Hope for Dealing With the Vaccine Spike Protein

Study Proposes mRNA Vaccine Spike Protein Production Can Be Deactivated and Turned ‘Off’

The COVID shots are known to increase in lethality after repeated doses. The ‘vaccines’ are linked to turbocancers, reproductive destruction, miscarriages in pregnant women, paralyzation, tinnitus, increased excess death rates, autoimmune disorders in the thyroid, headaches, seizures, heart inflammation and more. Children who received mRNA ‘vaccines’ have also been affected. The mRNA jabs contain hundreds of times the allowable levels of DNA contamination leading to mutagenic effects that change genetic material and increase mutations, contaminating the blood supply, and permanently altering the DNA of the vaccinated and their offspring. Dr. Peter McCullough estimated that over 600,000 Americans have died from COVID ‘vaccines’. The jabs are expected to kill people for a very long time into the future.

The McCullough Foundation published a new study that proposes an intervention to turn off the mutagenic effects of COVID mRNA injections by using small interfering RNA (siRNA) to bind to COVID vaccine mRNA so that the body may eliminate it, and ribonuclease targeting chimeras (RIBOTAC) that can sandwich the mRNA. The introduction of siRNA and RIBOTAC may potentially prevent uncontrolled Spike protein production and reduce toxicity. The targeted nature of siRNA and RIBOTACs allows for precise intervention to inactivate and degrade residual vaccine mRNA, offering a path to prevent and mitigate adverse events of mRNA-based therapies. Dr. McCullough said that some siRNAs [pitirosan and incleanseran] are already used in practice and that he hopes that a biological technology company will produce RIBOTAC.

Dr. McCullough recommends his Base Spike Protein Detoxification protocol that includes nattokinase, bromelin, and curcumin that are available at the Wellness Company He said that nattokinase dissolves blood clots and gave dosages in the video.

mRNA from the jabs has been shown to circulate in the blood for at least 28 days and can be stuck in lymph nodes for at least two months. Spike proteins are said to be circulating at high levels, based on antibodies against the spike protein.

Moderna has had several more mRNA ‘vaccines’, including one for the flu, approved. More mRNA injections will make people more progressively sick because it is synthetic and resistant to the body breaking it down naturally.




A preprint study coauthored by Dr. Peter McCullough, published in May, described a novel method of deactivating the genetic alteration effects of the mRNA Covid vaccinations, providing hope to the billions of people who’ve been genetically mutated.

“The Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna biodistribution studies refute the assertion that nanolipid-bound nms-mRNA remains in the deltoid muscle or axillary lymph nodes. Detectable vaccine mRNA levels remaining in various tissues raises potential safety concerns,” the study said in the ‘Conclusions’ section. “The possibility of vaccine mRNA integration into the host genome and the prospect of unintended protein production due to read through advocate for a mechanism to eliminate lingering synthetic mRNA and halt damaging Spike protein production. The use of siRNA and RIBOTACs to target and degrade vaccine mRNA are promising approaches to mitigate deleterious health effects. The ability to readily tailor the siRNA and RIBOTACs to target an mRNA of interest makes these techniques particularly appealing, although further investigation is warranted to address challenges which include possible off-target effects and immune system activation.”

Messenger RNA (mRNA) technology, referred to in Moderna’s patents as modified mRNA or mmRNA for modified messenger RNA, is an exotic technology that encapsulates an altered RNA sequence within a lipid nanoparticle so as to introduce it into the cells of the vaccinated individual. The foreign man-made sequence is then incorporated into the cells of the vaccinated individual, thus acting more as a gene therapy than a traditional vaccine.

While the exotic injection makes the individual begin to produce the dangerous Covid spike protein, currently there is no way to stop the individual from producing that spike protein forever. There is no ‘off’ switch, at least until now.

The study described a method of turning off the production of the spike protein.

“…the longevity of the encapsulated mRNA along with unlimited production of the damaging and potentially lethal Spike (S) protein call for strategies to mitigate potential adverse effects,” the study said in the ‘Abstract’ section. “Here, we explore the potential of small interfering RNA (siRNA) and ribonuclease targeting chimeras (RIBOTACs) as promising solutions to target, inactivate, and degrade residual and persistent vaccine mRNA, thereby potentially preventing uncontrolled Spike protein production and reducing toxicity. The targeted nature of siRNA and RIBOTACs allows for precise intervention, offering a path to prevent and mitigate adverse events of mRNA-based therapies.”

Read full article here…

Link for Study by Nicolas Hulscher, Dr. McCullough, and Diane E. Marotta:    https://osf.io/preprints/osf/qxbgu

from:    https://needtoknow.news/2024/06/study-proposes-mrna-vaccine-spike-protein-production-can-be-deactivated-and-turned-off/

What Is Going On With Disney?

O’Keefe Media Group Exposes Disney for Racial Discrimination and LGBTQ Agenda for Children

O’Keefe Media Group (OMG) released three undercover videos recently that exposed corruption within the Disney corporation that provides entertainment for children. Michael Giordano, a Vice President of Business Affairs, reveals in the first video that Disney is discriminating against white males in hiring for middle management, and writing and acting jobs. Sohrab “Dave” Makker, Walt Disney Television’s Director of Production/Finance revealed in the second video that only white Jewish males are promoted to upper level executive management jobs. The last video report is about internal documents that show that Disney promoted Pride events for children that involved naked men.

Michael Giordano, a Vice President of Business Affairs

Senior Vice President at The Walt Disney Company details discriminatory hiring practices: “Nobody else is going to tell you this, but they’re not considering any white males for the job,” says Michael Giordano, a Vice President of Business affairs, “there’s no way we’re hiring a white male.” Giordano reveals Disney uses “code words and buzzwords” to avoid legal action and even mentions a candidate being rejected for not looking black enough. Giordano also admits Disney gives bonuses to executives for practicing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), agreeing that “diversity helps with financial incentives.” Giordano further claims he’s been denied promotions due to his race.


Sohrab “Dave” Makker, Walt Disney Television’s Director of Production/Finance

Walt Disney Television’s Director of Production/Finance, Sohrab “Dave” Makker reveals Disney won’t hire anyone who’s not a white Jewish man for C-Suite roles, confirming discriminatory hiring practices detailed in OMG’s ‘The Disney Tapes: Part 1.’

Makker pointed out that the tech industry is run by Indians and the entertainment business is run by white Jewish men.

Makker says Disney prioritizes LGBTQ stories for children, stating, “We insert diversity when it’s not really organic to the story,” admitting shows have “flopped” because “the audience didn’t connect” to forced diversity.

He calls Disney CEO Bob Iger “corrupt,” saying, “He just wants to stay in power.” He proceeds to criticize Elon Musk, calling him a “narcissist” driven by attention, yet agrees with Musk’s call for Iger’s firing.


Amit “Genie” Gurnani, Walt Disney’s Creative Marketing Director

‘It’s the unspoken thing for children to see LGBTQ content,’ says Walt Disney’s Creative Marketing Director, Drag Queen Amit “Genie” Gurnani, into OMG’s hidden camera.

Gurnani adds, “I’d love to get a drag queen at Disneyland,” furthering, “I’m sure that would happen at some point.”

Gurnani insists, “Bob Iger is not axing LGBTQ content at all,” supporting concerns that Disney is ramping up their LGBTQ content, influenced by DEI hiring practices and the inclusion of forced diverse storylines.


An insider source at Disney has provided OMG with startling internal documents and communications. These documents reveal Disney’s promotion of Pride events for children that involve naked men, maps of Disney-sponsored pride parades nationwide, Disney’s covert partnership with “Zebra Youth,” a program supporting LGBTQ youth ages 13-24, and messages about polysexual virtual hangouts.

from:    https://needtoknow.news/2024/07/okeefe-media-group-exposes-disney-for-racial-discrimination-and-lgbtq-agenda-for-children/

Privacy – Whither Goest Thou?

Biometric ID for IRS FOIA Requests Trigger Privacy and Access Concerns

If you’re tired of censorship and surveillance, subscribe to Reclaim The Net.

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has come under fire for its decision to route Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests through a biometric identification system provided by ID.me. This arrangement requires users who wish to file requests online to undergo a digital identity verification process, which includes facial recognition technology.

Concerns have been raised about this method of identity verification, notably the privacy implications of handling sensitive biometric data. Although the IRS states that biometric data is deleted promptly—within 24 hours in cases of self-service and 30 days following video chat verifications—skeptics, including privacy advocates and some lawmakers, remain wary, particularly as they don’t believe people should have to subject themselves to such measures in the first place.

Criticism has particularly focused on the appropriateness of employing such technology for FOIA requests. Alex Howard, the director of the Digital Democracy Project, expressed significant reservations. He stated in an email to FedScoop, “While modernizing authentication systems for online portals is not inherently problematic, adding such a layer to exercising the right to request records under the FOIA is overreach at best and a violation of our fundamental human pure right to access information at worst, given the potential challenges doing so poses.”

Although it is still possible to submit FOIA requests through traditional methods like postal mail, fax, or in-person visits, and through the more neutral FOIA.gov, the IRS’s online system defaults to using ID.me, citing speed and efficiency.

An IRS spokesperson defended this method by highlighting that ID.me adheres to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) guidelines for credential authentication. They explained, “The sole purpose of ID.me is to act as a Credential Service Provider that authenticates a user interested in using the IRS FOIA Portal to submit a FOIA request and receive responsive documents. The data collected by ID.me has nothing to do with the processing of a FOIA request.”

Despite these assurances, the integration of ID.me’s system into the FOIA request process continues to stir controversy as the push for online digital ID verification is a growing and troubling trend for online access.

from:    https://reclaimthenet.org/biometric-id-for-irs-foia-requests-trigger-privacy-and-access-concerns

You Will Be What They Want You To Eat

Control the Food and you Control the People

by Meryl Nass

July 16, 2024

Dear Friends,

There is an apochryphal phrase that, despite its disputed source, probably everyone can agree with: “Control the Food and You Control the People.

Our grandparents and great grandparents produced much of their own food in their gardens or on their farms.  Food choices in stores were limited, with little frozen food available and fewer fresh and canned foods for sale.

In 1850, 64% of American workers worked on farms.1 In 1900 there were still 6 million US farms, with an average size of 150 acres.2 By 1920, 30% of US workers still did farm work.3 But after World War 2, the US government adopted policies to reduce the number of farmers and expand the size of farms–for more efficiency, it was said.4 5 6 Today, only 1% of Americans work on farms7 and the number of farms has dropped by 2/3.

Most US farmland belongs to farms that are over 2,000 acres in size, or more than 3 square miles.  But along with efficiency came worsening food quality.  The so-called “Green Revolution” allowed farmers to apply chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides while ignoring the overall fertility, quality and texture of their soils.  Depleted soils subsequently produced less nutritious foods, while accumulating low levels of neurotoxins and carcinogens.

Decades of consolidation of food production, processing and distribution has steadily increased the size and power of a small group of global agricultural corporations. Most of those companies are in turn members of the World Economic Forum (WEF) or its Food Action Alliance, and they are wielding unelected power to influence food production and distribution in the name of climate change, sustainability,8 health, and equity.9

For example, the WEF had this to say about food systems in 2022:

“In the face of volatile global shocks from conflicts such as the war in Ukraine, the COVID-19 pandemic, and extreme weather events, it has become more urgent than ever to transition food systems to a net-zero, nature-positive infrastructure that nourishes and feeds everyone.10

Net zero means “removing an equal amount of CO2 from the atmosphere as we release into it.”11 This has never been accomplished by any food system, and the implications could drastically reduce the food supply–yet it is said to be the reason we must change the way we produce food.

The WEF and other international entities have recently increased the intensity of this concerted push, most visibly in policies targeting the reduction or elimination of livestock and related farming activities.

Climate change as a justification to attack food production

Advocates of climate change urgency have steadily honed their concerns about agriculture. The WEF boldly proclaims:

With the food system responsible for a third of overall global CO2 emissions, attention on ‘climate-beneficial’ foods has been slowly but steadily increasing.

The US EPA disagrees with the WEF that agriculture plays such a large role in global CO2 emissions.12 Nor are the many CO2-lowering effects of regenerative agriculture (like sinking CO2 into the soil from the air) mentioned as offsets.

Organic and regenerative agriculture, in which topsoil is rebuilt through composting, “green manure” plantings that enrich the soil, and good forestry practices, can sequester more CO2 in the soil and trees than is lost through other agricultural processes. These could potentially achieve ‘net zero’– and increase the production of more nutritious foods and healthier soils, but are not being touted as solutions. One must ask then, is the goal really “net-zero” or is there another goal?

Numerous international agencies and NGOs have converged to accuse cows and farming of harming the climate. They offer technological rescues, to be provided by corporate WEF members. These include the United Nations Environment Program and AIM for Climate.

Like carbon dioxide, methane is a greenhouse gas that is said to contribute to global warming. Over 150 nations have signed the “Global Methane Pledge” to reduce methane emissions by 30% by 203013–and some are reducing dairy and beef cows because the gas produced in their intestines contains methane.  (Humans also expel methane.14)  Methane is released naturally from cracks in the earth, as well as from fracking and oil drilling–which were recently shown to release 5x as much methane as earlier estimates suggested.15 But it is the gas produced by cows that is the current target for methane reduction.

Issues that have not been satisfactorily addressed include:

  • whether our methods for measuring temperature in comparison to past decades provide accurate comparative results,
  • how the doomsday targets for temperature and CO2 were arrived at,
  • how members of the IPCC, an unaccountable body responsible for climate targets and projections were selected and retained,
  • since scientists worried about a coming ice age during the 1970s, doesn’t that suggest considerable changes in climate (both up and down) over relatively short periods of time,
  • what is the evidence that increased heat and increased CO2 are dangerous when both contribute to increased growth of plants,
  • while it was claimed that sea level rises would be catastrophic, what we are seeing in fact is evidence of small changes in sea level in both directions.


WHO’s Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus stated that “a transformation of the world’s food systems is needed urgently, based on a One Health approach that protects and promotes the health of humans, animals and the planet.” We all want to protect animals and environment, as well as our own health, but it seems the obvious way to do that is to address the evils of factory farming and excess chemical additives used for crops and livestock, rather than a major transformation of what we eat.  Consuming large amounts of insect proteins, or lab-grown ‘meat,’ for example, will have unpredictable effects on health. Do we really want to perform these experiments on billions of people at once?

“One Health” is also being used as the justification to vaccinate fur farm workers against bird flu in Finland,16 even though there have been no human cases in Finland, the disease does not spread person-to-person, and everyone in the US who has developed bird flu in the past 2 years has had an extremely mild illness: conjunctivitis +/- symptoms of a cold. None were hospitalized or died. The excuse is that vaccinating people will allow continued farming of mink and foxes, which were culled last year due to alleged bird flu infections. Here is how Finland’s health department draws from “One Health” to wordsmith the need to give experimental vaccines, never before tested in humans, to farmworkers in expectation that an outbreak of bird flu might occur:

“This issue must be evaluated within a framework which considers the intricate interplay between the environment, animals, and humans. Recognising this interconnectedness and the vast array of environmental impacts of human activity is crucial, and our protective measures should consider the overarching goal of maintaining and enhancing planetary health.”17


Equity is repeatedly embraced as the justification to change the way food is allocated. The roster of corporate players at AIM for Climate proclaims “Diversity, gender equity, and inclusion are critical to the success of the mission.”   But real equity is allowing people to choose the food they eat, without interference, rather than restricting populations from accessing the foods they prefer and imposing new foods on them.

Animal Rights

The World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH) joined the plan to balance environmental demands against human needs for food through adherence to the loose “One Health” approach. At the same time, WOAH admits, “More than 75% of the billion people who live on less than $2 per day depend on subsistence farming and raising livestock to survive.”18

The world’s largest food producers, processors, and retail sellers are joined with governments and NGOs through the WHO, UN, WEF, and a plethora of interconnected organizations. Yet all these supposedly charitable organizations have become focused on reducing or eliminating livestock, despite the fact that the poorest peoples as well as the wealthiest rely on livestock for meat, dairy and for enriching the soil. The multinational organizations and food conglomerates want humans to convert to a state-specified diet comprised instead of synthetic meats, insects, and other novel food products manufactured by these companies, which have not previously been known for their concerns about our health.

Many question whether a group of global industrialists and politicians have either the expertise or desire to “improve the state of the world,” but there is no question that the proposed intention is to consolidate and control food production and distribution, thereby improving the state of member corporations’ profits. GMO crops and related chemical applications will be increased under the pretense of climate rescue, and synthetic meats will be favored in government food programs. Even more small farms will be shuttered.

This coordinated justification for global/government food control is presented in the name of sustainability, reducing global temperature, improving animal welfare, nurturing human health, and improving equity. However, there is no evidence it does even one of these things.

We do not intend to allow a small group of globalists to control global food production and thereby achieve control of the population.

This is why Door to Freedom will place a major focus on turning this agenda around. We will encourage government (at all levels) to support small farmers rather than industrial giants, to improve animal husbandry practices, to incentivize enhancing the soil and to achieve a much healthier food supply for all.

Our methods include education, policy development, and working for change at all levels of government.  We will use the same strategy we used to stop the WHO’s agenda.  Basically, once people understand what is happening and what is at stake, they refuse to go along–whether they are citizens or political leaders.

Our first large project will be a 2-day Symposium September 6-7 (online only, and I put in the wrong dates earlier) titled The Attack on Food and Agriculture, 2nd Annual. Please join us, support us, and work with us to heal our food systems and our planet.

My best wishes,

Meryl Nass, MD

  1. https://www.nytimes.com/1988/07/20/us/farm-population-lowest-since-1850-s.html
  2. https://www.census.gov/library/publications/1902/dec/vol-05-agriculture.html
  3. https://www.nytimes.com/1988/07/20/us/farm-population-lowest-since-1850-s.html
  4. https://www.ucsusa.org/resources/bigger-farms-bigger-problems
  5. https://www.agrariantrust.org/blog/butzs-law-of-economics/
  6. https://books.google.com/books?id=oL2v87Rx2QQC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false
  7. https://usafacts.org/articles/farmer-demographics/
  8. https://www.foodactionalliance.org/home
  9. https://www.foodactionalliance.org/partners
  10. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/02/food-systems-2022-outlook/
  11. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/11/net-zero-emissions-cop26-climate-change/
  12. https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/overview-greenhouse-gases
  13. https://www.globalmethanepledge.org/
  14. https://citizensustainable.com/human-farts/
  15. https://www.npr.org/2022/09/29/1125894105/oil-field-flaring-methane-report
  16. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC11191420/
  17. ibid
  18. https://www.woah.org/en/what-we-do/global-initiatives/one-health/  

from:    https://merylnass.substack.com/p/control-the-food-and-you-control?publication_id=746368&post_id=146736206&isFreemail=true&r=19iztd&triedRedirect=true&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

REthinking Ivermectin

Ivermectin Found to Protect Against Many Various Diseases, Cancer, Vax Damage & EMF

Sean Miller | Infowars

Outside of being a horse dewormer, Ivermectin has been scientifically found to treat a list of various ailments in humans.

Ivermectin, a drug derived from a soil microbe, is perhaps best known for it’s treatment of Covid which made it a controversial prescription during the era when health officials were trying to get the Covid death numbers up.

One such case of ivermectin aiding a Covid patient was with 80-year-old Judith Smemthiewicz who got better after taking the drug in early 2021.

“…[she] was placed on a ventilator in late December,” an article by ABC’s WKBW said. “Initially doctors gave her one dose of the controversial drug Ivermectin, and she improved.”

study published in 2022 has found that Ivermectin inhibits tumor metastasis.

“Tumor metastasis is the major cause of cancer mortality; therefore, it is imperative to discover effective therapeutic drugs for anti-metastasis therapy. In the current study, we investigated whether ivermectin (IVM), an FDA-approved antiparasitic drug, could prevent cancer metastasis. Colorectal and breast cancer cell lines and a cancer cell-derived xenograft tumor metastasis model were used to investigate the anti-metastasis effect of IVM,” the study said in the ‘Abstract’ section. “Our results showed that IVM significantly inhibited the motility of cancer cells in vitro and tumor metastasis in vivo. Mechanistically, IVM suppressed the expressions of the migration-related proteins via inhibiting the activation of Wnt/β-catenin/integrin β1/FAK and the downstream signaling cascades. Our findings indicated that IVM was capable of suppressing tumor metastasis, which provided the rationale on exploring the potential clinical application of IVM in the prevention and treatment of cancer metastasis.”

Another study chronicled how Ivermectin can help prevent neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis.

“The results evidenced that IVM and nano-IVM administration is capable of reducing demyelination in mice,” the study said in the ‘Conclusion’ section.

Demyelination is the loss of myelin in nervous system tissue. The study aimed to analyze ivermectin’s effects on the phenomenon.

“Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease of the central nervous system (CNS) and its cause is unknown. Several environmental and genetic factors may have roles in the pathogenesis of MS,” the study said in the ‘Objectives’ section. “The synthesis of solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs) for ivermectin (IVM) loading was performed to increase its efficiency and bioavailability and evaluate its ability in improving the behavioral and histopathological changes induced by cuprizone (CPZ) in the male C57BL/6 mice.”

One study chronicled the history of the drug, its technical characteristics, as well as a long list of ailments it has been documented to treat.

Myiasis, trichinosis, malaria, leishmaniasis, leishmaniasis, American trypanosomiasis, schistosomiasis, bedbugs, rosacea, asthma, epilepsy, neurological diseases, HIV, tuberculosis, buruli ulcer and anti-cancer properties have all been document with Ivermectin treatment, according to the study.

“There is a continuously accumulating body of evidence that ivermectin may have substantial value in the treatment of a variety of cancers. The avermectins are known to possess pronounced antitumor activity,107 as well as the ability to potentiate the antitumor action of vincristine on Ehrlich carcinoma, melanoma B16 and P388 lymphoid leukemia, including the vincristine-resistant strain P388,” the study said. “Over the past few years, there have been steadily increasing reports that ivermectin may have varying uses as an anti-cancer agent, as it has been shown to exhibit both anti-cancer and anti-cancer stem cell properties. An in silico chemical genomics approach designed to predict whether any existing drugs might be useful in tackling glioblastoma, lung and breast cancer, indicated that ivermectin may be a useful compound in this respect.”

Electromagnetic frequencies disrupt physiology and psychology, particularly in the Covid-vaccinated, but ivermectin has been found to remedy some of that disruption.

“Recognizing that humans in the modern age are regularly bombarded with electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) and other toxins that disrupt proper nervous system function, ivermectin might be worth taking for preventative purposes to keep the nervous system optimized through stabilization of P2X4 receptors,” Ethan Huff wrote for Natural News. “Stabilizing P2X4 receptors is important because expression of P2X4 is a major driving factor in ALS, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, chronic neuropathic pain, migraines, epilepsy, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and anxiety.”

from:    https://www.infowars.com/posts/ivermectin-found-to-protect-against-many-various-diseases-cancer-vax-damage-emf/

Coming Soon – Bird Flu -The New Pandemic

Bureaucrats slaughter millions of chickens amid “bird flu” fakedemic
07/22/2024 // Ethan Huff // 3.1K Views

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis is spreading fear by declaring an “emergency disaster” in response to reports about the alleged spread of highly pathogenic bird flu in northeastern Weld County.Polis “verbally” declared the disaster after “an avian flu outbreak in a commercial poultry facility in Weld County,” reads an official statement from Polis’ office on July 8. The statement does not name the facility that was allegedly impacted by H5N1.

The emergency disaster declaration allows Polis and his regime to use emergency powers to “take all necessary and appropriate state actions to assist with response, recovery, and mitigation efforts.”

The Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA) confirmed that 1.78 million chickens were “impacted” by the bird flu strain, which of course means that the food fowl were slaughtered to keep everyone “safe.”

On July 3, CDA announced that a dairy worker in northeastern Colorado supposedly became infected with H5N1 after having “direct exposure” to cattle supposedly sick with the virus. The worker’s only symptom was mild conjunctivitis, also known as “pink eye.”

“He has recovered,” the agency said in a follow-up statement about the worker. “This case is an employee at a dairy farm in northeast Colorado who had direct exposure to dairy cattle infected with avian flu. To protect patient privacy, additional details are not being provided.”

(Related: Did you know that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation gave $9.5 million to UW-Madison to make H5N1 bird flu transmissible from animals to humans?)

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Bird flu: the new COVID

Early on, it seemed as though the powers that be (TPTB) were going to try to hawk up monkeypox, also known as mpox, as the new Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “pandemic.” Since monkeypox is primarily an LGBT disease, it seems they switched to H5N1 instead.

H5N1 has “not adapted to spread from person to person,” the establishment still claims. However, H5N1 can supposedly now transfer from animals to humans, which is why (or so they say) government bureaucrats are slaughtering food animals like chickens with haste.

“Right now, the most important thing to know is that people who have regular exposure to infected animals are at increased risk of infection and should take precautions when they have contact with sick animals,” said Colorado state epidemiologist Rachel Herlihy.

Already, we are hearing calls for people exposed to animals, i.e., farm workers, to slap on a mask, wear eye protection and gloves, and live in fear that they might catch a bird flu virus from their flocks and herds.

Over the past month, Colorado reported that about two dozen commercial dairy herds were impacted by H5N1, this after no cases being reported all throughout 2023. In 2022, eight commercial poultry flocks are said to have been impacted by H5N1.

So far in 2024, three dairy workers in multiple states, including Texas and Michigan, are said to have become infected with bird flu, this after one became infected in Colorado back in 2022. Two of the cases resulted in pink eye while one saw a cough, eye discomfort and a “watery discharge.”

Michigan, like Colorado, is trying to scare its residents about bird flu. Another prominent dairy state, Michigan has allegedly seen 26 herds affected by H5N1. Authorities there are urging farms not to share equipment and to also take other mitigatory measures, i.e., masking, to keep farm workers “safe.”

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is using the opportunity to tout the allege merits of milk pasteurization, which the federal agency says is “effective at inactivating [the virus].”

“In each of the total of nine repeated (pasteurization) experiments, the virus was completely inactivated,” the agency added.

Looks like another manufactured “outbreak” that will soon turn into another “pandemic” to oppress the world. Find out more at Outbreak.news.

from:    https://www.naturalnews.com/2024-07-22-bureaucrats-slaughter-millions-chickens-bird-flu-fakedemic.html

Travelers’ Message July 15, 2024

Know that we are seeing much in the way of cosmic turmoil on all levels.  There will be some surprises in your politics, and there will be upheavals —- things unexpected.  No one will be able to predict the outcome because in these cases, the strings are being pulled by others that those who think they are in control.  This is very much a wait and see time because the upheavals on your planet are merely indicative of upheavals on the larger cosmic level. 

There have been many disturbances cosmologically that are raining down throughout the galaxies.  Yes, this is not just limited to your planet, but to a larger system and systemic world.  It is as those all the gears on the clocks throughout the universe are being programmed to a new frequency, a new mode of ticking away . And there will be much made of things happening that cannot be understood and much made of trivial explanations by the media who are trying to use what they do not understand to keep the narrative that they have (had) shaped (for them) going.  Unfortunately, those who are their narrative creators are in a state of flux for they no longer understand what is going on.

What does this mean for you there on this planet?  It means the coming forth of many conflicting narratives.  Moreover the stories will change almost on a daily basis.  There will be upheavals in those cities who have taken in the foreigners.  Know that that was a very bad policy for it had the makings of revolution.  Be grateful that it has only gone so far.  The plan was to bring in more and more until the revolution was inevitable and the outcome was set.  Now their proposed outcome cannot be predicted for the time is too early.  This will end up with many of those self proclaimed leaders falling down and coming apart.  They will be spinning tales that are baseless, and the fact that these things are baseless will be coming forth more and more until they will find themselves dealing with a kind of incongruity that even they can no longer believe.

They are only secure in their power as long as those around them kowtow, and they are only secure so long as their dictums are put forth by the media.  Ah, the media, it is dying a painful death and revolution is in the air —- on every level.  Revolution in itself does not have to be bloody, but revolution in itself must bring about change.  There are up front revolutions and revolutions behind the surface, and these are the revolutions that have been fomenting for quite some time now.

There comes a time when things are too much, when the plate is tipped too far, and people realize that in order to keep things (even), it is necessary to change position and no longer allow themselves to be blinded by the lies of those in power. 

These days are pivotal and there is much in the air.  You will see changes happening, not because they have been designed, but because they have to.  They have to because the force and energy of the cosmos is shifting, and with those shifts, old ways fall apart.

OMG!!!! The Seas AREN’T Rising!!!!

Shocker: NYT admits the seas only rise in some areas, and islands aren’t disappearing. And the “science” was looking at aerial photos over time. Duh.

Remember when the Maldives govt held a cabinet meeting underwater for publicity?


On a wisp of land in the Indian Ocean, two hops by plane and one bumpy speedboat ride from the nearest continent, the sublime blue waves lapping at the bone-white sand are just about all that breaks the stillness of a hot, windless afternoon.

The very existence of low-slung tropical islands seems improbable, a glitch. A nearly seamless meeting of land and sea, peeking up like an illusion above the violent oceanic expanse, they are among the most marginal environments humans have ever called home.

And indeed, when the world began paying attention to global warming decades ago, these islands, which form atop coral reefs in clusters called atolls, were quickly identified as some of the first places climate change might ravage in their entirety. As the ice caps melted and the seas crept higher, these accidents of geologic history were bound to be corrected and the tiny islands returned to watery oblivion, probably in this century.

Then, not very long ago, researchers began sifting through aerial images and found something startling. They looked at a couple dozen islands first, then several hundred, and by now close to 1,000. They found that over the past few decades, the islands’ edges had wobbled this way and that, eroding here, building there. By and large, though, their area hadn’t shrunk. In some cases, it was the opposite: They grew. The seas rose, and the islands expanded with them.

Scientists have come to understand some but not all of the reasons for this. Which is why a team of them recently converged in the Maldives, on an island they’d spend weeks outfitting with instruments and sensors and cameras.

They were there to learn more about how the steady collision of blue waves and white sand does surprising and seemingly magical things to coastlines, both destroying land and extending it. Really, though, they were trying to answer a bigger question: If atoll nations aren’t facing certain and imminent erasure, then what are they facing? For having a future is not the same thing as having a secure future.

If, for instance, some of their islands become difficult to live on but others do not, then atoll governments will have to make hard choices about which places to save and which to sacrifice. In the places they save, they will have to plan for the long term about supplying fresh water, about creating jobs, about providing schools and health care and infrastructure. They will have to invent the best future they can with the limited resources they have.

In short, atolls might not be such outliers in this world after all. Look hard enough, and they start to look a lot like everywhere else…

To understand what had happened to the atolls since this acceleration began, two researchers, Arthur Webb and Paul Kench, decided to look down at them from above. The scientists collected aerial photos of 27 Pacific islands from the middle of the 20th century. Then, they compared them to recent satellite images. “I’m not sure we really knew what we would find,” Dr. Kench recalled.

Their findings caused an uproar.

The seas had risen an inch or so each decade, yet the waves had kept piling sediment on the islands’ shores, enough to mean that most of them hadn’t changed much in size. Their position on the reef might have shifted. Their shape might be different. Whatever was going on, it clearly wasn’t as simple as oceans rise, islands wash away.

Dr. Webb and Dr. Kench’s study, which came out in 2010, inspired other scientists to hunt for more old photos and conduct further analysis. The patterns they’ve uncovered in recent years are remarkably consistent across the 1,000 or so islands they’ve studied: Some shrank, others grew. Many, however, were stable. These studies have also added to the intrigue by revealing another pattern: Islands in ocean regions where sea level rise is fastest generally haven’t eroded more than those elsewhere…

from:    https://merylnass.substack.com/p/shocker-nyt-admits-the-seas-only?publication_id=746368&post_id=146418320&isFreemail=true&r=19iztd&triedRedirect=true&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

Who Is Pulling the Strings?

Who is THEY? /Corey Lynn

Good summary of who runs the world with tons of links and references

(Here is the link to the full article at coreysdigs.com)


Here is just a little bit of this report:

People want names, so let’s start here. This is a big part of the hierarchy, leaving some unknowns hidden behind the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). In Corey Lynn’s 3-part report on Laundering with Immunity, it explains in explicit detail as to how and when BIS came about and how BIS and 63 central banks devised a plan to hold immunities and privileges. Shortly thereafter, in 1945 the UN was manifested by some of the plotters for this grand takeover, and immunities and privileges came right along with it the following day. This was the beginning of the control framework and how they would be able to carry out their agendas while operating entirely outside the law. All arms of the UN have these immunities and can extend them to organizations working with them. Long before the UN being established, the Organization of American States (OAS) was created. They too were the first to receive immunities and privileges, alongside the UN, as they work in conjunction with one another. And, they too can extend these immunities to organizations they work with. In addition to the banks, the UN and OAS, the Global Fund, Gavi, and WEF were also given these immunities, and numerous other key international organizations as well. In total, there are 76 international organizations that hold these immunities and privileges, and that’s on top of BIS and the central banks.

Whereas the UN and OAS hold treaties with a slew of countries giving them ironclad layers of protections, the other international organizations hold immunities, privileges, and headquarters agreements independently with each country who opted to do so, and there are many! The U.S. set the stage for this, doling them out to 76 organizations throughout every presidency except for Trump and Biden.

Read Laundering with Immunity to grasp the full scope of what these immunities and privileges entail. For starters, all of their archives are inviolable, their property and assets are immune from search and seizure, they are exempt from every kind of tax regular people pay, including property taxes, officers and employees are exempt from legal suits, employees and their family members can travel the world without checks from customs, military and police are not allowed to enter their headquarters, and much more.

Once people understand that THIS is the control framework – the structure that was created nearly 80 years ago so that they can operate outside the law and never be held accountable, it’s easy to see how all of the other pieces fall into place.

Who is THEY? That alone is the key list of 76 organizations, BIS, and 63 central banks at the top of the pyramid, bearing in mind there are wealthy, strategic players behind this pyramid whose names we may never know. Those leading these organizations are the key names purposefully put in a position of power to carry out specific agendas. Those key players move around within that group of organizations and sometimes head up affiliated organizations in order to maintain their strategy. Some of those agendas come straight from the pyramid organizations, while others are contracted out to their affiliates at NGOs, corporations, universities, lawmakers, governments, 3-letter agencies, news media, and private equity firms. For example, CIA agents often move into news media positions, FDA directors often move over to big pharma, CDC directors move over to Rockefeller Foundation or Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and so on.

They keep their key players in positions they need them in at specific times and then move them around to other leadership positions when they need certain actions carried out. Jim Yong Kim is a prime example of this, from co-founding Partners in Health to advising the Director-General of the WHO and Director of HIV/AIDS department, then fulfilling outcomes required at Harvard in various positions, on to President of Dartmouth College then to President of the World Bank – coincidentally resigning early in 2019, and now a partner at Global Infrastructure Partners. Kim has been instrumental in nefarious actions in Haiti, the AIDS agenda, vaccines, Covid contact tracing, pressuring countries in order to receive funding from the World Bank, and the climate agenda, and each position was timed right. It is no coincidence that BlackRock is acquiring Global Infrastructure Partners in the 3rd quarter of 2024. You can read more about Jim Yong Kim’s connections and involvement in Corey Lynn’s reports herehere and here. They have done an incredible job trying to bury his childhood and family. CEO of BlackRock, Larry Fink, also went above and beyond to hide his family connections and childhood, with a father who would appear to be a ghost. It’s understandable to want to keep family from the public eye when in high profile positions, but there is far more than meets the eye with these cats.

There are countless smaller companies who have had good intentions to provide great products and services to people or the land, but as they began to grow and gain attention, these corrupt organizations stepped in trying to co-opt them and eventually acquiring them. Whole Foods being gobbled up by Amazon is a good example of this. These organizations, including so-called billionaire philanthropists, are behind every major industry and “reimagining” it to essentially cut out everyone else from financial prosperity so that everyone can fall prey to their planned enslavement system.

Ultimately, Congress needs to revoke these immunities and privileges. Any lawmaker saying that the U.S. needs to defund the WHO (part of the UN) or the UN itself, clearly isn’t aware of this control framework because if they were, they would know that defunding isn’t going to solve anything…



FROM:  https://merylnass.substack.com/p/who-is-they-corey-lynn?publication_id=746368&post_id=146296117&isFreemail=true&r=19iztd&triedRedirect=true&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

What Happened to Real Cow’s Milk???

Frankenfoods v2: Exploiting the Bioequivalence Principle

Frankenfoods v2: Exploiting the Bioequivalence Principle
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Powerful forces are trying to shift our food system away from the soil-based farming systems and towards genetically engineered, lab-grown food. We can’t let them succeed.


  • Bored Cow, a cow and animal free whey-containing, cultured milk, is one of a growing number of foods being produced through synthetic biology and ‘precision fermentation’—the health risks of which are largely unknown.
  • We’re told products like Bored Cow are fine—even desirable—because they’re biologically the same as their natural counterparts without the toll on the environment purportedly caused by livestock and dairy farming.
  • Yet the evidence indicates that these products are far from biologically equivalent, but regulators don’t seem to care.

Got Milk GE-yeast-fermented-whey-protein drink?

You may have heard about the new “animal-free dairy milk” called Bored Cow. It’s being billed as a more animal and environmentally friendly option to traditional milk that comes from a ruminant’s udders. It all sounds great until you dig a bit deeper to learn that it is produced using synthetic biology (synbio), using genetically engineered (GE) yeast that is then put into a so-called ‘precision fermentation’ system. While the whey protein in it is the same as that found in cow’s milk, that’s only a small part of the overall story. Emerging data from some scientists, like John Fagan from the Health Research Institute (HRI), says the fermentation isn’t as precise as claimed, and there’s a lot of other compounds in the milk, some of which have never been recorded by science before. That might mean that drinking Bored Cow ‘milk’ on a daily basis could have unknown and potentially dangerous human health implications. This might just be one product, but it matters because powerful special interests are working to make synbio the tech platform of our food system moving forward—where farms are replaced with fermentation tanks—in the name of protecting the environment.

What’s happening here is an effort to get consumers to believe they can enjoy all the flavor, mouth feel, and nutrition of real cow’s milk…without the involvement of any cows (hence the “Bored Cow” name). Bored Cow is made with whey protein produced through a process called “precision fermentation,” a form of synbio. This involves taking a gene for whey protein and inserting it into a GE yeast. The yeast is put into fermentation tanks with other nutrients to help it grow. At the end the GE yeast is supposed to be filtered out, leaving only the milk protein. Bored Cow takes this protein and adds vitamins, minerals, and other ingredients to mimic the taste, consistency, and nutritional content of real cow’s milk.

Far from ‘bioequivalent’

The marketing hype behind Bored Cow starts falling apart when you learn that it’s not even close to being equivalent to real milk from pasture. HRI’s independent testing found 92 unknown compounds in this synbio milk. Fagan, HRI’s chief scientist, said these compounds are “completely novel to our food…They are nutritional dark matter.”

The FDA must be on top of this, right? Wrong. Bored Cow has not undergone safety testing at the FDA. Perfect Day, the manufacturer of the synbio whey protein, determined it was “generally recognized as safe” (GRAS) and voluntarily notified the FDA of this determination; in response the FDA said it had no questions. Given how rife the GRAS process is with conflicts of interest, this is akin to taking the company’s word for it that its novel synbio whey protein is safe.

Nor is it very likely that Bored Cow is nutritionally equivalent to real milk. Just as meat is more than just protein, milk is far more than a simple combination of whey and various vitamins and minerals. Milkfat contains 400 different fatty acids. Milk has two types of proteins, whey and casein—and there are several different types of these two proteins contained in milk, and a whole bundle of other compounds like lactoferrin and bioactive peptides that help prime the immune system.

Does synbio milk have this nutritional complexity? It doesn’t seem like it, as casein, to use just one example, which comprises 80 percent of the protein in cow’s milk, isn’t listed as an ingredient. Further, according to HRI’s tests, the amino acid composition of Bored Cow is “strikingly different” than that of milk.

Laws not fit to purpose

Bored Cow is representative of a whole new generation of GE foods that are in development, some of which we’ve written about previously. Older genetically modified (GM) foods were created by modifying the genome of a living plant by inserting, for example, an herbicide-resistance trait. That was nothing compared to what’s going on now. GE yeast or fungi are being used as little factories to manufacture food components that regulators say are biologically equivalent to their natural counterparts, so, they say, no additional testing is required because the foods have been shown to be safe through their long history of consumption. But, as we’ve seen, getting a yeast to make one protein found in milk, fermenting it, then adding nutrients, and slapping “milk” on the label doesn’t make it milk. Nor, for that matter, is lab-grown meat biologically equivalent to pasture-raised meat.

And herein lies the problem. The entire framework for dealing with genetically engineered foods in the US is fundamentally broken. That’s because the federal government decided decades ago that the final product is all that matters, not the process used to create that product. This was codified in the 1986 Coordinated Framework for the Regulation of Biotechnology, which was updated in 1992 and again in 2017. Astoundingly, it wasn’t updated to install more robust safety measures to protect Americans from new and previously unthinkable forms of food. It was updated in large part to remove or mitigate “unnecessary costs and burdens” that “limit the ability of technology developers” to “navigate the regulatory process” which also “hamper economic growth, innovation, and competitiveness.” That is, the Framework was updated to make it easier for the biotech industry to ger their frankenfoods onto our dinner plates!

We’re worried that what’s coming are further “updates” to this framework that allow GE foods and those developed using synbio technologies to be considered “bioequivalent” to their natural counterparts—in essence, drinking the lab-grown food industry’s Kool-Aid. If regulators determine that synbio milk is equivalent to real milk, will consumers be allowed to make their own choices, or will we be sold out as we were with the sham GMO labeling law that allowed companies to hide the GM contents of their food in scannable codes?

Some countries are already moving in that direction: Costa Rica just adopted new regulations which treat a wide-range of gene edited products as equivalent to conventionally-bred products. This is something we have to keep a keen eye on.

The advent of lab-grown meat, plant-based meat, and products like Bored Cow show how inadequate our current laws are in dealing with these foods. Of course it matters how these foods are made! CRISPR, the gene-editing technology, is known to produce unintended outcomes. What evidence is there that eating food grown in laboratories from genetically modified yeast—food that is significantly different than the food we have evolved to eat over human history—is safe, much less healthy?

Put simply, the fake meat and milk synbio manufacturers are exploiting old rules never intended for synbio products so they can escape doing any safety testing before their products hit the market. They’re using all-too-familiar revolving doors with the FDA to get their way, and they want to deceive us into thinking they’re saving the planet from those nasty, carbon dioxide-producing animals while offering us foods that are as safe and healthy as those produced on real farms with the help of real animals—without any of it.

We’re watching these developments closely, and we’ll alert you as soon as we see an opportunity to take political action on this critical issue. In the meantime, please share this article widely, as we need a lot more awareness of how synbio makers are using the principle of ‘bioequivalence’ to get their questionable foods into our mouths.

from:    https://anh-usa.org/frankenfoods-v2-exploiting-the-bioequivalence-principle/