San Jacinto, CA Earthquake 5/06

Earthquake below San Jacinto, California

Last update: May 6, 2015 at 8:24 am by By

Update 07:51 UTC : does not expect any serious damage or injuries from this earthquake. Slight damage like fallen objects, cracks in walls, fallen tiles etc  are a possibility near the epicenter.Screen Shot 2015-05-06 at 09.48.43 Screen Shot 2015-05-06 at 09.48.56

4km (2mi) NNW of San Jacinto, California
8km (5mi) N of Hemet, California
11km (7mi) NW of Valle Vista, California
26km (16mi) ESE of Moreno Valley, California
41km (25mi) ESE of Riverside, California
41km (25mi) W of Palm Springs, California

Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : 3.72

from: only survives with (mostly small) PRIVATE DONATIONS. Your gift will be highly appreciated.

On Himalayan Pink Salt

The Amazing Benefits of Himalayan Pink Salt

himalayan pink salt

Have you heard about the amazing Himalayan crystal salt that comes directly from the Himalayan Mountains? It is packed with some pretty amazing benefits and is an amazing new staple to add to your pantry. It is an absolutely wonderful alternative to table salt, and soon I’ll explain why.

The History

First of all, what makes Himalayan crystal salt so amazing? About 200 million years ago, there were crystallized sea salt beds that were covered with lava. Being kept in this untouched, pristine environment that has been surrounded with snow and ice for so many years means that the salt has been protected from modern day pollution. Many people believe that this pink salt from the Himalayas is the purest salt that can be found on the planet.

Minerals & Energy

Himalayan Salt contains the same 84 trace minerals and elements that are found in the human body, that alone is quite impressive! A few of these minerals include: sodium chloride, sulphate, calcium, potassium and magnesium. When using this salt, you are actually getting less sodium intake per serving than regular table salt because it is less refined and the pieces are larger. Therefore Himalayan salt has less sodium per serving because the crystals or flakes take up less room than the highly processed table salt variety. Another cool thing about this salt is that because of its cellular structure it stores vibrational energy. The minerals in this salt exist in colloidal form, which means that they are small enough for our cells to easily absorb.

What Exactly Are The Benefits?

Some of the benefits that you can expect by consuming this salt in place of regular table salt include:

  • Aiding in vascular health
  • Supporting healthy lungs and respiratory function
  • Promoting a stable pH balance within the cells
  • Reducing the signs of aging
  • Promoting healthy sleep patterns
  • Increasing libido
  • Prevents muscle cramps
  • Increases hydration
  • Strengthen bones
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Improves circulation
  • Detoxifying the body of heavy metals

Comparing Himalayan Salt To Other Salts

Sea Salt

While still a better choice than table salt, sea salt is becoming increasingly over processed and let’s face it, our oceans are becoming more and more polluted each year, just think about the massive oils spills that have occurred. Because of the pristine conditions that the pink salt is kept in, it is said to be the purest salt available today.

Table Salt

Regular, commercial table salt is completely stripped of the majority of its minerals with the exception of sodium and chloride. It is then bleached, cleaned with chemicals and then heated at extremely high temperatures. The iodine that is added to table salt is almost always synthetic which is difficult for our bodies to properly take in. It is treated with anti-caking agents, which prevents the salt from dissolving in water and in the salt container. These agents then prevent the salt from absorbing in our own bodies, which leads to a build up and deposit within the organs. This can cause severe health problems. Studies have shown that for each gram of table salt that is consumed that the body cannot process, your body will use 20 TIMES the amount of cellular water to neutralize the amount of sodium chloride that is present in this chemically treated salt.

This is large in part of how salt has gotten such a bad name. It is not necessarily salt that is unhealthy for us, it is refined table salt that is inferior for our health. Aside from that, many of us are consuming way too much processed food. These foods contain astronomical amounts of salt, and it isn’t the good kind. It’s not about limiting our amount of salt; it’s about consuming more natural, homemade whole foods. This way we can add salt while cooking or sprinkle some on our meals without having to worry about high blood pressure and so on.



Choosing Creativity

Dancing with the Hologram

by Zen Gardner

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by Zen Gardner

You have to admit, even if all of this is a construct for some seemingly unknown purpose, this is an incredible world we’re inhabiting. This spontaneous creative Force we’re engulfed in and intrinsically interwoven into is absolutely spectacular despite all the obstacles we encounter.

That there’s an invasive parasitic force at work trying to gum up the works and usurp this magnificent design and claim whatever weirdness it simulates as some sort of alternative reality is absolutely ludicrous, yet this is the contest humanity and our planetary existence finds itself in.

What is wonderful and should be the center of our focus and attention is the magnificent power of true Creation and its stunning beauty, intricacy and unlimited potential. We’re only just discovering its wonders, but as we do Creation itself becomes more manifest in new and amazing ways as we respond in conscious awareness and resultant responsive actions.

This so dwarfs the puny efforts of these measly low density control freaks that no one should ever fear or be awed by their furious temporal psychopathic designs no matter where they come from or how much they scream and try to intimidate humanity.

The jig is up. We’ve awakened from slumber and the tide of iniquity is being shoved back into their wicked faces and readily busting up their phony façade, no matter how elaborate or real the false construct they’ve erected may appear to be.


The Regenerative Power of Our Fractal Universe

Just as our very bodies miraculously heal and rebuild themselves, so Universe keeps unfolding and regenerating life ceaselessly and unstoppably. Whatever transpires in this temporal existence we find ourselves in, we are born with an innate knowing that all is ultimately well and truth reigns eternal.

And is astoundingly wondrous.

Just look at your hands, look into someone’s eyes, study a tree or an animal, look at the sky, the mountains and the sea. This is one amazing place we have the privilege to inhabit, even if only for a short while. We cannot ever forget or minimize that. Despite the storms of life and all of its obstacles and challenges, we are imbued with the same creative force we have the honor to witness at work around us, day in and day out, hour by hour, minute by minute.

Therein lies our very strength. To sense the overwhelming love behind this magnificent Creation, including ourselves, is our everlasting fountain of peace and joy. Nothing can take that away from any of us.

That is, unless we allow something to. The decision lies with each of us individually. Not collectively. We each can, and must, make that simple commitment to not allow anything that robs us of our connection to Source and our standing fast in that knowledge.

Fractal Magic Surrounds

Just look at the fractal nature of Creation, the amazing regenerative geometric patterns from the inconceivable macrocosm to the infinitesimal microcosm of the very smallest of particles. They scream wonder and awe at every possible level. That even settled science is awakening to the fact that consciousness and empirical discoveries are intrinsically interwoven is one manifestation of the awakening age we are blessed to be a part of.

That sages have known this for eons naturally comes to the fore, bringing worlds of understanding into a magnificent confluence of new found awareness for a surging number of awakening people worldwide.

Couple this with the growing discoveries of ancient archeological finds and the release of suppressed historical truths, and the fractal nature of the awakening comes into view in a very practical manner. That the powers that shouldn’t be have openly announced their concerns about a massive global political awakening is another such outcropping.

The evidence is everywhere, and simply a natural progression in this time of revelation, the very apocalypse foretold by many, yet a word twisted to mean our destructive end when in fact it’s a massive awakening of humanity. The crumbling of the matrix is just another symptom of the revealing, the revelation of Truth and the infinite, unstoppable power of the Universe to which we are all not just connected, but living crystals of resonance pulsing with this same enormous power of eternal Creation.


Cycles Within Cycles and Our Opportunity of the Ages

I find it fascinating how many things work in cycles, be they ages, also known as epochs or yugas, or even repeating themes and  lessons throughout history. We’ve been given so many clues to help us find our conscious footing in this strange world we’ve landed in. Sure we’re up against massive efforts to close our hearts and minds through generations of social engineering and cauterizing lies and violence, but that’s part of the challenge and apparently important to our growth cycle.

While I’m absolutely inspired about the worldwide awakening we’re witnessing, what concerns me is that so many still don’t understand the magnitude of the opportunity before us. We’re so close to rolling the humongous boulder of a very real critical mass of revelation and thus liberation of humanity on to the heads of these entities and their construct, yet many still do not yet get the enormity of this opportunity of the ages to end their cycles of deceit and destruction.

Many such opportunities for awakening have happened in the past. Most civilizations, at least from recent recorded history, only used their new found understandings of the workings of the Universe to assert more and more human control over others and our planet, instead of returning to natural cycles based on love and cooperation. Power mad usurpers seem to have eventually infiltrated and taken control of just about every so-called civilization. From what we’re learning about Atlantis and Lemuria it appears that was the case there as well, as with ancient Vedic history, where their societies ended with horrific catastrophic destruction apparently wrought by their own hands in that same disturbed competitive power mad control paradigm.

Arise or Repeat – A Time to Choose

Some cycles are meant to be broken. Just because they repeat doesn’t make them right. It’s much like the law of karma and reincarnation. Many have apparently come back to this plane to have another go at getting the point of being here. It makes sense and from what I’ve learned has a lot of validity.

However personally, I don’t subscribe to the inevitability of anything. While Universe is way too wondrous, powerful and creative to be caught up in any type of destructive loop, we apparently create such loops by our own reactive design, all based on individual decisions on whether we’re going to go along with the collective herd or wake up and become who we truly are.

The social constructs simply follow and repeat themselves, just as old patterns of control and subservience do in our current societies. It appears to be a matter of fact at some base level, for reasons deconstructed by many an enlightened researcher.

The awareness of these cycles and their inherent nature are profound when taken to heart, not just to the head. Can we break out? Are we being told to be resigned to such a fate, when in fact we can escape this great mandala of control and repeated insanity?



We’re not just meant to be free, but already are. Therein lies perhaps the most powerful Truth available to humanity. We already are who we are seeking; we have everything we need, we have every answer supposedly sought by the outside projection of life and its search for meaning.

We are it. We already possess every skill and ability needed to manifest the true world of love and cooperation. All that awaits is awakening these inherent gifts we each were born with.

Take this for what you will, but for me it is fact. It is a truth so profound and powerful that it has been suppressed for countless centuries by those who seek to dominate humankind.

It’s time to arise. It’s time to manifest who we each truly are. It’s clearly an individual decision but one that must be made. Consciously, and with heart and determination.

The time has come.

Arise. It’s literally now or never. And always has been.

And now more than ever. Keep heart, keep love, keep true.

The awakening is upon us – let’s help it manifest and proliferate with reckless abandon!


Musk & Hawking On Dangers of AI

Don’t let AI take our jobs (or kill us): Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk sign open letter warning of a robot uprising

  • Letter says there is a ‘broad consensus’ that AI is making good progress
  • Areas benefiting from AI research include driverless cars and robot motion
  • But in the short term, it warns AI may put millions of people out of work
  • In the long term, robots could become far more intelligent than humans
  • Elon Musk has previously linked the development of autonomous, thinking machines to ‘summoning the demon’

Artificial Intelligence has been described as a threat that could be ‘more dangerous than nukes’.

Now a group of scientists and entrepreneurs, including Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking, have signed an open letter promising to ensure AI research benefits humanity.

The letter warns that without safeguards on intelligent machines, mankind could be heading for a dark future.

A group of scientists and entrepreneurs, including Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking (pictured), have signed an open letter promising to ensure AI research benefits humanity.

A group of scientists and entrepreneurs, including Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking (pictured), have signed an open letter promising to ensure AI research benefits humanity.

The document, drafted by the Future of Life Institute, said scientists should seek to head off risks that could wipe out mankind.

The authors say there is a ‘broad consensus’ that AI research is making good progress and would have a growing impact on society.

It highlights speech recognition, image analysis, driverless cars, translation and robot motion as having benefited from the research.

‘The potential benefits are huge, since everything that civilisation has to offer is a product of human intelligence; we cannot predict what we might achieve when this intelligence is magnified by the tools AI may provide, but the eradication of disease and poverty are not unfathomable,’ the authors write.

Elon Musk previously linked the development of autonomous, thinking machines, to 'summoning the demon'

Elon Musk previously linked the development of autonomous, thinking machines, to ‘summoning the demon’

But it issued a stark warning that research into the rewards of AI had to be matched with an equal effort to avoid the potential damage it could wreak.

For instance, in the short term, it claims AI may put millions of people out of work.

In the long term, it could have the potential to play out like a fictional dystopias in which intelligence greater than humans could begin acting against their programming.

‘Our AI systems must do what we want them to do,’ the letter says.

‘Many economists and computer scientists agree that there is valuable research to be done on how to maximise the economic benefits of AI while mitigating adverse effects, which could include increased inequality and unemployment.’

Other signatories to the FLI’s letter include Luke Muehlhauser, executive director of Machine Intelligence Research Institute and Frank Wilczek, professor of physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Nobel laureate.

The letter comes just weeks after Professor Hawking warned that AI could someday overtake humans.

Space X Founder Elon Musk: AI is our ‘biggest existential threat’


Google has set up an ethics board to oversee its work in artificial intelligence.

The search giant has recently bought several robotics companies, along with Deep Mind, a British firm creating software that tries to help computers think like humans.

One of its founders warned artificial intelligence is ‘number one risk for this century,’ and believes it could play a part in human extinction

‘Eventually, I think human extinction will probably occur, and technology will likely play a part in this,’ DeepMind’s Shane Legg said in a recent interview.

Among all forms of technology that could wipe out the human species, he singled out artificial intelligence, or AI, as the ‘number 1 risk for this century.’

The ethics board, revealed by web site The Information, is to ensure the projects are not abused.

Neuroscientist Demis Hassabis, 37, founded DeepMind two years ago with the aim of trying to help computers think like humans.

Speaking at event in London, the physicist told the BBC: ‘The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race.’

This echoes claims he made earlier in the year when he said success in creating AI ‘would be the biggest event in human history, [but] unfortunately, it might also be the last.’

In November, Elon Musk, the entrepreneur behind Space-X and Tesla, warned that the risk of ‘something seriously dangerous happening’ as a result of machines with artificial intelligence, could be in as few as five years.

He has previously linked the development of autonomous, thinking machines, to ‘summoning the demon’.

Speaking at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) AeroAstro Centennial Symposium in October, Musk described artificial intelligence as our ‘biggest existential threat’.

He said: ‘I think we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. If I had to guess at what our biggest existential threat is, it’s probably that. So we need to be very careful with artificial intelligence.

‘I’m increasingly inclined to think that there should be some regulatory oversight, maybe at the national and international level, just to make sure that we don’t do something very foolish.

‘With artificial intelligence we’re summoning the demon. You know those stories where there’s the guy with the pentagram, and the holy water, and … he’s sure he can control the demon? Doesn’t work out.’

The letter issued a stark warning that research into the rewards of AI had to be matched with an equal effort to avoid the potential damage it could wreak

The letter issued a stark warning that research into the rewards of AI had to be matched with an equal effort to avoid the potential damage it could wreak

San Diego UFO’s 5/02

Many Glowing UFOs over San Diego, California On May 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 2015
Location of sighting: San Diego, California, USA

Remember I told you I saw white glowing balls of light in the sky over Taiwan on May 1st at midnight? Well they either they came from or went to San Diego and at the speed I saw them traveling, they would arrive there in about an hour or less. SCW

News states:

Tuesday night, several San Diegans spotted mysterious lights in the sky, and one witness snagged a picture.

According to NBC 7/39, viewer Larry Fox sent them a picture of “a string of multicolored lights.”
Taken in his backyard, Fox said “it was a series of flashing lights, if it was a plane, it would have moved.” He described them as “red, blue and green” lights that “kept flashing and changing colors.”
According to NBC 7/39, Fox wasn’t the only person to see the lights — they received multiple reports from viewers, as well as a NBC photographer.
Real or fake, this is far from the first time a UFO has been spotted in San Diego.
In fact, local musician Tom DeLonge of Blink 182 claims to have witnessed multiple UFOs over San Diego on the night of Monday, August 25, 2014.
An active UFO researcher, the Blink-182 and Angels and Airwaves rocker once posted on Facebook:

LAST NIGHT UFO IN SAN DIEGO!! Hahaah yes!! My wife and I followed it for 30 min, a fleet of cars were pulled over watching it with us. Some said they were watching it for an hour. It was 2 sets of lights, going in and out and popping up in different locations.… HAHHA YES I WAS THERE. Does anyone know how happy I am!!??


Posted by Scott Waring at Sunday, May 03, 2015




CME, POSSIBLY EARTH-DIRECTED: A magnetic filament snaking around the sun’s southern hemisphere erupted on May 3rd. The blast did not create a pulse of electromagnetic radiation (i.e., a solar flare), but it did hurl a CME into space. The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory recorded the expanding cloud:

Although the CME is not moving directly along the sun-Earth line, it might still be geoeffective. A glancing blow is possible on May 5th or 6th. NOAA analysts are evaluating this possibility as they receive additional coronagraph data. Stay tuned for updates in the hours ahead.


Inglewood, CA Earthquake

Earthquake near Inglewood, California

Last update: May 3, 2015 at 1:46 pm by By only survives with (mostly small) PRIVATE DONATIONS. Your gift will be highly appreciated

Update : ER does not expect serious damage from this earthquake

Screen Shot 2015-05-03 at 15.12.24 Screen Shot 2015-05-03 at 15.12.39

1km (1mi) WNW of View Park-Windsor Hills, California
1km (1mi) ESE of Baldwin Hills, California
4km (2mi) SE of Culver City, California
5km (3mi) NNW of Inglewood, California
12km (7mi) WSW of Los Angeles, California
86km (53mi) ESE of Ventura, California

Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : 3.8

Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2015-05-03 04:07:18

GMT/UTC Time : 2015-05-03 11:07:18


Michigan Earthquake

Michigan earthquake causes minor building damage near Galesburg epicenter

GALESBURG, MI — A 4.2 magnitude earthquake caused minor building damage in and around Galesburg, the closest city to the epicenter, officials said Saturday afternoon.

The most serious impact was a gas leak at the Target distribution center not far from the quake epicenter between Scotts and Galesburg.

“Knock on wood, we’re doing well so far,” Galesburg Police Jeff Heppler said. “But people here are not used to earthquakes, so it has people on edge.”

His biggest worry is hidden infrastructure problems.

“They sometimes take a couple days to surface, things like gas and water leaks, so it’s really critical for people to keep an eye out for that,” Heppler said. “If you see or smell anything, call 911 immediately.”

RELATED: Complete MLive coverage of the Michigan earthquake

Kalamazoo County Sheriff Richard Fuller, who went to Galesburg on Saturday to confer with Heppler, said the county’s 911 system was “inundated” with calls after the quake hit.

“We’re out now looking at cracks” and accessing other minor damage, he said.

One of the buildings with minor damage in downtown Galesburg was the Checkered Past Cycle shop.

Stephanie Tackett, who owns the shop with her husband and son, said all three were in the shop with an intern and a customer when the quake struck.

“The building made this noise, like a rumbling or a roar,” she said. “It was a definite noise. … You felt that bad things could happen.”

The five rushed outside and “everybody was running out of their buildings, up and down the street,” she said. “Everybody felt it.”

Her building, which was built in the 1960s, ended up with new cracks around its foundation.

Frederick Nicholl, who lives in downtown Augusta, said he lost some bricks from his chimney in the quake.

“It was some pretty good shaking, about 30 seconds worth,” he said.

Justin Woods said he was in a mobile home park in Galesburg when the quake occurred. “Everybody in the trailer park freaked out,” he said.”They thought it was a gas explosion, and they were trying to figure out what it was.”

The memorial service for Kenny Oliver, a 48-year-old Galesburg resident who died Sunday, was about to start at the Galesburg Community Center when the building started to shake.

“It’s my husband calling me from heaven,” Theresa Oliver said she told those around her. “He’s saying hello.”

Julie Mack covers K-12 education and writes a column for Kalamazoo Gazette. Email her at, call her at 269-350-0277 or follow her on Twitter @kzjuliemack


Your Color Vibe for Sunday – 050315

Sunday, May 3:   Burnt Umber

There is a kind of calmness in the air today that comes from putting stuff behind you. There is a sigh of relief as you allow yourself to let go of a lot of the “Shoulds” that have been bugging yo. Today is a good day for observation, for seeing the things that are around you, for appreciating the things that have made you what you are, for opening to the flow of Universal Consciousness. You are moving on right now, even as the energies are themselves moving into new formations. You have accomplished much and today you will find some of the rewards for your activities coming to light.


Dr. JR Newton, Healing and the Power of Love

Dr. James Rogers Newton …and His Gift of Healing

Extracts were taken from his autobiography, The Modern Bethesda, Or the Gift of Healing Restored (1879)

Dr. James Rogers Newton was born in Newport, Rhode Island, on September 8th, 1810, and was a lineal descendant of John Rogers, who was burned at the stake.

In his youth, Dr. Newton enjoyed all the advantages that competence and good judgment could confer. He early evinced a strong proclivity for the medical profession, or more properly speaking, an inclination to do battle with old Allopathy, to modify and improve, if not to entirely change, the prevailing system of medical practice, so as to make it more in accordance with nature’s laws; but various circumstances combined to prevent the gratification of his desires.

At an early age he became aware of possessing the gift of healing, which he demonstrated amply throughout his adult life. He became conscious of new powers, new capabilities, wonderful and strange, and opening a glorious avenue of usefulness; and his young, enthusiastic spirit burned for the work. But meeting with no encouragement, he suffered his gift to lie cooperatively undeveloped until later years.

For twenty years, he was a prosperous merchant, during which time his peculiar gift was often manifested but never exercised to any great extent until the year 1858. He traveled through parts of Europe investigating hydropathic (water therapy) hospitals and improved his knowledge of healing.

Dr. Newton was a man of most pleasing presence and great manners and reports about him stated that he was very modest of his great abilities, and when he spoke he always acted as a gentleman of refinement and intellect.

He held none of his activities in secret, but welcomed scientific investigation and he always endeavored to promulgate to the world his principles of cure as well as to show how the life principle, or vital force, can be imparted by a positive will from a strong and healthy body to a sickly and weak one, producing an instantaneous cure of the most chronic diseases.

Newton disclaimed any miraculous powers, but declared that the results he produced were founded on philosophic and scientific principles which can, in a measure, be taught. He felt that his extraordinary powers over disease were due to the philanthropic idea of always doing good, projecting love, and his positive character.

In 1853, Dr. Newton was a passenger on the steamer, Golden Gate, from Panama to San Francisco. The second day yellow fever broke out among the 1,300 passengers which also included several physicians. The fever raged for eight days, with seventy-four persons dying and their bodies being consigned to the ocean. The ship’s surgeon lost every patient but one that he attended. Dr. Newton lost none.

In 1858, Dr. Newton commenced practice as a public healer in Cincinnati, Ohio. Despite the usual amount of incredulity and skepticism attendant on the introduction of a new system of curing disease, virtually all who saw his work were compelled to believe. After performing some very wonderful cures, his fame and practice were so great that his rooms were daily crowded with invalids. His average number of daily healings the first several months was about one hundred per day.

The following people’s cases were notarized and attested to by the most notable individuals in the city:

– John Hutchinson, Frankfort, Indiana; cured of paralysis in the leg in 15 minutes

– Miss Catherine Johnson, Cincinnati; blind for 15 years, restored in 15 minutes; and could see to read and work

– Mrs. Elizabeth Miller, Lawrenceburg; rheumatism for 20 years, restored to health in minutes

– William Rolls, cataracts on eyes; perfectly restored to sight in 15 minutes

– Mrs. Francesco, Cleveland; internal ulcers, discharging a pint daily; cured in 10 minutes (her husband was the sexton at White’s Plymouth Church)

– Maria Louisa Crane, 320 George Street, Cincinnati; spine disease for over two years, legs withered and drawn up; 5 months previous to being cured, could not be turned in bed, but lay in one position; fully restored in 15 minutes

– Mrs. Bromwell, 293 George St, Cincinnati; had lost all use of her limbs by spinal disease, had not walked for 8 months; restored in 20 minutes and walked to her hotel

– George Bechtolds, Newport, Kentucky; daughter aged eight years, spine disease and had never walked, moved about room after 15 minutes of treatment

– Frances Harty, fourteen years old, 169 West Fourth Street; hip disease, walked on all-fours without a crutch, cured in 30 minutes and never used crutch afterward

– Mrs. Elizabeth Wallace, Broadway St; totally blind in one eye, and could not distinguish any person four feet distant with the other – both eyes fully restored in 20 minutes

– Jane Scott, Third St, Cincinnati; lame ankle, scarcely able to walk for 12 years, made to walk without halt or limp in 15 minutes

The case of Alexander Fairchild deserves special note and he wrote the following letter to the local newspaper:

‘Two years ago I was taken with fever, was confined to my bed, and lost all use of my legs, which were drawn up and anchylosed. So great was my debility that for five months my head was not raised from the pillow to receive nourishment. I am twenty-five years old, five feet seven and one-half inches high, yet my weight was then about fifty pounds. Midway between my knee and hip I could span my legs with my thumb and middle finger. It is over a year since I was given over as incurable.

‘Last May you published an account of a cure performed by Dr. J.R. Newton, who was then at the Gibson House. My friends were thereby induced to have him come to see me. By the first treatment my whole system was vitalized and invigorated; then one leg was relieved and straightened; the next day the other; and the next day I walked. This was twelve weeks ago and I have increased in strength ever since. I now weigh 135 pounds. I walk out daily and am often in the office of Dr. Newton, and see much of his astounding cures of all kinds of disease.’

Dr. H. T. Child, an eminent physician of the Allopathic profession reported, ‘I saw him operate on more than one hundred persons with various forms of disease. His rooms were crowded with patients who were lame, halt and blind. Of these cases I will mention a case of paralysis. An old man, a painter by trade, came hobbling in on two crutches. He said he had not been able to rise from his seat or walk without aid for eight months. In about twenty minutes he rose up and waked away, going up and down stairs without a cane or crutch.’

Austin A Hill, was Dr. Newton’s personal secretary for many years. Mr Hill wrote, ‘I first met Dr. Newton in the summer of 1863, and since we both seemed to suit each other I became his secretary. Dr. Newton had large crowds that visited him on New York Street in New Haven Connecticut.

‘Of the many people who visited him, the following stood out during my first year I met him

Miss Caroline F. Davis, of Guilford, CT; was brought on a bed sixteen miles, afflicted with spinal disease and she had not walked for 6 years, or spoken above a whisper for 4 years; she was cured instantly. She walked away rejoicing and talked as freely as anyone. Miss Davis later visited the Doctor in New York. She said she came to thank him for what he did for her three years earlier.’

‘Mrs. Wm. Toohy, of Hartford; was brought into our rooms in her husband’s arms; she had spinal problems; she instantly was able to walk.

‘Another case of equal prominence was that of Hon. D.L. Harris, formerly mayor of Springfield, but at the time was a member of the Massachusetts Legislature. Mr. Harris had been injured in a carriage accident and couldn’t walk. In less than 5 minutes he could walk without any assistance.’

Mr. Hill also said, ‘During my time with the Dr. Newton, the number of names of the people who registered with us was approximately 10,000, but fully nine-tenths were free patients, or those not liable to pay for treatment – the Doctor’s rule being that if a patient was worth less than $1,000, he or she was cured, ‘without money and without price.

A remarkable case was reported by Mr. Hill as well as the Toldeo Record newspaper. ‘Margaret Fuller fell from a horse at fourteen years old and injured her spine that that her lower limbs were totally paralyzed. In this condition she succeeded in getting an education and became a teacher. Her brothers built a sort of ‘go-cart’ in which they used to draw her back and forth from school. Later, she finally married Mr. Fuller, and went to live at Tontogany, Ohio. She had eight children, two of which were in the northern army and became lieutenants. Not one of those eight children ever saw her stand on her feet or walk a step in their lives.

‘In this condition she was brought to Dr. Newton, sitting on the hands of two men. In less than 10 minutes she came walking out of the treatment room. She came out saying, ‘how strange this seems!’ ‘The doctor told her to go down and have a steak broiled, and eat a good hearty meal, and fear nothing.’

After this case the rush of invalids was truly amazing. Six extra cars had to be added to the morning train to accommodate those wishing to visit the ‘great healer.’

It was reported that when Dr. Newton visited Portland, Maine, he met with a young boy, who was about fifteen or sixteen years of age, who was a patient of Dr. Stone. Dr. Stone had known this boy from childhood. Both of the boy’s feet turned in till the toes pointed nearly toward each other. Dr. Stone approached Dr. Newton at a lecture and asked, ‘Can you do anything for this lad?’ ‘Yes, come here, my lad.’ Within minutes of touching him; the boys feet turned out and he walked perfectly with a wonderful gait.

Mr. Hill had the following to add regarding Dr. Newton: ‘to me Dr. Newton was more than generous. He was noble in character and always just in his dealings. I could not help loving him for what he was. Though junior in years, he was like an elder brother or father. From his lips I never heard a profane or obscene word or expression, and nothing seemed to offend him. He was a man of powerful physique and strong passions, and when he heard the word humbug used and applied to him, the fire of those dark hazel eyes and a simple admonition were sufficient to make the stoutest and most hardened, quail and humbly apologize, or quickly leave his presence. He always retired by ten o’clock, unless engaged in visiting the sick or perhaps amused with a game of dominoes. No matter how hard he worked, in the morning he would appear as bright as the lark. When not feeling exactly well, he asked me to lend him my magnetism when I would sit by him, with my hand on his head, or his hands in mine, and in a few minutes he would be fresh as ever.’

When asked about his healing he would say, ‘What did the Great Teacher say? He that lives as I live, the works that I do shall he do also, and still greater works.’

Dr. Newton’s motto was, God is love, and love is the link that binds in one, all human souls to God. Newton had no doubts whether he would cure or not. ‘The difference between him and us was that he was conscious of his power, while we were conscious of our want of power.’

At a meeting in England, Dr. Newton stated, ‘As to the power of healing, it is merely an illustration of the power of love. When any sick person comes before me, I lay my hands on that person and feel that I love him; tell him I love him and if the patient is not antagonistic, he is almost sure to be healed because this opens their heart to me and the disease must depart.’

Throughout his healing career, Dr. Newton was very well liked by all class of people. He had no difficulty relating to anyone that he met.

Dr. Newton was engaged in three lawsuits during his life. Individuals who were jealous of his work did their best to impede his activities. During one case over one thousand people produced notarized statements of his healing ability and success with them.
