together with the results of serological tests carried out in laboratories) make it possible to carry out epidemiological studies under cover of anonymity. As the CNIL has not given its opinion on the nature of the files created, it will arrive after the battle. So much the worse, when it comes to health data, as well as labour law – it is a matter of urgency!

Behind Ameli Pro, the agents will take over from the doctor to contact the “contact cases” by telephone. Their mission will be to convince everyone to get masks from the pharmacy, do a laboratory test and go into isolation while waiting for the results, with a work stoppage as backup.

In addition to the research and the relationship with the “contact cases”, the colleagues will also issue work stoppages.

Unanticipated risks to patients zero :

Patients (“patient zero”) who are the source of the trace will have the right to have their identity withheld from individuals who will be identified and quarantined. But only if they ask their doctor not to check the “does not wish to be identified” box in Ameli Pro. There is a risk there.

If claiming to be a known person (ER: an ‘infected’ person?) can make it easier to quarantine a third party, it could lead to retaliatory measures. There are environments where “snitching” is a serious thing. You have to be aware of this reality when you’re doing population tracing.

I’ll stop here. It’s edifying enough for anyone who still has their common sense. Not to mention that if medical ethics still had any meaning that was not misused, all doctors would have to resist and oppose the implementation of such a nightmare. But hey, most of them have seen their incomes drastically reduced during this epidemic! Yes, they have! It’s strictly attested to! And so… A big increase in income after a famine, it can be tempting!!…

Original article in French


Are You Following the Money or the Hype?

Snyder: It’s Much Worse Than You Are Being Told

Authored by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog,

For a long time I warned that our economic bubble would burst and that we would plunge into a nightmarish economic collapse.  Now it has happened, and it turns out that fear of COVID-19 was the “black swan event” that triggered the collapse.  The ironic thing is that COVID-19 is not even close to the worst thing that is going to happen to us.  But it was more than enough to topple our incredibly fragile economic system, and now tens of millions of Americans are deeply suffering.  On Friday, the April jobs report was released, and it was the worst jobs report in U.S. history by a very, very wide margin.  According to the official numbers, 20.5 million Americans lost their jobs during the month, and the unemployment rate shot up to 14.7 percent.  During the last recession, the unemployment rate peaked at about 10 percent, and we have already left that number in the dust.

The figures that we are seeing now are truly, truly horrifying, and what is even more frightening is that they aren’t even that accurate.

But don’t take my word for it.

On Friday, the U.S. Labor Department publicly admitted that the true unemployment rate in April was closer to 20 percent

Millions of U.S. residents were counted as employed in April despite having no job, suggesting April’s true unemployment rate was closer to 20%, much higher than the official 14.7% reported, the Labor Department said Friday.

The jobless rate should have included people on temporary unpaid leave, furloughed because of the coronavirus pandemic, the government said.

I applaud the Labor Department for trying to be honest.  In the report, they openly admitted that an “additional 7.5 million workers” should have been classified as unemployed

But responses to the survey by which the data was collected show 11.5 million people were categorized as employed but absent from work because of vacation, parental leave or other reasons, but including 8.1 million absent for “unspecified” reasons, a group that usually numbers about 620,000.

“One assumption might be that these additional 7.5 million workers …should have been classified as unemployed on temporary layoff,” a note attached to the government’s jobs report Friday said.

If those workers had been correctly classified, the official unemployment rate would have been about 19.5 percent, and that would have put us solidly in Great Depression territory.

But others have looked at the numbers and calculated that the true rate of unemployment should be even higher than that.

For example, Standard Chartered has calculated that the true rate of unemployment could be as high as 27.5 percent

While it is true that what the BLS reported that the April unemployment rate (UR) was less than expected (14.7% versus consensus of 16.0%) and the drop in payroll employment of 20.5 million was also less than the 22.0 million expected, Standard Chartered bank has calculated that adjustments to the headline unemployment rate push the effective number of unemployed to 42 million and the effective UR rate to 25.5%, higher even than the U-6 underemployment rate of 22.8%. Worse, if one treats underemployed in line with the U-6 methodology, the true April unemployment number would rise to an mindblowing 27.5%.

So how did Standard Chartered arrive at those numbers?  The following is how Zero Hedge explained it…

How does one get these numbers? As the bank’s chief FX strategist Steve Englander explains, start with the 23.1 million unemployed as published by BLS. To this add 8.1mn people who have dropped out of the labor force since February (previously the labor force had been growing steadily, so these are likely unemployed).

Add back 7.5MM workers classified as ‘employed but not at work for other reasons’ – BLS states that these workers are likely misclassified as employed, when they are in fact unemployed. Involuntary part-time work for economic reasons has gone up by 6.6MM and we treat these as half-unemployed (i.e., a contribution of 3.3MM).

This totals almost 42 Million effectively unemployed.

And Standard Chartered is not the only one that has come up with such a high figure.

In fact, John Williams of says that if honest numbers were being used that the U.S. unemployment rate would now be an eye-popping 35.4 percent.


Of course everyone admits that things are really, really bad and that the numbers for next month are likely to be even worse.

If you can believe it, even White House economic adviser Kevin Hassett is admitting that the official unemployment rate is likely to surge above 20 percent in “May or June”

White House economic adviser Kevin Hassett believes the unemployment rate could rise above 20% and the worst job losses would come in “May or June” because of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

When asked Sunday what the “bottom” of the country’s unemployment pain would be, Hassett, who advises the Trump administration on economic policy and is the former chair of the Council of Economic Advisers, told CBS’s “Face the Nation,” “to get unemployment rates like the ones that we’re about to see … which I think will climb up toward 20% by next month, you have to really go back to the Great Depression to see that.”

And even once this pandemic fades, many of those jobs won’t be coming back.

Initially, many employers had anticipated that they would be bringing all of their employees back following a short, severe crisis.  But at this point reality is beginning to set in for many of them.

For example, a restaurant owner in Kentucky named Britney Ruby Miller has had to lower her expectations as this pandemic has dragged on…

In late March, Britney Ruby Miller, co-owner of a small chain of steakhouse restaurants, confidently proclaimed that once the viral outbreak had subsided, her company planned to recall all its laid-off workers.

Now? Miller would be thrilled to restore, by year’s end, three-quarters of the roughly 600 workers her company had to let go.

Yes, the state of Kentucky is starting to “reopen for business”, but for now her restaurants will “be limited to 33% of capacity” and there will be all sorts of other new expenses that Miller will be forced to deal with…

Yet business won’t be returning to what it was before. In Kentucky, the restaurants will be limited to 33% of capacity. They are putting six feet between tables in all their restaurants, thereby limiting seating. Miller estimates that the company’s revenue will plunge by half to three-quarters this year.

And expenses are rising because the company must buy face masks and other equipment for the workers it does recall and restock its food, drink, and equipment supplies.

There are very, very few restaurants that can be profitable under such circumstances.

Unless the state of Kentucky lifts those ridiculous restrictions, Miller may soon lose all of her restaurants and all of her employees may soon be permanently out of jobs.

Of course more layoff announcements just keep rolling in from all over America with each passing day.  The following examples come from the Wall Street Journal

This past week, General Electric Co., Uber Technologies Inc. UBER 6.01% and Airbnb Inc. said they would lay off thousands of workers. MGM Resorts International MGM 4.42% warned that some of the 63,000 employees it has furloughed may be let go permanently starting in August. Aerospace supplier Raytheon Technologies Corp., RTX 2.91%  job-listings site Glassdoor and United Airlines Holdings Inc. UAL 11.74% also said in the past week that they had reduced jobs or planned to do so.

This is what an economic depression looks like, and it is going to be so incredibly painful.

And it is critical to understand that what we have experienced so far is just a warm-up act for the next chapters.

If you remember how bitter the last recession was, that should motivate you to take action to prepare for what is ahead, because this economic downturn is already even worse.

Yes, the months in front of us will be exceptionally challenging, but you can get through this.  Things may look really bleak, but for now you just need to keep hanging in there.

There will be life on the other side, but your future may end up looking far different than you originally anticipated.


PA Just Says NO – Isn’t This America?

Pennsylvania Sheriffs Say They Won’t Enforce Business Shutdown

By Daniel Taylor

Cumberland County Sheriff Ronny Anderson says “I have no intentions of turning local business owners into criminals.”

Resistance is growing against unconstitutional orders from Democrat governors around the country.

Pennsylvania Sheriffs are denouncing Governor Tom Wolf’s orders to turn business owners into criminals.

Local media reports:

Two local sheriffs say they won’t enforce the Pennsylvania governor’s COVID-19 mitigation measures. Sheriff John Zechman of Snyder County and Ernie Ritter of Union County say they won’t help the governor turn business owners into criminals.

Cumberland County Sheriff Ronny Anderson made a popular Facebook post that assured citizens that the Sheriff office would not enforce any order that violates the Constitution.

Sheriff Anderson said in part:

Our office will stand with the citizens in defense of all our Constitutional Rights! I have no intentions of turning local business owners into criminals.

The Perry County Sheriff’s office made a similar post:

Resistance to tyranny starts at the local level. America will not be conquered without a fight.


5G — Bad Idea

“What If the Pentagon Skipped 5G?” The Dep’t of Defense Doesn’t Want It and They Aren’t Alone

By B.N. Frank

An increasing number of Americans including doctors, scientists, engineers, public advocates, and elected officials oppose 5G (see 1. 2, 3, 4).  The Department of Defense also opposes it because they say it really-really-really threatens national security (see 1, 2, 3, 4).  They’ve actually been saying that since last year.  Did you know?  So why on Earth would Americans want to deliberately threaten our national security?  Recently, some Congress members finally stepped in about DoD opposition and there was a hearing.

Thanks to Defense One for publishing an article that asks “What if the Pentagon Skipped 5G?”

The answer to the headaches and security risks of next-generation mobile communications just might be a technological leap past them.

It’s round one of a WWE-equivalent policy fight, and the Federal Communications Commission has beat the Pentagon. Against DoD objections, the FCC approved a license modification for Ligado Networks to establish a new 5G communications service last month. And while some Trump administration senior officials hailed this as a boon to U.S. firms vying to build the world’s 5G networks, others rightly argue that it imperils national security.


The solution — next-gen networking without Huawei and without undermining GPS  — may lie in yet another nascent technology. O-RAN, a software-driven network protocol that promises even faster and more secure mobile communications, is attracting private and Congressional interest. But if the Pentagon wants to hasten O-RAN’s arrival, and head off disruption, it needs to act, and fast.

Read full article

The Federal Communication Commission (FCC) is supposed to protect the public by regulating the telecom industry.  They were considered to be a corrupt and “captured” agency before Trump was elected.  They have become much scarier and opportunistic during his administration.  Despite opposition and warnings, they are using the pandemic as an excuse to speed up 5G installation (see 1, 2. 3, 4, 5).  This includes launching tens of thousands of satellites with millions of antennas to blast 5G and WiFi at us from space (see 1, 2, 3)!

Lawsuits have been filed against them for NOT protecting Americans from unsafe levels of radiation (see 1, 2) and of course, 5G (see 1, 2, 3).

5G opposition in the U.S. and worldwide continues to grow because of risks to biological health (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), cybersecurity (see 1, 2), environmental health (see 1, 2, 3, 4), privacy (see 1, 2), and more.  Many cities and countries have taken action against it including banning it, issuing moratoriums, passing ordinances, etc. (see 1, 2).

A long list of highly respected people and organizations – including the Department of Defense – continues to say 5G isn’t worth it.  The FCC continues to ignore them.  What’s wrong with this picture?

Activist Post reports regularly about 5G and other unsafe technology.  For more information, visit our archives and the following websites:


What Do The Experts Know?

LISTEN: CBC Radio Cuts Off Expert When He Questions Covid19 Narrative

ER Editor: How the Globalist Media Do It. In this case, Canadian.

Dr. Joel Kettner (pictured), a Manitoba doctor, professor and top health administrator and veteran of 30 years and 30 pandemics, expresses a number of concerns not only with the puzzling position taken by WHO, but also the deleterious social, psychological and economic consequences for the public currently underway. And provides some statistics from Hubei Province in China, which completely undercuts the whole fear-panic narrative. He is finally cut off by CBC interviewer Duncan McCue, who then completely changes tack by talking about … Trump.

Note that one of the invited doctors onto this radio broadcast is pushing for more ‘flu vaccines, as is the public health agency of Canada, which are correlating with higher rates of the very disease that they’re supposed to PREVENT. This doctor is also ‘terrified’ of COVID. That seems to be the narrative we’re supposed to accept everywhere: immense fear and Big Pharma solutions. It is certainly the case here in France.

The relevant part of the radio program runs for about 6 or so minutes (linked to below), and is worth listening to. A transcription is provided.


LISTEN: CBC Radio cuts off expert when he questions Covid19 narrative


A phone interview with a respected physician appears to have been cut short by CBC Radio when the Doctor went off-script

Dr Joel Kettner phoned into the March 15th episode of CBC’s Cross Country Checkup podcast to discuss the Canadian (and international) reaction to the Covid19 pandemic. He was in the middle of making a point about statistics when the host abruptly cut him off.

While the two invited guests were very much taking the governmental line on the threat of Covid19, Dr Kettner was striking a different tone.

To be clear, Dr Kettner is not a fringe or controversial character. He is professor of Community Health Sciences and Surgery at Manitoba University, former Chief Public Health Officer for Manitoba province and Medical Director of the International Centre for Infectious Diseases.

He was interviewed on Global News in January, when the pandemic was first hitting the news.

His comments are informative and interesting, but the host’s reaction perhaps more so. Listen below (starting at around 1 hour 12 minutes in), or we have transcribed them for you.


CBC Radio – Cross Country Checkup, March 15 2020

Duncan McCue (DM, Host): Dr Joel Kettner is on the line from Manitoba. Hi, Dr Kettner welcome to Checkup. You teach at the University of Manitoba and are former Chief Medical Officer of Manitoba, I understand. So what do you think of how we are coping right now?

Dr Joel Kettner (JK): Well I don’t know what to think, frankly, but I’ll tell you what I do think. First, I wanna say that in 30 years of public health medicine I have never seen anything like this, anything anywhere near like this. I’m not talking about the pandemic, because I’ve seen 30 of them, one every year. It is called influenza. And other respiratory illness viruses, we don’t always know what they are. But I’ve never seen this reaction, and I’m trying to understand why. I have to say that I really feel for my colleagues that are in public health practice. it is easy for me to sit in the armchair of my office and look at this and observe it, and be critical and have ideas. But I really feel for them for three reasons.

One is that the data they are getting is incomplete to really make sense of the size of the threat. We are getting very crude numbers of cases and deaths, very little information about testing rates, contagious analysis, severity rates, who is being hospitalised, who is in intensive care, who is dying, what are the definitions to decide if someone died of the coronavirus or just died with the coronavirus.

There is so much important data that is very hard to get to guide the decisions on how serious a threat this is.

The other part is we actually do not have that much good evidence for the social distancing methods. It was just a couple of reviews in the CDC emerging infectious disease journal, which showed that although some of them might work, we really don’t know to what degree and the evidence is pretty weak.

The third part is the pressure that is being put on public health doctors and public health leaders. And that pressure is coming from various places. The first place it came from was the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) when he said “This is a grave threat and a public enemy number one”. I have never heard a Director-General of WHO use terms like that.

Then when he announced the pandemic, he said he was doing it “because of a grave alarming quick spread of the disease and an alarming amount of inaction around the world” that puts a huge pressure on public health doctors and leaders and advisors and huge pressure on governments, and then you get this what seems like a cascade of decision making that really puts pressure on the countries and governments – provincial, state – to sort of…to keep up with this action that Dr Hoffman [an earlier guest on the programme] said that we are trying to avoid, or should avoid, which is an overreaction. I don’t know what is an appropriate reaction, but I do know that I am having trouble trying to figure this out and I…


DM: …So I’m sure that your medical colleagues across the country are probably nodding their heads when you say they don’t have enough data, that they lack data. I suspect health professionals around the world wish they had more data, whether it is testing rates, severity rates, all that kind of thing. So it’s probably a valid concern. But you mentioned that you are not confident with some of the literature with regard to social distancing and its effectiveness […] What is the basis of your concern then? If social distancing is debatable in your mind, what do you worry about then?

JK: I worry about the consequences of social distancing. I worry about people who are losing their jobs. I worry about interruptions with the healthcare system itself. There are many doctors in Manitoba in quarantine right now, because they have returned from other countries. I worry about the message to the public, about the fear of coming into contact with people, being in the same space as people, shaking their hands, having meetings with people. I worry about many, many consequences related to that.

If you look at the data for what we are actually dealing with, I want to give this example. In Hubei, in the province of Hubei, where there has been the most cases and deaths by far, the actual number of cases reported is 1 per 1,000 people and the actual rate of deaths reported is 1 per 20,000. So maybe that would help to put things into perspective, as to the actual rate and risks of this condition, because it is a lot lower in any other part of the world, including Italy, and certainly in Canada and the United States…


Many thanks to Cory Morningstar for bringing this to our attention. She is doing great work collating dissident voices on the coronavirus, follow her on twitter if you don’t already.
Correction 18/03/20 – The original version of this article incorrectly suggested Kettner was an invited guest of the programme, when in reality he phoned in of his own volition.


Original article

Published to The Liberty Beacon from


Fudging the Numbers, Fueling the Fears

How Does COVID-19 Compare to the Spanish Flu?

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
Fact Checked
May 02, 2020

Story at-a-glance

  • While COVID-19 meets the technical definition of a pandemic, the death toll is nowhere near that of earlier serious pandemics that would legitimately justify the extraordinary measures being deployed by the U.S. government
  • An estimated 75 million to 200 million people in Eurasia and as much as 60% of the European population in rural areas were wiped out by the Black Death (bubonic plague) between 1347 and 1351
  • The Spanish flu (swine flu), which hit during World War I in 1918, infected 500 million people worldwide, killing an estimated 50 million, or 2.7% of the global population
  • Using the higher of two prominent COVID-19 trackers, 238,950 people had died, globally, from COVID-19 as of the afternoon on May 2, 2020. Based on a global population of 7.8 billion, 238,950 deaths amount to 0.003% of the global population
  • Mid-March predictions said COVID-19 would kill 2.2 million Americans if allowed to run its course. April 8, 2020, the Murray Model downgraded the threat to 60,000 dead by August, which is lower than the death toll for the seasonal flu of 2017/2018

While COVID-19 meets the technical definition1 of a pandemic (i.e., “an epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very wide area, crossing international boundaries and usually affecting a large number of people”), the death toll is nowhere near that of earlier serious pandemics2 that would legitimately justify the extraordinary measures being deployed by the U.S. government and others around the globe.

The Black Death

For comparison, the “Black Death,” which swept through Europe between 1347 and 1351 and kept resurfacing at intervals for the next 300 years, decimated up to one-third of the population with each recurrence.3,4

While the Black Death was long thought to be the same as the bubonic plague, in more recent years, researchers have questioned this assumption,5 and at least some of the evidence suggests they were not the same disease.

Either way, the plague killed 75 million to 200 million people in Eurasia, with deaths peaking in Europe from 1347 to 1351.6 As much as 60% of the European population in rural areas were wiped out by the Black Death in the first four-year-long pandemic wave. People died within days of having symptoms.7 This horrific lethality is typically what people think of when they hear the word “pandemic.”

The Spanish Flu

Similarly, the Spanish flu (aka, swine flu), which hit during World War I in 1918, infected 500 million people worldwide, killing an estimated 50 million, or 2.7% of the global population.8

It killed 675,000 in the U.S. alone — more than died in combat during World War I, World War II, the Korean, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan wars combined, according to the historical documentary above.

Like the bubonic plague, the Spanish flu was a very rapid killer, causing death in as little as 12 hours. Like the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, the virus also spread very easily and rapidly. Unlike COVID-19, however, people between the ages of 20 and 40 were most susceptible to the infection.

With COVID-19, it’s the elderly and immune compromised that are at greatest risk, but even in these high-risk groups, the mortality rate is nowhere near that of the Spanish flu.


Data points vary, and mortality statistics differ widely depending on the country and area you’re looking at, but using the higher of two prominent COVID-19 trackers — Worldometer,9 opposed to Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center10 — 238,950 people had died, globally, from COVID-19 as of the afternoon on May 2, 2020.

Based on a global population of 7.8 billion,11 238,950 deaths amount to 0.003% of the global population. Even if this tally is off by hundreds of thousands, we’re still only looking at a fraction of a percent of the global population succumbing to COVID-19 in three and a half months.

April 15, there were also 1,403,420 active cases, 96% of which were mild and only 4% of which were serious or critical,12 so clearly, a vast majority of people who are infected make it through and end up having antibodies that will confer long-term immunity.

I for one could see shutting down the global economy for a true plague or something much like the Spanish flu, but COVID-19 simply doesn’t warrant the draconian elimination of personal freedom and liberty we’re currently seeing. Nor is it serious enough to warrant the kinds of long-term surveillance strategies suggested by Bill Gates

Understand What’s Happening Right Now

The Corbett Report above is well worth listening to if you’re still on the fence and think the way we’re going is a good idea to safeguard the vulnerable. Remember, infectious diseases have been with us since the dawn of mankind, and are not going to stop. Ever.

Right now, we’re being told that we have to forgo our civil liberties because we might spread a virus to a potentially vulnerable individual, and if that happens, we’re culpable in their death. So, to prevent “mass homicide” from occurring by people moving about freely, we’re told we have to isolate ourselves and stop living.

Yet every single flu season throughout history, people have moved about, spreading the infection around. Undoubtedly, most people who have ever left their house with a cold, stomach bug or other influenza at any point in the past has unwittingly spread the infection to others, some of which may have ended up with a serious case of illness and some of which may ultimately have died from it.

There is simply no way to prevent such a chain of events in perpetuity. Giving up our civil liberties in an effort to prevent all future deaths from infectious disease is profoundly misguided, and ultimately will not work anyway.

From my perspective, the only mitigating factor in this analysis is that there appears to be solid, well-documented evidence that this is an engineered virus, one that was constructed in biosafety level 3 and 4 labs that are focused on offensive biological weapons research. This may result in unprecedented adverse biological adaptions that impair innate immunity. But at this time, I seriously doubt it.

Mortality Predictions Fall Apart

Mid-March predictions said COVID-19 would kill 2.2 million Americans if allowed to run its course.13 By the end of March, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, downgraded the projected death toll, saying we were probably looking at 100,000 to 240,000 Americans dying.14

April 8, 2020, a new model referred to as the Murray Model15 downgraded the threat further, predicting COVID-19 will kill 60,000 in the U.S. by August16 — a number that is still 20,000 lower than the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s death toll numbers attributed to the seasonal flu the winter of 2017/2018.17

In the Liberty Report video above, Dr. Ron Paul, former GOP congressman, also points out that Fauci’s “doom and gloom predictions” have completely collapsed, “with the new official prediction coming in under the normal flu numbers for 2018.”

If COVID-19 is not causing any greater death toll than the regular flu season two years ago, why are we now asked to end society as we know it well into the foreseeable future? There’s no doubt in my mind that there will be far more deaths attributable to the financial collapse and isolation than there will be from the actual infection.

H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic Response Was a Gift to Big Pharma

The H1N1 swine flu of 2009 was the most recent pandemic of note, and considering Fauci and Gates are both saying we won’t be able (read, allowed) to go back to any semblance of normalcy until or unless we have a vaccine and enforce mandatory vaccination of the global population, it’s worth remembering what happened during the 2009 swine flu pandemic.

The CDC estimates that from April 12, 2009, to April 10, 2010, there were 60.8 million cases of H1N1 infection, 274,000 hospitalizations, and 12,469 deaths (0.02% infection fatality rate/mortality rate) in the United States.

June 11, 2009, the World Health Organization declared a global pandemic of novel influenza A (H1N1).18 A vaccine was rapidly unveiled, and within months, cases of disability and death from the H1N1 vaccine were reported in various parts of the world.

In the aftermath, the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) questioned the WHO’s handling of the pandemic. In June 2010, PACE concluded “the handling of the pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO), EU health agencies and national governments led to a ‘waste of large sums of public money, and unjustified scares and fears about the health risks faced by the European public.’”19

Specifically, PACE concluded there was “overwhelming evidence that the seriousness of the pandemic was vastly overrated by WHO,” and that the drug industry had influenced the organization’s decision-making.20 As reported by the Natural Society in 2014:21

“… a joint investigation by the British Medical Journal (BMJ) and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism (BIJ) has uncovered some serious conflicts of interest between the World Health Organization (WHO), who proposed … heavy vaccinations, and the pharmaceutical companies which created them.

The joint-investigation’s report explains that the WHO profited immensely22 from the scare tactics they utilized to promote the use of a swine flu vaccine.

Creating mass hysteria was the WHO’s emergency advisory committee’s goal … The WHO told the world that up to 7 million people could die without the vaccines they were pushing … The advisory panel was choked with individuals highly connected to the pharmaceutical companies with vested interests in both antiviral and influenza vaccines.

An over $4 billion stake was invested in developing these vaccines, and without a pandemic there would be no use for them. Utilizing propaganda and fear, the drugs were pushed on unsuspecting people, and the money was made.”

Disturbingly, while the WHO was found to have had serious conflicts of interest with the drug industry, nothing has actually changed since then, which makes one wonder whether the WHO’s COVID-19 pandemic response can actually be trusted.

White House Halts Funding to WHO

To Read the rest of the article and get links that may not have been included, go to:

Freedom of Speech Threatened

What they’re not telling you – about a lot of things

by Lynne McTaggart

Several days ago, we learned that our magazine What Doctors Don’t Tell You had been slated by a drive-time radio host in Australia, and that his statements led to the magazine being pulled from two store chains: Coles and Woolworths.

Now, I have to tell you: this is not really our fight. But it raises a number of issues about wholesale censorship now occurring in all the media you read, which is why I bring this up.

You may or may not know that What Doctors Don’t Tell You, which my husband Bryan Hubbard and I have published in some form in the UK and the US for 30 years, is also licensed by foreign publishers for release in 16 other countries. They are obliged to publish at least 80 per cent of our content.

One of the new licensees was Nuclear Media in Australia.

Stirring up outrage

The radio host in question, Ben Fordham, an ex-sports reporter, is a shock jock. His job is to slap awake his listeners during their morning commute, so he’s on the lookout for anything he can use to rustle up a campaign of outrage.

Taking a cue from Ben’s campaign, here’s what the website of his radio station 2GB recently wrote about us:

“The magazine ‘What Doctors Don’t Tell You’ is stacked page-to-page with conspiracies, dangerous misinformation and dodgy medical advice.

“On the front page, hydrogen gas is advocated as a heart disease treatment, and it warns of dangers associated with 5G and Wi-Fi networks.

“The magazine’s website contains further unfounded claims linking vaccines with autism.”

That so-called ‘dodgy information’ of ours largely derives from medical and scientific journals. Although written for consumers, each issue of WDDTY is packed with hundreds of medical references, placed at the bottom of each article.

Every article is meticulously checked by a production team, with our chief copyeditor a PhD from Imperial College, London, one of the top science universities in the world. She also edits many prestigious medical journals, and one of her jobs with us is to check every last medical fact and reference, which she does painstakingly.

Hydrogen gas as a promising therapy is nothing new: there is a good deal of evidence supporting its use, and many doctors around the world are treating patients successfully with it.

The latest story we reported on vaccination and autism concerned the fact that the  The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had been forced to concede that its reassurances to parents that childhood vaccines don’t cause autism are not based on any scientific evidence.

“The admission followed a Freedom of Information request lodged by the vaccination campaign group called Informed Consent Action Network (Ican), which had asked the CDC to produce all the studies it relied on to claim that a host of vaccines (not the MMR) do not cause autism,” we wrote. “The CDC could not produce any evidence to support their claims.”

‘We’ did not and do not say that vaccines are linked to autism.

We reported on evidence showing that one of the world’s leading health agencies is lying to the public.

That, to us, is a story that you, the public, need to know about, particularly as it was not covered by any of the mainstream media.

The 5G story is an extract of a book written by Dr. Joseph Mercola, containing both scientific evidence and sensible advice about how to limit your exposure to Wi-Fi (such as turning it off at night).

It does not, by the way, link 5G to coronavirus – nor do we.

But this is not a story about Ben Fordham or his belief we should be banned – a position proving very unpopular, judging by the hundreds of listeners shouting about it on his social media pages and to other publications.

This is, pure and simply, about censorship, the shutting down of any point of view other than the official government and mainstream medical line about issues relating to your health and medical treatment.

Shutting down any debate

I am increasingly shocked by the wholesale willingness of today’s journalists to automatically disparage any evidence or point of view other than the official ones fed to them by the government and other authorities.

Anyone who simply questions whether a vaccine is safe or effective, or even offers evidence suggesting that a vaccine may not be well-tested or that a government may have lied and covered it up is immediately branded an ‘anti-vaxxer.’

This is particularly worrying considering the rush to find a new vaccine for COVID-19. Will no journalist be willing to investigate whether it is safe or effective?

I am astonished that social media companies are now allowed to determine what is or what is not worthy of public consumption when it comes to health.

Recently, after interviewing a prestigious UK doctor, who is part of a worldwide team of medics studying the effects of  high-dose vitamin C both on prevention and treatment of COVID-19, our Facebook post about it got labeled ‘Fake News.’

Who is determining this? And what is the agenda behind shutting down any reasonable and open debate? (I remind you that Facebook has just bought two drug companies.)

What is the difference between these kinds of ‘for-your-own-good’ tactics and the kind of censorship employed by China today or Pravda under Russian communist rule?

Why, finally, are we the public willing to passively stand by and allow freedom of information, particularly about health, to get massively eroded so that the only news allowed to reach us parrots the position favored by governments and by the drug industry – an industry routinely found guilty of a host of lies and confiscations?

I had thought that after the ‘have-you-or-have-you-ever-been-a-member-of-the- Communist-Party?’ 1950s trials we learned our lesson, figured out that closing down freedom of speech leads to the ascendancy of demigods like Joseph McCarthy, who are able to operate with impunity and to destroy lives, all in the name of acting in the ‘public interest.’

In its Universal Declaration of Rights, the United Nations wrote that the right to freedom of opinion is a basic human right and includes: “freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”

So Ben is entitled not to like our magazine. What becomes a problem for you and me and everyone else out there is when he, his radio station and shops like Coles believe that they have the right to determine what sort of information you and I can have access to.

I had thought we’d long ago figured out that freedom of speech is where all other freedoms start. “Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech,” wrote Benjamin Franklin.

Because when you thumb through history, you discover that shutting down free speech is exactly where every kind of oppressive move against a free society begins.


If you live in Australia and want to complain to Coles:

Coles Customer Care number: 1800 061 562,

Or write on their Facebook page

Or fill out the customer service form:

Address your comments to Steven Cain, the managing editor and CEO.

For Woolies:

Telephone:  02 8885 0000

Or fill out the form:

Address your comments to Brad Banducci, managing editor and CEO.


Inward Awakening

10 Reasons to Develop Your Intuition

Flock of Birds in Sky

Psychic development was taught in spiritual mystery schools from India and Tibet to Egypt, Persia, and beyond. They advocated meditation as a key to spiritual awakening, and taught energy practices to activate the third eye of initiates. This is important to learn as a first step in developing intuition and can be critical to learning to trust your intuition fully.

By developing and using their intuition, students could then see what they must heal to progress on their spiritual path. They could also validate their growth, because they could see how the ways of being and the techniques that they learned resulted in improved awareness. As these practitioners progressed, they were taught how to accelerate the third eye awakening process, and other forms of intuition channeled through the chakra system. Mystery schools were particular about who received this information. This is why, although a popular topic today, it isn’t always clearly understood—and the need is greater than ever before. More people are awakening due to the vibrational shift on our planet. The extreme polarization is putting everyone through enormous challenges. There is a critical need to make these helpful ancient techniques available to the masses. My book Intuition and Chakras was written with this in mind. While the book covers twenty-two forms of intuition, a core teaching is about the power of awakening your clairvoyance through the sixth chakra. This form of intuition was always taught first because it validates the spirit realm and helps gain seniority to physical distractions.

  1. Awakening the Third Eye Benefits All Spiritual Practices
    Developing intuition is more of an art, a spiritual art, not a science. Mastery comes with regular application. Whether your personal spiritual practice is astrology, tarot, runes, Wicca, magic, meditating, channeling, being in a trance, or following another spiritual system, opening your third eye will help you be successful at readings, healings, and manifestation. Looking deep within yourself is one of the initial steps to developing intuition. Your third eye is a place where your higher consciousness can sit within your body. You can look out through this window of perception and become clear and accurate in your endeavors. Your unique perspective and spiritual wisdom can be accessed and developed from here. Studying books and listening to teachers can point you in the correct direction, but there’s no substitute for personally knowing, which comes with your own direct inner experience. Your third eye puts you in charge and allows you to have certainty, and be your own authority in your chosen field.
  2. Your Third Eye Conveys the Innate Ability to See Auras And Spirit Guides
    Sometimes people expect to see spiritual things with their physical eyes. They are even taught exercises to do so, but this doesn’t work. Seeing physical entities is governed by your physical eyes, which are optimized to the frequency ranges of the material world. Their purpose it to help you interact with 3D reality. Non-physical phenomena are outside their normal scope of awareness. Your third eye conveys the capability to see as spirit. Situated in the center of your sixth chakra, in the physical location of the pineal gland, it is a component of your spiritual energy system, and is sensitive to the light of spirit. When you remember you are spirit, you can access this center and see the energy and light of spirit. Then, you will be able to see subtle energies, such as your aura, chakras, angels, guides, and past lives, as well as read the spiritual information and energy fields of your friends.
  3. Clairvoyance Gives You the Ability to See Clearly
    Do you look at life through rose-colored spectacles? Or perhaps you tend to have a more cynical view? Either way, you may not be seeing everything exactly as it is. Let’s face it: being human is tough. Our life expectations are not always met, which can cause us to take on a negative reality filter. Or we cover up our perceived faults and disappointments with a sheen of perfection to project an image of flawlessness. The third eye conveys a form of intuition called clairvoyance. When developed this is the innate intuitive ability to see clearly. It helps you acknowledge reality as it is. This is highly beneficial because unless you accept what is, you cannot change anything. You also get the opportunity to be completely authentic. When you operate from your third eye you have great clarity about yourself and others. You can see your life and other people as they are, right here, right now, uncolored by your prejudices or past experiences.
  4. It’s the Best Way to Be Neutral in a Psychic Reading
    One of the most important benefits of cultivating your third eye is that it allows you to be in a state of non-judgement. Initiating a practice of being in the center of your sixth chakra conveys complete neutrality. You can see and accept what is without categorizing it as good or bad. When centered in this seat of the soul, you have zero expectations about what you will see. Or how what you see could be improved. You are not tempted to compare it, or measure it against a perfect ideal, nor are you likely to critique or offer your opinion. This is invaluable if you are a psychic reader. Because you don’t express preferences, or let your personal biases color your reading, you will appear authentic, compassionate and in tune with your clients’ perspective. They will trust and be comfortable with you. You will be able to help them with their unique situation while not being overshadowed by your (or their) biases.
  5. The Third Eye Seats You Above the Emotions
    Your emotions and feelings are powerful. How you feel impacts the life you create. High vibration emotions feel good and result in a preferred reality. Low vibration emotions feel bad and lead to negative experiences. Of course, you prefer to be happy, not sad. You seek pleasure, not pain. So why do so many of us live on an emotional roller coaster ride? Or get caught in downward emotional cycles? The reason is that we identify solely with the body, and have lost our original truth that we are spirit. The body is our vehicle for experiencing the physical world. By allowing the body to dominate, its animal nature rules. The body is a fantastic vehicle. It has own innate consciousness, emotionality, and intelligence. It is geared to physical reality. Yet you are so much more than your body. Emotions are how your body communicates with you. They’re meant to be a feedback mechanism between body and spirit. Your third eye, located in the sixth chakra, lets you be neutral and above the strong pulls of the emotions so that you can be in charge of your reality, rather than being drowned by emotional signals. Then you can listen and respond to your emotions through your clairsentience, located in your second chakra, and not be overwhelmed by them.
  6. It Helps You Access Intuition Over Intellect
    One of the most common questions I get from students is, “How do I know that the information is coming from my intuition rather than my ego, mind, or intellect?” The intellect is the highest vibration of the human body. Most humans hold it in great regard. We are trained to focus our experience through it and praised when we do so. It is a fantastic tool for operating in 3-D reality. Nevertheless, the higher dimensions of reality are beyond the limits of the intellect. If you have a strong intellect, it will try to dominate your intuition and spiritual experiences. It will hold you back if you let it. As spirit you exist outside the bounds of time and space. Your spiritual senses are what allow you to operate and communicate in this multi-dimensional reality. The intellect is linear. It is like a computer, weighing up the pros and cons. It makes assumptions based on, “if this then that,” and loves to categorize things in neat little boxes so they can be understood. Your intuition is inclusive of all information. Your third eye allows you to access multi-dimensional information in a focused way and trust it, without being hijacked by the intellect, which can cause delays and doubt.
  7. It Brings You into Present-Time Reality
    As spirit we can be anytime, anyplace, anywhere. However, your body can only be here and now. Being in the present moment helps you focus your energy in physical reality. When you are focused here you are a more powerful presence and manifest more easily and powerfully. This is because your consciousness becomes a focal point in the time/space reality where your body is. Your third eye is where you as spirit are meant to sit within the body. You can manage your energy and be the conscious creator of your reality from this vantage point. Of course, you are manifesting constantly, regardless of how present you are. If you are not consciously with your body your energy is manifesting on auto-pilot and you are less likely to get what you really want. Instead, you will get whatever you have stored in your body reflected back at you. Being in your third eye helps you see what you placed there, let go of what you don’t like and replace it with what you prefer.
  8. Being in the Center of Your Head Keeps It Relevant
    When you are focused in the third eye, you are focused as spirit within the body. As the body is here and now, the information you retrieve from this vantage point is relevant to now. If you are focused outside the body, your information may not make sense. You might drift into other realities and dimensions. While real, they may not be helpful or relevant to your life here. You may operate from information that, while interesting, isn’t relevant to Earth-plane reality. Others may find you delusional or strange. Likewise, if you read someone’s energy from outside your body the information you retrieve may not be relevant to the physical reality experience that person is having in the now-moment.
  9. Being in Your Third Eye Helps You Own Your Space
    Surprisingly few humans are not fully present in their bodies. Most are not grounded in the here and now. Instead they are out of phase with their physical system. When students start practicing the techniques in Intuition and Chakras, it isn’t unusual for them to complain about aches and pains in their bodies. It’s not because the meditation techniques cause the pain; rather, they are discovering what they stored in their body. The pain was always there. The simple fact is that they were just disassociated from it. They were not owning their space. By learning to ground and seat your consciousness in the third eye, you begin to own your physical and energetic systems. This is a good thing because if you are not present, someone or something else might be.
  10. Developing Intuition Is a Part of Being an Awakened Human
    Mastering your third eye is an important step in your evolution to become an awakened human. If we were an evolved species, and we all operated from this perspective, there would be no lies, subterfuge, or manipulation. We would all see clearly, so there would be no point to those behaviors. As we could observe ourselves clearly, it would be easier to find consensus on what was the best plan of action to support all of humanity. We would take better care of our bodies and planet. We would give individuals the freedom to have their own creative expression, personal truth, and unique journey. If we all followed our intuition, we would make choices that lead to a more balanced, harmonious, co-created reality.

The Temple of Apollo at the Delphic Oracle in Ancient Greece was inscribed with the saying, “know thyself.” This is the core purpose of developing intuition. You must know yourself first before you can know and help another. Self-knowledge in mystery school teachings was acquired by developing the third eye. Activating this organ and developing your clairvoyance is a great place to start in psychic development because you gain clarity and neutrality. You can develop other intuitive senses once you can operate from your personal truth, and choose what is correct for you. You are an individuated spark of divine consciousness. The world needs your unique perspective to be whole. Developing your third eye is a path for bringing forth your inner wisdom, communicating with your higher guidance, and living a conscious authentic life.

Developing your intuition is on the pathway to spiritual mastery. It involves self-healing and mastering energy, as well as staying in balance, despite the ups and downs of life. Cultivating your third eye is a central component to this. Yet, while clairvoyance is a powerful supernatural gift, it isn’t the only form of intuition. Each of us has our own unique profile of intuitive abilities that support our life purpose. Intuition and Chakras helps you identify your personal psychic blueprint and understand how it relates to your chakras, your energy system, and what you came here to do this lifetime.


It’s All In the Mind

In the course of my research on the unexplained human abilities, more than 150 people have told me about an experience that I had never before seen discussed. To their surprise, they thought about a friend or acquaintance for no particular reason, and then shortly afterward met that person. No one thinks it strange if he meets someone he was expecting to meet, or someone he encounters frequently. It is with unexpected meetings that the phenomenon is so striking. For example, Andreas Thomopoulos, a film director from Athens, was visiting Paris with his wife. “Walking through the streets, we thought of a close student friend of mine in London. We wondered how he was nowadays since I hadn’t seen him for over twenty years. Shortly after, on going around a corner, we bumped straight into him!” Mary Flanagan, of Hoboken, New Jersey, had a similar experience: “Walking down the street, I was thinking of someone I had not seen or spoken to for three years and who lives in a different city. I met her on the street about ten minutes after I started thinking about her.”

Anticipations of meetings even seem to occur with vehicles, rather than specific people. David Campbell had a job during the school holidays working on a construction project in County Durham, in the north of England. “We traveled to the site in the company’s van, and for no good reason I memorized the registration number of the van, I can still remember it. Anyway, the job finished and I went back to school. A couple of years later I was out with the local cycling club one Sunday morning when for some inexplicable reason I started thinking about this builder’s van and its number plate. About half a minute later the van passed me going in the opposite direction!”

Some people also anticipate encounters with animals. Some hunters and wildlife photographers seem to anticipate meetings with animals they are trying to hunt or to photograph. Some anglers have had similar experiences. Paul Hicks, for example, used to be an avid angler and would sometimes camp out by the water’s edge for days on end. “There were instances I knew for a fact that within a minute or two I was going to catch a fish. It was uncanny when that happened. It wasn’t just because the weather was good, or the time of day was right or whatever, it was just a knowledge that something was going to happen.”

Are all these cases just coincidence and selective memory? Perhaps. But perhaps there is more to them, and only further research will be able to settle this question. For a start, people who have such anticipations quite frequently could make a note of them, and then see how many were followed by actual meetings. A statistical analysis should be able to reveal whether their anticipations could in fact be explained by the coincidence hypothesis.

There is a superficial similarity between anticipating meetings and anticipating telephone calls. But in fact the two situations are very different. In the case of telephone calls, one person thinks about the other and forms an intention to call. This intention is directed toward the other person, creating appropriate conditions for telepathy. By contrast, in the case of unexpected meetings, the person thought about is not usually intending to meet the other person, or thinking about him or her. The anticipation of meetings therefore seems more precognitive than telepathic.

In addition, the anticipation of phone calls usually happens with people to whom a person is closely bonded, favoring the telepathic explanation. By contrast, the anticipation of meetings happens with mere acquaintances, or even with vehicles, or with wild animals.
