What’s Up With the Moon?


Evidence Suggests The Moon Isn’t What We Think – Someone Might Have Put It There



  • The Facts:In 1962 Gordon MacDonald, a NASA scientist, published a paper stating it’s more likely that the moon is hollow than not. MIT’s Sean C. Solomon furthered this statement citing knowledge of the moon’s gravitation field as evidence.
  • Reflect On:What do we truly know about the moon? Why is it that there is always such a great deal of evidence that challenges the mainstream truths about various things? Are we truly aware of the truth of the world around us?

 It is not out of the question that artifacts of these visits still exist, or even that some kind of base is maintained (possibly automatically) within the solar system to provide continuity for successive expeditions. Because of weathering and the possibility of detection and interference by the inhabitants of the Earth, it would be preferable not to erect such a base on the Earth’s surface. The Moon seems one reasonable alternative. Forthcoming high resolution photographic reconnaissance of the Moon from space vehicles – particularly of the back side – might bear these possibilities in mind. – Carl Sagan (source)

Controversy has surrounded the Moon for a very long time, we have leaks, research and information from some very credible sources who have, over a span of decades, been relaying to the public that our Moon is not what we think it is, and that there’s also some type of extraterrestrial presence on the Moon.

One example would be the testimony of Colonel Ross Dedrickson, who was responsible for maintaining the inventory of the nuclear weapon stockpile for the United States, he had a long stint with the US Atomic Energy Commission, you can view his obituary here.

Shortly before his passing, he told the world that the US tried to detonate atomic weapons on the Moon for scientific purposes, measurements and whatnot and that this project was halted by extraterrestrials, who would not allow us to detonate any nuclear weapons in space.  These were some interesting comments because he is one of the hundreds of high ranking military people who have alluded to such things, and we also have a declassified report by the Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center from June 1959 that shows how seriously they were considering the plan, called Project A119.

We know for a fact that they wanted to investigate the capability of weapons in space, and if they did, we also know that we would never be told, similar to the testing that goes on here on planet Earth.

Then, we have remote viewers from the STARGATE program who have ‘seen’ strange structures and humanoid creatures on the Moon, like Ingo Swann (from his book, titled Penetration), for example. He wasn’t the only one from the program who did, I have personally had conversations with Dr. Paul Smith, a retired army veteran who spent a decade in that program, he also relayed to me that something strange is happening on the Moon. Many from within that program have been very outspoken about an extraterrestrial presence.

You can read more about the remote viewing program here. We’ve published numerous articles about it.

Multiple whistleblowers have also spoken of strange structures on the Moon, and it’s become so obvious that some academicians are trying to do what they can to bring attention to it. For example, a recently published a paper in the Journal of Space Exploration about certain features on the far side of the Moon that appear in the crater Paracelsus C. Titled “Image Analysis of Unusual Structures on the Far Side of the Moon in the Crater Paracelsus C,” it argues that these features might be artificial in origin, meaning someone other than a human being built them and put them there.

It’s not just the Moon, a physicist from the University of Tennessee Space Institute, Dr. Horace Crater, recently published a paper in The Journal of Space Explorationthat, along with the NASA Viking images, hints “strongly at artificial surface interventions.”

The list is long, and the idea that somebody else is on the moon is nothing new, even the Deputy Manager for the Clementine Mission to the moon in 1995 said it was really a photo reconnaissance mission to check out structures on the far side of the Moon that wasn’t put there by humans…

But this article is not about what’s on the moon, it’s about what exactly the Moon is.

It’s also noteworthy to mention that the United States has been criticized by Russia for concealing artifacts they collected from the Moon.

I thought it was important to provide that brief overview before we get into it, to go more in depth you can check out the articles below:

Dr. Steven Greer: “We Did Go To The Moon, But The Footage Was Fake.”

Another Interesting Leak: A Second NASA Scientist Tells Us That ‘Somebody Else’ Is On The Moon

What is the Moon?

Perhaps strangest of all the anomalies are the many indications that the moon may be hollow. Studies of moon rocks indicate that the moon’s interoior differs from the Earth’s mantle in ways suggesting a very small core or none at all. A 1962 study found the interior of the moon to be less dense that the exterior. – Jim Mars, from his, Our Occulted History

Is the moon hollow? Many intellectual minds seem to think so, but despite what’s really being talked about, these theories are still considered unconventional by the mainstream, who like to push their own theories and teach them as fact.

Perhaps the reason why the US has not disclosed their artefacts from the moon, including all of the rocks, is because from what we do have, studies of moon rocks have shown that the Moon’s interior is far different from the Earth’s mantle which suggests a very small core, or, no core at all.

In 1962 Gordon MacDonald, a NASA scientist, published a study that stated, “Indeed, it would seem that the Moon is more like a hollow than a homogeneous sphere.”

According to MIT’s Sean C. Solomon, “The Lunar Orbiter experiments vastly improved our knowledge of the Moon’s gravitational field…indicating the frightening possibility that the Moon might be hollow.”

The most startling evidence that the moon could be hollow came on November 20, 1969, when the Apollo 12 crew, after returning to their command ship, sent the lunar module (LM) ascent stage crashing back onto the moon, creating an artificial moon quake. The LM struck the surface about forty miles from the Apollo 12 landing site, where super sensitive seismic equipment recorded something both unexpected and astounding – the moon reverberated like a bell for more than an hour. Frank Press of MIT stated, “…none of us have seen anything like this on Earth. In all our experience, it is quite an extraordinary event. That this rather small impact…produced a signal which lasted 30 minutes is quite beyond the range of our experience.”

How Did The Moon Get To Where It Is?

Conventional wisdom tells us that yes, the Moon may have originated elsewhere and at some point came to orbit our planet. It tells us that it was formed from debris after a space object smashed into Earth, while another theory states that Earth captured the Moon via its gravitational pull when it was wandering through the solar system…

Despite that our current theories are accepted as fact, there is absolutely no evidence for the conventional hypothesis. According to Russian scientist Isaac Asimov,  an American writer and professor of biochemistry at Boston University,

It’s too big to have been captured by the Earth. The chances of such a capture having been effected and the Moon then having taken up nearly circular orbit around our Earth are too small to make such an eventuality credible

Asimov also emphasized that,

We cannot help but come to the conclusion that the Moon, by rights, ought not to be there. The fact that it is, is one of those strokes of luck almost too good to accept

Other members of the Soviet Academy of Sciences (Vasin and Scherbakov, 1970), run by the Russian Government, published an article titled, “Is the Moon the Creation of Alien Intelligence?” This article offered another explanation for how the Moon may have been created. This seems to be a better hypothesis because there is actually a considerable amount of evidence that points towards something suspicious happening on the Moon.

It’s easier to explain the non-existence for the Moon, than it’s existence – NASA scientist Robin Brett

The best explanation for the Moon is observational error – the Moon doesn’t exist – Irwin Shapiro, Harvard Astrophysicist

Think about it…The Moon is in a nearly perfect circle, when it comes to its origin, all the while being synchronized with its period of revolution, so one side always faces the Earth.

As Marrs points out,

This circular orbit is especially odd, considering that the moon’s center of mass lies more than a mile closer to the Earth than its geometric center. This fact alone should produce an unstable, wobbly orbit, much as a ball with its mass off-center will not roll in a straight line.

Were The Sumerians On To Something?

Many within this field are really into ancient Greek, and ancient Sumerian lore. Take Apollo 12 astronaut, Al Worden, for example, who made some very interesting comments about the Sumerians as well as extraterrestrial life in a live interview you can watch here.

In the late 1960’s, a senior scientist from the Planetary Science Institute, William Kenneth Harmann, stated he believes that the Moon results from a collision between Earth and another body at least the size of mars. This became known at the Big Whack theory, and it correlated to the story told in ancient Sumerian tablets…

According to several interpretations of Sumerian tablets, most notably from Zacharia Sitchin, more than 4 billion years ago, a large watery world called Tiamat was in orbit between Mars and Jupiter. Nibiru, a planet that supposedly enters into our solar system once every 3,600 years, caused Tiamat to crack under gravitational stress. Tiamat was cracked in half when one of Nibiru’s moon’s knocked into it, which also knocked a large portion of mars.

This is very interesting because recently scientists have confirmed that Mars used to be a very watery world, an Earth-like planet. There is even large amounts of evidence for ancient life on Mars before what appears to be a dramatic climate shift. Scientists hypothesize that the climate shift was a result of a large collision…The larger chunk of Tiamat became planet Earth.

So, it’s interesting to make that connection.

Back to the Moon!

It’s important to remember that something had to put the moon at or near its present circular pattern around the Earth. Just as an Apollo space-craft circling  the Earth every 90 minutes while 100 miles high has to have a velocity of roughly 18,000 mies per hour to stay in orbit, so something had to give the moon the precisely required velocity for its weight and altitude…The point – and it is one seldom noted in considering the origin of the moon – is that it is extremely unlikely that any object would just stumble into the right combination of factors required to stay in orbit. ‘Something’ had to put the moon at its altitude, on its course and at its speed. The question is: what was that ‘something?” – Marrs

It’s hard to believe that the precise and stationary orbit of the moon is simply a coincidence …

Is it also a coincidence that the moon is at just the right distance from Earth to completely cover the sun during an eclipse? While the diameter of the moon is a mere 2,160, miles against the sun’s gigantic 864,000 miles, it is nevertheless in just the proper position to block out all but the sun’s flaming corona when it moves between the sun and Earth. -Marrs

According to Asimov,

There is no astronomical reason why the Moon and the sun should fit so well. It is the sheerest of coincidences, and only the Earth among all the planets is blessed in this fashion.”

With all of the evidence that has surfaced showing an extraterrestrial presence on the Moon, to me, the spaceship theory proposed by Michael Vasin and Alexander Scherbakov (mentioned above) makes the most sense.

According to Mars,

The spaceship-moon theory may come closer than any other in reconciling the contradictions inherent in the origin and amazing orbit of the moon. However, such a consideration is supposed to be outside the discussion of educated and rational people. The circular logic of conventional science regarding the origins of the moon runs something like this: We know that extraterrestrials don’t exist, but we do know that the moon exists and has been mentioned throughout human history. We humans did not create it nor place it in orbit around Earth,  it must have been done by extraterrestrials. But because we know they don’t exists, we will simply call it an anomaly and will not publicly say any more about.

Sources used:

Our Occulted History, Do The Global Elite Conceal Ancient Aliens? – Jim Marrs

from:    https://www.collective-evolution.com/2018/08/10/evidence-suggests-the-moon-isnt-what-we-think-someone-might-have-put-it-there/

Some Thoughts from the Buddha

Buddha Reveals 9 Golden Rules to Achieving Your Goals and Living the Life You Want

If you’ve ever read any texts from Buddha, you know how powerful they can be in calming in your mind and showing you what’s important in life.

However, many of the ideas of Buddhism are highly relevant to making you more productive and focused in achieving your goals.

The below Buddhist lessons are all about cultivating a mindset for taking action in the present moment. Too often we think of Buddhism as being able letting go and living freely in the here and now. This is an important aspect of it, but the purpose is to live your life as a fully functioning and flourishing human being.

For those seeking to achieve success in life, here are 9 Buddhist maxims to meditate on.

1) Develop the mind of equilibrium. You will always be getting praise and blame, but do not let either affect the poise of the mind: follow the calmness, the absence of pride.

This saying, from Sutta Nipata, instructs the mind to be balanced, objective and aware of the dangers of pride. Remember to be calm in the face of compliments as well as negative feedback.

Over time, you’re bound to have many successes as well as great moments of failure. These are all opportunities for learning and growth. Connect with the calmness within you at all moments.

2) “Too cold, too hot, too late” can always be the excuses to those who do not want to work. They let their chance pass by.

This is about seizing the moment. It’s easy to think of excuses for not getting work done, and if you’re the type that is always finding an excuse, many opportunities will always be passing you by. It takes consistent effort and initiative to create momentum in achieving your goals, which is critical for anyone in business and other areas of life.

3) The most valuable service is one rendered to our fellow humans.

This phrase is found in Wat Phra Singh, a large Buddhist temple in Chiang Mai, Thailand. It tells you that your work is valuable inasmuch as it helps others.

Many economic historians suggest that the history of economic progress can be told through the emergence of marketplaces. This is where people come together to exchange goods that will help others.

By helping others, we’re creating innovation in our economies and ensuring that we’re adding value to the collective human experience.

4) None can live without toil, and a craft that provides your needs is a blessing indeed. But if you toil without rest, fatigue and weariness will overtake you, and you will denied the joy that comes from labor’s end.

This maxim, from the Dhammavadaka, is a perfect reminder to live a life of balance. Some people seem to be able to work continually for weeks on end, but usually the time comes when you’ll burn out. By consistently balancing hard work with rest, you’ll make sure you’ll always have a good level of energy to seize your opportunities and get work completed.

5) Your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it.

Take a moment to realize that your work, which is such a big part of your life, really matters to the world. Understand that every action you take in business and in life is part of a larger journey of self-discovery.

The work we do in business is part of a grander scheme to realize our life’s purpose. Business is about creating products and services that add value to people’s lives and is just a vehicle to do something for the world.

Put everything you have into your purpose and give yourself completely to it.

6) Every individual has a responsibility to help guide our global family in the right direction. Good wishes are not sufficient; we must become actively engaged.

These are the words of the Dalai Lama and is a reminder that every person shoulders the responsibility to do good. It is our actions that do the most good in the world, and the actions we undertake in business that hold the greatest potential for impacting the world.

7) Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.

Living in the present is of utmost importance, and it can help align you with carrying out more effective work.

We often have days where our mind is consumed with events of yesterday, or the tasks that need to be completed tomorrow. Concentrate the mind in the here and now in order to increase your levels of productivity.

8) You can only lose what you cling to.

This short quote is a gentle reminder to detach and embrace change. The present moment is fluid and continually transforming the conditions you’re faced with. If you get stuck to old dogmas, rules and patterns of thinking, then you won’t be able to shift your goals in the direction of helping other people’s changing whims and desires.

Roll with the times, go with the flow and embrace the changes happening around you. Let go.

9) A jug fills drop by drop.

We often have grand plans for achieving our dreams. This is important, and we don’t want to lose sight of the importance of big ideas. However, at the same time we need to remember that methodological piecemeal work is often superior to big splashes. When you concentrate on the small things, the big things fall into place.

Take heart knowing that your small efforts result in great success

from:    http://www.bbncommunity.com/buddha-reveals-9-golden-rules-achieving-goals-living-life-want/

I Wonder Who’s Kissinger Now

For the past 54 years, one man has served as a prime example of why the presidential office means little to nothing: Henry Kissinger.

People who understand the left-right paradigm is a false dichotomy often cite the fact that the same oligarchical power players pay both sides, despite the complexity of different power cliques and alliances that we don’t always get to see.

But for people who won’t believe it, what evidence will you show them? If they’re determined to not understand there’s nothing anyone can do, but if someone cares to understand, here is one of the most solid pieces of evidence to cite.

Cite this when trying to show people the left-right paradigm is false: Henry Kissinger has advised the last 10 presidents, for 54 years, while being a protege of David Rockefeller. He’s the middleman from a different level of the elite, to the politicians who get what they want done.

Who was the last president to not be advised by Kissinger? John F. Kennedy. I don’t know the story to why that is, we can only imagine.

Other people of influence who have come close to the presidential office are uncomfortably close to Henry Kissinger.

Image credit:  doomsteaddiner

Here is Henry Kissinger with every last US president for the past 54 years.

1. Kissinger with Donald Trump

This is a photo of Trump meeting with Kissinger shortly after becoming president. They meet all the time, and the latest meeting was reported a few weeks ago.

2. Kissinger with Barack Obama

Barack Obama’s administration gave Kissinger a distinguished award a couple years ago. Obama has met with Kissinger on multiple occasions, and even the mainstream has no problem recognizing this in some cases. According to the Daily Kos:

“If you measure “public service” as being responsible for more deaths than any other living American in the effort to spread the influence of American empire over the globe, Kissinger was surely deserving.

It is not news that Kissinger has been embraced by this White House. The Obama administration use of this criminal has been open since the first days of the Obama presidency. The Kissinger issue, if I may call it that, surfaced again during the Clinton-Sanders debates, when Sanders decried Clinton’s reliance on the advice and counseling of Kissinger.”

3. Kissinger with George Bush

George Bush and his father both worked with Kissinger like all the other presidents. Bush put Kissinger on the committee to investigate 9/11: we all know how suspicious that sounds.

4. Kissinger with Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton are both very close with Henry Kissinger, and it was the same way during Clinton’s administration. Some financial ties can be found between Kissinger and Bill Clinton. According to Wikipedia:

“In 1982, with the help of a loan from the international banking firm of E.M. Warburg, Pincus and Company, Kissinger founded a consulting firm, Kissinger Associates, and is a partner in affiliate Kissinger McLarty Associates with Mack McLarty, former chief of staff to President Bill Clinton. He also serves on the board of directors of Hollinger International, a Chicago-based newspaper group, and as of March 1999, was a director of Gulfstream Aerospace.”

Image credit: Zambio

5. Kissinger with George H.W. Bush

George H.W. Bush has said a few negative things about Kissinger since his time in office, but his influence was nonetheless fully present in his administration. Both of them are members of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bohemian Club at the occult Northern California Bohemian Grove.

Image credit: randomhouse

6. Kissinger with Ronald Reagan

This is Henry Kissinger in the residence of Ronald Reagan, having a very intimate meeting. While being a consultant for Goldman Sachs and a power player financially during the 1980’s, Reagan appointed Henry Kissinger to be a member of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board.

During all this in the 1980’s, Kissinger was quietly building up his power even further. According to Democratic Underground:

“Kissinger founded the New York-based consulting firm Kissinger Associates in 1982, a year before accepting the position as head of the National Bipartisan Commission on Central America. And, beginning in 1986, Kissinger Associates became entangled with the infamous Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI).

BCCI was a Pakistani-managed, Middle East-financed bank with branches in 70 countries. In a nutshell, BCCI’s purpose was “stealing very large amounts of money and using it for a multitude of illegal purposes, perverting governments, corrupting politicians, corrupting regulators, corrupting bank regulators,” according to Wall Street Journal reporter Peter Truell.

In 1986-1989, BCCI initiated a series of contacts with Kissinger Associates. Over several months, representatives of BCCI and representatives of Kissinger Associates explored the possibilities for joint projects. Following BCCI’s indictment in 1988, representatives continued to meet to discuss how Kissinger Associates might help BCCI respond to the indictment. Kissinger ended these discussions in 1989, according to Kissinger.”

7. Kissinger with Jimmy Carter

Even before Carter became president, articles were being written about his communication with Henry Kissinger. According to a 1976 New York Times article:

“Former Governor Jimmy Carter, fleshing out his key theme of promoting closer cooperation among industrial democracies, invited comparison yesterday with Secretary of Slate Henry

A. Kissinger. to emphasize his News promise of an open Analysis administration, Mr. Carter moved step closer to making the Secretary a campaign issue. Without citing Mr. Kissinger by name, he referred to a “secretive ‘Lone Range:’ foreign policy.””

8. Kissinger with Gerald Ford

Gerald Ford became president after Nixon’s administration started to fall apart, and Kissinger was of course Secretary of State during Nixon’s administration.

Guess who got in as Vice President after Gerald got in, and Nixon got out? A well connected, powerful Rockefeller named Nelson Rockefeller. He was David Rockefeller’s brother.

Kissinger always represented the Rockefeller agenda in his moves, and way back in the mid 1970’s, he got the brother of David Rockefeller in as the Vice President of the United States.

9. Kissinger with Richard Nixon

It’s obvious that Kissinger would be photographed with Nixon, being his Secretary of State. What people may not know, is some of the atrocious things that happened as a result of Kissinger’s decisions. According to Democratic Underground:

However, let’s not forget that Kissinger and Nixon were responsible for widening the Vietnam War into Cambodia.

Let’s not forget the covert actions that led to the overthrow of socialist President Salvador Allende of Chile and the ascension of the oppressive Augusto Pinochet.

Let’s not forget East Timor. During a state visit to Jakarta in 1975, Kissinger gave a “green light” to the Indonesian dictator Suharto to invade East Timor. Less than a day after Kissinger and President Gerald Ford left Jakarta, Suharto’s troops began their assault. According to Christopher Hitchens, a quarter of a million Timorese died as a result of the occupation by Indonesia.

Kissinger left government service at the end of the Ford Administration, but was called upon by Ronald Reagan in 1983 to head the National Bipartisan Commission on Central America, just in time for the Iran-Contra scheme. From 1984-1990 he served as a member of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board.”

10. Kissinger with Lyndon B. Johnson

When John F. Kennedy was assassinated, who immediately became president and held that position until nearly the end of the 1960’s? Lyndon B. Johnson, who opened the gates for Kissinger to enter the political arena.

The story here is much more than can fit into this article. A little bit of research will bring you a long way.

Henry Kissinger with David Rockefeller

This is the type of man who Henry Kissinger truly worked for. He got David’s brother Nelson in as Vice President (or at least had a significant influence on that), and he has been tapped into the agenda of these people for his entire life following that era.

In conclusion, always remember to look for the higher echelons of power, beyond the fake left-right paradigm.

They claim Henry Kissinger is a Republican, yet he’s close enough with Hillary Clinton to, insert metaphor here: the point is, don’t trust the left or the right and look higher up the ladder. You’ll find people like this, and they are tapped into people who prefer to stay out of the public spotlight.

from:    https://themindunleashed.com/2018/07/in-54-years-1-advisor-has-influenced-every-single-us-president-photos.html

Natural Insect Repellents

12 plants that repel unwanted insects

These herbs and flowers can shoo pests from your garden and skin.

Lavender field

Lavender is among the plants that act as natural insect repellents. (Photo: Fred/flickr)

Are you an insect magnet? If you aren’t, you probably know one. Insect magnets attract annoying insects the second they walk outdoors — or so it seems.

If this describes you, take comfort in knowing that one of the ways you can fight back against mosquitoes, gnats, flies, no-see-ums and other pesky bugs doesn’t have to involve covering yourself with a sticky spray or engaging in chemical warfare. To help you enjoy going outdoors, try strategically placing insect-repelling plants in your garden or on your patio.

Essential oils in these plants act as nature’s bug repellent. Insects tend to avoid them. You can even use some of these plants to make your own natural bug repellent.

But know that simply including insect-repelling plants in your landscape will not in itself ensure your garden is insect free.

“There’s not enough research in this area to support that,” says Dr. Bodie Pennisi, an associate professor and extension landscape specialist at the University of Georgia’s Griffin campus. “The concentration of oils is not there to offer that kind of protection.”

There may be fewer insects, but no one’s done the research into how many plants, planted how close together, would be effective in repelling insects to any great extent, says Pennisi. One of the best things people can do to hold down mosquito populations, she advises, is to eliminate any standing water, which is where mosquitoes breed.

Globules on rosemary leavesFor those who would like to give the natural route a try, we’ve described six easy-to-find herbs readily available at most nurseries that are said to repel mosquitoes and other annoying insects. The smell from fragrant herbs is the result of the distribution of tiny globules that contain oils. High temperatures, for example, can cause the globules to become volatile, evaporating the essential oils and turning them into vapors, Pennisi says. The many globules on the underside of rosemary leaves (seen at right) are one of the best examples of this.

We’ve included our take on five ornamental flowers that can help keep plant-attacking insects at bay. Keeping your growing areas as insect free as possible will help your vegetable garden stay productive and your ornamental beds attractive. In addition, we’ve included a carnivorous plant that eats insects which you can also include in your eco-friendly insect barrier.

First, the herbs


basil plantYou can keep basil in pots to repel insects or make it into a repellent spray. (Photo: arifm/flickr)

Repels house flies and mosquitoes. Plant basil in containers by your house doors and in outdoor areas where you like to relax or entertain. Basil is delicious in salads, in many pork and chicken recipes and with a variety of soups. Basil also improves the flavors of certain vegetables, include tomatoes, peppers and asparagus. You also can use fresh basil to make an insect repellent spray. A simple recipe calls for pouring 4 ounces of boiling water into a container holding 4 to 6 ounces of clean, fresh basil leaves (stems can be attached), letting the leaves steep for several hours, removing the leaves and squeezing all of the leaves’ moisture into the mixture. Then thoroughly mix 4 ounces of (cheap!) vodka with the basil-water mixture. Store in the refrigerator and apply as a spray when going outdoors. Be sure to keep the spray away from your eyes, nose and mouth.


dried lavenderPlace dried lavender is bundles to keep flies out of your home. (Photo: Tatiana Mihaliova/Shutterstock)

Repels moths, fleas, flies and mosquitoes. Lavender has been used for centuries to add a pleasantly sweet fragrance to homes and clothes drawers. Although people love the smell of lavender, mosquitoes, flies and other unwanted insects hate it. Place tied bouquets in your home to help keep flies outdoors. Plant it in sunny areas of the garden or near entryways to your house to help keep those areas pest free. You can also use oil extracted from the flowers as a mosquito repellent you can apply to exposed skin when going into the garden or patio. The Everything Lavender website has a guide for extracting the oil and making a lavender-infused body oil. Added benefits are that lavender oil nourishes the skin and has a calming effect that induces sleep.


lemongrassThe oil of lemongrass contains citral, geraniol, myrcene, limonene and citronellal, a natural oil often found in insect-repelling candles. (Photo: Iqbal Osman/flickr)

Repels mosquitoes. You’ve no doubt seen citronella candles in stores during the summer and read how citronella will keep mosquitoes away. Citronella is a natural oil found in lemongrass, an ornamental that can grow up to 4 feet tall and 3 feet wide in one season. (It’s worth noting that lemongrass isn’t just the name of one plant; it’s the umbrella name for plants in the Cymbopogon family, which also includes citronella grass.) This grass with wonderful culinary uses is hardy only in South Florida (Zone 10), so almost everyone else will have to grow it as an annual. It does well in a pot or in the ground in a sunny, well-drained location. Use its fragrant, narrow leaves in chicken and pork dishes and to flavor soups and salad dressing. Many Asian recipes call for lemongrass.

Lemon thyme

lemon thymeBruise the leaves on this hardy plant to repel mosquitoes. (Photo: Andrea_44/flickr)

Repels mosquitoes. This hardy herb can adapt to dry or rocky, shallow soil and will thrive in your herb garden, a rock garden or a front border as long as these are in sunny locations. The plant itself will not repel pesky mosquitoes. To release its chemicals, you must first bruise the leaves. To do this, simply cut off a few stems and rub them between your hands. Before you do that, though, it’s advisable to make sure the plant’s natural properties will not adversely affect you. Determine your tolerance by rubbing crushed leaves on a small area on your forearm for several days.


mint placeMint spreads aggressively so it’s best grown in pots unless you want it to take over your yard. (Photo: Edsel Little/flickr)

Repels mosquitoes. Mint is best grown in pots rather than the ground because it spreads aggressively. Once established in the garden, it can be difficult to remove. Cuttings of mint in mulch can help broccoli, cabbage and turnips. The leaves are commonly used to flavor minty iced tea. The aromatic properties found in the leaves are also present in the stems and flowers. With a little work, the plant’s aromatic oils can be extracted and combined with apple cider vinegar and cheap vodka (or witch hazel) to make a mosquito repellent. Containers of mint strategically placed in the garden or on the patio will help keep nearby plants insect free.


rosemaryHome cooks love rosemary as much as insects hate it. (Photo: Alice Henneman/flickr)

Repels mosquitoes and a variety of insects harmful to vegetable plants. Rosemary is available in various forms. Plants can be grown in containers on a patio and shaped into ornamental pyramids, grown in herb gardens or planted in landscaped beds, where some varieties can grow quite large. Rosemary’s oils are as delicious to home cooks who use herbs as they are unpleasant to many insects. The plant itself and its cuttings are effective repellents. You can make a simple repellent spray by boiling 1 quart of dried rosemary in a quart of water for 20 to 30 minutes and then straining the liquid into a container at least a half-gallon in size that contains a quart of cool water. Put a cap on the combined liquid and store it in the refrigerator. Add the repellent to small squirt bottles as needed when going outdoors. Discard the remaining repellent in the refrigerator when it no longer has a strong telltale smell of rosemary.

Other herbs

  • Bay leaves: Repel flies. When you grow this plant, you won’t have to rely on the dried leaves from stores to add flavor to roasts and soups. Just pick the leaves as you need them.
  • Chives: Repel carrot flies, Japanese beetle and aphids.
  • Dill: Repels aphids, squash bugs, spider mites, cabbage loopers and tomato hornworms.
  • Fennel: Repels aphids, slugs and snails.
  • Lemon balm: Repels mosquitoes.
  • Oregano: Repels many pests and will provide ground cover and humidity for peppers.
  • Parsley: Repels asparagus beetles.
  • Thyme: Repels whiteflies, cabbage loopers, cabbage maggots, corn earworms, whiteflies, tomato hornworms and small whites.

Next up: Ornamental flowers


alliumBeautiful tall alliums will keep insects out of your vegetable garden. (Photo: Toshihiro Gomo/flickr)

Plants in the Allium family, such as the dramatic Allium giganteum whose flower heads adorn stalks up to 6 feet tall, are regarded as a broad-spectrum natural insecticide. They repel numerous insects that plague vegetable gardens, including slugs, aphids, carrot flies and cabbage worms. Plants that will benefit from the proximity of alliums include tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, cabbage, broccoli, kohlrabi and carrots. They also will keep aphids off rose bushes. Alliums include small-growing herbs such as chives and garlic chives, leeks and shallots.


mumsThe ingredient in chrysanthemums that makes them so effective as an insect repellent is pyrethrum. (Photo: Costel Slincu/flickr)

Repel roaches, ants, Japanese beetles, ticks, silverfish, lice, fleas, bedbugs, spider mites, harlequin bugs and root-knot nematodes. The ingredient in chrysanthemums that makes them so effective as an insect-repelling companion plant is pyrethrum. Because pyrethrums can kill flying and jumping insects, they are used in America’s most commonly available home and garden insecticide and are frequently used in indoor sprays, pet shampoos and aerosol bombs. Although chrysanthemum flowers can be used to make an insecticidal spray, pyrethrum can be carcinogenic to humans and care should be taken in using them in this form. Make sure you know the risks.


marigoldsAphids, mosquitoes and even rabbits don’t like the smell of marigolds. (Photo: Swaminathan/flickr)

The scent from various types of marigolds repels aphids, mosquitoes and even rabbits. The roots of marigolds are well-known among farmers to repel nematodes, though those qualities require a year to take effect. Grow marigolds as an annual in most parts of the country, mixed in along the border of your flower beds or interspersed throughout your vegetable garden as they can also spur on the growth of certain plants, especially roses. Although marigolds are easy to grow in sunny locations, they can fall victim to gray mold, several types of leaf spot, powdery mildew, damping off and root rot.


nasturtiumNasturtiums release an airborne chemical that repels insects. (Photo: Christian Guthier/flickr)

Repel whiteflies, squash bugs, aphids, many beetles and cabbage loopers. Nasturtiums could be considered the poster child for companion planting, which is growing a variety of plants close to one another for the benefits each brings to the others. Nasturtiums release an airborne chemical that repels predacious insects, protecting not just the nasturtium but other plants in the grouping. Because many of the insects nasturtiums repel favor vegetables — tomatoes, cucumbers, kale, kohlrabi, collards, broccoli, cabbage and radishes — nasturtiums are an idea choice for planting along the edges of vegetable gardens. Fortunately, nasturtiums do not repel the all-important pollinator — the bumblebee.


petunia_0Some people think of petunias as nature’s pesticide. (Photo: Wendy Cutler/flickr)

Repel aphids, tomato hornworms, asparagus beetles, leafhoppers and squash bugs. Some people think of petunias as nature’s pesticide. They are popular mostly because they are available in a variety of bright colors, require such minimal maintenance they are almost foolproof to grow and can be grown in garden beds, containers or hanging baskets. Plant them in sunny areas near vegetables and herbs such as beans, tomatoes, peppers and basil.

Other ornamental flowers

  • Common lantanas: Repel mosquitoes.
  • Four o’clocks: Attract but poison Japanese beetle.
  • Geraniums: Repel leafhoppers.
  • Narcissus: Repel moles.

Then the carnivorous plants

Pitcher plants

pitcher_plantPitcher plants trap and eat insects. (Photo: Eric Sonstroem/flickr)

Trap and ingest insects. Pitcher plants are the largest group of carnivorous plants. These exotic-looking plants lure insects into their “pitcher,” actually a specialized leaf, through a combination of nectar, fragrance and color. Once inside the pitcher, the insect finds itself on a slippery surface with downward-facing hairs. The insect then either slips or falls into a pool of water. Once in the water, it drowns or dies of exhaustion in trying to escape, which is impossible because of the downward-facing hairs. The plant then digests the insect. Insects that most often fall prey to North American pitcher plants are ants, flies, wasps, bees, beetles, slugs and snails. Pitcher plants, which grow in bogs in the wild, need a sunny area that stays moist, generally a difficult combination for home gardeners. Growing them in pots sitting in a saucer of water is easier. However, don’t keep the growing medium too wet. It just needs to be moist.


  • Venus flytrap: Consumes ants and other insects.

Rosemary globules photo: Courtesy Bodie Pennisi

from:    https://www.mnn.com/your-home/organic-farming-gardening/stories/12-plants-that-repel-unwanted-insects

Which “Milk” To Use

Dairy alternatives: The good, the bad, and the ugly

Image: Dairy alternatives: The good, the bad, and the ugly

(Natural News) Conventional dairy products are often one of the first substitutes a family makes when transitioning to a healthier lifestyle. It makes perfect sense, when you consider that conventional dairy is pasteurized (enzymes destroyed), tainted with GMOs, and infected with residual antibiotics and hormones that have been injected into the cows producing the milk. Is it any wonder why this milk is acidic and mucous forming to the body? It’s virtually guaranteed to cause intestinal inflammation.

Thankfully, alternatives have been produced but, as with any new product, the question always remains — is the producer hell-bent on creating a high quality product, or riding a profitable trend to the promise land, leaving ethics behind?

Unfortunately, it seems it’s mostly the latter.

Good dairy alternatives

There are plenty of nice dairy alternatives to chose from, and each has their healthiest versions. So depending on what you prefer, here are some of the most common options, that are best of their class.

Homemade almond milk: The most common of dairy alternatives, almond milk has been around for decades and lines the shelves of nearly any grocery store with healthier options. However, the only way to get good almond milk is to make it yourself because there are negligible (if any) options for organic, sprouted, and fresh almond milk in the store. Fortunately, almond milk is very easy to make at home, simply by soaking almonds for 8 hours or more and running them through a blender with purified water. Here’s the full recipe, to make clean, fresh, and easily digested almond milk.

Mother Nature’s micronutrient secret: Organic Broccoli Sprout Capsules now available, delivering 280mg of high-density nutrition, including the extraordinary “sulforaphane” and “glucosinolate” nutrients found only in cruciferous healing foods. Every lot laboratory tested. See availability here.

Premium coconut milk: A relative newcomer but becoming increasing popular, coconut milk is a great option as well, especially due to the fact that coconuts are generally cleaner, and don’t need to be soaked prior for digestive compatibility. In this case, coconut milk in BPA-free cans with filtered water and little to no thickening agents is a good choice. You can also get an ultra clean coconut milk powder for longer shelf life and convenience, without any typical thickeners, by getting the Health Ranger’s 100% Organic Coconut Milk Powder.

Flax milk: Not a very common dairy alternative, but a fantastic option to fit your dairy needs and get in all the beneficial properties of flaxseed. This one can be tricky to find in store, and is not as easy to make at home. However, if you would appreciate a clean and palatable powder format which helps you get your fiber and essential fatty acids like omega 3s, then give the Health Ranger’s FlaxJoy Organic Instant Flax Milk Powder a try.

Homemade hemp milk: Another popular option for alternative dairy, hemp milk can be another great option, but is only good when made at home. Fortunately, hemp milk is easy to make and does not require soaking of the hemp prior. Simply grab some organic hemp hearts and blend with water. You can get a full recipe, here.

If you do choose to make your milk at home, use a nut milk bag like this one by the Health Ranger, or if you want the Cadillac of nut milk makers, try the SoyaPowerG4.

Bad dairy alternatives

Store-bought almond milk: Store bought almond milk is bad when it is non-organic, not sprouted, contains excessive thickeners, and has less than two percent of almonds in the recipe (in comparison, a homemade almond milk contains around 25 percent almonds). This very common almond milk is hard on digestion and tasteless compared to the home made version. Organic makes it slightly better, but that doesn’t usually change the amount of thickeners and pathetic percentage of almonds in the ALMOND milk!

Low-grade coconut milk: Many coconut milks are sold in tetra packs (which are very hard to recycle), and like store bought almond milks, have excessive thickening agents, isolated nutrients, and very little coconut in it. Taste against a premium coconut milk and you’ll see many are a flavorless, watered down version. This makes the benefits very limited.

Store bought hemp milk: Like store bought almond milk, non-organic hemp milk in tetra packs is typically a victim of excessive thickeners and isolated nutrients, with very little hemp in it. This takes away much of the nutritive value. Organic is better, but again, doesn’t change the unnatural thickness and flavorless profile that comes with cutting corners on the key ingredient – hemp.

Store bought rice milk: Most store bought rice milks are a victim of thickeners and isolated nutrients, and can contain GMO ingredients (like canola oil). Even if the rice base is organic, there has been sufficient evidence that “organic” foods sourced from China can contain unacceptable heavy metal levels, so if the rice is sourced from China, there’s reason for enough concern to put it in the bad category. That and if they start to use Golden Rice, a newly approved GMO variety, then it becomes a no-brainer to avoid it.

Many other nut milks could fall into this category as well, like cashew milk, which will not be sprouted and suffer from the same issues as all those above.

Ugly dairy alternatives

Soy milk: The poster child of alternative milks in the early going of opting out of conventional dairy, soy milk has so many things going against it that it can only be classified as ugly. If it is a conventionally produced soy, it is non-organic (and one of the most heavily sprayed crops for pests), GMO, and a severe digestive and hormone disruptor due partly to high levels of anti-nutrients. If it is organic, it still is very difficult on digestion, and when combined with the usual thickeners and isolated nutrients, it makes it even worse.

[Related: For more info on GMOs and biotechnology, visit Biotech.news.]

For some perspective, the bad dairy alternatives are still better than conventional dairy, so consider it progress if that is what you have done so far. Soy milk would be virtually no improvement over conventional dairy, medium to long term.

If you want to do even better and ensure you actually get the milk you are paying for (not watered down and thickened versions), use the good choices above, including the Health Ranger’s 100% Organic Coconut Milk Powder and FlaxJoy Organic Instant Flax Milk Powder.


Secret Space Program, Missing Trillions…

Catherine Austin Fitts on How Underground Bases Are Collateral for Pension Funds [Video]

Alexandra Bruce – Catherine Austin Fitts just made her first appearance in several weeks on Dark Journalist this Friday evening to promote the latest issue of the Solari Report, “Who’s Who and What’s Up and What’s Up in the Space Economy”. I’ve set the start point after her story about the many hoops she jumped through to be confirmed as Deputy Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in 1989 under newly-appointed Secretary Jack Kemp during the GHW Bush Administration.

The conversation turns to how she never conceived of a Secret Space Program until repeated episodes of space stations having problems resulted in HUD having their budget ransacked to cover the costs.

“There seemed to be a relationship between space and HUD…they were in an appropriation basket together.” She later referred to this as part of the “Space Tax” and also learned that Oliver North called HUD the “Candy Store of covert revenues.” Over time, she was informed by others of the Secret Space Program, which she was only able to confirm the only way she knew how – by following the money.

She notes that mining and elevator companies were making a lot of money during a period of massive construction of underground bases and how a subscriber of hers, who she describes as being “Really deep in the Texas business community,” swore that all of the offshore drilling of GHW Bush’s company, Zapata Oil “Had nothing to do with the oil…it was all missile silos – which makes sense, what a perfect cover.”

Zapata, which was also co-founded by former CIA chief, Allen Dulles is notorious as having been an unprofitable offshore oil drilling business that was in reality a front for covert activities. All Zapata records and SEC filings between 1960-1966 are missing, with 1,000 boxes having been pulped just prior to Bush 41 taking office as Vice President in 1981.

Fitts also says there’s a “Perfect symmetry between all this money that is disappearing,” and the infamous $21 trillion missing from the US Government Federal Budget. She deadpans, “I really believe what they saw on Voyager scared them to death and that’s when the financial fraud just went nuts.”

Although Fitts says she was too caught up in her work in 1989 to be aware of the Franklin Cover-Up scandal being publicized at the time, she did have a close brush with it because her boss, Jack Kemp was caught up in the White House call boy episode associated with it.

She says, “He was clearly being blackmailed…I’ve never seen a human being more afraid than Jack Kemp at that time.” A career HUD deputy during that period told her that she had to be very careful, informing her, in so many words, that Jack Kemp was a pedophile.

Still, as far as the “missing trillions” are concerned, Fitts says, “You can’t just bust through all those financial controls with sex slaves and control files and pedophilia…Terrorizing people – that can cut through a lot – but…somebody, somewhere has to believe that what they’re doing has a legitimate purpose – a strategic purpose.”

She then gets into the gory details of what this spells for the pension funds. “If you look at this from the highest portfolio strategy level, the US Government is simply a laundromat; to take real money out of pension funds and move it into private hands as a gift.” However, Fitts believes there is a remedy to this – and it involves disclosure.

“All you need is for 25 pension trust fund trustees with Treasuries all around the world to say, ‘OK, disclosure! This this is a violation of the Securities Law, to sell US Securities and not disclose some material omission’…All you need is for a completely out of control group of pension fund trustees and sovereign wealth trustees all over the world to say…’That money’s disappearing out the back door. Where’s the money? That’s our money. That’s collateral on our debt. That’s our spaceship. That underground base; that’s our collateral. You need to bring that back on the balance sheet.’”

SF Source Forbidden Knowledge TV Aug 2018

from:    https://www.shiftfrequency.com/secret-space-program-exists-black-budget/comment-page-1/#comment-529482

Preparation for Ascension

Activating Your Latent DNA Is Easier Than You Think

Connecting the “junk DNA” referred to by matrix scientists is actually the key to experiencing new abilities and creating new realities.

First, the incoming energies of the times are naturally providing the opportunity to diffuse or unravel the DNA. Expansion due to frequency, awareness, and geometric codes connect our two strands to the etheric latent strands that operate at a higher frequency.

These incoming waves of energy are giving everyone the opportunity to tune into whatever level their level of consciousness allows.

Our current matrix programming has lowered our frequency, restricting us to a certain threshold of reality at a lower frequency band. We have DNA that has been “restricted” from us do to frequency restrictions and memory loss of who we are.

The more you trusting you are of yourself and the more relaxed you become, the faster you will move towards expansion and connection with this etheric DNA.

The more you allow yourself to be who you really are rather than who you have been programmed to be, the faster you will dissolve the illusion that your DNA is not intact and online. No one else can activate your DNA for you and everyone else’s tools and techniques may not be meant for you.

The irony is that to begin to make room for DNA expansion, you actually do nothing at all. What this refers to to is cutting the distractions out of your life. No television, no YouTube, no Facebook, no entertainment, no work. You may feel a little weird about hearing this because maybe you were hoping for the next big method or detailed process.

The truth is simple yet everyone wants some other expert to tell them what to do so that they feel satisfied that they have done everything that they could possibly do to prepare for exiting this matrix. Many will have left no stone unturned and will have been down every rabbit hole that they encounter. The matrix is designed to keep everyone from having the time to do nothing.

What does it mean to do nothing? Well, it’s not really nothing, but it is a far cry from what most people on the planet are doing.

You can get some extra sleep, even lying in bed longer before falling asleep and after waking. You can spend time in nature- reading a book, sitting in the garden, or going for a stroll. Being outside on a sunny day is a huge bonus, even if in the shade.

Sunsets are great opportunities to do nothing but stare into the evening sky. If possible, walking barefoot on the dirt, beach, or grass will amplify and ground your connection deep within yourself.

Curling up by a fire and staring into the dancing energy is a great way to do nothing. Floating in water, taking a long drive, and listening to or playing music are also good examples.

In this “no-time” of doing “no-thing”, move your “to do” list out of your mind and enjoy the moment. You observe what is in your immediate reality while allowing feelings and thoughts to flow. It’s important to not overthink or to try to force anything to happen.

If you think or feel nothing at all, then that is good too! You do not have to sit in a yoga position and you do not have to close your eyes, although you can if you wish. Simply “be-ing” wherever you are and appreciating that moment while observing will expand your consciousness.

As you get practiced at this method of jumping outside of matrix time, you can add some intentions and forward movement. Intend that all of the energies of the Universe that are being sent to you move within and through you with ease and grace. Welcome change, expansion, and gravitation toward your highest and best possible timeline.

To do this, it is helpful to think about something that you would like to achieve in your life, like your next chapter. Think about a goal that makes you happy that you can look forward to. This could run the gamut from changing jobs, moving to a new location, or simply existing on a peaceful new earth.

Daydreaming is a good example of doing nothing, like the moment you catch yourself “coming to” while driving. Anyone who has driven and suddenly realizes how dangerous it was to be daydreaming while driving will understand this point of being “spaced out”.

Merging your “nothingness state” with awareness of needing to still be fully present in the body is mastery. As you master this, you can invite other people into your expansion moments while still being within yourself.

For example, you can go for a stroll with your partner and carry on a conversation. You could play a game or share deep thoughts about life. Eventually once you have found your sweet spot, you could even be at a shopping mall full of people and be able to go to your serene space within.

What you do to achieve nothing may change over time as you practice doing nothing. As you may have noticed, you actually are doing something to achieve your nothingness. Try doing something different over time to flow with the changes in your DNA expansion. Continue to grow and expand with your thoughts and feelings by adding loving thoughts to yourself.

Eventually expand your loving thoughts to your family and friends, to your neighborhood, your state, your country, all of Earth, your solar system, galaxy, universe, and multi-verse. Finally, add gratitude for your unique moments each time when closing your nothingness sessions with yourself.

You may find yourself going through cycles of doing nothing for a while and then feeling the urge to do something. Follow the urge to act and do, for it could be the activations that unravel more lessons or initiations for higher consciousness.

Often times the urge to do something aligns with service to others. You will eventually fall back into your rest period of doing nothing and it is important to not feel like that time spent doing nothing is not being fruitful.

Of course, you have to adhere to your responsibilities in life when juggling the time to take time for yourself. You would not want to harm another or become homeless in order to have your increased times of doing nothing. You will have to find the balance of harmonizing your life with others while adjusting your life to it’s maximum potential as you master finding your sweet spot.

Realize that everyone is different and that one person’s method for relaxation and DNA activation may not always work for another. The timing of DNA activation is individual within the larger collective time matrix.

If you take a glance into your past journey, you’ll see that you probably have already been guided by your higher self to do exactly what you should be doing and where you should be doing it. Often it is the conscious/ego mind and programming that blocks us from following that guidance.

Our matrix programming says that we are too busy or we do not deserve to take these leisure moments until we are finished working. You also have to realize when it is time to move forward in life. Some people get too comfortable and resist any kind of change.

Learning to work smarter not harder can bring more opportunity for special moments. Guilt can also be a program that blocks us from taking this time to relax, especially for baby boomers who were taught to work harder in order to achieve success in life. Sometimes even taking a nap can make a person’s programming think that is equivalent to being lazy.

If you have higher awareness and increased intuition, chances are you have already activated a good portion of your DNA. Remember that the DNA has a “lock” that can only be accessed with higher consciousness so that the mistakes of Atlantis do not repeat.

As our reality starts to morph through increased frequency, only those aligned through the heart will have access to the higher level DNA reality. This will assure that you only have superpowers if you are responsible and are conscious enough to use them for the greater benefit of all. Everyone else will be aligned with the reality that their oversoul unlocks for them for the most optimal experiences.

As the higher self continues to merge and align with you in the physical, it will ensure that you do everything you need to do to prepare to fully activate enough latent DNA to shift your reality. Doing nothing loosely translates into not cluttering the mind too much with other people’s information and techniques. It means not being too distracted to take time go within to find your own connection and answers.

It also means to allow and trust that you are exactly where you need to be when you find yourself relaxed and in the present moment, fully anchored into your physical body. It also means that you were born to do this and you will remember what you need to know when the time comes to activate your lightbody and superpower abilities. When the first wavers are ready, a group will shift from doing nothing to creating something that has never been created before.

By Michelle Walling, Guest writer

from:    http://humansarefree.com/2018/08/activating-your-latent-dna-is-easier.html

Vatican Intrigue

Alien Tech at the Vatican + The Jesuits + Archons ++

Cosmic Disclosure: Alien Tech at the Vatican

I was guided to take a look at Corey Goodes blog a few days ago and the article that caught my eye wasCosmic Disclosure: Alien Tech at the Vatican’ The article is simply the transcript of a discussion that David Wilcock had with his whistle-blower friend Emery Smith who has suffered many attacks of various kinds from the cabal due to his speaking out. Emery Smith claims to have autopsied about 3,000 different types of ET humanoids. The day after we announced his coming forward, he was hit with an attack that landed him in the emergency room.”  https://divinecosmos.com/davids-blog/1224-emery-smith/

Emery and David were travelling somewhere by car when this discussion was recorded. They were discussing the autopsies Emery made but the conversation ended up being about a visit he made to the Vatican library to get more information on a particular type of ufo…!! “So, a private organization went to the DoD [US Department of Defense] and the mil [military] labs I was working at, and they needed some technicians and some scientists to go to the Vatican to look at their archives, because they know that they had some information on a craft that was taken in New Mexico.”

After nearly 8 years of learning new things from the places that I trust for information, I thought I heard it all. However, this discussion between David and Emery reveals things that were new to me. An example,

Emery; “And, of course, the Vatican has always been a huge database. It has a huge archive of many things: artifacts and things they have found from space and have collected over many, many, many, many years.

And they have an underground base under the Vatican.

So two scientists and myself were deployed to that area to the Vatican to an undisclosed location in the Vatican. And we took an elevator down about seven or eight floors.”

You will not be disappointed when you read this article and what it reveals. My reaction to it is something like this. My GOD WE ARE LIVING IN THE DARK AGES ON THIS PLANET WITHOUT HAVING A CLUE ABOUT IT. I released after reading this that if we were not in quarantine here on this planet that we would have reached the level of technological knowhow that we have to day already about 200 years ago.

I’m guessing that if that were the case then at this point in time we would be in a position of where we could be nearly 300 years ahead in time from where we are now! I’m hoping that you will understand where I’m coming from when you read the info from Emery.

Just to whet your appetite for reading on I will give a short quote from further down this article and then the link to the entire post.

“Emery: It’ll be cities will be put up everywhere. I know even our government has contacted me to orchestrate and architect a special city here that’s self-sustainable, that’s off-grid, has its own communications, its own electric, and all this stuff, because they’re preparing to do this model everywhere.” ….

Then this quote from Emery’s visit ‘inside’ (below) the Vatican

David: But what you’re describing right now is like straight out of a sci-fi movie. It must have been just breathtakingly incredible.

Emery: It was the most amazing thing . . . one of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen, .

David: Wow!

Cosmic Disclosure: Alien Tech at the Vatican


from:    https://prepareforchange.net/2018/03/28/alien-tech-at-the-vatican-the-jesuits-archons/

We The People Without Representation

Who Represents Us When Our Political Parties Represent Only Corporations?

Our future depends on bridging the partisan divide that elevates corporate interests above our personal well-being.

We the people of the United States find ourselves in a political crisis and resurgent tribalism that pits left against right, hard-left against moderate-left, and extreme-right against everyone else. The result is a political impasse that leaves us unable to address our own needs domestically and has stripped us of credibility globally.

The crisis has a simple explanation, and it didn’t start with the current occupant of the Oval Office. Irrespective of where we fall on the political spectrum, a great many of us don’t trust our own political system. Nor should we: It represents power that is captive to interests quite at odds with our own.

Two recent news stories brought this home to me in a way that might help us find common cause across the political spectrum.

The first story was about a meeting of the World Health Organization. Ecuador introduced a resolution calling on governments to “protect, promote and support breast-feeding” and to restrict promotion of food products found to have deleterious effects on young children. Now what could be more unassailable than that?

Breastfeeding is a wholly natural process and scientific studies confirm that breast milk is the best food source for infants. While most all the national representatives rallied behind the initiative, the United States’ representatives stood firmly in opposition. They even threatened Ecuador with trade sanctions and a cutback in military aid.

Their stance surely did not represent the interests or preferences of the American people. The U.S. representatives left those present with no doubt that they were representing the interest of transnational corporations that sell infant formula.

Within days of the breastfeeding incident, President Trump was attacking the U.S.’s NATO allies in Europe for spending too little on their militaries. At first mention his argument seemed reasonable. Surely our allies should pay their fair share for our common defense.

But then a deeper reality hit home for me. Collapsing environmental and social systems are the greatest current threat to U.S. and world security. The more of Earth’s resources we use preparing for and conducting wars, the less we attend to the needs of our own people and the greater a burden humanity bears. That means we deprive more people of a means of living, more places on Earth become rendered uninhabitable, and a greater the number of people are forced to flee their homes as desperate refugees, or are turned in fear and hatred to terrorism against real and imagined enemies.

The biggest share of U.S. military expenditure goes to preparing for war with another world power—specifically, Russia or China. Russia may tamper with our elections and China is beating our socks off as a global economic competitor, but both have much to lose and nothing to gain from starting a 20th century-style conventional war with the United States that would be fought with 21st century weapons. They are aware such a war would have devastating consequences for all—worst of all if it involved nuclear weapons.

Since the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Russia has not threatened us and our interests nearly so much as we have threatened Russia’s interests. We’ve integrated former members of the Soviet Union into NATO right up to the borders of Russia. China’s economic expansion is simply following the U.S. example, but doing so far more competently.

Our military, however, has not been idle. We have wasted many lives and caused much damage to people, infrastructure, and nature pursuing pointless wars in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Our drone strikes inflict further pain and terror on helpless innocents in more countries than we know.

Our problem is not that we and our allies are spending too little on war, but that we are spending far too much. The parallel to the U.S. stance on breastfeeding is clear. The interests served by bloated military budgets and endless wars against sometimes wholly imagined enemies are corporations that profit from defense contracts.

The misguided corporatist loyalty of the U.S. political establishment did not begin with the Trump presidency. Defense contractors and infant formula corporations are just two examples of the abuse of unaccountable institutional power in which both Republican and Democratic parties have been complicit for decades. Not all Republican and Democratic politicians are willing corporate shills, but the dynamics of the political process force most of them to fall into line with corporate interests—especially at the national level.

The political establishment’s sellout to corporate interests is reflected in every aspect of policy from military, to health care, to financial regulation, to education, the environment and much else. And the sellout is not exclusive to the Republican Party. We experienced it as well with the Clinton and Obama administrations—which explains why so many didn’t trust Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election.

When two corrupt parties control the political system, debating which is the more corrupt simply diverts attention away from addressing the source of the corruption. In this case, the source is extreme inequality combined with a system of law that allows for a virtually unlimited concentration of corporate power. At the same time, corporations are granted more rights than people are, and are exempted from accountability to the communities in which they do business and from liability for the harm they cause.

The corporate establishment has been winning this battle for decades by keeping us divided between those who place the blame on business and the market and those who place the blame on government.

Responsible businesses and accountable governments are essential institutions, as are fair and ethical markets. All could be corrupted if the electorate allows for concentrations of unaccountable monopoly power. All institutions require an ethical frame and a clear order of accountability.

Government must be accountable to the electorate. Businesses must be accountable to accountable governments. And markets must function within an ethical framework and agreed rules that are fairly enforced by those accountable governments.

Unaccountable corporations protected from public accountability by unaccountable governments leads to certain disaster. And yet, here we are.

President Trump’s unintended gift to the nation and the world may be to awaken us to the reality that, far from being the global model for democracy and a community-centric market economy, the United States’ political system is fundamentally corrupt and destructive to the common good.

Our future depends on bridging the artificially cultivated political divide that serves only interests fundamentally contrary to our common well-being. In the short-term, only the richest of the rich are served by the concentration of wealth and power that in the long term serves none of us. We must all, including the principled wealthy, work to dismantle the institutional instruments of monopoly power while creating truly democratically accountable institutions and markets that advance the equitable redistribution of wealth.

United we stand, divided we fall is a rallying cry for our time. We must do this together.

from:    https://www.yesmagazine.org/new-economy/who-represents-us-when-our-political-parties-represent-only-corporations-20180723

Glyphosate – Safe?? Really???

Benicia man dying of cancer testifies in weed-killer suit against Monsanto

Photo of Bob Egelko

Dewayne Johnson (center), former groundskeeper for the Benicia Unified School District, leaves Department 504 with his wife Araceli Johnson (right) behind attorney Brent Wisner (left) at Superior Court of California during the Monsanto trial on Monday, July 23, 2018 in San Francisco, Calif.

Photo: Lea Suzuki / The Chronicle

A former school groundskeeper, diagnosed with terminal cancer, told a San Francisco jury Monday that he called a Monsanto Co. hotline twice — once before his diagnosis, once after — and asked whether the herbicide he was spraying on the job, the most widely used weed killer in the world, could cause harm to humans.

Both times, Dewayne “Lee” Johnson said, the person at the other end of the line listened to his account of being accidentally doused with the herbicide glyphosate, and said someone would call him back. No one ever did.

“I would never have sprayed the product around school grounds or around people if I thought it would cause them harm,” Johnson told a Superior Court jury hearing his suit against Monsanto. “They deserve better.”

Johnson, 46, of Vallejo, was a groundskeeper and pest-control manager for the Benicia Unified School District from 2012 until May 2016. He was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma in October 2014 and with what his lawyers described as a more aggressive form of the cancer in March 2015.

Even after the latter diagnosis, Johnson said he continued to spray Monsanto’s product, a high-concentration brand of glyphosate called Ranger Pro, until he became convinced that it was dangerous and refused to use it in his final months on the job.

His damage suit, now into its third week, is the first of about 4,000 nationwide to go to trial against Monsanto, now a subsidiary of Bayer. The company markets glyphosate, the world’s leading herbicide, as Roundup, and in higher concentrations, as Ranger Pro. In 2015, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer classified glyphosate as a probable human carcinogen.

Monsanto disputes the assessment, noting that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has never classified glyphosate as a carcinogen or restricted its use. The company’s lawyers also said Johnson’s primary treating physicians have not determined the cause of his cancer.

Earlier Monday, his wife and a physician described Johnson’s deteriorating condition, although he did not appear frail on the witness stand, speaking calmly in a deep, resonant voice. But jurors saw photos of the painful welts and lesions — on his legs, arms, face, and even his eyelids — that have arisen while he undergoes radiation treatment and chemotherapy. Johnson is scheduled for another round of chemotherapy next month and said he would next turn to a bone-marrow transplant.

He has self-published two books and is working on a third — “about people and how they’re judged by their faces” — and hopes he’ll get to finish it. He tries to shield the couple’s two sons, aged 13 and 10, from his bouts of depression and tears, and said that despite a grim prognosis, “I’ll keep fighting till my last breath.”

Araceli Johnson, his wife of 13 years and a nurse practitioner, said she now works 14 hours a day at two jobs to support them. “My world shut down” when her husband told her he had cancer, she told the jury.

Attorney Brent Wisner answers questions from the media at Superior Court of California on Monday, July 23, 2018, in San Francisco, Calif.

Photo: Lea Suzuki / The Chronicle

Johnson started working for the Benicia schools as a delivery driver but then applied to become the district’s first pest-control manager and passed a licensing exam. “I liked the job a lot,” he said, recalling how some students gave him a poster for ridding their school of a skunk.

He said the district told him to use the Ranger Pro form of glyphosate because Roundup wasn’t strong enough to remove all the weeds from hillsides on district-owned property. A supervisor told him the product was safe as long as he wore long-sleeved shirts, pants, shoes and socks.

In addition, Johnson said, he wore a sturdy jacket, rubber gloves, goggles and a face mask while he mixed the herbicide with water in 50-gallon drums and sprayed it 20 to 30 times a year for two to three hours a day, mostly during summer months. But he said he couldn’t fully protect his face from wind-blown spray. And twice, he said, he got drenched with herbicide, once when a spray hose became detached from a truck that was hauling it, and another time when the chemical somehow leaked onto his back. He said he had no access to a shower until much later in the day.

It was after the first exposure, Johnson said, that he started noticing rashes on his skin and called the company hotline.

“I had this uncontrollable situation on my skin, which used to be as perfect as this table,” he said, pointing to the brown witness stand. “It was a very scary, confusing time.”

During cross-examination, Monsanto lawyer Sandra Edwards asked Johnson about his past statement to his doctors that he had first developed a skin rash in the autumn of 2013, before he was accidentally doused with glyphosate. The company has contended that the sequence of events suggests other causes for Johnson’s illness.

“It’s hard to remember all that way back,” said Johnson, whose wife testified that her husband has sometimes suffered memory lapses since his diagnosis. That appeared to be on display early in his testimony Monday, when he said he had stopped working for the school district about five years ago, then was shown a document noting that he had worked there until May 2016.

Jurors also heard from Dr. Ope Ofodile, a dermatologist who coordinated Johnson’s medical treatment at Kaiser Health Care in Vallejo from 2014 through mid-2016. She said she saw him more than 25 times, removed one of his lesions, administered radiation, and wrote a letter in 2015 asking the school board not to expose Johnson to airborne chemicals.

“He was not responding (to treatment). He was heading in the wrong direction,” she said. But “he was very much motivated to get better.”

Bob Egelko is a San Francisco Chronicle staff writer. Email: begelko@sfchronicle.com

from:    https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/Benicia-man-dying-of-cancer-testifies-in-Roundup-13098953.php