Mr. Fed, Where are You Going?

David Stockman: The Biggest Threat To Your Prosperity And What You Can Do

Authored by David Stockman via Doug Casey’s International Man,

If you want to understand America’s dangerously deepening travails, you have to start at the Federal Reserve’s Eccles Building…

After a 30-year rolling coup d’etat, its occupants have imposed a regime of destructive falsification on America’s financial, economic, political, and social life.

It has become the heart of mushrooming darkness taking prosperity, liberty, and democracy down for the count.

How do we get 50 million unemployed… the stock market at record highs… companies trashing their balance sheets to buy back stock and do vastly overpriced M&A deals… doctors and politicians savaging the economy and the livelihoods of millions… and Washington going incontinent on the fiscal front?

The answer is simple:

the rapidly-spreading dysfunction is rooted in the giant financial fraud embedded in the Federal Reserve’s $7 trillion balance sheet.

The latter is blissfully taken for granted by the politicians and C-suites of corporate America and desperately insisted upon by the unhinged gamblers of Wall Street.

Even if you believe that a regular infusion of money is needed to catalyze the wheels of capitalist growth (we don’t), there is absolutely no economic logic that says the central bank’s balance sheet should grow by orders of magnitude faster than GDP over an extended period of time.

If the robustly growing GDP of 1987 needed $5 of central bank money per $100 of GDP, there is no reason why that ratio should have differed in 2008 or 2020.

But it did and does.

In June 1987, the nominal GDP was $4.8 trillion, and by all current estimates, it clocked in at $19.4 trillion in June 2020. That’s a 4.1X expansion over 33 years.

In contrast, the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet stood at about $240 billion on the eve of Greenspan’s arrival at the Eccles Building in August 1987 and clocked in at $7.2 trillion at the end of Q2 2020. That’s a 30X gain.

Since the early 2000s and the dotcom crash, it has only gotten far worse. The chart below of the Fed’s balance sheet and GDP is indexed to 100 as of January 2003. It tells you all you need to know.

During the past 17 years, the Fed’s balance sheet (purple line) has risen to 983% of its starting value, even as GDP (red line) has risen to only 192%.

What was fostered in the vast area between the two lines above was excess liquidity, debt, speculation, and malinvestment. This was accompanied by a complete breakdown of financial discipline in all sectors of American society.

These long-term growth factors are not even in the same zip code or planet—and the massive excess of the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet versus GDP did not happen like a tree falling silently in an empty forest.

On the contrary, it turned the financial and economic world upside down. That’s because the effect was to systematically suppress the cost of debt and speculation and drastically inflate the value of financial assets. As a result, everyone got false price signals and changed their behavior accordingly:

  • Wall Street investors became leveraged speculators;
  • Corporate business builders become financial engineers;
  • Middle-class households became debt slaves living hand-to-mouth on borrowed money; and
  • Washington’s politicians became free lunch spendthrifts piling on public debt like there was no tomorrow.

The Fed is now a rogue institution that comprises a clear and present danger to the future of prosperity and liberty in America.

The tragedy is that the clueless speculators on Wall Street, and the politicians of Washington who are riding the most egregiously inflated financial bubble ever, don’t even get the joke.

So what happens next?

We’d say nothing very pleasant.

*  *  *

The truth is, we’re on the cusp of a economic crisis that could eclipse anything we’ve seen before. And most people won’t be prepared for what’s coming. That’s exactly why bestselling author Doug Casey and his team just released a free report with all the details on how to survive an economic collapse. Click here to download the PDF now.


Take 6 Minutes to Watch… Then Think It Over.

Forrest Maready is producing a movie that might be of interest in these unsettling times.

Right now we all need to be questioning what is going on and to look for and look at the bigger picture.  We as individuals can only be safe and saved and healthy if we all work together to uncover the lies and bring to the light the dark agendas that are threatening our sanity, our economy, our neighborhoods, our ways of life, and our own ways of thinking.

Will This Ever End?

The Masses are Dragging us into Hell – So What can we do?

This look into the future by Max Egan will disturb you to the core. It shows how gruesome life may become in the near future because of a pandemic that does not exist. Everything of value in our lives will be negatively impacted – especially the end of personal freedom and the arrival of a new money system designed to integrate with a social-score system, such as now used in Communist China. Unfortunately, Max does not show us a way out but he makes us realize that, if the masses continue to fall for the pandemic ploy, the rest of us will be swept along with them. The great value of this video, therefore, is to sharpen our vision for a winning strategy. If the masses will drag us into slavery with them, our plan becomes clear. We must apply all of our present efforts and financial resources to those projects and activities that offer the best chance of reaching the masses with the truth. If we fail to do that, nothing else matters. Thank you, Max, for making that point clear. 2020 Aug 3 – Source: #maxigan


Testing Positive? Try Again…

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine Tests Negative For COVID-19 Hours After Testing Positive: Live Updates

by Tyler Durden

Update (1920ET): Ohio Governor Mike DeWine has tested negative for COVID-19, just hours after testing positive before he was set to meet with President Trump in Cleveland.

His wife, Fran DeWine, also tested negative along with several staff members – after they all underwent a more accurate testing method in Columbus, vs. the rapid-result test which showed DeWine to be positive earlier in the day, according to AP.

DeWine, an early advocate among Republicans of wearing masks and other pandemic precautions, said he took a test arranged by the White House in Cleveland as part of standard protocol before he was to meet Trump at an airport. He had planned to join the president on a visit to the Whirlpool Corp. plant in northwest Ohio.

Instead, he received the news he was positive, called his wife, Fran DeWine, and returned to central Ohio where he took the other test that showed him to be negative.

“A big surprise to me and certainly a big surprise to our family,” DeWine said at a late afternoon news conference broadcast from his porch on his farm in Cedarville in southwestern Ohio, where he planned to quarantine for 14 days. –AP

The 73-year-old DeWine said he didn’t know how he could have contracted the virus, as he’s been spending most of his time on his farm.


If It works – Why Sell Your Stock?

Moderna’s CEO, CMO Both Sell Shares As Final Coronavirus Vaccine Trials Begin – What Do They Know That We Don’t?

The executive leadership over at Moderna is abandoning ship in terms of what the future holds for its Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine.

by Ethan Huff

Both Stéphane Bancel, its CEO, and Tal Zaks, its CMO (chief medical officer) have cashed out their company shares as the company’s plandemic jab is right on the verge of entering late-stage trials.

Moderna’s Ceo, Cmo Both Sell Shares As Final Coronavirus Vaccine Trials Begin – What Do They Know That We Don’t?

According to Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings, Zaks recently offloaded nearly all of his shares, while Bancel has tossed many of his over the past several months.

Zaks, however, still holds tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of options in the company.

If Moderna’s vaccine for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) was on a solid track, both of these guys probably would have kept their shares, and possibly purchased even more of them.

The fact that they cashed out, however, bodes ominous, especially for other shareholders still holding the bag.

Zaks also works on the scientific side of the company, it is important to note, suggesting that he knows something that the rest of the world does not.

Is Moderna’s vaccine on the verge of being exposed as a total failure, we wonder?

It was already obvious before this that Moderna’s jab was just a pump-and-dump scheme anyway. And now it would seem that the scam is on the verge of unraveling.

“In general, when stakeholders believe in their product, they increase their shares in order to increase confidence in the market,” reports The Jerusalem Post.

“The move by Moderna officials to do the opposite raised concerns about the company, especially considering that Zaks, who sold almost all of his shares, is on the scientific side of the company, according to Globes.”

Don’t be fooled: Moderna has probably got nothing

While Moderna would never publicly admit to it, chances are that its Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine is a total dud.

And yet the company has continued to increase share sales ever since the results of “successful” early trials were reported back in early July.

Though these results appear to be questionable at best, Moderna has continued to sell shares to eager investors that are being hoodwinked into believing that the company’s Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) jab holds promise.

Meanwhile, Bancel, his children’s trust, as well as other companies that Bancel owns all offloaded about $21 million worth of shares between January 1 and June 26.

Reuters reportedly spoke with seven different executive compensation experts about these mysterious share liquidations, which they explained highlight how companies will hype up development milestones for their products, even if said products never actually make it to market.

In other words, Moderna’s Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine may never be released, despite the company receiving gobs of American taxpayer cash to develop one.

At the same time, its executives are getting filthy rich off of the mere idea of a future vaccine being released.

“This may be their one shot at making a boatload of money if the vaccine doesn’t work out,” says Jesse Fried, a Harvard Law School professor who wrote an entire book about executive compensation.

According to Fried, Moderna’s chiefs have a strong incentive to “keep the stock price up.”

Investors, however, may not fully understand this, despite considering themselves “savvy.”

Many are right this moment buying up what appear to be overpriced shares in Moderna, which may never end up releasing this “promising” vaccine at all.

“The trial is one of the first late-stage studies supported by the Trump administration’s effort to speed development of measures against the novel coronavirus, adding to hope that an effective vaccine will help end the pandemic,” the Post further reports about Moderna’s progress.


High Winds in High Places

Mount Washington hit by strongest August wind gust on record – New Hampshire, U.S.

Mount Washington hit by strongest August wind gust on record - New Hampshire, U.S.

The Mount Washington Observatory in New Hampshire recorded a wind gust of 237 km/h (147 mph) at the summit on Tuesday evening, August 4, 2020, as post-tropical cyclone Isaias swept through the New England region. This is the strongest wind gust ever recorded at the mountain in the month of August, breaking the previous one set in 1954.

Mount Washington is the highest peak in the Northeastern United States at 1 916 m (6 288 feet). On average, the mountain sees gusts of about 39 km/h (24 mph) during the month of August.

Strong winds from Isaias knocked power to more than 140 000 customers in New Hampshire on Tuesday. Many wires and trees were downed, blocking scores of roads. During the height of the storm, the observatory registered 237 km/h (147 mph), which officially became the strongest gust for the month of August.

The previous record for the strongest wind gust for the month of August was during Hurricane “Carol” in 1954 at 228 km/h (142 mph).

The highest all-time wind gust on Mount Washington was 372 km/h (231 mph) set in April 1934. This was the highest wind speed ever recorded on Earth until 1996 when Tropical Cyclone “Olivia” set a new record at 407 km/h (253 mph) in Barrow Island, Australia.

Featured image credit: Google


Radiation, DNA, & Chloroquine

Treatment of radiation disorders

The present invention provides methods and compositions for the treatment of DNA damage related disorders. One embodiment is a method for the inhibition of side effects associated with chemotherapeutic and radiotherapeutic agents using chloroquine compounds. Another embodiment is a method for treatment and/or prevention of lethal or sub-lethal radiation toxicities associated with terrorist acts or war.

Old Vaccines for New Viruses

Vaccination with bacillus Calmette-Guérin leads to a small pustule that can develop into a scar.


Can a century-old TB vaccine steel the immune system against the new coronavirus?

Researchers in four countries will soon start a clinical trial of an unorthodox approach to the new coronavirus. They will test whether a century-old vaccine against tuberculosis (TB), a bacterial disease, can rev up the human immune system in a broad way, allowing it to better fight the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 and, perhaps, prevent infection with it altogether. The studies will be done in physicians and nurses, who are at higher risk of becoming infected with the respiratory disease than the general population, and in the elderly, who are at higher risk of serious illness if they become infected.

A team in the Netherlands will kick off the first of the trials this week. They will recruit 1000 health care workers in eight Dutch hospitals who will either receive the vaccine, called bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG), or a placebo.

BCG contains a live, weakened strain of Mycobacterium bovis, a cousin of M. tuberculosis, the microbe that causes TB. (The vaccine is named after French microbiologists Albert Calmette and Camille Guérin, who developed it in the early 20th century.) The vaccine is given to children in their first year of life in most countries of the world, and is safe and cheap—but far from perfect: It prevents about 60% of TB cases in children on average, with large differences between countries.

Vaccines generally raise immune responses specific to a targeted pathogen, such as antibodies that bind and neutralize one type of virus but not others. But BCG may also increase the ability of the immune system to fight off pathogens other than the TB bacterium, according to clinical and observational studies published over several decades by Danish researchers Peter Aaby and Christine Stabell Benn, who live and work in Guinea-Bissau. They concluded the vaccine prevents about 30% of infections with any known pathogen, including viruses, in the first year after it’s given. The studies published in this field have been criticized for their methodology, however; a 2014 review ordered by the World Health Organization concluded that BCG appeared to lower overall mortality in children, but rated confidence in the findings as “very low.” A 2016 review was a bit more positive about BCG’s potential benefits but said randomized trials were needed.

Since then, the clinical evidence has strengthened and several groups have made important steps investigating how BCG may generally boost the immune system. Mihai Netea, an infectious disease specialist at Radboud University Medical Center, discovered that the vaccine may defy textbook knowledge of how immunity works.

When a pathogen enters the body, white blood cells of the “innate” arm of the immune system attack it first; they may handle up to 99% of infections. If these cells fail, they call in the “adaptive” immune system, and T cells and antibody-producing B cells start to divide to join the fight. Key to this is that certain T cells or antibodies are specific to the pathogen; their presence is amplified the most. Once the pathogen is eliminated, a small portion of these pathogen-specific cells transform into memory cells that speed up T cell and B cell production the next time the same pathogen attacks. Vaccines are based on this mechanism of immunity.

The innate immune system, composed of white blood cells such as macrophages, natural killer cells, and neutrophils, was supposed to have no such memory. But Netea’s team discovered that BCG, which can remain alive in the human skin for up to several months, triggers not only Mycobacterium-specific memory B and T cells, but also stimulates the innate blood cells for a prolonged period. “Trained immunity,” Netea and colleagues call it. In a randomized placebo-controlled study published in 2018, the team showed that BCG vaccination protects against experimental infection with a weakened form of the yellow fever virus, which is used as a vaccine.

Together with Evangelos Giamarellos from the University of Athens, Netea has set up a study in Greece to see whether BCG can increase resistance to infections overall in elderly people. He is planning to start a similar study in the Netherlands soon. The trial was designed before the new coronavirus emerged, but the pandemic may reveal BCG’s broad effects more clearly, Netea says.

For the health care worker study, Neeta teamed up with epidemiologist and microbiologist Marc Bonten of UMC Utrecht. “There is a lot of enthusiasm to participate,” among the workers, Bonten says. The team decided not to use actual infection with coronavirus as the study outcome, but “unplanned absenteeism.” “We don’t have a large budget and it won’t be feasible to visit the sick professionals at home,” Bonten says. Looking at absenteeism has the advantage that any beneficial effects of the BCG vaccine on influenza and other infections may be captured as well, he says.

Although the study is randomized, participants will likely know if they got the vaccine instead of a placebo. BCG often causes a pustule at the injection site that may persist for months, usually resulting in a scar. But the researchers will be blinded to which arm of the study—vaccine or placebo—a person is in.

A research group at the University of Melbourne is setting up a BCG study among health care workers using the exact same protocol. Another research group at the University of Exeter will do a similar study in the elderly. And a team at the Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology last week announced that—inspired by Netea’s work—it will embark on a similar trial in elderly people and health workers with VPM1002, a genetically modified version of BCG that has not yet been approved for use against TB.

Eleanor Fish, an immunologist at the of the University of Toronto, says the vaccine probably won’t eliminate infections with the new coronavirus completely, but is likely to dampen its impact on individuals. Fish says she’d take the vaccine herself if she could get a hold of it, and even wonders whether it’s ethical to withhold its potential benefits from trial subjects in the placebo arm.

But Netea says the randomized design is critical: “Otherwise we would never know if this is good for people.” The team may have answers within a few months.


Who’s Handling Your DNA?

Blackstone Reaches $4.7 Billion Deal to Buy

Updated on
  • Firm will take about 75% ownership stake in Utah-based company
  • Alternative asset manager has a $156 billion cash pile
An Inc. DNA kit
An Inc. DNA kit

Blackstone Group Inc. acquired a majority stake in Inc., the business known for family history research and DNA testing.

The deal is valued at $4.7 billion, Blackstone said in a statement Wednesday. It’s the first acquisition by Blackstone’s largest ever private equity fund. Silver Lake and Singaporean sovereign-wealth fund GIC Pte have been the majority owners since 2016. After the deal closes, Blackstone will own about 75% and GIC will still hold about 25% of, said people familiar with the matter, who asked not to be identified because the information is private.

New York-based Blackstone is flush with cash as investors continue to bet big on the firm amid the uncertainty caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Executives have in recent months touted success in navigating the 2008 financial crisis to show that the business, which has $156 billion in dry powder, will be well positioned to benefit from the current upheavals.

Many of the firm’s recent investments have been in growth companies and businesses likely to benefit from shifts in consumer behavior. Last month, the group announced it was investing in Oatly AB — a plant-based drink that’s been rapidly growing in popularity — with partners including Oprah Winfrey. Blackstone also owns a majority stake in MagicLab, the owner of dating app Bumble.

Deal talks regarding started a few months ago, when much of the world was still at home and looking for things to do, said the people with knowledge of discussions.

Based in Lehi, Utah, has more than 3 million paying subscribers and more than 18 million people in its DNA network. It sells at-home DNA testing kits to customers, competing with 23andMe Inc. first went public in 2009, raising $100 million. It was taken private in 2012 in a $1.6 billion buyout led by private equity firm Permira, and on at least two occasions since has considered going public again, though it never got the valuation it was seeking.

Silver Lake and GIC acquired their majority stake four years ago in a deal that valued the company at $2.6 billion. Prior owners, including management, Permira and Spectrum Equity, currently have a minority interest in the business.

Blackstone, the world’s largest alternative asset manager with $564 billion in assets, is also focused on growing its life sciences group. It has spent more than $1 billion this year investing in drugs that target high cholesterol, kidney disease in children and devices for diabetes patients.

Early in 2020, the firm bought $11 billion of public equities and liquid debt as values sank and markets became more volatile. It also took stakes in companies including 21Vianet, a Chinese data center business, and a portfolio of Hollywood film studios.

Morgan Stanley and Barclays Plc advised Ancestry. Latham & Watkins LLP is serving as legal adviser to Ancestry and Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP advised Blackstone. Dechert LLP is legal adviser to GIC.


This is Information Everyone Needs —Take Some Time to Listen

This is really important information for EVERYONE to pay attention to. It is time for everyone to wake up because all of our lives are at stake, and it is not because of some virus .  It is because of the manipulators behind the curtain: