Travellers’ Diary – September 12, 2024

Your concern about your elements yesterday was well taken, but you must renumber that much of the things that are affecting the physicality and mentality (and perhaps the spirituality) of people now is related to the electromagnetic pulses in the atmosphere.  There is much testing going on right now, and it (the testing being done) is somewhat cavalier in the sense that they have no proven pre-tests or articles or records that can determine what the effect of these things are going to be, and so they are throwing them, literally, at people at large. Some people are more susceptible than others, and you are one.  You need to realize that electric pulses and waves are going to … (be felt) by certain individuals who hold the right frequency or (vibration) to feel these waves, and those are the ones who will be targeted and whose reactions will be reported and put into the data. 

It is not clear whether or not these individuals who are running these tests, and know that they are in many cases, perhaps most cases maybe even all cases, being controlled and manipulated by others far above them and of much greater intelligence, if you will, or perhaps it is just a matter of their evil quotient.

  We are now working on many levels and are able to turn to those with whom we communicate because we have been joined unexpected by others who were previously neutral.  We think the this trend will be affecting your Earth and the people there, so expect there to be quite a shift in the opinion of the public.  This shift is not factored into the mathematics of the controllers so they will not be able to understand nor deal with it in a timely manner.  You see, they thought that they had everything so much in line that such blips in the matrix, if you will, could not happen, and that if any such aberration were noted, it would be merely a statistical error and not lead to anything in the long run.

That is where they miscalculated. 

As we said previously, this month is critical and not everything that is going on will be visible at this time on the surface.

There is much trouble in your aviation industry, so those who do choose to fly must act with their guides to choose wisely the air planes they ride. 

There is also much turmoil in your skies.  There is or are a number of astronomical events on the horizon the will literally shake things up on your Earth.

Oh, oh dear, oh dear.  We are praying for you as you should all be praying for the good and the light and the God that you choose for help in these situations.  Those who are walking the path of light – yes walking in steps of light – they are the ones who cannot be blinded by what is coming forth.

This is a time for strength, this is a time for belief, this is a time for courage.   Be strong, believe, be courageous, and in these ways, you will see the truth behind that actions that are coming forth, and you will make it through.

We apologize for the tone of this missive, but the times ahead will not be easy.

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