Unseen Forces Behind the Rise to Fame and Fortune of Bill Gates

James Corbett’s fourth installment of his series on Bill Gates examines Gates’ youth, family history, business strategies, and surprising personal connections (Jeffrey Epstein, for example) that, altogether, reveal a disturbing picture of Gates’ rise to fame, fortune, and power. Of particular interest is the fact that his banker father was head of Planned Parenthood and that the family was connected to a group of wealthy intellectuals who called themselves Eugenicists. That means they advocated so-called public-health programs that secretly sterilize those who are considered by the elite to be unworthy of procreation. This was the same program that, later, was applied by Hitler to create a super race in Nazi Germany. After the fall of the Nazi regime, American Eugenicists needed to distance themselves from Hitlers’ sterilization program, so they changed their vocabulary. Eugenics henceforth was called population control. This finally connects the dots between present vaccine design and the Gates’ life-long support of ‘population control’. -GEG
from: https://needtoknow.news/2020/05/unseen-forces-behind-the-rise-to-fame-and-fortune-of-bill-gates/