In the End, It’s All About You

Five Ways to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

By Ellen Hendriksen on Thursday August 30th, 2018

Image: Unknown

Why We Shouldn’t Compare

Comparing yourself to others happens at every age, from noting who has the best toys in the preschool sandbox to whose grandkids got into what college. But comparing oneself to others is especially rampant among young adults. Life-changing milestones happen quickly and often—graduations, engagements, career advancement—and it’s all on display on social media, the motherlode of FOMO-inducing social comparison.

The technical term for ‘comparing yourself to others’ is upward comparison. This means comparing ourselves to someone we perceive to be better off or more proficient than ourselves. By contrast, there is also downward comparison, which is comparing ourselves to those worse off or less proficient, like “There but for the grace” or, less eloquently, “Sucks to be them.”

Comparisons may be part of human nature—I’m sure cavemen once envied their neighbors’ fires and wheels—but when it gets out of hand, it leaves you feeling inadequate and insecure, not to mention depressed and anxious. What to do? We’ll cover five ways to stop comparing yourself to others.

5 Ways to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

  1. Feel the power.
  2. Find your purpose.
  3. Reinterpret what’s behind material possessions.
  4. Purge your phone.
  5. Remember you don’t have the full picture.

Let’s dive deeper into each tip.

Tip #1: Feel the Power

People with power—those in influential or leadership positions—can make decisions, override objections, and have others carry out their decisions.

But power is also a state of mind. Those who feel powerful approach social comparisons differently than those who don’t feel powerful, which is to say, they pretty much ignore them.

Feel the powerTake back your power–remember, you are the CEO of your life and choices.

A study in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology induced participants to feel more or less powerful by recalling in detail a time at work when they either had power over another person or someone had power over them.

Next, they read a description of a supposed recent graduate from their university. For some participants, the description was deliberately intimidating, with the fictitious grad racking up many impressive achievements and successes.

Finally, each participant rated themselves on six traits: Academic achievement, intelligence, competence, work ethic, likeability, and success.

Social comparisons magically seem less relevant when you’re busy saving the world or otherwise pursuing a goal you truly believe to be worthwhile.

The result? Those who had been induced to feel powerful and then read the about their fictitious peer’s FOMO-inducing achievements were more like rubber than glue with social comparisons. Even in the face of an accomplished striver, they still felt good about themselves on the six characteristics.

And what about the low power group? When they compared themselves to the fictitious striver, they felt bad about themselves, rating themselves lower.

So take back your power wherever you might be giving it away unnecessarily. You don’t need to turn into a spittle-spewing autocrat with bulging neck veins, but remember you are the CEO of your life and choices.

Tip #2: Find Your Purpose

Worried you can’t fake the C-suite attitude? No problem. You can get a similar effect with a different mindset: Purpose.

Find your purposePeople with a sense of purpose are less easily swayed by outside influences.

Another study, also in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, found that people with a sense of purpose were less swayed by feedback on social media. It’s not to say they didn’t notice ‘likes’ or comments at all, but they didn’t rely on them to feed their self-esteem.

So think: Why were you put on this planet? What do you care deeply about? Social comparisons magically seem less relevant when you’re busy saving the world or otherwise pursuing a goal you truly believe to be worthwhile.

Tip #3: Reinterpret What’s Behind Material Possessions

Okay, now, how to handle comparisons about material possessions—your neighbor’s new Tesla, say, or your office frenemy’s Birkin bag?

Well, in an individualistic society like the U.S., where personal choice and self-expressionare emphasized, people use their possessions to express who they are—Patagonia jackets and Subarus for the NPR crowd, Vans and PBR for hipsters, and so on.

Research shows that this tendency to define ourselves by our consumerism goes into overdrive when our idea of ourselves is threatened. For instance, one study showed that people made to doubt their intelligence suddenly became more interested in buying brainy accessories, like fountain pens and classical music. Likewise, those made to feel powerless became more inclined to buy expensive cars.

One study in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletinasked participants to write a brief essay about the three domains of their life—including intelligence, creativity, appearance, career choices, relationships, and more—that made them feel the most confident and certain. By contrast, the other half was asked to write about the three areas of life that made them feel the most doubtful and insecure.

Why are you really buying that?We use ‘stuff’ to buffer ourselves against uncertainty and doubt.

Once primed, they were asked to fill out a questionnaire about their car and whether it expressed how they saw themselves as a person or was simply utilitarian. They agreed or disagreed with statements like “My car makes me feel good about myself,” and “My car helps me establish the kind of person I see myself to be,” as well as statements like, “My car makes it easier for me to structure and organize my daily life.”

The result? When made to feel doubtful and uncertain, participants rated their cars as a way to define themselves.

In short, we use stuff to buffer ourselves against uncertainty and doubt. All this is to say that you can read between the lines when you see your friend’s new drool-inducing shoes, bag, jeans, or car. You’re not trying to be catty, of course, but can quietly reframe their flaunting a new purchase as wearing the universal struggle with self-doubt on their sleeve.

Tip #4: Purge Your Phone

Unfollow any blogger or guru who makes you feel anxious and inadequate. Delete the apps that drag you down. If you spiral into an insecure funk every time you scroll through Instagram, get it off your phone. You can always reinstall it. But try an experiment—go without for a few days, and see if your self-image magically re-inflates.

Tip #5: Remember You Don’t Have the Full Picture

By now we know that social media is the curated highlight reel of others’ lives. But so is everything else we see in public. Your coworker’s big house might be worth less than he owes on it. Your friend’s new promotion might be inducing stomach ulcers and a secret wish to quit and make artisanal goat cheese.

Comparing the mundane, or worse, the low-lights of our lives only to the publicly available lives of others isn’t fair. Refrain from comparing your apples to others’ apple pie.

Another way to look at this is to remember that you and the object of your comparison are two completely different people. You have different personalities, aspirations, mindsets, histories, drives, vices, and downfalls. In other words, you are unique, and therefore, by definition, incomparable.

Unless you decide you’re both awesome and amazing. Then, compare away.


Going Between Lives

7,000 Souls Recall Their ‘Life’ Between Lives During Regression Hypnosisby Alanna Ketler

Certified Master Hypnotherapist Michael Newton developed a technique to regress his clients back in time to recall memories from their past lives. During this process he stumbled upon a discovery of enormous proportions.

He was able to bring the souls back to the place where they go before their next life — a life between lives. Out of 7,000 regressions, a large majority had eerily similar recollections of a place that many of them called “home.”

One of the most fascinating aspects of Newton’s work was that it didn’t matter who he was working with or what their previously held beliefs were in regards to the concept of “a soul” or reincarnation — in fact, many didn’t believe in these concepts at all.

After coming out of a session, many of these people were changed forever. They were able to recount some of their past lives and feel and clearly see the relationship those previous lives had to their current life.

The Life Between Lives

In the world of hypnotherapy, past-life regression is almost common, but what’s unique about Newton’s work is his ability to get his subjects to recall memories from being in the womb, and then from before that point as well, to the place between each life.

This was a place where, often, all of the soul family was waiting and welcoming with open arms. Many of the subjects were often surprised to see who was there as some of these people had provided a challenging experience for them in their previous lives.

According to Newton, the hypnotic responses from his subjects in regards to the afterlife provided credible information because of the consistency in their reports. Often the subjects would even use the same words and graphic depictions of where they were and what they were seeing.

Newton had no reason to feel that anyone had a motive to fake their stories, and treated each case as if he was hearing the information for the first time.

In other words, he was not suggesting words or ideas to them, but rather giving them the freedom to express these lives on their own. The similarities between the subjects was quite astounding.

Some of these similarities included:

  • People’s memories of the initial activities of the soul just after final death on earth parallel the recollections of people returning from a near-death experience (NDE).
  • Souls are generally anxious to move away from the earth after death, and in many cases may stay a few days for their funeral.
  • Most souls initially pass through a tunnel towards the light of heaven.
  • The appearances of physical structures or other familiarities from Earth on the entry of the soul into heaven are intended to ease their transition.
  • Souls have the capability of projecting former life forms in communication with other souls.
  • Immediately after their death on earth, souls are met initially in heaven by their spirit guides or someone with whom they were close in their previous life. They meet others that were important to them previously.
  • Spirit guides continue their protective role in heaven.
  • Communication in heaven is done through telepathy.
  • A private form of consciousness between spirits exists through touch.
  • Ghosts are spirits who have chosen to remain within the earth plane, generally with a high degree of discontent. They can be dealt with by various means, such as exorcism, to get them to stop interfering with human beings.
  • Souls who were unable to turn aside a human impulse to harm others will go into seclusion upon entering the spirit world and remain for quite a while. The following reincarnation may be as a victim in a karmic cycle of justice.
  • An arriving soul can enter a place of healing as part of the restoration of the soul after a lifetime on earth.
  • A life review is conducted, first with spirit guides and later with a Council of Elders.
  • Souls travel to their initial destination in heaven through a large staging area.
  • Souls proceed to their cluster, consisting of small groups of soul energy that appear like a cluster of transparent bubbles or translucent bulbs. They contain entities who often shared past lives with the arriving spirit.
  • Group placement is determined by soul level.
  • Secondary groups have some contact with a primary group.
  • Opportunity for socialization and travel exist for souls living in their group.
  • Once a soul group is formed no new members are added.
  • Souls are grouped with others of similar characteristics.
  • At higher levels of soul evolution more independence takes place from group activities.
  • Spirit lights demonstrate color that correlates with a soul’s state of spiritual evolution.
  • The spirit world resembles one great schoolhouse with a multitude of classrooms under the direction of teacher-souls who monitor progress.
  • All souls have a personal guide who may be with them for thousands of years and many lives.
  • Junior guides are often assigned as well, later in the development of a soul.
  • Guides can appear as humans as well as spirits.
  • Most souls in the world today are in an early stage of development.
  • Spirits can experience two lives on earth at the same time.
  • A dormant part of our soul remains in heaven during incarnations.
  • Souls learn the techniques of the creation of physical items by thought, starting with simple assignments.
  • Souls incarnate on worlds other than the Earth.
  • The evolution of souls can continue way beyond the level where incarnation takes place.
  • Souls are reincarnating more frequently in recent centuries, and today would have roughly two lives during the past century.
  • Souls are not required to reincarnate but considerable pressure is brought to bear by spirit guides when the time is considered right.
  • Souls go to a place of life selection in order to examine alternative lives to lead.
  • There is a tendency for spirits to reincarnate in the same geographical area they were in during past lives.
  • The effort required to overcome a physical disability accelerates spiritual evolution.
  • Souls learn prior to a new incarnation to recognize future earthly signs from other souls they may encounter on earth with whom they have been close in the spirit world.
  • Souls leave heaven to enter the body of an infant through a tunnel.
  • The physical shock of birth is greater than that of death.
  • Souls can arrive in the infant’s body anytime before, during or slightly after the moment of birth.

Again, not only is this level of similarity and detail fascinating, but many of the thousands of people who were put under this hypnosis had no previous belief of reincarnation, the soul, or source consciousness. Their experiences here changed their minds.

In one instance a woman who had always faced challenges with her father in her current life saw that his soul had actually inhabited the body of the man who was the one who killed her in a past life.

She was able to see how the members of the soul family aren’t always who you might expect. Some people who have caused us the most grief may have been doing so for our soul’s best interest, in order to help us grow.

For some of us, this work may resonate on a deep level. I know for myself while watching a documentary on this subject called, Flipside: A Journey Into The Afterlife,  and hearing the people recount their previous lives or the place that was often described as “home,” no part of me doubted anything they were saying for even a second.

This information resonated to the very core of my being and just happens to go along quite nicely with my previously held beliefs in terms of reincarnation and the afterlife. Of course, we can never know for sure, but the topic of past lives and life after death is truly fascinating and can be fun to explore.

I highly recommend the book on this subject, Journey Of Souls: Case Studies Of Life Between Lives by Michael Newton himself. It goes into much more depth and provides transcripts of actual sessions with the hypnotized subjects.


About Kachinas

The Legendary Kachinas—Ancient Astronaut Watchers?

The Kachina are one of the most important elements of the religion and cosmogony of the Pueblo Indians of the West, among which are the Hopi, the Zuni, the Tiwa (in the Hopi Reservation), the Acoma, and the Laguna.

In later times, the cult of the Kachina spread eastward among the Pueblo tribes, for example, from the Laguna tribe to the Isleta tribe.

Eventually the Kachina—the Watchers—became a sacred part of not only religion and cosmology but everyday life.

In Hopi, the word (Kachina) qatsina literally means “carrier of life,” and can be anything existing in the natural world.

Kachina dancers
Kachina dancers, Shongopovi pueblo, Arizona, sometime before 1900. Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons. Public Domain

A kachina can be anything; from an element to a quality, to a natural phenomenon, or a concept.

But when you think about it, the translated world means the carrier of life or bringer of life.

If we take a look at countless creation stories not only from North America, but South, and Central America, we will find incredible ancient creation myths that describe how the Sky Gods or Sky people were the creators of man, bringers of knowledge and those who kick-started civilization.

Having that said, would you not agree that the Kachina could be those bringers of life?

Drawings of kachina dolls, from an 1894 anthropology book. Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons. Public Domain

For the Zunis’s, the Kachina are the Gods who came down from heaven, leading the Zunis to Earth.

The Concept

The kachina concept is made out of three different aspects: the supernatural being, the kachina dancers (masked members of the community who represent kachinas at religious ceremonies), and kachina dolls, small dolls carved in the likeness of kachinas given as gifts to children.

Many authors describe these incredible beings as spirits or personifications in the real world. In fact, according to legend, these spirits visit the Hopi villages during the first half of each year.

The pantheon of kachinas varies in each community. There may be kachinas for the sun, stars, thunderstorms, wind, corn, insects, and many other concepts.

The Origin

The origin of the Kachina remains a profound mystery for scholars. No one knows where they come from, but according to local legends of the Hopi, the Kachinas are benevolent spiritual beings who came to the Hopi tribe through the underworld.

The Bringers of Rain

In addition to being referred to as the carrier of life, the Kachinas are those responsible for bringing the rain and all other blessings of life of the Hopi.

Eventually, the Hopi took these benevolent spiritual beings for granted, losing all reverence and respect to them, making the Kachinas return to the underworld.

The Ceremony

Before leaving, the Kachinas taught their ceremonies to the young men of the tribes, showing them how to make masks and costumes. The Ancient Hopi honor the Kachinas with ceremonies that have been performed since time immemorial.

Every year, the Zunis participate in a ceremony referred to as the Shalako festival.

Dressed in traditional costumes to represent the kachinas, the Indians celebrate the arrival of the gods on earth.

The Masks, costumes, and traditions: worship of Ancient Astronauts?

The Kachina masks are extremely interesting. They represent the bringers of life. Some ancient astronaut theorists have identified the kachina masks and costumes with otherworldly visitors.

If we take a look at the peculiar design of the kachina masks, almost appear as helmets. Ancient astronauts argue that in addition to that, the entire body resembles what many could interpret as a type of a suit. Some kachina masks have the appearance of a helmet with visors.

The Wuya

The most important Kachinas are the so-called Wuya. According to the Hopi, the word is often used to represent the spiritual beings themselves (said to be connected with the Fifth World, Taalawsohu), the dolls, or the people who dress as kachinas for ceremonial dances, which are understood to embody all aspects of the same belief system.

The Legends

Curiously, if we take a look the poetry and the legends and the stories from Native American tribes in the Southwest, we find legends of the star people. The star people are said to have come to Earth and seeded planet Earth, and they arrived in flying ships.

If you speak to the elders, they will tell you that a lot of us believe in the existence of extraterrestrials.

The Blue Star Kachina

According to Frank Waters “Book of the Hopi” written in 1961, ancient Hopi mythology indicates that the Blue Star Kachina or Saquasohuh will signify the coming of the beginning of the new world by appearing in the form of a blue star.

The Blue Star Kachina is referred to by a number of authors as the ninth and final sign before the “Day of Purification”. This day is described as a catastrophe or a “world engulfing cataclysm” that will lead to the purification of planet Earth. Something like a great flood.


Be A Savvy Listener

The 10 Primary Directives of Mainstream Media

The 10 Primary Directives of Mainstream Media by  – Activist Post

The circus never stops, and no matter who cries fake news against whom, the fact remains that we have entered the post-truth, post-credibility, post-sanity, post-free speech world. While censorship is coming out into the open, the major corporate news organizations still have tremendous reach into the hollows of public consciousness, giving them power to direct and deflect public attention onto or away from whatever they choose.

The news industry parrots scripted narratives and talking points that are written for them by corporate, financial and political interests. This massive public relations and propaganda effort targets the intelligence, common sense and emotional stability of the body politic. It’s part of the endgame of order out of chaos.

Once you wake up to this game, though, it’s easy to see the framework in which they operate; and when you do, the talking heads and recycled government experts are a joke, albeit a dangerous one. Their tactics become more and more obvious, and their intent is easy recognized for its duplicity, subterfuge and hypocrisy.

They want to cram your mind into well-crafted box. It doesn’t matter if you end up in the right side or the left side of the box, as long as you don’t leave and so long as you stay focused on the flickering lights of the flat screen, ignoring anything that is not directly in front of you.

Corporate media has become a weapon of war, and they follow a certain missive. Consider the following directives that drive nearly everything you seen in mainstream news.

1. Be Afraid, Not Empowered

2. Omit and Forget

3. Self-Destruction is Cool, Self-Awareness is a Crime

4. You are a Victim, The State is Your Savior

5. Overreact, Don’t Overthink

6. Enrage Don’t Engage

7.  Indulge, Don’t Conserve

8. Stoke Conflict, Ridicule Peace

9. Permanent War is Normal and Expected

10.  Panic, Don’t Prepare

Now that we’ve entered the age of open government-backed corporate censorship of the Internet, the mainstream media is actively seeking to shut down independent and dissident voices. In order to do so, they must engage in treachery of every form. If you believe that you have a right to the truth, a right to speak out, and a right to demand genuine peace and justice, then you’d better be paying attention.

Read more articles by Sigmund Fraud.

Sigmund Fraud is a survivor of modern psychiatry and a dedicated mental activist. He is a staff writer for where he indulges in the possibility of a massive shift towards a more psychologically aware future for humankind.


More Tainted Vaccines In China

China Vaccine Scandal: Total Number of Faulty Vaccine Doses Up to Nearly 1M

Unlike a traditional vaccine that prevents disease, the aim of NeoVax, an experimental skin cancer treatment tailor-made to target a particular patient's tumours, is to prevent cancer from recurring in patients whose tumours have been removed

The grim saga of Changsheng Biotechnology continues to roil China with news Wednesday that the embattled pharmaceutical firm produced a second huge batch of substandard vaccine doses for children, doubling the number of doses originally estimated.

The South China Morning Post reported that the first batch of 252,600 suspicious vaccine doses was sold entirely in the province of Shandong. Another batch of 247,200 doses has been discovered, of which 90 percent were sold in Shandong and the rest in Anhui.

A third batch of 400,000 doses sold by a different company, the state-run Wuhan Institute of Biological Products, was found to be substandard.

This puts the total number of substandard vaccine doses from Changsheng just shy of half a million, and the total number of substandard batches up to nearly one million. Chinese drug regulators evidently believe nearly all of them were, in fact, administered to children. The SCMP reported that 76 percent of the children who received injections from the first batch have been treated by doctors and “plans were in place” to treat those inoculated from the second batch.

The Chinese government’s effort to tamp down public anger by forbidding discussion of the vaccine crisis does not appear to be working, as Nikkei Asian Review reported on Tuesday that Chinese social media is still buzzing with “angry posts from parents wondering whether their children received substandard vaccines amid reports that some companies had used expired ingredients and doctored testing records.”

Nikkei Asian Review contributor Yanzhong Huang of Seton Hall University faulted the Chinese government for investing more effort in political damage control than dealing with the vaccine problem:

To limit the wider impact on social and political stability, the government seems more focused on damage control than on cleaning up the scandal-ridden vaccine industry. Officials have reportedly restricted news coverage and censors have swiftly scrubbed away widely shared essays and posts criticizing the government or spreading bad news. Even news reports from state-owned publications, such as an investigation into Wuhan Institute’s substandard vaccines by the newspaper Economic Observer, have been taken down.

What Beijing should do instead is to engage with all key stakeholders to strengthen vaccine safety. Officials should actively seek the input and involvement of the public, the industry and the press in exposing, investigating and penalizing irregularities and violations.

This would require treating whistleblowers as heroes, not as troublemakers. It would also mean introducing more transparency in the regulation of vaccine safety. Public discussion on vaccine safety should be channeled in a way that facilitates information flow and increased accountability in the policy process rather than rely on top-down, state-centric regulation.

Eighteen arrests of Changsheng personnel have been made so far, including chairwoman Gao Junfang, once hailed as the “Vaccine Queen” and possibly the wealthiest woman in China.

Gao’s rise from humble origins to billionaire tycoon was formerly the stuff of legend, but now accusations are swirling that she gained control of the company by cheating workers out of their stock holdings and engaged in other shady business practices, including bribery of public officials. Gao’s 18.1 percent stake in Changsheng Biotechnology was frozen by Chinese officials last week.

The Chinese public seems unwilling to accept even the plumpest and most carefully roasted corporate scapegoat. With remarkable persistence for the population of an authoritarian Communist state, they insist public officials who played a role must be punished as well, and they are questioning the integrity of the entire bureaucratic system.


Is Your Freedom of Thought Being Short-circuited?


August 16, 2018

Sigmund Fraud, Staff Writer
Waking Times

It’s a strange world of newspeak we live in. What was once a society devoted to logic and progress is now being herded in echo chambers of thought control and anti-critical thinking. Without the ability to examine an issue impartially and completely there is little hope of maintaining liberty and freedom, as history repeatedly demonstrated.

Today, we find that thinking is a diminishing art, and in its place, sound bites and stop-thought terms are used to put the brakes on the mind. These terms are widely used as signals to prevent minds from looking too deeply at a topic or issue.

The three terms most widely used today to this avail are detailed below.

1.) Conspiracy Theorist – This term is so overused that it really is devoid of any practical meaning. If you were to examine it at face value, though, it describes a person who is looking to understand injustices in our world and is willing to look at uncomfortable facts in search of negative influence… of which there is plenty in our world today.

However, ‘conspiracy theorist’ has literally become a derogatory term that is attributed to anyone who refuses to accept mainstream narratives at face value. It doesn’t matter that there is overwhelming evidence to indicate that mainstream media does not value objectivity or report on important issues thoroughly or truthfully.

Now we find this term applied as a prefix to well-known journalists and media personalities, almost as we use the term Doctor. It’s an adjective that precedes them everywhere, so that before you even know what issue is being discussed, you know that the issue is coming from someone considered to be fringe and unacceptable.

2.) Alt – We see the label ‘alt’ being applied more and more frequently as an adjective for sentiments that supposedly do not fit in with the accepted status quo. Ideas outside of the box.

Alt-Media. Alt-Right. Alt-Left. Alt-News. Alt-Health. And so on.

The signal here is that the mainstream is the safe space, and that any segment of ideas or thought given this prefix is outside of that mainstream, and therefore not something ordinary people would want to associate with. It takes complex ideas and sensitive issues and benches them, so that when the hive mind stumbles upon something ‘alt’ they immediately react with fear, disdain and feigned outrage.

There is no ‘alt’ in our world. We are one, and any faction of ideas is really just a spinoff of the shared reality we all live in. If segments of this shared space are off-limits and labeled as so, we all lose.

3.) Hate Speech – This term is one of the all-time favorites of politicians and tyrants. After all, what could more dangerous than hate?

Newsflash: Hate speech is not the same thing as a hate crime. Speech is just that, speech. It is literally vibrating air moving through space, and unless we’re talking about and LRAD crowd control cannon, sound really can’t cause people physical harm.

It is fascinating to watch how people use this term so freely as if speech itself can be criminal. American society is founded on the idea of freedom of speech and self-expression, which at its core is the recognition that as human beings we do not and never will all see the world in the same way. It is an acknowledgement of the fact that different people have different ideas about how the world is and should be. That these differences shouldn’t be used as a basis for discrimination.

The term hate speech is one of the most loaded and ambiguous terms in the political lexicon. Beware.

Final Thoughts

Next time you see or hear these terms being used, ask yourself what it is about the story that you’re not supposed to think too deeply about. Allow both sides of the argument to share equal time in your mind, and honor the independent, sovereign being within yourself that deserves a chance to make up its own mind about how it wishes to view the world.


Another Universal Mystery Solved!

Researchers Solve Mystery of the Universe, Break Piece of Uncooked Spaghetti in Half


When you study physics, you’re bound to brush up against some of the universe’s larger mysteries. What came before the Big Bang? What lies inside a black hole? Is it possible to break a stick of dry spaghetti into exactly two pieces?

Perhaps you’ve found yourself asking that last question in your own kitchen. Why is it that, when you try to snap a single piece of uncooked spaghetti in half, you almost always end up with three or more pieces of pasta clattering across your counter? It’s a logic-defying phenomenon that has baffled chef and scholar alike for decades; even Nobel physics laureate Richard Feynman, who helped develop the atomic bomb during World War II, is said to have spent the better part of a night sitting in his kitchen, snapping spaghetti sticks and searching for an explanation. [The Mysterious Physics of 7 Everyday Things]

Feynman came up dry, so to speak — but finally, a new study published Monday (Aug. 13) in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences provides some closure. With the help of some mathematical models and a spaghetti-bending robot, researchers at MIT have found that, yes, it is possible to break a piece of uncooked spaghetti into just two pieces, but there’s a twist … literally. To prevent bent spaghetti from splintering into a half dozen pieces, the researchers wrote, one end of the pasta first has to be twisted nearly 360 degrees.

Or in more technical terms, the “results advance the general understanding of how twist affects fracture cascades,” study co-author Jörn Dunkel, associate professor of physical applied mathematics at MIT, said in a statement. “In any case, this has been a fun interdisciplinary project started and carried out by two brilliant and persistent students — who probably don’t want to see, break, or eat spaghetti for a while.”

In their new study, the MIT researchers broke more than 350 sticks of Barilla-brand spaghetti and filmed the resulting fractures with an ultra-high-speed camera. To lend their carbo-rific trials complete precision, lead study author Ronald Heisser (now an engineering graduate student at Cornell University) built a special spaghetti-bending machine, complete with aluminum pincers that gripped each noodle on either end. In each experiment, a rod of spaghetti was loaded into the machine, twisted to a predetermined degree, then bent upward until it snapped.

After much pasta destruction, the researchers discovered that they were consistently able to break individual pieces of spaghetti into exactly two pieces only when the machine twisted the noodles at least 250 degrees, then slowly bent them up to the breaking point. According to the researchers, these results were consistent across two spaghetti types (Barilla No. 5 and No. 7, which have slightly differing diameters) and agreed with a series of spaghetti-bending models the team ran before the experiments began.

So, why is the twist so important? According to the new study, the twist”enables the rod to store its energy in more than one mode.” Consider that, when an untwisted rod first fractures, each half catapults backward in a burst of kinetic energy. A 2005 study found that this snap-back unleashes a wave of energy so powerful that it causes other stressed sections of the noodle to snap off as well. (That study won a 2006 Ig Nobel Prize, an annual parody award given to “improbable research.”) This behavior is not exclusive to noodles, mind you, but is visible in many thin, rod-like structures — including Olympic vaulting poles.

In a twisted noodle, however, much of that snap-back wave is transferred into a “twist wave” propagated through the noodle’s uncoiling, the MIT researchers wrote. The force of the snap-back is therefore weakened, and less likely to result in any more fractures occurring.

“Once [the noodle] breaks, you still have a snap-back because the rod wants to be straight,” Dunkel said. “But it also doesn’t want to be twisted.”

So, yes: It is possible to break your noodle into two precise pieces. Feynman would be pleased. And while this finding may be no atomic bomb, it could help future researchers better understand the mechanics of fractures in general, and even aid in the design of fracture-resistant nanomaterials. Whether these findings apply to other types of pasta — say, bucatini — will require further study.

Originally published on Live Science.


On Vaccines

Vaccine Corruption Exposed To Washington State Board of Health

By Catherine J. Frompovich

Bernadette Pajer, co-president of Informed Choice Washington, made the most exceptional presentation before the Washington State Board of Health regarding fully informed medical consent and choice, full-disclosure regarding vaccine science and ingredients, plus Big Pharma’s apparently illegal tactics that deprive citizens of their inherent and indisputable rights to self-determination regarding their health, their children’s health and vaccines/vaccinations.

Ms. Pajer’s presentation needs to be studied, and even replicated, regarding what her group found out about the modus operandi of Big Pharma and vaccine manufacturers to deny personal health rights and the obvious collusion that goes on between dozens of groups, if not hundreds, and that Big Pharma foots the bill.

If that is not collusion and something subject to legal action under the RICO and Sherman Anti-Trust laws of the United States, I don’t know what is.

Brave Mom Exposes Vaccine Corruption To Washington State Board of Health
5:28 minutes

Catherine J Frompovich (website) is a retired natural nutritionist who earned advanced degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences, Certification in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice plus Paralegal Studies. Her work has been published in national and airline magazines since the early 1980s. Catherine authored numerous books on health issues along with co-authoring papers and monographs with physicians, nurses, and holistic healthcare professionals. She has been a consumer healthcare researcher 35 years and counting.


What is the UN’s Agenda 2030?

Agenda 2030 Translator: How to Read the UN’s New Sustainable Development Goals

2030By Aaron and Melissa Dykes

It’s that time again: the United Nations is officially releasing the all new Agenda 2030 sustainable development plan, or what some have hailed as “the new Agenda 21 on steroids,” at the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit kicking off today in New York City.

Since these supposedly non-binding international agreements can sometimes be a bit tricky to decode, what with all the weaponized buzz terms and semantics games, we’ve prepared a handy dandy translator on the 17 new Agenda 2030 goals below.

  • Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere
  • Translation: Centralized banks, IMF, World Bank, Fed to control all finances
  • Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
  • Translation: GMO
  • Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
  • Translation: Mass vaccination, Codex Alimentarius
  • Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
  • Translation: UN propaganda, brainwashing through compulsory education from cradle to grave
  • Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
  • Translation: Population control through forced “Family Planning”
  • Goal 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
  • Translation: Privatize all water sources, don’t forget to add fluoride
  • Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
  • Translation: Smart grid with smart meters on everything, peak pricing
  • Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
  • Translation: TPP, free trade zones that favor megacorporate interests
  • Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
  • Translation: Toll roads, push public transit, remove free travel, environmental restrictions
  • Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries
  • Translation: Even more regional government bureaucracy
  • Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
  • Translation: Big brother big data surveillance state
  • Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
  • Translation: Forced austerity
  • Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts*
  • Translation: Cap and Trade, carbon taxes/credits, footprint taxes (aka Al Gore’s wet dream)

  • Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
  • Translation: Environmental restrictions, control all oceans including mineral rights from ocean floors
  • Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
  • Translation: More environmental restrictions, more controlling resources and mineral rights
  • Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
  • Translation: More UN “peacekeeping” missions (ex 1, ex 2), remove 2nd Amendment in USA
  • Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
  • Translation: Remove national sovereignty worldwide

This article Agenda 2030 Translator: How to Read the UN’s New Sustainable Development Goals by Aaron and Melissa Dykes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License, meaning this article may be republished as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact. Thanks!

Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton Dykes created as an outlet to examine the news, uncover the deceptions, pierce through the fabric of illusions, know the real enemy, unshackle from the system, and begin to imagine the path towards taking back our lives, one step at a time, so that one day we might truly be free…


What About Aluminum?

High levels of aluminum in 80 percent of people tested for toxicity

aluminum-testing(NaturalHealth365) Aluminum, which performs no identifiable function in the human body, is not a nutrient. Yet, most of us consume this neurotoxic substance – or inhale its fumes, or apply it to our skin – on a daily basis.

According to Analytical Research Labs, a whopping 80 percent of people tested have excessively high aluminum levels – a disturbing statistic, given that metal toxicities are associated with a wide range of chronic disease conditions.

We are living in the “age of aluminum”

Aluminum – the third most prevalent element on the planet – already exists naturally, in the environment – but, just to be clear – has ZERO benefit inside the human body.  This cheaply-produced metal has literally dozens of commercial uses – leading concerned natural health experts and environmentalists to dub the present day the “age of aluminum.”

Sadly, aluminum is used in cookware, soda cans and packaging for processed foods – not to mention: aluminum foil.  An ingredient in many over-the-counter antacids such as Rolaids, aluminum is also found in various cosmetics and hygiene products, particularly antiperspirants.

Disturbingly, exposure to aluminum begins almost immediately after birth – aluminum is used as an adjuvant in vaccines given to newborns.  In fact, the number of aluminum-containing vaccines children receive has quadrupled over the past 40 years, with children typically receiving 17 aluminum-spiked injections in the first 18 months of life.

Finally, aluminum is used liberally in the foods we eat, including kitchen staples such as cocoa, salt, flour and baking powder. Aluminum is even found in municipal tap water – which is a very good reason why we should purify our drinking water as a top health priority.

What does all this aluminum do to us?

For one thing, it accumulates in the kidneys, brains, lungs, liver and thyroid, causing oxidative stress and attacking the central nervous system. According to Dr. Edward Group, aluminum competes with calcium for absorption, and can affect the mineralization of bone and slow growth in infants. It also creates inflammation in the brain, thereby contributing to the development of neurodegenerative diseases.

Aluminum toxicity has been linked with a staggering list of specific diseases, dysfunctions and conditions.

A recent study shows that aluminum exposure causes brain oxidation and inflammation – while increasing amounts of the beta-amyloid proteins linked with Alzheimer’s disease. The University School of Medicine in Belgrade reports that drinking water with a high aluminum concentration is associated with an increased risk of Alzheimer’s.

But the damage doesn’t stop with Alzheimer’s disease. Aluminum’s ability to inhibit the uptake of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine and 5-hydroxytryptamine contributes to mood disorders, anxiety, insomnia and cognitive deficits.

And, aluminum is associated with anemia – an unsurprising finding, as aluminum has been shown to interfere with iron metabolism. It is also linked to other blood disorders, such as hemolysis, leukocytosis and porphyria, as well as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS.  In addition, exposure to this unwanted substance can cause an increase in cavities, as it interferes with bone calcification and competes with fluoride.

And, finally, it is associated with kidney and liver dysfunction due to fatty degeneration.

How do I find out if I have aluminum toxicity?

Early symptoms of aluminum toxicity include headaches, depression, abnormal heartbeat, frequent colds, dry skin and heartburn, colic and other gastrointestinal problems. Later symptoms of toxicity can include paralytic muscular conditions, memory loss and confusion.

Integrative healthcare providers note that blood aluminum levels fail to reflect the total body burden, so accurately measuring aluminum toxicity can be tricky. If you think you have aluminum toxicity, it would be wise to undergo a hair tissue mineral analysis. This non-invasive test is considered the most reliable way to detect aluminum levels. However, look for a laboratory that doesn’t wash the hair before testing, as this can nullify results.

Note: if you are undergoing nutritional therapy for heavy metal toxicity, expect to see a rise in aluminum levels in the hair when it is re-tested – a result of aluminum and other metals being flushed from storage.  It’s also extremely important that you ensure the safe elimination of toxins from the body to avoid harm.

Safe and natural detoxification is essential for optimal health

The first step in detoxifying is preventing additional exposure to aluminum. Avoid the use of aluminum cookware and cans, and carefully check the labels of health and beauty products – especially antacids. Be on the lookout for aluminum-free alternatives – for example, the” Tums” brand of antacid contains no aluminum.

You should also avoid processed foods – which are often packaged using aluminum – and opt for sea salt over table salt. As for drinking water – a water purification system is a MUST and/or drink spring water – from a trusted source.

Natural substances that can help you detoxify include high-dose vitamin C, chlorella and cilantro.  Your healthcare provider may advise melatonin and 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan as well.  Just make sure that your doctor understands the best ways to detoxify the body safely.

Garlic, onion and other sulfur-rich foods help to manufacture glutathione, the body’s master antioxidant and detoxifier.  N-acetyl-cysteine also boosts glutathione levels, while binding to and detoxifying all heavy metals.

And don’t forget about curcumin, a flavonoid found in turmeric. This natural antioxidant has been shown to have a protective effect against aluminum-induced damage, modulating the extent of oxidative stress and combating the beta-amyloid plaques associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

Although aluminum and aluminum compounds sometimes seem ever-present, it is possible to reduce or even reverse toxicity from aluminum and other unwanted metals, thereby preventing disease, protecting health and help to extend the quality of your life.

