YAKAMA INDIAN RESERVATION — Following the disgusting display of disrespect of taunting American Indian elder, Nathan Phillips, at the Lincoln Memorial by a group of boys from the all-boys Covington Catholic School, the chairman of the Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation, based Toppenish, Washington, issued the following statement:
“Yakama Nation along with the rest of the world has observed the shameful actions and behaviors of the school children from Covington Catholic School. Their actions were not only distasteful but dangerous. For the young people involved to be so bold and blatant with actions that promote hate and fuel ignorance reminds us all of the great challenge that knows no boundaries of race or origin.That we must guide and raisethe next generations to conduct themselves in a manner that promotes the opposite of this unfortunate event, peace, prayer, tolerance, patience should have ruled the day.It is as though the very thing wrong with the current condition of the United States showed us its spirit. Fortunately, Elder Nathan Phillips and the others that were verbally accosted were able to remain peaceful and resilient. The boys from Covington are themselves victims, victims to the Doctrine of Discovery and it’s teachings. Teachings of domination, dehumanization, social injustice, racism, and violations of basic and fundamental human rights. It should be of no surprise to the United States or the Catholic Church that if both are not ready to rescind and denounce the Doctrine of Christian Discovery and move away from Its dark teachings, the hatred and intolerance will continue. Yakama Nation stands with Elder Phillips. We call on Covington Catholic School to do what is right. This is a very teachable moment in our history. If we choose to learn from the resilience that Elder Phillips showed it will make us all stronger as Nations and Peoples.”
from: https://nativenewsonline.net/currents/yakama-nation-reacts-to-catholic-school-students-in-make-america-great-again-caps-taunting-native-elder/
The actions of these students are indefensible. Something is definitely wrong with an educational system and the current societal ethos that allows for such behavior.