Well, We Know Who Wants Dominion…


Dominion Machines Under Scrutiny After ‘Hundreds’ of Discrepancies Detected in Primary.

Dominion Voting Systems’ electronic voting machines contract with the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico is under threat after contentious primaries produced upset results. According to election officials, some machines reported zero votes for certain candidates or reversed count totals. Counts reported by machines were also sometimes lower than paper counts.

“The concern is that we obviously have elections in November, and we must provide the [island] not only with the assurance that the machine produces a correct result but also that the result it produces is the same one that is reported,” said Jessika Padilla, interim president of Puerto Rico’s elections commission. She attributed the issues to problems in the machines’ software.

The Vice President of Puerto Rico’s House of Representatives, José Varela, is attempting to summon Padilla to a public hearing on Thursday to address the issues, warning, “We cannot allow the public’s confidence in the voting process to continue to be undermined as we approach the general elections.” Dominion’s current contract with Puerto Rico expires at the end of the month.

America First conservatives raised concerns about Dominion machines’ reliability and security following Joe Biden’s contested victory in the 2020 election. The corporation responded by suing multiple people alleging issues with its systems, as well as news networks covering the allegations.

Last June, the Halderman Report exposed a range of “critical vulnerabilities” in Dominion machines. However, states, including Georgia, have left them in place, with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger telling the PhD computer scientists pressing for the issues to be addressed “tough noogies.”

from:    https://thenationalpulse.com/2024/06/12/dominion-machines-under-scrutiny-after-hundreds-of-discrepancies-detected-in-primary/

What’s in Eggs and Where Can This GO?

(Hmmmmm — Just thin about the potential of this in terms of eggs we actually eat)

The Incredible, Medical Egg

Genetically modified chickens that produce medicines in their eggs may be the drug factories of the future

The chicken egg has a storied history in medicine. Even today, millions of ordinary fertilized eggs are each punctured with a drill and injected with flu virus to make vaccines. Now, scientists at the same research institute that cloned Dolly the sheep have produced a genetically modified rooster whose female descendants lay eggs that produce medicines in place of a protein in egg whites.

Helen Sang of the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh, Scotland, and her colleagues used lentivirus to introduce a gene into freshly fertilized chicken embryos that trigger the production of various drugs rather than the protein ovalbumin, which normally makes up roughly 54 percent of egg whites. The researchers screened the resultant cockerels for one that produced the new gene in its semen. They then bred him with normal hens to produce a flock of chickens that carried the inserted gene thereby producing medicines in their egg’s whites.m

Tests of the flocks’ eggs showed that they could produce either miR24–a monoclonal antibody used in treating melanoma–or interferon b-1a–an immune system protein used against multiple sclerosis, among other things–depending on which gene was inserted. The chickens produce 15 to 50 micrograms per milliliter of egg white, the researchers found, and though this is not as efficient as the expression of ovalbumin, it is efficient enough to allow for subsequent purification into therapeutic drugs. “We would expect the transgene not to be as efficient as the endogenous gene it was based on as only some of the regulatory elements were used and the transgene may be inserted in the chromosome at a position that does not favor anywhere near maximal expression,” notes Roslin’s Adrian Sherman, who also participated in the research. “I’m sure there is potential for improvement.”

Chicken eggs may prove a better way to producepharmaceuticals than other genetically modified products (such as goat milk) that have been previously explored. Chickens are easy to raise, produce numerous eggs, and are cheap to keep. And, after raising five generations of the modified birds, the researchers have observed no adverse health effects, according to the paper published online January 15 in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.

Even though the therapeutic proteins worked as intended during in vitro assays, it will be years before the process is ready to be used to produce drugs for human consumption, researchers say. Roslin’s chickens join a similar effort using stem cells developed by Origen Therapeutics. Regardless of which “biofactory” delivers drugs first, a new medicinal use for the venerable egg is now apparent.

from:    https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-incredible-medical-eg/

Signs of the TImes – Part 1

Right now the veils are thinner than they have been in many years, decades, perhaps even centuries.  Things are going to be seen that have not be seen before.  Actions will happen both on an individual stage and on a much larger one that seemingly have no precedence, that come out of nowhere and just happen, yet there is no feeling of resolution.  These are all steps, even blocks in the creation of a new paradigm.


Who Knows? Beatles – Yes or No?

No conspiracies please, we’re reality theorists

 Read Time:27 Minutes

By Chris Rea

I cannot remember a time in my life when I was not crazy about the Beatles.

Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band was the first record that I listened to as a young child and even today it reverberates with the sensibility of early consciousness.

I became fascinated by the extraordinary story of the Beatles’ achievements and accepted without question the orthodox narrative about their uniqueness, which was the answer to any nagging doubts I might have had about how exactly they became so good so quickly and so enormously – they were unique. They were just … the Beatles.

The Beatles were above all the other groups and solo artists of the 1960s, a decade which produced some outstanding pop and rock music. Everything flowed from them. Their best songs, and there were very few duds in their catalogue, were imperishable achievements of popular musical culture which warranted the exceptional praise they received from music establishment critics and the acclamation they received from the public.

Fixing a rabbit hole

I cleaved to this view until 2022 when I watched a presentation by the US researcher Mike Williams entitled Did the Beatles write all their own music?

Williams argues that at least between 1962 and 1966 they did not, and that they may not have done so from 1967 to 1970 either.

Williams’ thesis is built on an analysis of the recording of the 1965 Rubber Soul album.

It’s a fascinating exposition and I won’t attempt to describe it in detail. The four-and-a-half-hour presentation is worth investing your time in.

In short, he argues that the official narrative about the production of Rubber Soul is not credible.

The band went into the EMI studios on Abbey Road on 12th October 1965 with an almost empty musical locker, faced with the challenge of composing, writing, rehearsing, demoing and recording 14 original songs for the new album and two for a double A side single (‘Day Tripper’/ ‘We Can Work it Out’).

They are supposed to have completed all this by 11th November – and they did not work every day between these dates – with the album mixed, pressed and ready for the Christmas market by 3rd December.

Williams argues that it was simply not possible for the band to produce such a quantity of original music in so short a time.

According to the mainstream story, Rubber Soul’s songs were recorded in an extraordinarily small number of takes. ‘Drive My Car’, for example, was knocked off in four takes, the fourth being the only complete one.

For the conventional narrative to work, there had to be no failed attempts at songs and minimal reworking. Every song they wrote had to be nailed quickly and perfectly.

This would be a tall order under any circumstances but it becomes gigantic when you think about the great leap forward in musical sophistication and complexity Rubber Soul represented compared to its predecessors.

When they were signed by EMI in 1962, the Beatles were a hard-gigging covers band that showed no signs of the musical chops that would be required to write and perform songs like ‘Girl’, ‘Norwegian Wood’, ‘In My Life’ and ‘If I Needed Someone’.

If you’re not sure about this, listen to the Live! at the Star-Club album which was recorded in Hamburg in December 1962, less than three years before the recording of Rubber Soul.

The sound quality is terrible but it is possible to hear the singing and playing beneath the murk and there is nothing, absolutely nothing on this record that indicates that this was a band destined for world-straddling greatness, not to mention high-grade studio proficiency.

Williams also identifies problems with Rubber Soul’s production timeline, suggesting that for all the record’s components, including the sleeve and the disc’s label, to have been ready for manufacturing on 19th November, the running order of the songs must have been known before they had all been recorded – or written, since the mainstream version says that the band were composing throughout the time they spent in the studio.

His conclusion is that the songs that appeared on Rubber Soul were already written and the instrumental parts already recorded by the time the Beatles arrived in the studio on 11th October.

And not by the Beatles. Their job was to learn and lay down the vocal tracks. This task alone was more than enough to fill up the available recording time, Williams argues.

Williams and other researchers have also examined the set lists for the Beatles’ live shows between 1962-1966 and questioned the absence of many of their ‘original’ compositions.

Out of 91 songs allegedly written by the band (almost all of them by Lennon and McCartney) during their time as a touring outfit, just 25 were performed live at their concerts, less than 30% of the total.

There are 26 songs on the aforementioned Star Club album and just two of them are Beatles ‘originals’.

‘Love Me Do’, which had been released as a single that October, wasn’t one of them. It’s extraordinary to think that they weren’t routinely playing their first big hit at this time.

They didn’t play their next big hit single ‘Please Please Me’ either. Although it wouldn’t be released until January 1963, the song had already been recorded by the time the band played the December 1962 Hamburg shows.

The Star Club recordings were made less than two months before the band recorded their debut album, Please Please Me. Just two of the eight Beatles ‘originals’ from that album feature in the set list. Surely by then they would have been road-testing the songs that they were shortly to lay down on their debut album?

And just two songs from Rubber Soul were ever performed live.

More extraordinarily still, the Beatles’ August 1966 tour of the United States that concluded with the band’s last ever public concert at Candlestick Park in San Franscisco featured not one song from the Revolver album that had been released on 5th August.

In 1966, with nearly 100 original pop classics in their armoury, the Beatles were still including rock and roll cover songs in their sets, which typically lasted for no more than half an hour.

The orthodoxy has it that by this time in the band’s career, their songs had become too complicated to replicate live.

According to Wikipedia, ‘none of the tracks from Revolver were included due to the difficulty in reproducing their sophisticated studio sounds and arrangements in a concert setting.’

It is interesting how widely accepted this point of view is. I subscribed to it myself for many years.

But it’s nonsense. ‘Tomorrow Never Knows’ admittedly would be hard to perform live in a way that sounded like the original. The brass parts from ‘Got to Get You into My Life’ would have to go.

But as for ‘Taxman’, ‘And Your Bird Can Sing’, ‘Dr Robert’, ‘She Said She Said’ etc – Beatles tribute acts have easily mastered these songs. You can find many examples on YouTube. The Jam seemingly had no trouble picking up ‘Taxman’ and turning it into ‘Start!’ fifteen years later.

The idea that the band that wrote and performed these songs to such a high standard in the studio couldn’t reproduce them live just weeks later is absurd.

Returning to ‘Drive My Car’ – if it’s the case that they recorded just one complete take for the album, that will have been the only time the band ever played the song right through. Why would they have not wanted to include it in their live shows? Were Lennon and McCartney not proud of their composition? It’s a terrific pop song. You would think that they would be itching to play it, and all their other brilliant songs. ‘Drive My Car’ would have been great live. The band could have dropped out the vocals while the crowd all sang ‘beep-beep, beep-beep, yeah!’ That would have been amazing. But it never happened.

Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth

It makes no sense at all that the Beatles did not routinely perform their latest studio records at live concerts. With respect to Sherlock Holmes, these are the songs that weren’t played in the night.

Williams believes that the most likely reason they performed such a small part of their own catalogue was because they hadn’t learned how to play most the songs that had been attributed to them.

If it was the case that the Beatles’ job in the studio was to record the vocal tracks for songs that had already been written and instrumentalised, there would have been no need for them to learn to play the instrumental parts.

The Beatles did of course perform some of their ‘original’ compositions live. It would not have been possible to maintain the ‘Lennon and McCartney genius songwriters’ persona otherwise. Therefore, they would have learned just enough of their ‘originals’ to uphold the artifice, with the balance filled out by covers.

This explains why a) their shows were so short, b) why reasonably uncomplicated and straightforward ‘original’ songs like ‘She’s A Woman’ and ‘Baby’s in Black’ stayed in their set for so long, and c) why they had to include the rock and roll covers they had been performing for most of the decade.

The Beatles had a limited palette and they stuck to it right up to the point where it would have been difficult for the biggest band in the world to explain away the absence of great swathes of their own catalogue from their live shows.

I have come to the sad conclusion that John, Paul, George and Ringo were merely the dancing puppets in the shop window of a gigantic psychological operation called Beatlemania and that the Beatles were in fact the world’s first Beatles tribute band – and a tribute band that played fewer Beatles songs than their successors, and not as well.

The Beatles were finished as a unit by 1970 but they have cast a vast shadow over popular culture ever since. It is impossible to treat them insignificantly, which is why what was intended to be a preamble to a larger article has already expended 1,700 words on them.

Thank you for bearing with me while I exorcised my Beatles possession. It hasn’t been a pleasant experience but it has been less traumatic than the realisation in 2020 that most of the Left had sided with the ruling class in the covid war. I don’t think there are many more scales to fall from my eyes now.

By the time we got to Tavistock

If the Beatles were a construct created by powerful ruling class forces, most likely the combined efforts of the intelligence agencies, the Tavistock Institute, media interests, commercial/financial networks, elite families etc, then who knows how many other artists from that era and beyond were not the authentic articles we have been led to believe.

To read the rest, go to the article:  https://real-left.com/no-conspiracies-please-were-reality-theorists/

Calling for Justice for the People

Fox News analyst Gianno Caldwell is launching a new public safety nonprofit aimed at assisting the victims of violent crime and lobbying against a soft-on-crime push from progressives that he says has made the problem worse for years.

The Caldwell Institute for Public Safety has multiple missions aimed at combating the American crime crisis – support for victims, activism against progressive candidates who support soft-on-crime policies, and lobbying for public safety laws.

Caldwell said he enlisted a team of experts to help meet his goals. He brought in Dr. Drew Pinsky as well as a cousin who is a Ph.D. clinician to put together a mental health manual for victims’ families, he said.


Fox News contributor Gianno Caldwell and his brother, Christian

Gianno Caldwell and his brother, Christian, in their last photo taken together. (Fox News Digital)

He also brought in Joel Fitzgerald, a longtime police chief whose son, also a police officer, was murdered in Philadelphia. Former Chicago prosecutor Dan Kirk worked with Fitzgerald to create a guidebook on how families can work with police and prosecutors.

And he put together instructions for families who want to pitch their stories to the press.

WATCH: Gianno Caldwell announces Caldwell Institute for Public Safety – Graphic content warning

“I can imagine what it feels like for the family that just lost their 7-year-old baby boy in Chicago this past week, or on June 24th, 2022, when my brother was murdered, little baby Cecilia, who was six months old, murdered. If you look at the numbers from 2021 to January 2022, over 276 children 16 and under had been shot and the city of Chicago. That’s one year’s time.

— Gianno Caldwell

“The other side of it, though, is going after these radical, progressive, soft-on-crime prosecutors, mayors and city council members, in some cases,” he told Fox News Digital. “I want to ensure that those who’ve radically reshaped our criminal justice system, funded by George Soros and others, that they are held to account.”

Part of that is helping traditional prosecutors campaign against progressives with backing from deep-pocketed benefactors like the billionaire Soros, he said. Another part is pushing legislators to take action against crime.

Those prosecutors include Kim Foxx, of Caldwell’s hometown in Cook County, Illinois, George Gascon in Los Angeles and Larry Krasner in Philadelphia, among others who have benefited from progressive donors.

“We’ll be doing lobbying for legislation that makes the community safer and lobbying against the legislation that endangers the lives, systematically, of the residents of particular communities,” he said.

GIanno Caldwell appears in a still taken from video announcing his new Caldwell Institute for Public Safety

Gianno Caldwell appears in a still image taken from the video announcing his new Caldwell Institute for Public Safety. His brother’s unsolved murder in Chicago prompted him to launch the nonprofit, he said. (Caldwell Institute for Public Safety)


“Donations are extraordinarily important,” he said. “This is a 501(c)(4), and we’re going to need the help and support of all of America to ensure that we can carry out this mission. I’m going up against a mega-billionaire who spent hundreds of millions of dollars in many races over the course of the years.”

It took years of Soros-like activism to bring society to this point, he said, and it could take years to right the ship.

“I recognize that this is a long fight that I have to take on, and I have to take on because I’ve been personally impacted, and I know the tragedy and the pain that comes with losing a loved one,” he added.

Gianno Caldwell and his younger brother Christian

Fox News analyst Gianno Caldwell is still looking for answers after his 18-year-old brother, Christian, was fatally shot in Chicago. (Gianno Caldwell)

Two years ago Monday, Caldwell’s 18-year-old brother Christian died in a Chicago shooting.


To date, no suspects have been arrested. Caldwell said he’s been in touch with investigators on a monthly basis and recently learned from the FBI’s Chicago office that there is a “warm lead.”

Chicago police said the case remains under investigation and that they had no other updates. The FBI did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

He hopes the institute will benefit other victims’ families as they navigate the trauma of losing a loved one to violent crime.

“My brother Christian, he wasn’t just my little brother, he was like my son,” Caldwell said. “He never had a dad around. So I was the one that took care of him. I was the one who took him to places, bought him school clothes, and those kinds of things.”

His brother was 18 and looking forward to starting college, he said. Then he became a victim of violent crime that crushes families from all backgrounds.

“This isn’t something that just impacts Black folks – it impacts White people, Hispanic people, Asian people, all Americans, all stripes, all income levels and all jurisdictions,” he said. “We need to know as Americans this issue impacts all of us, therefore, we all must fight this together.”

Cook County Crime Stoppers is offering a $15,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the suspect or suspects involved in the shooting that left Christian dead and two other victims injured on the 11400 block of South Vincennes Avenue.

Christian did not know the other victims, a 31-year-old man and 25-year-old woman.

Fox News’ Audrey Conklin and Peter Petroff contributed to this report.

from:    https://www.foxnews.com/us/gianno-caldwell-calls-out-soros-backed-soft-on-crime-politicians-launches-institute-public-safety

Whither Goest Thou, Petro-dollar? And What Now?

Saudi Arabia Ends 80-Year-Old PetroDollar U.S. Agreement: Joins China-Led Central Bank Digital Currency Coalition

by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News

This past Sunday (June 9, 2024) Saudi Arabia made the historical move to not renew an 80-year-old agreement with the United States that established the U.S. Dollar as the world currency to purchase Saudi oil, in what should have been headline news, but seems to have been blacklisted in U.S. financial news publications, even in alternative financial news publications such as ZeroHedge News.

Here is the coverage of this historic event from the The Business Standard, a Bangladeshi daily newspaper.

Saudi Arabia’s petro-dollar exit: A global finance paradigm shift

The crucial decision to not renew the contract enables Saudi Arabia to sell oil and other goods in multiple currencies, including the Chinese RMB, Euros, Yen, and Yuan, instead of exclusively in US dollars. 

Significant financial upheaval is potentially ahead of the financial world as Saudi Arabia has decided not to renew its 80-year petro-dollar deal with the United States.

The deal, which expired on Sunday 9 June, was a cornerstone of the United States global economic dominance.

Originally signed on 8 June 1974, the deal established two joint commissions, one based on economic cooperation and the other on Saudi Arabia’s military needs.

At the time, it was said that it heralded an era of close cooperation between the two countries, says Katja Hamilton of BizCommunity.

This latest development signifies a major shift away from the petrodollar system established in 1972, when the US decoupled its currency from gold, and is anticipated to hasten the global shift away from the US dollar. (Source.)

While I could find no major U.S. English publication covering this as headline news, there was plenty of discussion on Twitter/X.

One U.S. investor, Andrei Jikh, who has over 2 million subscribers on YouTube, published a video on just what the end of the petrodollar means, and that video has accumulated almost 1 million views over the past couple of days.

The video is just over 15 minutes long, but the facts regarding the end of the petrodollar is only covered in the first 12 minutes.

Everything after that is this investor’s views, including his view that people should continue investing in the U.S. Stock market and also invest in Bitcoin, certainly a view that myself and many others would not agree with.

But his summary of the history and significance of the Petrodollar is excellent, and well worth the 12 minutes to watch.


The petrodollar agreement between Saudi Arabia and the United States included more than just the agreement to require the purchase of oil with U.S. dollars, as it also included a promise from the U.S. to protect Saudi Arabia militarily, and also contained provisions for establishing the State of Israel in 1948, something that President Roosevelt actually opposed, but was adopted by his successor, President Truman.

The Quincy Pact

Saudi Arabia reportedly did not renew “its 50-year petrodollar agreement with the United States”, an agreement that expired on Sunday, June 9, 2024.

While it is permissible to doubt the existence of a half-century-long agreement, it was indeed in 1974 that the petrodollar emerged. Three short years after the end of the Bretton Woods agreements.

From a historical perspective, the origins of the petrodollar date back even to 1945.

On his way back from the Yalta conference, President Roosevelt made a stop unbeknownst to the British along the Suez Canal. It was aboard his cruiser USS Quincy that he met King Abdulaziz Al Saud.

It will later be said that this meeting birthed the “Quincy Pact.”

This diplomatic anchorage went so well that Roosevelt offered his wheelchair to the Saudi king, who was also disabled.

Despite this goodwill, the king refused to allow Jewish settlement in Palestine.

However, the American president ensured the essential by sidelining British Petroleum in favor of American oil companies.

This tacit agreement prevented the creation of a Jewish state, but Roosevelt would die two months later. His successor, Harry Truman, would be a strong supporter of the founding of Israel.

He would recognize the Hebrew state 11 minutes after the Israelis declared themselves a nation, against the advice of his Secretary of State.

Henry Kissinger’s Masterstroke

It was in 1974 that the second historic meeting between the Saudis and the American government took place. Henry Kissinger had been Secretary of State for a year.

His mission? To impose the dollar on the ingrates of the old continent who dared to demand gold.

His strategy began with an intervention in favor of Israel in the Yom Kippur War.

[For more context, note that Henry Kissinger is Jewish. He fled Nazi Germany at the age of 15 and would return in uniform five years later to fight in France and Germany.]

In retaliation, Arab countries ceased their oil exports, primarily to European nations. The United States, for its part, was self-sufficient. By 1974, the price of a barrel had quadrupled, going from $3 to $12.

This oil embargo was all the easier to implement as the United States had been pushing for years for the emancipation of Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, and Libya from European companies (British Petroleum, Royal Dutch-Shell, and the French Petroleum Company, ex-Total).

Kissinger wanted the price of the barrel to explode to weaken the old continent. He knew well that the American army would have the last word if things escalated, allowing him to impose himself at the heart of international relations.

International discord would reach its peak when President Gerald Ford recognized Jerusalem as the capital of the Hebrew state.


In response, Saudi Arabia continued to raise the price of the barrel, without knowing that it was playing into the hands of Henry Kissinger, who would ultimately threaten to use force to remedy what he called “the strangulation of the industrialized world”. The London Sunday Times revealed in February 1975 the existence of the “Dhahran Option Four” plan, which planned to invade Saudi Arabia to take possession of its oil wells.

King Faisal would hear these drums of war very clearly. At the end of 1974, he finally gave in to Henry Kissinger’s demands, who promised him the unlimited sale of arms, a backpedal on the Jerusalem issue, and a return of Israel to its 1948 borders (plus a myriad of technologies).

In exchange, Saudi Arabia had to:

1. Sell its oil exclusively in dollars.
2. Invest its dollar surpluses in American debt (It was anyway impossible for a kingdom of 10 million inhabitants to spend the thousands of billions of petrodollars).

All OPEC countries would agree in 1975 to denominate their oil in dollars. Here are the broad lines of the genesis of the petrodollar. King Faisal would be assassinated on March 25, 1975, on the day of the Mawlid, the anniversary of the birth of the prophet Muhammad. Subsequently, Israel would never return to its 1948 borders. (Source.)

I was amazed that this news of the petrodollar agreement ending Sunday was barely mentioned, if mentioned at all, in the corporate news in the U.S.

for the rest of the article, go to:    https://healthimpactnews.com/2024/saudi-arabia-ends-80-year-old-petrodollar-u-s-agreement-joins-china-led-central-bank-digital-currency-coalition/

Not so Apeel-ing -Thanks, Bill!!!

Bill Gates’ Apeel Treatment for Produce Turns Fruit Into Rubber Zombies

Apeel is a preservative coating for fruits and vegetables that is funded by Bill Gates. People have made videos showing that the texture of produce appears to change when treated. One woman said that a blueberry from a package that she bought for a snack for her baby was like hard rubber, even though she chose an organic product from Whole Foods. A food researcher exposed toxic chemicals used on McDonald’s french fries.We previously published a list of grocery stores and growers who use Apeel and some that have rejected treated produce (click here for article)..

Alex Jones drills into claims by some consumers that certain produce at big-name supermarkets turn into rubbery Frankenfruits after getting treated with a Bill Gates-funded plant-based protective coating.


Read full article here…

from:    https://needtoknow.news/2024/06/bill-gates-apeel-treatment-for-produce-turns-fruit-into-rubber-zombies/

What is Happening to our Young?

Democrats Shut Down Investigation into Maine’s Surging Excess Deaths

Democrats in Maine have stepped in and shut down an investigation by Republican lawmakers into the state’s spike in excess deaths.

Republican State Rep. Heidi Sampson (R-Alfred) is raising the alarm over Maine’s surging excess deaths.

Sampson warns that the state has suffered an alarming “silent epidemic.”

She revealed that data shows that excess deaths are now 18% higher than they were in 2020.

Specifically, the state has seen a surge in sudden deaths among young and middle-aged adults with no known previous illness.

However, Sampson revealed that the state’s Democrat lawmakers “shrugged their shoulders” when she proposed investigating the deaths.

Alarmingly, she warns that Democrats have stymied her effort to investigate the issue.

After growing increasingly concerned about the soaring excess since the pandemic, Sampson tried to bring the issue to the Maine House of Representatives in March.

Sampson compiled Maine’s all-cause mortality data for 2015-2022.

The data was analyzed by a statistician.

The lawmaker warned her colleagues that Maine has suffered an 18% increase in excess deaths among 25- to 64-year-olds since 2020.

She also cited the CEO of the One America insurance company, J. Scott Davison.

Sampson said Davison “publicly disclosed that during the third and fourth quarter of 2021, death in people of working age 18 to 64 was 40% higher than it was before the pandemic.”

She went on to describe the recent emergence of the now-common phenomenon of “sudden death syndrome.”

Examples of sudden deaths include death by heart attack, stroke, meningitis, brain aneurysm, pulmonary embolism, anaphylaxis, and asthma.

“You will find hundreds, even thousands, of examples,” she told her colleagues in the state House.

“A few years ago, this was unheard of.

“Sudden death syndrome (SDS)” is a “silent epidemic” that demands immediate attention and investigation, she asserted.

“SDS is an umbrella term. It includes biologically based scenarios describing [the] quick onset of unexpected mortality without prior signs of illness. I’ll repeat: without prior signs of illness,” Sampson said.

“Autopsies may be non-conclusive due to the lack of obvious abnormalities. They may also be non-conclusive because we may not be asking the right questions.”

“If there is even a chance this data is correct, we have the moral obligation to our children to investigate,” she said.

“This data represents a flashing red light.”


In a new interview, Sampson described the surge in excess deaths as “earthshaking.”

“This data was compiled by actuaries who are the mathematical experts insurance companies rely upon,” she told the Defender.

“A 40% increase in deaths is literally earthshaking.

“Even a 10% increase in excess deaths would have been a 1-in-200-year event.”

Sampson presented her findings to her colleagues at the state House and urged Maine lawmakers to back investigations into the issue.

However, she said Democrats moved to block Sampson’s efforts to investigate the deaths.

“The Democrats could not reject this order fast enough,” she added.

She said two Democrats, both doctors, approached her after her speech demanding to know where she got the data.

They then proceeded to insist that the increased deaths were due to suicides.

“They just shrugged their shoulders,” Sampson said.

“We shut the whole damn state down for 6%,” she said of the lockdowns during the Covid pandemic.

“What are we doing with almost 18%?

“As a mother and a grandmother, this entire issue deeply concerns me.

“I want my children and their children to have long, healthy lives.

“We need to get to the bottom of this.”

Sampson has also raised critical questions about the safety of Covid mRNA shots which were misleadingly pushed onto the public as “vaccines.”

She also warned against the growing influence of unelected international organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO).

“The data are in — it is not safe and effective,” she said.

“And until the federal government removes the liability shield from the vaccine manufacturers, the COVID-19 shot must be removed from the Maine market.”

But she told the Defender that “she once again faced resistance from her colleagues.”

She described the response from Democrats as “tense and uncomfortable.”

Her Democrat colleagues also shot down her order to nullify WHO’s now-failed pandemic treaty authority that surrenders state’s rights to the United Nations “health” agency in the event of a future pandemic or “climate emergency.”

“It was heart-sickening to watch my colleagues on the other side of the aisle rapidly stand, object, and vote against this motion,” Sampson wrote in April.

“All I can say is now they are responsible for the information they have heard,” she said.

“It is on the record.”

from:    https://slaynews.com/news/democrats-shut-down-investigation-maines-surging-excess-deaths/

Who’s Your Daddy?

Former CIA Agent Phil Giraldo Exposes Israel’s Control Over America

Columnist Phil Giraldi, a former intelligence officer for the CIA, explains that foreign policy in the Middle East is set by Jewish people in positions of power in the US who put Israel’s interests above American interests. He said that this has been particularly evident since 9/11 and he named Paul Wolfowitz, Scooter Libby and Douglas Feith, the former under secretary of Defense for Policy for United States president George W Bush, as the architects of the Iraq War. He said war with Iraq was pursued because Saddam Hussein supported the families of Palestinians who were arrested in Israel.

Giraldi said that Americans’ liberties are under attack, such as free speech under anti-Semitism laws that prohibit criticism of Israel. 70% of Biden’s administration is Jewish, and almost all positions in national security and foreign policy are held by Jewish people. They retain power no matter who the president is and which party controls Congress. News reports indicate that Trump has been offered $100 million from Miriam Adelson in exchange for Israel taking over the West Bank to create a single Jewish state. Israel has led America into decades of war. Giraldi says that Israel need the US to fight its wars because it cannot dominate the Middle East without US involvement. Netanyahu and Israel hope to expand its border to ‘Greater Israel’ that includes Jordan, Lebanon, swaths of Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Saudi Arabia (see map).


from:    https://needtoknow.news/2024/06/former-cia-agent-phil-giraldo-exposes-israels-control-over-america/

Tiny “Brains” = Big Trouble

Swiss Startup Connects 16 Human Mini-Brains to Create Low Energy ‘Biocomputer’


Computer scientists have for decades been vying to emulate the human brain, replicating its neural networks to build artificial intelligence (AI) with enhanced processing power.

But the more sophisticated those artificial neural networks become, the more powerful they get, and the more we rely on them, the more energy they consume. And sometimes nature’s original design is just better in some regards.

In the latest demonstration of nature’s efficiencies, a Swiss start-up company has just launched a ‘biocomputer’ that connects to living, pulsing brain cells and, according to its makers, uses far less energy than traditional, bit-based computers as a result.

Rather than merely integrating biological concepts into computing, FinalSpark’s online platform ‘taps’ into spherical clusters of lab-grown human brain cells called organoids. A total of 16 organoids are housed within four arrays that connect to eight electrodes each and a microfluidics system that supplies water and nutrients for the cells.

The approach, known as wetware computing, in this case harnesses researchers’ abilities to culture organoids in the lab, a fairly new technology that allows scientists to study what are essentially mini replicas of individual organs.

The rise in organoids as a popular research technique comes at a time when artificial neural networks, which underpin large language models such as Chat GPT, have also exploded in use and processing power.

FinalSpark claims that so-called bioprocessors like the brain-machine interface system they’re developing “consume a million times less power than traditional digital processors”.

Images of clusters of brain cells grown in lab dishes, forming spherical masses called organoids.
Brain cells cluster together to form organoids, which are placed in arrays connected to electrodes. (Jordan et al., Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 2024)

While we don’t have any numbers on their specific system, its energy usage, or processing power, FinalSpark’s research team says that training a single large language model like GPT-3, a precursor to GPT-4, required 10 gigawatt hours or about 6,000 times the energy that one European citizen uses in a year.

Meanwhile, the human brain operates its 86 billion neurons using only a fraction of that energy: just 0.3 kilowatt hours per day.

Technology trends also indicate that the booming AI industry will consume 3.5 percent of global electricity by 2030. Already, the IT industry as a whole is responsible for around 2 percent of global CO2 emissions.

Clearly, it’s becoming increasingly necessary to find ways to make computing more energy efficient, and the synergies between brain cell networks and computing circuits are an obvious parallel to explore.

FinalSpark is not the first outfit to try connecting probes to biological systems, or attempt to reliably program neural networks so they perform specific input-output functions on command.

In 2023, researchers in the United States built a bioprocessor that connected computer hardware to brain organoids, and the system learned to recognize speech patterns.

“Over the past three years, the Neuroplatform was utilized with over 1,000 brain organoids, enabling the collection of more than 18 terabytes of data,” FinalSpark co-founder Fred Jordan and his colleagues write in their published paper, which has been peer-reviewed like other scientific studies.

While the end goal may be new, energy-efficient computing approaches, for now the system is being used to enable researchers to run lengthy experiments on brain organoids, just like its predecessors.

However, there are some improvements: The FinalSpark team says researchers can connect to its system remotely, and the mini-brains can be sustained for up to 100 days, their electrical activity measured around the clock.

“Currently in 2024, the system is freely available for research purposes, and numerous research groups have begun using it for their experiments,” Jordan and colleagues write.

“In the future, we plan to extend the capabilities of our platform to manage a broader range of experimental protocols relevant to wetware computing,” such as injecting molecules and drugs into organoids for testing, the team concludes.

Whichever way this goes, aiding computing or organoid research, it’ll be exciting to see what researchers can achieve.

The study has been published in Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence.

from:    https://www.sciencealert.com/swiss-startup-connects-16-human-mini-brains-to-create-low-energy-biocomputer