The refreshing surge of Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump: America tires of the same old insider corruption and idiocy offered by Clinton and Bush

by Mike Adams, the Health Range
(NaturalNews) I don’t usually cover pure politics here on Natural News, but watching the surge of Bernie Sanders (on the left) and Donald Trump (on the right) is so refreshing that I had to share it with you. It turns out these two have a lot more in common than you might expect.
They’re both independent-minded individuals who aren’t afraid to buck the system… or even to threaten it! Sanders openly talks about obliterating Wall Street capitalist cronies while Donald Trump openly threatens to build a giant wall on the border to block illegal immigration. These aren’t cowardly, mainstream ideas; they’re bold, controversial positions that simply aren’t designed to appease the middle ground.
Both of these ideas are, of course, viciously attacked by the corporate-controlled lamestream media. Yet despite the attacks, both Sanders and Trump are surging in popularity. In fact, both are now leading the pack for their respective parties, according to some polls. See Donald Trump Leads The Pack as GOP Frontrunner at Breitbart.com.
Compare the bold, striking words of Sanders and Trump to the banal speeches and relentless lies of Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush — two lifelong politicians whose only goal is to appease everyone at all times, even if it means making different promises to different crowds in different cities on different days. Hillary Clinton, in particular, is a pathological liar who, if elected, would run the White House like a mafia don.
Clinton and Bush are the very faces of government corruption, deception and tyranny. If either one of these gets elected in 2016, America is finished. Only a new face and a new direction have any hope of rescuing America from the disastrous economic death spiral it’s currently experiencing.
Why America needs bold leadership
Bernie Sanders calls himself a “democratic socialist.” He’s pro-people, anti-corporate-corruption and pro-Big Government. Donald Trump calls himself a Republican, but he’s really more of an economic libertarian. Egoistic and forthright, he might actually be the perfect “in your face” kind of leader to go up against the likes of Russian President Putin, who thinks of politicians like Obama as being wussified wimps.
In a time of global turmoil in the Ukraine and the Middle East, an economic implosion unraveling in the EU, and Iran being on the verge of acquiring nuclear weapons — which the Obama administration has actually encouraged — America needs somebody BOLD… somebody with a spine who won’t pander to the politically correct media.
America can’t survive another status quo corrupt politician that betrays the People to the insane corporations and war mongers who currently run the show. Every vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for Monsanto, and every vote for Jeb Bush is a vote for endless war and the continued rise of the Orwellian police state. (It’s all for your “national security,” didn’t you know?)
The only people who currently support Jeb Bush are the politically clueless lifelong Republican ticket voters who are totally ignorant of what Bush actually stands for. And the only people who would vote for Hillary Clinton are totally clueless, low-information voters who are so cognitively impaired that they couldn’t even spell “Clinton” if you asked them.
How Bernie Sanders may topple Clinton
In an article entitled “This Is How Hillary Loses the Primary,” Stuart Stevens writes:
Something remarkable is happening in American politics. For the first time in our history, a socialist is running a close second and gaining ground on the front-runner in a presidential race.
Anyway you look at it, Senator Bernie Sanders is making history and may very well play a deciding role in who will be the next president.
As Stevens explains, Bernie Sanders is now looking likely to beat out Hillary Clinton for the democratic primary. But Sanders himself is very unlikely to win against any Republican contender, meaning Sanders could play the role of a “Clinton spoiler.”
Bernie Sanders, in other words, is the Democrats’ Ross Perot. Except Ross Perot was absolutely correct about so-called “free trade” gutting the U.S. economy. Bernie Sanders’ economic policies are far more “Big Government” oriented and likely to push America even more aggressively toward economic implosion.
Then again, perhaps America’s left-wing political leaders can simply invoke China’s stock market genius of threatening to arrest anyone who SELLS stocks, thereby propping up delusional valuations at gunpoint.