What’s in that Smell?

The Charms And Harms Of Air Fresheners

By Catherine J. Frompovich

Are you aware that “secondhand scents” or indirect exposure to room air fresheners raise parallel concerns to “secondhand tobacco smoke”?  Professor Anne Steinemann of the University of Melbourne in Australia [1] submits that connection.

Professor Steinemann, whose work I have followed for a few years, recently emailed me a list of some of her recent papers published regarding research on chemical exposures, fragranced consumer products, and health effects, which I’d like to introduce my readers to because your lungs and immune systems are under constant chemical vapor attack from scents you can control and those you cannot, e.g., a coworker’s obnoxious perfume or aftershave cologne, aerial sprays, manufacturing emissions, exhaust fumes, etc.

Scented dryer sheets, which impregnate bedding and clothing, are serious, heavy duty scents that can precipitate asthma attacks, bronchitis, allergic reactions, and/or exacerbate COPD problems.  Many scents and scented products contain formaldehyde, a probable human carcinogen [2].

Why do I want to introduce the matter of scents and scented products?  The prime reason is because we are being assaulted from on high with chemtrails spraying, which contain any number of chemical products and other ‘things’ that fall to earth and float in the air we are forced to breathe.  Lung cancer is on the rise in non-smokers!  According to MedPageToday,

Never-smokers accounted for 13% of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cases at the beginning of the study period and rose steadily to 28% by November 2014. … The reasons for the increasein nonsmokers among patients with NSCLC remain unclear.

Rates in U.S. and U.K. doubled since 2008 without obvious clues.

There are clues, in my opinion, which are in plain sight, i.e., all those scented products available, plus our noses, bronchi and lungs also ‘tell’ us something smells chemically!  Some chronic respiratory diseases which are on the rise include:

  • Asthma
  • Bronchiectasis
  • Chronic obstructive lung disease, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchitis and emphysema
  • Chronic rhinosinusitis
  • Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
  • Lung cancers and neoplasms of respiratory and intrathoracic organs
  • Lung fibrosis

Dr. Steinemann states as a conclusion in her open access article “Ten questions concerning air fresheners and indoor built environments,” published at Elsevier Building and Environment, Vol. 111, January 2017, Pages 279-284,

[A]ir fresheners are used throughout society, often with the intent to create a favorable indoor environment.  However, air fresheners may come with unintended and perhaps invisible risks.  This article looked at the science, health and policy dimensions of air fresheners, and offered research findings and directions on ways to improve the air quality indoors and reduce potential exposures to pollutants.

Some of Dr. Steinemann’s open source articles, which may help readers to understand the problems associated with scented product use include:

Effects of fragranced products on asthmatics in the USA: 64.3% of asthmatics report adverse health effects from exposure to fragranced products such as air fresheners and cleaning supplies    https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11869-017-0536-2

Prevalence of multiple chemical sensitivities United States: 25.9% of the general population report chemical sensitivity, and 6.5% report medically diagnosed MCS, representing an increase of more than 200% and 300%, respectively, in the past decade

Fragranced consumer products and health effects in America: 34.7% report adverse health effects  https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11869-016-0442-z

Air fresheners and indoor air quality: why air fresheners impair rather than improve air quality

Regarding the above mix, consumers need to study, and factor in, an unseen quantifier that adversely impacts all bodily systems—but especially the skin and sweat glands.  It’s electromagnetic frequencies from Wi-Fi, cell phones and towers, and more specifically 5G, the next upgrade in faster speeds for computers, iPhones, computer games, etc.  The video below explains some of the skin problems attributed to 5G.

5G Technology: Potential Risks to Human Health
10:39 minutes


Since the human body is about 60% water [3], we need to look more closely at how all that’s going on in the world of chemicals, pharmaceuticals, agriculture and technology advances will impact—and are impacting—humans’ ability to maintain optimal health.

Become conscious of the chemicals in the products you buy for your home, especially scented products, bug sprays and lawn chemicals.  You can check for harmful ingredients at http://householdproducts.nlm.nih.gov/.


[1] https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/earth-and-planetary-sciences/tobacco-smoke
[2] https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/substances/formaldehyde/formaldehyde-fact-sheet
[3] https://water.usgs.gov/edu/propertyyou.html

Catherine J Frompovich (website) is a retired natural nutritionist who earned advanced degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences, Certification in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice plus Paralegal Studies. Her work has been published in national and airline magazines since the early 1980s. Catherine authored numerous books on health issues along with co-authoring papers and monographs with physicians, nurses, and holistic healthcare professionals. She has been a consumer healthcare researcher 35 years and counting.

Catherine’s latest book, published October 4, 2013, is Vaccination Voodoo, What YOU Don’t Know About Vaccines, available on Amazon.com.

Her 2012 book A Cancer Answer, Holistic BREAST Cancer Management, A Guide to Effective & Non-Toxic Treatments, is available on Amazon.com and as a Kindle eBook.

Two of Catherine’s more recent books on Amazon.com are Our Chemical Lives And The Hijacking Of Our DNA, A Probe Into What’s Probably Making Us Sick (2009) and Lord, How Can I Make It Through Grieving My Loss, An Inspirational Guide Through the Grieving Process (2008)

Catherine’s NEW book: Eat To Beat Disease, Foods Medicinal Qualities ©2016 Catherine J Frompovich is now available.

from:    https://www.activistpost.com/2018/07/the-charms-and-harms-of-air-fresheners.html

Aliens Harvesting Stars’ Energy?

Aliens May Be Rearranging Stars to Fight Dark Energy, Awesome Study Suggests

  • Aliens May Be Rearranging Stars to Fight Dark Energy, Awesome Study Suggests

Credit: Bruce Rolff/Shutterstock

How to dominate the universe in three easy steps …

Step 1: Harvest all of your planet’s resources.

Step 2: Harvest all of your nearest star’s energy.

Step 3: Harvest all the energy from all the stars in your local galaxy; then move on to another galaxy.

Congratulations! Your species now has all the elbow room it needs to grow into a universal superpower.

That’s one Russian astronomer’s perspective, anyway. Astrophysicist Nikolai Kardashev first proposed these three phases (called Level I, II and III) of galactic expansion — which he referred to as the three “types” of technologically advanced civilizations — in 1962 as a way to measure the energy consumption of increasingly powerful societies. Recently, a paper posted June 13 to the preprint journal arXiv.org has revived Kardashev’s model and added a new, apocalyptic twist.

According to the author of the paper, Dan Hooper — a senior scientist at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Illinois and a professor of astronomy and astrophysics at the University of Chicago — harvesting energy from distant stars isn’t just the best way to increase a civilization’s available resources. It’s also the only way to prevent the ever-expanding universe from leaving that civilization totally alone in the vastness of space. (This study has yet to be peer-reviewed.)

“The presence of dark energy in our universe is causing space to expand at an accelerating rate,” Hooper wrote in the new paper. Over the next approximately 100 billion years, the stars beyond our Local Group, or a group of gravitationally bound galaxies that includes the Milky Way, will fall beyond the cosmic horizon, meaning an observer here could never retrieve information from them over the course of the age of the universe.

At that point, “the stars become not only unobservable, but entirely inaccessible, thus limiting how much energy could one day be extracted from them,” Hooper wrote in the paper.

In other words, if humans hope to meet aliens in distant galaxies, it’ll be a race against dark energy, that mysterious force thought to be uncontrollably stretching our universe farther and farther apart.

That, of course, is how we’ll find the aliens.

Any advanced civilization worth their starships would understand the grim reality of universal expansion, Hooper wrote, and they wouldn’t just sit around idly while the universe literally passed them by. Rather, they would capture stars from other galaxies, reel them in and harvest their energy first, before those stars (and their energy) became inaccessible forever.

“Given the inevitability of the encroaching horizon, any sufficiently advanced civilization that is determined to maximize its ability to utilize energy will expand throughout the universe, attempting to secure as many stars as possible before they become permanently inaccessible,” Hooper wrote.

So, how do you lasso a star in the first place? Scientists and science-fiction authors alike have pondered this question for decades, and their favored answer is this: Throw a giant net around it, of course.

This net wouldn’t be made of twine or even metal, but of satellites — a swarm of millions of solar-powered satellites known as “Dyson spheres.” Such a colossal cloud of harvesters could permanently hover around a star, beaming energy back to a nearby planet — or, as Hooper proposed in his new paper, actually use that star’s energy to accelerate the whole ball of fire back toward the planet that wanted to use it.

This may seem like a tall order for humans, who are still bumbling around Level I of Kardashev’s scale. (Carl Sagan placed us at about a 0.7 in 1973). But some scientists think there could be alien civilizations thousands, or even millions, of years older than ours who are already well into their Level III, star-harvesting phase.

And if another civilization has indeed begun rearranging the stars, it may not be long before Earthlings notice them, Hooper wrote.

“Those stars that are currently en route to the central civilization could be visible as a result of the propulsion that they are currently undergoing,” Hooper wrote. “Such acceleration would necessarily require large amounts of energy and likely produce significant fluxes of electromagnetic radiation.”

Beyond watching for those stars being dragged unceremoniously across distant galaxies, astronomers could also keep an eye out for the unusual galaxies that have had their prime stars ripped away from them, Hooper wrote.

These hypothetical, star-harvesting aliens will probably be picky, Hooper noted: Teeny-tiny stars, hundreds of times smaller than Earth’s sun, wouldn’t produce enough radiation to be useful; significantly larger stars, on the other hand, would likely be too close to going supernova to be used as a viable battery. Only stars with a mass about 20 to 100 times the mass of our sun would be viable candidates for capturing and hauling back to the home galaxy, Hooper said. And because solar objects in that mass range radiate certain wavelengths of light more than others, alien star harvesting would show up in the light signatures from these galaxies.

“The spectrum of starlight from a galaxy that has had its useful stars harvested by an advanced civilization would be dominated by massive stars and thus peak at longer wavelengths than otherwise would have been the case,” Hooper said.

Humans likely don’t have precise enough instruments yet to detect these unusual light signatures beaming from the depths of the universe, Hooper wrote. Hopefully, astronomers will develop them before our sun becomes another flaming marble in some distant civilization’s collection.

Originally published on Live Science.

from:    https://www.livescience.com/62917-aliens-rearrange-stars-fight-dark-energy.html

Mysterious Puma Punku

30 facts you didn’t know about Puma Punku

This temple complex located near Tiwanaku, Bolivia is one of the most incredible ancient ruins you will find in South America. At a distance of around 45 miles west of La Paz Bolivia we find one of the most magnificent ancient sites on the surface of our planet.

The sheer number of megalithic stones found at Puma Punku are amongst the largest found on the planet. Puma Punku shatters all traditional views on ancient cultures. The incredibly precise stones, precision cuts, and polished surfaces have defied explanation for centuries. The andesite stones used in the construction process of this megalithic site were cut with such precision that they fit together perfectly, and are interlocked with each other without the use of mortar.

This ancient site continues to defy the countless theories put forth by mainstream scholars, historians, and scientists. This ancient site—together with other sites like Teotihuacan in modern day Mexico, the Giza plateau in Egypt, Ollantaytambo, and Sacsayhuaman, among others—is what I like to call an ancient Wikipedia site since it offers us countless details about our ancestors, their lives, ability, knowledge, and skills.

In this article, we bring you 30 mind-bending facts about Puma Punku that you probably have never read about before.

Image Credit °° OJOS DE AGUA °°

This fascinating ancient ‘alien’ complex is located just 45 miles west of La Paz, high in the Andean mountains.

Puma Punku is located at an altitude of 12,800 feet—this makes it even harder to explain how the ancient quarried, transported and put into position the massive rocks as Puma Punku is located ABOVE the natural tree line, which in turn means NO trees grew in that area which means that no trees were cut down in order to use wooden rollers.

Furthermore, there is no evidence of the wheel in Tiwanakan culture.

Puma Punku is believed to date to around 536AD. However, many authors argue that the site is much older and could predate the Inca themselves.

Puma Punku was never complete. Experts argue that the site was abandoned before it was completely finished.

It is important to note Inca themselves denied building the Tiahuanaco complex which means that the Tiahuanaco culture existed INDEPENDENTLY of the Inca, predating them as well.

The ancient site of Puma Punku is part of an even larger complex that once belonged to the ancient Tiahuanaco culture, which predates the ancient Inca by millennia.

The sheer number of megalithic stones found at Puma Punku are amongst the largest found on the planet. The incredibly precise stones, precision cuts, and polished surfaces have defied explanation for centuries.

According to oral legends, the first inhabitants of Puma Punku were unlike ordinary humans and supernatural powers which allowed them to ‘carry’ megalithic stones through the air with the use of SOUND.

Among the largest stone blocks found at Puma Punku we can find one with the following characteristics: 7.81 meters long, 5.17 meters wide, averages 1.07 meters thick, and is estimated to weigh about 131 metric tons.

The second largest stone block found within the Puma Punku is 7.90 meters long, 2.50 meters wide, and averages 1.86 meters thick. Its weight has been estimated to be 85.21 metric tons.

The most famous features of Puma Punku are its so-called H-Blocks.

The H blocks at Puma Punku have approximately 80 faces each. The H blocks match each other with such an extreme precision that the architects most likely used a system of preferred measurements and proportions.

Archaeologists argue that the transport of these stones was accomplished by the large labor force of ancient Tiwanaku.

Several theories have been proposed as to how this labor force transported the stones, although these theories remain speculative. Two of the more common proposals involve the use of llama skin ropes and the use of ramps and inclined planes.

In addition to somehow transporting massive blocks of stone across great distances, the ancient engineers that built Puma Punku and Tiahuanaco  were also adept at developing a civic infrastructure at this complex, constructing functional irrigation systems, hydraulic mechanisms, and waterproof sewage lines.

Furthermore, the blocks present at Puma Punku were so precisely cut as to suggest the possibility of prefabrication and mass production, technologies far in advance of the Tiwanaku’s Inca successors hundreds of years later.

Researchers believe that these two blocks of stone were quarried near Lake Titicaca approx. 10 km from Puma Punku.

Other stone blocks found at Puma Punku have been quarried near the Copacabana Peninsula about 90 km away from and across Lake Titicaca. So perhaps this is one of the biggest mysteries at Puma Punku.

Each stone at Puma Punku was finely cut to interlock with the surrounding stones and the blocks fit together like a puzzle, forming load-bearing joints without the use of mortar. The precision challenges today’s engineering abilities.

A common engineering technique is to cut the top of the lower stone at a certain angle and placing another stone on top of it which was cut at the same angle. What baffles scientists, engineers and archaeologists is the precision with which this was achieved. The precision with which these angles have been utilized to create flush joints is indicative of a highly sophisticated knowledge of stone-cutting and a thorough understanding of descriptive geometry.

Some of the joins we find at Puma Punku are so well placed, and so precisely locked into place that you wouldn’t be able to fit a paper in between them. The level of masonry we find at Puma Punku is just amazing.

In Aymara—an Aymaran language spoken by the Aymara people of the Andes—Puma Punku’s name means “The Door of the Puma”.

At Puma Punku you will find incredible stones with perfect right angles, almost smooth as glass, this makes Puma Punku unique. Only few places on earth display this type of stone work.

Tiahuanaco is located near Puma Punku, in fact, it’s less than a quarter mile northeast of Puma Punku. Scientists believe Tiahuanaco was once the center of a civilization with more than 40,000 inhabitants. Puma Punku and Tiahuanaco are part of a large temple complex or monument group.

At its peak, Pumapunku is thought to have been “unimaginably wondrous,” adorned with polished metal plaques, brightly colored ceramic and fabric ornamentation, and visited by costumed citizens, elaborately dressed priests, and elites decked in exotic jewelry.

The Puma Punku complex, as well as its surrounding temples, the Akapana pyramid, Kalasasaya, Putuni, and Kerikala, functioned as spiritual and ritual centers for the Tiwanaku.

Tiahuanaco is probably the greatest Native American civilization that many people haven’t heard of.

The Tiwanaku civilization—which Puma Punku belonged to—appears to some to have peaked from 700 AD to 1000 AD, by which point the temples and surrounding area may have been home to some 400,000 people.

Curiously, as many other advanced civilizations across the Americas, this culture seems to have dissolved rather abruptly sometime around 1000 AD, and researchers are still seeking answers as to why.


The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians. vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 146-167

Young-Sánchez, Margaret (2004). Tiwanaku: Ancestors of the Inca. Denver, CO: Denver Art Museum.

Vranich, A., 1999, Interpreting the Meaning of Ritual Spaces: The Temple Complex of Pumapunku, Tiwanaku, Bolivia.

from:    https://www.ancient-code.com/30-facts-you-didnt-know-about-puma-punku/

The Mysterious Picatrix

The Picatrix: An Ancient Manuscript That Teaches How To Obtain Energy From The Cosmos

The-Picatrix.jpgThrough this ancient manuscript…the reader could attract and channel the energy of the cosmos so that a certain event develops according to the will of the practitioner, zodiacal magic; which is said to help master and dominate with accuracy—through the force of the universe—nature and its surroundings.”

Picatrix explains not only how to create and ensoul magical statues and talismans, but even speaks of whole cities constructed using the principles of astrological magic.

The Pixatrix—as it’s called today—is an ancient, 400-page magical grimoire of originally written in Arabic under the title غاية الحكيم Ghāyat al-Ḥakīm.THe Picatrix

Experts believe it was composed in the 11th century although some argue it was created in the first half of the 10th century. The work is divided into four books, which exhibit a marked absence of systematic exposition.

In the thirteenth century, the king of Castile Alfonso X (also known as Alfonso “The Wise”) ordered the translation of the ancient text to Spanish.

The translation into Latin gained a notable popularity in Europe between the XV and XVIII centuries.

Although the Castilian version is said to be lost, the Latin translation(Liber Picatrix) spread throughout the West and reached a notable success between the fifteenth and eighteenth centuries.

The Picatrix is believed to have been written by Abū- Maslama Muhammad ibn Ibrahim ibn ‘Abd al-da’im al-Majrīt, an astronomer, mathematician, and alchemist of Al-Andalus who wanted to gather all the knowledge of the Middle East from the 8th and 9th centuries.

Arab historian, Ibn Khaldun, ascribed authorship of Picatrix (referring to the original Arabic version, under the title Ġāyat al-Ḥakīm) to the mathematician, al-Majriti, who died between 1005CE and 1008CE.

Although there are those who disagree with such authorship and attribute thismagical grimoire to an unknown apprentice of a mysterious Middle Eastern magic school—mostly due to the style in which the work is presented which looks like a kind of notebook—the enigmatic grimoire was extremely popular and promised to teach its reader, among other things, how to obtain energy from the planets of the cosmos. Many authors summarize the work as being “the most thorough exposition of celestial magic in Arabic”.

The contents of this ancient magical grimoire are fascinating and in it, we find reference to talismanic magic and astrological references to animals, plants, metals, stones, etc.

Through them, the reader could attract and channel the energy of the planets so that a certain event develops according to the will of the practitioner, zodiacal magic which is said to help master and dominate with accuracy—through the force of the universe— even nature and the surroundings.

The ancient magical grimoire also gives insight into numerology and lunar calendars that supposedly would help plan rituals considering the most propitious moment so that the energy of the universe favored the result.

However, there’s more to this mysterious magical grimoire than numerology and astrology. This ancient text includes different bizarre recipes for countless spells that had to be composed using ingredients as dangerous as hashish, opium and other psychoactive plants that were used in large quantities to induce altered states of consciousness and astral journeys.

If on the other hand, the intention was to contact the spirits and master the forces of the spirits, then the ingredients that had to be used were different: blood, sperm, urine, earwax, tears, and saliva were all mixed together specifically to obtain the best results and master the world we cannot see on a daily basis.

Interestingly, Picatrix explains not only how to create and ensoul magical statues and talismans, but even speaks of whole cities constructed using the principles of astrological magic.

Source: ancient-code

from:    https://gostica.com/interesting/the-picatrix-an-ancient-manuscript-that-teaches-how-to-obtain-energy-from-the-cosmos/

Big News for July fr/David WIlcock

Major Disclosures Coming In July, According To David Wilcock



  • The Facts:David Wilcock’s latest update informs us that several sources believe that major disclosures will unfold within the month of July.
  • Reflect On:What would it mean to our lives if the ‘Deep State’ was finally defeated, and all the money that has been funneled out of our economy was suddenly returned to us? Further, what would be the impact of the disclosure of hidden technology?

From my reading of various commentators in our ever-growing collective effort to discover the truth, David Wilcock stands alone both in the scope of human activity he covers, and in the self-consistency of the paradigm he presents, which connects science, spirituality, politics, history, economics, media, and more.

David has just written a new post on his blog entitled, ‘New Briefings: Alliance Seizing Trillions Stolen By Deep State, Preparing to Give It Back.’ In it, he describes how the long and winding road many of us have been on for several years now, anxiously seeking some form of official disclosure of the truth behind the scenes, including the extraterrestrial presence, may soon be upon us.

If you are new to David Wilcock’s work, probably nothing short of reading his previous 8 to 10 blog posts–and they’re not short ones–would really help you to have the full, broad context of what his latest announcement means.

You can watch the full interview with David Wilcock here.

Alliance vs. Deep State

One of the fundamental tenets of his analysis is the existence of the ‘Deep State,’ which is the shadow government controlled by an elite group of bankers, corporate heads and other powerful people who have literally had control over all important political and economic activity in the world, as well as a strong influence on our very perception of reality through the media and other means. However this control should not be considered absolute, as there has been a growing secret Alliance of people in politics, the military, and elsewhere (a.k.a. the ‘Good Guys’) who have long been making efforts to combat the Deep State and help to bring peace, prosperity and freedom to humanity

It seems as though, after decades of needing to work very secretly, the Alliance has gained the upper hand, most importantly within the military, and now has a major influence on the actions of the President of the United States. There is speculation that this breakthrough was actually made possible by the election of Donald Trump, as he was never a Deep State ‘member’ like Hilary Clinton, and therefore would be much more difficult for the Deep State to control.

Insider Testimony

What is fascinating about David’s testimony is that it is informed by highly placed insiders whose trust David has earned over a number of years. Some have remained anonymous, while others, such as Corey Goode and Emery Smith, have publicly come forward with comprehensive and credible testimony about a secret world we otherwise might know nothing about.

In combining the testimony he receives with his own analysis, David paints a vivid picture of a struggle behind the scenes, not only between the Deep State and the Alliance but also of extraterrestrial forces that have come to influence both sides of the battle.

What’s Coming To Us In July

Many other commentators have been saying for years that we are on the verge of debt forgiveness, NESARA, prosperity funds, etc. because the ‘debt’ our countries don’t really belong to us. We have learned more and more about how the Deep State has been pulling money out of our economy for their own purposes. The first statement David makes in his update is some exciting news that he has corroboration that this money is finally coming back to us:

At least four independent insider sources have revealed that the Alliance is now locating and legally seizing trillions and trillions of dollars in assets stolen by the Deep State.

The money is set to be released back into the legitimate economy as “prosperity funds” that could almost immediately create radical improvements in our overall quality of life.

Things have long seemed to be coming to a head, with our growing awareness of the workings of politicians, central banks, the corporations, the media, the Western medical establishments, the legal profession, and so on. But many had started to feel that disclosure of the truth would never come, just because it has taken so long. But let there be no doubt–there is clearly hidden information out there, the revelation of which would instantly change life on Earth. If what David is saying turns out to be true, July 2018 will probably be the most remarkable month any of us has ever experienced.

from:    https://www.collective-evolution.com/2018/07/03/major-disclosures-coming-in-july-according-to-david-wilcock/

Vaccine Researcher Killed

Scientist Who Studied Safer Alternative to Traditional Vaccines Murdered In Front of His Children



  • The Facts:35-year-old Tristan Beaudette, a scientist from Irvine was recently murdered. He was in the process of making some important vaccine discoveries.
  • Reflect On:Why are so many holistic Doctors, and those who are doing revolutionary research that could change our medicine, disappearing?

Having researched vaccines for more than a decade, it’s quite easy to see how the rhetoric we commonly hear from the mainstream is simply just not true. We are living in an age where hundreds, if not thousands of scientists are questioning the safety of multiple medications, including vaccinations.  A new study published in the journal EbioMedicineoutlines this point, stating in the introduction:

Over the past two decades, several vaccine controversies have emerged in various countries, including France, inducing worries about severe adverse effects and eroding confidence in health authorities, experts, and science (Larson et al., 2011).

This is actually a big problem in science, I wrote an article a couple of years ago regarding the issues that currently plague a lot of peer-reviewed science, and how most of the findings have actually been proven false. It’s a heavily sourced article, you can check it out here.

The science showing vaccinations are safe is virtually non-existent, and there are a lot showing that they’ve been more harmful than we are aware of. The truth is, not all vaccines have been tested and are completely safe.   The reason Congress exempted vaccine makers from liability in 1986 was that vaccines were causing harm. Since the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Act went into effect, the federal government program has paid out 3.8 billion dollars in vaccine injuries and death.

I’m going to link some articles at the bottom of this one that has a lot more detail in it as to why more parents are choosing not to vaccinate their kids.

It’s no secret that more and more people are choosing not to vaccinate, and an increasing number of parents are doing the same. This has come with no short response from the mainstream, who seem to enjoy making it appear ‘stupid’ and making one feel and seem ‘foolish’ for even questioning the safety of vaccines. Obviously, these people are growing in number, and they’re not stupid. In fact, I applaud them for doing their own research and putting their critical thinking caps on, the fact that a number of peer-reviewed scientific publications keep emerging, and scientists continue to raise concerns at various international conferences held throughout the year, don’t worry…You’re far from stupid and you’re in good company. Again, the articles with the science and information will be linked.

It’s odd how we are made to fear not vaccinating our children, especially when the herd immunity hypothesis is constantly pushed.

The problems with vaccines not only comes as a result of recent science but multiple disclosures of scientific fraud and other eye-opening revelations with regards to those whom we deem our ‘health authorities.’ There are too many examples to count from.

When it comes to choosing not to vaccinate your child, and why so many parents are refusing to do so, we need to start understanding instead of reacting and instantly pointing a finger. The science has not spoken, and anytime we stop questioning things, we are far from science. Both sides really need to come together in an open public, honest and most importantly, nice discussion and acknowledge the information that each other has.

This would be great on a global stage with scientists from all over the world getting to speak…

So just to get that clear, parents and individuals are more than justified in refusing to vaccinate.

When I came across this current story about the death, yeah, it’s speculation, but I’m not surprised. I’ve been told personally by a professor at a Canadian university in the field that labs being broken into and shut down in an illegal fashion does happen.

According to TheFreeThoughtProject,

A tragic death has police searching for a killer and a motive in California this week as a beloved father was murdered early Friday morning while camping with his two daughters in Malibu Creek State Park. The victim was identified as 35-year-old Tristan Beaudette, a scientist from Irvine.

Beaudette had taken his two daughters, ages 2 and 4, camping over the weekend so his wife, who is a doctor, could study for an important exam. According to police, they responded to reports of gunfire around 4:44 a.m. at the campsite.

The story was also picked up by the L.A. Times.

“It appears that the victim was camping at the site with family members and no other individuals were injured during the course of the shooting,” police said. “There is no suspect information. There is no known motive for the crime.”

According to his Linkedin page, Beaudette worked as a senior scientist for the pharmaceutical company Allergan where he worked on pharmaceutical drug product development.  He was a father and a reputable scientists who was inside of the pharmaceutical world for years after obtaining his Ph.D in chemistry from Berkeley in 2005.  He studied and worked extensively on research papers about vaccines.

While at Berkeley, Beaudette was a graduate student instructor and worked on several research projects that were focused on pharmaceuticals and vaccines, according to his Linkedin profile. He wrote that he, “Synthesized polyacrylamide, polyacetal, and polysaccharide-based acid-degradable microparticles and used in vitro and in vivo techniques to characterize their ability to elicit cell-mediated immune responses for applications in vaccines and cancer therapy.” He also wrote, he, “Developed methods for chemoselective particle functionalization for use in targeted drug and gene delivery.” And, “Led a multidisciplinary team of chemists, immunologists, and biologists in an NIH-funded collaborative project involving the design of novel protein-based vaccine formulations,” while also composing, “multiple scientific research proposals. Presented and published graduate work at national conferences and in peer-reviewed journals.”

One of the studies he published in the Journal of Molecular Pharmacology dealt with protein vaccines, which, according to the study, are “a safer alternative to traditional weakened or killed the whole organism based vaccination strategies and have been investigated for their ability to activate the immune system against certain cancers.”

 The most recent example comes of this type of activity comes from Italy, when authorities broke into the home and lab of Dr. Antonietta Gatti discovered the relationship between micro- and nano particles as well as a great number of pathologies: cardiovascular diseases, many forms of cancer, multiple neurological diseases, and autoimmune diseases.  Currently, she is the coordinator of the Italian Institute of Technology’s Project of Nanoecotoxicology, called INESE. She is also a selected expert of the FAO/WHO for the safety in nanotechnological food, and a Member of the NANOTOX Cluster of the European Commission and the author of a book titled “Nanopathology: the health impact of nanoparticles,” and on the Editorial Board of Journal of Biomaterials Applications and a member of the CPCM of the Italian Ministry of Defense.
Furthermore, her and her husband Dr. Stefano Montanari founded a laboratory called Nano-diagnostics for the evaluation of the pathological tissues of patients, it’s presently at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy.

Recently, the Italian police raided their home, the police took all digital assets that were owned by the two nano pathologists, including laptops, computers, and flash-drives, basically years of work and research.

You can read more about that here: World Renowned Scientists Have Their Lab Shut Down After Troublesome Vaccine Discovery

I don’t know much about this man’s research, but to suggest he was murdered for his work might be a long leap, but it’s not out of the question. This is something that can happen, does happen, and has happened in the past. The fact that it happened so mysteriously is nothing new.

We’ve covered strange stories as such in the past, for example,

77th Holistic Doctor Shot Dead In Her AZ Home With Her Entire Family

It’s one of many examples, and if you think about the take-over of medicine by chemical medicine and the Rockefeller initiative in the early 1920’s, again, it’s really not that far-fetched. We can’t say for sure, but at the same time, it doesn’t seem right to rule out foul play in the unfortunate passing of Beaudette.

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From:    https://www.collective-evolution.com/2018/07/01/scientist-who-studied-safer-alternative-to-traditional-vaccines-murdered-in-front-of-his-children/

You Have a Right to Know – The X ((10) Factor

Actually, You Can Fight City Hall—Even On Surveillance Issues

By Michael Maharrey

You’ve probably heard the old adage, “You can’t fight city hall!” Well, I did. And I won.

Last October, the city of Lexington, Kentucky, sued me in an attempt to keep its “mobile surveillance cameras” secret. Last week, in a major victory for government transparency, Fayette Circuit Judge John Reynolds issued an order granting my appeal for summary judgment. In simple terms, the judge rejected the city’s arguments for keeping its surveillance cameras secret and ordered the Lexington Police Department to release all relevant records.

An Initial Victory

My legal saga started last summer. After surveillance cameras appeared in a local skateboard park, I submitted an open records request to the LPD in an effort to determine what other surveillance programs it operates in Lexington. The police department admitted to using 29 mobile surveillance cameras “available for a variety of video surveillance operations.”

“Cameras are deployed as needed in support of active investigations in accordance with SOP BOI 93-46A, Criteria for Surveillance Conducted by Special Investigations Section,” they said.

While the police department acknowledged the existence of these cameras, it refused to provide any additional information other than redacted documents disclosing costs. The police claimed information about the types of cameras used and the policies surrounding their use were exempt under the state’s open records laws. The LPD cited a statute that exempts certain documents relating to homeland security, along with a second statute exempting certain “investigative reports.”

On appeal, the attorney general’s office rejected both exemptions claimed by the LPD and ordered the city to release the documents.

The City Retaliates—and Fails

On Oct. 2, 2017, a constable served me with a summons. The lawsuit was clearly intended to intimidate me into going away. The initial complaint even asked the judge to award the city court costs. Think about that for a moment. I simply asked for information relating to government activity. In response, the city sued me–a taxpayer–and demanded I foot the legal bill. So much for transparent government that serves “we the people.”

It was a shrewd strategy on the city’s part. City officials likely assumed I wouldn’t have the resources to pursue a court case, and I would just drop the matter. They were correct about the first assumption, but fortunately, the ACLU of Kentucky agreed to represent me in this case.

In court, the police basically argued that disclosing information about their cameras would render them ineffective and potentially jeopardize officer safety. It remains unclear how knowing what kind of “hidden” cameras the police own would make them ineffective. They also asserted that providing information about their surveillance activities would create an “undue burden.” In a nutshell, the city claimed that the investigation of crimes facilitated by the cameras constitutes “an important government interest” that warrants denial of the information.

While these may sound like compelling arguments on the surface, the city of Lexington failed to provide any basis for their assertions. On June 19, Judge Reynolds ruled that the city did not meet the standard of clear and convincing evidence required by the statute.

“In sum, this Court finds that the plaintiff, LFUCG, has failed to assert an applicable provision of the KRS or other binding precedent which would allow the denial of the information requested by Maharrey,” he wrote. “Therefore, LFUCG has failed to meet its burden of proof, and pursuant to ORA [Open Records Act] the requested information should be released for review by Maharrey.”

The city has 30 days to appeal or ask the circuit court for reconsideration. Otherwise, it must release the requested documents.

“We are the government”—or are we?

I’m not particularly comfortable casting myself as a little guy fighting the system. As the national communications director here at the Tenth Amendment Center (TAC), I had some firepower of my own and some resources at my disposal. Still, I could not have won this battle without the help of the ACLU of Kentucky and attorneys Clay Barkley and Heather Gatnarek. If I had been an average Lexingtonian, the city probably would have gotten its wish. I would have dropped the matter and gone away.

Make no mistake—this is a huge win for the people of Lexington. Those of us who live in this city have a right to know what our government does in our name. We have a right to weigh in and decide whether or not the benefit of surveillance technology outweighs the potential for abuse and violation of our basic privacy rights. We have a right to insist government agencies operate potentially invasive technology with oversight and transparency in a manner that respects our civil liberties.

Government secrecy steals power from the people. As the saying goes, sunlight is the best antiseptic. The city’s default position was to maintain secrecy, to keep the blinds closed, to slam the door in our face. Don’t let the fundamental nature of what happened to me escape you. When you boil it all down, the city sued me because I asked questions it didn’t want to answer. It kind of makes you wonder about the old adage, “We are the government,” doesn’t it?

Now, hopefully, we will get the kind of transparency we deserve. Whenever I talk about surveillance, people always ask me, ‘What do you have to hide?’ Well, I’ve been asking the city that question for nearly a year. I don’t think a little transparency and oversight is too much to ask for.

Building the Momentum of Accountability

I started a local group called We See You Watching Lexington to establish oversight and transparency of surveillance programs in this city. People shouldn’t have to get sued in order to find out what kind of surveillance programs the city operates. Furthermore, the city should not operate this kind of potentially invasive technology without firm policies in place directing how, when, and where it is used and establishing how information is stored and shared.

This is actually part of a broader movement of privacy localism that is taking on the surveillance state. The TAC has been involved in the Community Control Over Police Surveillance (CCOPS)initiative from the beginning and helped draft model legislation for a local surveillance ordinance that creates some level of transparency and oversight over local surveillance programs.

This is more than just a victory for me or even the people of Lexington. This is a win for all of us who care about liberty because it proves an important point. We can fight the government and win. Our efforts aren’t in vain. If I can do this, anybody can.

Here’s my challenge to you. Take what I’ve done and build on it. Get involved in your local community. Fight. If you don’t know how, we’ve got some resources to help. I put together a series of short podcasts called Activism 101. They offer simple step-by-step advice for starting activism in your own town. You can check out that series HERE.

Michael Maharrey is the national communications director at the Tenth Amendment Center. This article was sourced from FEE.org.

from:    https://www.activistpost.com/2018/07/actually-you-can-fight-city-hall-even-on-surveillance-issues.html

NOTE: In a nutshell, “The Tenth Amendment, or Amendment X of the United States Constitution is the section of the Bill of Rights that basically says that any power that is not given to the federal government is given to the people or the states.” (https://kids.laws.com/tenth-amendment)

The Birth of a Planet

Scientists photograph the moment a new planet is born using the most powerful telescope ever built

  • The image was taken by the VLT, which is found in the Atacama desert, Chile
  • The black circle at the centre of the image is created by a filter
  • It allows astronomers to filter out the light from the star and see only the planet
  • Known as PDS70, the planet is several times heavier than Jupiter
  • It has a surface temperature of more than 1,000°C and is 370 light years away

Scientists have used the most powerful telescope ever built for peering into the depths of the universe to witness a planet being born for the first time.

The newborn world was snapped using the ESO’s Very Large Telescope in Chile’s Atacama desert and is thought to be 370 light years from Earth.

It was the telescope’s Sphere instrument, which allows experts to measure the brightness of the planet, that initially made the discovery.

Researchers were alerted to the birth of the new world by analysing different wavelengths of light to measures the properties of its atmosphere.

The discovery is a significant step forward in space exploration and provides new insight into how planets form.

This spectacular image from the Sphere instrument on ESO's Very Large Telescope is the first clear image of a planet caught in the very act of formation around the dwarf star PDS 70. The planet stands clearly out, visible as a bright point to the right of the centre of the image

This spectacular image from the Sphere instrument on ESO’s Very Large Telescope is the first clear image of a planet caught in the very act of formation around the dwarf star PDS 70. The planet stands clearly out, visible as a bright point to the right of the centre of the image

The discovery was led by a team at the Max Plank Institute for Astronomy as part of the European Southern Observatory project.

Dubbed PDS 70b, the new planet is seen emerging from the shadow of its young star as the solar system forms.

Previous attempts to watch planet formation have been obscured by a cloud of dust from the new world.

However, this latest image from the VLT bypassed the dust by analysing the light around the newly-formed planet.

The dark region at the centre of the image produced is due to a filter which blocks the blinding light of the star and allows astronomers to detect the planet.

The planet itself is the bright orb of light to the right of the black disk.

The coronograph is a key part of the discovery, as without it, the sheer brightness of the light produced by its host star PDS 70 would overwhelm any light coming from the planet, making it indistinguishable.


The European Southern observatory (ESO) built the most powerful telescope ever made and called it the Very Large Telescope (VLT).

The telescope is widely regarded as one of the most advanced optical instruments ever made and consists of four Telescopes.

The main mirrors measures 8.2 metres (27 feet) in diameter and there are also four movable 1.8 metre (six feet) diameter auxiliary telescopes.

The large telescopes are called Antu, Kueyen, Melipal and Yepun.

The first of the Unit Telescopes, ‘Antu’, went into routine scientific operations on 1 April 1999.

The telescopes can work together to form a giant ‘interferometer’.

This interferometer allows images to be filtered for any unnecessary obscuring objects and, as a result, astronomers can see details up to 25 times finer than with the individual telescopes.

It has been involved in spotting the first image of an extrasolar planet, tracking individual stars moving around the supermassive black hole at the centre of the Milky Way and observing the afterglow of the furthest known Gamma ray burst.

‘These discs around young stars are the birthplaces of planets, but so far only a handful of observations have detected hints of baby planets in them,’ explains Miriam Keppler, who lead the team behind the discovery of PDS 70’s still-forming planet.

‘The problem is that until now, most of these planet candidates could just have been features in the disc.’

It is believed that the planet is roughly 1.8 billion miles (three billion kilometres) from the central star, about the same as the distance between Uranus and the Sun.

For scale, that is almost as far as travelling around Earth’s equator almost 75,000 times.

Despite being this far from its star, the gas giant has a mass a few times heavier than Jupiter and its surface temperature exceeds 1,000°C (1832°F).

The newborn world was snapped using the ESO's Very Large Telescope (pictured) in Chile's Atacama desert and is thought to be 370 light years from Earth. It filtered out the signals of other celestial bodies to make the discovery possible

The newborn world was snapped using the ESO’s Very Large Telescope (pictured) in Chile’s Atacama desert and is thought to be 370 light years from Earth. It filtered out the signals of other celestial bodies to make the discovery possible

Sphere had to use specially designed observing strategies and data processing techniques to filter out the signal of the faint planetary companions around the bright young star to make this discovery possible.

Thomas Henning, director at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy and leader of the teams, summarises the scientific adventure: ‘After more than a decade of enormous efforts to build this high-tech machine, now Sphere enables us to reap the harvest with the discovery of baby planets!’

The Kepler telescope has been used to capture pictures of planets in their formative years, but not at this level of detail.

Dr Keppler says that the methods employed by the Kepler telescope, which is in orbit, are not perfect.

Kepler looks for drops in brightness as a planet passes in front of the star.

‘In this case we now have a direct image [of the planet] in its ‘birthplace’, which is the circumstellar disc,’ Dr Keppler told The Guardian.

‘This is especially important because people have been wondering [for a long time], how these planets actually form and how the dust and the material in this disc forms [into] a planet, and now we can directly observe this.’

The full findings will be published in two upcoming papers in the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics.

for more, including video, go to:    http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-5909035/Scientists-capture-image-showing-moment-new-planet-born-time.html

No CO2, No Beer

Beer Shortage Looms in Europe As CO2 Supply Dwindles

Beer Shortage Looms in Europe As CO2 Supply Dwindles

Beer drinkers in Europe could soon find that their favorite pub’s taps have run dry.

Credit: Shutterstock

Forget the conundrum of whether your glass is half-empty or half-full — pretty soon, plenty of beer glasses in the United Kingdom may not have anything in them at all.

Soda drinkers won’t have much to toast with, either. And it’s all due to a severe disruption in the European supply chain of industrial, food-grade carbon dioxide (CO2), the gas that lends the beverages their fizz, gas industry website Gasworld reported on June 19.

The CO2 shortage isn’t just affecting beverages — it’s also serving up a generous helping of trouble for meat production in Europe. Carbon dioxide is used in meat packaging to slow the growth of microbes and preserve the meat’s color and freshness, and in slaughterhouses, CO2 is used to stun animals prior to killing them, representatives of the British Meat Processors Association (BMPA) reported in a statement released June 21.

The trouble began with the recent closure of several industrial plants that provide liquid CO2 across northern Europe; they were shuttered “for various reasons, including maintenance and refurbishment,” affecting a number of businesses that produce or distribute food and beverages, Gavin Partington, director general at the British Soft Drinks Association, said in a statement on June 20.

BMPA officials reported on June 21 that the CO2 shortage would likely last “approximately four weeks.” In the days that followed, the flow of CO2 across northern Europe slowed to a trickle, with the U.K. the hardest hit by the CO2 scarcity. On June 26, a widely used British wholesale food and beverage company began rationing distribution of carbonated drinks, restricting businesses’ purchases to no more than 10 cases of beer and a maximum of five cases of cider or soda, CNBC reported.

Meanwhile, concerns were growing that meats, beer and carbonated beverages would disappear from British supermarket shelves “if a normal supply of CO2 is not restored as quickly as possible,” Ian Wright, a representative of the U.K.’s Food and Drink Federation (FDF) said in a statement released June 29.

CO2 that puts the fizz in your beer and soda is fundamentally the same as CO2 in Earth’s atmosphere, but it must be food-grade quality. In other words, to be used in food or drink, CO2 has to be purified according to local regulations and standards, and then shown to be free of contaminants, chemist and American Chemical Society member Richard Sachleben told Live Science.

This CO2 is typically produced as a byproduct of industrial or chemical manufacturing processes, such as those used in ammonia plants. It is dissolved in liquid in sealed containers under high-pressure conditions, Sachleben explained. Once the CO2 is sealed up, it has nowhere to go until the container is opened, which is why you see fizz rising in a bottle after you open the cap and release the pressure inside, enabling the CO2 to convert to gas and escape, he said.

“As long as you maintain the pressure, carbon dioxide will stay in the liquid — if you release the pressure, it’ll release into the atmosphere,” Sachleben said.

But in case you’re wondering if the U.K. and the rest of Europe could get some relief from the CO2 shortage by siphoning CO2 from the atmosphere — that wouldn’t be a practical solution, Sachleben told Live Science.

Even with rising levels of atmospheric CO2 due to climate change, CO2 in the air is still only about 400 parts per million, and is mixed with nitrogen, oxygen and other elements. It would therefore be quite a costly and time-consuming challenge to extract and refine purified CO2 from air — at least in the amounts that are typically collected from industrial processes, he said.

Original article on Live Science.

from:    https://www.livescience.com/62968-beer-shortage-co2-supply-dwindles.html

Dealing with Mars Retrograde

How To Get The Most Out Of Mars Retrograde: June 26 – August 27

How-To-Get-The-Most-Out-Of-Mars-Retrograde-June-26-–-August-27.jpgThe astrological Mars often gets a bad rap. Mars is associated with war, hostility, anger, and rage; it fuels the primal “id” of need and desire – all things we consider “bad.” 

But Mars is also the factor that provides energy and motivation, fueling our desires so that we can accomplish our goals and dreams. We need Mars, and can’t live without it. But we need Mars to be healthy and clean of extraneous issues and ego needs.

That’s where the retrograde cycle of Mars comes in. Every two years or so Mars turns retrograde (meaning it appears to move backward from our perspective here on Earth).

Mars is an active planet and easily frustrated, so Mars is not very happy or comfortable during the retrograde periods which can make things more difficult for us individually since the force of Mars tends to be expressed more internally when Mars is retrograde. We are more likely to feel frustrated and angry if things don’t go our way, and less able to put our plans into motion.

Retrograde cycles are an important part of the unfolding story of our lives, and connecting ourselves with the rhythms of the planetary movements helps us to unlock the power of the planets to guide and help us shape our destiny.

There is a time for action when planets are direct, and a time for rest and reflection when planets turn retrograde, and this is especially true for Mars. During this period we may find it more difficult to initiate new action – there is a tendency to feel like we’re going one step forward and two steps back.

Retrograde periods of Mars can feel frustrating because our desires are often thwarted. If we listen to the planetary wisdom of the retrograde cycle and turn our attention within, we can utilize this time to re-assess and re-evaluate our desires, hopes, and wishes.

What’s known as the “shadow period” of a retrograde cycle begins when a planet slows down in anticipation of the retrograde turn. As it comes to a “station” (still point) its energies are most potent.

During this “shadow” period we are being prepared for the retrograde cycle. Our spiritual brakes are applied, usually without our conscious will, and the world begins to slow down around us. We may find ourselves becoming more frustrated, and that can lead to anger.

During this shadow and retrograde period, between June 26 and August 27, 2018, we can use the retrograde magic to pay attention. Where are we trying to make something happen but the doors keep closing around us? Where are we feeling weak and unable to assert ourselves? How is our body’s energy system coping with the retrograde?

Everyone will experience this cycle differently depending upon the health of Mars in our own charts, but here are some strategies for everyone to get the most out of this retrograde period.

Most importantly, take care of your health and your physical energy. With any challenging Mars cycle, this means physical activity of some sort, and with as much vigor as intensity as you can muster. Physical activity is an excellent way to balance the energy of Mars.

The advice you may hear to avoid conflict during Mars retrograde periods is really not helpful. Conflict often cannot be avoided, and in my view, the best way to manage conflict is to express it early.

Mars retrograde periods can be excellent for resolving longstanding conflicts and for bringing up issues that need to be dealt with. In fact, the retrograde period will force the continued reflection of the conflict until it is resolved.

Reassess your greatest desires; write down the five most important priorities for you at this time in your life. This is not a time to begin implementing action to make those things happen, but instead to reflect on your current priorities and see if any of them need to be adjusted.

All retrograde periods are excellent for reviewing our internal landscape: our thoughts, feelings, emotions, desires.

Mars retrograde periods are excellent for repairing your home, but not for beginning a new addition or new home project.

Mars fuels passion, and when retrograde our passions may wane or fizzle out altogether. This is a normal part of the natural rhythm of the planets so don’t worry!

Conserve your energies and gather your strength so when the retrograde is over, and Mars has picked up energy again, you will have the force of Mars to assist you in taking action once again.

from:     https://gostica.com/astrology/how-to-get-the-most-out-of-mars-retrograde-june-26-august-27/