Huge News: Florida Launches 3 Bills for Mandatory GMO Labeling!
Lend your support to the state!

Due to the efforts of thousands in a grassroots campaign, as well as the actions of Senator Maria Sachs and Representative Vasilinda who started a campaign 3 years ago, 3 GMO labeling bills are being put forth in Florida – Senate bills SB 1700 and SB 1708, and House bill HB 1369.
Polls report that ‘9 of 10’ people in the U.S. want to know what’s in their food, while 64 other countries already require GMO labeling. Yet we’re still struggling to achieve the right to know exactly what we’re consuming. With the DARK ACT and TTIP threatening food security and transparency, biotech giants like Monsanto and others in the biotech industry have been trying to keep everyone clueless about what’s in the food.
But as Vermont has proven, we can rise from the defeat of California’s Proposition 37 – a low point for the anti-GMO movement.
To support these bills, since we know that the biotech industry and organizations like the Grocery Manufacturer’s Association already have their henchmen trying to defeat them, consider calling to ask your Senator to co-sponsor SB 1700 and SB 1708 today!
You can say:
I am calling to request that Senator ___________ co-sponsor Senate Bill 1700 & 1708, the genetically engineered food labeling bill, introduced by Senator Sachs, because we have the right to know what’s in the food we feed our families.
If you don’t know what district you are in, search here.
Here is a brief overview of SB 1700, SB 1708, and HB 1369.
HB 1369: Labeling of Genetically Engineered Foods
“Labeling of Genetically Engineered Foods; Provides mandatory labeling requirements for genetically engineered raw foods & processed foods made with or derived from genetically engineered ingredients; directs DOH to adopt rules; provides for injunctive relief actions; requires court to award costs & fees under certain circumstances; specifies injunctive relief actions do not preclude civil actions for damages or personal injury.
SB 1700: Labeling of Genetically Engineered Foods
“Labeling of Genetically Engineered Foods; Providing mandatory labeling requirements for genetically engineered raw foods and processed foods made with or derived from genetically engineered ingredients by a specified date, etc.”
SB 1708: Labeling of Genetically Engineered Foods
“Labeling of Genetically Engineered Foods; Providing lists of raw agricultural commodities at high risk or potentially at risk for cultivation in a genetically engineered form; requiring the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services to publish the lists by a specified date and to update a published list annually, etc.”