The Traveler’s Diary – July 31, 2024

There is much in the air these days.  We are seeing a huge cloud of unrest coming your way.  What this can be related to, we are not sure.  There is so much going on the the trends get confused and mixed up and, because of that, there is no clear path.  As a result also, people become neurotic and without center.  They act and then the question why they are acting, so they act in a different ways, sometimes diametrically opposed to the way they were acting previously.  There can be much dissension and unrest among friends and families for people are beginning to feel the need to take sides, and to be very definite in their choice of which side/s to take.  This can lead to strife on all levels, and it can be that you will find that there seems to be no clear path in which to walk, and in fact, the paths are not clear for they are covered overly much of the muck of these days.

You are wondering about others —- from our side —-s topping in.  Know that we cannot do so unless asked, at least that is true for those of s who will follow the … hmm, dictates is too strong a word, but the laws (still too strong) f the Universe in which we alll share.

It is not our place to coerce and cause to happen, however we can and will give pushes and even aid on various levels to those who ask and those who have the greater good in mind. 

You are thinking of it as miracles, and perhaps it is. 

Know that the trends of the Universe are many, and that in the end, the Universe desires only what it good, bu there is no law of interference that we can use for our actions.  Those who do so are working outside the realms of law, making their own laws and ways and confusing the tides of energy that surround you .

There are many things approaching that will bring sadness to those of your world, but know that even though this sadness comes, it brings with it — in the actions that evoke this sadness —it brings a kind of resolution, a revelation of what has been going on, and more and more people will become aware of it.

Before taking any definite action, it is always best to feel the flow of the energy and to look through things with the eyes of truth and clarity.  Much is coming now that will be appearing one way, but which in truth is totally something else.

Do not be fooled.  Go within,  seeking inner guidance and stop before you act, especially before you react.