Volcano Peak, CA Earthquake

6/02/2015 — ANOTHER Earthquake strikes California Dormant Volcano — Volcano Peak, CA

Yesterday, June 1st, a 3.4 magnitude earthquake struck near Volcano Peak California.

Volcano Peak is a dormant volcano located in South Central California, North of Los Angeles.

Today, June 2nd, we see yet another earthquake has struck again near this same volcano.  Same magnitude as the first event yesterday, measuring M3.4 .

earthquake california volcano june 2 2015


Yesterday we saw FOUR noteworthy earthquakes off the coast of Oregon near the new undersea Axial Volcano (5.9M + 5.8M + 5.5M + 4.4M)

Just before the swarm of Oregon earthquakes, there were two volcanic related earthquakes which occurred in Salton Sea at the Volcanic Buttes in South California, and in South Utah at the Markagunt Volcanic Plateau.


Information on this newest 3.4M earthquake near Volcano Peak, CA:

Magnitude/uncertainty 3.4 ml± 0.2
Location/uncertainty 35.862°N 117.686°W± 0.2 km
Depth/uncertainty 3.0 km± 0.5
Origin Time
Number of Stations 45
Number of Phases 57
Minimum Distance 9.29 km (0.08°)
Travel Time Residual 0.17 sec
Azimuthal Gap 55°
FE Region Central California (39)


from:    http://dutchsinse.com/