What Are You Breathing In???

The Military Routinely Disperses Aluminum-Coated Fiberglass Into the Air

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola 
military disperses fiberglass in air


  • Militaries around the world routinely disperse tiny bits of aluminum-coated fiberglass and plastic — known as “chaff” — into the air column, to shield aircraft and ships from enemy radar
  • Chaff has been used for decades, without clear evidence that it’s safe for humans and the environment
  • In response to a United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report issued in August 2021, the U.N. announced it’s considering spraying sulfate aerosols into the Earth’s stratosphere to modify climate. The tiny reflective particles would act as reflectors, bouncing sunlight back into space instead of onto the Earth’s surface
  • The U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is using “climate science” as a vehicle to promote socialist ideology
  • According to Dane Wigington, founder of Geoengineeringwatch.org, the risks of geoengineering are so immense, it poses an extinction-level threat to humanity, and the window of opportunity to save ourselves is rapidly closing

In addition to the weather modification1 going on around the world, militaries around the world are also routinely dispersing tiny bits of aluminum-coated fiberglass and plastic — known as “chaff” — into the air column, to shield aircraft and ships from enemy radar.2 Not surprisingly, this has been done for decades, without clear evidence that it’s safe for humans and the environment.

According to a 1998 General Accounting Office report3 and a 1999 follow-up report4 by the Naval Research Laboratory, the environmental, human and agricultural impacts of chaff used in military training scenarios at the time were “negligible and far less than those from other man-made emissions,” but does that really mean it’s safe? As explained in a 2001 Navy Medicine paper:5

“Radiofrequency (RF) chaff is an electronic countermeasure designed to reflect radar waves and obscure planes, ships, and other assets from radar tracking sources.

Chaff consists of aluminum-coated glass fibers (also referred to as dipoles) ranging in lengths from 0.8 to 0.75 cm. Chaff is released or dispensed from military vehicles in cartridges or projectiles that contain millions of dipoles.

When deployed, a diffuse cloud of dipoles is formed that is undetectable to the human eye. Chaff is a very light material that can remain suspended in air anywhere from 10 minutes to 10 hours and can travel considerable distances from its release point, depending on prevailing atmospheric conditions.

Training for military personnel, particularly aircraft pilots, in the use of chaff is necessary to deploy this electronic countermeasure effectively. As with most acquired skills, the deployment of chaff must be maintained by practicing in-flight release during training.

It is estimated that the U.S. Armed Forces dispense about 500 tons of chaff per year, with most chaff being released during training exercises within the continental United States.”

Is Chaff Safe?

According to the Naval Medicine investigation, inhalation of whole, intact chaff fibers pose “no risk” to humans due to their larger size. “If inhaled, dipoles are predicted to deposit in the nose, mouth, or trachea and are either swallowed or expelled,” the paper states.6

Note the use of the word “predicted,” however. Predictions are not evidence. They’re basically guessing. Open questions also remain about what happens when the fibers degrade.

“Several investigations have demonstrated that Al-coated dipoles are resistant to weathering and breakdown under desert conditions,” the paper states.7

“A 1977 US Navy-sponsored a study found no evidence to indicate that chaff degrades significantly or quickly in water from the Chesapeake Bay nor did this material leach significant amounts of aluminum into the Bay.

A recent study by our group found no evidence that 25 years of chaff operations at the Naval Research Laboratory detachment at Chesapeake Beach, MD resulted in a significant increase in sediment or soil aluminum concentrations (Wilson et al 2000).

However, additional studies are needed to determine the half-life of chaff dipoles in various soils and environmental conditions and whether dipoles breakdown to respirable particles …

Although there is no definitive evidence from the epidemiological literature that chaff exposure is not harmful, there is epidemiological information available on workers involved in the glass fiber manufacturing industry. Data from these studies suggests that exposure to fibrous glass is not associated with increased risk of death from respiratory disease.”

The problem with that is that fiberglass workers are equipped with protective gear, including respirators, Tyvek suits and safety goggles8 — gear that normal people don’t wear when they’re out and about. All this tells us is that chaff is unlikely to cause harm to public health, provided people are wearing respirators, which they don’t.

Remarkably, not much beyond these three reports exist. While all admitted the need for continued research, none appears to have been published, so there’s really no telling what the real-world impact might be. That said, common sense tells us that air dispersed aluminum and fiberglass is highly likely to have some sort of impact on the environment and human health.

Geoengineering Has Been Going on for Decades

Aluminum and fiberglass are not the only toxins being sprayed across our skies. As detailed by Dane Wigington, founder of Geoengineeringwatch.org, weather modification, also known as geoengineering, in which various toxic metals and chemicals are dispersed at high altitude, has been going on for more than 70 years, and is increasing rather than declining.

In response to a United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report issued in August 2021,9,10 which called for radical measures to prevent further global warming, the Biden Administration launched a research effort in 2022 to determine the most effective way to dim the sun.11

One proposal involves injecting sulfur dioxide aerosols into the Earth’s stratosphere. The tiny reflective particles would bounce sunlight back into space instead of onto the Earth’s surface.12 According to Harvard researchers,13 this strategy is not only “technically possible” but also “remarkably inexpensive,” having a price tag that is “well within the reach of several nations.”

Earth’s climate is largely controlled by how much solar radiation reaches the Earth and how much is absorbed by its surface or reradiated to space. Cloud coverage and greenhouse gasses are examples of factors that influence the reflectance of solar radiation.14

“If geoengineering proposals are to influence global climate in any meaningful way, they must intentionally alter the relative influence of one of these controlling mechanisms,” Britannica explains.15

The U.N. report mentions solar radiation management and greenhouse gas removal as forms of geoengineering.16 Sulfate aerosols fall into the solar radiation management category. By reflecting more solar radiation back into space, the aerosols lower global temperatures but also have a serious “side effect” — they lower average precipitation.

As a result, additional geoengineering techniques — such as thinning out cirrus clouds in the upper atmosphere — would be necessary to counteract the decrease in precipitation. What could possibly go wrong?

Supercomputers have run models to predict how solar radiation management may affect different parts of the Earth, not only in terms of temperature but also rainfall and snowfall. Report author Govindasamy Bala, from the Indian Institute of Science, said “the science is there,”17 but it’s far from an exact one.

“I think the next big question,” Bala told Reuters, “is, do you want to do it? … That involves uncertainty, moral issues, ethical issues and governance.” As Reuters reported, “That’s because every region would be affected differently. While some regions could gain in an artificially cooler world, others could suffer by, for example, no longer having conditions to grow crops.”18

‘Catastrophic Risks’

Three months after the IPCC published its panic-inciting report, Australian and British researchers published an original research article warning that stratospheric aerosol injection carries “catastrophic risks” that may well lead us into “a fate worse than [global] warming”:19

“Injecting particles into atmosphere to reflect sunlight, stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI), represents a potential technological solution to the threat of climate change. But could the cure be worse than the disease? …

SAI plausibly interacts with other catastrophic calamities, most notably by potentially exacerbating the impacts of nuclear war or an extreme space weather event. SAI could contribute to systemic risk by introducing stressors into critical systems such as agriculture.

SAI’s systemic stressors, and risks of systemic cascades and synchronous failures, are highly understudied. SAI deployment more tightly couples different ecological, economic, and political systems. This creates a precarious condition of latent risk, the largest cause for concern …

A well-coordinated use of a small amount of SAI would incur negligible risks, but this is an optimistic scenario. Conversely, larger use of SAI used in an uncoordinated manner poses many potential dangers. We cannot equivocally determine whether SAI will be worse than warming. For now, a heavy reliance on SAI seems an imprudent policy response.”

In June 2023, the European Commission put out a call for “international talks on the dangers and governance of geoengineering,” warning that geoengineering schemes aimed at altering the global climate pose “unacceptable” risks. During a news conference, EU climate policy chief Frans Timmermans stated:

“Nobody should be conducting experiments alone with our shared planet. This should be discussed in the right forum, at the highest international level.”

Time will tell whether such talks ever take place. In September 2023, the Climate Overshoot Commission, chaired by Pascal Lamy, a former World Trade Organization chief, called for a worldwide moratorium on solar radiation modification experiments “that would carry risk of significant transboundary harm,” and to focus instead on strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.20,21 But, as of yet, no such moratorium has been agreed upon.

Socialist Ideology, Not Climate Science

Zuzana Janosova Den Boer experienced Communist rule in Czechoslovakia before moving to Canada. In her article, “I Survived Communism — Are You Ready for Your Turn?” she detailed the “all-too familiar signs of the same propaganda” starting to permeate her adopted country.22

In relation to geoengineering, she points out that communism has been subverting the environmentalist movement since the 1970s, when then-chairman of the Communist Party USA, Gus Hall, published a book called “Ecology,” in which he stated:23

“Human society cannot basically stop the destruction of the environment under capitalism. Socialism is the only structure that makes it possible … We must be the organizers, the leaders of these movements.”

Den Boer writes:24

“This idea was incorporated into the U.S. Green Party program in 1989 … in which the fictitious threats of ‘global warming’ and ‘climate change’ are used to scare the public into believing humanity must ‘save the planet’:

‘This urgency, along with other Green issues and themes it interrelates, makes confronting the greenhouse [effect] a powerful organizing tool … Survival is highly motivating, and may help us to build a mass movement that will lead to large-scale political and societal change in a very short time …

First of all, we [must] inform the public that the crisis is more immediate and severe than [they] are being told, [that] its implications are too great to wait for the universal scientific confirmation that only eco-catastrophe would establish.’”

The U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Den Boer suggests, is promoting not climate science but socialist ideology, citing as evidence comments made by Ottmar Georg Edenhofer, former co-chair of the IPCC Working Group III, who in a 2010 interview stated that climate issues are about economics, and that:25

“We must free ourselves from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy … We must state clearly that we use climate policy de facto to redistribute the world’s wealth.”

Geoengineering Poses Extinction-Level Threat to Humanity

Even without factoring in social control, the practical risks of geoengineering are impossible to ignore. According to scientific studies, the particulates dispersed during these geoengineering events “shred” the ozone layer. They also disrupt the hydrological (rain) cycle, which leads to another host of downstream effects, and this is in addition to spreading toxins across the entire planet surface.

So, while some of the planet might benefit from these programs, other parts could be decimated by droughts, raging forest fires, flooding or storms. Moreover, while global cooling is the stated aim of most of these geoengineering programs, as the planet warms, the laws of physics state you need more precipitation to cool it, not less, because the atmosphere carries more moisture as the temperature rises.

To cool the planet, you need to create more rain, but these programs have resulted in less rain, and the reason for the reduction in rain fall is due to the particulates in the atmosphere. In addition to deflecting heat from the outside, these particles also trap heat down below, making the overall heating of the planet massively worse.

The risks are so immense, Wigington warns geoengineering already poses an extinction-level threat to humanity. The window of opportunity to save ourselves is rapidly closing.

Unfortunately, if people really understood the totality of the situation — not just that the climate is being manipulated, but that as a result, the global climate systems have deteriorated to the point that the entire Earth is in serious trouble; in short, that these programs may have created a runaway extinction event — the emotional impact might be too great to bear for many. Wigington addressed this in an interview I did with him back in 2016:

“Our situation is far more severe than most people have any understanding of,” he said. “Climate engineering is making the situation worse, not better.

So [they must] try to keep the population from panicking because of the severity and immediacy of the climate implosion, and keep the population in the dark because the climate intervention programs have helped to accelerate this process and toxified every single one of us in the process.

Every single human subject we test is packed full of aluminum, barium — all the heavy metals we know are associated with these programs. It doesn’t matter where they live.

And we know it’s coming down in the precipitation in unimaginable quantities — quantities enough to change soil pH values in the Pacific Northwest 10 to 12 times total alkaline — that’s an unimaginable amount of metal coming down in the rain.

If populations understood, truly, what’s been done to them, what’s been done to the planet … they’d be taking to the streets with pitchforks and torches all over the globe.”

California Aquatic and Terrestrial Insect Life Has Been Decimated

Geoengineeringwatch.org lists a number of lab tests that have been performed on rain water, air sample and more, and their results. You can find them under the Tests section.

“In regard to the effect in the environment, in Northern California alone … what we’ve seen in the last decade … is a 90% decline in aquatic and terrestrial insect life — a virtual crash,” Wigington told me in 2016.

“There’s so much aluminum coming down the precipitation, affecting the soil pH, and — this is very important — the UV radiation level is off the charts, and that we can link directly to climate engineering … We’re seeing UVB levels about 1,000% higher than we’re being told. It’s burning the bark off of trees. It’s killing plankton. It’s affecting insect life …

[It increases UVB radiation] because it shreds the natural protection for the planet. When you put a particle in the atmosphere, it doesn’t matter whether it’s from a back of a jet or a volcano; it causes a chemical reaction in the atmosphere that destroys ozone. Period. So the more of these particles you put in the atmosphere, the more rapid the ozone destruction is.”

With all of that in mind, it’s highly unlikely that military chaff dispersements have no negative impact. An argument could be made that chaff is too important of a defense system to get rid of, and that may be true. But the climate-specific engineering is another matter altogether.

In years past, it was kept hush-hush, and dismissed as a conspiracy theory. Since then, however, governments around the world, and international bodies like the U.N. have become quite open about the use of geoengineering for climate control, and if the global public does not push back against these efforts, we might not survive to regret it.

Geoengineeringwatch.org has a list of action items you can review if you want to get involved and get the word out. I also recommend watching Wigington’s documentary “The Dimming,” below, to learn more.


Who Owns the American Farmland?

As Chinese Purchases Of US Farmland Soar, It’s Impossible To Track How Much It Owns

Bloomberg noted that America “is seeing more and more of its most fertile land snapped up by China and other foreign buyers.” It is difficult to know just how much farmland China has bought due to problems with how the US tracks such data. According to Department of Agriculture data, foreign ownership and investment in US farmland, pastures and forests jumped to about 40 million acres in 2021, up 40% from 2016. The USDA’s data is flawed and depends on foreigners self-reporting their activity. Food supply lines may be at risk due to foreigners owning US land.

.The topic of China’s ownership of US farmlands is starting to boil over.

Six months after we reported that a “Bipartisan Bill Aims To Block Chinese Purchase Of US Farmland”, more are starting to pay attention yet as even Bloomberg notes that America “is seeing more and more of its most fertile land snapped up by China and other foreign buyers” the big problem remains: it’s difficult to know just how much farmland China has bought due to problem with how the US tracks such data.

Here’s what we do know: according to Department of Agriculture data foreign ownership and investment in US farmland, pastures and forests jumped to about 40 million acres in 2021, up 40% from 2016; but an analysis conducted by the US Government Accountability Office — a non-partisan watchdog that reports to Congress — found mistakes in the data, including the largest land holding linked with China being counted twice. Other challenges include the USDA’s reliance on foreigners self-reporting their activity.

As a result, foreign ownership of US cropland is drawing attention from Washington as concern rises about possible threats to food supply chains and other national security risks. And, as we reported last summer, lawmakers have called for a crackdown on sales of farmland to China and other nations.


  • Foreign investors own 37.6 million acres of U.S. agricultural land, which is 2.9% of all privately held agricultural land and 1.7% of all U.S. land.
(Source: USDA)

“Without improving its internal processes, USDA cannot report reliable information to Congress or the public about where and how much US agricultural land is held by foreign persons,” the report said.

Read full article here…

from:    https://needtoknow.news/2024/01/as-chinese-purchases-of-us-farmland-soar-its-impossible-to-track-how-much-it-owns/

Trust “The Science” — What “Science”?

Top Harvard Cancer Researchers Accused of Scientific Fraud, 37 Studies Affected

Boston: Several top researchers from the Harvard-affiliated teaching hospital, the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, were accused of manipulating image data (pictures of Western blots) with simple copy-and-past techniques. It is unknown how these manipulations change the outcome of the studies. The Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston has already initiated six retractions to papers and 31 others are in the process of being corrected.

Sholto David, the man who discovered the manipulations, said, “”[W]e only see the tiny tip of the fraud iceberg – image data duplications, the last resort of a failed scientist after every other trick failed to provide the desired result, Billions of dollars were burned for this cancerous trash science, but it made many academic careers, some got very rich, and entire dynasties established themselves at Dana Farber.”

David said on his website that such fraud explains “why the progress in cancer research is so slow despite billions being invested into basic research.”

.Top Harvard cancer researchers, including Dana-Farber Cancer Institute President and CEO Laurie Glimcher, are being accused of faking data and committing scientific fraud.

From Ars Technica, “Top Harvard cancer researchers accused of scientific fraud; 37 studies affected”:

The Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, an affiliate of Harvard Medical School, is seeking to retract six scientific studies and correct 31 others that were published by the institute’s top researchers, including its CEO. The researchers are accused of manipulating data images with simple methods, primarily with copy-and-paste in image editing software, such as Adobe Photoshop.

The accusations come from [British molecular biologist] data sleuth Sholto David and colleagues on PubPeer, an online forum for researchers to discuss publications that has frequently served to spot dubious research and potential fraud. On January 2, David posted on his research integrity blog, For Better Science, a long list of potential data manipulation from DFCI researchers. The post highlighted many data figures that appear to contain pixel-for-pixel duplications. The allegedly manipulated images are of data such as Western blots, which are used to detect and visualize the presence of proteins in a complex mixture. DFCI Research Integrity Officer Barrett Rollins told The Harvard Crimson that David had contacted DFCI with allegations of data manipulation in 57 DFCI-led studies. Rollins said that the institute is “committed to a culture of accountability and integrity,” and that “every inquiry about research integrity is examined fully.”

The allegations are against: DFCI President and CEO Laurie Glimcher, Executive Vice President and COO William Hahn, Senior Vice President for Experimental Medicine Irene Ghobrial, and Harvard Medical School professor Kenneth Anderson.

David said on his website that such fraud explains “why the progress in cancer research is so slow despite billions being invested into basic research.”

David shared dozens of pictures like the one above showing dozens of researchers allegedly copy/pasting and faking their data.

“[W]e only see the tiny tip of the fraud iceberg – image data duplications, the last resort of a failed scientist after every other trick failed to provide the desired result,” David said. “Billions of dollars were burned for this cancerous trash science, but it made many academic careers, some got very rich, and entire dynasties established themselves at Dana Farber.”

Read full article here…

ARS Technica:        https://arstechnica.com/science/2024/01/top-harvard-cancer-researchers-accused-of-scientific-fraud-37-studies-affected/

NY Post:        https://nypost.com/2024/01/22/news/harvard-teaching-hospital-to-retract-papers-by-top-researchers/

from:    https://needtoknow.news/2024/01/top-harvard-cancer-researchers-accused-of-scientific-fraud-37-studies-affected/

Hidden Measures for Vaccination

Bill Gates Says Next-Generation Vaccines to Offer ‘Longer Duration, More Coverage’ and Will Be Administered Needle-Free (VIDEO)

Screenshot: CNBC-TV18/Youtube

At the 54th Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) held from January 15–19, 2024, Bill Gates has sparked skepticism with his recent statements about the future of vaccines.

In an interview with CNBC-TV18’s Shereen Bhan, Gates expressed confidence in the development of next-generation vaccines that promise longer duration, broader coverage, and the shift towards needle-free administration.

“We make sure that for all these vaccines, there’s enough capacity; there’s competition. So the prices keep going down, and we will have new vaccines,” said Gates.

“We’ll have a TB vaccine, malaria vaccine, HIV vaccine, and even the things like COVID vaccines; we need to make them have longer duration, more coverage. And we’re going to change instead of using a needle to use a little patch. So the pandemic really highlighted that we’ve been underinvested in those innovations, and our partners in India are part of how we’re going to get these breakthrough products done,” he added.


Gates, whose Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation recently invested $23.6 million in U.S.-based Micron Biomedical to develop needle-free vaccine technology, emphasized the importance of affordable, accessible, and innovative vaccine solutions.

This technology will use a patch-like device with dissolvable microneedles.

Micron Biomedical announced:

Micron Biomedical, a life science company developing first-in-class dissolvable microarray-based products that simplify and improve the transport, storage, and administration of drugs and vaccines, today announced a $23.6 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation that will fund mass production of needle-free vaccines.

The manufacturing facility will enable commercialization of the first microarray technology-based measles-rubella vaccine, indicated for children as young as 9 months, once approved by the appropriate regulatory authorities following additional clinical study.

In low- and middle-income countries, measles remains a leading cause of death, primarily due to limited access to vaccines that require refrigeration during transport and storage and clinicians to administer them.  Micron is developing a needle-free version of the measles-rubella (MR) vaccine based on its microarray technology.

The technology reduces the need for a cold chain and allows a community health worker to vaccinate a child within minutes by applying the technology to the skin and pressing a button that confirms administration. The administration of the vaccine is virtually pain-free

from:    https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/01/bill-gates-says-next-generation-vaccines-offer-longer/

Some Election Cautions

Plan to Stop Election Fraud in 2024 Using Temporary Restraining Orders!

The United Sovereign Americans organization is using voter registration rolls as evidence and is filing temporary restraining orders (TROs) against states in order to prevent corruption in the upcoming 2024 election. The plan is for the TROs to force the matter to the Supreme Court as emergency litigation before the 2024 election.

Link for video: https://rumble.com/v43tyj3-united-sovereign-americans-ceo-marly-hornik-on-the-voice-of-rural-america-1.html

Summary by JW Williams

United Sovereign Americans CEO Marly Hornik is a homeschool mother and homesteader in New York. She is involved in auditing voter registration rolls from a number of states to collect data to show that elections that are invalid. Corruption in elections has affected the leadership of our country and the critical infrastructure. The problem lies with certifying elections that are not valid or accurate.

The United Sovereign Americans organization is using voter registration rolls as evidence and is filing temporary restraining orders (TROs) against states in order to prevent corruption in the upcoming 2024 election. She said that TROs may be filed under the Voting Rights Act of 1965 by individuals who think that their suffrage (right to vote) has been denied or is about to be denied or abridged. She says it must be done before the election to stop the crime from happening. The plan is for the TROs to force the matter to the US Supreme Court as emergency litigation before the 2024 election.

Click the link to find out more about volunteering for research and filing TROs:     https://unite4freedom.com/volunteer/

She gave the example of bizarre results from Illinois 2022 election that included 2.8 million registration records, which are federal documents, that were registered after the vote. Some of the registrations had a year-long record of voting prior to the registration date. Other registrations were backdated, or birth dates were changed. Another problem in Illinois was that there were 27,491 more votes counted than voters who voted. She said that the Illinois voter roll registration database had an error rate of 38% and asked why did the state certified it.

The media has been selling a narrative that makes people believe they live in a blue state, and it is not necessarily true. The corrupt ideology of radical Democrats and RINOs fails to represent the People, and it is on the brink of controlling the electoral college via the voter roll databases and narrative manipulation by the media.

United Sovereign Americans is working to prevent corruption int he 2024 election.

.Additional videos about invalid elections in other states…

New York:

Link for video:      https://rumble.com/v3zs8fa-marly-hornik-ceo-of-united-sovereign-americans-on-the-voice-of-rural-americ.html


Link for video:      https://rumble.com/v42jz98-united-sovereign-americans-ceo-marly-hornik-on-the-voice-of-rural-america-1.html

from:    https://needtoknow.news/2024/01/plan-to-stop-election-fraud-in-2024-using-temporary-restraining-orders/

A Bit About Zeta Potential

How to Improve Zeta Potential and Liquid Crystalline Water Inside the Body

Exploring the Wild West of Water Cures and the legitimate options I have come across.

In this series, I have attempted to explain the vital importance of liquid crystalline water and zeta potential throughout the body—something I have greatly emphasized since I recognized that their disruption appears to be a key component of spike protein vaccine injuries. One of the most common questions I, in turn, receive is, “What can be done to fix this?”

I have held off on answering that question for a while because first, I wanted to lay out the necessary context to explain many of the concepts behind the existing approaches so that the user could apply each one in the most rational manner. Additionally, I wanted to gather more data on the treatment effects observed in individuals with spike protein injuries and answer a question that I felt was critical to unraveling this whole puzzle: What are the overlaps and differences between the factors that promote zeta potential and those that promote liquid crystalline water?

In the previous article, I provided my best attempt to answer that question, and I cannot even begin to desribe how much research went into my initial attempt (10+ books, more articles than I can count, and so forth).

What is the Relationship Between Liquid Crystalline Water and Zeta Potential?

MAY 15, 2023
What is the Relationship Between Liquid Crystalline Water and Zeta Potential?

I believe healthy fluid circulation is one of the most neglected aspects of health and, ultimately, the cause of many of the COVID-19 and vaccine spike protein injuries we have seen. Unfortunately, since the topic is so neglected, very little knowledge exists of what creates these flows.

Read full story

Much of what is written in this article will only make sense if that article first. Additionally, some approaches that treat either are covered in the previous article rather than here.

Lastly, some of the approaches I believe improve one of these (zeta potential or liquid crystalline water) may be instead improving the other or improving both.

Improving Liquid Crystalline Water

Throughout the decades I have spent in the holistic health field, I have always noticed there are two products that everyone sells—something that “improves” water (e.g., a fancy filter or a packet to put in each drink) and pendants that shield you from EMFs. I will fully admit I’ve looked at a lot of these; I’m not sure if many of them do anything, and since newer and “better” ones keep on coming out, I’ve given up evaluating most of them.

Once Gerald Pollack introduced the 4th Phase of the Water concept (liquid crystalline water), many people, not surprisingly, started selling things they claimed would help your body produce liquid crystalline water. At this point, I have no idea if most of them in any way do what is claimed, and Pollack appropriately (despite many requests) has avoided studying or endorsing most of them. So, for this article, I will not mention many of them and must provide the disclaimer that many of the things I believe are the most likely to work are still relatively unproven. Additionally, a few of these items will instead be covered in the zeta potential section (likewise, a few things from the zeta potential section will be covered in this section).

Radiant Energy

Presently, the one thing which has clearly and unambiguously been proven to increase the production of liquid crystalline water is the input of radiant energy. This can either come from light or infrared (which is a type of light) and occasionally from other sources such as sound, ultrasound, and much more debatably energy workers (e.g., a qigong or reiki practitioner) or bioenergy fields (e.g., orgone energy).

Because every object absorbs different wavelengths of energy differently, different wavelengths (e.g., different colors) have differing effects.

Note: Pollack also found that longer exposures to radiant energy and higher intensities could expand the EZ [liquid crystalline water] even more. The data for the above figure was obtained by Pollack using five-minute exposures. Longer exposures at the same intensity, for example, could quickly produce EZ expansion of five to ten times, while turning off that extra light brought the EZ back to its normal size within tens of minutes. In this study, due to technical limitations, a lower intensity infrared (IR) light source had to be used.


The most significant effect has been observed with infrared light, and peaks at 3000 nm, a wavelength that matches water’s peak absorbance of IR light. Conversely, the worst effect is noted with blue light, something emitted by most computer or tv screens and newer light bulbs (and street lamps). For example, this study by Pollack found that light between the wavelengths of 450-500 nm shrunk the liquid crystalline water present.

I find blue light’s destruction of liquid crystalline water compelling since many, myself included, already viewed it as a key toxin of the modern age due to the severe disruption it causes to our circadian rhythm (along with other issues such as headaches). For these reasons, I try to avoid rooms with unhealthy lighting, and with screens, I always use blue light-blocking software such as f.lux.

A variety of approaches utilizing this principle have been developed to produce infrared light, which increases the production of liquid crystalline water in the body. For example, a particulate material designed to increase the formation of liquid crystalline water (e.g., by emitting infrared light) was shown to create at least a 2-3-fold increase in root length or formation of shoots of seeds exposed to it.

As far as I know, the only approach that has been clearly and unambiguously proven to increase the amount of liquid crystalline water in the human body is to be exposed to infrared light, particularly that with a 3000 nm wavelength (many studies have confirmed this). Oddly, not many infrared saunas or mats on the market provide this wavelength of light, and you usually need to buy bulbs that emit at 3000 nm to make a sauna that does.

I am a big believer in infrared saunas, but I am unsure how much they increase the liquid crystalline water in the body. This is not only because of how far they are from the 3000nm wavelength but also because they heat the body up, potentially destabilizing the existing exclusion zones (even though relatively speaking, they don’t heat the body’s core temperature very much). That said, I believe they most likely do because they improve circulation throughout the body, cause you to discharge positively charged sweat, and afterwards, typically leave the individual feeling much better.

Note: infrared sauna manufacturers claim that their saunas cause your sweat to be 20% toxins, whereas normal sweating is only 3% of toxins. As far as I know, this claim was never proven, and many more conventional individuals, not surprisingly, insist that there is no proof that saunas, let alone infrared saunas, do anything for detoxification. This study and this study provide limited proof that sauna sweating excretes heavy metals at a greater rate than the normal detoxification pathways (e.g., the kidneys), while this small study shows one infrared sauna model causes significantly higher excretion of heavy metals than a conventional sauna.

Many have also argued that the infrared you receive from cuddling with another human (and possibly an animal) may also facilitate the development of liquid crystalline water inside you. That said, I am honestly not sure how this effect could be quantified.

Lastly, many vaccine-injured patients have benefited from red light therapy (which is used because it improves mitochondrial function). Many have also alleged that red light therapy creates liquid crystalline water in the body, but to the best of my knowledge, no evidence has been produced supporting that contention.


I believe one of the greatest disservices the dermatology profession has done to the world has been to spread an immense fear that the sun causes skin cancer (even though the most dangerous skin cancer, melanoma, is linked to a lack of sun exposure). This appears to have come about because the dermatology profession reinvented themselves as cancer fighters (which pays a lot), and part of establishing that cultural belief system revolved around neurotic rituals to avoid all sunlight. I think this is quite sad, because avoiding sunlight significantly increases your risk of death from many different cancers (and overall has a danger of the same magnitude as smoking).

One of the major misunderstandings about sunlight is that its only benefit is vitamin D production. Instead, it has a variety of other ones as well, including:

•Producing cholesterol sulfate.

•Producing nitric oxide.

•Directly creating liquid crystalline water.

Note: I have long wondered if some of the benefits attributed to vitamin D are actually due to it being correlated with the above three occurring.

Since sulfates are used by the body to create liquid crystalline water and maintain the physiologic zeta potential, this function is very important. Since cholesterol sulfate primarily resides in cell membranes (where it is recognized to have a “stabilizing role” for the cell membrane), it provides the critical role of coating the cell with sulfates.

Note: I recently wrote a detailed piece on the harms of statins (which, before the COVID-19 vaccines, were debatably the most overprescribed pharmaceutical that harmed the largest number of people). One of the key toxicities of statins is that they block your production of CoQ10, a vital compound for the mitochondria. Since CoQ10 is also responsible for maintaining cellular integrity, cell membranes breaking apart in certain organs is one significant side effect of the medications. Based on the critical functions of cholesterol sulfate, I have wondered if that side effect is actually due to a lack of sulfate in the cell membranes.

Further supporting the benefits of sunlight exposure, nitric oxide is one of the most important compounds for ensuring cardiovascular health and circulation throughout the body (Viagra, for example, works by increasing nitric oxide production).

When COVID-19 began in December 2019, I sensed it might end up being similar to the 1918 influenza, so I spent a lot of time reviewing all the existing literature. In that process, I discovered that every therapy that actually worked (most did not), with the possible exception of homeopathic Gelsemium (a botanical), did so by improving the body’s fluid circulation. Many of those in turn, did something I now know improves the zeta potential. A few months ago, Pierre Kory informed me of one therapy I had missed in this search—being exposed to the sun, which for the reasons detailed above, I believe was another way of addressing the profound fluid stagnation caused by the 1918 influenza.

Note: one of my favorite medical therapies, ultraviolet blood irradiation, can be considered a much more direct form of sunlight exposure (sunlight being used to treat Tuberculosis in fact inspired its original designer). One of the main effects observed with it is a significant increase in blood circulation throughout the body.


Many people believe that sound affects water. This largely entered the public’s consciousness after Masaru Emoto showed that the shape of ice crystals can be radically different depending on what sounds water was exposed to prior to freezing. In many of his experiments, he showed that music would influence the formation of ice crystals and, curiously enough, dark and incoherent music created deformed crystals. In contrast, beautiful and coherent music created elegant crystals.

This suggests that sound may affect the formation of liquid crystalline water. Pollack in turn, did one such investigation of this question:

For example, we found that one such source, ultrasound, could drive EZ [liquid crystalline] growth. We applied 7.5- MHz ultrasound, similar to that used for imaging embryos. In response, the EZ typically narrowed, possibly as a result of the induced mechanical shear of molecules rubbing against one another. When we turned off the ultrasound, however, the exclusion zone immediately enjoyed a stunning regrowth: it could expand to five or six times its initial size before ultimately returning to pre-exposure levels. Evidently, the acoustic energy somehow affected the water, spurring a delayed EZ growth — just as incident light could produce EZ growth.

Note: There are quite a few people who believe that prenatal ultrasounds are damaging to babies, and a surprising amount of evidence exists to support that contention. After reading the above line, I realized there might be a mechanism to explain this; the rapid expansion and contraction of exclusion zones from ultrasound might create enough of a shear force to damage the cells and their components.

Deuterium-Depleted Water:

One of the significant fads that has swept through the holistic field over the last few years has been drinking deuterium-depleted water (DDW), which is the opposite of heavy water. The theory behind DDW is that deuterium (a naturally occuring isotope of hydrogen with a neutron in the nucleus) slows metabolic reactions in the body, reduces the output of the mitochondria, reduces your lifespan, causes cancer, and destroys liquid crystalline water in the body.

Of these claims, the evidence is most robust for deuterium causing cancer (e.g., MRIs looking for deuterium appear to be able to find tumors), and there have been successful treatments of cancer using DDW. Unfortunately, DDW is somewhat expensive, so many other options began to be explored, such as living in high elevation areas (e.g., parts of the Rockies not that far from well-known towns naturally have DDW, and fat is naturally deuterium depleted, so some people follow an extreme ketogenic diet for deuterium reduction).

Given its potential promises, many people started promoting DDW as the cure for everything, and at this point…I am still honestly unsure if it does anything. So, I have been patiently waiting for more evidence to accumulate showing that it does.

One of the most common claims for DDW is that it improves your body’s ability to produce liquid crystalline water. It allegedly does this because:

•Deuterium disrupts the formation of liquid crystalline water.

•Deuterium disrupts oxidative respiration (which requires combusting oxygen into water) and the production of ATP in the body. Since oxidative respiration cannot use deuterium, all water it produces is naturally deuterium depleted.

Note: I have often wondered if this is the reason for some of the alleged benefits of dry fasts, as the water in your body can only come from the metabolism of fats during this period.

However, to my knowledge, all the arguments are theoretical, and no one has actually proved DDW creates liquid crystalline water. If anyone has the data that shows this, I would greatly appreciate seeing it.

Note: widely believed theoretical arguments that lack evidence to support them create many issues in medicine. Two of the best recent examples of erroneous claims were that the COVID-19 vaccines will not change your DNA and that the COVID-19 vaccines would prevent transmission.

Presently, the only water I know of that appears to utilize these principles and benefits people is Divinia Water, which is both deuterium depleted and has a high concentration of liquid crystalline water. My evidence in this regard is weak (e.g., I know of a few people who reversed their kidney disease by drinking it), so my endorsement is tepid at best; I am primarily citing them as an example of where these principles may provide a tangible benefit.

There are also a variety of other waters with similar claims based on the premise that the people of the Hunza Valley lived much longer (reportedly, they had an average lifespan of 120 years) due to the water they drank. I am not sure if there is any evidence that this longevity actually occurs. Still, it’s interesting that the water there was noted to be DDW with a high zeta potential and a high amount of structured water (which is essentially the same as liquid crystalline water). Many attempts have been made to replicate the Hunza water, and some of them have a devoted group of followers.

Structuring Foods

The general belief that has established itself within the liquid crystalline water community is that if you drink water with a higher concentration of liquid crystalline water or a lower concentration of deuterium, very good things will happen for your health. As shown in the previous section, I am unsure if this actually true. That said, I will share the approaches in this regard that I believe have the most merit.

Vegetable Juicing:

If vegetable juicing is done correctly (which means using a cold press masticating juicers such as the Norwalk juicer or an Omega juicer—I believe metal ones are better but more expensive—and then immediately consuming the juice after it is made), a variety of benefits emerge for people. For example, one of the original alternative cancer therapies which benefitted many, the Gerson Therapy, was founded on this principle.

One argument that has been advanced to explain the benefits of juicing is the presence of liquid crystalline water, DDW, and possibly some type of electrical charge from the plants. Given that I often see signs that juicing is good for you (provided you don’t juice things that are too sugary) and it is one of the most economical ways to get this type of water, I support this approach…even though I am not sure if the presence of DDW or liquid crystalline water is actually where the benefits of juicing arise from.

Chia Seeds

When soaked in water, Pollack has stated chia seeds create some of the largest exclusion zones of any food found in nature. That is a big part of why I used pictures of them in Part 1 to illustrate many of the concepts in this series.

Note: This property of chia seeds appears to result from them releasing microfibers that bind pockets of liquid crystalline water around them.

I am personally a fan of chia seeds (provided they were first soaked in water until they formed a gel) because:

•They are very affordable and, to my knowledge, the easiest way to consume large amounts of liquid crystalline water.
Note: cucumbers are also often cited as an example of a food with a high concentration of liquid crystalline water.

•They are often extremely helpful for individuals with chronic constipation.

•I tried out more “superfoods” (which I acknowledge is largely just a marketing term) than I can count, and chia seeds were the only ones I ever had a noticeably positive response to.

The only considerable argument I have seen against chia seeds came from Steven Gundry, who said that when he monitored people’s inflammation (which he believes is largely due to lectins that are present in a large number of plants), he found the lectins in chia seeds were sufficient to cause inflammation in some individuals. Although I do not place as heavy an emphasis on lectins as Gundry, every now and then, I have a patient I can tell has a lectin issue and then greatly benefits from the lectin-free diet. Nonetheless, I regularly consume chia seeds.

Other Superfoods

Pollack tested a variety of other superfoods and found that they also increased the size of liquid crystalline water in the things they are tested on. The main issue with this approach is that he had limited time to test things (and has thus had not tested all that many), so there are likely many “normal” foods that do the same thing. In the previous article, I showed how coconut water, turmeric, a probiotic, and tulsi increase the presence of liquid crystalline water.

In addition, Pollack conducted an interesting study showing that another superfood, bee propolis, did the same. Since some of it may end up coating the lining of your respiratory tract, the study’s authors argued that some of the benefits attributed to propolis might result from it doing that and creating a liquid crystalline barrier there.

Note: It has also been mentioned that other herbs improve the body’s liquid crystalline water. Years ago, Thomas Cowan stated that hibiscus flowers were one of the best ones for increasing liquid crystalline water in the body (hibiscus is also known to help with cardiovascular issues). I was never able to verify if this was true, but since my body liked hibiscus, I have drank hibiscus tea (in moderation) ever since. Although I do not agree with Thomas Cowan’s perspective on the non-existence of viruses, I have listened to many ideas he has put forward.


Cobalamin (in its various forms) is also known as vitamin B-12. Stephanie Seneff has advanced an interesting argument for another reason for its importance in the body—the body requires it for the production of sulfates (which, as discussed in the previous article, are essential for creating liquid crystalline water in the body and maintaining the physiologic zeta potential). Since a variety of widespread environmental factors cause B-12 deficiency, this is another area worth considering.

Healthy Fats

Many (e.g., Dr. Mercola) have concluded that eating unhealthy fats (e.g., rancid seed oils) is a root cause of poor health. Since many of the fats you consume end up in the membranes of your cells, at least in theory, significant changes can occur throughout your body depending on which fats you consume.

to restore the membrane composition of your cells to a healthy balance. For example, the Patricia Kane protocol is often used to restore patients’ health with complex illnesses. I have seen some cases where the protocol significantly benefited the patient (although in others, it did very little).

In this series, I have emphasized the importance of water transitioning from a normal state to a gel (and vice versa). As discussed in the previous article, the exact temperature at which this occurs depends on the composition of the gel, and can be influenced by positive or negative ions (both of which the body uses to induce a phase transition when needed).

In cold-blooded animals, because they cannot regulate their body temperature, there is a significant seasonal variability in their body temperatures that must be addressed in another manner.

In principle, natural metabolites may change the transition temperature in biomembranes. Unfortunately, little is known in this field. Some data are available on the saturated fatty acids: under certain conditions, their interaction with lipid membranes may increase Tm (Agafonov et al., 2003). It is also well known that the transition temperature depends on the lipid composition (see, e.g., see this textbookthis study*, and this study**). It is not inconceivable that the endogenously produced ethanol may take part in the temperature adaptation reactions in goldfish.

*Thermal adaptation in biological membranes: is homeoviscous adaptation the explanation?

**Thermal acclimation of phase behavior in plasma membrane lipids of rainbow trout hepatocytes.

Lastly, in the same manner that cholesterol sulfate is necessary for producing a cell’s zeta potential and liquid crystalline water layer, the same also appears to be true for other healthy fats. This study found large layers of liquid crystalline water (up to 800 µm) on the surfaces of saturated fats such as ghee, coconut oil, and lard. Like many things in the dietary world, the healthiness of saturated fats is a heavily debated subject, but I suspect their capacity to produce liquid crystalline water plays a key role in their health benefits.

Hyperbaric Oxygen:

In one study, Pollack modeled a hyperbaric oxygen chamber and found that it significantly increased the volume of liquid crystalline water, likely because it shifts the equilibrium towards forming liquid crystalline water. I suspect this also improves the zeta potential of the recipients.

One of the most important things about this effect is that it is temporary. I believe this explains why individuals who benefit from hyperbaric oxygen (e.g., Lyme patients, migraine patients, and COVID-19 vaccine-injured patients) often find they need to get a home hyperbaric system so they can receive it on a regular basis. I have also wondered if this explains part of the benefit people experience with approaches like the Wim Hof method which both significantly increases tissue oxygenation and to some extent alkalizes it.

Conversely, many people with complex illnesses I associate with an impaired zeta potential often find they cannot tolerate being above 5000-6500 feet (which is a critical concept to consider when setting up a healing retreat—I have seen a few cases where failing to follow this was a massive problem for the retreat’s founders). Similarly, individuals with these types of conditions often are much more vulnerable to blood clots at high altitudes—which I believe accounts for the concerning incidents we have seen on airplanes since the vaccines rolled out (both in pilots and passengers).

Note: not moving for prolonged periods can also cause blood clots, but I do not believe that is the primary issue with flying. An airplane’s cabin pressure typically matches what is experienced at 6-8,000 feet, and I have met many individuals with these types of disorders (especially COVID vaccine injuries) who are fine with road trips but cannot tolerate flying.


Rather than create liquid crystalline water, anesthetics destroy it. This is because anesthetics (agents that temporarily disable nerves either locally or systemically) share the property of creating clathrates (pockets of water) around them, thereby preventing that water from instead existing in a liquid crystalline phase. Furthermore, to support the link between liquid crystalline water and zeta potential, one of the most commonly used anesthetics, lidocaine, has been found to make the surface charge of biological membranes more positive.

Another related property shared by all anesthetics is their ability to change the cell membrane’s transition temperature (to and from the gel state). Additionally, the degree to which an anesthetic can shift the transition temperature of a cell membrane directly correlates to the anesthetics potency, further validating the link between liquid crystalline water, phase transitions, and the function of anesthetics.

One treatment I frequently utilize, neural therapy, employs local anesthetics such as lidocaine and bupivacaine to temporarily anesthetize an overly sensitive neuron (or group of neurons) under the theory that when the anesthetic wears off, the neuron will return to its normal baseline rather than remaining hypersensitive. This therapy is often remarkably effective for a wide range of issues.

Every now and then, I have noticed that the anesthetic injection immediately creates a significant fluid movement in the recipient. Initially, I thought this resulted from systemic tension no longer being active and compressing a fluid vessel. Researching this subject has made me suspect that in certain cases, neural therapy is actually breaking up pathologic fluid agglomerations and thereby restoring a vital circulation.

I will also note that some of these events have correlated with significant psycho-emotional changes in the patients and that many have proposed liquid crystalline water is associated with storing or transmitting information. This observation has made me wonder if trauma, to some extent, can be stored either within clumps of fluid in the body or specific liquid crystalline water structures.

Similarly, many bodyworkers believe that trauma (both physical and emotional) is stored in the fascia due to the fact that their clients often re-live past traumas when the fascia is worked on and experience a resolution of their trauma following the treatment. Given that the fascia is coated with a significant amount of liquid crystalline water, this somewhat supports my hypothesis.

Note: the anesthetics again illustrate how difficult it is to make any generalizations about the relationship between zeta potential and liquid crystalline water, as in many cases, an expected pattern is followed, but in a minority of cases, the opposite of what one would expect occurs. Similarly, while I believe that liquid crystalline water is essential for the body, and the deficiency of it is a widespread problem, in certain cases it may instead be present in excess.

Restoring Zeta Potential

As the previous section has shown, the restoration of liquid crystalline water is still a bit of a Wild West, and it will likely be a decade before we have a clearer idea of how to approach this issue. Fortunately, with zeta potential, individuals have been working on this issue since the 1960s, so we have a clearer idea of what works and what does not.

Before we go any further, I emphasize that to fully appreciate the context behind many of the approaches I will detail after this point, you will need to be familiar with the rest of this series and, in particular, the previous article. Similarly, some of the options listed in this section likely improve liquid crystalline water as well. Putting the guide to the restoration of zeta potential took quite a bit out of me (this article is a bit over 17,000 words), so I will need to take a brief pause on new articles to get back to other aspects of my life I neglected to finish this series.

Additionally, I was explicitly requested not to broadly disclose some of the information below, so I will be utilizing the paid subscriber option for the final section. Since I do this Substack page as a public service, I don’t charge for the immense amount of work I do for it. However, there are a lot of topics I want to share that I have not touched upon due to specific exposure issues, and that is the primary way I intend to use this feature.


Positive Effects of Carnosine

Liposomal Carnosine Is Essential for Detoxing Linoleic Acid

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
liposomal carnosine


  • Carnosine is a dipeptide found in meat. The highest concentrations of carnosine are found in your muscles, brain, central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract
  • If you’re a vegetarian or vegan, you will have lower levels of carnosine in your muscles. This is one reason why many strict vegans who do not properly compensate for this tend to have trouble building muscle
  • Carnosine binds to advanced lipoxidation endproducts (ALEs) that form from oxidized seed oils in your diet, making it a crucial aid in the detoxification of linoleic acid (LA)
  • Thanks to its ability to scavenge 4-hydroxynonenal (4HNE), carnosine is also protective against obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer’s disease, just to name a few
  • The best way to optimize your carnosine level is to eat organic grass fed beef. When it comes to carnosine supplements, your best bet is liposomal versions as they have the highest bioavailability

Carnosine is a dipeptide found in meat. It’s not found in any plant foods. Dipeptide means it’s made up of two amino acids, in this case beta-alanine and histidine. The highest concentrations of carnosine are found in your muscles, brain, central nervous system1 and gastrointestinal tract,2 which gives you an indication of its potential importance.

Unfortunately, it’s also one of the top 10 most common nutrient deficiencies, especially among vegans. If you’re a vegetarian or vegan, you will have lower levels of carnosine in your muscles. This is one reason why many strict vegans who do not properly compensate for this tend to have trouble building muscle.

Carnosine also binds to advanced lipoxidation endproducts (ALEs) that form from oxidized seed oils in your diet, making it a crucial aid in the detoxification of linoleic acid (LA).

Carnosine’s Physiological Roles

Carnosine has several physiological roles and benefits. For example, it:3

Provides athletic benefits — Approximately 99% of carnosine is found in muscle tissue where it facilitates lactic acid detoxification, improves muscle contraction and muscle relaxation and enhances endurance
Alleviates diabetic nephropathy by protecting podocyte and mesangial cells4
Modulates energy metabolism in macrophages and microglia by restoring and/or enhancing the basal conditions
Has antioxidant properties and scavenges reactive oxygen species (ROS) and aldehydes created by peroxidation of fatty acid cell membranes during oxidative stress5

Regulates the activity of stem cells

Modulates glucose metabolism
Enhances the degradation and/or scavenging of nitric oxide (NO)
Promotes wound healing
Opposes glycation6
Slows down the aging process by prolonging the life of cells and preserving cellular homeostasis7
Regulates osmotic pressure
Modulates glutamate production and transport
Modulates brain metabolism
Chelates heavy metals8
Acts as a pH buffer9
Acts as a neurotransmitter
Protects olfactory receptor neurons in the elderly

Beef, Liposomal Carnosine and Precursors Are the Best Sources

Interestingly, a June 2023 paper10 in the medical journal Pharmaceuticals reviewed the science behind carnosine with the aim of developing new delivery systems for carnosine-based drugs. As noted in this paper:

“Because of its well-demonstrated multimodal pharmacodynamic profile, which includes anti-aggregant, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory activities, as well as its ability to modulate the energy metabolism status in immune cells, this dipeptide has been investigated in numerous experimental models of diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease, and at a clinical level.

The main limit for the therapeutic use of carnosine is related to its rapid hydrolysis … [This is the] reason why the development of new strategies, including the chemical modification of carnosine or its vehiculation into innovative drug delivery systems (DDS), aiming at increasing its bioavailability and/or at facilitating the site-specific transport to different tissues, is of utmost importance.”

Delivery systems currently in use or in development include intraperitoneal injections, intranasal sprays and oral administration of various nanoformulations. But while the drug industry is keen on figuring out how to profit from carnosine by making it into a drug, you certainly don’t need a drug to get these benefits.

Simply eating organic grass fed beef is one of the most efficient ways to raise your carnosine level.11 This is one of many reasons why cultured beef is not a viable substitute for real beef. Not only does fake beef lack carnosine but also B vitamins, retinol, long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, taurine, creatine and bioavailable forms of iron and zinc.12

Most carnosine supplements aren’t very effective either because the carnosine is rapidly broken down into its constituent amino acids by certain enzymes. Your body then reformulates those amino acids back to carnosine in your muscles.

An exception to this is liposomal carnosine, which appears to work quite well. Another alternative is to supplement with beta-alanine, which is the rate limiting amino acid in the formation of carnosine. According to a 2021 paper,13 daily intake of beta-alanine can raise the carnosine content of skeletal muscle by as much as 80%

Carnosine Protects Against LA-Induced Oxidative Stress

One benefit not expounded upon in the Pharmaceuticals paper is carnosine’s ability to reduce LA-induced oxidative stress. While your body will slowly eliminate stored LA over time, provided you reduce your intake, carnosine can help reduce the oxidative damage caused by LA while your body is cleaning itself out. I take liposomal carnosine every day before meals to help detoxify LA.

The omega-6 fat LA is highly susceptible to oxidation, and as the fat oxidizes it breaks down into harmful sub-components such as ALEs and oxidized LA metabolites (OXLAMs). These ALEs and OXLAMs are what cause most of the damage.

Carnosine binds to ALEs like a magnet and acts as a sacrificial sink. It’s basically a substitute target for these profoundly damaging molecules. In this way, carnosine allows your body to excrete the ALEs from your body before they damage your mitochondria, DNA or proteins. (Another molecule that protects against LA-induced damage is carbon dioxide). The illustration below shows how carnosine works in this regard.

carnosine sacrificial sink

Carnosine May Be Protective Against a Wide Range of Diseases

A more detailed explanation of how carnosine protects against reactive oxygen species (ROS) and how that helps protect against oxidative stress-related pathologies is given in a 2021 paper in the journal Antioxidants:14

“A study that examined the effect of carnosine on oxidative stress in human kidney tubular epithelial (HK-2) cells indicated that carnosine decreased NADPH oxidase (NOX) 4 expression and increased total superoxide dismutase (T-SOD) activity, thus reducing the production of intracellular ROS, relieving the oxidative stress of cells, and ultimately inhibiting the mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis.

Ability of carnosine to protect against pathologies characterized by oxidative stress has been shown in a number of conditions … Carnosine changes the reactivity of superoxide anion by forming a charge-transfer complex with the superoxide radical and also by reducing the efficiency of hydroxyl radicals, creating a compound less reactive than the hydroxyl radical.

One of the mechanisms to protect organisms from oxidative stress is the chelation of transition metals, preventing them from participating in deleterious processes involving ROS … Interestingly, when comparing metals involved in free radical generation, carnosine was found to have a greater antioxidant activity coupled with copper than iron …

At physiological concentrations, carnosine directly reacts with superoxide anion similar to ascorbic acid. In physiological conditions, carnosine was found to reduce oxidative damage and to improve antioxidant activity of different antioxidative enzymes …

Experiments on aged rats showed that therapy with 250 mg/kg/carnosine per day significantly decreased oxidative stress and increased activity of antioxidative enzymes … In similar model of aged rats, carnosine increased liver vitamin E, which further demonstrates its importance in defending the organism from free radicals.

Rising data indicate that carnosine acts as a scavenger of reactive and cytotoxic carbonyl species including 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE). HNE is an aldehyde generated endogenously by lipid peroxidation of unsaturated fatty acids that act as ‘toxic second messengers,’ extending the harmful potential of free radicals.

HNE is considered an important biomarker of oxidative stress and accumulating data indicate that it may modulate signaling pathways of cell proliferation, apoptosis, and inflammation.”

How Carnosine Protects Against Alzheimer’s

As noted in the Pharmaceuticals paper,15 one of the pathologies that carnosine is protective against is Alzheimer’s disease. In my November 2021 interview with Tucker Goodrich, he explained the role of HNE, specifically, in Alzheimer’s, and why it’s so important to get rid of it.

“In heart failure, Alzheimer’s, and AMD [age-related macular degeneration], one of the things they see is an inability of the cell to produce enough energy. The mitochondria are getting damaged. HNE does that damage. It damages 24% of the proteins in the cell, primarily around energy production.

One of the ways your cells produce energy is they basically ferment glucose into pyruvate outside of the mitochondria. This is a perfectly normal part of metabolism and they produce something called pyruvate. A molecule called pyruvate dehydrogenase takes pyruvate into the mitochondria and converts it to acetyl-CoA so the mitochondria can burn it very efficiently for fuel.

Well, one of the things HNE does is it breaks pyruvate dehydrogenase, and they see this in Alzheimer’s where their cells are no longer able to produce enough energy. This is why your cells are dying in Alzheimer’s.

The beta amyloid plaques in Alzheimer’s disease are induced by HNE. There’s a great model that came out of Harvard a couple of years ago showing that.

Even the critical, the most important part of the mitochondria, complex 5, — ADP synthase — which is what takes all the energy coming from your mitochondria and turns it into ATP, which is what fuels the rest of your body — is damaged by HNE. This is a huge issue. There’s no more fundamental problem in aging and health than protein damage.”

Carnosine is the most effective scavenger of HNE, so optimizing your level can go a long way toward protecting against the HNE-induced damage that promotes Alzheimer’s.

Carnosine — A Promising Therapeutic for Obesity-Related Conditions

Elevated HNE has also been found in obese and diabetic patients,16 so there’s reason to suspect carnosine can be important in the treatment of these conditions as well. Another disease where elevated HNE plays a role is atherosclerosis. As noted in the 2021 Antioxidants paper:17

“… emerging studies have indicated that these reactive aldehydes are more than simply markers of oxidative stress.

Rather, it is suggested that these reactive species may play a significant pathogenic role in obesity-associated disorders such as insulin resistance and a carnosine analog alleviates the production or enhances the removal of reactive carbonyl species, providing promising new therapeutic compounds for cardiovascular and metabolic diseases related to obesity.”

Take Control of Your Health by Lowering Your LA Intake

As detailed in several previous articles, the evidence strongly suggests excessive LA is driving most if not all modern diseases, including heart disease and cancer. Fortunately, the solution is simple. Just lower your LA intake.

The easiest way to do this is to use an online nutritional calculator such as Cronometer to calculate your daily intake. Cronometer will tell you how much omega-6 you’re getting from your food down to the 10th of a gram, and you can assume 90% of that is LA. Anything over 10 grams is likely to cause problems. I keep my intake below 5 grams a day.

Since there’s no downside to limiting your LA, you’ll want to keep it as low as possible, which you do by avoiding high-LA foods. Keep in mind you’ll never be able to get to zero, and you wouldn’t want to do that either. You do need some LA, but since it’s found in most foods, and since you need only small amounts, there’s really no way to end up with a deficiency.

from:    https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2024/02/05/liposomal-carnosine.aspx?ui=f460707c057231d228aac22d51b97f2a8dcffa7b857ec065e5a5bfbcfab498ac&sd=20211017&cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1ReadMore&cid=20240205_HL2&foDate=true&mid=DM1527161&rid=2037668808

“Teach Your Children Well…”

Holistic Pediatrician on How to Safeguard Your Kids’ Health and Future

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola


  • As people have become aware of the dangers of the COVID shots, they’ve also started questioning conventional vaccines, and many parents who didn’t get their children vaccinated during the pandemic are not taking them in to catch up on their routine shots now
  • Vaccinations aren’t the only thing forced upon our children that is doing them more harm than good. The public education system also poses a massive threat to our children, as the indoctrination and brainwashing spans from kindergarten to high school and beyond
  • The current educational system completely ignores everything we know about child development and brain development, and by not allowing proper brain development to occur, the school system impairs children’s ability to think critically
  • Using medication to bring fever down often does more harm than good. A fever is your body’s way of killing off invading pathogens and clearing out inflammatory toxins, so by lowering your fever, you’re prolonging the problem
  • Avoid acetaminophen when sick. Acetaminophen depletes your body of glutathione, which you need for speedy healing

In this interview, Dr. Lawrence (Larry) Palevsky, a practicing pediatrician, discusses the impact that mainstream propaganda narratives have on our children, and why it’s so important to get your children out of the public education system. He also reviews some of the foundational strategies for staying healthy, and how to treat those dreaded childhood fevers.

Palevsky has been one of the medical experts speaking out against the COVID shots, but he was a pro-choice, vaccine safety advocate long before COVID. Clearly, the COVID jab is the most dangerous “vaccine” in history, but all vaccines are fundamentally flawed and come with risks.

Palevsky, who graduated from the NYU School of Medicine in 1987, initially became concerned about vaccines in 1991, when the New York State Department of Health started to mandate hepatitis B vaccine for all infants.

“I had no comments about vaccines per se at that time,” he says, “but it just raised the red flag to me. Why are we giving a vaccine to a population that has never suffered from hepatitis B infections and where we can give the mother hepatitis B vaccine, or give the kid a hepatitis B vaccine if the mother was surface antigen positive?

So, this raised an alarm for me … We had never had a vaccine for an illness that didn’t affect the population we were injecting … [Then], in 1998, in the outpatient department of the hospital, a mother came to me and said, ‘Dr. Larry, did you know that there’s mercury in vaccines?’

I heard that information and I said, ‘Alright, what else [don’t I know]?’ And the ‘what else’ created the last 25 years of finding information that I would never have been taught in medical school or residency that directly opposed the narrative.

It didn’t oppose the science, it just opposed the narrative. And what I realized was, I was finding science while I was being opposed by consensus, and consensus is not science. And so, by 1998 to 2000, I found that the risks far outweighed the benefits and, by 2002, I decided that I would never offer vaccines again in my practice …

I could not in good conscience offer [patients] something that I had no knowledge about scientifically, and a lot of concern about scientifically, because there was no safety about it. There were no real studies done. The ingredients were unknown and filthy at best. And there were no good studies to demonstrate safety or effectiveness.”

The COVID Shot Debacle

While many doctors have lost their medical licenses for refusing to give vaccines, especially in the COVID era, Palevsky’s livelihood was never threatened in that way, probably because he doesn’t have hospital privileges, doesn’t use electronic medical records, doesn’t sell vaccines and rarely writes prescriptions.

So, there’s little in terms of track record of what he’s doing clinically, other than what his patients might have to say. He’s also not selling any kind of alternative to vaccination. And, since he hadn’t offered childhood vaccinations for two decades, nothing changed when the COVID jab came out.

“There were pediatricians around the country who called me out,” Palevsky says, “who are now probably eating crow because the evidence back then, when they called me out, was obvious, and the evidence now is even more obvious that this is a bioweapon, a murder weapon and not a shot that’s meant for health.”

Obviously, I couldn’t agree more. It’s a bioweapon, and it seems to be particularly pernicious to the young who have no clinical need for it. Children’s risk of dying from COVID is negligible, and that was clear from the start. The primary reason for jabbing children was to protect the elderly, which is completely unethical. Hence, children can only receive harm from the jab, and we’re seeing that in spades. Palevsky comments:

“I think the most heinous thing is that … the whole system has been gaslighting the obvious observations and experiences of most of the physicians and parents in the world who have woken up.

The first things we started to see were menstrual cycle changes, especially in women who had stopped menstruating. The most horrible thing we started to see was infertility, stillbirths, miscarriages. And then we started to see babies born with birth defects, babies born with strokes, with blood clots, with developmental delays.

We saw young kids with myocarditis, inflammation of the heart, pericarditis, inflammation around the heart. You saw kids who were dropping dead. You saw kids who were having neurological problems in addition to stroke. You saw seizures. You’re even seeing Parkinsonian-type symptoms in young adults. And again, the sudden death was amazing.

Heart attacks. And what’s most amazing is that the medical profession in advance started to prepare the public for heart attacks and strokes in kids. They started to approve medications ahead of time so that people were prepared to know that pharmaceutical medicine was available should your child have a heart attack.

So these things were normalized into the pediatric population and pediatricians were just accepting that neonatal ICUs could have stroke victims all the time. The other interesting thing was that in OB suites, we’re starting to see fewer and fewer kids being born, which was another sign of infertility. Nonetheless, all of it is being accepted as normal.”

COVID Jabs Opened Pandora’s Box

According to experts, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) appears to be primarily related to immunizations. After the release of the COVID jabs, we suddenly started seeing adults dropping dead for no apparent reason, a phenomenon dubbed sudden adult death syndrome (SADS).

Still, even though most of the SADS cases are happening among those who got the COVID jab, it hasn’t been causally linked. Curiously, between 2020 and 2023, SIDS rates actually dropped from historical norms, and Palevsky believes this is because many parents weren’t taking their children in for their routine primary care visits due to lockdowns and fear of going out in general.

One silver lining of all this is that as people have become aware of the radical dangers of the COVID shots, they’ve also started questioning conventional vaccines, and many parents who didn’t get their children vaccinated during the pandemic are not taking them in to catch up on their routine shots now. As noted by Palevsky:

“Once people who were never concerned about childhood immunizations started to realize that there was a concern about the COVID jab, it opened up a Pandora’s box. They not only started questioning the COVID jab, they started questioning all jabs.

And so, this COVID scenario has actually backfired for the American Academy of Pediatrics and standard Western medical care, because parents are more concerned [about vaccines] than ever. And I have seen an uptick in the number of patients who never questioned vaccines coming into my office because the COVID jab became a concern.”

The Public School System Is Destroying Our Children

Vaccinations aren’t the only thing forced upon our children that is doing them more harm than good. The public education system also poses a massive threat to our kids.

The obvious conclusion for anyone who has investigated these issues is that you cannot put your children into the public school system because the indoctrination and brainwashing is so pervasive, and spans from kindergarten to high school and beyond. They’re quite literally destroying the brains of our children. Palevsky comments:

“The current educational system completely ignores everything we know about child development and brain development. Completely ignores it.

We know that the most distinguishing thing about humans compared to other mammals is the function of our frontal brain, our frontal cortex and prefrontal cortex, which allow us to think and reason, analyze, understand, focus, pay attention, be aware, have consciousness.

When babies are born, that part of the brain is not developed. It’s dormant. The question then becomes, how does that front of the brain develop? If you look at true child development, you see that development of the forebrain develops from the back of the brain forward.

So, you initiate a voluntary movement, you have an experience, you do it over and over and over again. Through those experiences you come to an understanding. You come to reason, you come to think, and then you have ownership of your knowledge.

So, the hindbrain does an action. The midbrain has an experience, over and over and over again. And the forebrain comes to what I call a forebrain conclusion, and then you have knowledge.

The entire educational system, the media, medical school, residency, everything that we see in today’s world that delivers information says, no, the brain develops from the outside in. We’re going to teach you, we’re going to tell you, we’re going to give to you, and you’re going to now know. And unfortunately, that has become the norm.

So, what you see is all these self-appointed experts who have all of this great knowledge but have no ownership of it because it’s not theirs. They never researched it. They never studied it. They never experienced it. They never thought it through. They never critically evaluated it. They never did trial and error. They just said, ‘If you said it … it’s true.’

And so, in our schools — and that includes law schools and medical schools and graduate schools, social work school, psychology school — you don’t have to think. They just download it into your forebrain and cut off the rest of your brain’s function.”

Public Education Was Always About Control

Children are also taught NOT to question. That’s the quickest way to get into trouble. So, they basically cannot afford to think differently than what they’re told. By not allowing proper brain development to occur, the school system has created, and continues to create, figurative automatons, human robots, whose ability to think critically has been severely impaired.

The government and media are further exacerbating the situation with fear propaganda. As just one example, many children, teens, and even young adults nowadays believe that life on earth will cease to exist within their lifetime — and that it’s their fault simply for living!

They believe we must eliminate efficient energy production, farming, food production and mechanically suck carbon out of the air in order to survive, when the complete opposite is true. All those things will kill huge swaths of humanity and lower our standard of living to pre-industrial times. We’re talking about living conditions that few modern era people would survive due to sheer lack of know-how.

“We’ve actually watched the front brain deteriorate in function, and that’s partly due to creating fear, which cuts off the blood flow to the front brain,” Palevsky says.

“Addiction also cuts off the blood flow to the front brain. Video game addiction cuts off blood flow to the front of the brain. Devices, all these apps, all the social media cuts off blood flow to the front of the brain and creates ongoing primitive brain function. So, we have designed a society that doesn’t allow for education …

I’m afraid for the next generation and the next generation after that, because they have no skills anymore to really work through a problem, to figure it out because they’ve been kept from having life experiences.

The challenge that I don’t think the American public is aware of is, if we go back into the history of public education, we will see that the purpose of public education, at its darkest roots, is to make people sheep, to keep them from critical thinking, to keep them in mass-thinking and to control the population.

That’s a hard pill for a lot of people to swallow, but all you have to do is go into the research of public education and you’ll see that was always the design.”

How to Combat the Programming

So, how can you counter all this brainwashing? Here are Palevsky’s suggestions:

1.Turn off your TV and radically limit the amount of time you allow your children to watch TV. Also, be selective in what you allow them to watch.

2.Stop reading mainstream news and look for reliable alternative sources that aren’t regurgitating the official narrative.

3.If you do keep your children in the public or private school system, have conversations with your children at home.

Ask them, “What’d you learn today? What do you think about what you learned today? How did it make you feel? Did you have an opposing view? Were you able to express an opposing view? What happened if you did? Did the teacher allow it or did the teacher not allow it?” Cultivate an opportunity at home for your child to go through a process of critical thinking.

4.Consider homeschooling. There are many options available for parents these days, including co-op classes, online curriculums, nature schools and more.

“If you are really disgusted with the public school or private school education, then you are in good hands because the number of parents who are homeschooling their children in this country has exponentially gone up,” Palevsky says.

“Not only do kids do better when they’re homeschooled, but their attention spans are better. It also frees the child up to be creative, to have imagination, to learn through doing, to learn through life experience, to learn how to do things that the schools are not teaching you anymore.

These kids do function better, and they do have better grades and they do have good social skills. They’re just not being bombarded with a propaganda machine.”

Live in Sync With Nature to Avoid Seasonal Colds and Flus

Getting back to vaccinations, this fall they started pushing not only the seasonal influenza vaccine and an updated COVID shot, but also a brand-new RSV vaccine. Do you really need any of these? Palevsky believes there are far better ways to stay healthy during the winter season.

“Most people are not aware that the flu is not caused by a viral illness,” he says. “I’m not saying there are no viruses. What I’m saying is that we’re looking at the wrong cause for the illness. The virus isn’t the cause of the illness. The virus is a bystander …

The reason you get sick in the fall, winter, and early spring is because we live out of season. We live out of schedule of the season. We eat improperly out of season. We don’t sleep enough, we don’t rest enough, we don’t eat the warm foods; instead we’re eating cold foods and summer foods.

We don’t take our vitamin D and K2, we don’t eat soups and our broths, we don’t slow down. Anytime we live out of sync of nature, we are causing stress to our body. Farmers used to go to bed at sunset and wake up at sunrise. But when the day gets darker earlier, and we’re up six, eight hours past when the sun goes down — that’s stress.

And one thing that the body has to do, because it can’t keep stress, is to get rid of it. If you accumulate enough of it, you’re going to get sick. We think the reason we get sick is because there’s some magical virus going around. Well, that’s not true.

The reason you get sick is because you’re stressed, you’re living out of [sync with] nature, you’re not eating right, you’re not sleeping right, you’re not resting right, you’re not dressing right, you’re overdoing it when your body should be quieter and you’re creating too much stress.

We’re eating lots of refined sugar, seed oils, hydrogenated oils — these are toxins and are all stressors. And so we have to get sick because the body is made to heal. Too much stress, it’s got to come out. And that’s what an illness is.

So in conclusion, it makes no sense to get these shots because the illness is not caused by a microorganism. It’s caused by out of sync with nature, out of sync with food.”

The Benefits of Fever

Colds and flus typically generate a fever, but fever can also develop in the absence of a viral or bacterial infection, and using medication to bring the fever down often does more harm than good. A fever is your body’s way of killing off invading pathogens and clearing out inflammatory toxins, so by lowering your fever, you’re prolonging the problem. Palevsky explains:

“The very chemicals that cause a fever are the same chemicals that are present all the time to maintain our body temperature at 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. So, to think that at 98.6 [degrees] F. we don’t have those chemicals is incorrect. The same chemicals that give us 98.6 give us 102.

But at 102, they’re working in larger numbers to burn out and get rid of the waste. The fallacy is that if you have fever, you must have an infection, and that’s incorrect. There are three reasons to have fever. One, infection. Two, inflammation, which is probably the major reason to develop fever, and three, neoplasm or malignancy.

When a child has [a fever of] 103 or 104, it’s actually a good thing because it slows the body down. It stops you from putting more stress into the body.

My mentors back in the 1980s, who’d been practicing in New York since the 1940s, would say that after their children resolved their fever illnesses, they would almost always have a developmental growth spurt.

Because the purpose of the fever — which is almost always inflammation and not necessarily infection — is to clean out the body, to prune the body, to cleanse the body … giving over-the-counter medicines for fever, giving the antibiotics for something that’s not an infection, and giving the shots actually creates much bigger illnesses in your kids.

I don’t recommend aspirin in my practice. I also don’t recommend acetaminophen in my practice.

To me, acetaminophen is probably close to, if not the largest poison you can put in your body because it depletes your body of the very chemical that you need in the moment when you’re sick, and that’s glutathione. You need that glutathione if you’re sick. So giving acetaminophen … lowers your ability to stay well.”

Treating Fever From a Clinical Perspective

So, in conclusion, most fevers do not need to be treated or brought down. The warning signs you want to look out for, regardless of the exact temperature of the fever, is their general demeanor. Palevsky explains:

“In 1993, when I was thinking about leaving the ER and going into private practice, I said to a colleague of mine, whose practice I was looking at, ‘What do you do for all these kids who are 3 months to 3 years, who have a fever and no source for the fever?

Do you do blood work and urine?’ He said, ‘Larry, if I did blood work and urine in every one of those kids, I’d lose patients in my practice … Think about it. If you have a kid who’s got a fever of 104 and is sitting up and looking at you and is able to converse, keep the head up, hydrate, and a kid who has a fever of 100.4, who can’t lift their head up, who’s lethargic and isn’t speaking, which kid would you worry about?’

That was a great teaching for me because it reminded me of clinical practice. Clinical practice says, evaluate the child for being alert, awake, arousable, interactive, able to walk, talk, drink, pee, poop. What’s the skin color? What’s the respiratory rate? And so I don’t worry about the number as much as I want to see what the kid looks like.”

That said, if your child is younger than 3 months old, contact your pediatrician if he or she develops a fever. If a child between the ages of 3 months to 2 years has a fever above 102.5 degrees F. and there’s no obvious source, a common concern is bacteremia (bacterial infection), which can be diagnosed with a blood or urine test.

How to Treat a Fever

Palevsky prefers the old-fashioned mercury thermometers, as they’re the most accurate, and recommends taking your child’s temperature rectally, if possible. A digital thermometer that can be used rectally is also good. He does not recommend head or ear thermometers, as they’re less accurate.

“The most important thing when a child has a fever is to ‘pull the plug,’ meaning keep stimulation to a minimum. So, turn the lights down, quiet the environment, lie down with the child. If there’s anything that I’ve seen work over the years, is a parent lying with the child. It’s amazing what healing that can do.

Warm bath — not a cold bath — a warm bath, because what a warm bath does is it makes the body sweat, and when the body sweats the temperature of the body can slowly go down because the evaporation of the sweat causes the body to cool. That doesn’t mean you can’t put a cool cloth on the forehead.

Naturopaths have taught me a wonderful remedy where you take old cotton socks that are wet and put them on the feet, and you put warm, dry wool socks over it and put the kid to bed. Get the kid under the covers and sweat it out. Let the kid sleep. Just make sure that the kid is arousable. Make sure the kid is hydrated. Don’t feed the kid food.

One of the major things that parents complain about when a child has a fever is that they won’t eat. My response to that is, ‘Good!’ Just make sure the child stays hydrated. Water, tea, broth, more water, more tea, more broth. These are situations where I don’t recommend juices. I don’t recommend anything cold and I don’t recommend anything raw.

The child needs warmth. You don’t want to stress the digestive system at all because it has to be quieted. In that situation, you want the rest of the immune system to be working to clean out whatever needs to be cleaned out.”

You can also help your child do a neti pot to rinse out their sinuses with saline. Children as young as 5 can easily do this. Be sure to use saline and not plain tap water, as plain water will irritate the sinuses. The salt in the saline is also viricidal and will kill any viruses lodged in the sinuses.

Take Control of Your Child’s Health and Future

In closing, Palevsky says:

“We are in a time of tremendous censorship, and what I would say to parents who are looking for information, if something is being censored, I would hope that would raise your alarm that it’s being suppressed for a reason, which means that you would want to know what is being suppressed and why.

Because in a true republic and in a society of freedom, why wouldn’t you have the opportunity to look at opposing views and come to a conclusion on your own? And so I would ask you to continue to question, continue to look for answers …

I have heard experts say that parents are not smart enough to understand the science of vaccines, or the science of nutrition, or the science of pediatric development or education. Just hearing that should make for an alarm because you are smart enough. You’ve proven that you’re smart enough and it’s your kid.

So, understand that we are in a time where I strongly recommend that you take back your power to actually raise your kid, to educate your kid, to feed your kid properly, to understand what goes into your child and what shouldn’t go into your child. To make those decisions as a family and not allow the state or some outside resource take over your child’s body and your child’s mind.”

To learn more about Palevsky and his pediatric practice, check out his website, DrPalevsky.com. You can also follow him on InstagramTelegramMeWe and Rumble, where he cohosts a show called “Critically Thinking with Dr. T & Dr. P,” together with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny.

from:  https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2024/02/04/safeguard-your-kids-health-and-future.aspx?ui=f460707c057231d228aac22d51b97f2a8dcffa7b857ec065e5a5bfbcfab498ac&sd=20211017&cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art2ReadMore&cid=20240204&foDate=true&mid=DM1526594&rid=2036922996

Mind Control and Mortality Rates

17 Million People Murdered by COVID Vaccines and Pandemic Policies

Denis Rancourt, who has a PhD in physics and was a professor at the University of Ottowa, studied all-cause-mortality data to show there have been about seventeen million deaths as a result of official COVID-19 measures, but not from COVID, which is a lie. He criticized western medicine as a vehicle for control that creates illness and death. Rancourt explains a science of psychological murder that was used during the COVID pandemic. Trauma based mind control research shows that the CIA and our governments are aware of the deadly effects that traumatizing a population can induce. They are killing us with fear and trauma.

.Link for video:      https://www.bitchute.com/video/CiXTi1WAHCRZ/


Denis Rancourt has a PhD in Physics, he is a former tenured Full Professor, and has published over one hundred articles in leading science journals. Rancourt and his team have used all-cause-mortality data to prove there have been about seventeen million deaths as a result of official COVID-19 measures, but not from Covid, which was a lie.

As far as I can tell, from the all cause mortality data that we've been studying extensively for a long time, there's no such thing as a viral respiratory pandemic. (Denis Rancourt)

He explains this all in his essay entitled, “There Was No Pandemic” which you can find on his SubStack.

There was no pandemic in the sense that there was not a particularly virulent new pathogen that was spreading and causing death. That is not what happened. What happened was huge assaults against vulnerable people by many different methods. And every time you did that, you caused excess mortality. In all the countries where they were not doing that, there was absolutely no excess mortality, even if it was a jurisdiction that was right beside the one that was doing this. (Denis Rancourt)

Rancourt explains a science of psychological murder that has been officially studied and documented for well over a century. It wasn’t just the spike protein that killed us, it was the whole damn thing.

Psychological stress and social isolation are dominant determinants of an individual's health that causes a suppression of your immune system. And you're going to get some kind of infection, cancer, heart disease. And very often the lungs are very exposed to the environments and they're subjected to all the bacteria that you live with all the time. You get bacterial pneumonia and it's a huge killer when a society is stressed, meaning all of its individuals are stressed. The kind of psychological stress that kills you is when you're entire world is turned upside down. Your whole life you thought you had a place in the world and it's gone. That will kill you within a very short time.

We always occupy a dominance hierarchy, a social dominance hierarchy. That is how we organize our societies because we are social animals. It is a fundamental truth of how we organize societies. The stress that is intended to keep you in your place within that dominance hierarchy is an everyday chronic stress, and the stressors have to keep changing how they're going to stress you because you get habituated to the stress. So they have to randomly hit you with hard things every once in a while to really make sure you understand what your place is. That stress is one of the biggest determinants of health.

But we have to admit that medicine itself is a massive killer. It's a massive cause of premature death of individuals. (Denis Rancourt)

Modern Western medicine is officially recognized as the third highest cause of death. It was designed to be a way of controlling the population.

It was designed to be a way of controlling the population. The role of medicine as an institution in our society is to maintain the dominance hierarchy, is to keep people sick and to put them in their place. It's just part of that institutionally. (Denis Rancourt)

Financed by the Carnegie Foundation and published in 1910, the Flexner report was used to outlaw natural medicine practices in America. The Rockefeller foundation then funded a new kind of medicine. An inverted form of heath care that utilized petrochemical drugs and experimental surgery to keep people sick, and in many cases, kill the patient. As Denis Rancourt has pointed out, this is how societies have been run for centuries.

A de-classified document entitled, “Geomagnetic Factors In Spontaneous Subjective Telepathic, Precognitive And Postmortem Experiences”, as well as decades of Trauma Based Mind Control research, shows us that the CIA and our governments are well aware of the deadly effects that traumatizing a population can induce. They are killing us with fear and trauma.

Read full article here…

from:    https://needtoknow.news/2024/01/17-million-people-murdered-by-covid-vaccines-and-pandemic-policies/

“Animal Free” Fake Milk — What!!!

New Untested Synthetic Milk Containing Toxic Ingredients Is Set to Hit the Market

Bored Cow is introducing a new “animal free” fake milk made from whey protein called “ProFerm”. It is made with sunflower oil which is an inflammatory seed oil that may be genetically modified. The label does not specify whether the whey protein was produced through the genetic engineering of yeast. Also, the main input for fermentation is sugar — and they’re using high fructose corn syrup, which is also a GMO product. There are 69 important nutrients present in natural milk, most of which are completely absent in synbio milk. The Bored Cow samples that were analyzed contained an agricultural fungicide. Synthetic milk has never before been consumed by humans and has not undergone safety testing by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)!

No antibiotics, no hormones. Just dairy. A new completely lactose-free dairy. Dairy without the cows? 

Um, how does that work?   

The fake milk, sold by Bored Cow, uses a wannabe whey protein  –   “microflora” called “ProFerm” made by their partner Perfect Day, “a consumer biology company on a mission to create a kinder, greener tomorrow by developing new ways to make the foods you love today — starting in the dairy aisle.”

They claim their product is a new kind of “animal-free” milk alternative “made with real milk protein from fermentation.”

Health Research Institute (HRI), a nonprofit independent lab based in Fairfield, Iowa examined multiple samples of Bored Cow’s “original” flavor milk using mass spectrometry to test the claim that the synthetic protein it contained was the same as real milk protein. HRI compared these results to samples of natural milk from grass-fed cows.

Their testing revealed 92 unknown molecules — and a fungicide — in “synthetic”  milk protein used by more than a dozen food brands sold in common grocery chains. 

The ingredients listed for Bored Cow’s “original” flavor are:

“Water, animal-free whey protein (from fermentation), sunflower oil, sugar, less than 1% of vitamin A, vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin), vitamin D2, riboflavin, citrus fiber, salt, dipotassium phosphate, acacia, gellan gum, mixed tocopherols (antioxidant), calcium potassium phosphate citrate, natural flavor.”

This is a stew made with sorcery and mostly crap, starting with the sunflower oil which is an inflammatory seed oil that may be genetically modified as well. Meanwhile, the label does not specify whether the whey protein was produced through the genetic engineering of yeast. Also, the main input for fermentation is sugar — and they’re using high fructose corn syrup, which is also a GMO product. It’s all gross and phony.

Aside from the host of unknown compounds, synthetic milk lacked many important micronutrients found in natural milk such as an omega-3 fatty acid, vitamin E, and some B vitamins. Additionally, forms of carnitine that are “really important for energy metabolism” were either missing or only present in trace amounts in the synbio product.

“There were 69 important nutrients present in natural milk, most of which were completely absent in synbio milk. A few were present in small or trace amounts,” according to HRI’s Chief Scientist and CEO John Fagan, Ph.D. Fagan — a molecular biologist and former cancer researcher at the National Institutes of Health — has been a worldwide pioneer in testing genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

Additionally, only eight compounds were identifiable. The rest were “uncharacterized” by scientific literature.

“The 92 unknown molecules we found have never been studied by scientists. So we don’t know whether they’re safe or dangerous, whether they are nutrients or toxins,” added Fagan.

Fagan found it concerning that the Bored Cow samples also contained an agricultural fungicide called Benthiavalicarb-isopropyl.

“I think the reason this fungicide is present is because they added it to the fermentation process to inhibit the growth of fungi that could contaminate the production system,” he said, “So the things that we see here are not really good for us, let me put it that way.”

HCI’s official report has not been published yet.

But suffice to say, these results contradict Perfect Day’s claim that its product — used by Bored Cow — is “identical to what cows make.”

Claiming the proteins are “molecularly identical to those produced by cows” is a lie.

Synthetic milk has never before been consumed by humans and has not undergone safety testing by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Milk from Moo to You

This slogan is no longer applicable.

Perfect Day claims ProFerm does not contain GMOs. The industry calls it ‘precision fermentation’ rather than ‘genetic engineering.’  Unlike plant-based alternatives like almond milk or soy milk, this stuff supposedly “tastes and performs the same way as real milk when used as an ingredient.”

Trix is for kids.

Perfect Day’s website doesn’t even use the word “GMOs” to explain its production process, instead, they describe “how [they] teach microflora to create sustainable protein.”

Some call this DoubleSpeak.

‘Microflora’ is a nice term for GMO yeast.

“Synbio” — short for “synthetic biology” — is a method that uses genetic engineering to modify microorganisms like yeast, algae, or bacteria to produce novel products.

Looks like they are avoiding the negative connotations of Frankenstein faux food.

“The biotechnology industry is marketing this method as ‘precision fermentation’ because it exploits a natural process … but it’s actually a form of genetic engineering,” states the Non-GMO Project.

Read full article here…

from:    https://needtoknow.news/2024/01/new-synthetic-milk-riddled-with-gmos-is-set-to-hit-the-market/