Sen. Kamala Harris has a bill that threatens religious exemptions from vaccine mandates to attend school in every state. The “Do No Harm Act,” Senate Bill S. 593. prohibits people from refusing to comply with a law, regulation or policy because it would violate their religious beliefs. If passed it could be used in court to argue that exercising a religious exemption from vaccine mandates exposes other people to potential harm and “discriminates” against them. And if it can be used this way you know it will. It guts the First Amendment right to the free exercise of religion.
“The Do No Harm Act clarifies that the Religious Freedom Restoration Act is intended to protect religious freedom without allowing the infliction of harm on other people. It would amend RFRA in order to restore the original intent of the legislation by specifically exempting areas of law where RFRA has been used to bypass federal protections. Source: Human Rights”That’s the loophole in play, if you or I use the religious exemption to refuse a vaccine, the argument will be that we can not, because refusal will inflict harm on other people. The slope has been greased and you’re being pushed.
Click HERE to send a letter to your representatives. It’s easy, when you fill in your address, the system generates the letter for your location. You can use the stock letter provided, but we suggest you personalize the intro paragraph to share your unique point of view. I just sent mine – Kim
This bill prohibits the application of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 (RFRA) to specified federal laws or the implementation of such laws. Currently, RFRA prohibits the government from substantially burdening a person’s exercise of religion even if the burden results from a rule of general applicability, except in furtherance of a compelling governmental interest when using the least restrictive means.
Under the bill, RFRA is inapplicable to laws or the implementation of laws that protect against discrimination or the promotion of equal opportunity (e.g., the Civil Rights Act of 1964);
require employers to provide wages, other compensation, or benefits, including leave;
protect collective activity in the workplace;
protect against child labor, abuse, or exploitation; or
provide for access to, information about, referrals for, provision of, or coverage for, any health care item or service.
The bill prevents RFRA from being used to deny (1) goods or services the government has contracted, granted, or made an agreement to provide to a beneficiary; or (2) a person’s full and equal enjoyment of a government-provided good, service, benefit, facility, privilege, advantage, or accommodation.
In order for a person to assert a RFRA claim or defense in a judicial proceeding, the government must be a party to the proceeding.
After six months of intermittent or in some cases near-continuous lockdowns, many have reached their limit and uprisings are finally emerging around the world. The last week of August 2020 saw gatherings of tens of thousands of individuals in Berlin,1 London2 and Dublin,3 protesting stay-at-home orders, business closures, mask and vaccine mandates and Bill Gates’ dictatorial grip on public health matters.
In the U.S., a protest took place August 30, 2020, in Boston, Massachusetts, against a new student flu vaccination mandate,4 and in Virginia, protesters gathered September 2 in opposition of unconstitutional COVID-19 mandates.5
These are just a few of the many demonstrations that have taken place in recent weeks around the world, as people are starting to realize their human rights are being stripped away over a virus with a lethality on par with that of seasonal influenza and other pandemic viruses, none of which was responded to with a global shutdown of economies and forced quarantining of healthy individuals.
COVID-19 — A Massive Brainwashing Scheme?
In recent weeks and months, more and more experts have come out sharing what they know about the roles of Big Tech, Big Pharma and global health organizations such as the World Health Organization in the creation of a new technocratic world order.
When you start to put all the puzzle pieces together, it seems clear this pandemic is being used as a cover story for both a global wealth redistribution scheme, and for the implementation of a technocratic system of totalitarian rule by unelected leaders. …
As reported by Reclaim the Net,6 the WHO eavesdrops on everything you do online, from reviewing your social media interactions to analyzing your emotions. To counteract “spread of misleading information” about the pandemic — which was a key area of focus during Event 201 — the WHO has partnered with an analytics company that uses machine learning analysis to scan more than 1.6 million social media posts per week.
The aim of this “social listening approach”— a nicer term than good old-fashioned spying — is to counteract anything that doesn’t align with the WHO’s current narrative on illnesses, treatments, interventions and causes of disease.
Aiding them in this dystopian censoring process is the United Nations, which has launched an army of 10,000 digital volunteers who troll the internet for “false” information and opposing views.
On top of that, most social media platforms have their own highly biased “fact-checkers” who censor for all they’re worth. Back in April 2020, YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki, wife of Google product director Dennis Troper, announced they would ban and remove any video from the platform that contradicts the WHO.7 ….
Just How Deadly Is COVID-19?
According to groundbreaking data8 recently released by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, only 6% of the total COVID-19-related deaths in the U.S. had COVID-19 listed as the sole cause of death on the death certificate.
Six percent of 169,044 (the total death toll as of September 2) is 10,143. “For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death,” the CDC states. As reported by Rochester First,9 the top underlying medical conditions included influenza, pneumonia, respiratory failure, high blood pressure, diabetes, dementia, heart problems and renal failure.
However, the list also includes 5,424 intentional and unintentional injury and poisoning deaths, so basically, accidents and suicides in which the individual just happened to test positive (or was suspected of being positive for SARS-CoV-2) are also included in the grand total.
(Please note, these data were accurate as of this writing. The CDC does not notate when data is altered as new death certificates come in, so the numbers may therefore be different from what is reported here, depending on when you’re looking at it. For the most up-to-date figures, see the CDC’s website.10)
The fact that only 6% of COVID-19-related deaths are directly attributable to SARS-CoV-2 is bad news when you’re trying to keep a doomsday narrative going. In what appears to be a blatant attempt to minimize exposure of these data, social media platforms have censored many trying to share it.11
As noted by independent news commentator Tim Pool in the video below, fact-checkers are digging into nitpicky semantics in their effort to censor the CDC data, and in so doing, they’re really stretching the “false” claim ultrathin.
Similar data have emerged from Palm Beach County, Florida, where an investigation by CBS 1212 I-Team revealed only 86 of the reported 658 COVID-19 deaths had “COVID-19 pneumonia” listed as the sole cause of death.
All others had multiple comorbidities,. …
Infection Fatality Rate on Par With the Flu
Keeping the “killer virus” narrative going much longer is probably going to become even more difficult in light of a September 2, 2020 article13 in Annals of Internal Medicine, which points out that:
“Because many cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are asymptomatic, generalizable data on the true number of persons infected are lacking, and that when calculating mortality rates from confirmed cases, you end up overestimating the infection fatality ratio (IFR).”
The paper reads, in part:14
(Go to link to read excerpt)
The estimated infection fatality rate for seasonal influenza listed in this paper is 0.8%. So, the only people for whom SARS-CoV-2 infection is more dangerous than influenza is those over the age of 60.
All others have a lower risk of dying from COVID-19 than they have of dying from the flu. Put another way, if you’re under the age of 60, your chances of dying from the flu is greater than your chance of dying from COVID-19.
White House coronavirus task force coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx also confirmed this far lower than typically reported mortality rate when she, in mid-August 2020, stated that it “becomes more and more difficult” to get people to comply with mask rules “when people start to realize that 99% of us are going to be fine.”(emphasis added)15
Expect Massive Propaganda Campaign to Boost Vaccine Uptake
With death rates being as low as they are for everyone under the age of 60, it really weakens the rationale for vaccinating the entire world, including newborns, the risk to whom the virus poses is virtually nil.
The vaccine looking increasingly unnecessary is likely a reason for why the U.S. government is planning to launch an “overwhelming” COVID-19 vaccine campaign this fall, using carefully researched messages. As detailed in “Health and Autonomy in the 21st Century,” Yale University has conducted a trial16 to determine the type of message that will maximize acceptance and uptake of the COVID-19 vaccine. Messaging slants evaluated in the investigation included:17
Personal freedom message — A message about how COVID-19 is limiting people’s personal freedom and how working together to get enough people vaccinated can preserve society’s personal freedoms.
Economic freedom message — A message about how COVID-19 is limiting people’s economic freedom and how, by working together to get enough people vaccinated, society can preserve its economic freedom.
Self-interest message — A message that COVID-19 presents a real danger to one’s health, even if one is young and healthy, with the idea being that getting vaccinated against COVID-19 is the best way to prevent oneself from getting sick.
Community interest message — A message about the dangers of COVID-19 to the health of loved ones. The idea to promote is that the more people who get vaccinated against COVID-19, the lower the risk that one’s loved ones will get sick. The idea: Society must work together and all get vaccinated.
Economic benefit message — A message about how COVID-19 is wreaking havoc on the economy and the only way to strengthen the economy is to work together to get enough people vaccinated.
Guilt message — This message is about the danger that COVID-19 presents to the health of one’s family and community, with the idea that the best way to protect them is by getting vaccinated, and that society must work together to get enough people vaccinated. Then it asks the participant to imagine the guilt they will feel if they don’t get vaccinated and spread the disease.
Embarrassment message — This message is about the danger that COVID-19 presents to the health of one’s family and community. The idea to promote is that the best way to protect them is by getting vaccinated and by working together to make sure enough people get vaccinated. Then it asks the participant to imagine the embarrassment they will feel if they don’t get vaccinated and subsequently spread the disease.
Anger message — This message is about the danger that COVID-19 presents to the health of one’s family and community. The sales idea is that the best way to protect them is by getting vaccinated and by working together to make sure that enough people get vaccinated. It then asks the participant to imagine the anger they will feel if they don’t get vaccinated and spread the disease.
Trust in science message — A message about how getting vaccinated against COVID-19 is the most effective way of protecting one’s community. It promotes the idea that vaccination is backed by science, and that anyone who doesn’t get vaccinated doesn’t understand how infections are spread or who ignores science.
Not bravery message — A message which describes how firefighters, doctors and front line medical workers are brave, and infers that those who choose not to get vaccinated against COVID-19 are not brave.
The study, which was completed July 8, 2020, also sought to determine:
Participant’s confidence in the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine after hearing the message in question
Participant’s willingness to persuade others to get vaccinated
Their fear of those who have not been vaccinated
The social judgment of those who choose not to vaccinate
Prosocial Pressure Tactics Work Best
Harvard Business School in collaboration with the Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, have also published a working paper18 comparing self-interested versus prosocial motivations for COVID-19 prevention behaviors.
Considering the messages we’ve been bombarded with over the past few months — calling people who don’t wear masks “grandma killers” and so on — it seems clear that results from these kinds of investigations have been capitalized on.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. ~ Voltaire
In that paper, “Don’t Get It or Don’t Spread It?” the authors review studies in which various types of messages were compared — messages highlighting the threat to self, versus the threat you might pose to others.
Overall, prosocial messages, i.e., messages that stress the importance of complying with prevention behaviors in order to protect others fared the best. According to the authors:19
(Go to link for excerpt)
Stop Believing in the Lockdown
A powerful essay20 in the American Institute for Economic Research asks the question: Is the lockdown the best way to minimize casualties in this pandemic?
Using historical examples beginning with Voltaire’s words, “those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities,” the author reasons that lockdowns are not going to save the world from COVID-19, if for no other reason than whenever lockdowns are eased, infections naturally start to creep back up.
However, the vast majority of these “infections” or “cases” are asymptomatic. …
Never in medical history has a “case” meant someone who is perfectly healthy and requires testing to determine whether they are infected with a particular pathogen. Would you get tested for the common cold or influenza if you had no symptoms? …
There are other myths, mostly scare tactics, that people are willingly believing that need to be stopped now, too, the author asserts — and it’s time to start questioning what is credulous and what is not. I encourage you to read that essay in its totality.
The Fatal Attraction of Techno-Fascism
Another article21 well worth reading is Mark Petrakis’ “The Fatal Attraction of Techno-Fascism.” This one also starts off with an excellent quote by Cato the Elder: “Those who are serious in ridiculous matters will be ridiculous in serious matters.” One of the first points he makes is that fascism is attractive because:
“… it requires so little from us, so little independent thought; just our basic belief and adherence to a limited set of popularly-shared directives and narratives that once fully accepted, relieve us of the need to address stubborn questions or to fret over subtle differences of opinion and feeling.
Propaganda reassures us that we are complete, that we know all there is to know, that we are rational, pragmatic and pure, that the science has been settled and that we are a part of something special.”
Petrakis goes on to discuss why propaganda and disinformation is required in order to maintain control in a fascist regime, and how truth is a liability that must be disallowed and penalized. In the end, the price we pay for this kind of intellectual laziness is “soul-crushing denial and disconnection.”
No one who has been paying attention this past year in particular can have missed that propaganda is in full swing, 24/7, and that both truthful facts and personal opinions that run counter to the established propaganda narrative are being censored and penalized in equal measure.
When it comes to COVID-19, the propaganda is so pervasive and widespread that it has actually shattered what Petrakis refers to as “the grandest illusion of all” that “must be maintained at all costs,” namely the appearance that the propaganda messages are randomly generated.
“It must always appear that the media’s coverage and the comments of experts are entirely free from any preconceived manipulation,” he says. Today, there is little doubt that the narrative we see is anything but free from bias. There’s little doubt that what we’re told is “weaponized storytelling,” to quote Petrakis yet again.
(Go to link for quote)
Ultimately, the economic system known as technocracy is tailor-made for the transhumanist revolution — which I touch upon in “Will New COVID Vaccine Make You Transhuman?” — where man is merged with technology and AI. As always, the lure will be greater convenience, self-improvement and “a better world for all.”
What’s never mentioned is the ultimate price. The price for all of it is complete subjugation to faceless leaders who profit from your every move, and therefore will dictate all of them.
COVID-19 Rules Mark ‘Hysterical Slide Into Police State’
I’ll end this with some observations by British Supreme Court judge Lord Sumption, who in a March 30, 2020, interview22 with The Post warned that COVID-19 rules are paving the way for despotism — the exercise of absolute power in a cruel and oppressive manner.
“The real problem is that when human societies lose their freedom, it’s not usually because tyrants have taken it away. It’s usually because people willingly surrender their freedom in return for protection against some external threat. And the threat is usually a real threat but usually exaggerated.”
It is time to ask ourselves some very pressing questions. Is it reasonable to expect government to eliminate ALL infection and ALL death? They’ve proven they cannot, yet we keep relinquishing more and more freedoms and liberties because they claim doing so will keep everyone safer. It’s an enticing lie, but a lie nonetheless.
Remember, they sold us on the business shutdowns and home quarantining by saying we just need to flatten the curve of infection to avoid hospital overcrowding. Now the curve is in a visible nosedive and hospitals are far from overcrowded with COVID-19 patients, yet lockdowns remain in many areas and some — Australia being a prime example — have reached astonishing new heights.
Sooner or later everyone must decide which is more important: Personal liberty or false security? Circling back to where I started, the good news is that many are in fact starting to see the writing on the wall; they’re starting to see we’ve been “had,” and are starting to choose liberty over brutal totalitarianism in the name of public health.
Mystery ensues across New Mexico as hundreds of thousands of migratory birds have been found dead across the state in one of the Southwest’s largest bird die-offs in recent memory. Scientists are examining the reason behind the alarming event, looking at possible factors such as the wildfires on the West Coast, the cold snap in the Mountain West, or the drought in the Southwest.
“It’s just terrible,” said Professor Martha Desmond from the New Mexico State University, noting that the figures are larger than ever seen before.
“The number is in the six figures. Just by looking at the scope of what we’re seeing, we know this is a very large event, hundreds of thousands and maybe even millions of dead birds, and we’re looking at the higher end of that.”
The mysterious deaths began around August 20, when a large number of dead birds were discovered at the U.S. Army White Sands Missile Range and White Sands National Monument.
Scientists initially believed that it was an isolated incident, but it turned out to be a bigger problem when hundreds more dead birds were seen in other regions across the state, including Doña Ana County, Jemez Pueblo, Roswell, and Socorro.
Residents reported seeing birds behaving unusually prior to their deaths. For instance, birds that are commonly seen in trees and shrubs have been found on the ground chasing bugs. Many birds appeared lethargic and unresponsive while on the ground until they get hit by cars.
Desmond, along with other biologists from White Sands Missile Range, started identifying, cataloging, and analyzing around 300 dead birds to learn more about their condition when they died.
Martha Desmond/New Mexico State University
Among the species of dead migratory birds found were warblers, sparrows, bluebirds, blackbirds, the western wood pewee, and flycatchers. Some were also found in Colorado, Texas, and Mexico.
One of the factors being considered by biologists is the wildfires on the West Coast, which may have forced the birds to migrate earlier. “Birds who migrated before they were ready because of the weather might have not had enough fat to survive,” Desmond explained.
“Some birds might have not even had the reserves to start migrating so they died in place.” She added, “We began seeing isolated mortalities in August, so something else has been going on aside the weather events and we don’t know what it is. So that in itself is really troubling.”
Some of the birds will be examined at the US Fish and Wildlife Service Forensics Laboratory in Oregon to identify their exact cause of death, but it would take some time to get the results. Desmond remarked that climate change played a role in mass deaths.
“This is devastating,” she continued, “We lost three billion birds in the U.S. since 1970, and we’ve also seen a tremendous decline in insects, so an event like this is terrifying to these populations and it’s devastating to see.”
Image credit: Martha Desmond/New Mexico State University
Meanwhile, Jenna McCullough and Nicholas Vinciguerra, doctoral ornithology students from the University of New Mexico, surveyed the affected area and gathered a total of 305 birds, including 258 violet-green swallows.
“Many of them have little to no fat, many are underweight, and there’s not a lot of external signs that they have been inhaling a lot of smoke,” said McCullough.
Dr. Andrew Farnsworth, a senior research associate at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, noted that the deaths started before the sharp temperature drop in New Mexico last week, adding that the die-off amounted to a major event,” in the wider problem of migratory birds being killed by other instances.
“It’s different this year than other years,” he said, also noting that the wildfires could be a potential factor. “We’ve had plenty of hot summers but very few that have had these huge-scale fires combined with heat combined with drought.”
Tristanna Bickford, a spokeswoman for the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, agreed that it would take time before biologists conclusively identify the reason for the die-off.
Some specimens will also be sent to the National Wildlife Health Center in Wisconsin for examination, where it would take months to diagnose the cause.
“This is definitely not a normal thing,” stated Bickford, urging people to wear gloves if they collect specimens and hand them over to authorities.
Featured image credit: Martha Desmond/New Mexico State University
“Everyone Involved Should Face Jail Time”: Trump Jr. Slams Nashville Officials For Concealing Low COVID-19 Numbers
Donald Trump Jr. has weighed in over Nashville officials concealing the low number of COVID-19 cases in bars and restaurants.
In a Thursday tweet, the president’s son said “The Dem Mayor of Nashville KNOWINGLY LIED ABOUT COVID DATA to justify shutting down bars & restaurants, killing countless jobs & small businesses in the process,” adding “Everyone involved should face jail time. How many other Dem run cities is this happening in?”
* * *
Leaked emails between the senior adviser to Nashville’s Mayor and a health department official reveal a disturbing effort to conceal extremely low coronavirus cases emanating from bars and restaurants, while the lion’s share of infections occurred in nursing homes and construction workers, according to WZTV Nashville.
On June 30th, contact tracing was giving a small view of coronavirus clusters. Construction and nursing homes causing problems more than a thousand cases traced to each category, but bars and restaurants reported just 22 cases.
Leslie Waller from the health department asks “This isn’t going to be publicly released, right? Just info for Mayor’s Office?”
“Correct, not for public consumption.” Writes senior advisor Benjamin Eagles. –WZTV
Four weeks later, Tennessean reporter Nate Rau asked the health department: “the figure you gave of “more than 80” does lead to a natural question: If there have been over 20,000 positive cases of COVID-19 in Davidson and only 80 or so are traced to restaurants and bars, doesn’t that mean restaurants and bars aren’t a very big problem?”
To which health department official Brian Todd scrambled for an answer – asking five health department officials: “Please advise how you respond. BT.”
The response – from an official whose name was omitted from the leaked email: “My two cents. We have certainly refused to give counts per bar because those numbers are low per site,” adding “We could still release the total though, and then a response to the over 80 could be “because that number is increasing all the time and we don’t want to say a specific number.””
According to a metro staff attorney asked by city councilmember Steve Glover to verify the authenticity of the emails, “I was able to get verification from the Mayor’s Office and the Department of Health that these emails are real.”
Glover told WZTV: “They are fabricating information. They’ve blown there entire credibility Dennis. Its gone i don’t trust a thing they say going forward …nothing.”
Glover says he has been contacted by an endless stream of downtown bartenders, waitresses, and restaurant owners. Why would they not release these numbers?
“We raised taxes 34 percent and put hundreds literally thousands of people out of work that are now worried about losing their homes their apartments etcetera and we did it on bogus data. That should be illegal!” he says.
Again, we weren’t told by the mayor’s office this wasn’t true. We were told to file a freedom of information act request. –WZTV
Again, we weren’t told by the mayor’s office this wasn’t true. We were told to file a freedom of information act request. –WZTV
Several journalists and content creators have noticed that Australia looks like the most totalitarian police state that has existed in recent history. It has become a full-scale pilot test for the elitists to see how well they can implement the New World Order.
Australians have been subjected to some of the most horrendous basic human rights and dignity violations during this entire scamdemic.
The elitists are using Australia to test out these authoritarian measures, such as getting the public used to a police state in which the military and police both patrol the streets ready to commit violence against other humans for refusing to quarantine when not sick or not wearing their New World Order issued muzzle…I mean, face mask.
“These guys know full well what they are doing. They are psychopaths, but they aren’t stupid,” says Brian in the above video. The politicians are redistributing both wealth and power away from the public and consolidating it into their own hands. We are in big trouble if we cannot get the military and the police who are committing violence on behalf of the tyrants to realize what they are doing to humanity.
All of this is over 17 new cases of COVID-19. This absolutely horrifying that people continue to buy this scam.
“Heavy-handed tyranny and oppression is happening everywhere,” Brian adds.
If you don’t think this is coming back to the United States in the form of a second lockdown, think again. The media has been preparing us for a “dark winter” and a “second wave” since the first false wave happened.
Wake up. Time is now extremely short. If you don’t have food or water, now is the time to get what you can. If you don’t have emergency plans, now is the time to make some with your family. If you are already well prepared for any disaster, the best thing you can do is to stay alert and fearless. Don’t live a life terrified (they enslave you with your fear), but make sure you know what’s going on. The best preparedness plan includes one of awareness of this situation we’ve found ourselves in today.
Is This Conclusive Evidence Of A Directed Energy Weapon Being Used In California?
At the very least, it’s bizarre and interesting. According to researcher Dutchsinse, he witnessed a clear beam of directed energy in real-time on September 7th. We know these weapons exist, but is this the best evidence yet of their use?
Dutchsinse states:
This is a real life example of something beaming from somewhere very strange (Malheur or above it in space) to another location hundreds of miles away in California, beaming directly into a fire…
High power microwave can show up on IR. So can high power IR lasers. Both could theoretically cause fires.
The first video is not enhanced, but this is followed by a color enhanced version.
Best view of the beam seen in full HD 1080p at 11:34 or so. another good view at 13:20 or so… In a very strange turn of events, upon the upload and premiere of this video on youtube.. almost all shots of the beam are hard to see only on youtube (you can see just fine on twitch for instance). You literally cannot see the beam in the half video here on youtube that was seen live by my audience just fine over on twitch.
Nonetheless you can view pretty well in 1080p HD using a laptop , maybe turn down the lights and look close. The live links are provided for you to see on your own instead of having to watch this video.
Josh Sigurdson talks with legendary author G. Edward Griffin about the fall of the US empire and the last stand against tyranny as we watch governments grow and we watch plans we’ve warned about for years play out.
Mr. Griffin describes the year 2020 as no one else could from beginning to September. Are we facing the biggest scam in history? How have we willingly given so much power to such a massive racket?
G. Edward Griffin also goes into his 1984 interview with Yuri Bezmenov which has recently seen a boost in popularity as it’s used in the new Call Of Duty video game. Yuri warned about the future and his predictions came true, totally
With that said, Mr. Griffin then predicts what he believes 2021 will look like and then the future that follows. It’s a dire prediction, though it doesn’t have to be that way.
Finally, he breaks down the concerns regarding Big Pharma which he’s been exposing since the 1960s.
You won’t want to miss this incredible interview! Don’t forget to come out to The Red Pill Expo 2020 on Jekyll Island, Georgia!
Memo to Dr. Scott Atlas, new White House coronavirus advisor
He’s already made two forward-looking points: positive PCR tests in asymptomatic people mean nothing; and the only way to establish mass immunity is through mass exposure out in the open, not lockdowns.
by Jon Rappoport. September 8, 2020
Where to begin? No new virus was ever shown to exist via proper proof. Worthless diagnostic test. Sixteen ways case and death numbers are being faked. If there were a virus, the only way to stop it would be through open massive public exposure and the gaining of natural immunity. Therefore, no lockdowns, no masks, no distancing, no vast economic destruction under the watch of a president whose whole program was based on expanding the economy. Is that enough for starters?
I’d really like to know what went on the room, back in March, when Fauci walked in with Neil Ferguson’s preposterous computer predictions of COVID deaths in the US and spoke with Trump.
Did no one bring up the fact that Ferguson’s whole career has been a string of failed predictions? Was there zero due diligence? Did some economic advisor open his mouth and tell the president what a long-term lockdown would do to the economy? Fifty million people unemployed? Well over a million businesses destroyed?
I hope you understand that Moderna is Fauci’s favorite vaccine company, and his agency, NIAID, stands to rake in cash if Moderna’s shot turns out to be the choice for COVID—when, in fact, no vaccine is necessary.
I hope you know Moderna is a little punk firm that has never brought a product of any kind to market, and yet garnered $500 million in fed funds to research a vaccine.
On top of that, Moderna is deploying RNA technology, which has never been approved for any pharmaceutical product, and has caused, in trials, serious adverse effects.
Are you aware the NY Times recently reported on a large study showing up to 90 percent of all US COVID cases have been false positives, owing to the extreme sensitivity of the PCR test? Not enough virus present in humans to harm a flea. No likelihood of contagion, either.
Have you read the results of a New York study revealing patients over the age of 65 who are put on ventilators die at the staggering rate of 97.2 percent? Yet, Cuomo and Trump keep pushing ventilators.
COVID is old people. Period. No virus necessary. They’re all suffering from long-term, multiple, serious health conditions. They’ve all been treated, for years, with toxic medical drugs. They’re terrified at the possibility of a COVID diagnosis. Then they are diagnosed with COVID. Then they’re isolated and cut off from family and friends. And they die. NO VIRUS NECESSARY.
And THAT makes the recent CDC revelation about death numbers more relevant than most people can fathom. The CDC states that only 6 percent of all US COVID deaths have been unambiguously caused by a virus alone. The other 94 percent are overwhelmingly the old people I just described. Get it?
And now comes a new group of lunatics—computer modelers from the University of Washington, who are predicting the US death toll from COVID will rise above 600,000 this winter. Pressed into their amateur thickly sliced baloney—they ignore the CDC “correction” of death numbers I just mentioned.
Do not let the White House buy this latest death-number projection. Tell Trump one unimaginable screw-up (accepting Ferguson’s criminal projection) is quite enough.
Gather up your forces, Scott. Talk to Dr. John Ioannidis and his merry band of colleagues who tried to get through to Trump and failed, just before you were appointed coronavirus advisor.
Bring the house. You know Fauci and Gates and their sub-honchos are angling for another serious lockdown this winter, when they’re going to make every possible case of flu-like illness over into COVID.
You accepted the White House invite. You bought the ticket, now take the ride. The full ride. Don’t stint.
In case you haven’t figured it out yet, this is an operation to wreck economies worldwide. The preposterous virus narrative is the cover story, concealing the objective of the actual war.
Don’t let the DC attack dogs back you into a corner and shut you up.
You have nothing to lose but your reputation in the eyes of people who don’t matter. They’ve already taken you off their dance card.
The country could lose itself.
In this situation, there is no defense. There is only offense.
If they kick you to the curb, you can come and work with us. You don’t get paid, but the one perk is enormous. You get to define the terms of the battle. And oh yes, you don’t have to speak with numbskulls, hustlers, shysters, and sociopaths.
L.G.L.R., and A.F. both sent this article along (and a thank you to both), and I had to sit up and take notice, because this one hits close to home, so to speak. Like many people my age, I was vaccinated as a child with the polio vaccine. In fact, it was the only vaccine my parents ever consented to allow me to take.
But that was not until after they had both done a little ‘digging”. At the time – the late fifties and early sixties – polio was still a killer if not a major crippler. Pictures of unfortunate people in iron lungs were still in the newspapers, and the disease was never far from our minds. My parents, of course, were the children of the depression era, and remembered the stories of President Franklin Roosevelt and his struggle with the disease. Say what one will about his policies (and I have a lot to say about them, and very little of it is good), one certainly cannot fault the man for waging a courageous struggle against the disease, including forcing himself to stand and walk, probably in a great deal of pain, and certainly with a great deal of effort, to give those speeches in front of Congress, or to meet on British battleships with Prime Minister Churchill. When it came to me, there were two choices of a polio vaccine then: the Salk vaccine (the first one out of the gate), and the Sabin vaccine.
The Salk vaccine actually caused vaccine-induced polio in a number of cases, and quickly became controversial, in part, because it was being pushed by the US government and state and local governments (sound familiar?). THe reason for the paralysis? The pharmaceutical company that had been the source for the vaccine had not adequately de-activated the virus in the vaccine, and hence, many children were injected with the real thing (sound familiar?).
The other alternative was the Sabin vaccine, administered orally in a sugar cube, and first extensively tested in Mexico and the Soviet Union. Because of the mess caused by the Salk vaccine, the Sabin vaccine became the vaccine of choice, including for my parents after consultation with their, and my, doctor.
I mention all this, because in the article L.G.L.R. and A.F. both sent me, polio vaccines are again in the news, and are again apparently causing some havoc:
This really should be one of the biggest scandals in public health, but it’s given little attention – mainly because of the high-profile nature of the people and organisations involved.
The United Nations has been forced to admit that a major international vaccine initiative is actually causing the outbreak of the very disease it was supposed to wipe-out.
While international organisations like the World Health Organization (WHO) will regular boast about supposedly ‘eradicating polio’ with vaccines, the opposite seems to be the case. Their decades-long campaign to eradicate polio is now killing scores of innocent young people living in poor countries.
Now it seems that health officials are beginning to admit that their plan to stop ‘wild’ polio is backfiring, as scores children are being paralyzed a deadly strain of the pathogen derived from a live vaccine – causing a virulent of polio to spread. (All emphases in the original)
A live virus in a polio vaccine… again? Shades of the Salk vaccine episode. One would think that since the 1950s we’d have learned how to kill a virus before putting it into a vaccine (c0vid-19 vaccine enthusiasts, take note!), but apparently we can’t, at least, not with 100% efficiency.
But wait, there’s more:
This latest pharma-induced pandemic has broken out in the African countries of Chad and Sudan, and the culprit has been identified: a vaccine-derived polio virus type 2. Officials now fear this new dangerous strain could soon ‘jump continents,’ causing further deadly outbreaks around the world.
Shocking as it sounds, this Big Pharma debacle is not new. After spending some $16 billion over 30 years to eradicate polio, international health bodies have ‘accidentally’ reintroduced the disease to in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and also Iran, as the central Asia region was hit by a virulent strain of polio spawned by the corporate pharmaceutical vaccine distributed there. Also, in 2019, the government of Ethiopia ordered the destruction of 57,000 vials of type 2 oral polio vaccine (mOPV2) following a similar outbreak of vaccine-induced polio.
It’s important to note that the oral polio vaccine being pushed on to the African population by the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI), a consortium which is supported and funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
All of this should be a cause for concern, especially with western governments and transnational pharmaceutical giant all rushing to roll-out their new Gates-funded experimental coronavirus vaccine for the global population. (Italicized emphasis added)
The Baal and Malicious Gates Foundation? You don’t say! Would this be the same folks with unusual ties to some eugenicists in their background, and if that’s the case, is the selection of African tests subjects, in this case, children of poor people in Chad and the Sudan, perhaps not coincidental? Sorry about the digression, they were just a few thoughts and questions that popped into my mind. But another thing just popped into my mind. Is this the same Baal and Malicious Gates that India banned due to the less-than-healthy-results of some vaccine trials there? Gee… I wonder…
The bottom line here, however, is that the vaccination-polio-eradication program has backfired, for the vaccine designed to eradicate it – which, let us note, is being orally administered in the pictures, and therefore appears to be some sort of update to the Sabin vaccine – is actually introducing more virulent strains into the population. And that in turn might mean that the entire population is once again at risk of the disease, perhaps even including those who, like me, received a vaccine against it as a child.
Gee, thanks alot, Baal, and Malicious.
And lest that misses the point, the article puts it so simple that even a noodnik busybody billionaire can understand it:
This latest revelation from Africa should prompt media and health advocates to ask hard questions about the efficacy and safety of the much-hyped COVID ‘miracle’ vaccine.
ER Editor: For an interesting portrait of globalist billionaire and Soros pal Nicolas Berggruen, we recommend this piece by France Inter titled Nicolas Berggruen, le milliardaire qui chuchote à l’oreille de l’Europe. (Nicolas Berggruen, the billionaire who whispers in the ear of Europe.)
The 2020 Election: Bourgeois Democracy Meets Global Governance
A small number of very rich men are quite sure they know what is best for the future of the world and have enough wealth and influence to believe they can make it happen. They can be called oligarchs, but the term is inadequate. They are a special category, the shapers of the Global Governance destined to replace bourgeois democracy. I can name two: one who is famous, notorious even, but very old, and another who is a generation younger, not yet so well known or so rich but probably even more influential.
President Donald Trump arriving in Ashville, N.C., Aug. 24, 2020. (White House, Shealah Craighead)
The Global Governors
The old one is of course George Soros, who needs no introduction. He has no doubt that the world should be one big Open Society – in a word, globalization – in which borders and nation States dissolve into a kaleidoscopic mix of cultural identities in which major decisions are taken by brilliant financial oligarchs like himself.
The younger one is Nicolas Berggruen, the dashing 59-year-old Paris-born son of a leading German-Jewish art collector. Nicolas enjoys double U.S.-German citizenship and membership in the Council on Foreign Relations, the NYU Commission on Global Citizenship, the Brookings International Advisory Council, the Leadership Council at Harvard Kennedy School‘s Center for Public Leadership, the World Economic Forum – and on and on. He helped get Emmanuel Macron elected President of France and has friendly relations with Ursula von der Leyen, head of the European Union Commission.
The billionaire has his own “think and action tank”, the Berggruen Institute, to promote his interests which center on “global governance”. He is particularly interested in technological ways to shape and guide the world of the future. The future for Berggruen belongs to digitalization and above all transhumanism. In a short video, he muses over whether or not the digital age makes us “less human”.
Nicolas Berggruen, center, in 2017. (Financial Times, Flicker, CC BY 2.0)
The Transition Integrity Project
So it has been easy to arouse near panic in the Washington establishment and beyond over the notion that Trump might not be dislodged by the November 2020 election. Fear is being spread less that Trump might win the election (too unthinkable to contemplate) than that he will lose the election but refuse to budge. This possibility received a big boost from a unique social event organized by Professor Rosa Brooks of Georgetown University, a leading champion of women’s participation in the National Security State, and historian Nils Gilman, a head researcher at the Berggruen Institute. This well-connected pair easily enlisted dozens of power pointers to take part in what the Boston Globe called “a Washington version of Dungeons and Dragons”, on the model of Pentagon planners who form teams to imagine what the US and Russia might do in a nuclear war confrontation. They named their fun and games the Transition Integrity Project (TIP), clearly suggesting that the “integrity” of the anticipated transition from Trump to Biden was their main concern. Only a few of the 67 participants have been identified: anti-Trump Republican Michael Steele, Bill Clinton’s White House chief of staff John Podesta, David Frum (ghost writer of President George W. Bush’s “Axis of Evil” speech), and neoconservative political analyst William Kristol.
On August 3, the TIP issued its report, entitled “Preventing a Disrupted Presidential Election and Transition”. This report summarized the results of the make-believe gaming scenarios, which provided imaginary support to the growing liberal Democratic hypothesis that Donald Trump is determined to steal the November election….
The exercise comprised four scenarios: (1) an ambiguous voting result, (2) clear Biden victory, (3) clear Trump win, (4) narrow Biden win. The game was played by teams, primarily “Team Biden” and “Team Trump”, but it is pretty clear that none of the players were pro-Trump, including the players on “Team Trump”. But the games claimed to show how Trump supporters would react in these circumstances
Nobody Dares Lose
A particularly alarming and disturbingly credible assumption of the TIP game is that,in this election, neither side is prepared to accept defeat.
… The United States can currently be seen to be regressing to just such a degree of mutual hatred and distrust.
…As for postal balloting, it should be conceivable that Trump’s misgivings are justified. …
It becomes clearer and clearer that hatred of Trump has reached such a pitch, that for the Democratic establishment and its hangers-on, defeating Trump at the polls is not enough. They are practically inciting him to contest the election. Then they can have something more exciting and decisive: a genuine regime change.
Preparing for Regime Change
The classic regime change scenario involves a contested elections, mass street demonstrations including civil disobedience and finally, military intervention.
So, to start with, the gamers posit an authoritarian leader who won’t step down. That’s Trump.
Next, “a show of numbers in the streets – and actions in the streets – may be decisive factors in determining what the public perceives as a just and legitimate outcome.”
…” Certain of these grassroots organizations – MoveOn and Black Lives Matter – have enjoyed financial support from George Soros.
Whose Coup?
“During the exercises,” the report notes, “winning ‘the narrative’ emerged as a potentially decisive factor. Either side can expand or contract the ‘margin of contestation’ if they succeed in substantially changing how key decision makers and the public view the ‘facts’, the risks of action or inaction, or external events such as civil unrest.” Winning the narrative appears to be a main purpose of the TIP, and it was quickly seconded in its efforts by top Democrats.
The Bottom Line
Meanwhile, Americans can listen to the extravagant rhetoric of the two enemy camps, calling on them to choose between alleged “authoritarian white supremacy” (grossly exaggerated) and “radical Marxist socialism” (totally false) while offering absolutely nothing in terms of coherent public policy of benefit to the American people and the world. The politicians claw to cling to ineffective office, while the future is being planned elsewhere.
Policy will be designed by the global governors, for instance at the next meeting in Davos of the World Economic Forum which, according to its founder and chairman Klaus Schwab, will lay out the “Great Reset” agenda for the Fourth Industrial Revolution that is destined to reshape all our lives.
Nicolas Berggruen will be there with his ideas. So will other billionaires. They will not be “conspiring”, but rather laying plans for what they consider best for the world. There is no political system enabling us to influence or even fully understand the projects they will sponsor. Surely these projects deserve to be sharply debated. But the politicians supposedly representing us are somewhere else, fighting furiously with each other over contrived issues.
The Electoral College is not the most fatal flaw in American democracy. Rather, it’s the monopoly of political discourse by a Two Party System fueled essentially by personal ambition, taking its cues from lobbies, the military industrial complex, Wall Street and the Global Governors.
Diana Johnstone lives in Paris. Her latest book is Circle in the Darkness: Memoirs of a World Watcher (Clarity Press, 2020).
(Republished from Consortium News by permission of author or representative)
To read the full article, and it is definitely worth a read, go to the following link: