Interested in Designer Stuff — Cheap?

Auction! You can buy these goods stolen from Nordstrom! They’re flash-mob certified classics!

by Jon Rappoport

August 31, 2023

They’re iconic cultural items! And they can be yours!

Why not? Let’s get real.

Recently, in a continuation of the ongoing LA crime wave, a flash mob of 50 independent reparations scholars liberated items worth 100K from the Topanga Mall Nordstrom.

Even dyed in the wool California liberals are piling on their former darling, LA County DA George Gascon, who’s never met a thief he didn’t love. As in: “We decline to file charges, you’re free to go, and best of luck in your future endeavors, young man.”

But in order to help these thieves further, why put them through the annoying details of fencing their loot?

Let’s go right to an auction. And who better to stand at the podium and handle the bidding than DA George Gascon himself?

The CA liberals can buy the high-end merch…with cultural enhancement attached.

Gascon: “I assure you, my office has verified these products as flash-mob yanked. Buyers will be provided with certificates I personally sign.”

Hell, we’ve got to put the auction on television. MSNBC desperately needs a hit.

Gascon on a studio set of an auction room: “I have here a Judith Leiber Cake Gala Crystal Clutch purse. Golden leather interior. The bid begins at nine thousand. Do I hear ten? Some day you can tell your grandchildren it was a reparation item!”

Which brings us to realize the auction house can simply cement ongoing partnerships with mobs of thieves.

To read the rest of this article and comment on it, click here.


Sooooo…. Ivermectin DOES Work -Safe AND Effective

Ivermectin Worked: New Peer-Reviewed Study Proves It

Analysis by Dr. Joseph MercolaFact Checked
ivermectin worked peer reviewed study proves it


  • A preprint paper showing ivermectin’s effectiveness against COVID-19 in Peru convinced a group of doctors that widespread ivermectin distribution could end the pandemic in October 2020
  • Because the paper wasn’t yet peer-reviewed, it was brushed off; ivermectin for COVID-19 was vilified, as were those who dared to prescribe it
  • Now, the study has been peer-reviewed and published in Cureus, vindicating ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19
  • Not only did ivermectin work against COVID-19, it was remarkably effective, resulting in a 74% reduction in excess deaths in the 10 Peru states where it was used most intensively
  • There was a 14-fold reduction in nationwide excess deaths when ivermectin was readily available and then a 13-fold increase in excess deaths in the two months after ivermectin use was restricted

As the COVID pandemic wore on, with potential treatments supposedly unknown, New York pulmonologist Dr. Pierre Kory and others tried to get the word out about ivermectin. A widely used antiparasitic drug that’s listed on the World Health Organization’s essential medicines list1 and approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, ivermectin is widely available, inexpensive and has a long history of safe usage.

In fact, since 1987, 3.7 billion doses of ivermectin have been used among humans worldwide,2 but it was quickly vilified — as were those who dared to prescribe it. Now, the tables have turned. Not only did ivermectin work against COVID-19, it was remarkably effective, resulting in a 74% reduction in excess deaths in the 10 states where it was used most intensively.3

Ivermectin Dramatically Slashed COVID Deaths

Kory and other physicians with the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Working Group (FLCCC) had success early on treating patients with ivermectin and other therapies during the pandemic. His efforts to get the word out on this treatment protocol were stifled by censorship, ridicule and colleagues brainwashed by the official narrative and unwilling to accept the science.

A preprint paper showing ivermectin’s effectiveness against COVID-19 in Peru “was the final piece of evidence which convinced me, Paul [Marik] and the FLCCC that widespread ivermectin distribution could end the pandemic in Oct of 2020,” Kory tweeted.4 “Took 2 years but now peer-reviewed & published in a major journal.”

That study, published in Cureus,5 vindicates ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19. “Reductions in excess deaths over a period of 30 days after peak deaths averaged 74% in the 10 states with the most intensive IVM [ivermectin] use,” the study found.6 It used Peruvian national health data from Peru’s 25 states to evaluate ivermectin’s effects.

A natural experiment was set in motion in May 2020, when Peru authorized ivermectin for COVID-19. The significant reduction in excess deaths noted “correlated closely with the extent of IVM use,” the researchers noted.

Global Success Stories Highlight Ivermectin’s Potential

Few have heard about the astonishing success of ivermectin in Uttar Pradesh, India, which embraced large-scale prophylactic and therapeutic use of ivermectin for COVID-19 patients, close contacts of patients and health care workers.7

“The possibility of both preventative and treatment efficacies of IVM was raised by outcomes in another world region in which IVM was distributed to the population at risk for COVID-19 on a mass scale. This IVM distribution occurred in Uttar Pradesh, the largest state in India, having a population of 229 million,” the study added.8

There, widespread ivermectin distribution likely resulted in significantly lower COVID-19 deaths compared to areas not using the drug:9

“The cumulative total of COVID-19 deaths per million in population from July 7, 2021 through April 1, 2023 was 4.3 in Uttar Pradesh, as compared with 70.4 in all of India and 1,596.3 in the United States … The much lower number of COVID-19 deaths per population in all of India versus the United States in that period may reflect the use of these same home treatment kits containing IVM, doxycycline, and zinc in some other states of India.”

A similar series of events occurred in Itajai, Brazil, a city of 220,000 people. In June 2020, they implemented a prophylaxis program using ivermectin. The program was advertised throughout local media, and people were encouraged to participate and take ivermectin four times a month, on days 1, 2, 15 and 16.

On the appropriate days, they set up tents and centers where people could get the drug, and the entire program was carefully logged in an electronic database. In all, 159,000 Brazilians participated, of those 113,000 elected to take the ivermectin.

Kory and eight coauthors published a paper on the results, which showed “regular use of ivermectin as a prophylactic agent was associated with significantly reduced COVID-19 infection, hospitalization, and mortality rates.”10

Those who used ivermectin had a 44% reduction in COVID-19 infection rate, a 68% reduction in COVID-19 mortality and a 56% reduction in hospitalization rate compared to those who did not.11

Meanwhile, a study from Japan demonstrated that just 12 days after doctors were allowed to legally prescribe ivermectin to their COVID-19 patients, cases dropped dramatically.12 The chairman of the Tokyo Medical Association13 noticed the low number of infections and deaths in Africa, where many use ivermectin prophylactically and as the core strategy to treat river blindness.14D.

Government’s Ivermectin Restrictions Increased Deaths

In a striking revelation, ivermectin was used against COVID-19 in Peru for four months, before the new president put restrictions on its use. During that time, “there was a 14-fold reduction in nationwide excess deaths and then a 13-fold increase in the two months following the restriction of IVM use.”15

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has towed the anti-ivermectin narrative all along, with its infamous tweet reading, “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.”16 While commanding the U.S. public and physicians not to use ivermectin for an off-label use, the irony stands that close to 40% of U.S. prescriptions are for off-label uses.17

But now, after years of vilification, it had no choice but to admit what’s been right all along — doctors have the authority to prescribe ivermectin for COVID-19. Attorney Jared Kelson of Boyden Gray & Associates, who is representing physicians who have sued the FDA for interfering with their practice of medicine, including relating to ivermectin for COVID-19, explained:18

“The fundamental issue is straightforward. After the FDA approves a human drug for sale, does it then have the authority to influence or interfere with how that drug is used within the doctor-patient relationship? The answer is no.”

The FDA did just that, nonetheless, but finally admitted the truth on August 16, 2023, tweeting, “Health care professionals generally may choose to prescribe an approved human drug for an unapproved use when they judge that the unapproved use is medically appropriate for an individual patient.”19

In September 2021, the American Medical Association also told doctors to stop prescribing ivermectin for COVID-19. In a statement, AMA, along with the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) and American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP), warned:20

“We are alarmed by reports that outpatient prescribing for and dispensing of ivermectin have increased 24-fold since before the pandemic and increased exponentially over the past few months. As such, we are calling for an immediate end to the prescribing, dispensing, and use of ivermectin for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 outside of a clinical trial.

In addition, we are urging physicians, pharmacists, and other prescribers — trusted health care professionals in their communities — to warn patients against the use of ivermectin outside of FDA-approved indications and guidance, whether intended for use in humans or animals, as well as purchasing ivermectin from online stores.”

How many died unnecessarily as a result of these commands? As noted by journalist Kim Iversen, even the FDA’s move advising doctors that they’re allowed to prescribe ivermectin for COVID-19 is too little, too late. “Now, two, three years later, too little, too late… ultimately, we now get this study that has been officially peer reviewed and published, and it shows significant, significant, significant reduction [of mortality] in COVID-19.”21

How Does Ivermectin Work Against COVID?

Ivermectin binds to SARS-CoV-2’s spike protein, limiting the virus’ morbidity and infectivity.22 The drug, while best known for its antiparasitic effects, also has demonstrated antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. An in vitro study demonstrated that a single treatment with ivermectin effectively reduced viral load 5,000 times in 48 hours in cell culture.23

Studies have shown that ivermectin helps to lower the viral load by inhibiting replication.24 A single dose of ivermectin can kill 99.8% of the virus within 48 hours.25 A meta-analysis in the American Journal of Therapeutics also showed the drug reduced infection by an average of 86% when used preventively.26

Ivermectin has also been shown to speed recovery, in part by inhibiting inflammation and protecting against organ damage.27 This pathway also lowers the risk of hospitalization and death. Meta analyses have shown an average reduction in mortality that ranges from 75%28 to 83%.29,30

Additionally, the drug also prevents transmission of SARS-CoV-2 when taken before or after exposure.31 As the Cureus study noted, the latest data only adds further evidence that ivermectin has an important place in COVID-19 treatment:32

“These encouraging results from IVM treatments in Peru and similar positive indications from Uttar Pradesh, India, which have populations of 33 million and 229 million, respectively, offer promising models for further mass deployments of IVM, as needs may arise, for both the treatment and prevention of COVID-19.”

It’s worth noting, too, that ivermectin has notable antitumor effects, which include inhibiting proliferation, metastasis and angiogenic activity in cancer cells.33 It appears to inhibit tumor cells by regulating multiple signaling pathways, which researchers explained in the Pharmacological Research journal, “suggests that ivermectin may be an anticancer drug with great potential.”34

Why Was Ivermectin Suppressed?

The average treatment cost for ivermectin is $58.35 Do you think this has anything to do with ivermectin’s vilification? The authors of the Cureus study certainly do:36

“The exceptional safety profile and low cost of IVM certainly support its use as in Peru’s operation MOT [Mega-Operación Tayta] and in Uttar Pradesh as an attractive national policy for COVID-19 mitigation. These significant reductions in mortality as achieved in Peru and Uttar Pradesh suggest that the impact of such a national IVM deployment would be observable within a relatively short period.

However, generic drugs have often fared poorly in competition with patented offerings in past decades, based upon the unfortunate vulnerability of science to commodification and regulatory capture … Such a potential bias against IVM was suggested by a February 4, 2021 press release from Merck, which was then developing its own patented COVID-19 therapeutic, claiming that there was ‘a concerning lack of safety data’ for IVM.

However, IVM is Merck’s own drug, found safe at doses considerably higher than its standard dose in several studies, as cited in the section on the background on IVM treatments of COVID-19, and the Nobel Prize committee specifically noted IVM’s safety record in honoring the discovery of this drug in its 2015 prize for medicine.”

If you’d like to learn more about ivermectin’s potential uses for COVID-19, FLCCC’s I-CARE protocol can be downloaded in full,37 giving you step-by-step instructions on how to prevent and treat the early symptoms of COVID-19.

Who’s (or WHAT’S) Writing Your News?

Google Tests A.I. Tool That Is Able to Write News Articles

Google is testing a product that uses artificial intelligence technology to produce news stories, pitching it to news organizations including The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal’s owner, News Corp, according to three people familiar with the matter.

The tool, known internally by the working title Genesis, can take in information — details of current events, for example — and generate news copy, the people said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss the product.

One of the three people familiar with the product said that Google believed it could serve as a kind of personal assistant for journalists, automating some tasks to free up time for others, and that the company saw it as responsible technology that could help steer the publishing industry away from the pitfalls of generative A.I.

Some executives who saw Google’s pitch described it as unsettling, asking not to be identified discussing a confidential matter. Two people said it seemed to take for granted the effort that went into producing accurate and artful news stories.

A Google spokeswoman did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The Times and The Post declined to comment.

“We have an excellent relationship with Google, and we appreciate Sundar Pichai’s long-term commitment to journalism,” a News Corp spokesman said in a statement, referring to Google’s chief executive.

Jeff Jarvis, a journalism professor and media commentator, said Google’s new tool, as described, had potential upsides and downsides.

“If this technology can deliver factual information reliably, journalists should use the tool,” said Mr. Jarvis, director of the Tow-Knight Center for Entrepreneurial Journalism at the Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at the City University of New York.

“If, on the other hand, it is misused by journalists and news organizations on topics that require nuance and cultural understanding,” he continued, “then it could damage the credibility not only of the tool but of the news organizations that use it.”

News organizations around the world are grappling with whether to use artificial intelligence tools in their newsrooms. Many, including The Times, NPR and Insider, have notified employees that they intend to explore potential uses of A.I. to see how it might be responsibly applied to the high-stakes realm of news, where seconds count and accuracy is paramount.

But Google’s new tool is sure to spur anxiety, too, among journalists who have been writing their own articles for centuries. Some news organizations, including The Associated Press, have long used A.I. to generate stories about matters including corporate earnings reports, but they remain a small fraction of the service’s articles compared with those generated by journalists.

Artificial intelligence could change that, enabling users to generate articles on a wider scale that, if not edited and checked carefully, could spread misinformation and affect how traditionally written stories are perceived.

While Google has moved at a breakneck pace to develop and deploy generative A.I., the technology has also presented some challenges to the advertising juggernaut. While Google has traditionally played the role of curating information and sending users to publishers’ websites to read more, tools like its chatbot, Bard, present factual assertions that are sometimes incorrect and do not send traffic to more authoritative sources, such as news publishers.

The technology has been introduced as governments around the world have called on Google to give news outlets a larger slice of its advertising revenue. After the Australian government tried to force Google to negotiate with publishers over payments in 2021, the company forged more partnerships with news organizations in various countries, under its News Showcase program.

Publishers and other content creators have already criticized Google and other major A.I. companies for using decades of their articles and posts to help train these A.I. systems, without compensating the publishers. News organizations including NBC News and The Times have taken a position against A.I.’s sucking up their data without permission.

The post Google Tests A.I. Tool That Is Able to Write News Articles appeared first on New York Times.


More on Maui

What Really Happened in Maui?

Analysis by A Midwestern Doctor
what really happened in maui


  • Many competing narratives have emerged to explain what transpired in Lahaina (e.g., it was all due to “climate change”
  • Readers in Hawaii contacted me to share their experiences and I’ve done my best to put together a clear picture of what happened, who dropped the ball, how the local community truly came together to help each other, and the most helpful things I can share for the people there
  • What happened in Lahaina was horrific, much of it is still being concealed by the media, and many of the survivors will face physical, economical and psychological challenges for years to come
  • Ensuring that the truth about what happened in Lahaina becomes known will be vital for both the people of Maui and the world around them in the years to come

One of my main goals with this platform has been to help and support people who do not have the voice be heard (e.g., the forgotten victims of medicine). Since the Maui Wildfires started, I have received a lot of requests over email from readers in Hawaii to discuss what is happening there, so I’ve spent the last week trying to get a clear idea of that and what I can share which will be the most helpful to the people in Maui.

Video Reports

There have been a lot of videos going around describing differing narratives over what happened in Maui. Of the videos I have reviewed, these are the two I believe most accurately depict the current situation and provide the most useful information for those wishing to help. The first one is shorter (12 minutes) the second one is longer (58 minutes). Points from those videos will be referenced throughout this article.

Note: Colleagues I trust who know Bruce Douglas and Paul Deslauriers informed me that they hold both of these individuals in high regard. They also emphasized that both Paul and Bruce have repeatedly succeeded in making a large impact (which is rare for activists), and they have been consistent in their work for decades (which suggests they won’t be bought off).

How to Help

A few major issues are currently afflicting the victims of this disaster. The most immediate ones are medical complications for the survivors, a lack of shelter and a lack of necessary supplies. The organization everyone has told me is doing the most to directly help the people affected by this disaster (and did so from the very start) is the one mentioned in the previous video, Hungry Heroes Hawaii, so if you wish to support a group, I would encourage supporting them.

Note: People on the ground have told me that The Red Cross has also been helpful. Unfortunately, since it is a larger organization, a significant amount of the money donated to them goes towards administrative costs rather than directly helping people in need.

Regarding the medical issues, I believe the largest issue is the PTSD survivors of Lahaina experienced — what they went through was horrific and something guaranteed to leave many with nightmares for years to come.

I know that initially, many different local healers and therapists worked pro bono at the shelters to try and help the survivors psychologically recover, but as time went on, the shelters became much stricter with who was and was not allowed in. In short, the need for appropriate psychiatric care will likely be an unmet need for years to come (e.g., consider this account of how survivors from the California Paradise Fire are faring five years after the fact).

Note: I believe two of the most effective methods for resolving past trauma are EMDR and removing trapped emotions. Both of these were discussed in this article.

I also believe there will be issues with toxic smoke inhalation and burns. From the reports I’ve heard, smoke inhalation has not been as big an issue as it was in the larger wildfires and is primarily an issue for already sensitive patients (e.g., those with COVID-19 vaccine injuries and other chronic inflammatory disorders).

I believe the most helpful and easy to use approach for healing wildfire toxicity is nebulized glutathione (which was discussed in this previous article on the mechanisms of and treatments for wildfire toxicity).

Regarding burns, severe burns requiring hospitalization were initially an issue, leading to many burn victims being shipped to Oʻahu (as more medical care is available there), but that appears to now be over. More people were affected by less severe burns, which while extremely unpleasant, did not require hospitalization.

Burns (especially severe ones) have always been quite challenging to treat, and I believe this is due to the blood clumping burns create throughout the body (the forgotten research on zeta potential and blood sludging discovered this). Since this concept is not recognized within conventional medicine, it hence is only indirectly addressed. Presently, my preferred ways for working with burns are as follows:

Use aloe vera topically (beyond my own observation, there is real evidence this helps). The major issue with this approach is ensuring the quality of the aloe vera used.

Use Chinese burn cream (Ching Wan Hung). This readily available ointment is one of the most effective Chinese herbal formulas I have ever come across (the other being Yunnan Baiyao — which will be the subject of a future article).

Be around a negative ion generator. A lot of (sadly forgotten) research (detailed within this book) was done on patients in burn units and found it dramatically improved their recovery (much more so than any other available therapy).

I believe this worked because the negative ions, through imparting a negative charge on the surfaces they contact, directly restore the zeta potential of the burn site and antidote the blood sludging from the burn. Unfortunately, negative ion generators vary in quality and not all work for this function.

I have also heard of a lot of other approaches being used for burns (e.g., certain topical cold laser treatments reportedly were quite helpful for hospitalized burn victims). However, since I have no direct experience with these I cannot comment on them.

In addition to these immediate issues, there are also broader ones the people of Maui will have to deal with, such as:

Retaining employment — much of Maui’s economy is tourism based, so Hawaii’s governor encouraging people to stop coming to Maui was devastating for locals who are already stretched thin making ends meet (Maui has become prohibitively expensive for locals to live in since COVID).

For this reason, one of the most helpful things you can do for the people of Maui is to encourage those you know to resume vacationing there (most of the island was unaffected by the fires).

Which narrative ultimately becomes “truth” — that this disaster was the unpreventable result of climate change or that this disaster was a result of massive incompetence by Hawaii’s government (and the corporate interests that control it).

The great fear everyone I’ve spoken to holds is that the non-affluent natives who create the spirit and aloha of Hawaii will be economically displaced by affluent outsiders who only care about their own enjoyment and corporate interests primarily motivated by profit. If the state is able to escape its culpability for what happened, nothing will constrain it from following a path that leads to this occurring and there are already many signs that is the long term plan for Lahaina.

The Politics of Hawaii

Hawaii has a curious political situation — from the top down it has one of the worst state governments in the USA, but from the bottom up, it has one of the best grassroots movements in the country. For example, many of the most extreme and long lasting COVID power grabs were done by Hawaii’s government, while many of the most effective citizen actions against the COVID policies (e.g., the mandates) were also done in Hawaii.

Likewise, despite its relatively small population, a disproportionate number of my readers come from Hawaii.

While Substack doesn’t show me an island by island breakdown, based on the emails I receive, I believe many of them are in Maui. For example, I’ve received multiple requests to cover a concerning deployment of lab altered mosquitos (designed to control the existing mosquito population) being forced onto Maui and then the other islands despite it being currently challenged in court — which is discussed in this article and this article written by a coalition opposing it.

My best explanation for this contrast between the Hawaii’s grassroots networks and their state government is that island nations (due to the distance from a central authority) tend to have significantly more dysfunctional and corrupt governments. Conversely, something about the environment in Hawaii tends to make locals be much more connected to their hearts and communities, so they are more likely to go out of their way to make things better for everyone.

A recent illustration of this contrast can be seen in how these fires were handled. The state government, especially at the start, largely failed to meet the needs of those hurt by the fires, but the locals dropped everything they were doing to care for their fellow Hawaiians — and were remarkably effective in doing so.

The history of this contrast traces back to 1893. At that date, Hawaii’s government, against the wishes of both the native Hawaiians and America’s government, was overthrown by American corporate interests, before long becoming our territory and later still a state.

Because of this, those corporate interests (and their descendants) have both been able to exert significant influence over Hawaii with less than adequate oversight from the federal government and continually been at odds with the native Hawaiians.

Presently, a “Democrat” political machine controls the state government, where residents will overwhelming vote in favor of the Democrat candidate (e.g., 92% of the state senate are Democrats, 88% of the state house of representatives are Democrats, and 64% of Hawaii voted for Biden).

Because of this, the party bosses control the state legislature, and (I’ve heard this from insider sources) if elected Democrats do not comply with the wishes of those party bosses, they are effectively neutered and unable to do anything during their legislative tenure (e.g., their bills go nowhere and they do not end up on any committees).

At a local level (e.g., members of a city council), party preference has a much smaller impact, so those who are elected are much more able to create change in the system. Until recently, many of the key governmental positions in Maui were directly appointed by officials beholden to corporate interests.

That changed due to a 2018 citizen’s initiative, which until 2022, was able to elect a majority on the local town council who did not serve corporate interests and then set about reforming many longstanding issues (e.g., how key officials were appointed).

So, as best as I can tell, a similar tension to the one being seen throughout the world exists in Maui, where groups which for generations have held power over the people no longer can do so in the face of new tools for promoting Democracy. Since people never like to let go of power, the transition typically is quite turbulent.

Business on Hawaii

The primary factor which motivated overthrowing Hawaii’s government was the money to be made there — which at the time was through selling tropical crops such as sugar cane and pineapples (e.g., Sanford Dole was appointed as the new leader of Hawaii after the old government was overthrown and his cousin founded Dole Pineapple).

Over time, it became less and less profitable to produce tropical cash crops in Hawaii and tourism displaced agriculture as the predominate industry. For example, on Maui, there was a longstanding 41,000 acre sugar cane plantation residents frequently protested against (due to the pollution cane burning practices created).

That business gradually stopped being profitable (e.g., workers had to be paid more rather than being treated as indentured servants, subsidies and tariffs stopped being provided to protect its market and much cheaper sources of sugar were found). After 146 years of operation, in 2016, the plantation closed and was sold to California farm company and a Canadian investment firm for 246 million.

Note: In California, many believe the primary cause of its recurring wildfires are poor forestry management (e.g., not creating firebreaks in the forest, aggressively suppressing smaller fires and not conducting controlled burns) that has resulted from longstanding political forces (e.g., environmental lobbyists) preventing the appropriate forestry management from being implemented.

In Maui, a similar situation exists, as the sugar cane plantations replaced native (fire resistant) plants with easily combustible grasses. Many felt this was a fire risk and petitioned for it to be addressed, but neither the sugar cane plantation’s management nor its new owners were willing to do so.

As agriculture lost its profitability in Maui, luxury living replaced it. In turn, the economic force behind the island became the developers (many of whom I have been told are descended from the same families who originally took over Hawaii), and there has been a constant push and pull between the natives and the developers for land they can turn into lucrative property.

Lahaina has been at the center of this because it has extremely valuable land (it’s at the center of Maui’s tourism district) and until 1842 was the capitol of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Because of its historical ties to the native Hawaiians (e.g., they consider it to be a sacred site and many parts of their cultural heritage were located there) many Hawaiian families had lived there for generations and were not willing to give their land up to developers.

As a result, a variety of battles had been fought over what would be done with Lahaina’s land, and until the fires happened, the developers had been kept away from key districts of Lahaina. Many (especially those who had spent years fighting this) thus believe the fires were a backhanded way for the developers to gain access to that land.

Energy in Hawaii

One of the major challenges Hawaii faces is producing energy due to its isolation — making energy significantly more expensive there (e.g., in 2022, it was 2.47 times the national average). The typical way this challenge is addressed is through nuclear power, but in Hawaii’s case, no nuclear reactors exist on the island (presumably because Hawaii does not want the various environmental risks they entail) and instead fossil fuels are imported from far away to run their power plants.

For this reason (along with Hawaii’s wealth and liberal population) Hawaii is often at the top of the list for a transition to green energy (e.g., wind or solar). As a result, the share of energy in Hawaii produced by renewable resources has been rapidly increasing (e.g., in 2022 roughly 30% of its energy came from renewable resources) and a state law requires 100% of it to be from renewable sources by 2045.

Note: Although Hawaii has had a decent amount of success with traditional renewable options like solar or wind, I personally believe the best existing energy option for Hawaii would be geothermal plants on the island of Hawaii (since it has active volcanos), which is then stored as hydrogen and distributed to the other islands.

The pilot geothermal plant on Hawaii has successfully produced a lot of energy, but it has not been scaled up, yet alone has anyone consider how its energy could be transferred to the other islands.

On the surface, I strongly support the idea of adopting green energy technologies, but I simultaneously do not because (as discussed in this article) the ones that are ultimately chosen tend to be expensive and damaging to the environment rather than technologies that offer a significant improvement over existing fossil fuel systems.

Presently, I am not sure how much of the high cost of Hawaii’s electricity comes from the inherent cost of its situation and how much of it comes from their energy company overcharging the state (Hawaii Electric — which has a monopoly and produces 95% of the state’s electricity). Often, when you have private for-profit institutions controlling a public utility (e.g., electricity), costs are raised while necessary maintenance (which the increased costs should be paying for) is deferred.

One of the most notorious examples of this price gouging was what Enron did to California in 2000-2001. By taking advantage of recent deregulation of the state energy market, Enron was able to spike electricity costs by up to 20 times their normal amount, creating rolling blackouts and ultimately costing the state 40-45 billion dollars.

More recently, PG&E (California’s primary private utility) was successfully sued for its role in numerous wildfires, including the 2018 wildfire (which was one of the largest and most devastating ones in history). The lawsuits were successful, and due to the billions it owed, in January 2019, PG&E declared bankruptcy.

Note: Although the lawsuits were successful (e.g., there was a 13.5 billion dollar judgement) almost none of that money has gone to the victims of the 2018 fire and as a result, the less affluent were the largest victims of it. Unless Hawaiians unite, I suspect something similar will happen here.

Investigators with the California Public Utilities Commission found that there were systematic problems with PG&E’s oversight of the nearly 100-year-old power line that sparked the (2018) Camp fire.

The lawsuit filed by the trust sought to hold the former executives accountable for not properly maintaining vegetation around electrical equipment and for not installing power shutoff equipment at the time of the 2017 fire. The suit also argued that the utility company did not properly update 100-year-old equipment in connection with the Camp fire.”

Now consider the charges against Hawaii Electric:

“The lawsuit filed Wednesday contends that since 2017, as Maui’s fire risks increased, Hawaiian Electric nonetheless paid out tens of millions in increased payments to shareholders every year.

The plaintiffs accuse the utility company of years of inaction and negligence, and argue that it should have had plans in place to shut down power systems [so they can’t spark fires] before fierce winds blew across Hawaii.”

Note: Hawaii Electric had ample warning before the fires started that their power lines had a significant fire risk during the high winds and needed to be turned off.

“In explaining potential upgrades to its systems, Hawaiian Electric’s funding request last year specifies that California’s power shutoff plan is among electric industry strategies “used to mitigate wildfire risks until more robust preventive measures have been implemented in an area.”

Watts, who said his team has been approached by hundreds of potential plaintiffs, said his lawsuit is aimed at preventing the islands from ever experiencing fires like this again. He said similar litigation in California has led to safety improvements and processes that have limited recent wildfire fallout, and that Hawaiian Electric was aware of those efforts.

The lawsuit details multiple instances and documents [dating back years] in which Hawaiian Electric and public utility officials acknowledge the dangers of wildfires, and the potential for downed power lines and grid infrastructure to start them in areas where vegetation growth was not mitigated. The risks were outlined in Hawaiian Electric news releases, documents it filed to the state, and in its own expenditure plans.

In one instance, a 2022 funding request for $189.7 million from the Hawaii Public Utilities Commission to harden its power grid statewide, Hawaiian Electric said that the risk of its utility system “causing a wildfire ignition is significant.” Despite the request being approved, Hawaiian Electric did not act, the lawsuit alleges.

“Unfortunately, for the residents of Lahaina, these proposed grid hardening expenditures were deferred,” according to the lawsuit filed Wednesday. The suit states the company hadn’t spent any funding on power pole upgrades or wildfire prevention in 2021, 2022 or 2023, nor had spent anything on hazard tree removals in 2021 or 2022.”

Since everyone is aware of the precedent set by the California wildfires, Hawaii Electric’s stock has already dropped by two-thirds, and it is very possible that like PG&E it will have to declare bankruptcy. My hope is that this will result in it becoming a public utility (so its revenue is used to restore the power grid rather than just making as much money as possible), but given Hawaii’s political climate, I am doubtful this will happen.

Note: As you might have guessed, some degree of corruption appears to have impeded Hawaii Electric adopting a safer power grid (e.g., this article documents financial conflicts of interest between Hawaii Electric and Hawaii’s public regulators). This is similar to a longstanding problem in the medicine — the regulators responsible for approving or mandating dubious pharmaceuticals often have financial conflicts with the pharmaceutical manufacturer.

Previous Disasters

Large scale environmental disasters are often shown to be the result of a corporation being warned an existing practice had a high risk of causing the disaster, and the corporation then declining to spend the money (which was often not that much) needed to address the issue.

Greg Palast’s Vulture’s Picnic shows how this has happened with many major disasters including the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, the Fukishima nuclear meltdown, and BP’s “unprecedented” Deep Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill, which was due to a risky drilling practice that had caused an identical blowout in Azerbaijan 17 months beforehand.

Like the recent wildfire, all of these examples illustrate a longstanding problem with our current economic model that we also see in other areas like unsafe but profitable pharmaceuticals (e.g., the COVID-19 vaccines) being pushed onto the market. Since corporations shield officers of the corporation from liability for their conduct, there is no incentive for them to avoid reckless practices that inevitably lead to disasters.

Furthermore, due to political lobbying, the corporations being “too big to fail” and bankruptcy protections being available, in the rare case where something catastrophic happens and the corporation is found liable, it can still continue to make money for its shareholders.

Hawaii Electric for instance was fully aware of the liability it faced for doing exactly what PG&E had done, but nonetheless completely ignored it. That proves the current penalties for this type of conduct are not sufficient to prevent it.

What Caused the Wildfires?

From looking at the available information, I feel certain the following are true:

  • Some of the wildfires were sparked by downed electrical power lines.
  • Fierce winds knocked the power lines over.
  • Fierce winds made the fires spread rapidly.

However there are two things, I am much less sure of. First, were those winds were due to the hurricane? In the interview with Dr. Malone at the start of this article, a very strong case is made that they could not have been due to the hurricane — something at least one mainstream outlet is now beginning to acknowledge.

If the winds were not due to the hurricane, this is important for people to be aware of, as the mainstream media will almost certainly try to argue that it was and hence that Hawaii’s government had no culpability in what happened. Instead, it will simply be argued that Lahaina proved it is critical to continue our War Against Climate Change (which as a lifelong environmentalist, I believe has been extremely detrimental to the environmental movement).

Second, I am unsure if all the fires were started by downed power lines, as numerous ones erupted over a very short time span, some started in areas without power lines, and I was told some of those locations were also far enough from the road that it is unlikely they were started by a cigarette being thrown out the window. For example, this video was recently shared with me by a reader:

Assuming that is the case, it means the most probable explanation for some of the fires was deliberate arson, which becomes even more probable given that (as discussed in Dowd’s interview) Maui has a longstanding arson issue.

It’s less clear who the arsonists were, as locals have told me that amongst other things, cars will periodically be stolen, stripped of parts, and then set alight in a field to hide the evidence but it is also possible something more nefarious occurred that was deliberately intended to burn Lahaina down.

When I looked further into this, I came across a report stating that a suspicious individual may have been seen in the same location where one of the fires later started, but since that witness was not confident in what they saw, I wasn’t sure what to make of it.

Note: Wildfires also broke out on two other Hawaiian islands and may also provide an important part of the picture for what happened.

What Turned the Fires Into a Disaster?

When disastrous events occur and root cause analyses are performed after the fact, a frequent observation is that numerous small errors compounded to form a catastrophe a situation analogous to that described by Murphy’s Law — “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible time.” Because of this, the normal goal of a root cause analysis to identify those errors and put policies and procedures in place so that they cannot happen again.

Sadly, they typically do not get adopted until a major disaster (or multiple similar ones like California and then Maui’s wildfires) occur that prove their necessity.

For example, in the infamous 1911 Triangle Shirt Waist Fire, 146 workers died because a variety of terrible policies were followed such as locking the exit door shut so workers would not attempt to take breaks during their shift (leading to them being trapped inside once the fire started and forcing many to jump to their deaths to flee the fire). Outrage at the disaster in turn led to fire codes and laws to protect laborers being implemented across the state of New York.

In addition to Hawaii Electric making catastrophic blunders, Maui’s government did as well. Some of these are difficult to believe, but I am relatively sure all are true:

Firefighters took a long time to respond to fires. I heard reports I deem to be credible that emergency services had to be repeatedly contacted (e.g., for over an hour) to respond to a fire that had started.

Likewise, many believe Maui’s firefighters left Lahaina prematurely after extinguishing the initial blaze, which many suspect allowed it to reignite into a much more devastating blaze. Both of these indicate Maui had a systemic shortage of necessary fire fighting resources.

No warnings were sent out to people in Lahaina — either over cell phones or with the sirens (which are regularly tested to warn Hawaiians of a potential tsunami).

Thus far, the government has not provided an acceptable explanation for this profound failure which killed a lot of people (currently it is being argued the sirens might have caused people to inappropriately flee to higher grounds). Because of these failures, many did not realize the fire was coming until their house was on fire.

In Lahaina, one witness reported that electrical power went out and cell phone service switched to emergency calls only prior to heavy winds hitting the area (which in turn preceded the fires hitting the area). I still am not sure what to make of this, but it helps to explain why residents were unable to warn each other of the impending fire.
The fire hydrants in Lahaina (and in Kula the other major fire site) stopped working. Exactly why this happened is still unknown (e.g., its theorized that houses combusting depressurized the water system — although that has not typically been observed in fires).
Maui’s deputy director for water resource management refused to release water to landowners near Lahaina after it was requested to the supply the firefighters. When the water was finally released 5 hours later, it was too late.
Police blocked the exits from Lahaina and refused to open them up when individuals attempted to flee the fires — as a result, only those who disobeyed the police officer, knew backroads to take, used a bicycle or fled on foot (e.g., to the ocean) survived. This is an incredible accusation, but multiple witnesses have attested to this on camera, and people I trust independently corroborated it.

Note: This closure may have been in part due to a minor fire earlier in the day, or a fear of a downed power lines further down the road. The police officer who blocked the road trapping everyone in the fire zone stated that he did so because he was ordered to, which has made many suspect the police leadership made a catastrophic blunder (or worse).

Schools were closed because of the early morning fire near Lahainaluna High School. Many children may have thus been home alone while their parents were at work and not prepared to flee their homes when the fires arrived.

If each of these is looked at in isolation, they could be explained by poor training or a general lack of competence. However, when viewed together, they become much more suspicious.

Note: I also suspect the older construction of Lahaina (which may not have not been up to code due to having been grandfathered in) likely made it more vulnerable to a fire engulfing it. Likewise, many residents had no real understanding of wildfires and thus were not prepared to react quickly to the risks they were facing (as Dr. Malone explained, being inside one can be terrifying and disorientating, especially if you have no prior familiarity with them).

Why Is Lahaina Being Hidden From the Public?

The fires started on the morning of August 8 and were essentially contained by the morning of August 10.

At the same time, heavy restrictions were placed on who could enter Lahaina (initially no one could and then only residents could) and after significant public protest (along with a recognition the restrictions were not feasible), those restrictions were lifted on August 13. In parallel to this happening, a no-fly zone was enacted above Lahaina, making it impossible for drones to be flown that could see what was happening below (their default software prevents this).

Note: In addition to it being confirmed in the above news report, contacts in Maui have also reported this to me.

Because the area was locked down, individuals attempting to bring supplies into Lahaina were blocked from entering, which resulted in many losing trust in the government and locals then bypassing the road blockade by bringing relief supplies in by boat.

Exactly why the road closures happened is more debatable. The least accusatory explanation is that the government’s standard operating procedure is to close disaster sites down since that may prevent further injuries from occurring (e.g., due to toxic fumes), prevent looting, prevent obstructions to the search and rescue operations and prevent hysteria from breaking out at the disaster site (e.g., from someone seeing their house burned down).

None of those appeared to be applicable in Lahaina’s case, but since the fire situation was overwhelming and confusing, the government may have just looked for the safety of following the SOP.

The more accusatory explanation is that they wanted to hide the extent of the devastation from the public — a hypothesis supported both by the no fly-zone above Lahaina and the fact that while the roads have been opened, barriers were placed around ground zero (including near the highway) that make it impossible to clearly see what is occurring at the disaster site.

As other commentators have noted in previous disasters (e.g., in New Orleans after hurricane Katrina) locking down the site appeared to have been done to prevent the public from learning about certain suspicious aspects of the disaster.

In the case of Lahaina, I believe the most plausible reason why the site is being locked down is because the carnage and devastation there is really bad publicity for both the government (which wants a blank check to decide what happens to Lahaina after these events) and the tourism industry (which the economy depends upon).

For example, after the exit roads were closed, many people realized their only option for survival was to run to the ocean and jump in (which according to some reports required jumping through a layer of ignited ash on the water’s surface).

Once there, they had to find an area that was not too hot (which required going far enough from the shore they could no longer stand and hence needed to tread water) but not too far away that they became hypothermic while simultaneously not suffocating from the smoke. At the same time this was happening, many had to watch their livelihoods burn down and help keep children from drowning.

Ultimately, people were trapped in this nightmarish situation for 3-8 hours, and an unspecified number died. Since this happened, I’ve begun to hear (still unconfirmed) reports of dead bodies washing up on far away shores, which seems plausible given what happened.

Likewise, it is almost certain a large number of children unnecessarily died (e.g., because they were sent home without their parents earlier in the day).

I suspect that because of how strongly their deaths will spur the public to action, there has essentially been radio silence on the issue — no estimate on the number of dead children has been announced and so far I’ve only seen one report viscerally discussing this (it mentioned that families were found inside their homes huddled together as the fires consumed them).

At this point, 115 deaths have been confirmed, and 1100 people have been reported missing (e.g., see this facebook group of individuals trying to locate lost loved ones and which hosts google spreadsheet compiling the missing individuals). Given that Hawaii has a longstanding homeless issue (many states fly their homeless population to Hawaii), I suspect additional deaths also occurred in that population which never may be reported.

What Needs To Be Done Now?

Typically when disasters like this happen, the media works very hard to establish a narrative that then becomes fact (e.g., this was all climate change rather than gross incompetence). However, as Paul Deslauriers pointed out, in the early days of the event when people still have strong feelings about it, that is the best time to get an alternative narrative out that can remains part of the discussion far into the future.

I believe the single most important thing to do is for a citizen’s commission to be established which independently investigates what actually caused the fires, what human errors led them to become devastating, and what policies need to be implemented so nothing similar happens in the future.

In order for this to work, there has to be an independent panel (as the government will inevitably try to cover things up) that is both competent to objectively conduct the investigation and fully trusted by the local population. Although this is a lot to ask for, I believe the grassroots network in Maui is uniquely suited for this task and may be able to accomplish it, especially if the alternative media and costly lawsuits help to promote the commission’s findings.

W. Edwards Deming is widely credited with rebuilding Japan after World War 2 into the economic power house it is today and hence is considered to be one of the most effective managers in history. A key point Deming made is that when things go wrong in industry, the error is typically not due to a specific person screwing up, but rather existing policies and procedures which made the screw up possible.

In looking at the Maui disaster, it’s easy to want to blame a specific person (like those mentioned earlier in the article). Yet, at the same time, so many errors happened, in total, it suggests a general lack of competency and preparation for something like this rather than a single person being at fault (assuming the disaster was not deliberate — which is possible but in my eyes the less likely possibility).

If that commission does ultimately come together, one idea I would like for them to seriously consider is adopting a resolution for part of the money from the inevitable lawsuits going towards funding the State of Hawaii buying a Canadair CL-415 “super scooper” aircraft.

Typically when wildfires happen, resources are mobilized from a large geographical area to contain the fire, something which is simply impossible due to Hawaii’s island geography (and why Maui’s fire department rapidly became overwhelmed by the fires).

Super scoopers fly over the water, filling a 1,400 gallon tank with water and then turning it into a fine mist which can be dropped on a fire and rapidly put it out (and given Hawaii’s proximity to the ocean do this at least a dozen times per hour).

super scoopers fly over the water

Although these aircrafts are expensive (around 30 million dollars) that is a drop in the bucket compared to the billions in damage from this fire and the billions which will come from lawsuits.

Furthermore, it is an aircraft that can reach all of Hawaii, a single adequately maintained one should be capable of meeting the fire suppression needs of all the Hawaiian islands. However, I am less sure what the maximum wind they can operate at is and it is possible that once the winds reached 60-80 miles an hour in Lahaina, it would not have been possible to fully utilize the aircraft.

More than anything else though, my hope is that these events remind the people of Hawaii of the importance of direct democracy and help to inspire a grassroots push to elect a local government the people can both trust and rely upon.

Note: Many people understandably are extremely upset with the mayor of Maui. Per my understanding, the local activist community supported his election because he had a reputation for being fair and honest in his dealings.

Given the difficulty of having candidates like that make it to office, my hope is that these fires can lead to a collaborative relationship where the mayor is pushed to stick his neck out to do the right thing with the recovery effort of these fires rather than an antagonistic one where the mayor serves as a lightning rod for understandable outrage over what happened.


A year ago, an article was written which encapsulates much of the mission of this Substack. It discussed the history of propaganda, and shared that at the same time the science of modern propaganda came into existence, a major problem was facing American leadership — technology had made society complex enough that the general population could no longer understand much of what was needed to make society smoothly operate and thus the citizenry could no longer be relied upon vote for policies that were in the nation’s best interests.

Two schools of thought then emerged. One argued that the educational system needed to be revamped so the population retained an understanding of how everything worked and thus the citizenry could be relied upon to vote for the best interests of society when accurate information was presented to them.

The other camp argued that a group of competent experts who could understand that complexity should make the decisions needed to run society and then have the emerging propaganda apparatus trick the society into supporting those decisions and unifying behind the public good.

Both sides had very strong feelings, but after the World Wars (especially the fear Hitler’s propaganda would conquer the world unless we beat it with better propaganda), the propaganda model “won.” Once that happened, a vertical model was developed where an effective (and manipulative) message would be concocted and then distributed to every media outlet in society.

This for instance is why local “independent” news stations around the country are often observed to disseminate the exact same message (this partisan montage is the clearest example I have seen but countless others exist too).

The internet put a major wrench in that model because it made mass decentralized horizontal messaging possible. For example, Robert Malone now has more viewers than CNN, and for a relatively small cost (a lot of his and his wife’s time, travel, putting a simple studio together in their house and the help of volunteers) he is arguably providing a greater impact on the public than the $882 million CNN spends on operating expenses each year.

Likewise, there are countless more people (e.g., me) who with no cost besides our time are periodically able to get highly impactful narratives out that change public opinion.

This means the existing propaganda model of governance is rapidly becoming obsolete — if people in charge lie, they do not have anywhere near enough money to counteract citizens across the globe exposing their lies. As a result, propaganda is now accomplishing the opposite of its intended effect — rather than creating trust in the government and social cohesion, its repeated deployment is creating increasing distrust and division.

In many ways, this mirrors the practice of medicine. Many doctors follow a paternalistic model where they decide (often by following corrupt guidelines) what’s best for a patient and then use their authority (or the guideline’s authority) to pressure the patient into following that plan.

Patients hate this, and especially since COVID and the interest in alternative medical narratives on the internet, patients are starting to demand physicians who work with them in a collaborative manner that explains what is going on in an understandable manner and then empower the patient to make the decision that best benefits them.

From my own observations, it appears a lot of doctors don’t have the capacity to follow the collaborative model, but at the same time, many do and many more are being forced to by the economic pressures of the public demanding this type of care.

Furthermore, no viable solution yet exists to overcome the internet facilitating horizontal communication that bypasses the vertical propaganda (be it medical or non-medical). Our leaders can’t cut off the internet entirely because too much of the economy now depends upon it, and any attempt to censor things online simply gets bypassed and increases interest in the censored message.

As a result, we are now in a tumultuous situation. Those in power don’t want to let go of their ability to make decisions in secret that many might not agree with and then enact those decisions through vertical propaganda. Instead they are doubling down and using more and more extreme methods to control the society (e.g., the massive coordinated fear and censorship we saw throughout COVID-19 which again ultimately backfired and increased distrust in the central authorities).

Like the authors of that article, I believe we instead need to seriously look at the second option; empowering our citizenry to understand the complexities facing us today and transparently presenting sensible options we can support in a mature and rational manner. My hope is that the world’s love for Maui and the egregious nature of the situation will force an honest conversation to be had on exactly what happened there.

In conclusion, I would like to thank each of you for your help in bringing awareness to Maui’s situation and sharing articles like this with those who can benefit from hearing that alternative narrative. The key weakness of the vertical propaganda model is that it cannot overcome people who are united and talk to each other with open hearts — something the people of Maui are well known for.

A Note From Dr. Mercola About the Author

A Midwestern Doctor (AMD) is a board-certified physician in the Midwest and a longtime reader of I appreciate his exceptional insight on a wide range of topics and I’m grateful to share them. I also respect his desire to remain anonymous as he is still on the front lines treating patients. To find more of AMD’s work, be sure to check out The Forgotten Side of Medicine on Substack.


We’ve Got You Covered

Nearly a fourth of states introducing biometric digital IDs — and more than half are Republican ‘red’ states

If there is one indisputable fact when it comes to the epic changes now enveloping the world as everything, even money and humans themselves, become digitized, it’s this: The race to install a global totalitarian control grid is taking place outside of the normal left-right paradigm.

Everything you see being argued within a left-right dynamic is a smoke-screen meant to distract and deceive.

Conservative Republican states like Iowa, Mississippi, Georgia, Utah and Ohio are just as eager to advance the digital ID/digital currency recipe for globalist control as liberal Democrat states like California, Michigan, Maryland and Hawaii. Read on as we break down the latest developments on the topic nobody wants to discuss in public.

I hate to keep repeating myself, but I will say it again because I’m afraid it is not sinking in for the vast majority of Americans. Digital ID + CBDC = Total control/tracking of all human activity.

Once these two totalitarian tools are in place there will be no turning back. The beast system will be hovering over us 24/7, watching everywhere we go, everything we buy, what we are eating, who we are choosing to connect with, and whether we’ve submitted to the latest injection that promises to protect the herd.

All of this data will be transferred instantaneously to third parties who have no inherent right to it, other than the fact that people voluntarily hand it over to them. Oh, they may say they need these digital tools for other reasons, but those of us who are awake and aware of the game plan know full well where it’s heading. They want to monitor your buying and living habits so they can award you a social-credit score, then offer rewards or punishments based on how well they determine you are using scarce resources such as food (especially meat, eggs and dairy), gasoline, natural gas, electricity, etc. They will also know if you’re “up to date” on your shots.

If your lifestyle is scored as less than “sustainable” you will be treated accordingly. All of a sudden your digital ID will flash a warning to the scanners at various entry points to everyday societal functions, and eventually these scanners will be all over, barring you from entry. You won’t even be able to log onto the internet. You will no longer qualify for any government services, a driver’s license, social security, Medicare and Medicaid, veteran’s benefits, etc.

A Federal Reserve official recently admitted that transactions using FedNow, the forerunner to a U.S. central bank digital currency that was launched last month, will provide the Fed with an inside look at your banking records.

And Dr. Pippa Malmgren, an economist and advisor to presidents, let the cat out of the bag in March 2022 at the World Government Summit, when she said this:

With digital IDs and digital currencies, central bankers will have a “perfect record of every single transaction that happens in the economy,” Malmgren said.

The infrastructure for that system started with 5G, installed with federal funds under the Trump administration. Now the states are doing their part, ushering in biometric digital drivers’ licenses.

Biometric Update reported on August 2 that California, Michigan, and Iowa are all taking steps to implement digital IDs under the guise of the driver’s license. California is testing, Iowa is launching, and Michigan is considering legislation related to “mobile driver’s licenses.”

“Mobile driver’s license.” Doesn’t that sound innocuous?

These three states — California, Michigan and Iowa — are joining Arizona, Colorado, Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia, Hawaii, Ohio, Utah, and Maryland in offering biometric digital drivers’ licenses.

They all brag about how much more safe, secure and convenient things will be once all we humans have accepted our digital marking.

“New digital driver’s licenses will allow residents to virtually perform services that otherwise would have required an in-person trip to the DMV,” says Ajay Amlani, president and head of the Americas for iProov in a comment emailed to Biometric Update.

Here is what iProov says about itself on its website:

iProov is the world leader in biometric face verification. We enable banks, government agencies and other organizations to verify that an online individual is who they claim to be. This helps prevent identity theft and other cybercrime, while also making online services easier to access.

Recognized on the 2022 Deloitte Tech Fast 50 list for the third year running, iProov works with organizations including the US Department of Homeland Security, the UK Home Office, UBS, the NHS, Eurostar, the Australian government, the Singapore government, ING, and many more. Since 2011, iProov has been developing visionary technology that is years ahead of its time.

Our flagship Genuine Presence Assurance® technology is the only way to assure the genuine presence of an online user and ensure they are the right person, a real person, and authenticating right now. Our Liveness Assurance technology delivers an effortless and passive user experience and assures the person is the right person and a real person.

iProov has global reach and has been in the planning stages since 2011. Now it’s a reality and being rolled out in multiple U.S. states. Watch its 1-minute promotional video below.

Oh, but not to worry. Nobody is forcing you to get one of these new digital IDs, they say. It’s just for those hip, techno-cool folks who like to be on the cutting edge of everything. You Luddites can still have your cash and your old-fashioned plastic cards while the cool people get the “enhanced” IDs that merge their physical, biological and digital identification, just like old Uncle Klaus (Schwab) predicted years ago.

Biometric Update reports:

“Michigan is proposing a bill that would allow the Secretary of State to issue digital IDs in addition to their traditional physical counterparts, according to a local outlet. If passed, (Michigan) DLs would become official IDs, equivalent to physical licenses. They would be valid for state government services, banking, police stops, and ID checks for age.”

In short, these will be all-encompassing IDs, merging your triune personhood in the new digital age. We can assume that conservatives will all jump on board when they find out that these new digital IDs would also be a fine way to verify one’s identity when going to the polls to vote. They’ve been clamoring for “voter ID” for decades. Now they will get it. It’s all part of the package. Something for everyone!

Biometric Update notes that some raise concerns about whether an ID can be accessed on a lost or stolen phone. Others raise concerns that deepfakes and other cyberattacks can circumvent biometric authentication.

“Given the ease and accessibility of generative AI tools that can create fake images, it’s irresponsible for government or business entities to implement any system utilizing remote-based biometrics without the necessary protections against AI-created deepfakes digitally injected into vulnerable camera feeds,” Amlani told the outlet.

But notice nobody is raising concerns about privacy and the right to remain anonymous.

California’s DMV is testing a mobile app that allows residents to upload their biometric digital drivers’ licenses to their cellphones “with iProov’s biometrics and liveness detection.”

“Now, California residents will soon discover a mobile driver’s license is not only a more secure way to verify one’s identity without having to divulge significant amounts of personal information, but also a much more convenient option,” says Amlani.

Ah yes, install iProov and divulge less “personal information” about yourself, he says, even as you hand over the most personal identifier imaginable in your facial scan, eyeball scan or palm scan.

And of course it will be safer and more secure, too.

Amlani puts the cherry on top of his sales pitch with this comment, which should be chilling for anyone who is awake:

“To combat the combination of deepfakes and digital injection attacks, organizations need a science-based, multifaceted approach like the California DMV is employing that leverages the creation of a one-time biometric.”

A one-time biometric ID for a one-world system. Boom!

And he made sure to use the magic words; “Science-based.” That’s all most Westerners need to hear and they’ll be on board, since science is a major tenet of the new one-world religion known as global technocracy and transhumanism — the Evil Twins, as Patrick Wood calls them. The idea of every person having a “digital self” as well as a biological and physical self has been around for years but now it’s actually being implemented. Technocracy is the society, Wood explains, in which the new breed of transhumans will live and function. Transhumans will be seen in this society as superior to the old humans, who reject the “progress” of enhanced human abilities offered by the technocratic super-humans. The transhumans will be fully digital, fully connected, at all times, eating artificial lab-grown meat, riding in electric fully autonomous cars. Before long they will be forgetful of those memories of what real meat tastes like or the freedom of the open road where you, and you alone, get to make the decisions on where to go, what to buy, who you engage with. Of course the younger generation will never know what freedom feels like, at least that’s what their overlords are banking on, as they under-estimate the innate human desire to live free.

California’s biometric digital drivers’ license program has more than 2,000 active participants and is set to expand over the next few weeks before a public roll out, according to NBC Los Angeles. Participating California residents are still urged to carry their physical IDs, as the so-called mobile DLs “are not universally accepted yet.”

Oh, you silly foolish Californians and dumb Americans. Do you really believe this happy talk about it all being “voluntary?”

At some point, we will start hearing about the backwards non-conformists who are holding up the program, blocking this new form of identification from being “universally accepted.” Because of them, we still have fraud on the internet, fraud in the voting system, at the border entry points, in the banking system, everywhere there is fraud when it could be eliminated if not for these evil ones who refuse to join the system. They neglect the greater good. All they care about is themselves.

United Nations Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development tells us clearly and openly that this agenda is not optional. It can only work if everyone joins. “No person shall be left behind,” the U.N. says.

The federal Transportation Safety Administration (TSA) is already accepting mobile DLs at 29 airports across America. All you have to do is submit to a face scan. It’s easy. It keeps us all safe!

The state of Iowa, with its ultra-conservative Governor Kim Reynolds, has also launched its digital ID app developed by Idemia on the Apple App store and Google Play. The digital ID is “a companion to the physical card and does not replace it,” according to Toni Smith, a spokesperson for the Iowa Department of Transportation.

Do you see a pattern here? It’s like they are all reading from the same script. Sing the praises of the new digital ID app while stressing that it’s purely voluntary.

This is exactly how the toxic mRNA and DNA gene-therapy shots were introduced. Totally voluntary at first, then gradually the pressure to get them was turned up.

The Iowa app asks a user to upload the front and back of their state-issued ID along with a “moving selfie to verify the identity of the user uploading the license with face biometrics,” Biometric Update reports.

Almost no American politicians in either party are talking about the dangerous path down which we are heading with universal biometric digital IDs, now being rolled out in at least a dozen states. Has Donald Trump had any words of caution? Has Nikki Haley said anything for or against this beast system? Mike Pence? DeSantis? I know Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has mentioned it but I’m not sure about the others. How many pastors are talking about this? Is yours?

Brace yourself. The beast system is advancing in rapid order and there will be no human savior. But don’t worry: It will all be voluntary. Until it’s not. At that point, it’s between us and God and we will have to make a decision


Taking Care of Your Health

Protect Yourself From Disease and Outrageous Medical Costs

Analysis by Dr. Joseph MercolaFact Checked

In the U.S., 66.5% of bankruptcies are due to medical bills, which amounts to 530,000 medical bankruptcies each year.1 Among those who file bankruptcy due to medical expenses, 72% have health insurance,2,3 highlighting the outrageous state of health care in America.

If you end up in the hospital, you know you’re going to receive a bill — but you don’t typically know how much that bill will be. It’s no wonder that two-thirds of adults worry about being able to afford surprise medical bills like these.4,5

In fact, in a survey of public financial worries, being able to afford unexpected medical bills topped the list, followed by concerns about paying for health insurance deductibles and prescription drugs.6 Staying healthy by taking control of your health is key to avoiding this medical bill debt trap.

Big Pharma Manipulates Patents to Drive Up Drug Costs

If U.S. medical costs seem sky-high, it’s not in your imagination. Big Pharma keeps drug costs elevated due to patents, which last 20 years, and sometimes up to 40, preventing competitors from introducing less expensive generics to the market.7 A report from I-Mak analyzed the 12 best-selling drugs in the U.S., finding that their makers file hundreds of patent applications, most of which are granted.8

While U.S. patent law intends patents to provide 10 years of protection, the mass patents allow drug makers to monopolize the market and drive up costs. “These patents are used by drugmakers for the purpose of forestalling generic competition while continuing to increase the price of these drugs,” I-Mak reported.9

On average, among the top 12 drugs studied, there were 125 applications filed and 71 patents granted per drug. Prices also increased 68% since 2012. According to I-Mak, “There are 38 years of attempted patent protection blocking generic competition sought by drugmakers for each of these top grossing drugs — or nearly double the 20-year monopoly intended under U.S. patent law.”10

Hospitals Charge You Up to 18 Times Over Their Cost

It’s not only drug costs that are bankrupting Americans. Hospital stays can also lead to financial ruin — and it’s easy to see why when you realize the price-gouging going on. In “Fleecing Patients,”11 National Nurses United highlighted that the 100 most expensive U.S. hospitals charge patients from $1,129 to $1,808 for every $100 of their costs.12

That is 11.3 to 18 times what their actual costs are. Many companies, like grocery stores, typically operate on margins of 1 to 3% profits,13 or 0.1 to 0.3 times their costs.

“There is no excuse for these scandalous prices. These are not markups for luxury condo views, they are for the most basic necessity of your life: your health,” Jean Ross, RN, president of National Nurses United, said in a news release, adding:14

“Unpayable charges are a calamity for our patients, too many of whom avoid — at great risk to their health — the medical care they need due to the high cost, or they become burdened by devastating debt, hounded by bill collectors or driven into bankruptcy.”

It’s gotten so bad that 30% of adults in one survey said they had to choose between paying for medical bills or necessities like food and housing.15 Hospitals then go after patients who can’t pay. In Maryland alone, one of the only states to publish such data, hospitals have filed more than 145,000 medical debt lawsuits in the last decade, trying to recover $268.7 million.16

5 Keys to Take Control of Your Health

I’ve long recommended staying out of hospitals as much as possible to protect your health. But doing so will also protect your pocketbook. While you should always seek medical care when you need it — especially in cases of emergency — I am going to list the most powerful lifestyle strategies I know that you can take to radically reduce your likelihood of getting sick and ending up saddled with oppressive medical debt that can lead to bankruptcy.

Assiduously following these recommendations will go a long way to immunizing you against all chronic diseases that are the primary reason most people wind up in the hospital.

1.Get one hour of daily sunshine — Head outdoors for a daily dose of sunshine as often as possible. Ideally, seek to get one hour of sun exposure daily with minimal clothing. If you spend more time in the sun, the rates of many types of cancers would radically decrease and there would be fewer cardiovascular disease deaths.17

One of the primary benefits is that your skin produces vitamin D in response to sun exposure. Vitamin D upregulates your ability to fight infections, as well as chronic inflammation, and produces over 200 antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), one of which is cathelicidin, a naturally occurring broad-spectrum antibiotic.

The cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide, or CAMP, is made by immune cells and skin and gut cells, which act as a barrier to infection.18,19 Beyond vitamin D, which may serve as more of a marker for proper sun exposure, getting out in the sun is involved in melatonin production.

Near-infrared rays from the sun penetrate deep into your body and activate cytochrome c oxidase, and also stimulate the production of melatonin inside your mitochondria. Your mitochondria produce ATP, the energy currency of your body. A byproduct of this ATP production is reactive oxidative species (ROS), which are responsible for oxidative stress.

Excessive amounts of ROS will damage the mitochondria, contributing to suboptimal health, inflammation and chronic health conditions such as diabetes, obesity and thrombosis (blood clots). But melatonin essentially mops up ROS that damage your mitochondria. So, by getting plenty of sun exposure during the day, your mitochondria will be bathed in melatonin, thereby reducing oxidative stress.20,21

2.Eliminate seed oils from your diet

You might be concerned about getting skin cancer from all the sun exposure in the first recommendation, but it turns out that the primary reason for getting skin cancer is related to the amount of linoleic acid (LA) that is in your skin. It is really hard to get any cancer, including skin cancer, if you have low LA levels.

I would strongly recommend that you view the video above even if you have previously seen it, as it will remind you of the vital importance of this strategy and, more importantly, how to properly implement a low LA diet.

Linoleic acid is the primary fat found in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), including vegetable/seed oils. It accounts for about 80% of the fat composition of these oils. Examples of seed oils high in omega-6 include soybean, cottonseed, sunflower, rapeseed (canola), corn and safflower.22

The single best comprehensive rule to follow is to avoid virtually all processed foods. If you simply do that you will be in the ball park and will only need some fine tweaks that are reviewed in the video above.

3.Avoid all processed foods — LA is found in virtually every processed food, including restaurant foods, sauces and salad dressings, so to eliminate it you’ll need to eliminate most processed foods and restaurant foods from your diet — unless you can confirm that the chef only cooks with butter.

Processed convenience foods are linked to an increased risk of developing and dying from cancer,23 and they contribute to premature death.24 Yet, 61% of Americans’ food intake comes in the form of highly processed foods and drinks. The amount is similar in Canada (62%) and the U.K. (63%).25

When you cut processed foods from your diet, not only will you drastically reduce LA but also other toxic additives, such as emulsifiers and artificial sweeteners, which can lead to pathophysiological changes such as impaired glucose tolerance, neuroinflammation and oxidative stress.26 Eating processed junk foods is also linked to metabolic syndrome and all-cause mortality,27 along with cognitive decline28 and depression.29

One caveat, because animals are fed grains that are high in linoleic acid,30 it’s also hidden in “healthy” foods like chicken and pork, which makes these meats a major source as well. Olive oil is another health food that can be a hidden source of linoleic acid, as it’s often cut with cheaper seed oils.

4.Walk one hour a day — Daily movement is another critical element of health and longevity. Ideally, walk outdoors, so you can combine No. 1 — sun exposure — with your exercise. Walking is a powerful form of activity for a number of reasons. It’s free and accessible — you can do it virtually anywhere. And it’s gentle enough that most people can engage in it, even if you’re out of shape and haven’t exercised in a while.

Walking even 8,000 steps once or twice a week is associated with significantly lower all-cause and cardiovascular mortality risk.31 People who participate in outdoor walking groups also enjoy significant reductions in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, resting heart rate, body fat, depression scores and body mass index, along with increases in VO2max, a marker of fitness level.32

Any type of walking appears beneficial, but if you want to increase intensity, Nordic walking, which involves walking with fixed-length ski poles, leads to even greater increases in functional capacity — or the ability to carry out activities related to daily living — compared to other forms of exercise, including high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and moderate-to-vigorous intensity continuous training (MICT).33

5.Improve mitochondrial function — Your mitochondrial health plays a vital role in longevity and disease prevention. To put it simply, if your mitochondria are not functioning well, nothing else will either. Mitochondria are the powerhouses of your cells, producing about 85% of the energy generated in your body.

There are a number of ways to optimize your mitochondrial function, but one element is niacinamide (aka nicotinamide), a form of niacin (vitamin B3) that plays a vital role in energy metabolism. It’s essential for the mitochondrial electron transport chain to function. Without it, your mitochondria cannot make energy.

Niacinamide is so important because it is a precursor for NAD+, which is involved in the conversion of food to energy, maintaining DNA integrity and ensuring proper cell function. NAD+ is also a primary fuel for PARP, which is an important DNA repair enzyme. NAD+ also fuels the conversion of cortisol to its inactive form, cortisone.

Niacinamide at a dose of 50 milligrams three times per day will provide the fuel for the rate limiting enzyme for NAD+, NAMPT. Niacinamide also has potent antiobesity effects, can help prevent neurodegeneration and heart failure, and reverse leaky gut.

I recommend getting niacinamide in powder form because the lowest available dose in most supplements is 500 mg, and that will decrease NAD+ due to negative feedback on NAMPT, which is the opposite of what you’re looking for.

Niacinamide will only cost you about 25 cents a month if you get it as a powder. Typically, one-sixty-fourth of a teaspoon of niacinamide powder is about 50 mg. There is a company, though, that has just created an inexpensive 50 mg tablet for convenience.

I also recommend taking about one aspirin tablet daily. Aspirin plays a role in mitochondria function34 and also has other health benefits. Importantly, it helps increase the oxidation of glucose as fuel for your body while inhibiting the oxidation of fatty acids, specifically linoleic acid. I know this one seems silly, but it really does work to prevent so many diseases and it is dirt cheap. Aspirin has been (and still is) the target of a massive discrediting campaign by Pharma as it competes with newer, far more expensive blood thinners and pain relievers.

I will have a very comprehensive article in the future describing the justification for this recommendation. It is important to understand though that you want to take a very pure aspirin as frequently it is the other ingredients in the cheap aspirin tablets that cause complications. I take one that is 99.5% USP which is a pharmaceutical grade and take three of their scoops a day.

If you are taking it for blood thinning the dose is a baby aspirin (85 mg) per day. If you are using it for disease prevention it would be one regular aspirin. Ideally get a clean version of aspirin. You can find a bottle of 1000 on Amazon that only has corn starch. If you are sensitive to aspirin, it would be best to use a salicylic acid or willow bark supplement, as this is the active ingredient. Look for a clean, high-quality willow bark supplement.

By taking the five steps above, you can significantly improve your health — inexpensively — and reduce your risk of chronic disease. In turn, you’re less likely to require expensive medical treatments that put both your physical and financial health at risk.

Don’t Worry! We’ll Take Care of You

Dependency On The State Is The Core Of The Takeover Plot Of Humanity

SUNDAY, AUG 20, 2023 – 04:00 AM

Authored by Gary Barnett via,

Most of you have entered the final stage of your voluntary acceptance of mass slavery, and that slavery is fully dependent on the concept of fear, compliance to a false ‘authority,’ and total dependence on the very tyrant called government, whose plan is to control the world by controlling the common, ignorant, and apathetic collective crowd called ‘the people.’

The most vital component of this ‘Great Reset’ agenda, is for the majority to be dependent on the State, and that phenomenon is now close at hand.

“It’s not an endlessly expanding list of rights – the ‘right’ to health care, the ‘right’ to food and housing. That’s not freedom, that’s dependency. Those aren’t rights, those are the rations of slavery – hay and a barn for human cattle.”

P.J. O’Rourke

The final foundation of all restriction, control of financial and monetary transactions, and control of movement, will hinge on the farcical fraud called manmade ‘climate change.’

No worries however, because many other excuses, and aspects of control and manipulation will be used as well, but at this point, the ‘climate change’ hoax is the lynchpin of the future takeover plot.

The speed of this agenda has accelerated far past earlier time projections, and I believe this to be due to more exposure by the few who understand what is actually happening, to explain all the contradiction, lies, and propaganda, that have inundated society for the past few decades. At this point, the somewhat panicked ruling class and its pawns in government, have vastly escalated their terror campaign worldwide, in order to shut down dissent before it can gain too much ground. This campaign of terror is meant to drive the tool of fear to a much higher degree, so as to be able to accomplish takeover goals with less resistance. As mentioned earlier, the main focus of this increased intimidation is based on the fake ‘climate change’ model.

One obvious example of this fear campaign, is the purposely heightened threat of so-called weather anomalies, especially what are conspicuous (intentionally set) fires burning at ridiculously high temperatures, destroying particular properties, towns, cities, and valuable mineral-laden land holdings. These unnatural fire outbreaks began in earnest in early spring, and have continued incessantly since that time. What began in Canada, has now overtaken the Hawaiian island of Maui, among many other areas around the world, and the devastation is incredible. Only psychopaths could perpetrate such evil as this, but the coverup and blame on bogus ‘climate change,’ has been accepted by most of course, and promulgated by the ruling class, and every State-owned or controlled mainstream media outlet. The attack on all truthtellers claiming these horrendous fires to be intentionally set, was instant, without any legitimate evidence to the contrary to back their plotted refutations, and in fact, this universal response was certainly coordinated.

Now there is a fight to see who will take this land in Maui, and by take, I mean exactly that. It has been exposed that many are attempting to buy and gain contracts to build a new ‘smart city’ on this hallowed ground, and many big players are involved, including Blackrock.. Those claiming to help, people like Jeff Bezos and Oprah Winfrey, are already heavily involved, and the governor of Hawaii, Josh Green, has taken control of this, and not to the benefit of those residents and business owners who lost everything. (As an aside, the houses and property of Bezos and Winfrey magically escaped the fire?) This evil governor, a true controlling politician, said, and before all bodies have been recovered, or any funerals for the dead have taken place, “I’m already thinking of ways for the state to acquire that land so that we can put it into workforce housing, to put it back into families, or make it open spaces in perpetuity as a memorial to the people who were lost,” Democrat Gov. Josh Green said. What about all those who own that land the ‘State’ is going to force buy? (Steal)

But let us not stop here, as during this same year, there were unbelievable train derailments. most all of which involved very poisonous, and toxic materials, the most noted of course, being the purposely released (due to deliberate fire-setting) noxious chemicals in East Palestine, Ohio, that poisoned much of the northeast U.S. There were many more incidents of this nature as well.

As to extreme fear-mongering, weather ‘services’ nationwide, have intentionally changed all reporting in order to strike extreme fear in the collective herd called the ‘citizenry.’ Fantastic claims of record heat, which are bogus in most every case, are rampant. Instead of greens and darker muted colors to show heat, dark reds and purples just so happen to be the new norm across the entire country, and simultaneously; a coincidence certainly? In addition, the heat is not just hot, it is now “boiling” according to these weather idiots. These descriptions, while ludicrous and plotted, are purposely meant to cause undue alarm in an uninformed ‘public’ with little or no desire or effort to understand any truth.

All of these things, and an endless supply of other threats, including the threat of nuclear war, of financial collapse, of food shortages, of extreme inflation leading to extreme prices, to new ‘pandemic’ emergencies, to travel restrictions, lockdowns, monitoring of all transactions, and of total digitization of the economy in order to control all, are now constant. The end of cash is being pursued aggressively, and the replacement by central bank digital currency (CBDC) is looming in the near future. This agenda too, has recently accelerated greatly, indicating that the ruling element of society is attempting to expand its control mechanisms more quickly so as to avoid any pushback. Given what is happening in open view, the great increase of intentionally-structured disastrous events, the massive transfer of wealth and property, the government’s aggressive stance immediately following every manufactured ‘weather event’ or so-called ‘natural’ emergency, and the total disregard for life and personal property, how long will it be until this takeover plot becomes fully entrenched in reality?

All of these events are meant to make the average ‘citizen’ dependent on the State. The more dependency, the easier to control. When the bulk of society cannot or will not take care of themselves, will not be responsible for their own lives and freedom, will not fight back in their own defense, and voluntarily choose to acquiesce to authority and State relief instead of taking any personal responsibility, what will become of this country?

It will be very telling to watch this State terrorism that has been released on Maui, and how the people respond. Will they give up their homes and land that was destroyed by and due to evil forces, or will they demand to keep and hold their property? Will they disallow this totalitarian scum called a governor from his nefarious U.N. plans, and keep what is theirs? Or will they simply allow the State’s political class to do as they please with everything they have deliberately destroyed, and become wards (slaves) of the State?

“Between the government which does evil and the people who accept it – there is a certain shameful solidarity.”

~ Author: Victor Hugo

Once mass dependence is in place, there will no longer be any chance of a free society.

The State seeks to control all, and the way to accomplish that heinous mission, is to make the populace at large completely impotent, so that they have not the ability or drive to fight back. Total dependency is key to any takeover conspiracy by the ruling class and its State thugs, and many feigned threats and so-called emergencies will erupt on a regular basis going forward.

This is without doubt in my opinion, so believe nothing, trust no State representative at any level, trust no mainstream media, and question everything!


Hey, It’s Good Enough for the Golf Course

Are You Excited to Drink Treated Toilet Water?

Analysis by Tessa Lena
drink treated toilet water


  • Our existing tap water is not as clean as we want to believe
  • All the usual suspects are trying to use the flaws of the existing water treatments systems, as well as the “climate” rhetoric, to push for the “extreme” use of recycled water on a massive scale
  • While some uses of recycled water, such as industrial reuse, make great sense, there is a significant social engineering effort to train us to accept treated “blackwater” for drinking and household use
  • There is also a strong regulatory push
  • The devil is always in the detail, and there is no guarantee at all that the new treatment systems designed to convert sewage to drinking water will consistently do a perfect job
  • There is more to us than “meat bags who consume drinking water,” we have dignity, and our dignity is what the overlords want to subvert

This story is about humiliation sold to the people as “fighting climate change.” To be specific, it’s about forcing the people to explicitly and inevitably use processed toilet water for drinking and other household use.

Yes, implicitly, we have all been ingesting “mystery” ingredients in our drinking water, in our air and food for years. Yes, industrial companies have been dumping their waste into rivers for God knows how long (and before the Clean Water Act of 1972, it was not even considered “bad”). But right now they are trying to make the humiliation official.

They desire for us to sheepishly nod and say that yes, we, little insignificant people, want to drink our own waste, eat bugs, etc. Our aspiring overlords are nostalgic about the good ol’ feudal days, and they are trying to put us, lowly peasants, back in our place. That’s my take on it, anyway.

A Little Bit of Philosophy

I feel sadness and grief. I am grieving the attack on the sacred, on the things that are very simple and timeless, on the joy that is ours. I grieving the insult as I look at the unnaturally white geoengineered sky, at the rain filled with chemicals, at the old trees being cut in my neighborhood park in the name of climate change.

I am grieving the ugly sight of sewage bits floating in the nearby river, it is just so wrong! How sad it is that for all the empty talk about using technology for “sustainable future,” they can’t even contain the feces and the waste overrunning water treatment facilities in New York.

And let’s not forget that when we talk about sewage water in the U.S., “some city sewer lines run right to the factories, allowing them to dump their waste into the city’s sewage treatment plants.” What we are dealing with here is more upside-down language.

They, the “they,” are trying to convince us that their new-ish lucrative water recycling is akin to the natural cycle of life and death that happens in nature (which is not the case, those are very much not the same, and their “systems” are full of sloppy holes — which works for them since every lucrative “solution” they sell comes with holes and problems they will lucratively “solve” at a later point).

They are also mixing up the reasonable with the absurd and packing both into the same basket. They are saying that the need for more water is due to population growth and climate change. Well, is it really so, or is it that their new so called “sustainable” model is a lie?

Is it maybe that their “sustainable” future requires massive data centers, insane “smart” tech everywhere (like this one), an army of robots, giant wind turbines, toxic solar panels, etc.? (And speaking of “climate,” would it maybe help to stop playing God and to cut their crazy geoengineering feats?)

Besides, there’s a big difference between sending treated waste water for industrial reuse (which I think is sensible) and making people drink it. But they are talking about it as if it were all one sustainable thing.

Our mobsters have funds printed on demand for them to push “vaccine” propaganda but they “save” on the sanitary standards for the peasants. In New York where I am at, there is even an attempt to dump large amount of radioactive materials from a decommissioned nuclear power plant straight into the Hudson river, close to where several of my friends live. In what world is this happening? Oh, in my world. How can I not feel grief?

New York, New York

Call me naive but I have not considered drinking my own waste or using it for laundry, in practical terms. I was aware of the talk about it. I knew about the long-standing plight of a Hopi nation in Arizona against the use of waste-generated artificial snow at a ski resort slapped on top of their sacred site.

But I didn’t know that in San Francisco, for example, there was a legal requirement for on-site waste water recycling in new development projects over 100,000 square feet. And I didn’t know that was an active and coordinated push for similar requirements in many American states.

Only recently, I learned that in New York, the New School and a couple of fancy building complexes were using “treated (knock on wood, fingers crossed) toilet water for washing clothes.” What?!

The New School

The New School is a trendy university in the heart of New York. The tuition runs between approximately 20K and 30K per semester. Using their own words, “whether you’re on our main campus in New York City or our Parsons Paris campus, the boundaries of the classroom dissolve as the city becomes your studio, rehearsal space, and research center.” [Another boundary evidently dissolved is between the toilet and the laundromat].

For giggles, I searched for “blackwater” (industry speak for liquid sewage waste) on their website, and found that “the New School’s University Center has won the Urban Land Institute 2017–2018 Global Award for Excellence,” and greywater and blackwater treatment are listed among the sustainability accomplishments, etc. This is the only mention of toilet water on their website I was able to find.

However, the wastewater recycling company that they have been working with, Natural Systems Utilities, is far more explicit in their tooting the toilet water horn:

“Working with NSU [Natural Systems Utilities], the New School installed conservation fixtures and an on-site water treatment and reclaimed water system at The New University Center on 5th Avenue. The systems are designed to reduce water use by 74% and reduce discharge into the combined sewer by 89%.

All wastewater (commonly referred to as “blackwater”) is collected and treated at The New University Center including water from toilets, sinks, showers, laundry, etc.

Stormwater is also included as a source of reclaimed water after being detained by the vegetated green roofs The University Center contains one of the largest in-building water recycling systems in New York City at 40,000 gallons per day (gpd). The University Center is one of the first buildings approved to reuse treated water for laundry [emphasis mine].

A rhetorical question from this lowly peasant: Are prospective students and their parents being told this curious tidbit during school tours? And if so, do the people taking pride in washing their clothes in treated toilet water also wear masks on their faces to protect themselves from disease?

Battery Park City

In New York, The Battery City Park complex is another pioneer of water reuse:

“Sustainable urban development reaches new heights in downtown Manhattan with Battery Park. Battery Park City is a redevelopment area of 92 acres under the control of the NYC Battery Park City Authority (BPCA) of New York City.

Natural Systems Utilities (NSU) designed, built and currently operates the wastewater reuse systems and rainwater recycling systems within six Battery Park City Buildings.

These campus utilities systems have consistently achieved greater than 50% water consumption reduction and a greater than 60% reduction in wastewater discharge (compared to similar base residential buildings in NYC).

These water recycling project savings are the direct result of wastewater reuse and water conservation. Battery Park City has been developed as a model for scaling water conservation and reuse projects in urban redevelopment and campus-scale settings.”

New York City is a place where a beautiful park in Manhattan is being destroyed this very moment, and old, tall, dignified trees are being brutally cut down in the name of “climate change.” (I reckon, someone in a high chair is making bank on tearing down the existing park and putting an elevated novelty in its place to prepare for the rising seas).

Somehow, the city that is in danger of being submerged is simultaneously in danger of water shortages and needs the peasants to locally reuse their own toilet waste. Got it, dear overlords, thanks.


According to the New York Times, “on the Brooklyn waterfront, the 11-acre, roughly $3 billion Domino Sugar Refinery redevelopment will feature a more than $10 million black-water system designed not only to cut water use but to reduce pressure on storm-water systems.” Are we talking about Domino Sugar associated with traffickingforced labor, and occasional contamination-related product recalls? Oh, thank goodness they are into sustainability now.


According to the Christian Scient Monitor: San Francisco is “leading the charge in extreme water recycling. In 2015, the city mandated a decentralized approach, requiring the cleaning and reusing of water on-site for all new buildings larger than 100,000 square feet.

Researchers estimate that in five to 10 years, the technology, safety testing, and regulations will come together to enable water neutrality, achieved through circular systems that repeatedly reuse a set amount of water rather than pumping water in from outside sources.”

That same year, in 2015, Bill Gates drank what allegedly was a glass of recycled waste water, on camera. In the words of the NPR, “Bill Gates raised a glass to (and of) water from poop.”

“It’s a scientifically sound idea, and Bill Gates has a video to prove it. In the video, released this week, he stands in front of the Janicki Omniprocessor, a giant new machine that can turn human waste into clean drinking water in minutes. He waits patiently as Peter Janicki — the engineer who invented the contraption — fills his glass with crystal-clear water from the machine.

Without the slightest hesitation, Gates takes a sip. ‘The water tasted as good as any I’ve had out of a bottle,’ he wrote on his blog’ and having studied the engineering behind it, I would happily drink it every day. It’s that safe.’

The Omniprocessor is one of the latest projects funded by the Gates Foundation (which also supports NPR [emphasis mine, and lol]), and the philanthropist wants the rest of the world to back it up as well. The machine’s purpose is to help the 783 million [the live link now goes to a 404 page] people living without clean water and the nearly 2.5 billion who don’t have adequate sanitation.”

Recently, Yale published an article titled “Beyond the Yuck Factor: Cities Turn to ‘Extreme’ Water Recycling.” Here is what they have to say:

“While centralized water reuse for nonpotable purposes has been around for decades, a trend called the ‘extreme decentralization of water and wastewater’ — also known as ‘distributed water systems,’ or ‘on-site’ or ‘premise’ recycling — is now emerging as a leading strategy in the effort to make water use more sustainable.

It’s not just a pipe dream. Proof of concept is unfolding in San Francisco, which in 2015 required all new buildings of more than 100,000 square feet to have on-site recycling systems. So far, six blackwater and 25 graywater systems are using the technology, and many others are in the works. (Blackwater comes from toilets, dishwashers, and kitchen sinks; graywater comes from washing machines, showers, and bathtubs.) […]

To demonstrate its technology, Epic Cleantec, a water recycling company, has even brewed a beer called Epic OneWater Brew with purified graywater from a 40-story San Francisco apartment building.”

Santa Clara County

Environmentally-friendly drought-proof supply

San Diego

Here is a promotional bit from San Diego Coastkeeper, an environmental NGO.

“After years of research, advocacy, and legal action, San Diego Coastkeeper, along with our environmental partners at CERF, Surfrider Foundation San Diego, and San Diego Audubon Society, signed a cooperative agreement with the City of San Diego obligating the City to implement the region’s first large-scale wastewater recycling project.

By the full completion date in 2035, the Pure Water project will provide 83 million gallons of locally-sourced drinking water per day, meeting nearly one-third of San Diego’s drinking water needs. Additionally, this multi-benefit project will result in a substantial reduction in partially-treated wastewater discharges into the ocean, serving to protect the health and water quality of our coastal waters.”

Stanford: Hold My Beer

Stanford Engineering beat them all. “The cleanest drinking water is recycled,” they say. I am going to steal the sarcastic tone from Riley Waggaman and say that, according to Stanford, toilet water is what the peasants crave.

The Stanford Engineering take is based on this 2022 study whose conclusion was that the “cytotoxicity of potable reuse waters is lower than that of drinking waters derived from surface waters.”

My conclusion is that tap water is lamentably dirty (oh, surprise) but it doesn’t mean that the solution is to switch to treated toilet water. It just means that the facilities that process fresh water need to do a better job. Maybe it’s just me.


What is missing from all this industry rhetoric is the intangible beauty, the dignity, the joy of life. What is missing is the fact that we are not meat bags and not machines who can be “cooled off” with treated sewage waste.

Now, if one wants to drink processed toilet water, fine, they can do whatever they want. That can be a choice. But the oligarchs hate it when we have choices! Human subjectivity, dignity, and free will are very scary things to them. So they want to subjugate our souls, steal our dignity in novel ways, and make us eat bugs (that we don’t want to eat) and drink toilet water (that we don’t want to drink). All of this has an S&M feel to it somehow.


So, California and New York are bragging about potable toilet water. What about Texas? The language on the Texas state government website is a lot more tame and reasonable, talking about the industrial reuse of recycled water, which makes sense. But it seems like the policies could potentially become somewhat similar. Time will tell!

water reclamation methods

“One of the latest examples in this trend is the 198,000-square-foot Austin Central Library, which has reduced its potable water use by 85 percent by capturing rainwater and air conditioning condensate and tapping into the city’s purple pipe network. (Purple is the standard color of pipes across the U.S. that carry recycled water.)

[The reclaimed water is used for “toilet flushing and irrigation,” not for drinking, but the devil is always in the detail, and it all depends on how clean the end product is, etc.]

In June, the city of Austin celebrated a rain and condensate catchment system along with a mini sewage treatment plant at the entrance to the city’s new Permitting and Development Center. The catchment system is named OSCAR (short for “on-site collection and reuse system”); the treatment plant, CLARA (“closed-loop advanced reclaimed assembly”).

By catching rainwater, collecting air conditioning condensate and treating sewage on-site for irrigation and non-potable uses like flushing toilets, the city estimates OSCAR and CLARA will reduce potable water demand for the 260,000-square-foot building by 75 percent, saving the city more than 1 million gallons of water each year.”

On a side note, here’s the official statement on the not-a-conspiracy-theory cloud seeding in Texas:

“It is crucial … for Texas to secure the water resources necessary to sustain its growth and provide for the future. To help supplement the state’s water supply, some areas are using periodic cloud seeding attempts to increase rainfall.

Cloud seeding (also called precipitation enhancement) is a form of weather modification used to stimulate clouds to produce more rain. The process involves using aircraft to spray clouds with small particles that have a structure like ice, such as silver iodide. The particles cause the moisture in the cloud to condense into water droplets until they are heavy enough to fall as rain.

Many countries have invested in weather modification technologies, including cloud seeding, in recent years to mitigate water shortages caused by population growth and drought. The United Arab Emirates, for example, has been a leader in exploring this technology within the dry Gulf region, operating a cloud seeding program since 2002.”

Phew, I can now finally take my tinfoil hat off.


No climate change language, possibly similar policies.

United Kingdom

Just the other day, the Guardian published a story about a class action lawsuit against water companies who had allegedly lied about the amount of partially treated and raw sewage they discharged into rivers, lakes, coastal waters, and other waterways:

“The public could receive hundreds of millions of pounds in compensation in the first class action against water companies which are alleged to have failed to reveal the true scale of raw sewage discharges, and abused their position as privatised monopolies,” the Guardian said.

Previously, the Guardian noted the following:

“British people need to be ‘less squeamish’ about drinking water derived from sewage, the boss of the Environment Agency has said …

He said: ‘Part of the solution will be to reprocess the water that results from sewage treatment and turn it back into drinking water – perfectly safe and healthy, but not something many people fancy.’ Bevan admitted the move would be ‘unpopular’ and reactions on social media have been mixed but he said there was a need to ‘change how we think about water.’”

There may be a bit of a story arc here, in addition to the obvious issue at hand. As it goes, the original “solution” wasn’t very good. So a new solution is proposed, and the logic is: “There is already waste in the water, and the treatment technologies aren’t great due to the faulty assumption is that there is no waste in the water processed … so why don’t we just process the waste knowingly, and this time around, the water will be clean?” Etc.

The Cynicism of It All

What is happening is that the super oligarchs decided that the peasants have gotten too well-fed and too dignified, and that they should be reinstated in their official status of property of the overlords. As property, the peasants are far more useful to the masters if they don’t take up too much space.

From the overlords’ perspective, it is rather perfect to make the people drink their own waste and eat the bugs that eat our waste, while also creating a whole new lucrative waste-processing market out of thin air.

Having deiced that, the super oligarchs got to work, funded the “right” research, bribed the right high-level influencers who then inspired the well-intended followers, and there it goes. And now this idea has a life of its own, its passionate proponents, consultants, profiteers … oh the cynicism of it all.

Another Word on Dignity

I think this challenge, like so many challenges today, is about remembering our dignity. It’s tough. How do you convey to a person who sees himself (and you) as a meat bag that it’s not dignifying for your soul to drink processed toilet water, even if it’s “clean”? How do you convey that the natural cycles of nature are not the same as Bill Gate’s plant?

The self-identifying meat bag probably won’t hear you and won’t understand what you mean. And so it’s fair to grieve. But the trick, I think, is to respect your grief but not feel dejected, and to remember the sacredness and the beauty of your soul no matter what. And to refuse to be turned into a dejected slave even if they try to do it to you. You are not a slave.

About the Author

To find more of Tessa Lena’s work, be sure to check out her bio, Tessa Fights Robots.


Money and Fame Don’t Cut It Here

‘Rich Men North of Richmond’ Artist Turns Down $8 Million From Stunned Music Execs, Says “Nothing Special About Me”

SATURDAY, AUG 19, 2023 – 06:00 AM

Nine days ago, Oliver Anthony’s gritty coal country ballad “Rich Men North Of Richmond” was published on YouTube. The song has become the blue-collar political anthem for millions of Americans ahead of the 2024 presidential election cycle.

On Thursday, Anthony revealed his real name is Christopher Anthony Lunsford. He said the viral response to the song blew him away and only anticipated it would get hundreds of thousands of views, not millions. As of Friday, the song ranks number one on iTunes.

Lunsford is a former factory worker and lives in the forgotten part of the US, Appalachia, an area plagued with an opioid crisis and abandoned factories. The song tells the story of working-class folk who struggle daily while being ignored and mocked by political elites just north of Richmond.

Lunsford detailed in a lengthy Facebook post that he turned down a $8 million deal from stunned music industry executives:

People in the music industry give me blank stares when I brush off 8 million dollar offers. I don’t want 6 tour buses, 15 tractor trailers and a jet. I don’t want to play stadium shows, I don’t want to be in the spotlight. I wrote the music I wrote because I was suffering with mental health and depression. These songs have connected with millions of people on such a deep level because they’re being sung by someone feeling the words in the very moment they were being sung. No editing, no agent, no bullshit. Just some idiot and his guitar. The style of music that we should have never gotten away from in the first place.

Since going viral nine days ago, he has received over 50,000 messages from people reacting to the song. He said some messages include stories about “Suicide, addiction, unemployment, anxiety and depression, hopelessness and the list goes on.”

Lunsford provided more details about who he exactly is…

My legal name is Christopher Anthony Lunsford. My grandfather was Oliver Anthony, and “Oliver Anthony Music” is a dedication not only to him, but 1930’s Appalachia where he was born and raised. Dirt floors, seven kids, hard times. At this point, I’ll gladly go by Oliver because everyone knows me as such. But my friends and family still call me Chris. You can decide for yourself, either is fine.

In 2010, I dropped out of high school at age 17. I have a GED from Spruce Pine, NC. I worked multiple plant jobs in Western NC, my last being at the paper mill in McDowell county. I worked 3rd shift, 6 days a week for $14.50 an hour in a living hell. In 2013, I had a bad fall at work and fractured my skull. It forced me to move back home to Virginia. Due to complications from the injury, it took me 6 months or so before I could work again.

From 2014 until just a few days ago, I’ve worked outside sales in the industrial manufacturing world. My job has taken me all over Virginia and into the Carolinas, getting to know tens of thousands of other blue collar workers on job sites and in factories. Ive spent all day, everyday, for the last 10 years hearing the same story. People are SO damn tired of being neglected, divided and manipulated.

In 2019, I paid $97,500 for the property and still owe about $60,000 on it. I am living in a 27′ camper with a tarp on the roof that I got off of craigslist for $750.

There’s nothing special about me. I’m not a good musician, I’m not a very good person. I’ve spent the last 5 years struggling with mental health and using alcohol to drown it. I am sad to see the world in the state it’s in, with everyone fighting with each other. I have spent many nights feeling hopeless, that the greatest country on Earth is quickly fading away.

He concludes with:

That being said, I HATE the way the Internet has divided all of us. The Internet is a parasite, that infects the minds of humans and has their way with them. Hours wasted, goals forgotten, loved ones sitting in houses with each other distracted all day by technology made by the hands of other poor souls in sweat shops in a foreign land.

When is enough, enough? When are we going to fight for what is right again? MILLIONS have died protecting the liberties we have. Freedom of speech is such a precious gift. Never in world history has the world had the freedom it currently does. Don’t let them take it away from you. 

Just like those once wandering in the desert, we have lost our way from God and have let false idols distract us and divide us. It’s a damn shame.

Meanwhile, the political left is triggered by this song for speaking the truth. And the country music industry is “confused by man actually from the country making actual music.”

Just remember this Ron Paul quote…

People are awakening from their multi-decade daze. The matrix is glitching… 
