The fest, which started in 1990 at Black Rock Desert, attracts tens of thousands of loyal attendees each year for the music, art and massive sculptures that are burned at the end of the event. (AP)
The Burning Man techno-fest looks like it’s headed for a real buzz kill.
Black Rock City, the location in the Nevada desert where the annual festival will be held later this month, is overrun by thousands of flying, biting, crawling bugs, according to festival organizers.
“They’re everywhere. They bite. They crawl all over you. They get up and in you,” the organizer, John Curley, wrote on the festival’s official blog.
Curley said the bugs got into a woman’s t-shirt and settled in her bra, while others went through a welding mask.
“What’s going on? We don’t know. We don’t know how the little critters survive in the heat and the sun. All we know is that if you pick up some wood, you’re likely to uncover hundreds or thousands of the things,” Curley wrote.
Earlier this week, reports of the bugs first started surfacing on Twitter, with photos of swarms of bugs covering tires and carpets.
Organizers believe that that spring and summer rains hatched the bugs, once lying dormant in the desert.
According to Gizmodo, the bugs are called Nysius, or seed bugs. They spoke to entomologist Karl Magnacca who thinks there are actually two other species here along with Nysius, one of which is probably in the family Miridae. And according the report, these guys also release a terrible smell too.
Besides the insects, the party on the dried up lake bed —known as the playa —already comes with its own set of discomforts as partygoers kick up the dusty ground which quickly turns into thick soupy mud. While Burners say that’s part of the attraction, the bugs are a real bummer for fest organizers.
But it does not appear that they pose any kind of health risk to the more than 70,000 people that will be showing up Aug. 30 through Sept. 7.
Nevada Department of Agriculture state entomologist Jeff Knight said that the problem may be resolved before the fest kicks off. “A lot of these things last only a week or two,” Knight told USA Today.
Burning Man organizers say they’re talking with health officials and that they’ve received no information on why Burners should be concerned about the bugs.
Also, images of bats have been circulating on social media. Department of Wildlife officials said that bats would likely be attracted to the large number of insects and bugs at the location.
What if everything your doctor told you about osteoporosis and osteopenia was wrong?
What if osteoporosis were not the primary cause of fractures in aging populations? What if both the definitions of osteoporosis and osteopenia used to justify pharmaceutical treatment were both misleading and age inappropriate?
These are questions we explored in a previous exposé titled, “Osteoporosis Myth: The Dangers of High Bone Mineral Density,” wherein we explored evidence showing the so-called “osteoporosis epidemic” is not an evidence-based concept but a manufactured one designed to serve the interests of a growing industrial medical/pharmaceutical complex.
Now, a powerful new paper published in the Journal of Internal Medicine titled, “Osteoporosis: the emperor has no clothes,” confirms that the primary cause of what are normally labeled “osteoporotic fractures” are falls and related modifiable lifestyle factors and not osteoporosis, i.e. abnormally “porous” or low-density bones.
The new study pointed out three false notions that can be disputed:
Mistaken pathophysiology: “Most fracture patients have fallen, but actually do not have osteoporosis. A high likelihood of falling, in turn, is attributable to an ageing-related decline in physical functioning and general frailty.”
Ineffective screening: “Currently available fracture risk prediction strategies including bone densitometry and multifactorial prediction tools are unable to identify a large proportion of patients who will sustain a fracture, whereas many of those with a high fracture risk score will not sustain a fracture.”
Unproven and unsafe treatment: “The evidence for the viability of bone-targeted pharmacotherapy in preventing hip fracture and other clinical fragility fractures is mainly limited to women aged 65–80 years with osteoporosis, whereas the proof of hip fracture-preventing efficacy in women over 80 years of age and in men at all ages is meagre or absent. Further, the antihip fracture efficacy shown in clinical trials is absent in real-life studies. Many drugs for the treatment of osteoporosis have also been associated with increased risks of serious adverse events. There are also considerable uncertainties related to the efficacy of drug therapy in preventing clinical vertebral fractures, whereas the efficacy for preventing other fractures (relative risk reductions of 20–25%) remains moderate, particularly in terms of the low absolute risk reduction in fractures with this treatment”
Falling and Not Low Bone Mineral Density Is The Primary Cause of Fractures
Millions of men and women whose bones are actually normal for their age group (Z-score) are being manipulated into thinking that their bones should remain as dense as an approximately 30-year-old young adult (T-score) despite the natural process of bone thinning and reduction of density that attends the aging process. This T-score based bone density system pathologizes/over-medicalizes normal bone density variations, creating disease diagnoses where none should be found — a situation that is incredibly lucrative from the perspective of the bottom line of pharmaceutical and medical services companies. This has lead to a massive problem with overdiagnosis and overtreatment — two euphemistic technical terms to describe what happens when asymptomatic and otherwise healthy populations are told they have a ‘specific disease’ that they do not have (overdiagnosis), and subsequently pressured into taking pharmaceuticals (overtreatment), whose adverse effects often contribute to morbidity and premature mortality.
The reality, however, is that falling and not low bone mineral density are the primary reason why fractures occur. Since it is a statistical fact that the older you get the more often you fall, and since the older you get the less dense your bones become, it is easy to confuse the lower bone mineral density as a “cause” and not just an “association” with increased fracture risk. The authors of the new study provided this clever cartoon to drive the point home:
Given the reality behind what causes (and prevents) fracture, exercise and its resultant muscular and neurological health effects are of vital importance when it comes to minimizing the risk of falls, as well as surviving them without a fracture. And yet the reality is that the x-ray based DXA scans used to ascertain bone density do nothing but determine the density of the skeletal system, and not bone quality, i.e. strength. Nor can the DXA scan ascertain the structure/function (and therefore health) of the other tissues within the body that directly contribute to determining the risk of falling and the effects that the impact of a fall will have on the skeletal system. The following diagram shows the discrepancy that emerges between reality and the DXA image:
Where is the Evidence for Pharmaceutical “Prevention” of Fracture?
While anti-resportive bone drugs like Fosamax (a bisphosphonate) may contribute to increased bone mineral density, they do not necessarily improve bone quality and strength. Very dense bone created by destroying osteoclasts (bone-degrading cells) may be far more brittle than less dense bone where there is healthy turnover of the osteoclasts and osteoblasts (bone-building cells). In fact, drugs like Fosamax are notorious for contributing to bone degeneration in the jawbone (osteonecrosis). Also, we have discovered an extensive body of research indicating higher-than-normal bone density greatly increases the risk of malignant breast cancer, further calling into question the present day fixation on increasing bone density at any cost with highly toxic calcium supplements and drugs. Moreover, the new study points out that meta-analyses of the clinical literature on pharmacological treatment of osteoporosis for fracture risk reduction have produced almost no supportive evidence. Despite this, they point out that, “Osteoporosis guidelines systematically ignore the obvious ‘evidence void’ in the RCTs.”
The authors conclude: “Given all this, should ‘osteoporosis’ be added to a long list of diagnoses for which doing less, or even nothing, is better than our contemporary practice?”
Thankfully, we don’t just have to “do nothing.” Exercise, nutrition, and practices like yoga, tai chi, etc., can go a long way to reduce the risk of fracture, as well as supporting healthy bone mineral density, and more importantly, bone strength and structural integrity. To learn more use our natural osteoporosis prevention and treatment database to explore study abstracts and articles relevant to this topic.
A great many things in our society today are fake. From news and marketing to science and politics, our world is filled with an extraordinary amount of lies, deception, disinformation, misinformation, fakery, fraud, facades, mirages and propaganda.
The good thing though is that once you awaken to the deception, you can use it as a tool for raising your consciousness. The idea that virtually everything is fake can be empowering rather than depressing. Sure, we’ve all felt overwhelmed, sad, angry and impotent at times when we’ve seen just how easily our (mis)leaders can fool the masses with sophistry and empty rhetoric, but they’ve all been placed there to challenge us to wake up more quickly and fully, and reclaim our world.
Here’s my list of the top 40 pieces of fakery in our world today:
1. Fake News
Let’s begin with the MSM (Mainstream Media) and their “news”, which is essentially corporate infotainment. The MSM waters down the news and makes it entertaining to further distract people from things of real significance. There is nothing balanced, impartial or fair about MSM news. In the US, Australia and many other Western nations, the news is dominated by a handful of for-profit corporations who are legally bound to provide a return on investment to their shareholders. This means running “news” pieces which either promote the agenda of the corporate owners (especially the military agenda) or censoring stories which would hurt political allies and advertisers (like Big Pharma, who is the biggest contributor of funds for advertising on MSM according to former US Senator Robert Kennedy Jr.).
Additionally, the news is literally fake – remember the CNN green screen stunt where they pretended they were being bombed in Saudi Arabia but were really in a studio? What about lying news anchors like Brian Williams and Bill O’Reilly (Bill O’Leilly)?
2. Fake Journalism
Alongside fake news, of course, comes equally fake journalism. MSM journalists today are not the true investigative reporters of yore. There are exceptions such as journalists who used to work for the MSM Big 6 and are now working independently (either leaving of their own volition or having been fired) such as Ben Swann and Sharyl Attkisson.
However, they are few and far between. Most journalists function as little more than parrots repeating the corporate party line, and are too scared to rock the boat for fear of losing their jobs. The White House strictly controls who has “access” to the President and other officials. In general, if you want more access, you have to toe the line and ask easy, softball questions that make politicians look good. Additionally, the U.S. Government admitted it made video news releases or prepackaged news for the MSM, which then broadcast these releases as “news” without disclosing to its viewers that the pieces were premade by the Government!
3. Fake Entertainment
On the topic of media, let’s turn our attention to Hollywood and the entertainment industry. If you’re looking for fakery and superficiality, look no further, because Hollywood and certain parts of southern California are about as shallow as it gets. The dominating culture there dictates that it’s more important what you look like than who you are; more important who you hang out with (and are seen with) than what you know; and more important how big your Botox lips or silicone breasts are than how big your heart is; and more important what you own and what’s in your bank account than what gifts you’ve given to the world.
Hollywood’s film and music industries are imbued with Satanism. This is easily seen with its influence on heavy metal, rock, hip hop and these days even pop (take a look at the Illuminati symbology in the music and videos of Madonna or Katy Perry). Actresses such as Rosanne Barr and many other Hollywood insiders have exposed how mind control, prostitution (turning up-and-coming stars into prostitutes or forcing them to have sex to “make” it) and pedophilia are rife throughout Hollywood. Michael Jackson suffered from mind control and attempted to tell the world before he was killed. Many others such as Mariah Carey and Britney Spears show obvious signs of mind control.
4. Fake Corporate PR and Advertising
Another aspect of visual media (TV) that makes you sick are these generic “we care” fake feel-good commercials made by slick marketing departments of the corporatocracy, trying to get you to associate them with happiness, caring, giving, equality or any other value they choose from a list. They use marketing as a kind of psychological weapon. Did you ever wonder why Big Pharma always shows beautiful models, happy retired people, bouncing dogs or smiling babies to peddle its poisonous, side-effect laden drugs? Corporations are soulless entities and legal persons – the epitome of fakery in many ways since they are fake persons with the rights of people and the responsibilities of none.
Starfield concluded that Western Medicine in America causes:
12,000 deaths from unnecessary surgeries;
7,000 deaths from medication errors in hospitals;
20,000 deaths from other errors in hospitals;
80,000 deaths from infections acquired in hospitals; and
106,000 deaths from FDA-approved correctly prescribed medicines.
Null et al concluded that Western Medicine causes:
37,136 deaths from unnecessary procedures;
32,000 deaths related to surgery;
98,000 deaths from medical error;
115,000 deaths from bedsores;
88,000 deaths from infection;
108,800 deaths from malnutrition;
199,000 deaths related to outpatients; and
106,000 deaths from adverse drug reactions.
Now, with its antibiotic drugs becoming more useless in the face of rising super bugs, you have to really question whether an entire medical system that is based on masking symptoms, “managing” illness, and getting patients on a hamster wheel of pill after pill after pill, can really constitute true healing – or whether it’s just more fakery.
6. Fake Scientific Research
Backing the Rockefeller’s Western medical Big Pharma cartel is a massive pile of fake scientific research. Like anything fake, the veneer looks shiny and leads you to believe what lies inside is trustworthy and reputable, when in reality it’s reams of biased and concocted research with a peer-reviewed stamp on it. Former Big Pharma reps, esteemed medical journal editors and even insider governmental scientists have all confessed the shocking truth that a large amount of the published scientific data out there is fraudulent and simply can’t be trusted. Check out the top 10 tricks used by corporate junk science.
7. Fake Acquired Immunity
Another piece of fakery is the idea that vaccine-induced immunity or acquired immunity could possibly be identical to natural immunity, which one receives after having successfully warded off a disease (e.g. like chickenpox). Vaccine proponents even go so far as to insist that the unvaccinated are endangering the vaccinated by not getting their shots (the herd immunity argument) – which defies logic, since if vaccines really worked, there would be no need for the vaccinated to worry about catching anything from the unvaccinated. In my article Herd Immunity vs. Viral Shedding: Who’s Infecting Whom? I discussed how the human immune system is made up of specific and non-specific parts; there are many ways in which a vaccine does not closely resemble natural immunity, including the fact that vaccines only engender a specific response, have a completely different point of entry, and do not confer lifelong immunity, etc.
Besides, modern vaccines are full of toxins and carcinogens, including fetal tissue. The elite have even admitted vaccines are being used for depopulation. The real issue is not herd immunity but rather viral shedding, whereby the vaccinated are actually infecting the unvaccinated, not the other way around. Thus, vaccines are yet another example of supreme fakery in today’s fake world.
8. Fake Food
True immunity is derived from lifestyle and diet, including what quality of exercise, sleep and nutrition you get. This brings us to the topic of nutrition. Our food today has become so processed and packaged, so full of preservatives and plastics, that it has become fake food. It gets churned out of a factory rather than grown on a farm or field. It’s full of artificial flavors and synthetic tastes – like vaccines, some of them even derived from aborted fetal tissue, as Pepsi was forced to admit. Some foods are so refined and over-cooked they barely have more nutrition than a piece of cardboard. When you add the monstrosity of GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) into the mix, you get a final product that Dr. Rima Laibow calls “phude” rather than “food”, because the final engineered, processed product is so far removed from what our ancestors knew as real food.
Just as we have fake food, we also have fake water. Real water is flowing and alive, as you can find in a river or mountain stream. Unfortunately, most of our drinking water today is dead, having passed through metallic pipes, having been treated with chlorine and fluoride (both toxins), and containing remnants of antibiotics, glyphosate and Big Pharma drugs. It may do just enough to keep us alive, but it’s not allowing us to thrive.
Water has memory and carries past information, as the pioneering research of Dr. Masaru Emoto showed. It absorbs what you are thinking and feeling, and changes its structure accordingly. If we as a society keep using synthetic drugs and flushing them down the waterways, the water will remember that, and future drinkers of it will get the “memory information” of drugs in their system, regardless of whether they actually take pharmaceuticals or not.
We are water. Whatever we do to our water we do to ourselves. One way out of the deception and conspiracy is to take control of your water, and find a pure source, or ensure you both filter and structure your water to make it as life-giving as possible. Not all water is equal. How beneficial it is depends on how it is structured. It is heartening to see people promoting structured water, which returns the buoyancy to the hydrogen and oxygen atoms making up the water molecule.
to read the rest of the list, go to the source:
With all the craziness of modern life, it is well to take a few moments off for meditation. Check this out:
Eckhart Tolle’s Meditation For Finding Inner Peace
Eckhart Tolle TV
Eckhart Tolle TV is dedicated to providing you with the resources to put his teachings into practice everyday to transform your life, which ultimately transforms the world. In his GPS Guide below, Eckhart Tolle shows you how to find inner peace through meditation.
lzf via Getty Images
Eckhart Tolle’s profound, yet simple teachings reveal a path to inner peace and true happiness. These teachings have helped countless people throughout the world awaken to a vibrant joy and greater fulfillment in their daily lives.
This GPS Guide was inspired by Meditation on Eckhart Tolle TV, which features Eckhart Tolle and his partner, Kim Eng’s teachings about meditation and practices to help bring awareness to the present moment.
“The fact that breath has no form is one of the reasons why breath awareness is an extremely effective way of bringing space into your life, of generating consciousness,” Eckhart explained. “It is an excellent meditation object precisely because it is not an object, has no shape or form.”
Take a look at Eckhart Tolle’s guide on meditation and finding inner peace below.
Eckhart Tolle on Meditation
In this video, Eckhart talks about how our minds may have ideas about the ideal environment for meditation, quiet and tranquil, conducive to relaxation. He points out that whatever sounds or disturbances we encounter during our meditation are part of the experience.
A Guided Meditation With Kim Eng
In this video, Kim guides us through a meditation to help us stay present, rooted in our bodies, while we notice our thoughts and emotions pass.
One of the first steps in bringing chickens to your backyard homestead is building a coop. The size of the coop depends on how many hens and roosters you intend to house. Opinions differ on the amount of space needed, but a general rule of thumb is two to three square feet of coop space per bird. Once you have a general idea of how much space you’ll need and what shape you want your coop to be, you can set out finding materials to build your new hen house.
You can purchase chicken coops from many big box home improvement or farm stores in your area. These coops will run you anywhere from $150 to as much at $1,000, depending on size and amenities. However, just because you are buying an expensive coop doesn’t necessarily mean you are getting a good quality one. Cost and quality are some of the biggest factors when homesteaders decide to build their own coop. However, purchasing all new materials to build your own can be almost as expensive as buying a kit or premade coop. This is why homesteaders often choose to use reclaimed materials for their coops.
You can create a chicken coop out of almost anything — from old wooden pallets to buckets and more. A quick Internet search will give you thousands of great ideas to get you started. If you don’t have a ton of materials laying around, you can visit your local junkyard or ask your neighbors for donations. Keep an open mind while you are looking for your materials. An old shed and dog house with a run can make a great chicken coop with plenty of space for your flock to run. You can kick Fido out of his outside home and use it for your nesting boxes.
There are some beautiful coops that have been made from branches cut from a tree in the yard. This strategy creates a beautiful, naturally camouflaged coop that blends into the landscape and can keep predators away. Do you have an old car headed to the junkyard? Use that for your coop. Remove the seats, wheels and engine and add chicken wire to keep your flock contained.
Buckets are often reused because these can serve as nesting boxes, feeders and hold drinking water for the chickens. Old tires are great for wallow pits, nesting areas and even for the structure itself if you have enough of them.
You can call around to local building material providers that will often offer materials that are damaged or misshapen, for little or no cost. You can use cinderblocks or old pavers for the foundation or for the walls. Electric and cable companies will often give away or sell the spools on which wire lines are rolled. You can use these to construct your coop or as accessories, such as nesting boxes. Branches from your pruned trees can serve as roosts for your flock to hang out on during the day.
Some stores will sell reclaimed materials from home remodels at low cost. You can reuse things like old windows and doors as part of your coop’s structure. Dog doors can be used as the entrance to the coop.Before you sell your old furniture in your next yard sale, consider using it for your hen house. An old dresser could be a great nesting area for your hens if you take the fronts off the drawers and add chicken wire to get adequate airflow for your flock. The front of the drawers can be used as a ramp to get in and out of the nesting area or to add on extra nesting boxes.
There are lots of great reasons to build your coop from reclaimed materials. Not only is it cost-effective, but if you have a bunch of junk in your yard or garage that is just taking up room, you can use those materials to clean up your space at the same time. Using reclaimed materials also keeps those materials out of the landfill, and they add a special charm that you don’t get from prefabricated coops and traditional structures.
Florence Low/ California Department of Water Resources via AP
FRESNO, Calif. — Vast areas of California’s Central Valley are sinking faster than in the past as massive amounts of groundwater are pumped during the historic drought, NASA said in new research released Wednesday.
The research shows that in some places the ground is sinking nearly two inches each month, putting infrastructure on the surface at growing risk of damage.
Sinking land has occurred for decades in California because of excessive groundwater pumping during drought conditions, but the new data shows it is happening faster.
Mark Cowin, head of the California Department of Water Resources, said the costly damage has occurred to major canals that deliver water up and down the state. In addition, wells are being depleted, he said.
“Because of increased pumping, groundwater levels are reaching record lows – up to 100 feet lower than previous records,” Cowin said in a statement.
The report said land near the city of Corcoran sank 13 inches in eight months and part of the California Aqueduct sank eight inches in four months last year.
Long-term subsidence has already destroyed thousands of public and private groundwater well casings in the San Joaquin Valley. Over time, subsidence can permanently reduce the underground aquifer’s water storage capacity.
As part of an ongoing effort to respond to the effects of the drought, a task force is working with communities to develop short-term and long-term recommendations to reduce the rate of sinking and address risks to infrastructure.
“Groundwater acts as a savings account to provide supplies during drought, but the NASA report shows the consequences of excessive withdrawals as we head into the fifth year of historic drought,” Cowin said in his statement. “
The Department of Water Resources is also launching a $10 million program to help counties with stressed groundwater basins to develop or strengthen local ordinances and conservation plans.
A record low mountain snowpack has increased pumping of groundwater by farmers and other water users. Scientists used satellite images of the Earth taken over time to measure the sinking land.
As always, do your research! But so many feel that September is going to be critical on all levels:
The Big List Of 33 Things That Are Going To Happen In September 2015
By Michael Snyder, on August 19th, 2015
Is September 2015 going to be a month that changes history? For months, there has been an unprecedented amount of buzz all over the Internet about what is going to happen in September. And without a doubt, we are going to witness a convergence of events during that month that is quite remarkable. What I have attempted to do in this article is to put together a list of things that we know will happen next month. Some of the lists that I have seen contain things that cannot be proven or that are simply inaccurate. And of course it is very likely that some things will happen in September that we cannot anticipate right now. I am just providing the information that I have at this time, and it is up to you and your family to prepare for what you believe will happen. The following is my big list of 33 things that are going to happen in September 2015…
September 11 – The last day of trading on Wall Street before the end of the Shemitah year
September 12 – Madonna’s Rebel Heart Tour opens in the United States. The first stop is in Washington D.C. and according to Holly Deyo the “opening theme is Desecration of The Bride and Arrival of Fallen Angels”
September 12 and September 13 – Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, a leading authority in Ultra-Orthodox Judaism, has indicated that the Messiah that the Jewish people are expecting could come at this time
September 13 – The last day of the Shemitah year. During the last two Shemitah cycles, we witnessed record-breaking stock market crashes on the very last day of the Shemitah year (Elul 29 on the Biblical calendar). For example, if you go back to September 17th, 2001 (which was Elul 29 on the Biblical calendar), we witnessed the greatest one day stock market crash in all of U.S. history up until that time. The Dow plunged 684 points, and it was a record that held for exactly seven years until the end of the next Shemitah cycle. On September 29th, 2008 (which was also Elul 29 on the Biblical calendar), the Dow plummeted 777 points, which still today remains the greatest one day stock market crash of all time in the United States. Now we are in another Shemitah year. It began in the fall of 2014, and it ends on September 13th, 2015.
September 14 – The first day of trading on Wall Street after the end of the Shemitah year
September 15 – The 70th session of the UN General Assembly begins on this date. It has been widely reported that France plans to introduce a resolution which will give formal UN Security Council recognition to a Palestinian state shortly after the new session begins. Up until now, the U.S. has always been the one blocking such a resolution, but Barack Obama has already indicated that things may be different this time around. It would be extremely difficult to overstate the significance of this.
September 15 – The Jade Helm military exercises are scheduled to end
September 17 – If there is going to be a rate hike in September, this is probably when the Federal Reserve will do it
September 17 – This is the deadline for Congress to vote on Obama’s deal with Iran
September 17 – Constitution Day – most Americans do not even know that this holiday exists
September 18 – The Days of Awe conference in Sandpoint, Idaho – Christians from all over the nation will be gathering to call out to God in prayer and to repent for the sins of our country
September 23 – The Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha, also known as “the Feast of the Sacrifice”, begins
September 23 – Pope Francis arrives at the White House to meet with Barack Obama
September 23 – The 266th Pope will be meeting with the president of the United States on the 266th day of the year. Some have suggested that “something is being birthed” on that day since 266 days is the average length of the human gestation period.
September 24 – The Pope addresses a joint session of the U.S. Congress
September 25 – On May 14th, 2014 French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius famously proclaimed that we had only 500 days to avoid “climate chaos”. His time frame of 500 days ends on September 25th.
September 25 – The Pope will hold mass in Madison Square Garden in New York City
September 25 to September 27 – The United Nations launches a brand new “universal agenda” for humanity known as “the 2030 Agenda”
September 25 – The Pope appears at the UN to deliver an address to kick off the conference at which the 2030 Agenda will be unveiled
September 28 – The first day of the Feast of Tabernacles
September 28 – This is the date for the last of the four blood moons that fall on Biblical festival dates during 2014 and 2015. This blood moon will be a “supermoon” and it will be clearly visible from the city of Jerusalem.
Due to the ending of the Shemitah year and numerous other factors, there is rampant speculation that a stock market crash is going to happen in the United States during the month of September. Previously, I have expressed my view that a major global financial crisis is imminent, but my warning covers all of the remaining months of 2015. Since I cannot prove that a stock market crash will happen next month, I have left it off the list. But without a doubt, we are entering the danger zone.
There is also lots of speculation about unusual activity at the Large Hadron Collider during the month of September. In my research, I have not yet come across anything that confirms that. If you have solid information concerning this, please send it to me. But certainly, what they are doing with the Large Hadron Collider concerns me greatly. This is something that I covered in a previous article entitled “Will The Large Hadron Collider Open Up A Portal To Another Dimension?”
In addition, I am also aware that there is a tremendous amount of speculation about an asteroid or a meteor that may or may not be heading toward our planet next month. At this time, I have no way of proving this is true, and I have no way of disproving it is true either. I have not come across anything that I can independently verify that indicates that this will or will not happen. In law school I was trained to stick to the facts, and I don’t have any facts. If you do have some solid and verifiable information, please share it with me.
Finally, I would like to acknowledge that there is plenty of speculation about certain natural disasters that may happen in September. They may indeed happen, but I cannot prove anything of that nature right now so I have left those natural disasters off the list.
Needless to say, next month promises to be absolutely crazy, and our time for preparing is running out.
Gallups identifies specific incidents when civil society collapsed, most notably in New Orleans immediately following Hurricane Katrina.
“You ended up with the worst of both worlds,” Gallups observed. “You had widespread criminality, anarchy and disorder, and somehow, at the same time, you had government officials going around enforcing wildly tyrannical guidelines and even confiscating firearms.”
As a result, Americans may be forced to rely on themselves for protection, meaning Christians have to begin planning now.
Even if it doesn’t happen next month, life in America is about to change dramatically.
The infrastructure and government services that we have all come to take for granted may not be there in the future.
It is imperative that we all start to learn how to become more independent of the system, because the system is going to start failing in thousands of different ways.
Finally I can tell you what I’ve been working on over the past several months — even going back several years — now ready for somewhat of an announcement.
Be ready, this is huge, and I’m not joking in the least.
Reserve your judgement at the door please. I urge you to read with an open mind.
‘True Universal Time’ — Equation outline
by Dutchsinse (michael janitch)
I have developed an overall theory of “time” as it relates to Mass , Space, and Energy.
Not referring to “time on a clock”, but ACTUAL time of the greater Universe. Time as a force, not as you imagine it on a wall clock.
The actual physical force of “time” is what I am calling “True Universal Time” being the “time” in which Mass and Space operate.
This true universal time allows for Mass and Space to exist in the same way that Space allows for mass to exist, and conversely mass allowing for a TIME for the space to be occupied by said mass.
A 3D cube showing a XYZ axis in a “space”. In order for the cube to even be there to begin with, the space must be created, and the time forms as a byproduct of “the beginning” or “the first time” that the mass was placed into the space. Time would then be proportional to the amount of mass, and the distance the mass traveled through space, or the amount of space the mass occupies.
Mass, Space, and Time all must simultaneously exist in order for each other to exist.
You cannot have mass without a space for it to occupy, and you cannot have space without some kind of mass (or lack of mass) to define it (even if that space is a void it is still occupied by a void), and finally you cannot have mass in a space without a “time” for it to occupy that space.
You simply cannot have one without the other. All three must exist at once in order for mass to move through space.
In other words, you can’t have an object in a space without having ‘space’ to begin with.. and you can’t have space for a mass unless there is a TIME in which the mass was placed in the space to begin with.
The “time” of the placing of mass into a space would be called “beginning” I suppose, even if it is an energy placed into a void, the “time” the energy appeared in the void would be called “the first time” the energy was placed in the void.
Thus we have the “True Universal Time” concept which I have developed , which was born out of the aforementioned truths.
“True Universal Time”consists of other physical elements and is fully based upon the laws of physics.
Time is a physical byproduct of energy and distance through space (but yet a requirement for energy and space to exist).
Read on, don’t scoff yet!
We know that Mass = Energy from Einsteins famous E=mc2 proofs, and we know that space exists for multiple reasons… mainly we know there is “space” for mass to exist because we ourselves are made of “mass” too , and since we are here inside of this “space” which mass inhabits.
We call this space which mass inhabits “the universe“.
We know the space of the universe is subject to mass. We know that “space” , even though it is an empty “void” , somehow bends around objects with great mass.
How can “nothing” bend?
Obviously “space” and “void” aren’t exactly good terms to describe the Universe in which our mass inhabits. Clearly space itself (the Universe which supplies space for our masses to reside) is actually physical in some way.
If space is empty, how can a large mass warp it? People talk of Gravity causing the warping .. but never discuss WHAT IS WARPED?
They may say “space time” is warping.. but what is this “space time” made of ? I’ll address this question further down.
I digress in the rhetorical question asking.
Einstein proved mass = energy…. if Mass = Energy then we can replace everything above where it says “mass” and interchange it with “energy”.
Now we get to the actual “theory” portion which I will be presenting in detail at a later date via video…
What is this “time”, and what is it made of? How is it formed from Energy + Space?
“True Universal Time”, as I am understanding this concept, consists only of how “long” energy exists in space.
“True time” (for short) is = to Energy expended over a distance in space.
In an equation, it would appear simply at T = ED squared or T=ed2
This is my theory which I claim today publicly, not to be ripped by someone else.
Time = Energy over distance (squared). Or T=ED2
In the irony of ironies, I would like to point out Ted Theodore Logan now makes a lot more sense. (just a coincidence I promise).
Time is equal to Energy over a distance. Einsteins equations in relativity also back up my “theory” on this — as mass is accelerated to the speed of light, “time” begins to change.
Of course now we can understand that since Time=Energy X Distance — when mass passes through space “faster”, that “time” can be altered based upon the speed in which mass is pushed to.
If we want to know the “real” time of the Universe, we can apply T=ED in reverse to determine (T)
DE=T … Distance X Energy = “Time” …
ET=D ….. Energy X “Time” = Distance
TD = E … Time X Distance = Energy
Because Time is = to Energy over a distance , thus a constant energy over a greater distance = a longer time.
I’ll break down the hard equations and proofs in a video (when I get them done).
But for now, I’ve got to get it out there in case something happens to me (by accident or otherwise).
Based upon these ideas, of course the possibility and talk of “time travel” comes into play. Can T=ED be tweaked or applied to this famous concept of traveling “through” time.
We can determine that IF time = Energy over Distance ….. would it then be possible to apply Distance and Energy in such a way as to influence “Time” around the energy we are sending across the distance.
Now I know why TED rides in a phone booth!
In all actuality, the way I’m now comprehending this, yes.. time travel could be possible — if Time is nothing more than energy over a distance, then you would need to apply energy to mass to accelerate your time.
Since we are talking about Universal time.. one would need to access the background universes “energy” in order to “travel” through this medium.
I’m assuming that the background Universal medium is electrical / plasmoid in nature. That the one constant in the “sea of Energy” is indeed electricity or close to it when trying to describe what it is that makes up all things in the “universe”.
If you were able to envelope yourself somehow inside a pure electrical field, independent of outside sources.. theoretically I suppose that the interior “space” would be protected, while the “outside” of the electrical field could be manipulated from the interior in order to allow for a “traveling” through time.
I also suppose that since there is a “time” for every mass in space at every point in the past, that IF you were “inside” energy, and IF you could apply a + and – charge to the electrical field.. that all you would need to do is apply a negative or positive electrical charge to move back and forward through time INSIDE this “mass” of energy.
LOL @ at that concept, but there it is!
To head off the conspiracy theorists, NO .. I’m not a time traveler from the future — at least not yet that is to say 😀
Cheers, and much love to all those who read this and understand — and please don’t scoff until I’ve presented the full breakdown for you to review.
This is just a teaser for the most part, and to prevent anyone from ripping me off.
Scents can have a powerful influence on your well-being. Aromatherapy, which uses concentrated essences of various botanicals, allows you to harness the olfactory power of plants for healing on many levels.
Essential oils carry biologically active volatile compounds in a highly concentrated form that can provide therapeutic benefits in very small amounts.
Quality is of the essence here. First of all, what we’re talking about here is pure, therapeutic grade essential oils from plants, NOT synthetic fragrance oils or perfumes, which can be toxic and typically contain allergenic compounds.
But even among essential oils, the quality can vary widely and assessing the quality of any given brand can be difficult, as factors such as growing conditions and methods of harvesting, distillation, manufacture, and storage can all affect the final product.
The University of Minnesota1 offers some helpful guidance regarding international standard-setting agencies and considerations to take into account when looking for an essential oil.
One of the most important considerations is to look for a statement of purity. What you’re looking for is 100% essential oil (meaning it has not been diluted, altered, or mixed with anything else). Price can be a tipoff. If it’s really cheap, it’s probably a reflection of poor quality.
There are hundreds and many thousands of essential oils available if you factor in combinations. Each have their own potential benefits. The oils tend to work synergistically, and using a combination of oils often creates a more powerful effect than any one individual oil.
There are many ways to use essential oils for health and well-being, and the featured article2 lists no less than 25 ways to enjoy them. But first, let’s address the question of whether or not they actually have a biological effect, and if so, how.
Scents Can Alter Your Nervous System
When you inhale the fragrance of an essential oil, the aroma penetrates your bloodstream via your lungs,3 and this is thought to be one of the mechanisms by which aromatherapy exerts its physiological effects. Essential oils are also easily absorbed through your skin when applied topically.
The fragrance also affects the limbic system in your brain, which controls both memories and emotions. Many essential oils have antibacterial, antifungal, and/or antiviral qualities, and contrary to antibiotics, essential oils do not promote resistance.4
Modern scientists are not only finding compelling links between scents and human behavior,5 scents can actually influence the biochemistry of your nervous system.
This was shown in a 2002 Japanese study,6 which found that certain oils would stimulate sympathetic nervous system activity whereas others would calm it. (Your sympathetic nervous system modulates processes such as your heart rate, blood vessel constriction, and blood pressure.)
For example:
Black pepper, fennel, and grapefruit oil caused a 1.5- to 2.5-fold increase in sympathetic nervous system activity (as measured by an increase in systolic blood pressure)
Rose and patchouli oil resulted in a 40 percent decrease in sympathetic nervous system activity
Pepper oil induced a 1.7-fold increase in plasma adrenaline concentration
Rose oil caused adrenaline to drop by 30 percent
Lavender and Jasmine Help Uplift Your Mood
A Korean study7 found that lavender reduced both insomnia and depression in female college students.
Another study8 published in Phytomedicine in 2010 found that an orally administered lavender oil preparation (Silexan) was as effective as the drug Lorazepam for the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder. According to the authors:
“Since lavender oil showed no sedative effects in our study and has no potential for drug abuse, silexan appears to be an effective and well tolerated alternative to benzodiazepines for amelioration of generalized anxiety.”
Other research9 has concluded the essential oil of jasmine can also uplift mood and counteract symptoms of depression. The authors noted that:
“Compared with placebo, jasmine oil caused significant increases of breathing rate, blood oxygen saturation, and systolic and diastolic blood pressure, which indicated an increase of autonomic arousal.
At the emotional level, subjects in the jasmine oil group rated themselves as more alert, more vigorous, and less relaxed than subjects in the control group. This finding suggests an increase of subjective behavioral arousal.
In conclusion, our results demonstrated the stimulating/activating effect of jasmine oil and provide evidence for its use in aromatherapy for the relief of depression and uplifting mood in humans.”
How Terpenes in Essential Oils Benefit Your Health
An article in Healthy Holistic Living10 discusses some of the components giving essential oils their therapeutic benefits. For example, some essential oils have tremendous antioxidant capacities.
According to this article, one ounce of clove oil has an antioxidant capacity equivalent to 450 pounds of carrots. Essential oils also contain three different types of terpenes, each with its own set of benefits:
Phenylpropanoids have antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral activity. As noted in the article,11 “phenylpropanoids clean the receptor sites on the cells.
Without clean receptor sites, cells cannot communicate, and the body malfunctions, resulting in disease.” Oils that contain this type of terpene include: clove, cassia, basil, cinnamon, oregano, anise, and peppermint.
Monoterpenes, which are found in most essential oils, help “reprogram miswritten information in the cellular memory,” according to the featured article.
Sesquiterpenes help deliver oxygen to your tissues, which makes it more difficult for viruses, bacteria, and even cancer cells, to survive. Essential oils that contain sesquiterpenes include cedarwood, vetiver, spikenard, sandalwood, black pepper, patchouli, myrrh, ginger, and frankincense.
Essential Oils for Common Maladies
There are probably as many uses for aromatherapy as there are essential oils, but research shows particular promise in relieving stress, stabilizing your mood, improving sleep, pain and nausea relief, and improving your memory and energy level.
To give you an idea of the versatility of aromatherapy, the following table lists some of the therapeutic uses of several oils for a few of today’s most common complaints.12 As you can see, there are some real “multitaskers,” like lavender and peppermint, which can be used to treat more than one problem.13
Essential Oils
Lavender, lemon, bergamot, peppermint, vetiver, pine, and ylang ylang
Lavender,14 chamomile, jasmine, benzoin, neroli, rose, sandalwood, sweet marjoram, and ylang ylang (avoid lemon, which has an invigorating effect15)
Black pepper, cardamom, cinnamon, clove, angelica, jasmine, tea tree, rosemary, sage, and citrus
How to Use Essential Oils
Some of the most common ways to use essential oils include:
Massaging them (blended with a carrier oil) into your skin
Adding them to bathwater
Using them in a hot compress
Heating them in a diffuser
Rubbing a drop onto pulse points in lieu of perfume
But that’s really just the beginning. There are many creative uses for essential oils. Here’s a sampling of the 25 uses listed by the Epoch Times.18 For the full list, please see the original article.
Cleaning sprays and room deodorizers
Making your own cleaning supplies and room deodorizers using essential oils is an excellent alternative to commercial products that may contain any number of hazardous chemicals. For example, for a homemade cleaning scrub with antibacterial activity, simply add a few drops of lavender or tea tree oil to baking soda.
Using a glass grated-cheese container with a stainless steel top that has holes in it makes it easy to sprinkle the baking soda on the surfaces. In lieu of commercial room deodorizers, you can either use an aromatherapy diffuser, or add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to water in a spray bottle.
Freshen laundry
Dryer sheets are notoriously toxic, emitting more than 600 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) through your dryer vent. You can easily freshen your laundry without risking your family’s health simply by spritzing your wet laundry with a mix of water and a few drops of essential oil before placing it in the dryer. Alternatively, add a dozen or so drops to an old wool sock, and put it in the dryer with your laundry.
Therapeutic steam baths
To deep clean pores, add a few drops of lavender or eucalyptus to hot water in your sink, then lean over it with a towel draped over your head to capture the steam. This will also help unclog your sinuses if you have a cold. Alternatively, close the drain in your shower and add some eucalyptus essential oils to the pooled water on the floor of the tub to create a soothing steam.
Customized lotions and soap
Synthetic fragrances are a source of allergies, but you can easily customize your own soaps and lotions by adding a few drops of your favorite essential oil to an unscented brand.
Combat pimples
Tea tree oil, which has potent antibacterial activity, can help dry out pimples.
Facial toner
Make your own facial toner by adding a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil to distilled water in a misting bottle.
Insect repellents
Cotton balls soaked in peppermint oil is said to deter insects and rodents. The following essential oils also make excellent bug repellents in lieu of DEET and other chemical repellents:
Cinnamon leaf oil (one study found it was more effective at killing mosquitoes than DEET19)
Clear liquid vanilla extract20 mixed with olive oil
Wash with citronella soap, and then put some 100 percent pure citronella essential oil mixed with a carrier oil on your skin. Java Citronella is considered the highest quality citronella on the market
Catnip oil (according to one study, this oil is 10 times more effective than DEET)21
Lemon eucalyptus was found very effective in a 2014 Australian study;22 a mixture of 32 percent lemon eucalyptus oil provided more than 95 percent protection for three hours, compared to a 40 percent DEET repellent that gave 100 percent protection for seven hours
Aromatherapy can be a beneficial adjunct to your overall health plan. It’s not a replacement for wise lifestyle choices like good nutrition and exercise, but it can certainly help enhance your physical and emotional health. Aromatherapy is one more tool you can keep in your tool bag for managing everyday stress, balancing out mood swings and improving your sleep for example.
Essential oils are also a great addition to many of your homemade beauty and cleaning products, adding both scent and antibacterial qualities. Whether you seek out a trained aromatherapist or adopt a DIY approach, the following are a few resources you might find useful.
National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA):23 Everything about the medicinal use of aromatic plants and the holistic practice of aromatherapy
Aroma Web:24 A directory of aromatherapy information, tips, recipes, sources, including a regional aromatherapy business directory
American Botanical Council:25 Herbal medicine information that includes an herb library and clinical guide to herbs
Herb Med:26 Interactive electronic herb database (some information is free, but full access requires a fee)
For many middle-class families, choosing to eat well is a financial decision as well as a health decision. When fast-food chains offer 99-cents meals and buying produce for a home-cooked meal can cost a lot more than one dollar, convenience and cost make fast food a colossal temptation. So how can you get the most out of your produce? Well, one way is to use all of the plant, instead of letting it rot or throwing a lot of it out. It may surprise you to discover that most seeds, skins and greens inside and surrounding a plant are actually edible. Here we will show you how to stop throwing money down the drain and maximize the potential of your produce.
How often do you throw away the peel of your oranges after eating the fruit? Did you know that you can use the zest to sweeten curries, salads and muffins? The same is true with lemons and limes. Lemon zest is great for adding a fruity acidity to meals and for heightening flavors. Lime zest is especially good in Latin cuisine. You can even make candied fruit peels by taking a lemon, lime or orange peel and boiling it in water with organic cane or coconut sugar.Skins
Most people know that you can eat apple or pear skins, but what else can you eat? Peach, pineapple and apricot skins are high in vitamin C and are safe for regular consumption. Watermelon rind is also really good for you. It’s very tart, but contains high amounts of the amino acid citrulline, which can boost blood flow, reduce blood pressure and promote overall cardiovascular health. Mango skins should also not be tossed out. They are high in antioxidants and phytochemicals. Peanut skins are also high in antioxidants and can improve cardiovascular health. Vegetable skins that pack a punch of nutrition include sweet potato skins, yellow squash skins and zucchini skins.
Pineapple seeds are relatively small and can be eaten. When making a smoothie, many people will spit out the blackberry seeds. Resist the urge and you’ll reap the benefits from omega-3 fatty acids, protein, fiber, carotenoids and antioxidants. Watermelon seeds are also high in nutrients, including zinc, fiber, vitamin B, beta carotene, lycopene, iron, protein, phosphorus, potassium and unsaturated fats. Cantaloupe seeds have been enjoyed as a healthy snack in Iran and China for centuries. They are high in calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, and vitamins A, B6, B12, D, E and K. Next time you roast pumpkin or spaghetti squash, save the seeds and toast them later.
Kids that are raised to eat healthily often enjoy picking peas from their pods, but did you know you can actually eat the pods? Snap peas and snow peas are both podded legumes that can be eaten whole. Broad beans and their pods can also be eaten whole. Almonds are another plant-based protein that can be eaten whole. When almonds are green and covered in fur, you can eat the whole thing, including the shell. Another protein that you can eat whole is the hemp seed. You can buy them shelled for a softer, nutty texture, or enjoy them whole and reap the benefits of the added crunch and fiber.
When people think of leafy greens, they typically think of the conventional lettuces available in the supermarket. Little do they know how many nutritionally-dense greens they are throwing away. The tops of carrots, sweet potatoes, celery and leeks are packed with vitamins and minerals.
You can easily save money by making a salad with these or adding them to a stew. Leek leaves help prevent oxidative damage to our cells. Carrot tops are high in vitamins A, B6, C and K and are loaded with minerals as well. Sweet potato greens are harder to come by in a grocery store, but if you grow sweet potatoes, eat the greens too.
Squash leaves are also often neglected. Celery greens are perhaps the easiest to incorporate if you love celery. That’s because the greens actually taste like celery too!
On the flip side, many people will only use the greens on the ends of some foods and throw away the stalk. Parsley and cilantro are delicious greens that are used in many Latin and Mediterranean dishes. Unfortunately, the stalks are often thrown out when they also contain the same nutrients and flavors as the leaves. Broccoli and cauliflower are other examples.
People love the florets but are less enthusiastic about the stalks, which contain the same vitamins and minerals as the florets. If you don’t like the texture, soften them up by boiling them, steaming them or adding them to a soup or stew.
Wasting food is wasting money. Thinking outside the box can help you find new ways to get the most out of your food so you can save money and live better. What are some ways you have thought outside the box when preparing produce? Share your ideas below.