Covid 19 = Seasonal Flu? A Courageous Voice

Dr. Scott Jensen Accused by the State of Spreading Misinformation

Dr. Scott Jensen, Youtube
Dr. Scott Jensen, a Minnesota state senator and a practicing physician, says he’s being investigated by the State’s Medical Practice Board for ‘spreading misinformation’ about the completion of death certificates and for ‘providing reckless advice’ on a news program by comparing COVID-19 to the ordinary flu. [Dr. Jensen is correct, of course, and If this goes to court, there is a good chance he will prove his case. Our guess, therefore, is that it will never go to court.] -GEG


What’s In Your Nose?



July 20, 2020 By Joseph P. Farrell

Before we get to the focus of today’s blog, I’d like to thank everyone for being patient the past week with the reduced blogging schedule while I had company and took care of some other matters. Also, I’d like to thank people for continuing to send articles and share your insights and thoughts about them. Last week my email inbox was stuffed full of articles and insights, and accordingly, this week’s “honorable mentions” (this coming Saturday), include some of the more interesting articles, many on the Fauci-Lieber-Wuhan-Baal Gates corona virus, and also some stories that “slipped under the radar” while the propatainment media continue to focus on the virus.

With that in mind, V.T. found and sent along this story, which merits some consideration, about how Mr.  Globaloney is merging “health care”, surveillance, and money in one fell swoop, and as one might imagine, the Baal and Malicious Gates Foundation is at the epicenter of it, along with a few other familiar names like Rockefailure and so on:

Testing Will Begin In Africa For Biometric ID, “Vaccine Records,” & “Payment Systems”

Now, whether or not you believe that all of this is “the mark of the beast” or not, the following should at least give you pause:

Testing will soon begin in poverty-stricken parts of Africa for a biometric ID which will also be your payment system and vaccine record. The biometric digital identity platform that “evolves just as you evolve” is backed by none other than the Bill Gates-backed GAVI vaccine alliance, Mastercard, and the AI-powered “identity authentication” company, Trust Stamp.

The GAVI Alliance, which is largely funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates and Rockefeller Foundations, as well as allied governments and the vaccine industry, is principally concerned with improving “the health of markets for vaccines and other immunization products,” rather than the health of individuals, according to its own website. Similarly, Mastercard’s GAVI partnership is directly linked to its “World Beyond Cash” effort, which mainly bolsters its business model that has long depended on a reduction in the use of physical cash.

Reducing the use of cash is needed. Cash is impossible to track, but if you use centralized digital currency, the ruling class has complete control over what you can spend.

The program, which was first launched in late 2018, will see Trust Stamp’s digital identity platform integrated into the GAVI-Mastercard “Wellness Pass,” a digital vaccination record and identity system that is also linked to Mastercard’s click-to-play system that powered by its AI and machine learning technology called NuData. Mastercard, in addition to professing its commitment to promoting “centralized record keeping of childhood immunization” also describes itself as a leader toward a “World Beyond Cash,” and its partnership with GAVI marks a novel approach towards linking a biometric digital identity system, vaccination records, and a payment system into a single cohesive platform. The effort, since its launch nearly two years ago, has been funded via $3.8 million in GAVI donor funds in addition to a matched donation of the same amount by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. –Activist Post

(Italicized emphasis added, boldface emphasis in the original)

Consider the following high octane speculation: Dr. Charles Lieber, the Harvard chemist and expert on nano-technology, was arrested toward the beginning of the corona-virus story in the USA, for not having disclosed his financial dealings with the Communist Chinese government in (you guessed it) Wuhan. Dr. Fauci, via his wife, is connected to Baal Gates and his “foundation.” Gates in turn is pursuing a technology to “tattoo” people so that their medical records are carried with them wherever they go (sounds kind of like a “mark” to me). Lieber would thus be the very sort of person one would expect to be associated with this technology and its development. Then we have those “nose swab” tests themselves, which sound suspiciously like those “nasal insertions” we’ve been hearing about for years from the “UFO abductee” crowd. Why such a strange test? I would think simply drawing blood , testing for antibodies, and so on, would be sufficient. Many have suspected that these tests may be “inserting something” into people as well as testing them, and you can number me in that crowd of skeptics, for the very simple reason that there’s been little about the covid narrative that makes a whit of sense to me. Pile on top of that the mad rush in some places of governors and local officials banning church services, or issuing edicts on how they’re to be conducted, and you have a genuine apocalypse theater with all the appropriate memes being driven by politicians and propatainment media. Then there’s the matter of a “cashless” or “digital currency,” whose “value” can be determined by how compliant one is to the dictates of the central banksters. Did you go to church and sing and (perish the thought) take communion in violation of Governor Gruesome’s edict against it? Did the communion wine come from any closed vineyard and not from Governor Gruesome’s (which remained conveniently open)? Shame on you! In punishment, your next digital paycheck has been docked 35% automatically. A digital currency which can thus be automatically changed in value (and auto-deduction of fines and fees is precisely that), is not a currency at all. Currencies depend on relatively constant value in time and place for all users uniformly. Digital currency is thus not a currency; it’s serfdom and slavery.

So why Africa? I suspect you know the answer. If Africa is the test bed for a method of tracking (1) a person’s health and immunization records, and (2) how a person spends money, then we have to ask, Why Africa? Well, you can call me all sorts of names including “conspiracy theorist” if you wish, but I find it highly suspicious that Baal Gates, whose “background” includes a healthy dose of eugenics and good old-fashioned Republic of Venice Malthusianism, is involved with this, and he’s already on record as wanting to make sure blacks get his “vaccine” first. And, oh, look, he’s chosen the poorest (and therefore, most illiterate and therefore, least likely to resist) parts of Africa to test it.

I call that the real “systemic racism.”

See you on the flip side…


It is Time to Stop Being Fooled

I recently read a quote that so epitomizes what is going on right now:

“It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled.”

More and more it is important, actually critical, to get out of the illusion that is being spun by the media, the Mainstream Media, the Politicians, the Talking Heads, Big Pharma, the lackeys of Big Pharma, the control mechanisms that are in place and moving forward with their agenda of total control of humanity and the imposition of a police state where violence and ratting out your neighbor are commonplace.  It is time to move into your own power.

These things are being done with our permission.  Every time we see an injustice and let it be, we are allowing it to happen.  What if WE were the ones being taken advantage of  Would we hold out our hands and say, “Take Me.  I did not do anything,  but take me anyway.”  I like to think that we would want an explanation that had no bullshit content, an explanation that could be verified outside of the Mainstream Media, outside of what THEY want us to believe, a reason that experts in the field who are not paid by corporate interests could justify.

And yet, everywhere today we are laying down our most precious assets – who we truly are, our integrity, our discernment – and following dictates that are just “in the news”.  It is time to check out who is really paying those who are dishing out our daily rations of fear.

We are, after all, AMERICANS.  Our forefathers fought for the right to stand up and say NO, to make our own choices, to live free of totalitarian dictates.

And we must be true to the sacrifices they made, that they did not die in vain.

THINK.  RESEARCH. Get out of the Mainstream flow; swim against the stream.

Here are some places to start:




Open your minds and hearts to the truth before it is too late.

We have the power!

Solar Cause for Large Quakes?

Study finds correlation between solar activity and large earthquakes worldwide

Study finds correlation between solar activity and large earthquakes worldwide

A new study published in the Nature Scientific Reports on July 13 suggests that powerful eruptions on the Sun can trigger large earthquakes on Earth. In the paper, the authors analyzed 20 years of proton density and velocity data, as recorded by the SOHO satellite, and the worldwide seismicity in the corresponding period, as reported by the ISC-GEM catalogue. They found a clear correlation between proton density and the occurrence of large earthquakes (M > 5.6), with a time shift of one day.

The Sun may seem relatively docile, but it is constantly bombarding the solar system with energy and particles in the form of the solar wind.

Sometimes, eruptions on the Sun’s surface cause coronal mass ejections that hurtle through the solar system at extremely fast rates.

The new study suggests that particles from eruptions like this may be responsible for triggering groups of powerful earthquakes.

“Large earthquakes all around the world are not evenly distributed– there is some correlation among them,” said co-author Giuseppe De Natale, research director at the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology in Rome, Italy.

“We have tested the hypothesis that solar activity can influence the worldwide [occurrence of earthquakes].”

Scientists noted a pattern in some massive earthquakes around the planet– they tend to occur in groups, not randomly. This indicates that there may be some global phenomenon triggering these worldwide tremors.

To address this, researchers searched through 20 years of data on both earthquakes and solar activity– specifically from NASA-ESA’s Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) satellite– seeking any probable correlations.


Image credit: NASA/SDO

SOHO, located about 1.45 million km (900 000 miles) from our planet, monitors the Sun, which helps scientists track how much solar material strikes the Earth.

By comparing the ISC-GEM Global Instrumental Earthquake Catalogue– a historical record of powerful tremors– to SOHO data, the researchers noticed more strong earthquakes happened when the number and velocities of incoming solar protons increased.

When protons from the Sun peaked, there was also a spike in earthquakes above M5.6 for the next 24 hours.

“This statistical test of the hypothesis is very significant,” said De Natale. “The probability that it’s just by chance that we observe this, is very, very low– less than 1 in 100 000.”

After noticing there was a correlation between solar proton flux and strong earthquakes, the researchers went on to propose a mechanism called the reverse piezoelectric effect.

Compressing quartz rock, something common in the Earth’s crust, can produce electrical pulse through a process called the piezoelectric effect. The researchers think that such small pulses could destabilize faults that are nearing rupture, triggering earthquakes. Signals from electromagnetic evens, such as earthquake lightning and radio waves, have been recorded occurring alongside quakes in the past.

Some scientists think these events are caused by the quakes themselves, but other studies have spotted strong electromagnetic anomalies before huge earthquakes and not after, so the exact nature of the correlation of earthquakes and electromagnetic fields is still debated.

Meanwhile, this new explanation suggests that electromagnetic anomalies are not the result of earthquakes, but cause them instead. As positively charged protons from the Sun hit the Earth’s magnetic bubble, they generate electromagnetic currents that propagate across the world. Pulses created by these currents go on to deform quartz in the crust, ultimately triggering earthquakes.


“On the correlation between solar activity and large earthquakes worldwide” – Marchitelli, V. et al. – Scientific Reports – – OPEN ACCESS


Large earthquakes occurring worldwide have long been recognized to be non Poisson distributed, so involving some large scale correlation mechanism, which could be internal or external to the Earth. Till now, no statistically significant correlation of the global seismicity with one of the possible mechanisms has been demonstrated yet. In this paper, we analyze 20 years of proton density and velocity data, as recorded by the SOHO satellite, and the worldwide seismicity in the corresponding period, as reported by the ISC-GEM catalogue. We found clear correlation between proton density and the occurrence of large earthquakes (M > 5.6), with a time shift of one day. The significance of such correlation is very high, with probability to be wrong lower than 10–5. The correlation increases with the magnitude threshold of the seismic catalogue. A tentative model explaining such a correlation is also proposed, in terms of the reverse piezoelectric effect induced by the applied electric field related to the proton density. This result opens new perspectives in seismological interpretations, as well as in earthquake forecast.

Featured image credit: NASA/SDO


Listen to the Snake in the Task Force Tree – Worked for Adam & Eve

Dispatches from the War: Trump and Fauci, a marriage made in the Beelzebub Room of the White House

Welcome to Let’s Pretend. Let’s pretend everything is OK and Nice and Polite are going to win the day, and no one is going to have to give up his position in life or his security. The missiles fired into the heart of the economy will have no lasting effects. Politicians who can’t find their asses with both hands will put things right. Fascist governors and mayors will soon abdicate their power and never lock down their populations again, no matter what. It was all just a bad dream. A cloud passing over the sun for a few minutes.

There’s a reason MY contact tracing led to you, Mr. Trump.

You’re the only one left in the menagerie. You’re the only political animal who could offer a shred of a sliver of a slim ray of hope. To push back the invaders.

Several times you’ve said, “It’s no good if the cure is worse than the disease.” Surely you understand by now, the cure IS the disease. The H-bomb that went off in the middle of the economy was and is the whole point of the invasion, which has been taking place under your nose.

With your assistance. As a result of your failed marriage to Tony Fauci.

Let’s put aside the gloss, Mr. Trump. You understand the real effects of the lockdowns. The effects the networks refuse to lead with, on the evening news.

There is the symbolic economy, represented by the careening up and down stock market. Then there is the real thing—the businesses and lives destroyed.

Nixon and Kissinger. Bush and Cheney. Bill and Hillary. They don’t hold a candle to you and Fauci.

You allowed Fauci to become head of the coronavirus task force, and to remain in that position, spreading vast clouds of overblown lies about the “pandemic” and the fascist measures needed to stem it.

That’s a crime you’ll have to live with.

But you can do something about it. The governors won’t. The mayors won’t. Believe me, I’ve looked high and low to find someone other than you, to whom I could send these dispatches. Some noble figure in the American landscape with power, who could turn the tide in the economic war against the people. I don’t see one. You’re the default choice.

You sat in the Oval, when Fauci slithered up to you with the absurd computer projections Neil Ferguson authored, and that psychopathic freak, Bill Gates, bankrolled. You accepted the numbers of deaths Ferguson predicted. Two million in the US. You never had your people investigate Ferguson. In an hour, they would have discovered he had a long track record of abysmal failures. Failure is his whole story. Yet, you took those numbers and allowed Fauci to run with them. Leading the nation into a crushing economic dead-end.

So you see, you’re actually part of the war against the people. If you’re going to be a General now, you’ll have to admit that. You’ll have to fire Fauci and stand up straight and reclaim your own soul.

If hundreds of thousands or millions of Chinese soldiers were encamped in cities and towns across USA right now, smashing the American engines of production, don’t you think you’d be justified in sending in the troops? To liberate the people? Would anyone is his right mind cite Posse Comitatus to try to stop you?

Well, the US governors and mayors and public health officials are our enemies, and their lockdowns were and are the war. So send in the Army and liberate those towns and cities. Forcibly. Open the American economy all the way. Permanently. Tell your opponents, THE CURE IS WORSE THAN THE DISEASE. Tell them 50 million Americans out of work is intolerable.

You’re supposed to be the riverboat gambler. So shove in all your chips on this one, Mr. Trump. Crack the media delusion that all is well in America, if we just “stick together,” which means bowing down to the masks and the distancing and the dehumanizing and the isolating and the tracing and the testing and the vaccinating and the shredding of the economy.

As you know, COVID is one supermax lie. Nothing worse than a flu season is happening in the world.

Of course, I’m out of my mind. I must be. Who could imagine sending in the Army to liberate the people, so they could live free?


Better to huddle in fear. And wait. For the keeper of the cage to open the door.

So we can go out for a little while.

Right, Mr. President?

Until the next time, the next wave, the next crisis—tomorrow.


Swimming with Orcas

Amazing Video Shows The Gentle Side Of Wild Killer Whales

By Anthony McLennan / Truth Theory

Even though we know that Killer Whales, or Orcas, do not attack humans, its still incredible to witness the gentle nature of these ocean giants.

For New Zealander Judie Johnson it was an experience of a lifetime as she got eyeball to eyeball with a Killer Whale mother and her two calves.

Ms Johnson was initially shocked to realize that it was Killer Whales and not dolphins which had joined her on her regular swim at Hahei Beach.

It was only after noticing the distinctive white coloring that she understood that it was a pod of Orcas which were keeping her company.

Orca attacks on people are virtually unheard of, though it must still be very intimidating to find oneself at the mercy of such massive beasts.

When they need to be, they can certainly be deadly killing machines. Even the much-feared Great White shark is no match for a Killer Whale, who are known to rip out and feast on the liver of their prey.

Killer Whales also snack on seals – which are not dissimilar in appearance to Ms Johnson in her black wetsuit.

Eye to eye with a Killer Whale

Ms Johnson however was undaunted and decided to take a second swim with the Orcas!

She described how the whale came up to within a metered of here, saying “We just looked at each other like that, with it’s huge eyes.”

The experience was captured by a local, Dylan Brayshaw, who rushed to grab his drone camera after he saw the drama unfolding about 25 meters offshore.

The video demonstrates the wonderfully curious and friendly nature of Killer Whales. Its also easy to see how easily whales can and have been hunted down by fishermen over the past few centuries.

Attacks by Great Whites on humans are certainly more common and there have been several recent instances in places such as Australia and South Africa.

However, a video which was captured last month on South Africa’s east coast showed how a group of surfers fortunately had their lives spared.

Orcas are reportedly the most widely distributed mammal on earth, apart from humans. The New Zealand population of Killer Whales is small – estimated to be around 150-200.

The creatures are actually most closely related to dolphins and can reach up to nearly 10 meters long. Their dorsal fins can protrude higher than a meter out of the water.

Image credit: Screen Shot


Another Look at the WHeel of Samsara

This Incredible Buddhist Mandala Depicts the Insanity of American Life

Buddhist Mandala Americosmos Darrin Drda

“Americosmos,” by Darrin Drda, uses American and Tibetan Buddhist mandala iconography to poke fun at the meaninglessness of existence

Huge thanks to artist Darrin Drda, who graciously allowed us to spotlight his incredible Buddhist mandala “Americosmos.”

It’s an American version of the Bhavachakra or Tibetan Wheel of Life, a diagram that shows the inherent suffering in all modes of existence, from the lowest hell realms to the highest heavens—suffering caused by the impermanence of all phenomena and the mind’s constant attempts to cling to and entrap the illusion of reality instead of embracing the truth of impermanence and emptiness.

Buddhist Mandala Americosmos Darrin Drda

Here’s what legendary Tibetan teacher Chögyam Trungpa had to say about this incredibly important Buddhist mandala:

“The whole Dharma is the language of samsara. That is why this painting is called the wheel of life, of bhavachakra—the wheel of existance, or becoming (samsara). This wheel is the portrait of samsara and therefore also of nirvana, which is the undoing of the samsaric coil. This image provides a good background for understanding illusion’s game, based as it is on the four noble truths as the accurate teaching of being in the world. The outer ring of the nidanas describes the truth of suffering; the inner ring of the six realms describes the impetus of suffering; and the center of the wheel describes the origin of suffering, which is the path.

“The wheel of life is always shown as being held by Yama (a personification meaning death, or that which provides the space for birth, death, and survival). Yama is the environment, the time for birth and death. In this case, it is the compulsive nowness in which the universe recurs. It provides the basic medium in which the different stages of the nidanas can be born and die.

“The outer ring of the evolutionary stages of suffering is the twelve nidanas. Nidana means ‘chain,’ or chain reaction. The nidanas are that which presents the chance to evolve to a crescendo of ignorance or death. The ring of nidanas may be seen in terms of causality or accident from one situation to the next; inescapable coincidence brings a sense of imprisonment and pain, for you have been processed through this gigantic factory as raw material. You do not usually look forward to the outcome, but on the other hand, there is no alternative.”

(From The Collected Works of Chögyam Trungpa, Vol. 2.)


First Came GMO’s And Now GDO”S

NGOs call for moratorium on controversial ‘gene drive organisms’

Synthetic gene drives are a new form of genetic engineering intended to permanently modify or eradicate populations, or even whole species, in the wild. [SHUTTERSTOCK]

After over 78 environmental and agricultural organisations signed a letter this week calling for a moratorium on gene drive technology, EURACTIV took a closer look at the controversial technology to find out about what it is and the implications it holds.

The letter, which was sent on Tuesday (30 June), urges the European Commission to outlaw the release of so-called ‘gene drive organisms’ (GDOs), calling the technology “incompatible” with the Commission’s proposed EU strategy on biodiversity protection. But scientists say the technology holds enormous potential for eradicating some of the world’s deadliest diseases.

Synthetic gene drives are a new form of genetic engineering, created via the genetic engineering method CRISPR/CAS9, and are intended to permanently modify or eradicate populations, or even whole species, in the wild.

They are currently defined as a system where genetic elements or traits have more than the usual 50% chance of being inherited, irrespective of whether they benefit or harm the organism inheriting them.

The idea of gene drive technology is to force the inheritance of detrimental genetic traits. In this way, scientists hope to reprogramme or eradicate species such as disease-carrying insects and invasive species.

This is a key distinction between GDOs and genetically modified organisms (GMOs), which are explicitly designed to contain the spread of modified traits.

Debate about if and how GDOs could be safely employed is proceeding. As it currently stands, GDOs fall under the EU GMO directive but an EFSA expert working group, mandated by the Commission, is currently developing recommendations for regulations on gene drive modified organisms, expected by the end of 2020.

While it may sound far fetched, this is far from mere conjecture, with experiments already well underway both in the EU and elsewhere.


What’s On Sale at Wayfair?

Is Wayfair Really Trafficking Humans?




The Facts:

  • Allegations that Wayfair is trafficking humans hit the internet over the past few days as the company was selling utility cabinets, and other items, with human names for upwards of $14,000. Wayfair claims the listings were a mistake.
  • Reflect On:Is it our duty as citizens to not simply accept a company’s denial of something? Is it important we look past the limited research of fact checkers and ask deeper questions? Where are these realizations leading us?

You have likely heard about it by now, allegations that Wayfair was selling everything from industrial cabinets, desks, pillows and shower curtains at extremely high prices, when in reality they were selling humans. It began as a Reddit thread, where a user who noticed extremely high priced utility cabinets on Wayfair asked if anyone else thought it was weird that there were female names in front of the descriptions of the items.

“Is it possible Wayfair involved in Human trafficking with their WFX Utility collection? Or are these just extremely overpriced cabinets? (Note the names of the cabinets) this makes me sick to my stomach if it’s true,” one Redditor user named PrincessPeach1987 posted.

This sparked a string of discussion into whether or not Wayfair was selling these items as a cover for trafficking humans. Over a couple of days, it blew up into a huge collective research project on the internet, rife full of great questions and at times false information. Nonetheless, any investigative journalist would tell you there is something here that has not yet been explained, and further investigation is a must because these allegations may very well be true.

A screengrab of Wayfair’s alleged website posting cabinets with human names being sold for upwards of $12,000 each.

Although Wayfair has come out denying allegations of human trafficking and claimed the products were a mistake. Wayfair removed the product images from its website and said it plans to rename the products. The products were named Neriah, Yaritza, Samiyah and Alyvia ranging in price between $12,699.99 and $14,499.99.

“Recognizing that the photos and descriptions provided by the supplier did not adequately explain the high price point, we have temporarily removed the products from site to rename them and to provide a more in-depth description and photos that accurately depict the product to clarify the price point,” Susan Frechette, a Wayfair spokeswoman

It’s important to note that fact checkers have claimed this story is false, but their position is only based on Wayfair’s statement that it wasn’t true, not actual research and critical thinking. As per usual, no authentic and thorough research was done by fact checkers when it comes to this story.

Here at CE we asked some very critical questions and did a bit of deep diving of our own on this story. Our research is nowhere near done, but we have put some early parts of it into a segment of a show we have on CETV called The Takeaway. You can watch the segment below. It’s our current working hypothesis.
