When Friends are Actually Foes

The FBI and CIA Are Enemies of the American People

Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson sat down for a three-hour-plus discussion on the Joe Rogan Show last week, covering everything from UFOs, to religion and artificial intelligence. But perhaps the most important topic they covered was the insidious and dangerous role played by the US regime’s intelligence agencies in America.

Specifically, Carlson suggested the CIA continues to lobby for keeping the JFK files secret, possibly because the CIA had a role in the assassination. Tucker also brought up how the FBI’s second-in-command was responsible for taking down Richard Nixon. Carlson described how intelligence agencies hold immense power within Congress because members of Congress—who are generally disreputable people with many secrets—are terrified of being blackmailed. After all, in a post-Patriot Act world of nearly unrestrained spying by the US regime, there is no privacy in America.

I’ll let you, dear readers, listen to the full interview and make up your mind for yourselves as to the details of the discussion.

What I want to highlight here, however, is how remarkable it is that two major media figures—Rogan and Carlson—are announcing to their millions of listeners and readers that organizations like the CIA and the FBI are despicable agencies committed to undermining the legal and constitutional institutions of the United States.

This is long overdue.

Deep-state agencies like the CIA and the FBI have for far too long been considered reputable organizations just trying to “keep us safe” or somehow defend the United States from alleged foreign threats. Conservatives have long been among the worst offenders. Libertarians know this well, and have observed for decades the breed of “small-government” conservatives who one minute claim “the government can’t do anything right” and then the next minute simp for “heroic” CIA and FBI agents. People such as these have long checked their critical thinking skills at the door as soon as the discussion turns to the regime’s spy agencies—or the Pentagon, for that matter. This is not to say that Leftists are guiltless on this. While historically it was the Left that actually made some efforts to expose intelligence agencies and their crimes in the 1970s, that is now ancient history. The Left in 2024 has rarely met a regime spook it didn’t like. This was made explicit last month when Adam Westbrook and Lindsey Crouse declared in The New York Times that “the Deep State is actually kind of awesome.”

The job of opposing these contemptible enemies of freedom at America’s intelligence agencies—especially the FBI and CIA and NSA—falls to the minority of Americans who actually care about law and human rights enough to seek true restraints on regime power. Those of us in this minority must never miss an opportunity to disparage, doubt, question, and generally express loathing for these organizations and for every single agent and employee at these agencies who collects a taxpayer-funded salary.

A Danger for Many Decades 

Since at least the early 1960s, many have understood that the post-war intelligence agencies have posed an especially dangerous threat to the people of the United States. For example, exactly one month after Kennedy’s assassination—surely, just a coincidence!—former president Harry Truman expressed alarm about the CIA’s meddling in domestic affairs. He wrote in The Washington Post: “For some time I have been disturbed by the way CIA has been diverted from its original assignment. It has become an operational and at times a policy-making arm of the Government. This has led to trouble and may have compounded our difficulties in several explosive areas. …I never had any thought that when I set up the CIA that it would be injected into peacetime cloak and dagger operations.”

Then as now, however, The Washington Post was an arm of the deep state and the editor buried Truman’s op-ed on Page A11. The CIA was outraged enough by the column, however, that CIA director Allen Dulles lied and claimed that Truman had been “quite astounded“ when he saw his own article and that the whole thing was really the work of a Truman aide.

This bizarre attempt by CIA operative to “retract” Truman’s article was nonetheless contradicted by Truman himself who reiterated in a 1964 letter that Truman had only intended the CIA to be an informational service for the president, and that “[I]t was not intended to operate as an international agency engaged in strange activities.” Truman would later tell an interviewer that “[I]f I’d known what was going to happen, I never would have [created the CIA.]”1

Of course, Truman may have known about many of the CIA’s “strange activities” by the late 1950s, such as MKULTRA, and related “mind control” experiments with LSD and other drugs. The CIA was known to drug the agency’s victims against their will, such as seven black inmates in Kentucky who were were fed “’double, triple and quadruple’ doses of LSD for 77 straight days.” One might also mention the very suspicious case of Frank Olson, a bioweapons expert who was given LSD by CIA agents without his knowledge. Olson later “fell” to his death from a hotel window in 1953. The agency lied about drugging Olson for 22 years.

The CIA faced some scrutiny in the wake of the Vietnam war as the Left began to rein in the deep state which had spent years attempting to destroy American opponents of the war through a variety of dirty tricks. Yet, the agency had hardly been “reformed” by the time the US’s “war on terror” was launched in late 2001. The CIA returned to its illegal medical torture—assuming it had ever stopped—with new medical experiments on regime prisoners. Documents uncovered by the ACLU have shown that CIA doctors are still used to provide a veneer of scientific legitimacy to CIA torture programs. In the age of vaccine passports, this alliance between doctors and the CIA should alarm any defender of human rights.

In spite of all this, the CIA continues to fail spectacularly at its original mission of collecting useful information. The CIA failed to see the Iranian Revolution coming. The CIA was clueless about Soviet Missiles shipped to Cuba in 1962. The CIA believed the Soviet Union was an economic powerhouse in the 1980s. And, of course, the CIA let 9/11 happen right under its nose.

Given all this, even conservative stalwarts have seen the light on the CIA in recent years. The late Angelo Codevilla, for example, penned a 2020 article calling for “breaking up” the CIA. The CIA, Codevilla notes, is now so “ideologically partisan,” so “obsolete,” and its record of failure so undeniable, that the agency is now “inherently dangerous and low-value.”

End the FBI

The CIA isn’t alone in its war on American freedom and decency, however. The FBI is almost equally dangerous, which is why Codevilla also calls for the FBI to be “restricted to law enforcement.”

Unknown to many Americans, the FBI doesn’t even consider itself to be a law enforcement agency anymore. The FBI is now a “national security” agency, and that means the FBI is an arm of the American spy regime. This, of course, is why the Department of Justice can now be used for blatantly political purposes such as when the FBI spied on candidate Donald Trump in 2016.

Here at mises.org, we’ve already reported on the mixture of abuse and incompetence that characterizes the FBI. The FBI expends countless hours tracking down harmless “enemies” of the regime—such as little old ladies prosecuted for the January 6 riot—while ignoring real criminals like Larry Nassar. Nor surprisingly, local police will tell you it’s the state and local police who do the real work of tracking down real criminals, and then the FBI swoops in to take the credit.

Moreover, the history of the FBI lends substantial plausibility to Tucker Carlson’s claim that intelligence agencies are in the business of blackmailing members of Congress. This is a known tactic employed by J. Edgar Hoover during this 48-year reign at the FBI. Hoover, of course, was lauded for decades as a hero, but in reality, he was, in the words of historian Beverly Gage, a “one-dimensional tyrant and backroom schemer who strong-armed the rest of the country into submission…the most influential federal appointee of the twentieth century.” Hoover and his army of compliant FBI agents spied on anyone and everyone—especially elected officials and other public figures—who might be useful as a target for blackmail.

So, what to do with these agencies?

There is nothing that these agencies do that could justify their continued existence. Both agencies—neither of which in their present forms are authorized among the enumerated powers of the US constitution—were sold to the taxpayers as agencies to be used only against hardened criminals and foreign dictators. Today, these organizations spend their time exploiting the taxpayers for ever larger budgets, for ever more power to spy on Americans, and new ways to trick those same Americans into supporting the regime’s latest wars.

They are, simply put, the regime’s secret police, devoted to building the regime’s power. One answer is to eviscerate their budgets, repeal their enabling legislation, and encourage aggressive lawfare against the regime in retribution for these agencies’ many crimes. That’s probably a best-case scenario. Other scenarios likely require the bankruptcy of the regime, or perhaps its dissolution. That is likely to come with substantial and negative economic effects in the short term. Unfortunately, many Americans are still enthralled to these organizations thanks to relentless state propaganda that tells us this American version of the KGB exists for our own good.  Abolition will clearly take time. Now is a good time to start.

  • 1Merle Miller, Plain Speaking: An Oral Biography of Harry S. Truman (New York: Berkley Publishing, 1973) pp. 391-92. When asked how he felt about the creation of the CIA, Truman replied: “I think it was a mistake. And if I’d known what was going to happen, I never would have done it … it got out of hand …they’ve got an organization over there in Virginia now that is practically the equal of the Pentagon in many ways … those fellows in the CIA don’t just report on wars and the like, they go out and make their own … it’s become a government all of its own and all secret … That’s a very dangerous thing in a democratic society.”

from:    https://mises.org/mises-wire/fbi-and-cia-are-enemies-american-people

Note: The views expressed on Mises.org are not necessarily those of the Mises Institute.

Coming Out of the Dark

Dark matter mysteries unraveled by researchers in underground South Dakota mine

In this 2019 image, components used to assemble the dark matter-search experiment LZ—including digital electronics developed at Rochester—are transported down a shaft and installed in the nearly mile-deep research cavern at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) in South Dakota. The dark-matter detector is now complete and initial data shows that it is the most powerful dark-matter detector to date. If LZ is able to detect elusive dark matter—as researchers expect it may eventually do—it will profoundly expand our understanding of the universe. (Sanford Underground Research Facility photo)

Rochester physicists are part of a team that has deployed the world’s most sensitive dark matter detector, which may profoundly expand our understanding of the universe.

Scientists around the world have attempted for decades to solve the mystery of dark matter, which accounts for about 85 percent of all matter in the universe. Proof of dark matter particles would fundamentally change our understanding of the makeup of the universe. However, researchers have so far only inferred dark matter indirectly by observing gravitational effects that cannot be explained by standard theories of gravity.

This may be about to change.

Students and researchers from the University of Rochester are involved in an international collaboration of about 250 scientists from 35 institutions, led by Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (Berkeley Lab), assembling an innovative underground dark matter-search experiment called LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ). Nestled deep below the Black Hills of South Dakota at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF), the dark matter detector recently passed a check-out phase of startup operations and delivered its first data points. And this is only the beginning.

“We did not see any dark matter, but the first results of LZ show that it is currently the most sensitive dark matter detector in the world,” says Frank Wolfs, a professor of physics and astronomy at Rochester, who is overseeing Rochester’s efforts in the project. “LZ will collect data for about 1,000 days, significantly improving the sensitivity for dark matter detection that was achieved during the first data collection period.”

Large electronics arrays used to detect dark matter being prepared for installation.
Lower and upper photomultiplier tube arrays—shown here being prepared for installation for the LZ experiment—are connected to digitizing electronics developed at Rochester through more than 28 miles of coaxial cable. (SURF photo / Matt Kapust)


The quest for dark matter

Although dark matter particles have never actually been detected, researchers believe it will only be a matter of time; the countdown may have already started with results from LZ’s first 60 “live days” of testing. These data points were collected over a span of initial operations beginning at the end of December 2021, a period long enough to confirm that all aspects of the detector were functioning well.

Dark matter remains unseen because it does not emit, absorb, or scatter light, but its presence and gravitational pull are nonetheless fundamental to an understanding of the universe. For example, the presence of dark matter shapes the form and movement of galaxies, and it is invoked by researchers to explain what is known about the large-scale structure and expansion of the universe.

The Rochester team is responsible for designing and developing electronic components for LZ, an integral piece of the puzzle in detecting dark matter; the electronics enable the readout of signals from particle interactions.

“All of our electronics have been designed specifically for LZ with the goal of maximizing our sensitivity for the smallest possible signals,” Wolfs says.

Members of the Rochester group include Eryk Druszkiewicz ’17 (PhD), research engineer; Dev Ashish Khaitan ’19 (PhD), a postdoctoral research associate; graduate students Marcus Converse, Elise McCarthy, and Yufan Qie; and undergraduate student Andy Freeman ’25. The hardware used for the digital electronics was designed in collaboration with a local electronics company, Skutek Instrumentation.

An underground detector

SURF, the site of a former gold mine, is now dedicated to a broad spectrum of scientific research. All of the components for LZ were transported down a shaft and installed in a nearly mile-deep research cavern. The rock above provides a natural shield against much of the constant bombardment of particles raining down on the planet’s surface, which produce unwanted “noise” that could drown out dark matter signals.

LZ is particularly focused on finding a type of theoretical particle called weakly interacting massive particles, or WIMPs, by triggering sequences of light and electrical signals in two nested tanks. The tanks are filled with 10 metric tons of highly purified liquid xenon, which is among Earth’s rarest elements. The properties of xenon atoms allow them to produce light in certain particle interactions.


Dark matter experts with hard hats in a group photo.
In 2019, a team of Rochester researchers, faculty, and alumni completed the installation of the LZ dark matter experiment’s electronics and posed for a photo 4,800 feet below the surface, in Lead, South Dakota. These team members included, from left, Erik Druszkiewicz ’17 (PhD), now a research engineer; Dev Ashish Khaitan ’19 (PhD), now a postdoctoral research associate; Yufan Qie ’20, now a physics PhD student; Jean Wolfs ’18, now a physics PhD student; Frank Wolfs, professor of physics and astronomy; and Marcus Converse, physics PhD student. (University of Maryland photo / Douglas Tiedt )

The liquid xenon projection chambers contain about 500 photomultiplier tubes (PMTs). Particle collisions in the xenon produce visible flashes of light, which are recorded by the PMTs. More than 28 miles of coaxial cable connects the PMTs and their amplifying electronics to the digital electronics developed at Rochester. The electronics digitize the waveforms from the PMTs and carry out a preliminary waveform analysis in order to select events of interest.

“The signals from every WIMP that LZ detects will first be processed by electronics made in Rochester,” Wolfs says.

The University of Rochester’s contribution to LZ is the latest example of Rochester researchers developing technologies for groundbreaking projects that seek to understand the mysterious particles in our universe. Physicists Segev BenZvi and Regina Demina are involved in the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) project, a multi-institutional effort to create the most detailed 3D map ever made of the universe. Demina and Rochester researchers Arie BodekAran Garcia-Bellido, and Sergei Korjenevski were part of an experimental team whose results made possible the discovery of the Higgs boson. Wolfs was also involved in developing signal processing electronics for LUX, the predecessor to LZ.

LZ is supported by the US Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of High Energy Physics, and the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center, a DOE Office of Science user facility. LZ is also supported by the Science & Technology Facilities Council of the United Kingdom; the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology; and the Institute for Basic Science, Korea.

Editor’s note: An earlier version of this piece was published on July 22, 2019. It has been updated to reflect new developments in the LZ experiment.  

from:    https://www.rochester.edu/newscenter/dark-matter-particles-experiment-south-dakota-390272/

Don’t Blame the Cows!

Raw Milk at the Crossroads, Again

Analysis by Sally Fallon Morelllies against raw milk


  • The campaign against raw milk began with a fabricated 1945 article in Coronet magazine claiming a deadly brucellosis outbreak in a nonexistent town, leading to restrictive laws against raw milk starting in Michigan in 1948
  • A 2007 PowerPoint presentation by an FDA official falsely maligned raw milk using flawed reports; none of these reports proved pasteurization would have prevented alleged outbreaks
  • The 2024 USDA announcement attributed symptoms in dairy cows to avian flu without confirmed viral presence in milk, relying on questionable PCR testing methods
  • Despite claims, there is no peer-reviewed evidence supporting transmission of highly pathogenic avian influenza from raw milk to humans
  • While pasteurization is promoted as making milk safe, the actual diversion or destruction of milk from infected animals suggests that pasteurization may not guarantee safety

Few of us were born when the forces for milk pasteurization launched the first major attack on Nature’s perfect food. In 1945, a magazine called “Coronet” published an article, “Raw Milk Can Kill You,” blaming raw milk for an outbreak of brucellosis in a town called Crossroads, U.S.A., killing one-third of the inhabitants. The “Reader’s Digest” picked up the story and ran it a year later.

raw milk can kill you article
coronet magazine

Just one problem with this piece of “reporting.” There was no town called Crossroads and no outbreak of brucellosis. The whole story was a fabrication — otherwise known as a lie. And lies about raw milk have continued ever since.

Unfortunately, the fictitious Crossroads story paved the way for laws against selling raw milk, starting with Michigan in 1948.

Here’s another example of lies against raw milk (which I referenced in an earlier post,1 but it is worth repeating). In 2007, John F. Sheehan, BSc (Dy), JD, US Food and Drug Administration, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (USFDA/CFSAN), Division of Dairy and Egg Safety, prepared a Powerpoint maligning raw milk; it was presented to the 2005 National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments (NCIMS) by Cindy Leonard, MS.2

As shown in the table below, all of the fifteen reports associating outbreaks of foodborne illness with raw milk that Sheehan cites are seriously flawed. For example, in two of the fifteen, the study authors presented no evidence that anyone consumed raw milk products and in one of them, the outbreak did not even exist. Not one of the studies showed that pasteurization would have prevented the outbreak.

No valid positive milk sample

12/15 (80%)
No valid statistical association with raw milk 10/15 (67%)
Findings misrepresented by FDA 7/15 (47%)
Alternative explanations discovered but not pursued 5/15 (33%)
No evidence anyone consumed raw milk products 2/15 (13%)
Outbreak did not even exist 1/15 (7%)
Did not show that pasteurization would have prevented outbreak 15/15 (100%)

Fast forward to the present and the ruckus about bird flu in dairy cows — more lies, very clever lies, but lies nevertheless.

In a press release dated March 25, 2024,3 the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as well as state veterinary and public health officials, announced investigation of “an illness among primarily older dairy cows in Texas, Kansas, and New Mexico that is causing decreased lactation, low appetite, and other symptoms.”

The agencies claim that samples of unpasteurized milk from sick cattle in Kansas and Texas have tested positive for “highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI).” Officials blame the outbreak on contact with “wild migratory birds” and possibly from transmission between cattle. The press release specifically warns against consumption of raw milk, a warning repeated in numerous publications and Internet postings.

According to the press release, national laboratories have confirmed the presence of HPAI (Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza) through testing, but it does not reveal the type of test used to detect this so-called viral illness.

Lie No. 1: Researchers Have Found HPAI Virus in the Milk of Sick Cows

Officials have NOT found any viruses in the milk or any other secretions of the sick cows. The CDC has yet to reply to repeated requests for proof of finding the isolated HPAI virus in any fluid of any sick chicken or other animal.4 Nor have health and agriculture agencies in Canada,5 Japan,6 the UK7 and Europe8 provided any proof of an isolated avian influenza virus.

As for all the studies you can find in a PubMed search claiming “isolation” of a virus, not one of them shows the true isolation of a virus, any virus, from the fluids (phlegm, blood, urine, lung fluids, etc) of any animal, bird or human.9

The truth is that “viruses” serve as the whipping boy for environmental toxins, and in the confinement animal system, there are lots of them — hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, methane and ammonia from excrement, for example.10 Then there are toxins in the feed, such as arsenic added to chicken feed, and mycotoxins, tropane and β-carboline alkaloids in soybean meal.11

By blaming nonexistent viruses, agriculture officials can avoid stepping on any big industry toes nor add to the increasing public disgust with the confinement animal system.

Way back in 2006, researchers Crowe and Englebrecht published an article entitled, “Avian flu virus H5N1: No proof for existence, pathogenicity, or pandemic potential; non-‘H5N1’z causation omitted.”12 Nothing has changed since then.

Here’s your homework assignment: Contact USDA at Aphispress@usda.gov and ask them to provide proof of the isolation of the HPAI virus or any virus in the milk of the sick cattle.

Lie No. 2: National Laboratories Have Confirmed the Presence of HPAI Through Testing

They don’t say anything about the kind of test they used, but it almost certainly the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test. The PCR test detects genetic material from a pathogen or abnormal cell sample and allows researchers to make many copies of a small section of DNA or RNA. The test was not designed to determine or diagnose disease, it was designed to amplify or increase a certain piece of genetic material.

Each “amplification” is a doubling of the material. If you amplify thirty times you will get a negative; amplify 36 times or more, and you will get a positive. At 60 amplifications, everyone will “test positive” for whatever bit of genetic material you believe can cause disease.13 If you want to show that you have a pandemic brewing, just amplify, amplify, amplify. Folks, this is not a valid test, not good science by any stretch of the imagination — especially as there was no virus to begin with.

How many times did our health officials amplify the samples they obtained from the milk of the sick cows? Be sure to ask them when you email Aphispress@usda.gov for proof of the virus.

Lie No. 3: The ‘Virus’ Is Highly Pathogenic

According to the “Wall Street Journal,” one — just one — person working in the dairies got sick and tested positive for avian influenza after exposure to dairy cattle presumed to be infected with the H5N1 bird flu.14

The person reported eye redness, or conjunctivitis, as his only symptom — a symptom that can be explained by exposure to any of the many airborne toxins in confinement dairies. (How are they treating the illness? With vitamin A and herbal eyedrops? No, the poor sod is getting treatment with a toxic antiviral drug.)

According to the CDC, the disease in humans ranges from mild infections, which include upper-respiratory and eye-related symptoms, to severe pneumonia. If the “virus” is so highly pathogenic, we’d expect a lot of workers working around these sick cows to end up in the hospital … but we’ve heard of none so far.

Lie No. 4: You Can Get Avian Flu From Drinking Raw Milk, but Pasteurized Milk Is Safe

According to medical biologist Peg Coleman,15 “Recent risk communications from CDCFDA, and USDA regarding transmission of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus or HPAI (subtype H5N1) to humans via raw milk include no supporting evidence of viral transmission from raw milk to humans in the peer-reviewed literature.

An extensive body of scientific evidence from the peer-reviewed literature … does not support the assumption by these US government agencies that [nonexistent] HPAI transmits to humans via milkborne or foodborne routes and causes disease. Nor does the scientific evidence support the recommendation that consumers should avoid raw milk and raw milk products [emphasis in the original].”16

Coleman notes the suite of bioactive components in raw milk, including bovine milk, that destroy pathogens and strengthen the gut wall. “Many of these bioactive components of raw milk are … sensitive to heat and may be absent, inactive, or present in lower concentrations in pasteurized milks.

Cross-disciplinary evidence demonstrates that raw milk from healthy cows is not inherently dangerous, consistent with the CDC evidence of trends for 2005-2020 and evidence of benefits and risks. There is no scientific evidence that HPAI in raw milk causes human disease.”

And while USDA, FDA and CDC assure the public that pasteurization will make milk safe, they note that “Milk from infected animals is being diverted or destroyed,” implying that pasteurization alone does not guarantee safety. In any event, sales of industrial pasteurized milk continue their relentless decline.

Fortunately, raw milk drinkers are already skeptical of government pronouncements and are skilled at seeing through lies. Both large and small raw milk dairy farms report that sales are booming. The current bird flu fracas is just another Crossroads, U.S.A., a bunch of lies fostered by a dishonest dairy industry taking aim at the competition.

About the Author

Sally Fallon Morell is author of the best-selling cookbook “Nourishing Traditions” and many other books on diet and health. She is the founding president of the Weston A. Price Foundation (westonaprice.org) and a founder of A Campaign for Real Milk (realmilk.com). Visit her blog at nourishingtraditions.com.

from:    https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2024/05/16/lies-against-raw-milk.aspx?ui=f460707c057231d228aac22d51b97f2a8dcffa7b857ec065e5a5bfbcfab498ac&sd=20211017&cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1HL&cid=20240516_HL2&foDate=true&mid=DM1573024&rid=22936219

Who Is Manipulating Your Mind?

Addressing Mind Control in the Covid Era

Discover how mind control techniques have been used on society and how this contributed to people falling prey to the Covid narrative with Max Lowen, David Charalambous, and Jason Christoff.

Please be aware that this recording may stimulate uncomfortable emotions and/or memories and is not recommended for children under the age of 16.

Part 2: Addressing Mind Control in the Covid Era

On Tuesday 24 April 2024, World Council for Health (WCH) Steering Committee Members Dr Tess Lawrie and Dr Mark Trozzi hosted a special feature on trauma-based mind control and Organized Ritual Abuse (ORA). Part 1 of this two-part article covered disturbing stories from survivors of MK Ultra mind control and Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA).

In Part 2, we discover how mind control techniques have been used on society as a whole for many years, and how this contributed to people falling prey to the Covid narrative. Panel members – Max Lowen1, a survivor of satanic ritual abuse, torture, and trafficking; David Charalambous2, a behavior and communications expert; and mind control researcher Jason Christoff3 – share insights into how we can strengthen our minds and our resolve so that we are no longer vulnerable to these insidious techniques.

Commenting on the stories shared by fellow survivors, Max Lowen calls on humanity to recognize how powerful we really are. Those who perpetrate these hideous forms of abuse have severed their connection to the light and prey on our energy to create hell on earth. But Max believes “we have the option to create something completely better and different.”

Watch the full episode at WorldCouncilforHealth.org.

Controlling the mind of society

According to Jason Christoff, just as the MK Ultra program has used drugs and trauma to control the minds of victims of Organised Ritual Abuse (ORA), the same mechanisms are being used to control society as a whole. We are witnessing the widespread legalization and sale of psychoactive drugs, as well as the traumatizing effects of modern entertainment, such as violent movies on Netflix. Both of these increase our susceptibility to mind control. The TV is known to be a hypnotic military device, through which messages can be laid down in our subconscious. And even coffee shops play a role, with caffeine having a profound effect on the area of the brain responsible for creating memories! Mind control methods such as these contributed to many people uncritically falling prey to the Covid narrative.

David Charalambous calls this state ‘manufactured apathy’. People think they cannot challenge the authorities, but this is not our true nature; it is a conditioned response that makes us easier to control. From infancy we are subjected to traumatic images, beginning with ‘Bambi’. Movies, music videos, and ceremonies (such as opening ceremonies of the Olympics and the Gothard Tunnel) normalize horrific acts, poisoning the mind, and causing people to detach from their feelings and become numb. And when something is portrayed as the norm, people simply accept it.

The destruction of attachment

Mind control starts early in our society. From the moment of birth, the attachment between mother and baby that used to be normal is deliberately broken. Babies born in hospitals are removed from their mothers and isolated in bassinets in a nursery, deprived of the bonding that creates a sense of safety. Increasing economic scarcity, and the need for both parents to join the workforce, have resulted in children being put in the care of the State at earlier ages. In some countries, Child Protection Services are empowered to remove children from their parents and some are even involved in child trafficking operations.

Schools are designed to resemble prisons. Children are trained to submit to authority and rewarded for regurgitating information rather thinking critically. It is hardly surprising that such a system generates apathy.

Societal violence and wars add to the experience of trauma, fragmenting the psyche and leading to dissociation. Living in a state of fear causes the prefrontal cortex of the brain to shut down, undermining rational thought and enabling the programming of the mind. Fear, ignorance, and compliance make for a population that is easily manipulated.

The Covid response as a satanic ritual

We all know that we are stronger together. So, it is much more effective to conduct psychological warfare on the public if people are isolated. This was the role of lockdowns – to isolate us, devastate us economically, and render us powerless. In this state we were more susceptible to being traumatized by TV-mediated messages hypnotically repeating fear-based propaganda, death counts, and hyperbolic (often staged or fake) imagery.

As in a satanic ritual, the power differential was exaggerated during Covid, with all-powerful decision-makers controlling powerless victims; and masks (which served no medical purpose) obscuring people’s identities and deepening the sense of isolation.

Satanic rituals are death rituals. The Covid event, the ensuing countermeasures, and the bizarre societal changes that have unfolded since, have all been death focused. The daily covid death tallies; the fake photos of mass graves; the midazolam murders in ‘care’ homes; the increased rates of death from the shots; the incentives to accept medically assisted suicide; and even the delayed deaths due to transgender confusion causing children to destroy their reproductive capacity – all these aberrations are about death, and they are all being normalized.

The pursuit of justice

You have my vow personally to … hunt these perpetrators down, and to keep pursuing justice for everybody involved. – Jason Christoff

Dr Mark Trozzi observed that, for people who live according to the ‘golden rule’ of treating others as they would like to be treated, it is hard to imagine the levels of depravity experienced by the survivors of ORA. The ‘global parasites’ who have infiltrated our governments and institutions have exited the human contract and their relationship with God. They have become energy vampires, parasitizing children.

But we do not have to continue accepting the subversion of our civilization by this satanic cult. The darkness has become so overwhelming that we must now face and address this wickedness. The challenge is to find ways to bring the perpetrators to justice in lawful and spiritually enlightened ways. To this end, WCH Steering Committee Member, Shabnam Palesa-Mohamed, encouraged viewers to consult the WCH policy brief on human trafficking titled Ending Modern-Day Slavery, and to become critically aware of legal efforts to tackle the ritual abuse of children in various jurisdictions.

The time to act is now!

“What can I do?” asked seven billion people. The answer came: “Pretty much anything. All the major changes in the world are made by individuals.”

The last four years have undermined our long-held view of the world, and this has been a very uncomfortable experience. Arriving at this crossroads we have two choices: We can stick with the trauma and continue to suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or, as we seek out the support of other people, we can experience Post-Traumatic Growth (PTG). So let us reach out to one another, build supportive communities, and start healing. And then let us take action to make the world a better place!

The panel shared their thoughts on how we can do just that:

  • Never give in to the ancient strategy of ‘divide and conquer’. Our only enemy is the global cult. Let us unite as humanity, and not allow constructs like race, gender, or religion divide us. When we come together, we are unstoppable and together we can create a completely new reality.
  • Recognize that we have been programmed for decades to prepare us to accept the current policies. Narratives are controlled and slurs were prepared in advance (e.g. right-wing conspiracy theorist) to stop people asking questions and shut down debate.
  • David Charalambous shared how to communicate more effectively under these unnatural conditions. To get through to someone, avoid arguing but instead try to really connect with them. Remember that people come to their conclusions based on the information they have been exposed to. However, as many of us have found, we are very unlikely to get through to someone by giving them lots of facts. It is more effective to expose people to an experience that resonates at a deeper level in the mind. Experiences that jar with people’s previous assumptions – such as listening to the survivors’ testimonies – have the power to change minds.
  • Jason Christoff explained that one of the reasons why it is difficult to talk about the issue of trauma-based mind control and ORA is that our society is in a ‘comfort coma’ and is desperate to avoid pain. “Pain is a goblin that needs to be avoided at all costs,” he says, but refusing to face the pain of ritual abuse will not solve the problem. Instead, facing pain develops courage and the will to become a better human being.

    May Jason’s words inspire us all to step into our courage:

If we want to address it, we’ll have to walk right into it and look this devilish content in the eye and put on the armor of God and protect these children. … I never back away from the dragon’s fire. I will stand in the middle of that fire no matter how painful. I will not sedate to it. I will not tranquilise to it. Even though this group is well-organised and well-funded, they are controlled by evil, and evil is too low IQ to ever win a battle this big!

  • The perpetrators of these atrocities operate by intimidating others. But they fear independent, strong, healthy, empowered adults. A healthy body equals a healthy mind – and a healthy mind can resist mind control. So, if we want to take our power back and face down this group, we must be the strongest versions of ourselves. Jason Christoff recommends first attending to our physical health: reject sources of poison and address the addictions that contribute to mind control – alcohol, coffee, junk food, and the poisoning of the mind through TV and Netflix. Once we are physically strong, we can focus on building mental, intellectual, spiritual, financial, and emotional strength.

Dr Mark Trozzi reminded us that it is our responsibility as adults to protect children and young people and to expose them to the best of their cultural heritage – to that which is godly, righteous, conscious, and useful. Let us share stories that reinforce the golden rule and encourage young people respect wisdom and speak with kindness. Let us also empower young people to recognize mind control techniques, particularly in the music industry, so that they can step away from these influences and avoid being manipulated and controlled.

In Conclusion

Referring to the I Ching, Dr Tess Lawrie concluded:

The family has been under attack and a lot of healing needs to take place. A healthy family is incredibly powerful. When the house is set in order, the world is established on a firm course. We need to heal the human family so that our house can be set in order and a better world can be established. 

Thank you for bringing your brave hearts to this meeting. 

Watch the full episode at WorldCouncilforHealth.org.

from:    https://worldcouncilforhealth.substack.com/p/mind-control-covid?publication_id=1135210&post_id=144203064&isFreemail=true&r=b7cwa&triedRedirect=true&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

Think It Over

The Numbered Men

A prescient poem written 50 years ago by Viv Forbes

Patrick Wood

One day while I was driving down the highway in the sun
I sat behind a milk truck just returning from his run.
His sign said “Licensed Vendor” and it made me feel secure
That only numbered milkmen could come knocking on my door.

Then I saw a licensed builder with his number on the door
And a plumber with a permit which was issued by the law.
Then a hawker and publican each with his licence plate
And a licensed money lender with his number on the gate.

I pulled into a café, which was licensed to sell beer
And struck up conversation with a licensed auctioneer.
He’d just been selling forfeit goods to pay the fines imposed
On a maverick hardware dealer whose late trading he’d exposed.

A warm glow spread inside me as I drank a licensed beer
And I pictured the inspectors who called in every year
To check upon the numbered men and safeguard fools like me
Who’d waste their money buying things from men who paid no fee.

I thought of all the union men whose cards protect their job
And dairy men whose quota scheme defends them from the mob.
The teachers who are registered, the chemists with their guilds
And lawyers with their closed cartel which keeps their coffers filled.

As I sat among the numbered men it suddenly occurred
That I was just a cleanskin in a tamed and numbered herd.
Somehow I’d missed the muster when the planner combed the land
And now I was a maverick, a man without a brand.

The numbered men live sheltered lives, their keeper is the State,
Their job depends less on their skills than on their licence plate.
Their future is determined and their charges are prescribed,
And the standards of their conduct are in rules and acts described.

But thank the Lord for mavericks, who don’t fit in the mould,
They help distract the licence-men from getting far too bold.
Without the help of mavericks, the planners would persist
Till we all need applications for a licence to exist.

Viv Forbes
Washpool, Queensland, Australia

from:     Patrick Wood’s The Quickening Report,

Who Will You Listen To? Truth vs Spin

The Vast Pharmaceutical Conspiracy to Silence Online Dissent

Millions of dollars were spent to weaponize the public against all of us

by:   A Midwestern Doctor

Story at a Glance:
•There has been a coordinated campaign to attack and defame anyone who has spoken out against the COVID-19 response. This has primarily been restricted to social media (e.g., getting people deplatformed) but it has also been weaponized in real life (e.g., getting medical licenses revoked).

•This coordinated campaign was the result of a “non-profit” known as The Public Good Project (PGP), which was actually directly linked to the pharmaceutical industry. The PGP used the industry funding it received to defend industry interests.

•Vaccine safety advocates were able to get into the group where these campaigns were coordinated. There, they discovered numerous public figures working hand in hand with healthcare workers to descend like a hive of bees on anyone “promoting misinformation.” Likewise, we learned that the most belligerent doctors we keep encountering on Twitter belonged to these groups.

•Some of the influencers advancing PGP’s message through “Shots Heard” (and its sister United Nations initiative “Team Halo”) were hucksters who faked their own credentials. My overall impression from looking at everything was that this group operated in a very similar manner to many of the sleazy internet marketing operations I’ve seen in the past. Fortunately, the public appears to be seeing through what they did.

Almost any viewpoint can be “proven” using the “correct” evidence and logic. Purely as a challenge, I’ve successfully done this in the past with beliefs I consider to be abhorrent and completely disagree with. Once you become familiar with the process, you begin to gain an appreciation for how ephemeral the truth is and how problematic it is that most people have filters they see through reality through that lead to them doing this even if it’s not deliberate (although if you watch carefully for it, you’ll often see non-verbal signs that show they are somewhat aware they are lying to themselves).

For some reason, this realization directly conflicted with my deepest values (which to this day I don’t know the source of as they just existed long before I had learned about the world), so my own way of seeing the world reoriented around trying to discern what was actually true rather than proving I was right (e.g., to hold onto the illusion I know what was going on) in the hopes the truth could become something tangible rather than this ephemeral fiction our hands and minds constantly passed through. In turn, a major reason why I approach most topics I present here by fairly presenting both sides is because I found it was one of the things necessary for me to pass through that ephemeral layer of truth that clouds almost everything.
Note: after going through this process for years, I started being able to tell if what I was exposed to had a “solidity” to it or an “emptiness” and a large part of how I filter reality now is by focusing my attention to the things that appear to have solidity (rather than them conforming to what I want to be true). In the past, I’ve mentioned how I will constantly debate and scrutinize each idea I am considering before deciding which one to adopt (which is important to do), but I view this discernment of solidity and emptiness to be much more important for arriving at what rings true.

Despite this publication being about medicine, I’ve repeatedly focused on highlighting the work of public relations (PR), a massive invisible industry (e.g., 20 billion was spent on it in America last year) that continually shapes our perceptions of reality for its corporate and government clients. Briefly, PR is the incredibly refined science of manipulating the public, and essentially is what lies between propaganda and marketiing.

(Check out the link for the video:https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/the-vast-pharmaceutical-conspiracy?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email#media-73ee14d3-ed71-47ce-9e3a-23343c1c36480

Note: this is not that different from how many people who have an ulterior financial motive will inevitably arrive at the conclusion which supports their financial interests regardless of how hard you try to convince them not to. For example, listen to this talk below the co-founder of Shots Heard gave about why no one online could possibly have a valid reason to question vaccine safety, that no doctor who promotes vaccines is being paid off to do so, and why it was necessary to censor all of those opinions—while conveniently neglecting to mention he’s received over $200,000.00 from vaccine companies.

The “miracle” of PR is how effective it is, and I’ve now lost count of how many times an abhorrent policy that few Americans wanted was pushed through by a well financed PR campaign. In turn, I would argue PR has effectively altered policymaking from being a process of crafting an idea which is acceptable to the public (this is essentially how Democracy is supposed to operate). To simply making sure what is being done isn’t so far out of line it will be prohibitively expensive for a PR firm to sell it to the public.

For reference, some of the common PR tactics include:

1. Organizing a massive amount of coverage of an event which supports someone’s narrative and was crafted to go viral. For example:
•The founder of PR was infamous for convincing women across America to take up smoking by staging a women’s suffrage (right to vote) protest and having them all smoke their “liberation torches” as part of the protest).
•The Gulf War was sold to America by a fake testimony from a Kuwaiti girl (who was the daughter of the ambassador) who was coaxed to say the rampaging Iraqi army was invading hospitals and “taking babies out of incubators and leaving them to die on the cold floor,” a line which was then repeated again and again by politicians (e.g., Bush) around the world.
•In 2022, one actor made a joke about Will Smith’s wife having hair loss due to alopecia (a known side effect of the mRNA vaccines) which quickly went viral on every network.

This was very usual. However, it just so happened that Pfizer was sponsoring the Oscars, and had just announced a positive result in their pivotal phase 2b/3 trial clinical trial for their new alopecia drug, and had recently begun the marketing push in anticipation of its FDA approval (which happened exactly a year later, with an annual course of the drug being priced at $49,000.00). While it’s impossible to know what actually happened behind the scenes, individuals did come forward alleging the whole thing was scripted.

2. Hiring focus groups to determine what language is the most effective in persuading people to support your position and then blasting it on every public announcement and news station (e.g., the local ones) simultaneously. This often goes hand in hand with producing news programs for the stations (which are effectively PR productions for their sponsors). To illustrate one example of this approach being used:

3. Creating an endless number of “non-profit” organizations with nice names that actually advance the interests of the sponsoring industry. For example, the “non-profit” Foundation for Clean Air Progress is an industry front group that has aggressively lobbied both the public and the government to reduce the existing air quality standards mandated by the Clean Air Act. Likewise, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society took in 172 million dollars last year and is notorious for blocking many proven treatments for MS from seeing the light of day, while continuously supporting lucrative new drugs to “manage” the disease.

4. Paying off an endless number of experts to promote your message and having them be hosted on networks that are already in your pocket.

I cannot state how effective PR is and how depressing it has been to watch each candidate I supported get torpedoed by the media industrial complex.

However, while the effect of PR is remarkable, many of the people who work in the industry aren’t that talented, and as a result, they will just copy existing (and proven) PR tactics for the current campaign. Because of this, once you’ve seen enough PR campaigns, it becomes very easy to recognize one being enacted.
Note: two things allowed me to accurately predict most of what happened during COVID-19. One was being familiar with the same script having been followed during the HIV epidemic, and the other was seeing the PR campaigns for it be enacted in real time and recognizing the implications of each stage I observed (as the campaigns are typically structured in a sequential series of steps which eventually arrive at their sponsor’s desired outcome).

Censoring the Internet

The primary thing which has allowed the existing PR model to work has been the fact there is an (ever increasing) monopoly over the mass media. Because of this, a chosen PR campaign can be rapidly disseminated across the country while simultaneously, no dissenting narratives are allowed to air that challenge it.

Recognizing that the internet was the fatal weakness of the existing system, I suspect (but can’t prove) that a decision was made to have large internet companies become gatekeepers of information online, and in turn, as these large platforms attracted a large enough audience to become the “trusted sources” of information, they slowly transitioned to censoring things.

In turn, we saw a tug of war occur between the increasing pushes for censorship and the increasing ability of the internet community to bypass the attempts that were made to censor them. This eventually hit a tipping point, when in October 2016, Obama gave a speech at Carnegie Mellon where he declared:

“We’re going to have to rebuild, within this Wild, Wild West of information flow, some sort of curating function that people agree to,” “[T]here has to be, I think, some sort of way in which we can sort through information that passes some basic truthiness tests and those that we have to discard because they just don’t have any basis in anything that’s actually happening in the world.”

Parallel to this declaration, various campaigns were launched. This began with “Fake News” being blared everywhere until Trump attached the label to CNN, at which point the media pivoted. We saw an endless number of media messages about the dangers of “misinformation” ( followed by anything challenging the existing narrative, in turn receiving that label).

Note: public officials (like the instance of Obama mentioned above or Biden throughout the COVID vaccine push) are frequently involved in PR campaigns. For example (as discussed within a recent article on Dermatology’s disastrous war against the sun), in the 1980s, the struggling profession of dermatology spent 2 million dollars hiring a public relations firm to inflate their status and were suggested to rebrand themselves as cancer doctors. This in turn was accomplished by:

1. Offering campaigns beginning in 1985 to provide skin examinations to bring awareness to “skin cancer” and having widespread strategic media coverage of those campaigns.

2. Convincing Ronald Reagan to sign proclamations for “National Skin Cancer Prevention and Detection Week,” and “Older Americans Melanoma/Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Week.

3. Creating a mortal fear of the sun (which persists to a truly absurd degree these days) despite the fact people that who avoid the sun are 60-130% more likely to die than those who get moderate or high amounts of it (e.g., smokers who get regular sunlight have the same risk of dying as nonsmokers who avoid the sun).

4. Equivocate melanomas (which are rare, dangerous, and caused by a lack of sun exposure) to basal cell carcinomas (which are common, never fatal, and caused by sunlight) since both are “skin cancers” so people can be corralled into regular skin examinations where those skin cancers are identified and quickly surgically removed.

5. Dermatology became one of the highest paying specialties in medicine, and the number of diagnosed skin cancers greatly increased, but there have been minimal changes in the actual death rates of skin cancers. Simultaneously, since those surgeries pay a lot, the profession lost all motivation to determine the actual causes of skin cancer, safe and effective non-surgical treatments for skin cancer, or how to make the sun heal rather than damage the skin.

What I find particularly interesting about Obama’s announcement was that it happened at the same time a coordinated campaign (spearheaded in California) was being conducted to push vaccine mandates across the nation, which were part of a coordinated push by Bill Gates, the WHO, and the WEF (amongst others) to launch a “decade of vaccines” as much of what we saw later throughout COVID-19 was laid out in their documents. Since they knew the public, through the internet would likely oppose this, a lot of investments were made to preempt that. For example:

Note: in this 2020 talk (and many others) PGP’s CEO explains how they monitor all anti-vaccine messages online 24/7 and their plans to pay off local influencers around the country to promote vaccines and to use counter-terrorism tactics to turn everyone on the internet against the anti-vaxxers (who are “not nice people”)—discussed further in this article. Finally, in a later 2023 webinar about inoculating the public against misinformation, the CEO also mentions they regularly use PR techniques. What I personally find amazing about his numerous talks is that he characterizes things being said online (e.g., that monkeypox was a non-issue) as “dangerous misinformation” which has since been proven true. Likewise, I suspect this project was inspired by past pharmaceutical initiatives like this infamous one.

Twitter () and PR

One branch of the misinformation campaign was Peter Hotez going on a national media tour in 2019 about the dangers the country was facing from online vaccine misinformation, which in turn laid the foundation for rapidly censoring any voices online that dissented against the COVID narrative. Because of this, we saw an escalating level of censorship from all the major internet platforms after Obama’s 2016 speech which then kicked into overdrive during COVID-19 to protect us from dangerous misinformation.

At the time this began in 2016, it became very clear to me that major online censorship was occurring, some of which was happening behind the scenes (e.g., shadow banning) and some of which was happening overtly towards easy to target groups (e.g., the alt-right) which I took as a sign more and more aggressive censorship was going to happen, much of which we would not see.

Simultaneously, since the censorship was very selective in who it targeted, based on who it targeted, while I couldn’t “prove it,” I assumed it had to be some type of collaboration between the government and the pharmaceutical sector. This was eventually confirmed by two things:

Discovering numerous major investments being made by Big Tech into the pharmaceutical industry.

•Elon Musk buying Twitter () and making the choice to publicly release Twitter’s correspondences with the Federal Government, which in turn showed a consistent pattern of Twitter complying with (illegal) requests from the Federal government to censor anything that threatened its narratives. Those documents in turn led to a landmark case that placed an injunction against the Federal Government (which Biden is currently trying to appeal at the Supreme Court).

From my perspective, Elon buying Twitter and making free speech on it was monumental as in addition to it being a large venue for free speech, it’s structure was such that it allowed ideas with merit to spread very quickly, and again and again, I saw well packaged bits of truth reach millions of people (and sometimes make national headlines)—something I’d never witnessed before on any media platform.

When I reflected on why this is, I realized that this frequently cited internet quote described it.

It’s not [that] the left can’t meme per say, it’s that their viewpoints rely on a carefully constructed denial of reality, to a far greater extent than any of the cults or religions they seek to supplant. This doesn’t lend itself to simple, easily conveyed messages, because if you rely on your viewers to see things as they are, without providing several layers of carefully selected context, they’ll interpret it the wrong way. The left can’t meme because memes are the antithesis of how they communicate.

Note: I describe myself as “liberal” but the current definition of “the left” is very different from what many of us signed up for when we became Democrats.

Private Social Media Groups

to get the rest of the article, go to the link:  https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/the-vast-pharmaceutical-conspiracy?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email#media-73ee14d3-ed71-47ce-9e3a-23343c1c3648

Who Voted?

Bombshell: 1-in-5 2020 Mail-in Ballots Were Fraudulent, Survey Shows

by Jamie White

Tucker Carlson explains how self-reporting survey found nearly 20% of respondents admitted committing some form of voter fraud in the 2020 election.

About 20% of mail-in ballots in the 2020 election were fraudulent, which effectively handed the presidency to Joe Biden, Tucker Carlson reported Friday.

Carlson broke down a survey conducted by the Heartland Institute and Rasmussen which found that approximately 1 in 5 of those polled admitted they committed some form of election fraud in the 2020 election.

The Heartland Institute’s Justin Haskins broke down the survey which asked voters in a roundabout way whether they committed some form of voter fraud.

“We asked people a series of questions, one of the first questions was ‘did you vote in the 2020, and did you vote with an absentee ballot?’ And if they answered yes to both of those questions, then we asked a bunch of questions related to voter fraud. We didn’t tell them that we were asking, ‘did you commit voter fraud?’ We just asked them about various behaviors,” Haskins explained.

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“For example, we asked people, ‘did you vote in a state where you’re no longer a legal resident?’ That’s a pretty straightforward question. If you’re not a permanent resident of a state, you can’t vote there. 17% of people, nearly one in five, said yes they did do that.”

“We asked people, ‘did you fill out a ballot for someone else on their behalf?’ That’s also illegal,” he continued. “You’re not allowed to fill out someone else’s ballot. 21% of people said yes to that question.”

“We asked if people forged the signature of a friend or family member on their behalf with or without their permission. We actually put that in the poll question. And 17% of people said yes to that.”

“So all told, it’s at least — and I say at least — 1 in 5 mail-in ballots involved some sort of fraudulent activity,” Haskins added.

To top it off, 10% of those surveyed said they personally know somebody who admitted they committed one of these forms of voter fraud.

Over 43% of 2020 voters cast ballots by mail, the highest percentage in U.S. history, according to election data, and the majority of mail-in ballot voters supported Biden.

Without mail-in ballot fraud, the Heartland Institute concluded Trump would have won 311 electoral votes to Biden’s 227.

from:    https://www.infowars.com/posts/bombshell-1-in-5-2020-mail-in-ballots-were-fraudulent-survey-shows/

Self-Replicating Vaccines

Japanese Professor Warns Against ‘Self Replication Replicon Vaccine’ from Japan

Professor Masayasu Inoue, 
Masayasu Inoue, Professor Emeritus of Osaka City University Medical School, who specializes in Molecular Pathology and Medicine, warned that the Japanese government is first in the world to approve a new type of vaccine called ‘self replication replicon vaccine’ that is also being prepared in a rush to supply it this fall and winter.

He condemned the COVID ‘pandemic’ as a  false pretext by the WHO to drive COVID vaccinations of all peoples in the world. He also condemned the US ‘Warp Speed’ campaign, under then-President Trump, to rush COVID ‘vaccines’ to market that was used to cover up problems with gene therapy shots. He said that Japan’s rush to market its new injection is similar.

Link for video:    https://www.aussie17.com/p/a-message-from-japan-to-the-world?r=x2x6


Thank you very much for giving me this valuable opportunity to send my message about human rights abuse in the time of COVID-19. My name is Masayasu Inoue, Professor Emeritus of Osaka City University Medical School. My specialty is Molecular Pathology and Medicine.

The pandemic was used as a false pretext by the WHO to drive vaccinations of all peoples in the world. A plan was set up to shorten the time to develop vaccines, which usually takes longer than ten years to less than one year. Operation Warp Speed. This operation was used to cover up the misconceptions of the genetic vaccines. Under the pretext of saving time, an extremely dangerous method was selected.

That is, intramuscular injection of viral genes to produce toxic spike proteins directly in human tissues to stimulate immune system. Because this is a completely new method and misconceived method that has never applied before in human history, it is impossible, therefore, for most of doctors to give proper informed consent. However, due to irresponsible government and media campaigns to promote vaccines, 80% of the Japanese has been vaccinated.

Unfortunately, seven shots have been done so far. This is the most and worst in the world. And the result was the induction of the terrible drug induced injury that has never seen in human history. I believe that the fraudulent use of experimental gene therapy to healthy people, particularly to healthy children, is an extreme violation of human rights. However, Keizo Takemi, Japanese Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare, has been insisting that there is no serious concern about the injury caused by genetic vaccines. And without learning from the current situation of injured patients, they plan to construct a new vaccine production system in preparation for the next pandemic. This is an unbelievable, crazy situation.

The Japanese government is first in the world to approve a new type of vaccine called self replication replicon vaccine, and plans to start to supply it in this fall and winter. The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry is providing a huge amount of subsidies for this project. And factories to produce new vaccines are being built one after another in Japan. I visited these factories directly.

Furthermore, the Japanese government is currently soliciting large scale clinical trials worth $900 million from pharmaceutical companies that are taking on the challenge of developing vaccines to prepare for the next pandemic by Disease X proposed during the Davos conference this year. It is speculated that the movement by the Japanese government is part of CEPI Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation’s 100 days mission, which aims to shorten the time to one third of Operation Warp Speed. Namely, they are trying to shorten the vaccine business cycle by developing a vaccine in hundreds of days. This is possible only by ignoring the human rights perspective. Amendments to the WHO, International Health Regulation (IHR), and the so called Pandemic Treaty, which are about to be adopted at the 77th World Health assembly this year, are attempting to give rationality and legal binding force to such unscientific and dangerous crazy plans.

If such things continue, there is high risk that Japan made vaccines will be exported under the guise for false trust. If Japan were to become a vaccine perpetrator, it would leave irreparable harm to future generations. Therefore, the actions of Japanese government MUST BE STOPPED by international collaborations.

Although it has already been three years since I started to give lectures to educate Japanese people about the dangers of vaccines, it is still difficult to penetrate through the sound barriers of mainstream media. If we tell the truth about vaccines on YouTube, it is deleted within a day. The reality is that we are facing censorship and speech suppression almost every day.

Therefore, I put my hope in the publication of a book with the last version of speech and published a book with a title “Withdraw From WHO” It is difficult to stop this movement because it is now politically hopeless to change the situation of the Japanese government. The message I would like to cover convey to the world is that when Disease X occurs in the future, you should never trust the Japan made vaccine that was developed in a short period of time in order to protect human rights in cases of control that transcend national boundaries.

I believe that sharing the truth and countries is so important and that this is a step towards unity and solidarity. Only through the process of information exchange between all countries in the world, we can find hope in the midst of despair. I do hope that my statement will help all of you to protect your healthy life and your family. Thank you very much for your attention.

– Prof Masayasu Inoue, Professor Emeritus of Osaka City University Medical School.

Read full article here…

from:    https://needtoknow.news/2024/04/japanese-professor-warns-against-self-replication-replicon-vaccine-from-japan/

And Now —- Vaccinated Chocolate

World’s chocolate supply threatened by devastating pathogen

Mathematics Prof. Benito Chen-Charpentier of the University of Texas at Arlington© (photo credit: University of Texas at Arlington)

About 50% of the world’s chocolate comes from cacao trees in the West Africa countries of Ivory Coast and Ghana. The devastating news coming from there is that a quickly spreading virus threatens the health of the cacao tree and the dried seeds from which chocolate is made, jeopardizing the global supply of the world’s most popular treat.

The damaging pathogen is attacking cacao trees in Ghana, resulting in harvest losses of between 15% and 50%. Spread by small insects called mealybugs (Pseudococcidae, Homoptera) that eat the buds, flowers, and leaves, the cacao swollen shoot virus disease (CSSVD) is among the most damaging threats to the root ingredient of chocolate.

CSSVD was first observed in the eastern region of Ghana in 1936 by a farmer and its virus nature was confirmed in 1939, but in recent years, it has proliferated.

“This virus is a real threat to the global supply of chocolate,” said mathematics Prof. Benito Chen-Charpentier of the University of Texas at Arlington and an author of the study in the journal PLOS One under the title “Cacao sustainability: The case of cacao swollen-shoot virus co-infection.”

Austrian man Carl Schweizer (R) trades cocoa cobs and beans with local farmers in Piedra de Plata, Ecuador, June 4, 2016. (credit: REUTERS/GUILLERMO GRANJA)© Provided by The Jerusalem Post

Austrian man Carl Schweizer (R) trades cocoa cobs and beans with local farmers in Piedra de Plata, Ecuador, June 4, 2016. (credit: REUTERS/GUILLERMO GRANJA)

Globalization as a root cause

A recent increase in the spread of plant pests and diseases is caused by globalization, climate change, agricultural intensification, and reduced resilience in production systems. A vast number of plant pathogens pose a serious threat to food safety and security, national economies, biodiversity, and rural environment, he said.

 “Pesticides don’t work well against mealybugs, leaving farmers to try to prevent the spread of the disease by cutting out infected trees and breeding resistant trees. But despite these efforts, Ghana has lost more than 254 million cacao trees in recent years,” he warned.

Farmers can combat the mealybugs by giving vaccines to the trees to inoculate them from the virus – but the vaccines are expensive, especially for low-wage farmers, and vaccinated trees produce a smaller harvest of cacao, thus compounding the devastation of the virus.

Chen-Charpentier and colleagues from the University of Kansas, Prairie View A&M, the University of South Florida, and the Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana have developed a new strategy: using mathematical data to determine how far apart farmers can plant vaccinated trees to prevent mealybugs from jumping from one tree to another and spreading the virus.

“These insects have several ways of movement, including moving from canopy to canopy, being carried by ants, or blown by the wind,” Chen-Charpentier explained “What we needed to do was create a model for cacao growers so they could know how far away they could safely plant vaccinated trees from unvaccinated trees in order to prevent the spread of the virus while keeping costs manageable for these small farmers.”

By experimenting with mathematical patterning techniques, the team created two different types of models that allow farmers to create a protective layer of vaccinated cacao trees around unvaccinated trees.

“While still experimental, these models are exciting because they would help farmers protect their crops while helping them achieve a better harvest,” Chen-Charpentier said. “This is good for the farmers’ bottom.”

from:    https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/foodnews/worlds-chocolate-supply-threatened-by-devastating-pathogen/ar-AA1nHI3O

The Verdict is In — We are Suicidal(???). Really!!!

Desmet and Malone strike again: No one’s killing us; we’re a suicidal society

A new Desmet and Malone effort is afoot to blame the desperate people of the world, also known as the “society,” for its ills rather than blaming the dominant, exploitive elites — the ruling class, the wealthy, and powerful, the global predators. These elites have dominated us through their varied institutions and governments since the dawn of civilization.

Malone introduces us to Desmet’s latest column as, “Another excellent insight from Dr. Mattias Desmet.” The title of Desmet’s column is “Suicidal Society.” Not long ago, Desmetfollowed by Malone, was putting the blame  on our self-induced “mass formation.” We criticized it as a way of distracting people from the growing global totalitarianism caused by global leadership, not by self-deluded masses of people. Malone expanded Desmet’s self-induced mass formation concept into a self-induced “mass psychosis.” For the moment, at least, they have dropped mass formation and mass psychosis and instead blame the folks for having a mass death wish. This death wish leads to self-destructive “rituals” that are suicidal.

Even the war in Ukraine is mentioned as one of the products of our societal suicidality. It’s not the military-industrial complex which leads us ultimately back to the global bankers, the global CEOs, and all the other members of the time-honored ruling class. No, it’s the people being driven by a ritualistic suicidal impulse.

Does this mean that the tens of thousands of dead Ukrainians ultimately killed themselves? Desmet does not say it outright, but that is precisely where his logic leads us.

The key point in Desmet’s bizarre rant occurs when he finally mentions in passing the subject of the “elite” — the very people he warned me not to criticize because it would end up harming me. Here is Desmet’s only mention of the elite in his new Substack:

How did we come to this point? Is there an elite who used propaganda to make us think like this? There is much more than that.

In Desmet’s own self-destructive manner, he gives away his goal — distracting us from the elite or the global governing class. So, what is the “much more than that” which is afflicting us? Unbelievably, according to Desmet, we are afflicted by our own ritualistic OCD! Really. Thus, Desmet’s final paragraph declares:

The entire madness of totalitarianism, with its limitless proliferation of bureaucratic rules, which in the end suffocates the entire society and proves extremely lethal, exactly boils down to this: it represents the return, in an excessive way, of a repressed Truth: the human being is a symbolic being, a being which needs rituals.

Psychoanalyst Desmet is telling us that the miseries inflicted on humanity by totalitarianism are due to our own need for “rituals.” We are being exploited and even killed because of our own obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

There has been an increase in depression and suicidality since COVID. But for Desmet, the suicidality is not caused by the imposition of COVID and COVID-jabs upon the people, or the crushing of our economies and societies by the global elite. It is not caused by inflation and high interest rates, manipulated by the bankers, which make it hard for families to feed themselves and to put a roof over their heads. It’s not caused by outrageously destructive attempts of the globalists to crush our constitutional democracies. Desmet does note that many of these dreadful events are taking place, but as he makes clear, the people who are trying to run the world, the elite, are practically irrelevant. It’s always problems with ourselves, which eliminates the risk that we will identify and fight the oppressors.

So, what happened that made us all so suicidal that we control the elites and make them kill us? Desmet repeats what he has said before ⏤ our plight is caused by a “mechanistic society” which has driven people into isolation and loneliness. This appears at first like a watered-down version of Marxism, where the inevitable materialistic development of capitalism leads to the alienation of the working class and the need for a dictatorship of the proletariat.

But Desmet is probably not a Marxist. He is simply doing the job of keeping our eyes off the genuine issues in our lives — in this case, the growing global oppression that seeks to destroy both us and our constitutional government and other national governments. He wants us to blame ourselves and our reactions to a “mechanistic world” for our own plight. Note that it’s not an oppressive world, but a ‘mechanistic world” that harmed us. At all costs, Desmet wants us to stop blaming anyone with global power, the elites.

Desmet does lay some blame on “governments” and “states” for responding to the people’s suicidality by creating the opportunity for them to kill themselves through government-sponsored euthanasia, wars, and generally self-destructive behavior. This ideological twist might seem confusing, but it’s not. Blaming “the government” is the latest thing because the globalists, above all else, want to crush all the independent states in the world on their way to flattening and dominating Earth. People already distrust their own governments. The globalists, in fact, are trying to take over or take down all of our governments.

This is the way our world ends — by blaming the people, and maybe their governments, while the global predators, also known as the elite or the governing class, take us over or take us down.

I have one last question for Desmet and for Malone who so eagerly promotes him. How did we the people get the government to kill so many of us with the genetic jabs for COVID? The Desmet answer is we the people have become so vulnerable, so suicidally helpless, that we bring it on ourselves. He mentions that this vulnerability makes us susceptible to propaganda, but he will not blame globally-controlled media and medical and scientific institutions that terrorized people into submitting to the jabs. He will not blame the globally organized threats to doctors, globally inspired psychological pressures such as telling children they must have their shots or they will infect and kill grandma, and finally, globally inflicted mandates that forced tens of millions to take the shots or lose their jobs, their schooling, their travel rights, and their place in society.

The many people who took the vaccines and died — up to two million in the U.S. — were not trying to die but instead were trying to stay alive and to maintain their livelihoods. They had been systematically terrified of the pandemic and told that they would lose their lives, as well as their livelihood and their place in society if they did not go along. They were so eager to live that it took a fake pandemic and fake “vaccines” to set the stage for their being killed, wounded, and genetically injured by the jabs.

Did the government suggest to the supposedly “suicidal” people that the vaccines were an easy method to kill themselves? No. Instead, the CDC and FDA continue to claim that there are no known deaths from the vaccines, none whatsoever. This confirms the truth. The people are not suicidal; their rulers are murderous.

Peter R. Breggin Primary Author

from:    https://www.americaoutloud.news/desmet-and-malone-strike-again-no-ones-killing-us-were-a-suicidal-society/