You Are Not Alone

by Zen Gardner
Why a sense of isolation often engulfs and disempowers us is peculiar. We have mothers, fathers, friends, family and even new heartfelt alliances all around us yet we still feel this yearning.
Are we searching for a greater, more truly connected family?
I tend to think so. All evidence points to the fact that we are not who we have been told we are. We are each part of something so much greater and grander than we ever imagined.
And we search for that greater connectivity.
We’re Alive!
The link ups between all of us on planet earth are way more “spooky” and profound than we’ve been led to believe. We simply find each other as we continue our search. That’s how it works. Like the wondrous mycelium network crawling through the ground to hook up with itself, we organic, conscious beings sent to this planet are finding each other through a very wonderful, organic process.
We’re alive, we’re growing, and we’re even protected, buried as if in the heart of mother earth’s warm and succulent soil.
Totally contrary to the fear ridden narrative we’re being handed here on the surface, we are actually quite safe in the bosom of love itself. This is what you sense in your heart of hearts and can have complete confidence in.
That’s innate empowerment. And the place from which we should all operate.
Underlying and Overarching Love
This is the true nature of existence. The fear based projection we’re witnessing in today’s societal construct is an illusion. It appears real, but it’s not. It hits your screen and gets activated only if you buy into it. As the expression goes, fear is “false evidence appearing real.” We simply need to live outside of that false reality.
When you “wake up” this is apparent. Your life takes on new dimensions as your true spirit gets released. This is the time to make new, conscious decisions as to the course of your life and act on them. As well as make new friends and relationships from all quarters that you never imagined possible, but suddenly become completely natural as they unfold before you. A wonder-full experience!
It feels like a magnificent gift when it happens but it’s really only a re-discovery that was buried by a plethora of outside influences. Once you see these external projections for what they are and pierce through the veil of deceit it all becomes extremely clear. And it’s marvelous! Suddenly everything comes into perspective and life begins anew. This is where the birth of realization happens and we see everything has an underlying message of love and empowerment.
When you know you’ve hit pay dirt you just know it. It’s experiential and no one can deny that to you.
The Next Step
Move on, with confidence and courage. The barrage of denial and discreditation will always be there. Brush it aside. You’re living on a planet of mainly unawakened beings. You’ll find your way to others like yourself but never bend to societal pressures to conform to the norm. The “whirled” out here is still finding its footing, but is still steeped in the maws of desperate manipulators who want things their way and are playing on every pre-programmed string they can to do so.
This is why it’s important to identify their every action for what it is. We awakened don’t want to fall into any of their mind twisting, subversive trickery. That’s the motive for everything they do, no matter the well meaning dupes they enlist in their programs. Ours is to stay above it and operate consciously.
This will bring about the greatest good and ultimate positive outcome.
But it won’t come without a price. Too much has been invested by these dark forces to attempt to quash our awakening for them not to use their machinations. No worries, it never compares to conscious awareness, we just have to learn to utilize it in great, well foundationed confidence.
Use great wisdom in the days to come. Find your true family first and foremost, but prepare against the storm nonetheless.
And always remember, we are ultimately living in the bosom of love!
Love always,