Drunvalo Melchizedek explains to humanity in his last book, The Mayan Ouroboros, how the cosmic cycles come full circle and how this relates to our higher selves. Melchizedek’s book is a continuation of Serpent of Light, and recounts the spiritual guidance our native Mayan ancestors share with us.
I have received many questions from people all over the world regarding what is going to happen on January 2016 and the months or years after that. It seems the whole world is asking what is going to happen from the Mayan perspective.
Well the Mayans themselves do not know exactly what is going to happen; or when, exactly. We have learned from Drunvalo about a ‘window’ that opened in 2009 and remained open until 2016. Anytime after this period of time, we might have a massive change of energy and vibrations. But the question is not when, why, or what. The question is how we will go through this process.
In this period of time, the most important thing is the connection with our ‘higher selves.’
What is the higher self? The higher self is the fragment of God which dwells within humans. It is the absolute and unqualified assurance that humans can find God. Every human who is consciously or unconsciously following the lead of the higher self is living in accordance with the will of God. Consciousness of the higher self is consciousness of God’s presence.
The higher self is the absolute essence of an infinite being imprisoned within the mind and soul of a finite creature. It is the humans’ infallible compass through the cosmic cycles, always and unerringly pointing the soul God-ward:
Our higher selves are possessed with unlimited ability to communicate with us and they are doing it each moment. They are our spirits, pure spirits; presumably, absolute spirits. They are also pure energy. God is the source of pure energy and pure spirit, so his fragments would be both.
Our higher selves are helping us each moment to transform our human nature and temporal, creature selves into the divine nature of an eternal being. Our higher selves are particularly interested not just in our intellectual capacity but more in our spiritual perception. What is the potential of our souls and the spiritual capacity of receptivity.
Our higher selves understand our difficult assignments to live here in the third dimension. However, communication with the higher self does not automatically bestow ease of living and freedom from strenuous thinking. Although, such a divine gift could confer a sublime peace of mind and a superb tranquility of spirit.
In the coming months and years, when the energy of our Mother Earth will change, we need to connect with our higher selves. We need to go in our hearts and listen. Our higher selves will change our feelings of fear to unconditional love and peace. But they cannot do it mechanically; this is our task. Knowing how to go into the heart and stay there will make the difference when Mother Earth changes vibration to a higher level.
When it comes to marking the difference between what is really right or wrong (not merely what you may call right and wrong), you can be sure that your higher self will always participate in a definite and active manner in such experiences.
And remember that our higher selves are concerned not just for this life but for our future lives, too. They are interested in helping you here, and to also see you progress to the higher level of consciousness. As you may be a human parent, so your higher self the divine parent of the real you–your advancing self, your better spiritual self.
They are the unceasing urge that leads humans to attempt the mastery of the material and present existence in the light of the spiritual and future cosmic cycles. Our higher selves are interested in, and concerned with, our daily doings and the details of our lives, to the extent that these are influential in the determination of our significant, temporal choices and vital spiritual decisions, Hence, higher selves are factors in the solution of our problems related to soul survival and eternal progress.
The connection with the higher self is affected by our unsteady and rapidly shifting mental attitudes. The work of the higher self is greatly retarded by our own preconceived opinions, settled ideas, and long-standing prejudices. Because of these handicaps, we may have a slow connection with our higher selves, so confusion of concepts is inevitable. Therefore, safety lies only in prompt recognition of each and every thought and experience for what it actually and fundamentally is, without regard for our fear of what it might have been.
The higher self is not devoted to influencing our human thoughts. This is our exclusive personality prerogative. They cannot interfere with our believe patterns. They are dedicated to communicating with us and helping to improve, modify, adjust, and co-ordinate our thinking process. They are devoted to the work of building up spiritual counterparts of our career, of our true advancing selves.
Regardless of the year we are in the cosmic cycles or the change in the energy ,we must have faith and remember the difference between faith and belief. Belief fixates, faith liberates. Belief may become group possessions, but faith must be personal. Theological beliefs can be shared with a group, but faith can rise up only in the heart of the individual. Living faith does not foster bigotry, persecution or intolerance. The energy and vigor of faith is according to our knowledge and its striving is the preludes to sublime peace.
12 Powerful Ways To Access Hidden Dimensions and Alternate Realities
Our whole life is a rush. We chase our desires and unfulfilled dreams. We are attracted by money, power, prestige, a wholesome, happy life. Spurred by our ambitions, we pursue various goals all through our lives. We aspire for something all the time, we always want to achieve something. This restless rush is instigated by our fear that we are still not what we want to be. We are never satisfied, we always want something else. We therefore lose our grip on the deeper dimensions of life. The deeper dimensions are present in our life, but we lose contact with them because of our lack of Alertness. The question therefore arises, how we are able to access the deeper dimensions of Life?
12 Keys to access the Deeper Dimensions of Life
Key 1.
You are an immortal being, who is lost in the world of isolation, and is now desperately searching for Itself.
Key 2.
With your mind full of thoughts, you will never find the Truth, because it can only reveal itself in the silent space of the Heart.
Key 3.
Step over the categorizing, analyzing working methods of your mind and let the richness of your genuine self to blossom inside you.
Key 4.
If the mind is calm and peaceful, it has no fear, envy or sorrow, then a flow would carry it onwards, that has no beginning nor end: the flow of Life.
Key 5.
You can only experience the flow of Life inside and around you in the state of awakened consciousness.
Key 6.
Awake from the stupor of the identification of your thoughts and desires, and then in the motionless space of Consciousness the insane, forever changing world will be tamed into a wonderful game.
Key 7.
The alertness is the door opening to our original life status, to the Oneness.
Key 8.
The alertness is a blazing fire inside you, which consumes the world of isolation around you.
Key 9.
Beware! The awakened consciousness is dangerous, because it can destroy your dreams of spiritual growth in a moment.
“No legacy is so rich as honesty” — William Shakespeare
What really grates my carrots (and just about any decent, authentic person trying to live their truth) are liars — those truth benders, fibbers, perjurers and yarn spinners.
Since moving to a small town, I have discovered that there are more fabricators in this world than I ever dared believe!
I’ve come to truly grasp that people judge you on their own principles. In other words, if they lack certain morals, they’ll assume you are just as devious as they are.
Trusting People are Honest
I love Nelson Mandela’s take on believing that people have integrity until proven otherwise.
He used to start off with the assumption that you are dealing with him in good faith, in the hope that this will bring out the good in people and improve the chance that they will reveal their better selves.
Some might say it is naive to give others the benefit of the doubt but Mandela believed that, even by making oneself vulnerable by trusting others, we at least give decency and honesty a chance. And in doing that, possibly attract integrity and honor from others.
This is how I’ve tried to live my life but, oh boy, I’ve been challenged lately! How are things your end?
Hitting the Ball Out the Park!
I love how synchronicity works, listen to this: I was pondering all the fibby-fibblers people have told me recently and trying to better understand why they behave in such a way.
I settled down for the evening with my favorite series when one of the characters started lecturing another character about telling the truth and said something in the vein of, ‘when you don’t tell the truth you deny the other of their dignity’.
Whoa! Well, I don’t know about you but I almost fell out of my seat…that really hit home with me. So that’s why it hurts so much!
Why We Feel Deflated with Liars
Dignity can be defined as our magnificence. I don’t truly think anyone can strip us of that but it can really sting for a while.
In my opinion, the liar’s dignity is more fragmented when trust is broken. So, anyone hatching an equivocation should seriously ponder that one!
When we are the ones on the receiving end of a bald-faced lie, it may hurt our pride/ego/feelings/heart but inevitably we can pick ourselves up and learn from the experience with head held high (don’t be disheartened by the experience! There are plenty of genuine gems in the world.).
However, it hurts when trust is broken, but — as Mandela tried to purvey — your heart is in the right place when you give people the benefit of the doubt.
“In a time of universal deceit – telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” — George Orwell
Don’t call yourself ‘stupid’ or ‘foolish’ when this happens, call yourself integrous — it’s a good thing! However, you must learn to guard yourself, set boundaries and try to identify the traits of a liar if and when you come up against the universal test again.
The Opposite Side of the Scale ain’t Pretty
The antithesis would be walking around in a world where we are suspicious of everyone — not a very nice projection, wouldn’t you say? You may even start attracting unsavory characters purely through your intention.
I’m not saying that you must just trust willy-nilly — no, you can initially give people the benefit of the doubt but if any of the below traits start red-flagging you are perfectly within your integrity to put a stop to it and walk away or not buy into the BS.
What to do About Liars
Learn to:
Trust your gut instinct (what is your first impression? Your body can pick up on the energy fields of others — read more about that HERE),
read body signals (especially rapid eye movements and people who can’t stare you in the eyes when talking. There can also be excessive fidgeting),
take note of inconsistency and
rely on your innate wisdom — if alarm bells are going off it’s time to wake up. Some liars are master manipulators and lies can only be detected once you really get to know them. So, your first impression may be positive but, down the line, things may change. Heed those warning signals!
I suppose, more importantly, don’t let it get to you. Don’t let it change your conduct. Don’t let other people’s lack of morality alter your authenticity. Don’t let it change your view on people in general.
Yeah, there are liars out there but there are a lot of good people too. Keep your focus on them. Navigate the minefields of deceivers but keep you eye on the prize — a world where truth is the only way forward.
“I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.” — Martin Luther King, Jr.
Now to drop the spanner in the works: Try to bear in mind that there are no facts only interpretations. Everyone has their own truth and our job is to find the compassion for the ones whose perspective differs from our own.
We’re all walking a difficult path. Barring the ones who lie for their own ill gain, most people lie because of insecurities or to mask their own pain. Compassion goes a long way.
However, compassion doesn’t mean you put your neck on the chopping block — it merely offers a deeper understanding of why people lie.
“Our duty is to encourage every one in his struggle to live up to his own highest idea, and strive at the same time to make the ideal as near as possible to the Truth.” — Swami Vivekananda
The growing question for many people in this time of awakening is, “what is a high vibrational diet?” I have been asking myself since I was a little girl. I was the child who asked for bitter tea, a sprout avocado pita and strawberries for dessert. WHY? One good reason is because my dad put it on my plate, but there was more to it than that! From a very early age, I knew that there was a direct connection between my state and what I ate. In this blog I am going to explore how diet ties into your vibration, and how you can make simple changes (15 easy steps at the bottom) that can really assist you in these crazy awesome transformational times.
A high vibrational diet consists of foods that are ALIVE and that positively benefit the person, as well as the planet as a whole. High vibration means having more light, and thus less density. Plants exemplify this by photosynthesizing light into energy.
In my experience I haven’t found the perfect, “highest vibrational diet” to follow. The idea of following is falling away. At this stage of the human game, it has become necessary to more fully rely on your own intuition in combination with experts and science you resonate with. We are meant to become self-empowered and know what is our own highest good. We are each soooo unique and in such different circumstances, that there is no one right diet. What I can say is there IS a very specific vibration and global reverberation to each food you eat.
Humanity is Lightening Up
In desiring to become more enlightened, you will naturally find yourself lightening up. Humanity is awakening to its connection to Source and its ability to turn infinite accessible light into physical energy.
Monks and Chi Gong masters generate chi from their own internal Light Source, and can even generate enough energetic heat to sweat in the freezing cold. Breatharians “eat” light, like plants, by taking in the sun’s energy and breathing prana. When people become consciousness that bodies are densified light, then they will act as their own free energy devices. In the meantime, you can prepare your body and mind for these new levels of energy conversion and generation with nourishing, high vibrational foods.
Expansion requires humanity to more fully embrace its connection to nature and simultaneously open to higher frequencies that extraterrestrials utilize. Humans are upgrading physically as well as energetically, to a higher density, enabling rekindled ET connections. Present humans are more sensitive and light than the humans of the past, thus requiring less dense and more living, natural foods.
Food is Very Personal
Food is a sticky subject. People are very identified with what they eat. In times of stress people often use food for emotional comfort. This approach is understandable based on the challenges of everyday life. There are more balanced, long-term ways of creating natural states of harmony through cleansing and dietary choice.
“Many people are not aware of how large of an effect their diet has on their state of being. Your physiological health is literally the platform for your consciousness. The Nero-transmitters and hormones responsible for your moods and state of being are directly correspondent to your nutritional intake, as well as the level of toxins that are present in your system. You are what you eat and if you’re eating dead chemical filled junk, you will feel like dead chemical filled junk…” -Patrick Haize, from Transformation Reversing Old Habits
One of the most important keys to raising your vibration through diet are the thoughts you create around it. Thoughts are vibration. Be kind to yourself and be aware of judgements you hold against yourself and other people’s dietary choices. Whether you can circumstantially make these changes or not, sending love and gratitude to your food, and all that it took to get to your plate makes a big difference. Be present while you eat, chew, breath and feel appreciative for this energetic exchange.
Detox Before Listening To Your Body
You may have heard people say, “Listen to your body, it will tell you what to eat.” This is only part of the equation. You also need to detox so you can clearly listen to what your body’s natural communication.
Presently, everyone on the planet, unless you have done the following protocols, has a myriad of toxins in their body including: parasites, pesticides, heavy metals (from chemtrails & aluminum products), (minor) radiation, xeno/phytoestrogens (from plastics), GMOs, parabens, fluoride, putrefying undigested foods, and calcium phosphate… just to name a few.
Many of these things, from emotional imbalances caused by phytoestrogens to parasites throughout the body, even have the ability to dictate your thoughts. Parasites are one of the few things on Earth that kill their own environment and we have them crawling in us. With all of these toxins in your systems, how can you can hear the call of our natural self?
Many of the nutrients and nourishing things you intake do not satiate the body’s needs because they are unable to be absorbed with toxins in the way. I recommend trying various cleanses and detoxification protocols to assist with this. After taking those steps, notice what your body craves, and how much more satisfied it feels with less.
Measured Vibrations of Food
Frenchman André Simoneton, an expert on electromagnetism, created an experiment in the 1930’s and 40’s measuring the electromagnetic waves of particular foods. He found that for a human to be at good health they must maintain a vibration of 6500 angstrom. Source of this information: www.healthcenternutrition.webs.com
Foods that he rated in his “first category”, with the highest vibration were, between 6,500 and 10,000 angstrom, included: fresh fruits, vegetables, olive, sweet almonds, sunflower seeds, coconut, soy (since been modified), peanuts, hazelnuts and whole grains (whole grains have since been chemically hybridized, read more below).
In the second category, with radiations 6,500 to 3,000 angstroms, are the vegetables cooked in boiling water, milk, fridge butter, eggs not freshly laid, honey, cooked fish, peanut oil, sugar cane and wine.
The third category, with very weak radiations below 3,000 angstroms, is comprised of cooked meats, sausages, coffee, (black) tea, (regular) chocolate, jams, processed cheeses and white bread.
The fourth category, exhibits practically no energy and includes margarine, conserves, alcoholic spirits, refined white sugar and bleached flour.
Using Simoneton’s method, consuming foods below 6,500 angstroms would hinder, and deteriorate our natural vibration and health.
Incorporating Raw Food
Nature gifted us foods that are naturally full of life. When you cook food and change its state by adding heat, you change its vibration, nutrient content and vitality.
There is a prevailing belief that you need to cook your food to kill harmful bacteria, but in doing this you also kill the life force of fruits and vegetables, as well as the nutrient content by about 1/3 or more. This is mainly done for preservation purposes and shelf-life. In the past we preserved foods by fermentation (the first ketchups) and other natural methods such as salting, cooling and drying foods, which maintained the life force as well as preserving it. Chemical additives used for preservation also toxifies foods.
I’ve found that everything my tastebuds dream of can be made raw from lasagna to pizza, brownies, berry jams and grain-free bread… it’s all possible. Often times we associate raw diets with eating only cold foods, fruits, vegetables and salads. Transitioning to a highly raw diet takes time and doing it correctly is an art form. You can read what I have learned about it here and also take advice from the experts below.
Vegetable soups and other dishes can be warmed up to 105-115 degrees and still maintain their vibrational integrity. When preparing legumes, root vegetables, and starches, soaking and higher temperatures are often needed to extract their medicinal benefits. According to Simoneton, the vibration of the foods we just named go up when properly“cooked” (click here to read more about how to properly prepare these items).
There are many longstanding pioneers in the raw food movement who I have come to trust two of which are Gabriel Cousens and David Wolfe. One of the most amazing examples of a raw food pioneer is 110 year old Fernando, the oldest man in America.
Quality of Food
The vibration of food is derived from the energy it was created with. The vitality of a wild herb found in a remote forest, is going to have a very different energy than a non-organic herb grown in a factory on the side of the freeway, just outside of metropolitan area.
In the picture on the left, you can see the kirlian photography, which depicts the energy and aura radiating from two different mushrooms. You can see that the organically grown mushroom, on the left, has more light and vibrancy than one the commercially grown mushroom on the right.
The more natural and higher quality foods we can buy, the higher the vibration will be. Growing your own food would be the best way to receive the most vitality from your food. When you grow your own food you have the ability to: Use spring water (upping nutrient content & reducing chemicals), feed plants with natural organic nutrient dense supplements, raise the vibration with ormus, grow with the cycles of the season & moon, utilize zeolites take out heavy metals and toxins, and connect the food with your DNA (popularized by the Anastasia books, explaining many processes like activating the seed with your saliva) and send them your own loving intention. For more on amping up your garden, I highly suggest information by Ken Rhola from Fresh & Alive.
When gathering food to eat just do your best. Some of the things you can implement if growing your own food is not available are: Shop at local farmer’s markets, join a crop sharing group, shop at local co-ops, buy organic non-GMO foods at the store, and biodynamically grown foods. The nutrient content (and likely the vibration) goes down by 1/3 from transporting the food from farm to store, so shopping locally would increase the vitality of your food. If money is a challenge and even if it is not, look for local fruit trees or edible treasures you can wild harvest. Often times the highest vibrational foods are freely given by nature all around you. Set up trade and barter with your local farmers by sharing your gifts and services. Everything is possible when you are open and willing to receiving the solution.
Repercussions of Food
Everything and everyone is interconnected. Each action you take shifts your macrocosmic experience.
If the impact of the food being produced is negatively impacting the planet, then there’s a high likelihood that the food will have a lower energetic vibration. If a food has a high vibration, then it would by definition have been produced in a way that is in harmony with all the lifeforms touched in its production cycle.
I recommend reading Patrick Haize’s article, The Global Impact of Our Diets & Everyday Everyday Lifestyle Solutionsfor more on this subject. It parallels the theme of this blog and goes in depth on the global impact of diet, and has a rich library of educational resources and solutions.
“… Animal agriculture is arguably the most environmentally damaging industry in the world. Animal Agriculture takes up 45% of the entire world’s land-space and is alone responsible for 51% of all worldwide greenhouse gas emissions, 80-90% of US water consumption, and 91% of Amazon destruction. It is also the leading cause of species extinction, ocean dead zones, water pollution and habitat destruction in the world, and this is only a small fraction of the statistics.” -Patrick Haize, The Global Impact of Our Diets & Everyday Everyday Lifestyle Solutions
No matter what society has become accustomed to eating, we are at a point where we must change what we eat and wean ourselves from foods that are irreversibly destroying the very planet that sustains us. If you eat an animal rather than a plant you’re getting your energy secondhand which is much less efficient. We will need to cut back and cut out certain animal products to bring the Earth back into balance, due to the disastrous effects of commercial farming, agriculture and fishing. If you were going to consume animal products, get them from sources that do not use hormones and antibiotics and treat the animals well.
It may be challenging acknowledge and to really feel the true impact of what it means to eat what you eat. It is scary to take responsibility for destruction on Earth, but a HUGE part of shifting your vibration is becoming fully conscious of your actions and choosing differently. It is time to be courageous, adaptable and open to positive change within yourself to effect the whole in a beautiful way.
Locational and Cultural Dietary Influence
The location of where you live has a vibration. Whether it is a city or a natural place, the pace and frequency will determine the diet of its inhabitants. The climate and products available are another determining factor of a locational cultural diet. Scientists are now discovering in teleportation, that location is a variable of the object. This means that location changes our human vibrational signature. Since location is a variable of your vibrational person, the place you live has a huge impact on who you are and what you eat.
What are the cultural food beliefs of your location? People are subconsciously, and sometimes very obviously influenced by those around us. Often times people’s choices are heavily influenced by an overruling collective momentum. To shift your dietary choices, it is important to step out of collective programs, and the locations that house them and choose what you prefer from your own natural intuition. This can can be done by taking time camping in nature to reset your system or visiting Earth power points that hold a more neutral collective energetic field. Everything is possible everywhere, but certain lifestyle and vibrational choices can be made easier in certain locations.
My Personal Observations: I was raised on a vegetarian diet in Utah (born in 1987) which was quite challenging. My diet was the complete opposite of everyone I knew and I felt others relentless judgements of my choices. Our family created a energetic bubble to make this dietary choice a reality because of the lack of cultural support. When I headed off to California for college, I immediately felt a new “cultural pressure,” as well as what the environmental offering, to eat fish. Because the Southern California culture is so physically healthy, I felt supported by having fresh juices, organic restaurants all around and a healthy lifestyle as the social standard. When I went abroad to Europe, the culture of those places left almost no room for me to be vegetarian (at the time). If I wanted to participate with others I knew I had to adapt so I began eating meat for a short time. As I moved from place to place, I could feel the programed dietary imprint of each place and culture. When I landed in midwestern US cities, I craved chocolate milk and heavy foods. When I was in away from people in nature, all I wanted to eat were light raw foods. I found it very interesting how the culture, location and climate made such a big impact on me. I want to reiterate that every type of lifestyle and diet is possible anywhere once you become aware of any unconscious patterns and choose to act on what you prefer.
Incorporating Dietary & Lifestyle Solutions
Everyone has the ability to choose, in every moment, who they are and how they want to live. As many of you know, fad and drastic diets shifts do not have long-term fortitude. One of my favorite things to do is incorporate dietary solutions before letting go old patterns.
The most important thing in shifting to a higher vibrational diet is to be kind to yourself. Self-love and appreciation will allow any shame or self-sabotage to dissolve which will empower you to take baby steps in a new direction. A question you can ask yourself each day is, “how can I nourish and better take care of my mind-body-soul today?”
Many of the “not so good for us” dietary decisions we make are due to jobs, relationships or lifestyles that are not in alignment with our natural selves, thus leading to “emotionally eating” to come back to equilibrium. This is okay! Let yourself become aware of the choices that lead to these actions, and see what beliefs you can change to enable you to lead a more healthy and holistic life.
Healthy foods make a big difference to our energy states, but there other things you can incorporate that will assist your vibration such as conscious breathing, movement, dancing, time in nature, meditation and a million other activities you can do that will renew the mind-body-soul at a very deep level, thus leading to healthier dietary choices.
15 Simple Transitionary Dietary Solutions I Can Do Today!
As you look at this list, just choose 1 or 2 items to incorporate over the next few weeks. Then come back, and add in something else next month. Baby steps. It is good for the body, mind and soul to transition at a natural pace.
Determination and Willingness to be Different: The most important key to transition to a high vibrational diet is to change your beliefs. An open, willing and determined mental and emotional shift is required to make a longstanding difference. A commitment to yourself as well, as a plan to “stay on track” such this list here, to incorporate solutions and adapt to a new way of being. It can be challenging being around friends and family who may make comments or start challenging dietary discussions. This comes with the territory of stepping out and being who you truly choose to be.
Go Organic, biodynamic, wild, and local: Do the best you can to incorporate non-GMO and organic foods in your diet, as I shared above. This will make a huge difference!!
Spring Water: Tap water and many corporate water bottling companies havetoxic chemicals such as fluoride, heavy metals, chlorine, BPA and other toxins.It is also stagnant and does not hold the life-force of energized natural water sources our ancestors used to drink from. Spring water has been contained underground in aquifers for thousands of years, not exposing it to the pollution and contamination on the Earth’s surface. Many people are switching to reverse osmosis or kengan water which draws minerals from the body. In most areas throughout the world, there is accessible spring water to start drinking. I suggest buying a few 5-6 gallon BPA free or glass water jugs, and making it a ritual to collect fresh spring water every few weeks. To find a spring in your area click here. If for some reason you can’t get spring water close to you, you can order Moutain Valley Spring Water, which ships throughout the US or add minerals, and structure, reverse osmosis water.
Cleanse & Detox: I already said this above, but I want to reiterate it again. Cleansing will help your body optimally function and clear the way for you to absorb all of the nutrients you are taking in.
Mineralize: Often times when you are hungry or tired, it is your body seeking minerals. Many foods lack the essential fulvic acids (rich minerals) that were once naturally in the soil. By eating super mineral rich foods and supplementing fulvic acid, we give the body what it really wants that our fruits and vegetables have lower amounts of. Mineralized foods that are easy to incorporate: Sea salt (celtic is my favorite), sea vegetables (full of iodine and mineral rich) such as nori, kelp, irish moss and dulse, fulvic acid supplement, organic lemon water, organic non-gmo organic miso (Miso Masters or South River Miso) and other cultured foods such as kimchi and sauerkraut.
Sugar: Many of us know by now that refined sugar is really bad for us. We hear the stories of how native’s teeth would decay and have problems, only when introduced to sugar by Westerners. So what are our options? For me, I have a sweet tooth and there are plenty of ways to taste the sweet nectar of life without deteriorating your body. The brain needs “good” sugars to properly function. In our culture we get wayyy to much and part of the craving is due to parasites, not necessarily our body’s needs. After I did a parasite cleanse, my fruit and sugar intake naturally fell to about 1/3 of what I was consuming before. Good (low- glycemic) sugars include: raw honey (ammmazing for health and vibration), lucuma powder, raw coconut palm sugar, stevia, agave, real maple syrup, yacon, goji berries (to use in recipes) and dates.
Have Guts – In your gut there is good bacteria that helps breakdown foods and assimilate nutrients, and “bad” bacteria and parasites that cause inflammation and even live off of the foods you intake. Cultivating strong gut flora is very important to overall health. By taking probiotic supplementation and eating fermented foods such as kimchi, sauerkraut, coconut and yogurt kefirs you can begin building strong gut flora. Here is a good simple resource to get started and my friend Jennifer Lotus is very adept on the subject and hosts online courses on rebuilding the gut if you are interested.
Go Green! Most people’s bodies are acidic from stress and toxic diets. When the body’s PH is not in natural balance, sickness, weight gain, depression and low energy can occur. By incorporating more high PH foods, such as green vegetables and fruits, the body can come back to equilibrium with renewed vitality. In some cases people take this too far and become too alkaline, but for the most part, transitioning to an alkaline diet is going to have very beneficial results.
Get Soaked: Soaking raw nuts, raw seeds, legumes and ancient grains breaks down enzyme inhibitors allowing smooth digestion and nutrient assimilation. The standard soak time for all of the above is about 5-8 hours or overnight.
Plant-based Proteins: A helpful consideration, especially to the planet, is cutting down on animal forms of protein and switching to plant-based sources. Ahhhhh, the biggest question I have heard all my life, “Where do you get your protein?” I will now ask you a question, “Where does a cow, chicken and elephant get its protein?” The animals get all the protein they need from a plant-based diet. Protein is in fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds.Broccoli is 50% protein! Cooking changes the molecular structure of animal proteins often rendering it unusable by the body. In most cases over half of the bioavailable protein in cooked meat is lost and even more in pasteurized dairy. My favorite forms of vegan protein are bee pollen (rich in vitamins & minerals and has 14.4g per 1/4 C), pea protein (super bio-available and 10.6g per 1/4 C & more from the protein powder), spirulina, flax seeds, hemp seeds, chia seeds, black beans, macadamia nuts just to name a few. Click here for a full list that I’ve put together & click here for a website with awesome vegetarian recipes!
Good Fats: Incorporate good fats into your diet, cold-pressed organic oils such as olive oil, coconut oil, sesame oil, hemp oil and avacados! Doing this will increase brain function and make the skin subtle.Many of the fats in packaged foods and at restaurants, even in organic products, are rancid which clogs the gallbladder. Be aware of your choices and feel free to do occasional gallbladder cleanses to clear out built up rancid fats.
Grains: Around the 1960’s the dawn of radiologically induced mutations where successive generations of chemically hybridized wheat cultivars shifted glutenin and gliadin from healthy protein to toxins, created wheat created allergies and sensitivities. Ancient grains (pre-modified) such as likeemmer, spelt and einkorn (Click here to order awesome sourdough Einkorn bread from my friend) are more easily digestible and don’t cause body inflammation. You can also choose from a variety of “grass seeds” or non-grain options if that works better with your system, such as: quinoa, buckwheat, hemp based products (granola, etc), coconut flour, almond flour, mesquite flour, wild rices. Remember to introduce soaking (#8) and fermentation (#6) to your baking and making, for better digestion and assimilation of these foods.
Incorporate Raw: As I already shared above, fresh food have a high vibration, living enzymes and nutritional content is higher when it is left raw. Many foods, when cooked, become toxic which create antibodies in the removal of these toxin, rather than using the body’s natural digestive enzymes. A more raw, plant-based diet will bring back our body’s natural digestive enzymes, but you may need to supplement digestive enzymes as you transition your diet. In my explorations, almost everything you can dream of can be made raw like jelly, cakes, brownies, pizzas, lasagna… When I first started, I thought raw meant living on apples and salad! Nope, there are so many possibilities. Let this be a chance to curiously explore how you can keep your fruits, veggies, seeds and nuts alive! When you do need to warm or steam vegetables in the fall and winter season, tune into them and don’t over-cook. Many legumes, starches, and root vegetables need to be “cooked” to make their medicines bioavailable. Even when preparing these, a roaring boil means they’re taking their last scream of life before they die ? Click here to read the blog I wrote with recipe ideas and how to medicinally “cook” these items.
Coffee & Stimulants: Intaking these substances gives you a false sense of energy and actually fatigues the adrenals which depletes the kidneys. Long-term, this leads to premature aging due to draining your essential life-force (known as “Jing” in Chinese Medicine). There are many coffee alternatives on the market now that have the tasty satisfaction without the crash: Teeccino or Chaga Tea to name a few. If you can’t give up your coffee, at least lower your intake, or add in herbal kidney/adrenal balancers – Jing supplements. Coffee is acidic which lowers the body’s energy levels, but by incorporating a higher alkaline diet and gentle cleansing, you can regain your essential energy and may no longer need the pick me up. Here’s my friend’s tonic latte recipe.
Take time for Yourself: Above all!! Take time to rest, get proper sleep, relax, do what you love and LAUGH. This is the best thing for your body-mind and soul.
Election time is here again, and Americans are scrambling to make sense of the choices being pimped out to us by the establishment. So much hangs in the balance right now, and it’s impossible to escape election coverage as the entire world watches with bated breath. Oh, who will it be?
Recent polls suggest around 40% of Americans consider themselves to be ‘independent’ voters, which is understandable, as this nation has always been one of maverick thinkers and innovators. The conscientious, the creative and the courageous, I believe.
Yet, now we’re also well-trained, obedient, and habituated to over-indulgence in tradition and entertainment. And as it is, the powers that be are also at the top of their game when it comes to corralling the American people into the phony left/right political paradigm. And they’re better than ever at tricking Joe Public into believing that anti-establishment candidates come from establishment political parties.
People are waking up to the charade, though, and the election cycles do highlight the ever-growing demand for something better than what we have. Eventually this awakening will reach critical mass, but this storm is a long time coming.
Some of our most revered presidents and leaders have warned us that what we see and know as the outer face of the American government is hardly the true picture of the actual forces that control the American government. Many past presidents and other prominent American figures have alluded to a secret takeover of our nation that has been underway since its inception. In this model, the president is little more than a distraction, a figure head for the people to focus on while the real work is done behind the curtain.
The Banksters – Public Enemy Number One
Without honest money, un-adulterated by private entities, human civilization will be always be paralyzed by public and private debt. The banking establishment, having been working behind the scenes to accumulate political power for centuries now, has unprecedented control over world governments and world events.
Thomas Jefferson, the principal author of the Declaration of Independence, and third president wrote:
“I sincerely believe, with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies.” —Thomas Jefferson, U.S. President (1801–1809) in a letter written to John Taylor on May 28, 1816
Furthermore, former Vice-President and U.S. Senator John C. Calhoun remarked in a speech given on May 27, 1836:
“A power has risen up in the government greater than the people themselves, consisting of many and various powerful interests, combined in one mass, and held together by the cohesive power of the vast surplus in banks.” – John C. Calhoun, Vice President (1825-1832) and U.S. Senator
After president Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, giving formation to our private central bank, he is quoted to have shown considerable remorse in the following statement:
“I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.” – Woodrow Wilson, U.S. President (1913-1921)
Wilson went on to confide in his memoirs other things that were of concern to him regarding the hidden power structure in America:
“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” – Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the United States, The New Freedom, 1913
Franklin D. Roosevelt warned us also of the heavy influence of the banking elite on national politics in this statement:
The Military Industrial Complex, Secret Societies and the Deep State
In addition to the secretive banking powers in the US, the true power structure in America is also made up of a complex web of corporations, secret societies, think-tanks, and influential people, and this network has been exposed as well by many former leaders.
In 1913, former president Theodore Roosevelt shared his perception of how true political influence works:
“Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day.”— Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt, An Autobiography, 1913 (Appendix B)
References to a hidden hand played by the Illuminati and Freemasonry extend all the way back to our first president, George Washington, who himself was a known member of several secret societies.
“It was not my intention to doubt that, the Doctrines of the Illuminati, and principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more truly satisfied of this fact than I am. The idea that I meant to convey, was, that I did not believe that the Lodges of Free Masons in this Country had, as Societies, endeavoured to propagate the diabolical tenets of the first, or pernicious principles of the latter (if they are susceptible of seperation). That Individuals of them may… actually had a seperation [sic] of the People from their Government in view, is too evident to be questioned.” – George Washington, 1st President of the United States (1789–1797), from a letter that Washington wrote on October 24, 1798, which can be found in the Library of Congress.
President Eisenhower, in his farewell address in 1961 warned of the entrenchment of the military industrial complex:
“Until the latest of our world conflicts, the United States had no armaments industry. American makers of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as well. But now we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense; we have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. Added to this, three and a half million men and women are directly engaged in the defense establishment. We annually spend on military security more than the net income of all United States corporations.
This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence – economic, political, even spiritual – is felt in every city, every Statehouse, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society.
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.
We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.” – Dwight D. Eisenhower, U.S. President 1953-1961
Finally, former president John F. Kennedy made these poignant remarks the same year in 1961:
“The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings… Our way of life is under attack. Those who make themselves our enemy are advancing around the globe…no war ever posed a greater threat to our security. If you are awaiting a finding of “clear and present danger,” then I can only say that the danger has never been more clear and its presence has never been more imminent… For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day.It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.” — John F Kennedy, 35th President of the United States, from a speech delivered to the American Newspaper Publishers Association on April 27, 1961 and known as the “Secret Society” speech (click here for full transcript and audio).
Final Thoughts
We don’t really elect our leaders, as it is now. We select people to work as agents of the Deep State, a shadowy unelected agency of interests and figures much more powerful than any elected stooge. The charade of American presidential politics is more of a drain on our society than an opportunity for renewal.
“It isn’t so much about who next sits in the Oval Office or even changing the mechanics of economics. It is about changing the ideas, the dogmas that currently drive politics and economics: debt and fear, insufficiency, divide and conquer. It is about moving from ideas about merely being sustainable to ones that include regenerating areas devastated by agriculture, mining, and other destructive activities. It is about We the People taking control. It is about a revolution in consciousness and actions. It is about making the transition from a Death Economy to a Life Economy.
A turning point in the American revolution occurred when Thomas Paine helped change the perceived reality by writing, “If there must be trouble, let it be in my day that my child may have peace.” This is another time of crisis, a time to follow Paine’s advice. It is a time to own up to our power and not expect the president or any other politician to change the world for us. It is a time for us to act in ways that will assure peace for our children.” – John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hitmen
When the people of this nation and of this world are one day truly ready for something other than the corrupt and dangerous government we have, then, as history tells us, an unfathomable great change will come seemingly over night, without us even turning out to vote.
Hospital-Acquired Infections, Dangerous Tests and Other Medical Cover-Ups
By Dr. Mercola
March 08, 2016
Story at-a-glance
1 in 4 patients in the U.S. end up contracting some form of infection while in the hospital, and 205 Americans die from hospital-acquired infections every day
Hospitals that accept Medicare tend to be riskier than others in this regard, but the FDA does not release the names of hospitals where infections are reported
Non-disposable flexible medical scopes can transmit infections between patients, due to the fact that they cannot be properly sterilized. If you must get a colonoscopy, make sure they clean the scope using peracetic acid
Hospital-acquired infections are a significant problem. According to 2011 statistics, 1 in 4 patients in the U.S. end up contracting some form of infection while in the hospital, and 205 Americans die from hospital-acquired infections each and every day.
In just one year (2011), an estimated 722,000 Americans contracted an infection during a stay in an acute care hospital, and about 75,000 of them died as a result of it.
The most common hospital-acquired infections include central line-associated bloodstream infections, catheter-associated urinary tract infections, surgical site infections, and clostridium difficile infections.
Contaminated Medical Scopes Implicated in Spread of Superbug Infections
Last year, Dr. Jeffrey Tokar, director of gastrointestinal endoscopy at Fox Chase Cancer Center, and a paid consultant for a medical scope manufacturer, wrote an article1 discussing strategies to improve patient safety in light of superbug outbreaks traced back to contaminated medical scopes.
Now, Kaiser Health News points out that Tokar’s own cancer center was ground zero for at least three cases in which patients were infected with drug-resistant bacteria.
“In accordance with federal rules, the hospital reported the possibility to the manufacturer … But the public was none the wiser.
The information only came to light … when a U.S. Senate committee unveiled the results of a yearlong investigation into scope-related infections that sickened nearly 200 patients across the country from 2012 to 2015, including those potential cases at Fox Chase in Philadelphia.
The incident in Philadelphia illustrates a larger problem, experts say: a lack of public disclosure when medical devices are suspected of posing a risk to patients …
[S]aid Lawrence Muscarella, Ph.D., a hospital-safety consultant … ‘Hospitals don’t realize the more transparent they are, the more infection risks would decrease. It looks like important information was missing from this paper.’ …”
Unfortunately, there’s no easy way for patients to determine where these kinds of infections are occurring, and whether your local hospital might be a hotspot.
According to the 2011 Health Grades Hospital Quality in America Study,3 Hospitals that accept Medicare tend to be far riskier than others in this regard, but the FDA does not release the names of hospitals where infections are reported.
Last December, I interviewed David Lewis, Ph.D., a retired microbiologist, about how non-disposable flexible scopes such as sigmoidoscopes and colonoscopes can transmit infections between patients, due to the fact that they cannot be properly sterilized. Their design simply does not permit it.
Lewis was the microbiologist that uncovered the fact that dentists were spreading HIV by not properly sterilizing their equipment in the 1990s. When he uncovered the problem with scopes however, rather than being rewarded he was fired.
If you’re having a colonoscopy or any other procedure using a flexible endoscope done, you can significantly reduce your risk of contracting an infection by asking the hospital or facility how the scope is cleaned, and which cleaning agent is used.
Some esophagoscopes and bronchoscopes have sterile sheaths with disposable air-water and biopsy channels, but many others do not, and must be cleaned between each use.
If the hospital or clinic uses glutaraldehyde, or the brand name Cidex, cancel your appointment and go elsewhere. About 80 percent of clinics use glutaraldehyde because it’s a less expensive alternative, however it does not do a good job of sterilizing the equipment.
If they use peracetic acid, your likelihood of contracting an infection from a previous patient is very slim.
So making a phone call or two before scheduling your appointment, asking what kind of scope will be used; whether it’s fully disposable or must be cleaned, and what they use to clean it with, could be a lifesaving strategy.
The ultimate long-term solution would be to create flexible scopes that can be autoclaved (heat sterilized). But manufacturers have not been pressured to come up with such a design. As noted by Lewis, it really boils down to federal agencies failing to take the contamination issue seriously enough.
Canadian Experts Dissuade Patients From Colonoscopies
While contamination risk was not cited as a reason for Canada’s updated recommendation to not use colonoscopy as a screen for colon cancer, it’s certainly a consideration that needs to be taken into account, no matter where you live.
Canada’s Task Force on Preventive Health care now recommends4 using guaiac fecal occult blood testing (gFOBT) or fecal immunochemical testing (FIT) when testing for colon cancer in adults over the age of 50 who have no symptoms of cancer and who are not in a high risk category.
“Opposition to colonoscopy as a primary screening test for colon cancer stems from the lack of evidence showing it to be any better than other screening methods, the Task Force says …
These recommendations differ from those published by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force in 2008, which support the use of FOBT, flexible sigmoidoscopy, or colonoscopy for colon cancer screening in adults aged 50 to 75.
‘Regardless of age, primary care providers should discuss the most appropriate choice of test with patients who are interested in screening, considering patient values and preferences as well as local test availability,’ the [Canadian] recommendations conclude.”
Antibiotic Resistance Likely to Reach Epidemic Proportions Worldwide
In the CDC’s 2013 report “Antibiotic Resistance Threats in the United States,” no less than 18 superbugs were identified as “urgent, serious and concerning threats” to humankind.6
The majority of these dangerous bacteria are in the gram-negative category, because that variety has body armor that makes it extremely resistant to the immune response.
Most disturbing of all, an increasing number of bacteria are now exhibiting “panresistance” — meaning, resistance to every antibiotic in existence. One of the latest multi-drug resistant bacteria gaining ground is Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae(CRE), which produce an enzyme that breaks down antibiotics.
Hospitals are the most common source of this infection, which is lethal in about 9 percent of all cases. When the CRE infection affects your blood, the death rate jumps to 50 percent.7
In January, Canadian researchers issued a warning saying that antibiotic use in farming must be stopped if we’re to gain the upper hand against antibiotic-resistant disease. Canada recently began a surveillance program covering all Canadian hospitals, following reports that China had discovered a drug-resistant gene (MCR-1) with epidemic potential in animals, meat, and human patients.
MCR-1 is a gene mutation that makes bacteria resistant to a last-resort antibiotic called colistin, and the rate of transfer of this genetic mutation between bacteria is exceptionally high.
While colistin has not been used much in human medicine in recent decades, it is widely used in China’s agriculture industry. This heavy use may have triggered the acquisition of MCR-1 by E. coli and other bacteria. As a member of the Antibiotic Resistance Action Center at George Washington University said in a National Geographic interview, “It’s real world, empiric evidence that this thing can spread very widely. It’s almost like it possesses a universal key.”8
As noted by CBC News,9 “scientists in England and Wales, Denmark, Thailand and Laos, among others, have published similar findings.” Canada has also found the gene in three human cases. According to Michael Mulvey, Ph.D., head of antimicrobial resistance at the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg, “It’s the first such finding of the gene in North or South America, which confirms its global dissemination.”
Antibiotic Resistance Is Not the Only Cover-Up in Medicine
As reported by STAT News,10 “the regulatory system for reporting side effects caused by prescription drugs is producing its own kind of side effect — incomplete information about injuries that patients may have suffered.”
According to an analysis11 published in Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, drug companies frequently fail to file comprehensive reports on side effects, thereby preventing the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) from assessing the scope of the threat to consumers.
Doctors and consumers can report drug side effects to the FDA’s Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), and drug makers are required to not only report but also investigate side effects associated with their drugs and medical appliances. However, while drug makers file the vast majority of reports of serious or fatal side effects, compared to those filed by doctors and consumers the majority of their reports do not include key data.
As noted by STAT:
“For this reason, one of the study authors contends there are still wider implications … The analysis found that in 2014, the FDA received 528,192 new reports of a serious or fatal side effect, of which 4.7 percent were filed with the agency directly by doctors and consumers. Of those, 86 percent included complete information about four important data points — patient age and sex, the date the side effect occurred, and a specific medical term to describe the problem.
By contrast, drug makers filed 95.3 percent of side effect reports, but most were incomplete … nearly 38 percent lacked the patient’s sex and age, and 47 percent did not have the date when the problem occurred. Overall, reports involving patient deaths offered the least amount of complete information for all of the key data points…
‘With increasing pressure for the FDA to approve drugs fast but with less clinical testing, it is a major concern that postmarket surveillance has major problems that are not being addressed,’ said Thomas Moore, a senior scientist the Institute for Safe Medicination Practices …‘It is time for the FDA, the medical community, and industry to start work on a badly needed modernization’ of this ‘critical tool’ for monitoring safety.”
How Drug Ads Fool Consumers
Drug makers are also required to inform consumers about potential side effects in their ads. In another article,12 STAT News discusses how drug narrators “take the scariness out of side effects.” If you think about it, how is it that so many people voluntarily take, let alone ask their doctor for a drug that has very serious and in some cases lethal side effects?
“[T]he actors paid to deliver these warnings … say there’s an art to it. ‘We use the same approach medical professionals do, telling a patient calmly: ‘We’re going to perform this surgery and there’s a 60 percent chance you won’t live,’’ said Joey Schaljo, who has worked as a voiceover actor on drug ads and who has a knack for narrating endless lists of side effects …
Some ads use one narrator to talk about the benefits of the drug and a different actor to recite the risks — in a less engaging voice. Or the warning section may be written with more complex sentence structures, to make it harder for viewers to absorb …
Another common trick: Keep the voice actor who talks about risks off screen. Research has found that consumers absorb the most information when they can see people speaking rather than just hearing them … ‘There’s a shift in how the voice is used to make it easier to understand the benefits and less easy to understand the risks,’ said Ruth Day, a cognitive scientist at Duke University who has studied drug ads for more than a decade.”
Drug Companies Siphon Tax Dollars for Dangerous, Useless, Overpriced Drugs
As if it wasn’t enough that you pay with your health for the drug industry’s lackadaisical approach to side effects — both by their downplaying the risk of death or serious injury in their ads, and by their filing adverse event reports that are useless for predicting risk to other patients — you also pay for their crimes with your tax dollars.
Sovaldi, a hepatitis C drug made by Gilead was under investigation for 18 months by the Senate Finance Committee. In the end, the Committee decided that the price of the drug — $1,000 per pill, or $84,000 per treatment — “did not reflect the cost of research and development and that Gilead cared about ‘revenue’ not ‘affordability and accessibility,’” the Epoch Times13 writes.
In 2014 alone, Medicare and Medicaid shelled out more than $5 BILLION for Sovaldi and another hepatitis C drug called Harvoni.
Writing for the New York Times,14 columnist Nicholas Kristof notes that in the year 2015, the drug industry “spent $272,000 in campaign donations per member of Congress … to bar the government from bargaining for drug prices in Medicare. That amounts to a $50 billion annual gift to pharmaceutical companies.”
“But Gilead is far from the only drug company camping out on our tax dollars,” Epoch Times reports. “Drug companies have devised elaborate schemes for drug sales to states … In 2008, the Texas attorney general’s office charged Risperdal maker Janssen (Johnson & Johnson’s psychiatric drug unit) with defrauding the state of millions ‘with [its] sophisticated and fraudulent marketing scheme,’ to ‘secure … Risperdal, on the state’s Medicaid preferred drug list’ …
The Department of Veterans Affairs spent $717 million on … Risperdal to treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in troops deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq only to discover after nine years that the drug worked no better than a placebo …
In Texas, a Medicaid ‘decision tree’ called the Texas Medical Algorithm Project was instituted that mandates that doctors prescribe the newest and most expensive psychiatric drugs first. The program was funded … by the Johnson & Johnson-linked Robert Wood Johnson Foundation … Another tactic that drug companies use is ‘helping’ states buy their own brand name drugs …
One such program sends registered nurses to the homes of patients who are on expensive brand drugs to ensure ‘compliance’ — that they have not stopped taking the drugs.”
To Protect Your Health, Avoid Antibiotics — Both in Medicine and Food
The conventional medical system has in many ways created just as many, if not more, problems than it has solved. Drugs are vastly overprescribed and misused, and this is particularly true for antibiotics — more than 80 percent of which are used in agriculture to fatten up livestock.
This routine practice has resulted in a manmade scourge of antibiotic-resistant disease, which is already rendering previously treatable infections lethal, and may soon turn even minor surgery into a dangerous proposition.
So what can you do to protect yourself? Regarding antibiotics, avoid using them unless absolutely necessary, and remember they don’t work for viral infections. Also opt for organic grass-fed and grass-finished meats, to avoid antibiotic residues and, more importantly, antibiotic-resistant bacteria that could kill you. This is a serious issue, so if you chose to eat meat, make sure it’s clean.
Strategies That Could Save Your Life If You’re Hospitalized
to read the rest of the article, go to: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2016/03/08/hospital-acquired-infections-superbug-cover-ups.aspx
Detox foot pads were first used in Japan. It is about stick-on pads that need to be placed on the soles of the feet before going to bed. The next day when you remove the footpads, you will see that the dangerous toxins eliminated from the body have darkened the pads.
The foot pads are worn on feet because they help circulate blood and lymph into the torso. Our inactive lifestyle causes circulation to bog down around the ankles, lower legs and feet.
The positive results of using foot detox pads are less fatigue, joint pain, and fewer headaches.
Additionally, you can buy ready-made detox foot pads, or make your own at home.
These are the ingredients you will need:
Self-stick gauze pads
Slice the garlic and onion till it is well chopped. Put it aside. Pour water in a kettle and let it boil. Add the finely sliced garlic and onions in the boiling water. Then, let it boil for additional 10 minutes.
Next, let the water cool off for 20 minutes. Then, pour the mixture in the center of the self-stick gauze pads, only enough to get wet. If there is too much liquid in the pads, squeeze the excess out. Also, try not to wet the sticky part of the pads.
Patch the self-stick gauze pad on the soles of the feet, especially at the center part. Put on socks so the pad won’t fall off. Throw it the next morning.
The energy surrounding our bodies is known as our aura, emitted from our body and spirit based on our own vibrational frequency. Auras can be seen as rays or ovals of light around a person, but not everyone can see them. Scientists have made significant breakthroughs on the subject of auras, and have been able to successfully document this phenomenon and what it can actually reveal about your health and state of mind.
Aura colors and strength vary from person to person, depending on their own specific energy. Your aura can change from day to day, even moment to moment, depending on the experiences you have and the emotions you feel. Thoughts can also affect your aura, as they largely determine your energy field.
Around the world, at Russia’s St. Petersburg State Technical University, Dr. Konstantin Korotkov is building a bridge between auras and a person’s health. So far, he’s created a unique device that reads the bioenergy of organisms and their surroundings. This device (GDV) takes an electron cloud snapshot of the subject in a millisecond and prints out the results. When the image prints out, he compares it to images from other healthy subjects. With this comparison, specialists can track diseases and potentially stop them before they become lethal.
Here’s a video to explain the idea of how auras can affect your physical health
Here’s what your aura reveals about your mental health
The main traits of those with a predominantly yellow aura are intelligence, logic, and a quick wit. They think with their heads, not their hearts, and can quickly put their emotions aside to deal with problems that arise. They can sometimes work too hard, however, as they are Type A’s who thrive on reaching their goals.
As you might have guessed, people with a red aura have a fiery, feisty nature, and cannot be tamed easily. They love freedom, adventure, and excitement, and get bored quickly. People with a red aura have a high level of confidence in all areas of life, and don’t normally suffer from mental or physical illnesses. This is probably because they don’t live in their heads much; they thrive on action, and don’t mull over decisions too long.
People with a pink aura have a very generous, sweet, approachable energy. They give love freely, and are a hopeless romantic. They also are empaths, with an uncanny psychic ability and creative talents. People with this color aura are idealists, which makes it hard for them to see the world as it is. They want to change it somehow, and feel like it’s their mission in life to do so. They have a bubbly, charismatic personality, and have many friends because of it.
If you have a green aura, then you have an unwavering love for the outdoors, and consider yourself a true nature lover. You also care a great deal about health, and strive to eat nutritious, wholesome foods the majority of the time. You’re very grounded and logical, and people come to you all the time for advice because of your no-nonsense approach to life. Your home and car are spotless, which reflects the way you look after yourself. You enjoy safety and stability, and don’t deal well with changes. However, sometimes you can be too rigid in your approach to life, so try going with the flow more.
People with an orange aura love the spotlight, and enjoy activities with many people around them. They are charismatic, funny, loud people, and are usually the life of the party. However, they have an innate ability to sense other’s emotions, and care deeply for how people feel. Due to their passionate nature, they can sometimes lose their temper, but will quickly apologize if they’ve been out of line.
This color signifies great psychic abilities, and high sensitivity to emotions and energies. People with a purple aura have a mysterious, quiet, contemplative nature. They are considered empaths due to their ability to feel things deeply. They live a lot inside their own minds, but have a beautiful soul. People with this color aura tend to spend a lot of time alone in nature, as they feel misunderstood by most humans. They don’t have many friends, but they adore and cherish the ones they do have. Sometimes, people take advantage of their open, loving nature, so people with this aura need to do a lot of self-care to protect their energy.
This color aura is the rarest of them all, but it symbolizes strength in communication and a balanced persona. As you might have guessed, this aura represents a calm, soothing nature, and so these people make wonderful peacemakers and solvers of problems. They can smooth things over quickly in an argument, and have an honest, highly eloquent way of talking with people. These people seem to have the perfect balance of thinking and feeling, and always say the right thing at the right time. They are very intelligent, and have a gift of communicating in any means necessary.
People with a gold aura have a love for the finer things in life. They thrive on being the center of attention, and have a very colorful social life. They love to entertain people and show others a good time. They have a strong independent streak, and don’t usually ask anyone for help. These people can sometimes come across as superficial due to their extravagant tastes, but they simply enjoy giving people nice things, and decorating their living space with them as well.
Highly talented and versatile, people with this aura can adapt perfectly to any situation. They are a chameleon, able to change quickly based on their environment, and excel in many different areas of life. They attract success easily, and usually make very good leaders and teachers. People are drawn to them because of both their inner and outer beauty, but people with this aura need to take care to keep their egos in check.
People with a light or dark brown aura tend to be lost souls, wandering around aimlessly searching for a place to call home. They might fall back into bad habits, and have a negative self-image. They tend to focus so much on other people’s flaws, that they forget to address and fix their own.
Black points to blockages in the energetic field. It can also signify deep, unresolved issues, depression, anger, rage, stagnation, discontentment, or any other negative emotion. People with this color aura need to make time for self-care, and not be so hard on themselves.
Cosmetic giants pressure FDA into cracking down on homemade soap artisans while ignoring their own toxic products
Monday, March 07, 2016 by: Harold Shaw
(NaturalNews) Once again, those who are trying to live a simple, clean life or make a decent living from traditional skills are threatened by the corporatist society they try to avoid. The current assault comes from Senator Dianne Feinstein and Senator Susan Collins, who have recently introduced S.1014: a bill to amend the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.[PDF] Also referred to as the Personal Care Products Safety Act, this bill is supposed to ensure the safety of cosmetics for all consumers.
Under the pretext that some of the chemicals in personal care products are hazardous for the consumer’s health, this bill imposes user fees and paperwork that would put small artisanal soap and cosmetic makers out of business. And guess who is supporting the bill? Cosmetic giants like Johnson & Johnson, Procter & Gamble, Revlon, Estee Lauder, Unilever and L’Oreal have nothing to lose.
The Personal Care Products Safety Act: Overview
According to Senator Feinstein and the corporations that support S.1014, the Personal Care Products Safety Act is necessary to make the use of cosmetics safer. How? Not by banning hazardous ingredients like methylene glycol or propyl paraben, but rather by regulating them with FDA tests, warning labels, fees and recall authority.
Basically, the PCPSA makes it mandatory for all cosmetic manufacturers to register their business and make a statement allowing the FDA to inspect their facilities. Businesses that make more than $500,000 in annual gross revenue will also be required to pay registration fees. In addition, manufacturers will have to file annual ingredient statements, as well as extensively report side effects on a regular basis. More extensive labeling requirements are also part of the bill.
How S.1014 affects you
Senator Feinstein strongly argues that the new bill doesn’t cost the taxpayer anything and that industry user fees will be used to fund it. Others also argue that S.1014 will not affect homemade soap artisans because small producers are excluded from the new requirements. But most changes proposed by PCPSA apply to businesses that make more than $100,000 in gross annual revenue. This kind of revenue is not at all unusual for family businesses run from home. Deduct taxes from this number and you’ll realize that these families of three or more people are barely making a livable wage.
While current cosmetic giants will easily afford paying the proposed fees and making room for the required paperwork, small soap manufacturers will most likely run out of business. And you don’t have to be a soap artisan yourself to be affected by S.1014. Some people are dealing with skin sensitivities that don’t allow them to purchase most soaps on the market. Instead of going bankrupt on overly expensive suitable products, they buy natural, gentler homemade soap. If these small businesses fail, the communities they were part of will inevitably be affected as well.
Something doesn’t add up
Perhaps the most irritating issue with the Personal Care Products Safety Act is the fact that while it claims to make soaps and shampoos safer, it does absolutely nothing to ban the dangerous ingredients it complains about. If the safety of the consumer is what concerns the cosmetic giants backing the bill, then why don’t they stop using paraben in their products?
Suddenly, S.1014 looks more and more like a way to crush the small homemade soap businesses that actually make healthy products and therefore stand in the way of giant corporations and their revenue. The Handmade Cosmetic Alliance feels the same way. If you do too and you manufacture soap only from FDA-approved ingredients, then make your voice heard and contact elected representatives using this form. Don’t let others decide the future of your trade.
Sympathy is the ability to feel compassion towards others. Empathy goes a step beyond that. Being an ‘empath’ means you not only recognize the emotions of others, but you feel them as if they were your own.
Too often, strong empathizers absorb much of the pain and suffering from their environment. This bogs them down emotionally and blocks their ability to function at a high level.
If you’ve ever been in a room with a negative person, you know how tangible his/her emotions can feel. You feel like his/her heaviness is seeping into you and you find it harder to keep your head up. Learning to defend yourself from this kind of toxic energy is an essential life tool, because your emotional state affects you mentally, physically and spiritually. Let it be your own!
Here are five ways to stop absorbing people’s negativity:
1.Let Go Of People Pleasing
If someone is complaining about you, gossiping, or talking down to you, do not take it personally or fixate on trying to make them like you. This will only pull you deeper into his/her field of negativity and make you energetically and emotionally dependent on their opinion.
Be compassionate towards yourself and realize that not everyone is going to like you – and that’s okay! Everybody has different personalities, likes and dislikes and these will create a different life experience for every person. Show yourself love first and it will act like a forcefield around you that will keep other people’s opinions from draining you.
2.Know When To Say ‘NO’
If you had a guest in your home, would you let him come in off the porch and track mud all over your carpet, or would you require him to clean his shoes before he entered your personal space? What if you asked him to dinner once and he invites himself over for the rest of the month? And what if he insisted on sleeping on your couch to save himself the trip tomorrow? All without your invitation?
Being generous can be a great thing, but there is a fine line to be aware of to make sure you and your generosity are not taken advantage of. Accept no freeloaders, naysayers, or emotional vampires past where you are comfortable. Set boundaries and enforce them!
This is your life. Your body, space and personal time are your sacred temples, so think carefully about what kind of people you allow access to them. There is nothing wrong with saying ‘no’ as often as you feel you need to. Set clear standards about what you expect from others before you give them a place in your life.
3.Stop Feeding The Beast
Above, I threw out the term ‘emotional vampire.’ These are parasitic personalities who literally feed on your attention and affection and suck you dry for all your efforts. Emotionally investing in these people may feel worthwhile at first, but ultimately, you will find yourself drained of energy and their many problems still unsolved. Their thirst for your love can never be satisfied if they are determined to stay feeling like a victim.
You can offer your support to those who need it, give a listening ear to a struggling friend or stranger, but note when your efforts start becoming redundant or when their calls for help begin feeling more like vies for attention. The more attention you give their problems, the less resolution there will be.
It is not your responsibility to fix other people’s problems, especially when people don’t really want their problems solved. They want to be pitied. It is healthy to know when to walk away! When you feel your resources depleting, offer your sympathies and leave the situation. There is nothing mean about refusing to engage in someone else’s drama.
4.Return To Nature
Sometimes, you really just need a breather from everyone else. Their chaotic energies can be hard to tune out, so take a weekend, an afternoon, or even an hour for yourself and go somewhere peaceful. Let the many voices of nature replace the mind chatter of the modern world. Notice the simplicity of the natural world, the lack of motive, the coexistence of all things plant, animal and earth.
Breathe deeply and meditate. Focus on filling your body with fresh oxygen and elevating your spirits and when you return to your daily routines, you will feel refreshed and less apt to absorb negativity from others.
5.Remember Who Is Responsible For YOU
You are the only one with any say about how you feel. You are 100% responsible for what you let influence your thoughts and emotions and if any aspect of your happiness is out of balance, you have the ability to correct it. Your own perception of yourself is more powerful than anyone else’s, unless you choose to trade away that power for their approval.
Once you choose to be accountable for your feelings, you free yourself from the influence of others. When you are confident in who you are and how you want to feel, it is much more difficult for others to throw you off balance.
Make deliberate choices and take control of the positivity in your life. Choose situations which boost your energies and keep the kind of company that only adds to who you are. Love yourself enough to say ‘no’ wherever it is warranted and walk away from environments that do not serve you. Remember, you are responsible for your life experience. Make it for you and make it phenomenal!