Digital (Control) Money Being Tested

New York Fed announces test of digital dollar with major banks

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York and major banks will launch a three-month test of a digital dollar in hopes of studying its feasibility.

The initiative was announced by the regional Federal Reserve bank and nearly a dozen financial institutions on Tuesday. A news release referred to the experiment as a “proof-of-concept project” in which the banks will work with the Fed’s New York Innovation Center to simulate digital money representing the deposits of their own customers and settle them through simulated Fed reserves on a distributed ledger.

“The [project] will also test the feasibility of a programmable digital money design that is potentially extensible to other digital assets, as well as the viability of the proposed system within existing laws and regulations,” according to the news release.

The news comes as cryptocurrency and blockchain technology have exploded to prominence in the mainstream financial world. While the flagship cryptocurrency bitcoin peaked a year ago and has since been in precipitous decline, the technology behind such tokens has attracted interest from not only private financial institutions but also central banks across the globe.


In January, the Fed took a first step toward weighing the use of a central bank digital currency when it released its much-anticipated discussion paper and opened a four-month public comment period to receive input.

The paper said that a CBDC could streamline cross-border payments and could further enshrine and preserve the dominance of the dollar’s international role, including as the world’s reserve currency.

The findings of the new pilot project will be released after the 12-week test concludes, and the Fed has stressed that the experiment is not intended to advance any specific policy outcome or hint that the Fed is planning to make any big decisions about a central bank digital currency in the near future.


Still, the project is sure to excite proponents of a digital dollar because it at least shows that the central bank is engaged with the concept enough to partner with private banks and run tests about its feasibility. Still, critics have warned that a digital currency maintained by the government could lead to a loss of privacy.

“The NYIC looks forward to collaborating with members of the banking community to advance research on asset tokenization and the future of financial market infrastructures in the U.S. as money and banking evolve,” said Per von Zelowitz, director of the New York Innovation Center.

Drastic Increase in Excess Childhood Deaths

EU forced to begin Europe-wide Investigation into 700% to 1600% increase in Excess Deaths among Children since EMA approved COVID Vaccine for Kids thanks to Exclusive Investigation carried out by The Exposé

An exclusive investigation carried out by the team here at The Exposé has forced the European Union’s official statistics department to begin a Europe-wide investigation into why there has been a significant increase in excess deaths among children aged 0 to 14 since the European Medicines Agency approved the Covid-19 injection for children.

On the 29th of August 2022, we exclusively revealed that official mortality figures for Europe showed a shocking 691% increase in excess deaths among children up to week 33 of 2022 since the European Medicines Agency extended the emergency use authorisation of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine for use in children aged 12 to 15 in May 2021.

Before this decision by the European Medicines Agency, deaths among children in 2021 were below the expected rate. But following the emergency use authorisation, we discovered that excess deaths among children had risen by a deeply troubling 1,599% by the end of the year compared to the 2017 to 2020 average.

Now, three weeks after our investigation, EuroMOMO, which provides the statistics, has been forced to officially acknowledge the elevated excess mortality among children and has opened a Europe-wide investigation into the possible causes.

We conducted our investigation using the data published by EuroMOMO in their week 33, 2022 bulletin.

Here’s a snapshot of the bulletin published by EuroMOMO at the time –

EuroMOMO failed to mention the elevated mortality among children aged 0 to 14.

However, three weeks on from our investigation they have been forced to do so as can be seen in a snapshot of EuroMOMO’s week 36 bulletin –

EuroMOMO also added a further note in its week 36 bulletin –

Upon realising that we have forced EuroMOMO to finally investigate why so many children are dying across Europe, we decided to revisit the official published data to find out how many more children had died between week 33 and week 36. But to our surprise and disgust, we discovered that EuroMOMO has now altered the baseline meaning all data on excess deaths from 2017 through to 2022 has been altered since our week 33 investigation.

The following is a snapshot of the data made available by EuroMOMO in week 36, and it shows 545 excess deaths among children aged 0 to 14 up to week 36 in 2022.

However, the following is a snapshot of the data made available by EuroMOMO in week 33, and it shows 841 excess deaths among children aged 0 to 14 up to week 33 in 2022.

This means EuroMOMO has now altered the baseline since our investigation to artificially reduce the severity of the number of excess deaths among children aged 0 to 14.

We are able to prove this thanks to the gift of the ‘WayBackMachine’ which is an Internet Archive of most pages available on the world wide web. The archived page showing the week 33 data can be viewed here.

Because of EuroMOMO’s extremely suspicious decision to alter the baseline at the same time as opening a Europe-wide investigation into the extraordinary rise in excess deaths among children since the European Medicine Agency’s decision to approve the Covid-19 vaccine for children, The Exposé will be urgently conducting another investigation into the rise in excess deaths based on the altered baseline.

But for now, you can read our original investigation in full below which has forced the European Union to conduct a Europe-wide investigation into why so many children are dying…


Virtual Avatars, Beware!!!

Palmer Luckey Made a VR Headset That Kills the User If They Die in the Game

The man who created the Oculus Rift has invented a virtual reality headset that will explode the forebrain of a user who dies in a video game.

Palmer Luckey, defense contractor and the father of modern virtual reality, has created a VR headset that will kill the user if they die in the game they’re playing. He did this to commemorate the anime, Sword Art Online. Luckey is the founder of Oculus, a company he sold to Facebook in 2014 for $2 billion. This is the technology that Mark Zuckerberg rebranded as the foundation for Meta.

Luckey’s killer headset looks like a Meta Quest Pro hooked up with three explosive charge modules that sit above the screen. The charges are aimed directly at the user’s forebrain and, should they go off, would obliterate the head of the user.

“The idea of tying your real life to your virtual avatar has always fascinated me—you instantly raise the stakes to the maximum level and force people to fundamentally rethink how they interact with the virtual world and the players inside it,” Luckey wrote in a blog post explaining the project. “Pumped up graphics might make a game look more real, but only the threat of serious consequences can make a game feel real to you and every other person in the game.”

According to Luckey, the anime and light novel series Sword Art Online made people interested in virtual reality, especially in Japan. In SAO, players put on a NeveGear virtual reality headset and log into a new game called Sword Art Online only to discover a mad scientist has trapped them in a virtual world. The players have to fight their way through a 100 floor dungeon to escape. If they die in the game, they die in real life. Luckey published his post about the killer headset on November 6, the day that Sword Art Online went live in the world of the game’s fiction.

“The good news is that we are halfway to making a true NerveGear. The bad news is that so far, I have only figured out the half that kills you,” Luckey said. In SAO, the NerveGear kills players with a microwave emitter. According to Luckey, the device’s creator  “was able to hide from his employees, regulators, and contract manufacturing partners. I am a pretty smart guy, but I couldn’t come up with any way to make anything like this work, not without attaching the headset to gigantic pieces of equipment.”

Unable to make the perfect recreation, Luckey opted for explosive modular charges. He tied them to a narrow-band photo sensor that detects the headset views a specific red screen that flashes at a specific frequency. “When an appropriate game-over screen is displayed, the charges fire, instantly destroying the brain of the user,” Luckey said.

Luckey said that he used three explosive charges he usually uses for a “different project.” Luckey didn’t specify which project, but he is also the founder of Anduril, a weapons and defense contractor which has won massive contracts with the government, and that is already developing loitering munitionsanti-drone tech for U.S. special forces, and underwater drones.

Luckey wrote that he wants to keep tinkering. “I have plans for an anti-tamper mechanism that, like the NerveGear, will make it impossible to remove or destroy the headset,” he said. “Even so, there are a huge variety of failures that could occur and kill the user at the wrong time. This is why I have not worked up the balls to actually use it myself.”

Despite betting big on defense contracts, a piece of Luckey will always belong to virtual reality. “At this point, it is just a piece of office art, a thought-provoking reminder of unexplored avenues in game design,” he said of his killer headset. “It is also, as far as I know, the first non-fiction example of a VR device that can actually kill the user. It won’t be the last.”


5G, Cell Towers, & Your Health

How the FCC Shields Cellphone Companies from Safety Concerns as 5G Expands

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), which has responsibility for protecting Americans from potential radiation hazards generated by wireless transmitters and cellphones, has repeatedly sided with the telecom industry in denying the possibility of virtually any human harm. The standards were set in 1996 and have not been updated. In 2018, a massive, nearly-two-decade study by the National Toxicology Program, part of the National Institutes of Health, found “clear evidence” that cellphone radiation caused cancer in lab animals. Nonetheless, federal law and FCC rules are so aligned with the industry that state and local governments are essentially barred from taking action to block cell towers to protect the health of their citizens, even as companies may sue any government that tries to take such an action.5G operations require an estimated 800,000 new base stations, including both towers and densely spaced “small cell” transmitters mounted on rooftops and street poles. The current number of transmitters will be nearly tripled, and many of them will be placed close to houses and apartments.

The health complaints started rolling in within weeks of the activation of a new cellphone tower in August 2020 in Pittsfield, an old factory town in Massachusetts’ Berkshire Mountains. Seventeen residents reported headaches, dizziness, insomnia or confusion. A few children had to sleep with “vomit buckets” by their beds.

Like many people, Bobbie Orsi had never paid close attention to questions about the health effects of cellphone technology. She mostly viewed it as an issue that had long ago been put to rest. But after becoming the chair of Pittsfield’s Board of Health as the complaints emerged, Orsi, a 66-year-old registered nurse who had spent much of her career in public health, decided to educate herself. She combed through a stack of research studies. She watched webinars. She grilled a dozen scientists and doctors.

Over several months, Orsi went from curious, to concerned, to convinced, first, that radio-frequency emissions from Verizon’s 115-foot 4G tower were to blame for the problems in Pittsfield, and second, that growing evidence of harm from cellphones — everything from effects on fertility and fetal development to associations with cancer — has been downplayed in the United States.

Orsi and the Pittsfield board decided to try to do something about Verizon’s tower. They quickly discovered that they would get no help from federal regulators. The Federal Communications Commission, which has responsibility for protecting Americans from potential radiation hazards generated by wireless transmitters and cellphones, has repeatedly sided with the telecom industry in denying the possibility of virtually any human harm.

Worse, from Orsi’s perspective, federal law and FCC rules are so aligned with the industry that state and local governments are barred from taking action to block cell towers to protect the health of their citizens, even as companies are explicitly empowered to sue any government that tries to take such an action. It turned out that Verizon, in such matters, has more legal rights than the people of Pittsfield.

Still, the lawyers for Orsi and her colleagues thought they saw a long-shot legal opening: They would argue that the FCC’s exclusive oversight role applied only to approving cell tower sites, not to health problems triggered after one was built and its transmitters switched on. In April 2022, the Pittsfield Health Board issued an emergency cease-and-desist order directing Verizon to shut down the tower as a “public nuisance” and “cause of sickness” that “renders dwellings unfit for human habitation.” (Several families had abandoned their homes.) The order was the first of its kind in the country. It was, Orsi said, “a gutsy move — maybe naively gutsy.

Read full article here…


So, Paul, What Did Happen?

Hammer Attack Against Nancy Pelosi’s Husband Doesn’t Add Up

Paul Pelosi, the 82-year old husband of Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, was reported to have sustained a skull fracture during an attack by a man with a hammer. David DePape, 42, was arrested at the scene and is being charged with attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon, elder abuse, burglary and additional felonies rather than being released without bail. The suspect reportedly broke into the Pelosi’s home through a glass door just before 3 am on October 29. Curiously, the broken glass was strewn outward rather than inward, which suggests that the glass was broken from the inside of the house. Other curious aspects of this case include a 911 call from a “reporting person,” which some media outlets reported was Paul Pelosi, who claimed he did not know the intruder, but said that his name was David and that he was a friend. The police arrived at the scene within 3 minutes for a welfare check. DePape reportedly took a hammer from Pelosi and attacked the elderly man when police arrived and were said to have been let in by a third person. The narrative has been revised and the third person has been removed from the story. DePape was reported to be wearing only underwear when he was arrested, according to KTVU, a local Fox affiliate station that has now posted a correction and removed the information on the underwear. The Pelosis live in a prestigious gated community with plenty of security cameras, yet no security videos or police bodycam videos have been published. There were no reports of an alarm going off during the alleged break-in.Several questionable websites that were said to have belonged to DePape have been used by the leftist media to paint DePape as a far-right conspiracy theorist. The websites were removed. In contrast, the Berkeley home where DePape had lived had a rainbow flag signaling support for LGBTQ and a BLM sign that are associated with left-wing politics. DePape was characterized by neighbors and acquaintances as being mentally ill, a drug addict, and a leftist. DePape was reported to share three children with nudist activist Oxane ‘Gypsy’ Taub who is in jail for abducting a 14-year old boy. Their oldest child, Inti Gonzalez, who was reported to have different father, posted online that DePape sexually abused her and her brothers when they were young. The reports raise more questions than they answer and narratives are changing rapidly while critics suggest a cover up. Earlier this year in May, Paul Pelosi was arrested for driving drunk and crashing into another vehicle. He was reported to have an unidentified passenger in his car at the time.

The San Francisco nudist who was found by police in his underwear in Paul Pelosi’s home at 2AM while Nancy was out of town and has an LGBT flag outside his commune was described by Paul to 911 dispatch as a male “friend” whose “name is David” but whom he “doesn’t know.”

From Breitbart, “Police Dispatch Audio: Paul Pelosi When Calling Cops Said ‘He Doesn’t Know Who the Male Is but He Advised that His Name Is David and He Is a Friend’”:

Paul Pelosi reportedly told 911 dispatch that the individual who allegedly attacked him with a hammer in his home “is a friend,” according to a police dispatch call early Friday morning.

The alleged intruder reportedly attacked Paul Pelosi with a hammer, which forced him to undergo emergency surgery for his injuries.

Officers later identified 42-year-old Berkeley resident David DePape as Pelosi’s attacker. DePape was reportedly wearing only underwear when officers arrived on the scene. He was taken into custody and will be charged with multiple felonies, including attempted murder, San Francisco district attorney Brooke Jenkins announced.

Emergency dispatch officials provided the police officers with an address on the 2600 block of Broadway street in San Francisco’s Pacific Heights neighborhood, according to a dispatch call that took place around 2:28 a.m. on Friday.

A dispatch official calls out during the call to a police car with specific instructions and an address.

“Copy,” replied the person on the other end of the call.

The dispatch official then said that Pelosi informed 911 that he did not know who the attacker was but gave his name and then explained that “he is a friend.”


“RP [Reporting Person] stated that there’s a male in the home and that he’s going to wait for his wife. RP stated that he doesn’t know who the male is but he advised that his name is David, and that he is a friend,” the dispatch official said. “RP sounded somewhat confused.

Later in the day, the FBI visited a Berkeley home linked to DePape, which neighbors call the “hippie collective,” NBC Bay Area’s Jaxon Van Derbeken reported.

Read full article here…

Gateway Pundit:

Michael Shellenberger:

NY Post:


So Who’s Deciding What is Nutritious?

Study: Largest Nutritionists’ Group Captured by Food, Pharma and Agribusiness Companies

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics accepted millions of dollars from food, pharmaceutical and agribusiness companies, provided favors in return through its policies, and invested in ultra-processed food company stocks, according to a study published in Public Health Nutrition. he Academy accepted more than $15 million from corporate and organizational contributors in the years 2011 and 2013-2017, according to its draft IRS forms 990. The top contributors to the Academy in 2011 and 2013-2017 were: the National Dairy Council, Conagra, Abbott Laboratories, PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, Hershey, General Mills and more.

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics accepted millions of dollars from food, pharmaceutical and agribusiness companies, had policies to provide favors in return, and invested in ultra-processed food company stocks, according to a study published today in Public Health Nutrition.

The Academy says it is “the world’s largest organization of nutrition and dietetics practitioners” representing “more than 112,000 credentialed practitioners” including registered dietitian nutritionists and other food and nutrition professionals.

The study was produced by public health scholars and U.S. Right to Know, a nonprofit investigative public health group that obtained tens of thousands of pages of internal Academy documents through state public records requests.

The study describes a “symbiotic relationship” between the Academy and corporations, and found the Academy acts as a “pro-industry voice” with policy positions that sometimes clash with its mission to improve health globally.

“The documents reveal a depressing chapter of corruption at this influential nutrition group,” said Gary Ruskin, executive director of U.S. Right to Know, and one of the study’s co-authors. “If we’re going to get healthier, live longer and lower our astounding rates of obesity and diabetes, we’ve got to clean out the corruption at health groups like the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.”

The study reveals that the Academy accepted more than $15 million from corporate and organizational contributors in the years 2011 and 2013-2017, according to its draft IRS forms 990.

The top contributors to the Academy in 2011 and 2013-2017 were: National Dairy Council $1,496,912; Conagra Inc. $1,414,058; Abbott Nutrition $1,246,389; Abbott Laboratories $824,110; AND Foundation 801,261; PepsiCo Inc. $486,335; Coca-Cola Co. $477,577; Hershey Co. $368,032; General Mills Inc. $309,733; Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality $296,495; Aramark Co. $293,051; Unilever Best Foods $276,791; Kellogg USA $273,272.

Here are the Academy draft IRS 990s (with donor data) for 6/11-5/126/13-5/146/14-5/156/15-5/16 and 6/16-5/17, as well as for its foundation for 6/12-5/13 and 6/13-5/14.

The documents show that the Academy and its foundation invested funds in ultra-processed food companies. The Academy’s investment portfolio in January 2015 included $244,036 in stock holdings in Nestle S.A. and $139,545 in PepsiCo. The Academy foundation’s investment portfolio in June 2013 included $209,472 in stock holdings in Nestle S.A and $125,682 in PepsiCo.

“Nutrition groups should not buy ultra-processed food stocks. They are a blaring conflict of interest,” Ruskin said. “Public health groups should not invest in companies that make products that detract from our health or directly conflict with their mission.”

The Academy appears to have allowed quid pro quo purchases of “rights and benefits” by corporate sponsors. Internal communications show that the Academy “distinguishes its ‘sponsors’ from its ‘supporters’. Corporate sponsors ‘pay a fee, and in return the Academy provides a right or a benefit’…Corporate ‘supporters‘ provide ‘a charitable contribution with no (explicit) expectation of a commercial return.’”

Read full article here…


Speaking of George Floyd and BLM – New Documentary

The Greatest Lie Ever Sold: George Floyd and the Rise of Black Lives Matter (BLM)

Candace Owens’ documentary film, The Greatest Lie Ever Sold: George Floyd and the Rise of BLM, examines the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. The key points in her film include the media’s false narratives, the role that drugs in the death of Mr. Floyd, video footage that shows Officer Chauvin’s knee was on Mr. Floyd’s shoulder blade, and how the $80 million collected by BLM was spent.

Summary by JW WIlliams

Candace Owens’ documentary film, The Greatest Lie Ever Sold: George Floyd and the Rise of BLM, examines the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. The key points in her film include the false narrative by the media that Owens said elevated Floyd to the status of a “saint” when he had a criminal history that included a conviction for a 2007 aggravated armed robbery in which he was accused of pushing a pistol against the abdomen of a woman. Mr. Floyd resisted arrest throughout the ordeal that ended in his death.

Owens showed how the media and former police officer Derek Chauvin’s trial downplayed the amount of drugs in Floyd’s body that was more than triple the lethal dose for fentanyl. Floyd also had an enlarged heart that raised the risk of a cardiac event by 150 times (15,000%), according to a doctor. A medical report stated that there were “No life-threatening injuries identified.”
Video showed Floyd saying that he could not breathe before he was ever placed on the ground. During Chauvin’s trial, the Minneapolis Chief of Police testified that video from another officer’s bodycam, with a different camera angle, appeared to show that officer Chauvin’s knee was against Floyd’s shoulder blade, not his neck.

Black Lives Matter reportedly collected $80 million, and Owens showed that Patrisse Cullors, a “trained Marxist” and co-founder of BLM, spent millions of dollars on several mansions and other real estate and funneled money to her friends and family. Owens used tax forms to show that over $2 million was paid to transgender organizations that failed to report how they spent the money. Millions of dollars were also given to organizations that accepted money on behalf of BLM, yet Owens found that it was a cover in may cases for diverting funds to organizations that train activists/ protesters. Owens said that these organizations poison minds and their purpose is to bail out protesters.
Owens’ documentary can be viewed behind a subscription paywall at the Daily Wire.

Armed Forces Facing The Battle of their Lives

Military Whistleblowers Say Cancer, Miscarriages and Heart Attacks Up 300% Following Vaccine Mandates

Fact checked

Military whistleblowers admit rise in cancers, miscarriages and heart disease following vaccine mandates

Three military doctors have blown the whistle on the devastating effects of forced COVID-19 vaccinations on American troops.

According to the whistleblowers, medical billing code data captured by the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED), which is run by the Department of Defense (DoD), shows that rates of miscarriage, myocarditis, cancer, Bell’s palsy, female infertility, and many more serious health conditions have risen dramatically since vaccines were made mandatory. reports: Cancer rates are particularly concerning, they say, as the normal average number of new cases per year is about 38,700, based on the time period from 2016-2020. In 2021 after Operation Warp Speed was launched, however, the number of new cancer cases that year rose to 114,645.

“The database contains every International Classification of Diseases (ICD) medical billing code for all medical diagnoses submitted by the military for medical insurance billing,” reports explain. (Related: Remember at the launch of Operation Warp Speed when Dr. Sara Beltrán Ponce, MD, suffered a horrific miscarriage right after getting jabbed for the Chinese Flu?)

Neurological issues up 1,000% in military following Operation Warp Speed

The three military whistleblowers in question are Samuel Sigoloff, Peter Chambers, and Theresa Long. Attorney Thomas Renz issued sworn statements from these three to the courts as part of a major lawsuit.

During the first 10 months of 2021, Renz says, miscarriages alone rose by 300 percent in the military. His hope is that the suit will lead to an end for covid jab mandates in the military.

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) is also involved, having recently hosted “COVID-19: A Second Opinion,” a livestreamed discussion panel featuring numerous world-renowned doctors and medical experts who offered a much different take on the scamdemic and how the government handled it.

On February 1 of this year, Johnson wrote a letter to U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin. In it were the findings from a roundtable on covid jab injuries and deaths, including data showing a 10-fold increase in neurological issues post-Operation Warp Speed.

Johnson also revealed the following increases in other health conditions following the mandate of covid injections in the military:

  • Hypertension: 2,181 percent increase
  • Nervous system disorders: 1,048 percent increase
  • Malignant neoplasms of esophagus: 894 percent increase
  • Multiple sclerosis: 680 percent increase
  • Malignant neoplasms of digestive organs: 624 percent increase
  • Guillain-Barre syndrome: 551 percent increase
  • Breast cancer: 487 percent increase
  • Demyelinating: 487 percent increase
  • Malignant neoplasms of thyroid and other endocrine glands: 474 percent increase
  • Female infertility: 472 percent increase
  • Pulmonary embolism: 468 percent increase
  • Migraines: 452 percent increase
  • Ovarian dysfunction: 437 percent increase
  • Testicular cancer: 369 percent increase
  • Tachycardia: 302 percent increase

Between the years of 2016 and 2020, there were 1,499 codes for miscarriage reported each year. From January through October 2021 – not even a full year – there were an astounding 4,182 miscarriages logged into the system.

During his panel, Johnson further made note that it appears myocarditis rates are being doctored by the government. Back in August 2021, it was shown in the codes that myocarditis diagnoses were up 2,800 percent. This month, however, it is now listed as only 200 percent higher.

“There appears to be doctoring of the data,” Johnson stated. “Now, my staff has already sent – this morning, we sent a record preservation letter to the Department of Defense to try and protect this data.”

“Our soldiers are being experimented on, injured, and sometimes, possibly, killed,” he added in a statement.


Looking to Become a Superhero…

‘Elon, The Everywhere’ Becomes A Threat To Political Structure

Elon MuskYoutube

Between launching four astronauts and 54 satellites into orbit, unveiling an electric freight truck and closing in on taking over Twitter this month, Elon Musk made time to offer unsolicited peace plans for Taiwan and Ukraine, antagonizing those countries’ leaders and irking Washington, too.

Musk, the richest man in the world, then irritated some Pentagon officials by announcing he didn’t want to keep paying for his private satellite service in Ukraine, before later walking back the threat.

As Musk, 51, inserts himself into volatile geopolitical issues, many Washington policymakers worry from the sidelines as he bypasses them.

A two-decade partnership between Musk and the federal government helped the United States return to global dominance in space and shift to electric cars, and made the tech geek an internationally famous CEO. But many in Washington, even as they praise his work in areas of national security, now see Musk as too powerful and too reckless.

Citing Musk’s public ridicule of those who snub him — the billionaire has called President Biden a “damp sock puppet” and said Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) reminds him of “my friend’s angry mom” — many of the two dozen top government officials interviewed for this article would only speak about Musk on the condition of anonymity. But nearly all described him as being as erratic and arrogant as he is brilliant.

“Elon, The Everywhere” is what one White House official called him. “He believes he is such a gift to mankind that he doesn’t need any guardrails, that he knows best.”

“He sees himself as above the presidency,” said Jill Lepore, a Harvard historian who hosted podcasts on Musk.

Musk declined to comment for this story, but he says he weighs in on important problems and described his mission as “enhancing the future of humanity.” He said his Ukraine plan could avert possible nuclear war, and that his Taiwan proposal could ease dangerous regional tensions.

But Musk’s freelance diplomacy is angering allies at the same time he bids $44 billion to take over a media platform with hundreds of millions of users.

“The bottom line is that people hang on his every word because he has delivered so many times,” said Sen. Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.). “I hope he shows some respect for that responsibility.”

Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) called Musk’s plan for Ukraine an “affront” to its people, and even suggested federal subsidies that help electric carmakers might be better spent.

Musk’s relationship with Washington started out strong. “I love you!” Musk blurted out when a NASA official called to tell him in 2008 that he got a $1.6 billion contract at a time when he was heavily in debt. Washington then poured billions more into Musk’s company as it developed its rockets and space capsule. SpaceX delivered, rebuilding the flagging U.S. space program.

His bipartisan efforts once helped him win over Washington. He dined with President Barack Obama and joined President Donald Trump’s economic councils. He donated to candidates of both parties. Now, he bashes Biden and says he plans to vote for a Republican president in 2024.

These days, the eccentric entrepreneur rarely visits Washington and is increasingly critical of the federal government. He does talk to foreign presidents and prime ministers, according to people who work directly with him. Musk sells his state-of-the-art rockets and aerospace technology to South Korea, Turkey and a growing list of other countries. He has Tesla factories in Germany and China. He also owns and controls more than 3,000 satellites circling the Earth — far more than any nation, including the United States.

In May, Brazilian officials said Musk met with Jair Bolsonaro, the Brazilian president who is described in Latin America as a right-wing ultranationalist. Musk said he spoke with Russian President Vladimir Putin 18 months ago, but denied a report that he talked to Putin just before offering his Ukrainian peace plan that was widely condemned as pro-Russian.

Though Musk needs Washington less now that he is global powerhouse, Washington continues to depend on him. The U.S. military uses his rockets and satellite communications services for its drones, ships and aircraft. NASA currently has no way to get American astronauts to the International Space Station without his space capsule. And, at a time when climate change is a top White House priority, he has more electric cars on U.S. roads than any other manufacturer.

Several top government officials said they are working on decreasing their reliance on Musk, including partnering with and nurturing competitors with government contracts and subsidies. “There’s not just SpaceX. There are other entities that we can certainly partner with when it comes to providing Ukraine what they need on the battlefield,” Sabrina Singh, deputy Pentagon press secretary, told reporters last week.

A key concern if Musk buys Twitter is his web of overseas holdings and foreign investors, including his massive Tesla factory in China, and possible leverage others could have over Musk if he controls a platform where some users have spread misinformation and ratcheted up political divisiveness. As a U.S. defense contractor, Musk has been vetted, but several top officials said they wanted a more thorough review, including any expansion plans in Russia and China. Warren and others have called his Twitter purchase a “danger to democracy.”

Washington has dealt before with powerful tycoons who dominated railroads, oil or a key economic sector, said Richard Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations. “But what’s a bit different here is Musk’s ability to project his political agenda and the fact that now that we have technology and media that allows individuals to essentially become their own network or channel,” Haass said.

Because Musk has business investments in China, and, according to Russian and other news reports, said last year at a Kremlin-sponsored event for students that he was planning one in Russia, several top U.S. government officials wonder if Musk’s business interests affect his views on foreign affairs.

The economic turmoil since the Ukraine war began has dented the fortunes of many people including Musk, whose personal wealth dropped by tens of billions, to about $210 billion, according to Bloomberg’s Billionaires Index.

Two people who know him well said Musk is impulsive and that makes him say things that harm his own interests — a tendency that makes it difficult for government officials to count on Musk. Musk himself has said he has Asperger’s syndrome, a form of autism, and no one should expect him to be a “chill, normal dude.”

“He shoots himself in the foot all the time. He should not be getting into politics,” said one person who has worked with him for years.

“I have been as shocked as anyone these last few months at some of the things he has waded into,” said Lori Garver, former deputy administrator at NASA. She worries about the consequences. SpaceX restored U.S. leadership in space, but his politically charged comments attract critics who are starting to ask, “Why is taxpayer money going to this billionaire?”

“It’s disappointing,” she said.

Read full story here…
