A worker cuts a wheel of Parmigiano Reggiano cheese at the Casearia Castelli, member of Lactalis Group, at the Caseificio Tricolore in Reggio Emilia, Northern Italy, on April 19, 2023. Marco Bertorello/AFP/Getty Images
Makers of Parmigiano-Reggiano in Italy are adding microchips to their cheese wheels.
It’s the latest move to combat counterfeiters selling rip offs of the premium product.
The chips, which are edible and placed on a food-safe label, cannot be read remotely.
The next time you dig into a bowl of pasta with freshly grated parmesan, you could accidentally be eating a microchip.
That’s because makers of Parmigiano-Reggiano are implanting microchips into the casings of their 90-pound cheese wheels as the latest move to ward off counterfeiters, The Wall Street Journal reported.
Yes, there are counterfeiters of Parmigiano-Reggiano. That’s because it’s the original parmesan cheese officially protected by the European Union, meaning the name can only be used for the authentic product. Parmigiano-Reggiano must be made in a particular area of northern Italy’s Emilia Romagna region and with specific production standards and techniques. It also has to be aged for at least one year.
Because of its world-famous reputation for quality, Parmigiano-Reggiano can be sold at a higher price point than cheese simply labeled “parmesan,” which is typically an imitation of the original and is commonly sold in the US.
The Journal reported that the micro-transponders are made of silicon and about the size of a grain of sand. They are being placed on the casein label, a food-safe label commonly used in cheese production, which is placed on the cheese wheel. The microchip can then be scanned to pull up a unique serial ID that buyers can use to ensure they’ve got the real thing.
“We keep fighting with new methods,” Alberto Pecorari, whose job is to protect the product’s authenticity for a group that represents Parmigiano makers, told the Journal. “We won’t give up.”
The chips use blockchain technology and trace the wheel of cheese back to where the milk that was used came from. Other industries are also considering or planning to use the chips, including makers of drugs and car parts.
The Journal reported the chips cannot be read remotely or used to track someone should they ingest it.
Parmigiano-Reggiano is among the many food products that are formally protected in the European Union, including Champagne from France and Feta from Greece.
A woman who was identified as a teacher in Anne Arundel County, Maryland made a TikTok video expressing her incredulity that her school district provided a protocol to deal with an alien invasion during a teachers’ meeting for safety. Anne Arundel County contains the state capital of Annapolis and Fort Meade, which is home not only to the National Security Agency, but also to the US Cyber Command and other defense agencies at the US Army post there.
It’s back-to-school season, and teachers and students everywhere are gearing up for an exciting school year. But alongside the purchase of school supplies and the preparation of classrooms, teachers have mandatory safety meetings to attend. These meetings are important ways for schools to communicate with the staff about allergies, fights, fires, natural disasters, and outside threats to the school from anyone who may wish to do the teachers or students any harm.
And apparently in this Maryland school district, that possibility includes extraterrestrials.
This video was posted by a teacher in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, who says that during their safety meeting for teachers, one of the topics was the correct procedure for dealing with alien invasions.
“Honestly, I did not process anything that was said during that part of the presentation,” she claims, “because I couldn’t believe what I was looking at.”
She goes on to ask if anyone else had a similar experience during their opening activities.
Of note: this Maryland County is home to the state capital of Annapolis, as well as Fort Meade, which is home not only to the National Security Agency, but also to the U.S. Cyber Command as well as other defense agencies at the U.S. Army post there.
In other words, all places that would very likely be targeted as part of an invasion or attack of any kind—alien or earthling.
If C40 Cities’ climate aims are carried out, people will die.
Fourteen major American cities are part of a globalist climate organization known as the “C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group,” which has an “ambitious target” by the year 2030 of “0 kg [of] meat consumption,” “0 kg [of] dairy consumption,” “3 new clothing items per person per year,” “0 private vehicles” owned, and “1 short-haul return flight (less than 1500 km) every 3 years per person.”
C40’s dystopian goals can be found in its “The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World” report, which was published in 2019 and reportedly reemphasized in 2023. The organization is headed and largely funded by Democrat billionaire Michael Bloomberg. Nearly 100 cities across the world make up the organization, and its American members include Austin, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New Orleans, New York City, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Portland, San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and Seattle.
Media coverage of C40 Cities’ goals has been relatively sparse. The few media personalities and news outlets who have discussed it have been heavily attacked by the corporate “fact-checkers.” In a “fact check” aimed at conservative commentator Glenn Beck, AFP Fact Check claimed that the banning of meat and dairy and limits on air travel and clothing consumption were actually “not policy recommendations.”
AFP quotes a paragraph from the original “The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World” report, which reads, “This report does not advocate for the wholesale adoption of these more ambitious targets in C40 cities; rather, they are included to provide a set of reference points that cities, and other actors, can reflect on when considering different emission-reduction alternatives and long-term urban visions.”
But this paragraph, likely included in the report as a liability in the case of pushback, seems to directly contradict the meaning of “target,” which in this context can be defined as a “desired goal.” The target of eliminating meat, dairy, and private vehicles by 2030 is “based on a future vision of resource-efficient production and extensive changes in consumer choices,” the report notes — something its authors clearly hope to bring about. If these were not their goals, they would not have labeled them “ambitious targets.”
The “fact-checker’s” insistence that C40 Cities’ explicitly stated climate goals are somehow insincere is even more unconvincing, given that we are watching them start to unfold right now. This year, in lockstep with C40 Cities’ 2030 aims, New York City Mayor Eric Adams announced that the city will place caps on the amount of meat and dairy served by city institutions, such as schools and prisons. Meanwhile, the U.K. has banned the sale of new gas-powered vehicles after 2030, and France has banned short-haul flights “to cut carbon emissions.”
In 2020, the World Economic Forum (which promotes C40 Cities on its website) introduced “The Great Reset,” which seeks to use the Covid-19 pandemic as a point from which to launch a global reset of society to supposedly combat climate change. This reset, however, has far more to do with social control than it does with the climate. If globalist leaders truly cared about the environment, they wouldn’t be chartering private jets or owning massive, energy-consuming mansions on the coast in California, which, by climate fanatics’ own calculation, will soon be underwater.
As the WEF plainly stated in a 2016 promotional video, by 2030 “You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy.”
Right now, hedge funds and private billionaires are buying up residential homes and farmland all over the world. At the same time, unrealistic zero-emissions policies are impoverishing Westerners and annihilating the middle class, which is fueling reliance on centralized government. Such intentional steps backward also, ironically, harm the earth because wealthier nations are proven to have cleaner environments and put less strain on natural resources.
Climate activists are also advocating for “climate lockdowns,” in the same way there were Covid lockdowns. Ideas floated for a climate lockdown have ranged from shuttering people in their homes and restricting air travel to providing a Universal Basic Income and introducing a maximum income level.gene
Climate dystopianism doesn’t end there. WEF-linked “bioethicist” Dr. Matthew Liao has proposed the idea of scientists genetically modify humans to be allergic to meat. Liao has also discussed shrinking the physical size of humans via eugenics or hormone injections so they consume fewer resources.
All of these policy proposals appear even more unreasonable and illogical when we actually evaluate the data. According to the International Disaster Database, deaths related to extreme heat, floods, storms, and droughts have plummeted as C02 emissions have risen. The fossil fuel economy has provided billions of people with heating, air conditioning, weather warning systems, mass irrigation, and durable buildings.
This isn’t to say that we shouldn’t try to limit carbon emissions. Environmentally friendly nuclear energy, which is safe and more reliable than wind and solar energy, is a great way to wean our society off of our reliance on fossil fuels. The globalist climate activists, however, oppose nuclear energy, further undermining their supposedly good intentions.
Ultimately, the climate coalition’s goals are inherently anti-human. People generally need meat and the protein it provides to flourish. Banning meat and dairy, restricting calories, genetically altering the human body, and impoverishing the masses will hurt the planet and people. More likely than not, it will do more than hurt people — it will kill many of them.
Evita Duffy-Alfonso is a staff writer to The Federalist and the co-founder of the Chicago Thinker. She loves the Midwest, lumberjack sports, writing, and her family. Follow her on Twitter at @evitaduffy_1 or contact her at evita@thefederalist.com.
Innovative ideas which challenge longstanding orthodoxies and commercial interests are always attacked by the medical profession. Because of this, as we all saw throughout COVID-19, many critically important concepts simply never see the light of day
The conventional model of the heart views it as a mindless pump — a belief that is incompatible with much of what the heart is observed to do
Forgotten Russian researchers demonstrated that the heart is constantly observing the body, sorting the blood it receives, and then sending the correct type of blood to where it is needed by the body. This immensely complex task makes life possible and mirrors what many different traditions believed about the heart
One of my foundational beliefs is that many things exist around us that hide in plain sight and once you spot them, your entire perspective of reality and the way you live life can be profoundly transformed. A large part of my passion for medicine in turn arises from the fact I always discover things in the bodies, minds and spirits of my patients that I had completely missed each previous time it had been staring me right in the face.
This process has given me a deep appreciation for how many facets of life simply cannot be explained within our reductive scientific models and how often the body’s design incorporates many exquisite functions modern science has only the faintest inkling of.
With The Forgotten Side of Medicine, I’ve tried to focus on showing how this applies to the heart, as while our culture (understandably) places a huge emphasis on its importance, the heart simultaneously remains one of the most misunderstood organs in the body (e.g., cardiovascular disease predominantly originates from damage to the vascular system and the blood clots used to repair that damage — yet most cardiologists erroneously believe cholesterol, something essential for life, is the root cause of heart disease).
Traditionally, the heart is viewed as just being a pump that propels blood through your body (despite many things clearly contradicting that assumption).
Likewise, in a recent article, I discussed how organ transplants profoundly undermine our current conceptions of reality as they have demonstrated that much of what we consider to comprise our “consciousness” in fact originates from the heart and not the brain, as memories, talents and preferences from a donor are observed to transfer to the organ recipient.
This suggests that the heart is innately intelligent and in this article we will explore how its intelligence makes life possible.
The Politics of Science
Something not appreciated about science is how incredibly political the entire institution is; scientists typically only want to study topics that do not threaten the existing narrative as it is well known anyone who dissents from the narrative will be both relentlessly attacked by their peers and cut off from their economic livelihood.
To share a contemporary example, when the SARS-CoV-2 genome was made public, I looked at it, saw a few preliminary analyses of it and was relatively sure it came from the Wuhan lab (it was really obvious the virus was not natural). Before long rumors began swirling that this was the case and a team from India published a paper showing SARS had parts of the HIV genome (the part Fauci and his colleagues had spent decades trying to make a vaccine for).
The paper was immediately was harshly condemned by scientists around the world, causing it to be withdrawn from the pre-print server two days after it was posted.
Later, a very smart virologist (who knew a lot about SARS) showed that by the established criteria used to determine if a virus’s genome was natural or lab made, it was statistically impossible that SARS-CoV-2 came from nature. When I asked them why they never published this (my friend loves publishing papers), they told me if they did they would have been permanently blacklisted from any type of employment (and possibly had worse consequences as well).
Public knowledge SARS-CoV-2 could have been a lab leak (due to how obvious it was) created a lot of potential problems for everyone involved in making it. Before long, a paper, co-written by a team of expert virologists was published in a prestigious journal which stated SARS-CoV-2 was 100% natural.
This paper set the public narrative — it was widely promoted by our authorities and the media, and any discussion of the Wuhan lab became “misinformation” Big Tech did everything it could to censor.
This new narrative allowed those responsible for creating COVID-19 (e.g., Fauci) to assume control over the pandemic, create the most devastating public health policies in history (both in terms of deaths, general economic costs to the country, and the number of people that were thrust into poverty).
Because of how ridiculous and harmful the policies pushed were, had the public known the pandemic pushers had also created COVID-19, it would have never been possible from them to have them to have had so much power over America. Similarly, because of the power of the narrative created by that study narrative, we all received an immense amount of pushback from our peers for advancing the “conspiracy theory” SARS-CoV-2 came from a lab.
Note: Much more could be said about this process, but my favorite part was that Peter Hotez (one of those who most vociferously denounced the lab leak hypotheses) had a grant from the NIH to create a vaccine for SARS and justified it as a countermeasure for the scenario where SARS leaked from a lab. That grant was then used to fund the gain of function experiments that created SARS-CoV-2, and Hotez ultimately was able to get a widely utilized SARS vaccine to the market.
The type of gaslighting we saw with the origins of SARS-CoV-2 happens all the time (particularly from the national media), so I didn’t take it personally. However, what’s amazing is what happened afterwards. Independent investigators (and FOIA requests discovered that):
•After SARS-CoV-2 emerged, Fauci per his emails appears to panic and switches to discussing things off email.
•Prominent virologists are asked by Fauci to produce a paper which he reviews multiple times.
•After the paper was published, Fauci repeatedly uses it to debunk the lab leak hypothesis and the lead author receives a 9.8 million grant from the NIH. Notably, the paper’s lead author lied to Congress by saying they were not being paid off after Republicans asked if he was.
•Subsequent leaks showed the authors of the paper did not believe at all believe what they published. This brief video makes the point quite clearly.
This episode is noteworthy in my eyes for two reasons:
1)It is one of the most clearly documented examples of a conspiracy occurring I have ever come across (e.g., intent was directly proven).
2)It helps to illustrate how hard it is for politically unpopular ideas to be published in the scientific literature. SARS-CoV-2 being a lab leak was really obvious and a lot of people knew it from the start.
Likewise, consider how clear it was that our COVID-19 treatment protocols (Tylenol at home and then remdesivir plus a ventilator) did not work while other non-profitable ones did, or how clearly unsafe and ineffective the experimental COVID-19 vaccines were — and how resistant everyone was to any of that being published in the scientific literature due to the politics at play.
I share the second point to help explain why the politics of science have prevented many other “controversial” ideas from ever seeing the light of day.
Note: as bad as the above video is, it only touches the surface of just how far reckless virologists led by Anthony Fauci have colluded to betray the American people for their own financial benefit. This recent five minute clip paints a much darker picture of exactly what those scientists were complicit in:
Although Russians in general have suffered from a significant lack of personal freedoms ever since the days of the Soviet Union, with science it has been quite the opposite and they have been able to perform and publish a wide variety of experiments we could never do here without facing significant political repercussions. I suspect this scientific freedom is due to a combination of:
Russia having significantly less money, so overpriced monopolies (e.g., the medical industrial complex) simply aren’t viable in Russia, and thus there is no incentive to invest in suppressing competing scientific models. Rather, their culture is incentivized to find the most economical solutions to the problems it faces.
Russia having a daring culture which is willing to be upfront about challenging entrenched dogmas and exploring unorthodox ideas scientists there found compelling.
Because of this, I find many of the promising but suppressed alternative medical technologies (e.g., ultraviolet blood irradiation — which is incredible for many vexing hospital conditions) now are primarily researched and utilized in the communist (or former communist nations) such as Russia, Cuba, and some of the former Soviet states in Eastern Europe.
The great shame with Russian research is that it’s very hard for English speakers to get access to it and a a result few are even aware that much of it even exists.
Years ago, I came across an intriguing paper by a team of Russian physiologists lead by Dr. Goncharenko. It took me years, but I was eventually able to find a colleague who knew the researchers and received a copy of their research. What follows is an abridged summary of a longer article I wrote detailing all of it.
Dr. Goncharenko’s research originated from a study in the 1970s where a baboon experienced a heart attack and was then autopsied. There, it was observed that a fatal heart attack had occurred in a very specific site in the heart that was accompanied by the typical thrombus [clot] seen at the site of a heart attack. However, a curious observation was also made.
A large hematoma was found in the left iliac artery (suggesting damage had occurred to the artery during the experiment), and at that arterial hematoma, six thrombi were found matching the thrombi in the heart. Since no other thrombi were found in the arterial system, this suggested the heart was inexplicably directing thrombi from itself to the site of the injury in order to repair it.
Note: I am conflicted about sharing these animal studies as I have strong objections to the abuses animals regularly suffer during experimental research.
While investigating this, the researchers recalled another curious observation repeatedly made throughout the history of medicine; that blood in different blood vessels differed in its composition.
For example, blood to the brain is warmer and contains younger red blood cells (which are better able to nourish and meet the needs of the brain), something also seen when an actively exercising arm (which needs the healthiest blood) is compared to a resting arm (this has also been found when comparing an exercising hand to a broken one).
Conversely, blood to the spleen (which breaks down blood cells that have aged and lost their viability) typically receives older and weaker blood cells. Other examples occur as well, for instance, the blood that goes to a pregnant woman’s uterus has more nutrients than the blood the rest of her organs receive.
With their preliminary data, the researchers decided to repeat the initial experiment and discovered that for monkeys, dogs, rats and rabbits the same phenomenon was observed. If a specific artery was injured, multiple spiral-shaped thrombi containing heart tissue would appear at site of injury and nowhere else.
Reciprocally, a specific part of the heart would be experience a myocardial infarction (heart attack) when this occurred and the correlation between the specific artery and part of the heart, were similar in all the animals and identical for animals of the same species.
Conversely, they also found that injuring a part of the heart would gradually weaken the blood flow to its conjugated part of the body (e.g., a rat’s tail became necrotic or a dog’s leg muscles atrophied).
Suspecting the heart was somehow able to sort blood into different types (e.g., the fresh blood for the brain), they tried placing radioactive tracers in different parts of the left ventricle (the chamber that sends blood into the body) and found that each section of the left ventricle ended up in different parts of the body.
Goncharenko’s team eventually discovered the responsible structures were the tiny structures lining the inside of the ventricle (the Thebesian veins and the trabeculae carneae muscles), as blood conjugation stopped once these structures were destroyed.
While it was not ethically possible to repeat Goncharenko’s experiments on humans, there were a variety of observations that suggested the same thing was occurring in our species. For example, many surgeries require injuring an artery (e.g., by clamping it off) and there are numerous reports of individuals having heart attacks during those surgeries.
Goncharenko’s team was able to do autopsies on some of those cases and discovered the same thrombi clustering at the site of the arterial injury he’d seen in the animals he studied.
Likewise, there are thousands of reports in the medical literature of an arterial injury causing a heart attack. Conversely, Goncharenko also noted that operations on the cardiac base (which conjugates blood flow to the brain) were known to create disorders suggestive of impaired blood flow to the brain and heart attacks in specific areas of the heart have been observed to cause necrosis of the nose, ears, arms and impotence.
Note: similar brain damage also occurs when a patient is put on a heart lung machine (e.g., during a heart surgery) which suggests something besides just pumping blood to the brain is needed for its health.
From these reports, his own numerous observations (e.g., measurements of pulses throughout the body when heart attacks occurred), and the animal data, Goncharenko created a proposed map of the conjugations (discussed further in the longer article).
However, while it was possible to prove this conjugation was occurring, it also posed a much greater question … how was it happening?
Note: I’ve asked manual therapists who treat the vascular system and the heart and the most talented ones have told me they can consistently feel a connection between regions of the heart and specific parts of the arterial system. Based on all of that, I am inclined to believe this is a real phenomena, but I am at a loss to explain how the heart is able to know where it needs to send blood and then get it there.
Goncharenko’s team tried to assess the most obvious mechanism (signals from the nervous system) and found that anesthetizing the nerves for the injured artery had no effect on the heart’s ability to detect and clot the injury. Later they tried fully disabling the central nervous system and that did not prevent the heart from doing this either.
Spiraling Currents
Previously, I touched upon Viktor Schauberger’s forgotten research which discovered that the ideal way for water to travel (both so it was energized and so it had the minimal amount of resistance) was in a spiraling vortex where everything carried within the water (e.g., abrasive elements like rocks) was concentrated in its center.
Schauberger’s conclusion was heavily influenced by his observation that streams and rivers would consistently adopt curved patterns (both horizontally and on the bottom of the riverbed). This suggested this was the most energetically favorable way for water to flow and that water was molding each waterway to match its motion (e.g., Schauberger was able to prevent rivers from further eroding riverbanks by restoring the natural curved motion of water).
If this is true, then natural selection should favor a similar architecture in the circulatory system — the benefits of reducing the energy needed to move blood through the body, and more importantly to reduce the damage blood flow causes to the lining of the blood vessels. If blood indeed travels as a spiraling vortex two things would be necessary:
Something to initiate the spiraling motion.
Blood vessels with a curved shape that create the vortex (a manner not all that different from what Schauberger observed with rivers).
As it so happens, there is such a curved shape to the arteries throughout the body, something I have seen best demonstrated by plasticized cadavers (e.g., see this video, or this high resolution image of a heart, a structure which is also curved to facilitate the spiraling motion of blood).
Blood Vortexes
From studying the tiny Thebesian vessels, they discovered the work of another anatomist who had filmed the Thebesian vessels spouting vortex shaped microjets during diastole (when the heart fills with blood).
This suggested sorted blood was being packed into individual vortexes that had the ability to travel to their chosen location in the body, and when it was subsequently tested in an artificial heart model, the researchers found they could direct exactly where the vortexes they created arrived.
Note: vortexes are known to a very stable liquid structure, and thus likely to be maintained while the blood travels throughout the arterial system.
To study exactly how this happens, dye was injected into hearts, which (along with arteries) were then flash frozen and sliced into slides looked at under a microscope. It was observed that in the openings to the Thebesian vessels, blood cells were packed into donut shaped rings (surrounded by microbubbles and containing other blood components in the center) which transformed into vortexes once these packets began to move.
Lastly, they saw that each of the individual micro-vortex would merge together to create a combined vortex that exited the heart before separating into each individual vortex that traveled to their conjugated parts of the body.
This mirrors what experienced vascular workers have repeatedly told me over the years — where blood ends up in the body is often predetermined long before its arrival (e.g., blood near the start of the left versus right sides of the descending aorta consistently goes to different arteries in the body).
When I thought this over, I also realized another major benefit of vortexing motion — its dispersive force plays a pivotal role in keeping blood separated. Conversely, once blood leaves the blood stream and loses that motion, it rapidly clumps together (which frequently prevents us from bleeding to death).
Note: Blood components will periodically stop being evenly mixed together and instead separate by density, which causes the red blood cells to clump together and stop moving. Normally all the negative charges of the blood prevent this from happening.
However, in many acute and chronic disease states (e.g., spike protein injuries), due to increasing positive charges or a loss of negative charges, the total electric repulsion (zeta potential) reverses and the blood cells clump together, which frequently leads to microstrokes (which for example are one of the most common types of vaccine injuries).
Electromagnetic Communication
Goncharenko’s team also found some (speculative) evidence to suggest a faint electromagnetic signal was emitted by stressed arteries which the conjugated areas of the heart may have detected and responded to.
Additionally, they argued that there may be an electromagnetic resonance at work that helped to guide blood to its preselected locations (as in some cases the vortexes appeared to move in the opposite direction to the flow of blood.) One of the most interesting proofs they found for this resonance coupling was:
“In the phase fluorometer, histochemists observed the same plausible glow of DNA and RNA preparations from heart tissues and organs, conjugated with each other, that confirmed their relationship … In addition, in portions of linking emboli [conjugated thrombi] the blood had an identical glow.”
Note: many holistic healers believe embryologic connections are maintained through your life and often are very important to consider when treating a patient. The above is one such example.
Goncharenko’s team eventually settled upon the hypothesis that electromagnetic radiation was being transmitted from the heart trabeculae to the conjugated vessel through fibers in the smooth muscles.
To test their theory, they exposed one carotid artery to a bioelectric current with a spool of wire wrapped around the vessel under the theory this external field would interfere with the electromagnetic flow through the vessel. It did and the heart’s thrombi no longer arrived at that carotid once it was injured.
Lastly, Goncharenko advanced the hypothesis that since the blood vortexes are packaged in specific shapes with specific vectors, information is transmitted to the target tissue and conversely that the heart is continually processing information it receives from the blood it then sorts. When you consider all the data bits involved, this in total represents an immense amount of information processing potential.
In a recent article, I discussed the inexplicable observation that memories, personality, preferences, and skills appear to transfer when someone receives a new heart. The hearts ability to monitor and communicate with the entire body would potentially explain both those observations and the belief in many traditions that the heart is where consciousness resides and is the structure that governs connection to everything in the body.
It also provides an entirely different mechanism to explain why organs stop functioning once they no longer receive their blood flow; rather than just losing their energy source, they also lose their instructions on how to functions. Conversely, it is well-known that (excluding a need for a ventilator) the entire body can continue to function for a prolonged period when someone is brain dead, which implies there may be another system (such as the heart) which regulates the body.
The Mystery of Blood Distribution
An axiom I’ve learned from one of my favorite authors, Dr. Malcom Kendrick, is that if you repeatedly encounter inexplicable “paradoxes” in your model (e.g., the COVID vaccines are completely safe and effective), then your model is probably wrong. Presently, our existing circulatory model includes the following foundational premises:
Any liquid system in the body is evenly mixed and the same throughout.
Movement of fluid requires a pressure (e.g., one created by a pump) to drive it.
The pressure generated by the heart’s beat creates an elevated pressure gradient that pushes blood through to the arteries, then the capillaries, and then back to the veins where it then reenters the heart. This movement occurs due to the established fact that high pressure fluids will flow into low pressure areas.
Increasing or decreasing the blood flow to areas is controlled by increasing the heartbeat (which allows a faster turnover of fresh oxygenated blood) and constricting arteries or arterioles (small arteries), which reduce or increase blood flow in a specific area.
5-6 liters of blood fill the entire circulatory system and continually cycles through the circulation as it is propelled by the heart’s pressure waves.
Circulation follows the laws of hydrodynamics and hydraulics. By those laws, blood should be evenly distributed throughout the entire fluid circuit of the body.
This model is based off of what is observed in engineered systems where a central mechanical pump is used to push fluid through the system and the resulting fluid motion is then studied. The problem with that model is that what is observed within the body frequently contradicts what is expected according to the model. For example:
•The pressure, temperature, oxygen saturation and composition of blood, when measured at the same time differs within different portions of same chamber (ventricle) of the heart. Under the existing models (e.g., simple diffusion or fluid hydraulics), this should not be possible.
•Blood flows are often observed going from low pressure areas to high pressure areas (e.g., a capillary bed to veins).
•The rate of blood flow in the smallest blood vessels (capillaries) within a tissue such as a muscle can rapidly change in a few seconds while no change occurs in the tiny arteries that feed those vessels.
Likewise, there can be a huge increase in the blood flow to one organ but not the adjacent organ (Goncharenko cited the example of one kidney at times being measured to have 14 times the blood flow of the adjacent one despite the arteries to both remaining at the same diameter).
•Blood has been observed to flow spontaneously in the absence of a heartbeat (e.g., after death).
Note: many of the above points (e.g., that liquid crystalline water may be the driving force that makes these inexplicable motions possible) were discussed in further detail here.
Another major mystery Goncharenko explored was blood sometimes appearing to change in size. For example, 7-8L of blood taken out of the body can shrink to being 6.5L over time, much more fluid is required to fill the blood vessels than the total amount of blood that embalmers first withdraw from a cadaver and when a heart-lung machine is used to keep someone alive while their heart is being operated on, significantly more blood than the patient initially has is needed for it.
Likewise, blood’s density can also change, as when blood moves further away from the heart (especially once it enters the veins), the red blood cell concentration increases, suggesting the fluid surrounding those cells somehow shrunk.
Goncharenko eventually realized that cavitation bubbles (bubbles created by abrupt localized reductions of water pressure) frequently formed within the blood and thereby allowed blood to expand or shrink as needed.
Some of the evidence he collected included microbubbles existing throughout flash-frozen blood, the electrical impulses and sounds detected from each heartbeat matching those created by artificial cavitations timed to the heartbeat and artificial models of the heart creating cavitation bubbles.
Cavitation bubbles appeared to serve two crucial roles: they significantly reduced the total amount of blood needed by the body (by allowing blood to expand as needed) and release significant amounts of energy (thereby allowing them to serve as an energy source to propel blood). In turn, both the heart and blood itself appeared to have a variety of unique adaptations that greatly enhanced their ability to form cavitation bubbles for the body.
One of the things I find the most intriguing about this entire theory is that within Chinese Medicine, there is a belief that the lungs are responsible for moving the blood through the body, and a variety of breathing exercises exist that seem to do just that when you try them out. Why this works never made sense to me and Goncharenko’s model provides a very elegant explanation for it.
One of the things that continually amazes me is how much people with relatively primitive instrumentation were able to figure out about the body. In the case of the research put forward here, much of it was done over fifty years ago (something that was likewise the case for many other areas I’ve previously covered like blood sludging and zeta potential).
This to me speaks of the issue with modern research I discussed in a recent article — that science is no longer producing paradigm changing discoveries, and when independent scientists nonetheless make them, the orthodox scientific community typically bands together to denounce those discoveries.
In short, because there is so much money in science, science in the wealthier nations has become a career where the goal is the protecting one’s career, not advancing science. If things like this could be discovered with instrumentation from half a century ago, imagine what our modern scientific apparatus could do if scientists were free to pursue unconventional ideas.
Presently, I believe Goncharenko’s thesis of conjugated heart ties is valid, but I am less sure about the other things (e.g., the cavitation bubbles), since they will require an independent and unbiased corroboration — something unlikely to be found in the current era. That said, if we simply assume the heart-arterial conjugations are true, this completely changes countless beliefs that underlie the practice medicine. Likewise, it helps to explain:
•Why it has not been possible to make a mechanical pump that effectively replaces the heart — making an artificial heart that can replicate blood sorting, conjugation and vortexing borders on impossible.
•What causes heart attacks and circulatory diseases. Likewise, my colleagues who have the most success in treating immensely complex medical issues frequently utilize the heart-arterial conjugations.
•How the heart has a consciousness and is connected to the entire body (something many different traditions believe).
•How the body solved the problem of not having enough space for all of its necessary blood vessels. Space is a key limiting factors in biology, and as a result the human body is very tightly packed with everything needed to support life. So by allowing the heart to direct both the volume and distribution of blood, it radically increases the available space for other essential tissues.
•Why arteries (but not veins) are vulnerable to the endothelial damage which causes heart disease — as the shockwave from each cavitation the heart creates can be quite powerful and might damage the endothelium if it was sent out on a vector that causes it to collide with the arteries rather than smoothly transit through them.
As we conclude, I would like to share one of my core beliefs: If something is true, different systems will inevitably rediscover it. Consider for example in Chinese Medicine that the heart is viewed as the emperor that coordinates the functioning of the entire body, something that initially seems implausible.
Yet this begins to make much more sense if the heart in fact is responsible for monitoring everything in the body, sorting what blood is needed for each tissue, protecting the entire arterial system from damage, and emits a repeating electrical signal that entrains the tissues of the body.
Furthermore, in Chinese Medicine, the heart is viewed as the “fire element” organ of the body, and a fundamental characteristic of “fire energy” is that it travels in a spiraling pattern. This seems abstract, until you realize that that is exactly how the heart moves blood through the body.
A Midwestern Doctor (AMD) is a board-certified physician in the Midwest and a longtime reader of Mercola.com. I appreciate his exceptional insight on a wide range of topics and I’m grateful to share them. I also respect his desire to remain anonymous as he is still on the front lines treating patients. To find more of AMD’s work, be sure to check out The Forgotten Side of Medicine on Substack.
Link to RFK Jr’s Mini-Documentary: MIDNIGHT AT THE BORDERhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onrxX6Dwezs
September 01, 2023
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s mini-documentary “Midnight At the Border” investigates the humanitarian crisis at the southern border. The Biden administration has effectively outsourced U.S. immigration to the Mexican cartels, several of which are now fighting for control of human trafficking into the U.S.
According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, 1.7 million illegals flowed across the southern border into the U.S. in 2021, another 2.4 million in 2022, and nearly 1.8 million so far in 2023
In 2006, then-Sen. Biden supported the construction of 700 miles of border wall, 40 stories high. Once he entered the Oval Office, he blocked the completion of the wall and is now selling off unused wall material for pennies on the dollar, in what the New York Post calls “an apparent end-run around pending legislation in Congress” aimed at forcing Biden to finish the wall
The open border policy is the antithesis to humanitarianism. Migrants face violence, sexual assault, extortion and robbery along their journey, and an unknown number of children are being trafficked into slavery and the sex trade. As of April 2023, the U.S. Office of Refugee Settlement had lost track of 85,000 unaccompanied migrant children who entered the U.S. in the previous two years
The uncontrolled influx of illegals also puts an enormous strain on local communities, all of which have limited resources. In New York City alone, more than 10,000 illegal migrants arrive each month, demanding shelter, meals, social services and education
The video above features Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s mini-documentary “Midnight At the Border,” in which he travels to the U.S.-Mexico border in Yuma, Arizona, to investigate the illegal immigration issue firsthand.
What he discovers, and reveals in this video, is a humanitarian crisis of shocking magnitude and a border security system crippled by politics and corruption. Along the way, Kennedy also gathers ideas for how to solve the problem.
“I witnessed this dystopian nightmare of this uncontrolled flow of desperate humanity crossing the border and converging here because of misbegotten policies by high leadership of the United States,” Kennedy says.
According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, some 1.7 million illegals flowed across the southern border into the U.S. in 2021, another 2.4 million in 2022, and nearly 1.8 million so far in 2023.1 2022 was an all-time record, and the total for 2023 will likely break it.
Biden Has Outsourced US Immigration to the Cartels
A major take-home from Kennedy’s exposé of the border crisis is that the Biden administration has effectively outsourced U.S. immigration to the cartels. Several cartels are in fact now fighting for supremacy.
According to Jonathan Lines, Yuma County, Arizona, supervisor for District 2, there have been 300 assassinations in the past 18 months, as the cartels fight for control of the human trafficking business.
On the night that Kennedy visited Yuma, some 150 people from all over the world crossed the border. And, as noted by Lines, that’s a new phenomenon. In the past, most of the border-jumpers came from Mexico and South America. Now, most of those entering the U.S. illegally are from China, Africa and Eastern Europe.
People are also coming from Russia, Syria, Ukraine, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Bangladesh. They’ve heard there’s no border control, so they make their way to Mexico first, and then cross over from there.
Some are here for asylum. Some are hoping for a better life — the “American dream” — not yet realizing that that dream is being actively undermined with each passing day. Some are hard-core criminals. None are vetted either way.
Once they’re on the U.S. side, FEMA pays to fly them wherever they want to go, anywhere in the United States. In other words, U.S. taxpayers are footing the bill for this cartel-led invasion.
Biden’s 180 on the Border Wall
Ironically, in 2006, then-Sen. Biden supported the construction of 700 miles of border wall, 40 stories high, to prevent the influx of methamphetamine, cocaine, and heroin from Mexico.
In a Q-and-A session at a Columbia, South Carolina, Rotary Club meeting (video above), Biden also said American employers must be punished for “knowingly violating the law” by hiring illegals. “Unless you do those two things,” he said, “all the rest is window dressing.”
But once he entered the Oval Office, he blocked the completion of the wall, begun under President Trump, and is now selling off $300 million’ worth of unused wall material for pennies on the dollar, in what the New York Post calls “an apparent end-run around pending legislation in Congress” aimed at forcing Biden to finish the wall.2
“The Finish It Act will make the feds use those materials on new wall construction — or hand the remaining stock over to states like Texas for use in their own border defense projects,” the New York Post writes.3
“Now, the Biden administration is rushing to get rid of the wall leftovers before the GOP-led House can pass a matching version of the bill and make it law, critics told The Post.
‘This sale is a wasteful and ludicrous decision by the Biden administration that only serves as further proof they have no shame,’ Sen. Roger Wicker (R-Miss.), the bill’s sponsor, told The Post — denouncing the move as ‘outrageous, behind-the-scenes maneuvering.’
‘Leaving the border open to terrorists while selling border security materials at a loss is Bidenomics in a nutshell,’ said Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), a co-sponsor.
‘The pennies made from selling the border wall will not be enough to pay the families who suffer from a criminal act committed by someone who crossed our open borders during the Biden administration,’ railed Oklahoma Sen. James Lankford.
Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) called the fire sale ‘reckless.’ ‘Our borders continue to be overrun by an unprecedented number of illegal immigrants, turning every district into a border district, and compromising our national security,’ Stefanik said …
Rep. Juan Ciscomani (R-Ariz.), who represents the border district where the auctioned wall components have been sitting idle, slammed Biden for his ‘refusal to act.’
‘The federal government needs to be utilizing every tool in the toolbox to secure our border,’ Ciscomani said. ‘Instead of putting these materials to their intended use, they have been squandered, first collecting dust in the desert and now being auctioned off.’”
Open Border Policy Is the Antithesis of Humanitarianism
Those who argue that an open border policy is somehow a humanitarian policy clearly do not understand how this policy works and impacts people in the real world. Migrants face violence, sexual assault, extortion and robbery along their journey.
An unknown number of children are also being trafficked into the U.S. and sold into slavery and the sex trade. The estimated revenues from human trafficking in 2022 alone was $13 billion.4
The uncontrolled influx of illegals also puts an enormous strain on local communities, all of which have limited resources. In New York City, for example, more than 10,000 illegal migrants arrive each month, demanding shelter, meals, social services and education.5,6
In May 2023, NYC Mayor Eric Adams announced that nearly half of all NYC hotel rooms were occupied by illegal immigrants,7 and according to news reports, rooms were being trashed in “free-for-alls” involving drugs, sex and violence.8,9,10
The city is reportedly reimbursing hotels more than $300 a night per room,11 and taxpayers are, of course, paying for that too, while the city is slashing services in an effort to balance the budget.
In July, migrants started setting up a tent city under the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway,12 and in mid-August, a tent city large enough to shelter 1,000 people was set up on the grounds of the Creedmoor Psychiatric Center in Queens.13
Rep. Nicole Malliotakis, R-SI/Brooklyn, who is trying to prevent migrant shelters from being erected in the city’s parks and military sites, told the New York Post,14 “President Biden has no regard for taxpayer dollars — or how his open border is bankrupting communities across the country that are footing the bill for his failures.”
Lack of work, housing and food, in turn, end up fueling crime and make American communities less safe and more inhospitable.15
Open Border Policy Enables Human Trafficking and Slavery
The trafficking of children is perhaps the most disturbing part of this crisis. As of April 2023, the U.S. Office of Refugee Settlement had lost track of a staggering 85,000 unaccompanied migrant children who entered the U.S. in the previous two years.16 Where are they? What happened to them? Who has them?
As Yuma County Sheriff L.N. Wilmot told Kennedy, children are being exploited because of this open border policy, and there is absolutely nothing humane about that. Sponsors or recipients of these children are not even vetted to make sure the children are not being funneled directly into some pedophile ring or illicit business.
Many migrants also die along the way. According to Jeff Ruby, director and security officer of the Marine Corps Air Station in Yuma, the annual average of dead migrants found on the Western Barry Goldwater Range, which is right next to the border, was between five and 15. In 2022, there were 50 — the highest ever.
Yuma Mayor Douglas Nicholls explains how the cartels will intentionally direct large groups of migrants to make this treacherous multiday journey through the desert to distract border patrol from drug smugglers making their way to the border using another route.
In 2022 alone, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) seized 379 million doses of fentanyl being smuggled across the border. Cartels also use this diversion technique when smuggling in gang members and terrorists.
Illegal Migrant City Being Erected in Texas
To learn more about the reality at the southern border, check out the work of war correspondent and former Green Beret Michael Yon on cis.org, X/Twitter and Substack. Yon has spent the better part of this year investigating, recording and reporting on the border crisis.
Yon is one of the few who is reporting on the private construction of a 55,000-acre “Colonia” (colony) to house 200,000 illegals near Plum Grove, Texas.17,18 He discusses this in the Redacted interview above.
Yon’s investigation has also revealed that the U.S. government and the United Nations are funding, facilitating and encouraging the illegal immigration, handing out rape kits and maps showing the best routes and crossing areas.
How to Solve This Humanitarian Crisis
Can a President solve this problem and put an end to this humanitarian crisis? Absolutely. Key solutions gathered by Kennedy include:
Finish key sections of the border wall
Technology to secure the border and aid in border agent response to illegal incursions
A legal pathway for asylum seekers
Kennedy envisions an immigration policy of “tall walls and wide gates.” Meaning, illegal border crossings are eliminated, while those who want to come here have a legal and expeditious way to seek and be granted work permits, residency or citizenship. In closing, Kennedy says:
“I’ve come to understand that the open border policy is just a way of funding a multi-billion dollar drug and human trafficking operation for the Mexican drug cartels.
When I’m president, I will secure the border, which will end the cartels’ drug-trafficking economy, and I will build wide doors for those who wish to enter legally so that the United States can continue to be a beacon to the world …”
China cloned three ‘Super Cows’Image credits- Unsplash
China achieves a cloning breakthrough with the creation of three ‘super cows.’
Animal cloning is mainly used to improve the quality and productivity of livestock, as well as for conducting research in the field of biotechnology.
Earlier, China cloned various species, including cattle, sheep, pigs, horses and even pets.
Chinese scientists have successfully cloned three cows that can produce an unusually high amount of milk, state media reported. According to researchers, these cloned cows are capable of producing 50% more milk than the average American cow.
Scientists sampled tissues from cows across China and used what’s called the somatic cell nuclear transfer method, which involves taking the nucleus from a body cell of the animal to be cloned and transferring it into a donated egg cell. Then embryos were placed inside surrogate cows.
The cloning experiment began last year at the Northwest University of Agricultural and Forestry Science and Technology in Shaanxi, China. The three calves, bred by scientists, were born in the Ningxia region in the weeks leading up to the Lunar New Year on January 23. These calves were cloned from highly productive cows from the Holstein Friesian breed, which originated in the Netherlands. According to Chinese state media, the chosen animals are capable of producing 18 tons of milk per year, which is nearly 1.7 times the amount of milk an average cow in the United States produces.
Jin Yaping, the lead scientist called this a birth of ‘super cows.’ Furthermore, he said, this breakthrough has great significance for China to concentrate and preserve in an economically feasible way the very best cows in the country, and ‘super cows’ are efforts to revitalize its agricultural sector with breeder animals.
For dairy cows, China is 70% reliant on overseas purchases. According to Global Times, China has roughly 6.6 million cows, however, only about 5 in 10,000 such cattle in China are highly productive.
According to Jin Yaping, this new cloning method means, that people can preserve the genes of these super cows in a timely manner and these cows can provide an excellent resource for future breeding.
Further, he said, “Using cloning technology alone won’t have any economic meaning, and the combination of tapping reproductive technology and using low-productive cows as surrogates allowed us to reproduce 20 more offspring compared with just using cloning for a given time period.”
Cloning in China — a game-changer for the agriculture industry?
China has made remarkable progress in the field of animal cloning in recent years, using advanced techniques to clone various species, including cattle, sheep, pigs, and even pets. The purpose of animal cloning in China is multifaceted and ranges from improving the quality and productivity of livestock to conducting scientific research in the field of biotechnology.
In terms of improving livestock, animal cloning has the potential to increase the efficiency of food production, as well as enhance the quality and taste of meat and dairy products. This has led to increased investment in the field of animal cloning in China, as the country seeks to meet the growing demand for food from its rapidly expanding population.
However, the use of animal cloning in China is not without its challenges and controversies. There are concerns about the health and welfare of cloned animals, as well as the potential impact of technology on the environment. Additionally, there are ongoing debates about the ethical considerations surrounding the use of cloning, including the long-term consequences and potential risks.
Despite these challenges, China continues to make significant strides in the field of animal cloning, investing in research and development to advance the technology. The future of animal cloning in China remains uncertain, but it is clear that the country is at the forefront of this rapidly evolving field and is poised to play a significant role in shaping its future.
The term “technocracy” is nothing new to our political lexicon. It’s been around for decades and is commonly associated with totalitarian leftist regimes who appoint technical elitist “experts” to manage specialized sectors of their regime’s military, economy, and other civil sectors. A technocracy’s effect is to nullify the will of the people.
The first of such modern regimes was arguably the National Socialist German Workers Party (aka the Nazi Party). Minister of Armaments Albert Speer was among Hitler’s finest and most prized technocrats. In recent years, Speer’s role has been overshadowed by diabolical agents with more obvious blood on their hands, such as Adolf Eichman, Rudolph Hess, Hermann Goering, and others.
However, Speer was central to Hitler’s vision for Germany. He laid out grandiose architectural plans for the Third Reich’s capital and kept the bulk of the German armaments machine running, even as the lights dimmed around Hitler’s failed vision of a thousand-year reign of unopposed power. He was no less diabolical than his peers.
Since WWII, people have pondered and debated how it was possible for Germans, considered among the world’s most cultured and educated people, to fall in line with the Nazi agenda. After the war, Speer offered insights that are also warnings to Democrats’ technocratic aspirations.
When Germany surrendered, Speer was brought to the ancient German city of Nuremberg, where he was put on trial for crimes against humanity along with twenty-four others. After much deliberation between the tribunal, he was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment at Spandau prison in Berlin. It was a slap on the wrist sentence compared to other regime members who stood trial and received death sentences.
When Speer’s trial neared its conclusion, his final testimony included information explaining how the Nazi regime effectively won the hearts and minds of the bulk of the German population after the nation’s economic and cultural decline following WWI. He also issued a stern warning to the victorious democratic nations that were already building large bureaucratic departments that were overseen by the proto-technocrats of their day.
(Keep in mind that America had a head start on this project: During the 1930s, Roosevelt’s New Deal transformed the American federal government by adding nearly seventy megalithic bureaucracies to the Federal government, permanently transforming America’s governing system. This transformation began the process of convincing many well-meaning Americans that “the bigger the government, the better,” and conditioned Americans to embrace large bureaucratic agencies run by technocrats.)
Speer spoke the following:
Hitler’s dictatorship was the first dictatorship of an industrial state in this age of modern technology, a dictatorship which employed to perfection the instruments of technology to dominate its own people…
By means of such instruments of technology as the radio and public-address systems, eighty million persons could be made subject to the will of one individual. Telephone, teletype, and radio made it possible to transmit the commands of the highest levels directly to the lowest organs where because of their high authority they were executed uncritically.
Thus, many offices and squads received their evil commands in this direct manner. The instruments of technology made it possible to maintain a close watch over all citizens and to keep criminal operations shrouded in a high degree of secrecy.
To the outsider this state apparatus may look like the seemingly wild tangle of cables in a telephone exchange; but like such an exchange it could be directed by a single will. Dictatorships of the past needed assistants of high quality in the lower ranks of the leadership also-men who could think and act independently.
The authoritarian system in the age of technology can do without such men. The means of communication alone enable it to mechanize the work of the lower leadership. Thus, the type of uncritical receiver of orders is created.
Speer explained that, while Hitler was the first to employ the tools of authoritarian control to carry out his regime’s crimes, as technology developed after the war, other technocratic dictatorships would pose an even greater threat to humanity:
The more technological the world becomes, the greater is the danger…As the former minister in charge of a highly developed armaments economy it is my last duty to state: Every country in the world may be dominated by technology; but in a modern dictatorship this seems to me to be unavoidable. Therefore, the more technological the world becomes, the more essential will be the demand for individual freedom and the self-awareness of the individual human being as a counterpoise to technology.
In 2023, America is witnessing an ever-encroaching government composed of unelected and unrestricted technocrats who are increasingly running, or perhaps, ruining, ordinary Americans’ lives. Therefore, it pays to take a lesson from one of history’s most evil technocratic regimes and its chief architect.
Speers’ words from his final testimony should chill any reader who favors a free society. We already see how the dozens of huge bureaucracies routinely roll over Americans’ constitutional rights, imposing their collective wills upon the people without regard to our ostensibly representational government.
Moreover, this rogue bureaucracy is allied with Big Tech’s spiderweb. Both big tech and the Deep State are composed of radical leftist ideological factions who believe in their absolute right to censor any view or opinion that runs contrary to a far-left narrative. No wonder, then, that we are witnessing a government, press corps, and common culture run amok with the Marxist-Woke mind virus.
The big question is whether there are enough freedom-loving Americans left to defeat this anti-freedom system of governing. After all, the bureaucratic state about which the evil Speer warned has already successfully entrenched itself into the fabric of the American way of life.
It’s urgent that Americans understand that their liberties are being held hostage by technocratic elites. They must immediately begin the process of reclaiming their ancient rights before it’s too late. That means using all legal means possible to oppose the government and technological alliance that works to subvert the will of We, the People, America’s true rulers.
Why is the IRS Buying .40-Caliber Submachine Guns?
The weaponization and militarization of the federal government continues unabated as Congress and the states sit back and do nothing
When the corporate media asked the IRS why it needed automatic weapons, millions of rounds of ammunition and heavily armed staffers trained in the “use of deadly force,” they said it was for “administrative reasons.”
But we now know that the globalists are not just arming the IRS, along with just about every other federal agency. They are militarizing these agencies to the hilt with military-grade weapons not available to American citizens.
Why, for instance, would the IRS need armored vehicles, flash-bang grenades loaded with tear gas, and .40-caliber submachine guns?
The IRS has been arming up for at least ten years. At the end of 2017, the IRS had 4,487 firearms and 5,062,006 rounds of ammunition in its weapons cache, according to an August 8, 2022, Forbes article, “Inflation Reduction Act Unleashes A Tougher IRS.” You can bet they’ve got a lot more than that stored up six years later in 2023.
The video below by Mark Gifford, a pastor from Lee’s Summit, Missouri, who runs the God Family and Guns YouTube channel, explains why this militarization is taking place.
The IRS has been steppng up its purchases of guns and ammunition even more over the last two years, gobbling up nearly $700,000 in ammo in early 2022. That bulk purchase prompted Representatives Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and Jeff Duncan (R-SC) to introduce the “Disarm the IRS Act,” to prohibit the IRS from buying ammunition. Of course, this bill was dead on arrival because the Uniparty in Washington, which includes all Democrats and a solid majority of Republicans, are all for a militarized federal government. They hate Americans and do not represent Americans. They are globalists whose allegiance is to the military-industrial-biosecurity complex.
The Small Business Administration has also made bulk purchases of guns and ammo. Health and Human Services has done the same. (Emphasis added)
Is the federal government preparing for all-out war against Americans who push back against the government-media-approved messaging on pandemics, our involvement in perpetual foreign wars and other globalist policies?
You get the sense that maybe, just maybe, enough of us are waking up that the globalists are preparing to silence us once and for all, and the only way to complete that task is by force? All it would take is to make an example out of a few dozen, maybe a few hundred outspoken conservatives. The goal going forward would be to criminalize all speech that contradicts the messaging coming out of the government and its corporate partners. At that point, the globalists’ hope would be for conservatives to start turning on each other out of fear that they could be next. Cut a deal to turn in a fellow conservative, thereby saving your own skin from the reign of terror. This is how life goes down under fascist regimes like the one now in power, so don’t be surprised if they move in this direction. It would probably happen after they steal yet another election in November 2024. They monitor everyone’s online speech so it would be easy to pull off. They make some high-profile arrests and incentivize people to turn on each other. This would be especially effective in a time of economic hardship when people have hungry family members. Turn in a neighbor on false charges and get a month’s worth of food delivered to your door.
The indictments of Trump supporters in Georgia and Michigan have already sent a chilling message. But the deep state is moving on more than that one front. They’ve also been arresting pro-life protesters and throwing the book at them, prosecuting them under the corrupt FACE Act. Protesting abortion has been a mainstay of American life since the early 1970s. Now the government is cracking down and sending messages that things are different. Such protests will no longer be tolerated.
A jury on Tuesday found five pro-life activists guilty of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act and conspiracy against rights. They were immediately incarcerated following the verdict and could face more than a decade in prison for their efforts to prevent women from killing their preborn babies.
Did you catch that? You can now get 10 years or more for peacefully praying with and counseling women outside of an abortion clinic. The article goes on to explain that these pro-life Americans were considered by the judge to have committed a “crime of violence” simply for holding pro-life views and being willing to share them publicly in proximity to a baby-butchering clinic. The irony is hard to miss.
In the month of August alone, four Americans had their homes broken into and invaded in pre-dawn raids by the FBI, which in each case executed the suspect in cold blood. One case involved a 100 percent disabled U.S. military veteran in Henderson, Tennessee, who was unarmed at the time he was shot on August 16. Another case involved a 74-year-old man in Provo, Utah, who was obese and unable to walk without a cane but he was shot dead by the FBI on August 9.
From what I can tell, none of these poor souls posed any sort of imminent threat to their families or communities. The Utah man posted threats against Biden on his Facebook page, but clearly lacked the ability to carry them out. The feds could have arrested the guy peacefully while he was pulling out of his driveway. But no, they needed to make a statement.
After enough Americans are executed in this fashion, and fear of speaking out becomes ingrained in society, I can see a day, perhaps sooner than we think, when political dissidents will simply disappear. No one will know what happened to them as they vanish into the gulag.
The situation is growing more serious with each new episode. The best way to stop this troubling trend from expanding is for more people to speak out even more boldly than ever. Stay peaceful but do not hold back your verbal opinions. They cannot kill or arrest us all. There is strength in numbers. Pray for peace and for more time before the inevitable societal collapse goes down. I sense that people aren’t ready for what’s coming. Even if they are waking up, they aren’t ready for a reality in which they are declared criminals simply for something they said or wrote.
LeoHohmann.com runs on donations from you, my readers. Unlike the corporate media, I receive no advertisements from Big Pharma or any other corporation, nor do I receive any government grants or anything from nonprofit benefactors. If you appreciate my work, I could really use your support. You may send a contribution of any size c/o Leo Hohmann, P.O. Box 291, Newnan, GA 30264, or via credit card below. Thanks so much.
California’s government has updated its Covid safety website with protocols that set the stage for pandemic-era restrictions on daily life. The website advised that “California’s COVID-19 State of Emergency is over, but COVID-19 has not gone away,” and admonished that we need to keep taking steps to prevent the spread. The document promotes self-isolation, mask-wearing, digital vaccine records, and more. The federal government took steps to enact Covid lockdowns that were to begin with incremental restrictions next month, but it has retreated due to push back.Texas: On September 1, local governments will be prohibited from requiring COVID-related masks, vaccines, or business shutdowns. However, Senate Bill 29 does not restrict private entities from enforcing their own rules.
.California’s government has updated its Covid safety website with protocols that set the stage for pandemic-era restrictions on daily life.
“California’s COVID-19 State of Emergency is over, but COVID-19 has not gone away,” reads the opening statement on the safety measures page. “To safely go about our daily lives, we need to keep taking steps to prevent the spread.”
The page goes on to promote self-isolation, mask-wearing & digital vaccine records, and more.
There’s even a “Do’s and don’ts for daily life.”
This rush to normalize biometric tyranny comes alongside Alex Jones’ scoop that the feds are setting the stage for full Covid lockdowns that will begin with incremental restrictions next month.
If implemented as planned, CBDCs will end federalism, crush the U.S. Constitution, destroy the existing banking/financial system and slam dunk Technocracy into place. You don’t want to go along with this? You will be debanked, defunded and thrown out of economic life until you decide to comply. It’s a roundabout way to say “inclusive”. ⁃ TN Editor
In March 2022, President Biden signed an Executive Order directing government agencies to urgently research and develop a potential US central bank digital currency (CBDC) “in a manner that protects Americans’ interests.” It also encouraged the Federal Reserve Bank to continue doing so. And it isn’t just the Biden Administration in the United States working in such a direction.
As of the time of writing, CBDCTracker.org lists three countries or regions with retail CBDCs already “launched” (Bahamas, Jamaica and Nigeria), another five in “pilot” stage, and another twenty in “proof of concept” stage. Many more have at least researched wholesale CBDCs. (“Wholesale” CBDCs are intended for commercial and central bank use and the like, while “retail” CBDCs are intended for the rest of us). A report by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) released just this month summarizes the results of a survey of 86 central banks and concludes that “there could be 15 retail and nine wholesale CBDCs publicly circulating in 2030.”
When you read statements from high-level officials of the BIS, central banks, and governments, you get the impression that CBDCs are an exciting development in the evolution of money. The BIS, for example, calls them “a new tool in the financial inclusion toolkit.” An op-ed co-authored by BIS General Manager Agustín Carstens and Queen Máxima of the Netherlands frames them in the title as “CBDCs for the people.” An IMF working paper asserts that CBDCs can “bank large unbanked populations” in developing countries.
Unpopular and risky
But when a CBDC was thrust upon the Nigerian people, adoption rates were abysmal at best (below 0.5 percent even a year after its launch), and Nigerians took to the streets to demand access to cash. CBDCs are widely unpopular in the United States as well. A CATO Institute national survey published just in May found that only 16 percent of Americans support the idea, and over twice as many (34 percent) oppose it. 78 percent responded that if a CBDC were offered, they would be unlikely to use it altogether. As for partisanship, while Democrats were twice as likely to support a CBDC than Republicans (22 percent for Democrats, 11 percent for Republicans), just as many Democrats oppose it, and the remaining 56 percent respond that they “don’t know.”
Risks CBDCs present include the loss of settlement finality that comes with physical cash (as abandoning cash accompanies the push for CBDCs), loss of financial privacy, easy seizure of assets, loss of the ability to resolve problems at a local level with a commercial bank (as it would be doubtful that a central bank would come to be known for its customer service), outright prohibition on spending or purchase limits with certain merchants or on certain products, and (perhaps most importantly) the paradigm shift from money as an exercise of economic freedom to one of social engineering by central banks and their respective governments. The latter could manifest itself in various ways, including (to name just a few) negative interest rates (essentially a confiscation of one’s savings), the expiry of one’s money (with a date determined by the issuing central bank or its government) — or even discouraging the consumption of products like gasoline, plane tickets or red meat in order to enforce a climate agenda.
Another CATO resource dedicated to identifying the risks of CBDCs rightly points out that a CBDC could reduce credit availability, disintermediate banks, and challenge the rise of cryptocurrencies. And all this is to say nothing of how businesses operating legally under state law would be treated by central banks when those very same economic activities are illegal under federal law. Even at present (with no CBDC yet launched in the United States), businesses working in the cannabis industry struggle to obtain and maintain bank accounts as many of the commercial banks are federally regulated. Are we really supposed to believe that the Federal Reserve would be more accommodating for cannabis businesses? It is difficult to imagine how CBDCs would not radically undermine federalism.
Finally, the increased surveillance also has a chilling effect on the public – even for legal activities. Enjoy vice (gambling, pornography)? Want to buy a gun? Now maybe you avoid living your life as you presently do.
Hardly inclusive
A quick trip down memory lane demonstrates how the debanking of legally-operating banked businesses in action has historically manifested. An Obama-era Justice Department operation called ‘Operation Choke Point’ targeted gun retailers, payday lenders, and the like beginning in 2013 not by charging the employees or owners of those businesses with actual crimes, but by upping the cost for banks to provide banking services to them, reminding those banks of their obligations under the Bank Secrecy Act and anti-money laundering (BSA/AML) regulations and the penalties for non-compliance. The result was (not surprisingly) the debanking of banked people and companies.
More recently, crypto has entered into the crosshairs, with regulators shutting down commercial banks that provide financial services to crypto companies. This latter operation was appropriately coined ‘Operation Choke Point 2.0’ by Nic Carter who draws parallels to the first operation.
The timing of a global CBDC initiative is also suspicious given the present cultural and political climate of “canceling” people with dissenting opinions and of Big Tech’s alignment with government to orchestrate something that resembles more of a PsyOp than “public health” as we have traditionally known it (as evidence from a FOIA request revealed).
Even if you think that a CBDC is a good idea, consider that its power may be turned against you when the political pendulum shifts in your direction and your views or activities are suddenly considered taboo or illegal by those in power. Real financial inclusion requires an economic system where financial censorship is harder to accomplish in the first place. (Paper cash and Bitcoin help here).
Oh, and by the way, the BIS itself calls physical cash “the most inclusive form of money we currently have.” With all the talk of financial inclusion, the global push to phase it out is, well, ironic. SEC Chair Gary Gensler was right when he declared that “we already have digital currency. It’s called the US dollar.” We can address the many shortcomings of the traditional financial system without introducing another digital dollar in the form of a CBDC.
The vast power that a CBDC would place in the hands of a nation state or its central bank points in the direction of an unprecedented level of financial surveillance, censorship, and potentially debanking the banked whenever it may serve certain political objectives. Thus, it is hardly an understatement to say that we are at a crossroads for civilization.
We would also be wise to consider the words of FA Hayek, from The Road to Serfdom:
Economic control is not merely control of a sector of human life which can be separated from the rest; it is the control of the means for all our ends. And whoever has sole control of the means must also determine which ends are to be served, which values are to be rated higher and which lower—in short, what men should believe and strive for.