and Now, Farming is Illegal?

UN Announces Plan to Ban Most Farming and Meat, Triggering Shortages and Starvation

The UN claims that starvation was caused from the COVID pandemic, but the cause was the lockdowns. There has been a 40% average increase in global mortality following the COVID shots. The UN should be rejected rather than trusted.

Link for video:

Alex Jones said that when populations in the third world spend half of its money on food and energy, there is civil unrest; when 60% or more is spent on food and energy, the country is set for destruction. Most of the world is now spending more than 50% off its income on food and energy. He said that our food is soaked in glyphosate and that most breast cancer is caused by this herbicide poison. US mayors are selling out the American public by endorsing UN programs. Dr. Peter McCullough says authorities are doing mass PCR testing on animals and that the Bird Flu is an artificial crisis used for mass culling of poultry that will lead to food shortages. He said it will drive fear going into US elections.


John Williams explains how the UN WHO policies will affect the availability and cost of meat in the US. Ranchers are being pushed out of business and meat will become scarce, which will lead to skyrocketing prices. Some people will turn to “plant-based meat” that will cost a fraction of the price of meat. He explained that the business model for plant-based food as restaurants across the US are closing. New treaties are being introduced to change food production. Food quality is likely to drop in the US.

The Verge:


When Being “Smart” Is Incredibly Stupid (Unless you want Control)

21 ‘Smart Cities’ Confirmed in the Planned Fall of American Cities

Smart Cities claim that the use of technology and the Internet of Things (IoT) are solutions to improve everything from critical infrastructure and public safety  to efficiencies in city energy use. 21 Cities across the US have just signed on to be so-called Smart Cities. They include New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose, San Diego, Austin, Seattle, Atlanta, Washington, DC, Dallas, Portland, Chicago, Charlotte, Las Vegas, Boston, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Louisville, Boulder, Denver and Columbus.

The chosen cities are being intentionally crashed so that certain mega-conglomerates like BlackRock can pick up the real estate for pennies on the dollar. People will demand a solution to crime and degradation, which will be technology, AI and automation. China is the model for a technocratic dictatorship. John WIlliams gives the timeline for implementation and says that in the next 24 to 36 months these cities will make huge changes.Bac



Ivermectin — Another Benefit !!!

Cancer Surgeon Reveals the Surprising Potential of Ivermectin Against Cancer

Dr. Kathleen Ruddy is a member of Front Line Covid19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCCA) and a retired cancer surgeon trained at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. She is conducting her own observational study on the effect on late-stage cancer patients who use Ivermectin. Dr. Ruddy explained that Ivermectin comes from a single cell organism discovered in soil in Japan. She said that Ivermectin can kill parasites and it can dismantle viruses. She believes that the majority of cancers are caused by tumor viruses yet to be discovered. She discussed three patients who had astonishing reversals of cancers and metastatic spread after using Ivermectin.

Disclaimer:  NeedToKnow.News is a media outlet. We do not give medical advice, but instead report the news. Please contact your own doctor or medical expert for any health issues.

Watch the full video with Dr. Kathleen Ruddy here:

Link for video:

Epoch Times transcript excerpt:

Dr. Ruddy: The opening act in this story is that I began to do the scientific research that was in peer-reviewed papers, and I read them chronologically. I wanted to understand what everyone was thinking, as they made their discoveries and what questions they asked. Here was all this research that showed that ivermectin had great potential as an anti-cancer agent. Having seen for myself and being very well persuaded by the work of Doctors Kory and Marick and others, plus the data coming out of South Africa and India that ivermectin was safe and effective in treating patients with Covid, I began to wonder to what extent it might it be effective in treating patients with cancer.
I understood that the pharmaceutical industries were not going to invest in a $0.10 pill. If the pharmaceutical industries were not willing to do that, no one else was going to do it, because pharma funds everyone that is doing research. I was introduced to a patient with stage 4 prostate cancer. He had received two vaccines. He was perfectly healthy and a marathoner, and had no history of cancer in the family.
He worked for the government, and he was going to lose his job and his pension if he wasn’t vaccinated. Two months after his second Pfizer shot, he was diagnosed all at once with stage 4 prostate cancer. He tells a very compelling, melodramatic story about that 24-hour period of time in his life.
He went through the traditional protocols; radiation, chemotherapy, pharmacologic, castration, all of it, over a period of nine months. His name is Paul Mann. His doctor said, “There’s really nothing else we can do. He said, “Can’t you give me more radiation? Can’t you give me more chemo? Aren’t there any other drugs? Are there any clinical trials? The answer was, “No, there’s nothing. There is only hospice. Send for the priest.”
A friend of his knew me and said, “Would you give Paul a call? He just needs some moral support.” I began calling him and we spoke about once a week for three weeks. The poor guy was suffering and had cancer in 11 bones in his body. His right leg was completely swollen and obstructed with a tumor. He was miserable.
I said, “Paul, I don’t know if this is going to help you, but I know it’s not going to hurt you. I just can’t imagine based on my judgment and understanding of the scientific literature and all of the work that Doctors Kory and Marik have done that ivermectin would hurt you. It might help, but I can’t say.”
He said, “I’ll give it a try.” He drove to Tennessee where you could get it without a prescription. He drove from where he lives in New York to Tennessee and paid cash for his ivermectin. He didn’t submit it to an insurance company. He didn’t tell his oncologist back in Missouri.
His ivermectin prescriptions were listed in his medical chart. How did that information get from the pharmacy in Tennessee to his chart in Missouri? They don’t know. But actually, somebody does know, and I’d like to know myself.
Anyway, he starts taking ivermectin. He doesn’t have any problems with it. I talk to him every week, “How are you feeling? How’s your leg? How’s the pain? He says, “No change. But I don’t know. It’s not quite as swollen. There’s pain everywhere. Maybe it’s getting a little bit better. It’s not necessarily getting worse.”
Fast forward to a two-month follow-up appointment at the clinic. They didn’t expect to see him. He’s feeling a little bit better. They do a PSA [Prostrate-Specific Antigen Test], which in the beginning was off the charts, maybe 700 or 800. At the time, they recommended him to hospice.
Mr. Jekielek: What exactly do those numbers mean, for the layperson?
Dr. Ruddy: Over four would be abnormal. What are we talking about here? Prostate cells normally secrete a protein, a prostate-specific antigen. It’s one of the things that they do. Cancer cells that originate in the prostate that are dividing rapidly and growing fast are spitting out PSA. It’s not that they’re contributing to the body economy in any way. It’s just they just want to multiply and divide. That’s the end of the story.
Your PSA levels start to rise, which is a screening marker. They will say, “Your PSA was four, and now it’s eight. Let’s do a prostate ultrasound.” The PSA can be a screen for the emergence of a tumor, but it can also be used, particularly at high levels, as evidence for cancer, response to cancer, or recurrence of cancer. His was supposed to be four, but it’s in the hundreds.
He goes back for a two-month appointment and it’s 1.3. They said, “You’re in biochemical remission.” He was not in complete remission, because he still had the bone metastasis, but this was good news. Slowly, he begins to improve. There is less pain and the swelling is down. He has a lot of other vaccine injuries, but he’s getting better.
They are giving him nutritional support and other supplements. He was sometimes having a TIA [Transient Ischemic Attack], which is a little mini-stroke. But he didn’t tell me about that because we were talking about cancer. But over a period of time, I was asking him, “Are you having TIAs?” His wife said, “Yes, he’s having TIAs.”
I asked, “What do the cancer doctors tell you? She said, “They say it’s not related to my cancer.” I got a call from his wife one evening and he was in the emergency room. He had this catastrophic TIA. I said, “Paul, what are they doing for you?” He said, “They did a CAT scan of my head, but they didn’t see anything specific. It’s a TIA and not related to my cancer.” Then they send him home.
I asked, “Did they do anything? He replied, “No.” I said, “You need to see a cardiologist. There are things they can do.” I looked it up really quickly. and of course, there are things they can do. They get him to the cardiologist, get him on blood thinners, and then no more problems with TIAs. That’s an indictment of the healthcare system.
Then he is getting better. Nine months later, he’s out dancing for four hours, three nights a week. He gets a head-to-toe rescanning and three of the bone mets are gone. There’s no growth of the mets that are there, and no new lesions. There’s only one hot spot and that’s where he received radiation therapy. The radiologist really could not distinguish whether that was a tumor hotspot or a radiation hotspot.
He is doing very well. The vaccine injury is a problem, but the cancer is no longer a problem, except for the fact that it’s still there and we want to get rid of it completely. He called me from a hockey game and said, “If I didn’t already know I have cancer, I would not know I have cancer. That was patient number one. I said, “Now, that’s interesting.”
A second patient crossed my path, a guy in his seventies who lost 40 pounds over a year-and-a-half, was not vaccinated, was a smoker and drinker, and all he did was fish. He could no longer swallow and he could hardly talk. I got on the phone with him and said, “Eddie, tell me a little bit about your history.” He knew someone with prostate cancer who had taken ivermectin and cured himself from prostate cancer with it.
Eddie began taking ivermectin. I have no idea what the dosing was. He was just taking it. I gave him some advice about diet and how to get the weight back on. In a couple of weeks, he sounded stronger. He could swallow, his voice was better, and he had gained six pounds. I followed him for another month or so.
I said, “Eddie, we need to get a scan.” He doesn’t have insurance. He doesn’t like doctors. He had been diagnosed in that interval with two unresectable esophageal tumors. The surgeons wouldn’t go near it. The doctor said, “We’ll give you chemo and radiation.” He said, “No, you’re not.” He just takes his ivermectin.
About six weeks later, I said, “Eddie, you need to get a scan.” I had to argue with Eddie to get a scan. We got the scan. No tumors. Gone. The biggest problem was that he had sold his fishing boat. He was getting better and his tumor was gone. Now, he needed to go out and buy another fishing boat. That was the second patient. Again, I said, “Now, that’s interesting.”
The third patient was a woman who was referred to me. Her husband called me. He said, “Could you talk to my wife? I think she’s got a problem.” She could feel a lump in her lower pelvis. She had had that for a while. I asked her, “Do you have any vaginal bleeding?” She replied, “Yes, a little bit, but not much.”
I said that the best thing to do would be to go to the doctor and get a CAT scan. She doesn’t like doctors. She doesn’t have insurance. She’s not getting a CAT scan. I was able to convince her to at least get an ultrasound. She gets an ultrasound. She has a 6-centimeter tumor in her pelvis. It’s close to the colon, it’s close to the ovary, it might be near the uterus, who knows? It’s just wedged down there.

Peeping Drones and Migrant Crisis

DRONES to be introduced into Denver police to help respond to 911 calls after city defunded the force by millions

  • The Denver Police Department has launched a new drone program
  • The agency may use drones to verify or assess the severity of a 911 report 

The Denver Police Department has launched a new program that will include the use of drones as a tool to help officers respond to 911 calls.

The law enforcement agency that was recently defunded by millions to pay for migrants is now launching its own drone program, along with other Colorado police departments.

Robert White, the former chief of The Denver Police Department originally disagreed with the use of drones in 2013 and in 2018, and the agency’s only drone was shelved.

Now, the department is planning on using a $100,000 grant from the Denver Police Foundation to start the program. Denver police plan to buy several drones with that money, and begin their drone program within six to 12 months.

‘We would never simply replace calls-for-service response by police officers,’ Phil Gonshak, director of the department’s Strategic Initiatives Bureau told The Denver Post.

The Denver Police Department has launched a new program that will see the use of drones introduced to help officers respond to calls. In some instances, a drone may be deployed to verify reports made to 911 or assess their severity

The Denver Police Department has launched a new program that will see the use of drones introduced to help officers respond to calls. In some instances, a drone may be deployed to verify reports made to 911 or assess their severity

‘The DPD would respond to any call for service where someone is physically requesting a police officer on scene. But if there was a fight at Colfax and Cherokee and we put a drone in the air and there is no fight and nothing causing traffic issues, then we would reroute our police officers to other emergent calls.’

‘It’s beginning to lift off,’ Gonshak said.

‘The long-term scope of what we are trying to do is drones as first responders,’ he added.

‘Basically, having stations on top of each one of our districts so we can respond with drones to critical needs or emergencies that arise throughout the city.’

The Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office, based in Centennial, Colorado, has been using the robotic flying devices since 2017.

‘This really is the future of law enforcement at some point, whether we like it or not,’  Sgt. Jeremiah Gates, who leads the drone unit at the Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office, said.

Robert White, the former of The Denver Police Department originally disagreed with the use of drones in 2013 and in 2018, the agency's only drone was shelved

Robert White, the former of The Denver Police Department originally disagreed with the use of drones in 2013 and in 2018, the agency’s only drone was shelved

The Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office has 14 pilots that have used 20 drones to conduct tasks, including tracking fleeing suspects, searching for missing people, providing overhead surveillance during SWAT operations, and mapping crash or crime scenes.

Gates said that the department is now considering using its drones to respond ahead of officers and in some rare instances, instead of them attending at all.

If a drone is deployed before an officer responds to a call, it could map out the area and send live streamed video footage back to the cop before they arrive.

In the case that a drone is flown to the scene of a 911 call, the device will be able to determine the severity of the call to inform officers if they need to respond.

‘I could fly the drone over (a reported suspicious vehicle) and say, “Hey, that vehicle is not out of place,” and I never had to send an officer over to bother them and I can clear it with that,’ Gates said. ‘It’s saving resources.’

The Arapahoe County Sheriff¿s Office, based in Centennial, Colorado, has been using the robotic flying devices since 2017. (pictured: officers testing out a drone)

The Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office, based in Centennial, Colorado, has been using the robotic flying devices since 2017. (pictured: officers testing out a drone)

The Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office is still in the ‘very early stages’ as they have to consider the cost, public opinion, and determine what kind of equipment will be needed to operate the drones for emergency calls.

Gates said that the flying devices could also be used to respond to traffic light outages by sending a live video to officers.

He added that the remote devices would get to emergency scenes faster than a cop would as they won’t have to deal with traffic congestion in the area.

Gates told The Denver Post: ‘What if we get a call about someone with a gun, and the drone is able to get overhead and see it’s not a gun before law enforcement ever contacts them?’

The Arapahoe County Sheriff¿s Office has 14 pilots that have used 20 drones to conduct tasks, including tracking fleeing suspects, searching for missing people and providing overhead surveillance during SWAT operations

The Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office has 14 pilots that have used 20 drones to conduct tasks, including tracking fleeing suspects, searching for missing people and providing overhead surveillance during SWAT operations

While Gates is for the use of drones, American Civil Liberties Union of Colorado staff attorney Laura Moraff, is worried that law enforcement agencies using drones could impact people’s rights.

‘We’re worried about what it would mean if drones were really just all over the skies in Colorado,’ Moraff said.

‘We are worried about what that would mean for First Amendment activities, for speech and organizing and protesting — because being surveilled by law enforcement, including by drones, can change the way people speak and protest.’

Moraff also expressed concern that the deployment of drones could result in ‘more over-policing’.

‘We know there is a problem with people reporting Black people doing normal everyday things as if there is something suspicious going on,’ she said.

‘So sending out a drone for any time there is a 911 call, it could be dangerous and lead to more over-policing of communities of color.

‘There is also just the risk that the more that we normalize having drones in the skies, the more it can really affect behavior on a massive scale, if we are just looking up and seeing drones all over the place, knowing that police are watching us.’

Sgt. Jeremiah Gates said that the remote devices would get to emergency scenes faster than a cop would as they won't have to deal with congested traffic in the area

Sgt. Jeremiah Gates said that the remote devices would get to emergency scenes faster than a cop would as they won’t have to deal with congested traffic in the area

Read More

Denver city council approves defund the police cuts – the largest ever in city’s budget – to pay for migrant crisis

article image

Meanwhile, Littleton Police Department only uses drones ‘proactively during large public events to monitor certain areas,’ spokeswoman Sheera Poelman said.

The Loveland Police Department used a drone to deliver a defibrillator to a patient before paramedics and authorities were able to respond, Sgt. Bryan Bartnes said.

‘One drawback to it is, obviously, it requires the citizen on scene to apply it and put it on,’ Bartnes said. ‘Drones don’t do that yet.’

The largest drone that the Loveland Police Department has can carry up to 16lbs, Bartnes explained.

Ben Birdsell, the Commerce Police Department’s community service officer supervisor said that the agency plans to launch drones for 911 calls within the next year.

‘What we see out of it is, it’s a lot cheaper than an officer, basically,’ he said.

Drones have to be flown at a limited range as they have to operate in the line of sight to the pilot, and have to follow the Federal Aviation Administration regulations around flights.

Drones have be flown at a limited range as they have to operate in the line of site to the pilot, and have to follow the Federal Aviation Administration regulations around flights. (pictured: Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office tests out using a drone in law enforcement)

Drones have be flown at a limited range as they have to operate in the line of site to the pilot, and have to follow the Federal Aviation Administration regulations around flights. (pictured: Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office tests out using a drone in law enforcement)

White said that kickstarting a drone program for the Denver Police Department would cost about $1.5million to $2million.

The department has already drafted up a ‘Drones as a First Responder Program’ policy and have several trained pilots on the force.

Denver Police spokesman Doug Schepman said that the agency’s SWAT team uses a single drone for limited indoor searches and can use it for emergency response upon approval.

‘So there is no question about what we are doing, because I know there is concern about us flying drones and peering through windows without search warrants,’ Gonshak said.

In April, the Denver City Council¿s Finance and Governance Committee approved plans to defund the police as the ongoing migrant crisis has cost city about $89.9million

In April, the Denver City Council’s Finance and Governance Committee approved plans to defund the police as the ongoing migrant crisis has cost city about $89.9million

‘We want to be very public-conscientious in our efforts.’

In April, the Denver City Council’s Finance and Governance Committee approved plans to defund the police as the ongoing migrant crisis has cost the democrat-led city about $89.9million.

The finance committee determined that $41 million in cuts from multiple city departments is needed to house migrants, KDVR reported.

Following the decision, the department experienced $8.4million budget cuts, including the sheriff’s office which lost $3.8million, and the fire department that lost $2.4million.

The sanctuary city’s progressive Mayor Mike Johnston unveiled the budget proposal, allocating $89.9million to assist incoming undocumented migrants, who he referred to as ‘newcomers.’


Could You Define “SAFE”?

1,236% Increase in Deaths Following Covid Vaccination — Study

Sean Miller | Infowars

When the county’s death data is applied nationwide, researchers estimate 49,240 Americans died from vaccine-induced cardiopulmonary arrest.

study co-authored by Dr. Peter McCullough, published Monday, has found that there was a 1,236 percent increase in death in King County, Washington between 2020 and 2023. The county has a high rate of vaccination, as 98 percent of its residents received at least one Covid injection by 2023.

“Our analysis revealed a 25.7% increase in total cardiopulmonary arrests and a 25.4% increase in cardiopulmonary arrest mortality from 2020 to 2023 in King County, WA. Excess cardiopulmonary arrest deaths were estimated to have increased by 1,236% from 2020 to 2023, rising from 11 excess deaths (95% CI: -12, 34) in 2020 to 147 excess deaths (95% CI: 123, 170) in 2023. A quadratic increase in excess cardiopulmonary arrest mortality was observed with higher COVID-19 vaccination rates,” the study said in the ‘Results’ section.

The researchers also collected data from emergency medical services (EMS) reports, the U.S. Census Bureau and The Tennessean COVID-19 Vaccine Tracker in order to apply their findings from King County to the wider American population.

“The excess mortality model for King County was used to calculate yearly estimates for excess cardiopulmonary arrest fatalities in the USA,” the study said in the ‘Methods’ section.

“Applying our model from these data to the entire United States yielded 49,240 excess fatal cardiopulmonary arrests from 2021-2023,” the study said in the ‘Results’ section.

  • URGENT! Keep Alex Jones in the fight against the NWO! Please pray & contribute at today!

The researchers concluded by giving their opinion on the findings and documenting why the death rate increase is attributed to the Covid injections.

“The biological plausibility of death from acute cardiac and pulmonary causes after COVID-19 vaccination has been previously demonstrated and is concerning given these real-world observations. Urgent further research is needed to determine if similar trends are observed in other regions with attention to risk mitigation for incident events and improved survival with resuscitation,” the study said in the ‘Conclusions’ section.

The Covid shots are also known to increase in lethality after repeated doses, increase Covid infection rates, result in turbo cancersreproductive destructioncause miscarriagesparalyzation, autoimmune disorders in the thyroid, as well as deadly headaches, seizures and heart inflammation in addition to a multitude of serious ailments seen in massive population studies and contain hundreds of times the allowable levels of DNA contamination leading to mutagenic effects, as well as likely permanently altering the DNA of the vaccinated and their offspring.

The CDC recommends all Americans receive their Covid shot and that young children receive extra, while Canada recommends another Covid shot for the pregnant, indigenous, ‘racialized’ & ‘equity-deserving’.

Patenting People and Destroying the Holy


Every now and then I get a very unusual article from all of you that I have to pass along, together with my usual high octane speculation, and that’s the case with today’s blog article that was spotted and shared by S.D. This one clearly falls into the high octane questions and speculations  category, and I think you’ll see why as soon as you read the title:

Destroying Our Connection to God with Gene Editing Injections

There’s nothing for it but to dive right in; from the beginning of the article:

More than a hundred years ago, Rudolf Steiner wrote that. “In the future, we will eliminate the soul with medicine. Under the pretext of a ‘healthy point of view’, there will be a vaccine by which the human body will be treated… so that the human being cannot develop the thought of the existence of soul and Spirit… He would be extremely smart, but he would not develop a conscience, and that is the true goal of some materialistic circles.”

Most regular readers of this website or participants in our members’ vidchats know that I am not a big Rudolf Steiner fan. To put all my cards on the table, I find his writing dry, one dimensional, and unreadable, and the endless claims and assertions without the slightest attempt to cite any source from which he draws some of those assertions to be downright irritating and frustration almost without parallel. After all, he’s German, and when it comes to footnotes, he should know better.  But in any case, Steiner’s speculation here is one of the few that I think is highly intriguing, given its relationship to what follows in this article, and yes, while I have blogged about this subject before, it’s time for a revision and extension of remarks. Consider the relation between Steiner’s speculation, and the following exchange from the article on whether or not a  “God gene briefing” at the US Department of Defense was fake news or not:

A viral video which claims to be a leaked 2005 presentation to the DOD by American geneticist, Dean Hamer, shows a man briefing a room of men about the VMAT2 gene, the God gene, and how it can be suppressed with the use of vaccines.

“Excuse me, on the left over here, we have individuals who are religious fundamentalists, religious fanatics. And this is the expression RTPCR, real time PCR, expression of the VMAT2 gene. Our hypothesis is that these are fanatical people, that they have overexpression of the VMAT2 gene and that by vaccinating against this, we’ll eliminate this behavior.”

Now this last quotation, in the article, is followed by a little parenthetical comment that alleges it is fake, presumably because the alleged briefing was not a Department of Defense briefing, but a “home movie” that it was just a short film:

In 2021, former NEWS anchor, Ryan Harper, claimed in the San Francisco Chronicle that he created this video as a short film. But has provided no clear evidence to substantiate this claim. And if it is a hoax, then it appears to be disinformation, False information deliberately spread to employ strategic deceptions to advance political, military, or commercial goals. Because in 2009, Dean Hamer lectured at Marlboro College about this same subject.

“Well, it turns out at least one gene that’s involved in spirituality has not been identified. It’s one of many different players. The next slide shows it. It’s something called the Vesicular Monoamine Transporter number two.”

So the “God gene” is real. And apparently so is the effort to deploy means for its attenuation or even complete eradication, for the article goes on to link this article:

Erasing Humanity: Evidence of VMAT2 Deletion

In the second article, a connection is drawn to the covid injections and to the phenomenon that some of its recipients have reported a loss of emotionality, listlessness, of “connection” to others and even themselves. Returning to the first article, we note the following:

The VMAT2 gene is a protein that carries several vital neurotransmitters to synapses in the brain. It basically controls the central nervous system. Deleting it, known as a knockout, would greatly reduce these neurotransmitters creating an endless list of chronic health issues.

VMAT2 deletion is accomplished using the “SLC18A2 cDNA ORF clone” where “cDNA” is “Complimentary DNA.” Which is used in human cloning and genetically modifying an organism. In 2013, Supreme Court judges ruled that cDNA added to target cells in the human genome, makes a person patent eligible. And there are patents for using this to genetically edit the human VMAT2 gene and delete it. This can easily be done using simple CRISPR technology and is even sold online.

In a 2020 study on mice, VMAT2 gene deletion caused schizophrenia. In a 2022 study it caused Parkinson’s disease. In the American Journal of Human Genetics, a study on deleting the VMAT2 induces an “Intellectual Disability Syndrome” in humans. It causes autoimmune disorders, cerebral palsy, type 1 diabetes, and several other illnesses. Begging the question, as Dr. Love asks, “How long have pharma and the government been reducing our humanity through VMAT2 knockouts?”

VMAT2 deletion also causes fearfulness, psychiatric disorders, cardiac arrhythmia, cancer, and accelerated aging. While it’s unlikely that these sadistic mad scientists can cut us off from God, they are definitely doing their best to murder us. (Emphases added)

That list would seem, at least in part, to record some types of adverse reactions associated with the covid injections. At best, it’s suggesting that its attenuation or utter removal results in a loss of reasoning ability, and even of physical control of one’s body (both the voluntary and involuntary). But you will note that one of my own previous high octane speculations has been confirmed, for note that the Supreme Court of the USA has already ruled that genetic modifications done to edit out this gene  are patentable

…in other words, one could envision the Mon(ster)santo-GMO scenario on steroids, whereby “infection” with a modified gene of this nature could lead to assertions of property rights over an individual…

…to a kind of “zombie slavery”

That of course, leads me to my high octane speculation of the day, which must be asked in the form of a question: one assumes that the “God gene” is not the only such “spirituality-influencing” gene in the human genome, and that there may be other genes and even epigenetic factors involved. The question then becomes, is there or are there present, within animals and particularly the higher beasts, similar genes that enable their domestication, as these genes appear to enable human reason and emotional life?

I suspect there are, and I also suspect that just as “they” have already talked about putting their quackcines into the food supply to be ingested by the human population, they might attempt to do the same to the animals…

…if they haven’t already. After all, they’ve pretty well tainted most of the rest of the food supply, and we do not need to catalogue how: chemtrails and aerial spraying, pesticides, steroids, and of course, genetic modifications (and who knows how many of these additives there really are?).

I’m reminded once again of that marvellous chapter, “Banquet at Belbury” of C.S. Lewis’ That Hideous Strength, as these insane, godless, irrational and power-mad scientismists continue their mad experiments, that the animals, at least, have to good sense to revolt. After all, when one tries to remove that logos spermatikos of the “god gene” from humanity one ends up with all sorts of health problems, including mental health problems. One can only imagine what happens when one removes the logoi spermatikoi from the rest of the living world as well.

… See you on the flip side…


What Cost – Clean Blood?

Researchers Call for Urgent Action to Address Mass Contamination of Blood Supply

May 27, 2024
blood supply contamination


  • Japanese researchers warn of the risks of using blood from mRNA COVID vaccine recipients, highlighting potential deadly effects and the need for urgent action to secure the global blood supply
  • Blood contaminated with prion-like structures from the spike protein raises the risk of inducing fatal neurodegenerative diseases in recipients. The potential transmission of harmful proteins through exosomes (“shedding”) and the risk of autoimmune diseases due to the vaccines’ mechanism and components like lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) are other major concerns
  • Proposals for managing blood collection include rigorous donor interviews, deferral periods, and a suite of tests to ensure the safety of blood products
  • The researchers advocate for comprehensive testing of both jabbed and unjabbed individuals to assess the safety of blood products and suggest discarding blood products contaminated with spike proteins or modified mRNA until effective removal methods have been developed
  • They call for suspending all gene-based “vaccines” and conducting a rigorous harm-benefit assessment in light of the serious health injuries reported. They also urge countries and organizations to take concrete steps to address and mitigate the already identified risks

In a recent meta-analysis1,2 posted on, Japanese researchers warn of potentially deadly risks to patients who receive blood from people who have taken mRNA COVID jabs and call for urgent action to ensure the safety of the global blood supply. According to the authors:3

“… many countries around the world have reported that so-called genetic vaccines, such as those using modified mRNA encoding the spike protein and lipid nanoparticles as the drug delivery system, have resulted in post-vaccination thrombosis and subsequent cardiovascular damage, as well as a wide variety of diseases involving all organs and systems, including the nervous system …

[B]ased on these circumstances and the volume of evidence that has recently come to light, we call the attention of medical professionals to the various risks associated with blood transfusions using blood products derived from people who have suffered from long COVID and from genetic vaccine recipients, including those who have received mRNA vaccines, and we make proposals regarding specific tests, testing methods, and regulations to deal with these risks.”

Blood From Jabbed Donors May Pose Risk to Neurological Health

One particular risk addressed in this paper is the implications of blood tainted with prion-like structures found within the spike protein. Prions are misfolded proteins that can cause neurodegenerative diseases, such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) in humans, by inducing the misfolding of normal proteins in the brain.

Prion diseases are characterized by a long incubation period, followed by rapid progression and high mortality. The suggestion that the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, especially from certain variants, might contain prion-like domains raises concerns for several reasons:

  • Transmission risk — If spike proteins with prion-like structures can be transmitted through blood transfusions, there might be a risk of inducing prion diseases in recipients. Prion diseases are notoriously difficult to diagnose early, have no cure, and are fatal, making any potential transmission through blood products a significant safety concern.
  • Detection and removal challenges — Current blood screening processes do not specifically test for prions, partly because prion diseases are rare and partly due to the technical challenges in detecting prions at low concentrations. If spike proteins with prion-like properties are present in the blood of COVID jabbed individuals, existing blood safety protocols may not be adequate to prevent transmission.
  • Long-term safety concerns — Prion diseases have long latency periods, meaning that symptoms can appear years or even decades after exposure. This delay complicates efforts to trace the source of an infection back to a blood transfusion and assess the safety of blood supplies over time.
  • Impacts on blood supply management — Concerns about the potential risks associated with prion-like structures in spike proteins might lead to changes in donor eligibility criteria or the implementation of additional screening measures. These changes could impact the availability of blood products, which are critical for routine medical procedures.
  • Public confidence — Public awareness of these potential risks, even if they are theoretical or have a very low likelihood of occurring, could affect individuals’ willingness to donate or receive blood transfusions, thereby lowering blood donation rates and the overall trust in the safety of blood transfusions.

The authors stress the need for comprehensive studies to better understand the implications of these prion-like structures in the spike protein, not only for mRNA jab safety but also for the broader implications for public health measures like blood transfusion practices.

Other Potential Health Hazards of Contaminated Blood

Contaminated blood may also pose other serious health risks, including:

Reduced immune function among blood recipients — It’s been shown that the more doses of the COVID shot you’ve received, the more likely you are to suffer future infections, either by SARS-CoV-2 or other viruses, due antibody-dependent enhancement.

Blood donations from people who have received several doses of mRNA injections may not provide adequate immunity against common infections, resulting in subclinical infections and diseases in recipients.

Formation of blood clots and amyloid aggregates — If the immune system of a blood recipient isn’t strong enough to neutralize spike protein, blood clots and amyloid aggregates may also form.

Chronic inflammation — Prolonged exposure to the antigens from the COVID-19 shots can trigger the generation of IgG4 antibodies, resulting in chronic inflammation and immune dysfunction.

IgG4 antibodies are often associated with chronic exposure to antigens, such as those seen in persistent infections, certain cancers, and prolonged exposure to allergens. IgG4 antibodies are also associated with a unique condition known as IgG4-Related Disease (IgG4-RD), a fibro-inflammatory condition characterized by swellings or masses in affected organs.4

Blood Transfusions and the Risk of Autoimmune Diseases

The authors also raise concerns about the potential of contaminated blood to cause autoimmune diseases in recipients. Recent research found that the RNA pseudouridylation, a process in which uracil is swapped out for synthetic methylpseudouridine, can cause frameshifting, basically a glitch in the decoding, which can trigger the production of off-target aberrant proteins.

The antibodies that develop as a result may, in turn, trigger off-target immune reactions. In addition to that, lipid nanoparticles (LNPs), a key component of the COVID shots, have been identified as highly inflammatory and possessing more potent adjuvant activity compared to traditional vaccine adjuvants, which further increases the risk of an autoimmune response. As reported in the featured paper:5

“Recent studies have shown that RNA pseudouridylation can result in frameshifting. It is not yet clear whether a portion of the pseudouridinated mRNA for the spike protein is translated into another protein of unknown function in vaccine recipients. If these proteins are also pathogenic, additional testing for such frameshift proteins may be needed in the future.

Even if a frameshift protein is not toxic, it must be foreign to the body and could cause autoimmune disease. In addition, LNPs themselves are highly inflammatory substances … LNPs have been found to have stronger adjuvant activity than the adjuvants used in conventional vaccines, and there is also concern about autoimmune diseases resulting from this aspect.

Thus, although it is not clear what the causative agent of autoimmune disease is, the large number of reported cases of autoimmune disease following genetic vaccination is extremely concerning.

The very mechanism of gene vaccines that causes one’s own cells to produce the antigens of pathogens carries the risk of inducing autoimmune diseases, which cannot be completely avoided even if mRNA pseudouridylation technology is used.

In this context, individuals with a positive blood test for spike protein may need to have interviews and additional tests for autoimmune disease indicators, such as antinuclear antibodies.

Alternatively, if the amino acid sequence of the protein resulting from the frameshift is predictable, these candidate proteins could be included in the initial mass spectrometry assay. In any case, it is particularly important to develop tests and establish medical care settings in anticipation of these situations.”

Proposals for Managing Blood Collection

The authors outline several specific proposals for managing blood collection and blood products from individuals who have received genetic “vaccines.” Given the variety of blood-related abnormalities observed post-jab, the researchers argue that rigorous and precautionary measures in blood handling and transfusion practices have now become a necessity.

A key part of the proposal involves conducting thorough interviews with potential blood donors. These interviews should cover their vaccination status, number of doses received, their COVID-19 infection history, and any symptoms they might be experiencing that could indicate conditions like post-vaccination syndrome (PVS), long-COVID or other complications.

The researchers also recommend deferral periods for blood collected from COVID jab recipients — 48 hours for mRNA shots and six weeks for AstraZeneca DNA jab recipients. A series of tests are also proposed to ensure the safety of collected blood, including:

Mass spectrometry to measure spike protein content PCR for detecting the presence of spike protein mRNA and DNA
Testing for markers associated with autoimmune disorders Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
Immunophenotyping Liquid biopsies combined with proteomics to detect and quantify spike protein and its mRNA

The authors also note that policies and procedures must be constantly revised as new risks and problems with blood products derived from mRNA and DNA jab recipients are identified.

Ensuring Safety of Current Blood Products

The paper also reviews strategies to ensure the safety of blood products already collected, highlighting the complex challenges that medical institutions, regulatory bodies, and the broader healthcare ecosystem must navigate in the wake of widespread use of mRNA injections.

The primary concern is the risk posed to patients by the use of blood products from donors who have received gene-based injections without confirming the presence or absence of spike proteins or modified mRNA. To ensure their safety, methods to quantify potential contaminants must be developed and implemented as soon as possible.

Another critical issue that must be addressed is the current lack of reliable methods to remove spike proteins or modified mRNA from blood products. The authors warn that, given the potential persistence, low solubility, heat resistance, and radiation resistance of these components, current methodologies are inadequate for the job. The only solution, they say, is to discard all blood products found to contain these contaminants until effective removal techniques are established.

Researchers Call for Widespread Blood Testing

Additionally, the researchers call for widespread testing of both jabbed and unjabbed to assess the potential transmission of spike proteins through exosomes (so-called shedding).

As noted by the authors:

“… when exosomes collected from vaccine recipients were administered to mice that had not been vaccinated with the genetic vaccine, the spike protein was transmitted.

Therefore, it cannot be denied that the spike protein and its modified genes can be transmitted through exosomes. For this reason, we suggest that full testing be done initially, regardless of genetic vaccination status, and that a cohort study be conducted to quickly capture the full picture …

In addition … it cannot be ruled out that even those who have not been vaccinated with the genetic vaccine, but have had long COVID, may have residual spike proteins or fibrin- derived microthrombi in their bodies, so it would be advisable to conduct the same testing and follow-up as for genetic vaccine recipients.

The presence or absence and amount of anti-nucleocapsid antibodies as well as antibody isotypes may be an indicator(s) in distinguishing whether genetic vaccination or long COVID is the cause. In any case, these cohort studies are expected to help establish cutoff values for blood levels of spike protein and other substances to determine the safety of blood products.

Faksova et al. conducted a large cohort study of 99 million people using a multinational Global Vaccine Data NetworkTM (GVDN®) and found a significantly increased risk of myocarditis, pericarditis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, and cerebral venous sinus thrombosis in genetic vaccine recipients.”

Ensuring the traceability of blood products and establishing a rigorous legal and regulatory framework to manage the myriad issues arising from the use of blood products derived from COVID jabbed individuals are also paramount. This includes creating systems for the registration of all potential donors, ensuring the traceability of blood products, and conducting recipient outcome studies.

Call to Pause: Evaluating the Risks and Benefits of Genetic Vaccines for a Safer Future

In conclusion, the authors point out that if we continue using mRNA-LPN-based platforms to replace conventional vaccines or create new ones, then the risks to our blood and bone marrow supply will be augmented further.

“The impact of these genetic vaccines on blood products and the actual damage caused by them are unknown at present,” they write.6

“Therefore, in order to avoid these risks and prevent further expansion of blood contamination and complication of the situation, we strongly request that the vaccination campaign using genetic vaccines be suspended and that a harm-benefit assessment be carried out as early as possible, as called for by Fraiman et al.7 and Polykretis et al.8

[T]he health injuries caused by genetic vaccination are already extremely serious, and it is high time that countries and relevant organizations take concrete steps together to identify the risks and to control and resolve them.”


What Price – Gasoline???

Biden Drains Entire Northeast Gasoline Reserve In Bid To Lower Gas Prices As He Trails Trump By Double Digits

WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 2024 – 02:44 AM

Back in March, when reading the mammoth, 1050-page bill that was meant to avert government shutdown, but was yet another pork filled free-for-all bonanza authorizing $1.7 trillion in in discretionary spending, we stumbled upon something that was truly shocking: after Biden singlehandedly drained half of the US strategic petroleum reserve to avoid obliteration for Democrats in the 2022 midterm elections, Congress has snuck in a provision that would sell off and shutter the Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve, a move that while perhaps keeps gas prices lower for a day or two, would also leave the entire continental northeast defenseless to any true environmental catastrophe or shock. We were so dismayed by the inclusion of this particular text, we wondered if it hadn’t been put there solely for the benefit of America’s enemies…

… because surely nobody in their right mind, not even the illegitimate senile occupant of the White House, would ever pursue such short-term gains at the expense of potentially disastrous long-term consequences to the entire nation.

We were wrong: earlier today, just two months after the bill was signed by Biden into law, the panicking administration announced that it would sell the nearly 1 million barrels of gasoline in the US managed stockpile in northeastern states, the Department of Energy said, effectively closing the reserve.

The department created the Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve (NGSR) in 2014 after Superstorm Sandy left motorists scrambling for fuel. But, according to some megabrains hoping to justify the dumping of gas so its price drops for a few weeks ahead of the summer and avoid even more anger aimed at the president, storing refined fuel is costlier than storing crude oil, so closing the reserve was included in U.S funding legislation signed by President Joe Biden in March.

Bids to buy the gasoline located at the two NGSR storage sites in Port Reading, NJ (900,000 bbl) and South Portland, ME (98,824 bbl), are due on May 28 and the Treasury Department’s general funds gets proceeds from the sale. Incidentally, the proceeds from the reserve liquidation – which will amount to roughly $125 million gross (and far less net) – is roughly how much the government spends every 15 minutes!

So is it better to have a gasoline reserve for unexpected events, or to fund a quarter hour of US government’s spending? Don’t answer that. Of course, the answer is neither – the whole point of selling the gasoline is to depress prices at the pump if only for a few days to help Americans forget about the great inflationary nightmare they have been in for the past 3 years.

The volumes will be allocated in quantities of 100,000 barrels with each barrel containing 42 gallons, the department said and said it would require that fuel is transferred or delivered no later than June 30. That will ensure the gasoline can flow into local retailers ahead of the Fourth of July holiday and that it will be sold at competitive prices. Translation: Biden just drained the Northeast strategic gasoline reserve to push gas lower by a few cents on July 4.

For context, gas prices at the pump this Memorial Day will be the second most expensive in a decade – dramatically above the ten-year average of $2.91…

“By strategically releasing this reserve in between Memorial Day and July 4th, we are ensuring sufficient supply flows to the … northeast at a time hardworking Americans need it the most,” Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said in a release.

“The Biden-Harris administration is laser-focused on lowering prices at the pump for American families, especially as drivers hit the road for summer driving season,″ Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said in the statement. “By strategically releasing this reserve in between Memorial Day and July 4th, we are ensuring sufficient supply flows to the tri-state (area) and Northeast at a time hardworking Americans need it the most.”

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said release of gas from the Northeast reserve builds on actions by President Joe Biden, a Democrat, “to lower gas and energy costs — including historic releases from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and the largest-ever investment in clean energy.″

Biden significantly drained the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in 2022 following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, dropping the stockpile to its lowest level since the 1980s after selling about 280 million barrels to keep prices low. The election year move helped stabilize gasoline prices that had been rising in the wake of the war in Europe but drew complaints from Republicans, and frankly anyone with half a brain, that the Democratic president was playing politics with a reserve meant for national emergencies.

The Biden administration has since very theatrically begun refilling the oil reserve, which had more than 364 million barrels of crude oil as of last month, by purchasing a couple million barrels every other month or so, setting it on pace for refilling some time in the 2100s.

“While congressional Republicans fight to preserve tax breaks for Big Oil at the expense of hardworking families, President Biden is advancing a more secure, affordable, and clean energy future to lower utility bills while record American energy production helps meet our immediate needs,” Jean-Pierre said.

As for the real reason behind the latest myopic decision by the Biden admin, today we learned that Trump’s lead over Biden has widened to 13pp in the betting market, the largest difference since mid-March. Meanwhile, political event prediction website PredictIt places higher betting odds on Trump than Biden for the first time since March.

Trump is also leading in the latest polls of all swing states.

Trump is leading by 2% in the latest polls in Pennsylvania. If Biden loses Pennsylvania but wins Wisconsin and Michigan, he then at least needs to win one state from Georgia and North Carolina in addition to one state from Arizona and Nevada to secure a second term.

Meanwhile, closing arguments in Trump’s “hush money” case in New York are set to being on May 28. If the jury finds Trump guilty, it is possible for the former president to receive prison time, and judging by how weaponized the “legal system” of the current fascist regime has become, we would not be surprised if Biden goes there.


Creating an Eclipse

Europe’s Proba-3 mission will create an ‘artificial eclipse’ to the study sun’s corona

An illustration of two satellites in space, separated by a relatively short distance. In the back, there is the sun.

An illustration of the pair of satellites that’ll create an artificial eclipse. (Image credit: ESA)

While the world eagerly awaits the total solar eclipse in April, scientists are already planning observations for the next — except this will be an “artificial” one. Here’s what that means.

Proba-3, a mission led by the European Space Agency (ESA), has been in the making for at least 14 years. It’s due to finally launch this September, and is designed to better detect tiny, faint features in the sun’s extremely dim outer atmosphere called the corona.

To accomplish that goal, the mission will launch two small satellites together which will separate once in space and fly in tandem in an orbit around Earth. Much like the moon passes in front of the sun during a solar eclipse, the two satellites — an occulter and a specialized instrument called a coronagraph — will mimic a natural solar eclipse by lining up 144 meters (472 feet) apart, such that the former blocks out the sun’s glaring disk for the latter.

“This will be achieved autonomously, without relying on guidance from the ground,” according to a previous ESA statement.

While the pair of satellites will take 19.5 hours to circle Earth once, they will maintain their formation for just six hours in each orbit to reduce fuel costs, said ESA. Such a configuration, reportedly the first of its kind, will bring the corona into view. This solar feature is so faint that it’s visible only during natural solar eclipses, which don’t last very long and aren’t very common.

“We won’t see quite as close to the solar limb as during a terrestrial eclipse,” Russell Howard, an astrophysicist at the John Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab who was not involved with the Proba-3 mission, said in the statement. “But having such images for hours on end compared to the five to 10 minutes duration of an eclipse event will be spectacular.”

Coronagraphs normally include an occulter, so they come capable of blocking out the sun’s bright disk themselves. But they also experience data-damaging diffraction, a consequence of light spilling around their edges and sometimes overshining very faint signals.

“The best way to reduce diffraction is to increase the distance between the occulter and the coronagraph, which is precisely what Proba-3 is going to do,” Proba-3’s project manager Damien Galano said in a statement earlier this week.

Europe temporarily lacks independent access to space after it retired its Ariane 5 rocket and is yet to debut its successor, Ariane 6. It also delayed the return to flight date of another rocket, Vega C, to late 2024. Not to fear, the Proba-3 mission will lift off from India instead, from the country’s spaceport in Sriharikota.


Stores Stocking/Not Stocking Apeel Treated Produce

Grocery & Produce Brand Policies on Apeel.

Updated May 12, 2024.

The following list accurately reflects the disclosures and policies of growers and grocery retailers on selling produce treated with Apeel’s Edipeel (used on conventional produce) and Organipeel (used on organic produce) food coatings. To date, Apeel’s coatings have only been commercially applied on apples, cucumbers, avocados, asparagus, limes, lemons, grapefruits, mandarins, mangoes, and oranges. The coating is odorless, tasteless, and clear, so there is no way to tell when it is used. The vast majority of grocery store produce is not treated with Apeel. To remove as much Apeel as possible, use vinegar or baking soda (not both) and a produce brush or cotton/hemp towel to scrub the produce. DO NOT MESSAGE OR EMAIL ME ABOUT APEEL.

Natural Grocers: Natural Grocers issued a public corporate statement saying they do not carry any produce or items that have been treated with Apeel’s food coatings.

Sprouts Farmers Markets: Sprouts recently made a decision to not carry any produce that’s treated with Apeel. They annnounced this internally to employees, but have not made a public statement or policy yet.

Costco: Costco partnered with Apeel as far back as 2018 but recently stopped carrying any produce treated with Apeel. Their corporate produce department said they have no plans to ever sell produce treated with Apeel again. The Limoneira lemons they carry are not treated with Apeel.

Publix: Publix will not purchase any produce that’s been treated with Apeel’s food coatings.

H-E-B: H-E-B does not use any items treated with Apeel in the products they manufacture. They are not actively seeking out or requesting items treated with Apeel. The responsibility ultimately falls on their suppliers to adhere to their requests, so there is not a 100% guarantee.

Central Market: The Texas based gourmet grocery store is owned by H-E-B and shares their exact policy on Apeel.

Whole Foods: Whole Foods would not give a clear or straightforward answer on if they source produce treated with Apeel. I spoke to three produce departments, three customer service representatives, and three corporate offices. One corporate office said Apeel’s Edipeel and Organipeel food coatings meet Whole Food’s safety standards. I went and looked at the produce and could not find any items treated with Apeel.

Trader Joes: Trader Joes no longer sources any produce treated with Apeel’s food coatings. They have not released a public statement or policy. I requested that they do this.

Jimbo’s: The San Diego Organic Grocery chain publicly states that they do not carry or accept any produce treated with Apeel.

Azure Standard: Azure Standard ( does not use or carry any products containing Apeel.

Kimberton Whole Foods: The local PA health foods grocery store does not carry any produce that has been treated with Apeel.

ALDI: Aldi does not have a policy on Apeel and no employees are able to speak on it. They source produce from brands (West Pak & Limoneira) that use Apeel, but it is not clear whether the items they carry are treated with Apeel’s coatings.

Kroger: Kroger claims that produce items sold under their own label are not treated with Apeel food coatings. However, Kroger is not able to speak about or certify other produce brands that they carry. This policy applies to all of their locations and all of their subsidiaries as well including Baker’s, City Market, Dillons, Food 4 Less, Foods Co, Fred Meyer, Fry’s, Gerbes, Jay C Food Store, King Soopers, Mariano’s, Metro Market, Pay Less Super Markets, Pick’n, Save, QFC, Ralphs, Ruler, and Smith’s Food and Drug. Kroger confirmed that other produce brands they carry are treated with Apeel. Kroger could not verify if their Simple Truth private label is treated with Apeel.

Albertsons: Known to carry some produce items with Apeel.

Target: Target carries produce treated with Apeel including avocados, cucumbers, asparagus, apples, and citrus fruit.

Walmart: Walmart does not use Apeel on any of their Walmart brand items. Walmart could not certify other produce brands carried in their stores. Consumers report they carry produce items with Apeel.

Clark’s Nutrition: The Los Angeles natural grocery market chain has decided to not carry any products with Apeel on it. They contacted all of their distribution partners to say they do not want any produce or items treated with Apeel.

Love Whole Foods Cafe & Market: The two location Florida market has the following policy regarding Apeel. “Love Whole Foods Cafe & Market is currently working with our produce distributers to keep Apeel coated products out of our stores, and at the very least, expecting more transparency by requiring labeling on produce from companies that are choosing to use Apeel.”

Fresh Thyme: Fresh Thyme does not source any produce that has been treated with Apeel and has no plans to change this policy.

Giant: Giant does not utilize Apeel for their private brand products. They try to work with suppliers to ensure product labeling is done according to regulation. They carry produce from other brands treated with Apeel and cannot verify if is labeled on each item.

Bragg: Bragg does not source any apples that have been treated with Organipeel or Edipeel. Bragg makes it clear that none of their apples are treated with other waxes or coatings either.

Cub Foods: No disclosable policy. Known to sell limes treated with Apeel.

Shaws: No disclosable policy. Sells produce items with Apeel.

Star Market: No disclosable policy. Sells produce items with Apeel.

Fairway Market: Sell apples and avocados with Apeel.

Fred Meyer: Sell apples and avocados with Apeel.

Bristol Farms: Sell citrus fruit with Apeel.

Market Street: Sell avocados treated with Apeel.

The Fresh Market: Sell avocados and citrus fruit treated with Apeel.

Erewhon: Does not source any produce treated with Apeel.

Market Basket: No exclusionary policy on sourcing produce with Apeel. Users report Apeel on apples.

Stop & Shop: No exclusionary policy on sourcing produce with Apeel.

Hannaford: No disclosable policy on sourcing produce with Apeel.

Imperfect Produce: Does not use Apeel on any of their produce or items. They sold some apples with Apeel in the past. Some items have food grade waxes (as is the case with all grocery stores), less on organic and more on conventional.

Misfits Market: Does not use Apeel on any of their produce or items.

Rainier Fruit Company: Rainier does not use Apeel on any of their fruit.

Driscoll’s: Driscoll’s, the popular berry growing brand, does not use Apeel to treat any of their fruit.

West Pak: West Pak increased their capacity for treating avocados with Apeel’s food coatings. They do not disclose which retailers carry avocados that have and have not been treated.

Limoneira: Limoneira is the first lemon producer to partner with Apeel. They will apply Edipeel on conventional lemons and Organipeel on organic lemons. They plan to coat 5 million cartons worth of lemons this year. Their financial guidelines outline their fiscal year estimates to sell 5-5.4 million cartons of lemons, indicating that all of their lemons will be coated with Apeel.

Stemilt Apples: Stemilt previously used Organipeel on all of their organic apples. Their communications team informed me that they no longer use Apeel on any of their apples.

Topline Farms: Topline Farms applies Apeel to its cucumber and mini cucumbers sold individually and in packs.

Domex Superfresh Growers: The Washington based apple, pear, cherry, and apricot grower does not use Apeel, nor do they have plans to use it in the future.

Calavo Avocados: Calavo offers a small number of organic and conventional avocados treated with Apeel’s coatings, which only amounts to a truck-full a week. They do not send Apeel treated avocados to Whole Foods.

Horton Fruit Company: Applies Apeel on avocados shipped to grocery retailers throughout the country.

Index Fresh: Applies Apeel on avocados shipped to grocery retailers throughout the country.

Nature’s Pride: Applies Apeel on avocados shipped to grocery retailers throughout the country.

Del Monte: Offers Apeel coated avocados as an option to select retailers. Would not disclose which retailers request it.

Sage Fruit Company: Starting in 2019, Sage Fruit Company partnered with Apeel to use their food coatings. Sage expanded the partnership in 2021 to treat a number of mainstream organic apple varieties including gala, fuji, Honeycrisp, granny smith and Pink Lady. Sage couldn’t speak to their current policy on apeel whenever I’ve contacted them. Given their public praise of Apeel and expanded partnership, signs would point to Sage still treating their apples with Apeel.
