Astrology, Manifestation, & You

Urgent! Huge Astrological Starseed Message For Manifestation

June 20, 2015 

Urgent! Huge Astrological Starseed Message For Manifestation  in5d in 5d body mind soul spirit

by Michelle Walling, CHLC
Staff writer,

July brings an important opportunity for gathering as Starseeds with intention to create the reality we wish to experience. Confirmations and synchronicity lead us to important messages that can be shared in order to unite like minded souls in manifesting the best possible outcome for humanity. We find ourselves in one of these times right now, and the message is full of hope but requires that we do the work that we are remembering we came here to do.

It is very important to remember that we are creating our own reality. For those of us who are aware and awakening to the full power of a sovereign free soul having an existence right now in a human being body, we are learning how to master the situation while still existing in the 3d prison matrix. By using intention and imagination, we really are “willing” ourselves out of this each and every day we wake up on the planet. The timelines change constantly and we are learning how to get the advantage of coming together as Starseeds to create the shift into the frequency that we desire.

According to Astrologer Carl Boudreaux, we are coming upon the perfect rare astrological alignment with the new moon on July 15 to manifest our desires with confidence and determination:

This Far and No Farther

For many months, now, the astrological message has been about challenging and repeated emotional releases, confusion and indecision. That will almost surely change dramatically in July.

Neptune, Chiron, Nessus and Saturn have softened the ground. Positive aspects have planted seeds of hope and aspiration and have begun paving a way forward.

Beginning very soon, as soon as July’s New Moon makes itself felt, we will define a goal for ourselves. We will experience a grim and righteous determination to achieve that goal, even if that means outright confrontation with those who resist us.

The Moon’s Work

Cancer, presently being transited by the Sun, is the Moon’s home sign. Both Cancer and the Moon are closely associated with the psychologically and spiritually vital 4th house.

Cancer, the Moon and the 4th house are all closely associated with the weaving and reweaving of patterns in our unconscious mind. These patterns affect our spirituality and our psychology. They strongly influence, if they do not simply determine, our attitudes and behaviors.

Moon to the Nth Degree

Every July, the Sun transits Cancer, placing its energetic emphasis on the deep psychological and spiritual processes governed by Cancer, the Moon and the 4th house. In July 2015, a number of factors will dramatically heighten this focus, intensifying, accelerating, amplifying and spiritualizing these psychological and spiritual processes.

There are three Moons in July 2015.

July 2nd, Full Moon in Capricorn.

July 16th, New Moon in Cancer.

July 31st, Full Moon in Aquarius.

This surplus of lunar energy will, by itself, put psychological and spiritual processes into overdrive.

But there is more.

Some Serious Sirius

Sirius is by far the brightest star in the heavens. It is also the most sacred of the stars. Located in Cancer, I think of Sirius as the light of higher consciousness shining through the psychological and spiritual processes governed by Cancer.

The patterns we weave in the course of the Moon’s monthly cycle must not be so dense as to obstruct the light of Spiritual Intuition that shines steadily through Cancer, providing insight, guidance, and support. In symbolic terms, this means that we must not shut out the light of Sirius by weaving rigid and opaque patterns in our unconscious.

With relatively few exceptions, the New Moon conjunction will produce a beam of Sirius energy strong enough to soften and penetrate even the most rigid and opaque patterns in our subconscious. Although some may be brittle enough that they snap under the strain.

It is worth noting that, historically, the Cancer/Capricorn axis has proven powerfully sensitive. Pluto’s transit of this axis, whether in Cancer or Capricorn, has consistently correlated with major historical events.

At the moment of the New Moon on July 16th, Mars, Mercury and Sirius will conjoin. This triple conjunction is closely opposed to retrograde Pluto in Capricorn. For astrological purposes, the distance between Mercury, Sirius and Mars is negligibly small.

This exact conjunction and opposition is highly unusual. I checked as far back as the 1600’s and found nothing comparable.”

You can read the rest of Carl’s July astrology forecast HERE.

I recently had a Cosmic Awakening Show with healer Daniel Teague who wears many hats including taking messages from benevolent extraterrestrials. Daniel brought an urgent message for Starseeds through on three different occasions, and shares these messages beginning at the 42:50 mark in the show.

At 51:46 in this interview, I say “I totally agree with you, I totally agree with this message. When we unite as humanity, and when we set our intention as to what we want on this planet, it WILL happen”. My partner Gregg Prescott was on our back porch listening to the show and right when I said this statement, a very LARGE yellowish-white ball of light streaked across the sky and vanished. Gregg’s view of the sky was rather limited due to the porch roof, so it occurred right where he could see it. We live in Sarasota, FL, and it was above the neighbor’s rooftop heading east to west toward the Gulf Of Mexico. For both us this was a confirmation that this message is of utmost importance at this time, and that we truly are making a positive difference.

Many metaphysical and spiritual Starseed groups have proven the power of intention and how it can change the reality we perceive. They have lessened earthquakes, tsunamis, and other natural disasters which would certainly have taken more lives. They have joined together in groups to help humanity move toward a more positive probability that makes the planned devastation vanish like magic. Many of these people fly under the radar and do their work in service to humanity without any recognition and with humble determination. This includes those who do gridwork to close down the malevolent extraterrestrial stargates as well as strengthening the positive energy stargates on the planet.

Many of these Starseeds have come out of hiding in order to gather like minded individuals. Part of the “work” of Starseeds has morphed into daily clearing of their auras and integration of the cosmic energies that are coming in from the Great Central Sun through our sun. We have been grounding these energies into the planet’s core and into the grids by using our bodies as grounding rods. In order to ground the maximum amount of energies into the human consciousness grid, it has become necessary to maintain clear chakras and a solid, protected aura or energy field.

Now it is time to unite and focus daily on creating the life we want on the planet. We can use the energetic alignment of the full moon July 16, 2015 to come together in groups to amplify our desire to manifest peace, growth, prosperity, love, and light. Remembrance of who we are as Starseeds and why we are here will activate our genetic DNA codes. Many things are happening all at once on the planet to push the energetic shift forward and we are truly living in exciting times.

While chaos and deception continues to unfold on the planet in desperate attempts to thwart our success, we are required to be the observer of the darkness in order for the Universe to be able to help us to balance this darkness with the light. Our focus would be best at this time upon moving forward with the least amount of human suffering possible as the first event of many will occur soon that will open the eyes of many people as possible. The plan has always been to be able to awaken and heal as many people as we can. The numbers would have been disappointing on December 21, 2012, but there is great hope that when this is all over with, we will be very pleased that we stayed the course of extreme polarity in order to help as many people as we can.

Enjoy the synchronicities and keep grounding and centering with Mother Earth. If you only knew how important it is for you to just be yourself here on the planet at this time, you would take this job very seriously, above any distraction that appears in your life. With that being said, humor and fun are great tools to get through the third dimensional sludge in order to keep your frequency high and strong.
