Indigenous Women in Canada – Activism

Thousands March Across Canada Demanding Justice for Indigenous Women

On National Day of Action for Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women, protests take place across Canada and in U.S.

A sign at the 10th Annual Strawberry Ceremony in Toronto. (Photo: @Connie_Walker/Twitter)

Marches took place across Canada on Saturday, with participants demanding justice for the country’s missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls.

“Increasing deaths of many vulnerable women…still leaves family, friends, loved ones, and community members with an overwhelming sense of grief and loss,” according to the Women’s Memorial March Committee, organizer of the 25th annual event in Vancouver. “Indigenous women disproportionately continue to go missing or be murdered with minimal to no action to address these tragedies or the systemic nature of gendered violence, poverty, racism, or colonialism.”

Last month, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, an autonomous arm of the Organization of American States, pinpointed colonization, long-standing inequality, and discrimination as root causes of disproportionate violence against Indigenous women.

Marlene George, Memorial March Committee organizer, added: “We are here to honor and remember the women, and we are here because we are failing to protect women from the degradation of poverty and systemic exploitation, abuse and violence. We are here in sorrow and in anger because the violence continues each and every day and the list of missing and murdered women gets longer every year.”

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police said last May that 1,017 Aboriginal women had been murdered between 1980 and 2012. Another 108 are missing under suspicious circumstances, with some cases dating back to 1952.

Those who came together in Toronto, Winnipeg, Calgary, Grand Forks, and about a dozen other locations, called for a national inquiry and action plan to address the crisis.

At the Strawberry Ceremony in Toronto, marchers called out Prime Minister Stephen Harper, who has previously dismissed the phenomenon as a matter of individual crimes.

Organizers of the event declared: “We stand in defense of our lives and to demonstrate against the complicity of the state in the ongoing genocide of Indigenous women and the impunity of state institutions… [Royal Canadian Mounted Police], coroners’ offices, the courts, and an indifferent federal government that prevents justice for all Indigenous peoples.”

In mid-January, the Globe and Mail reported that the premiers of the provinces and territories who have supported the call for an inquiry would meet with aboriginal organizations at a roundtable in Ottawa on Feb. 27 to discuss the issue.

At least three U.S. cities—Denver, Colorado; Fargo, North Dakota; and Minneapolis, Minnesota—also held solidarity events.

Keep up with the actions on Twitter with the hashtag #MMIW:

RE: Disclosure

Obama advisers biggest regret, “not releasing UFO files”, Feb 2015, UFO Sighting News.

News Source:

This really shows the depth of the UFO/alien secret in the US. There are some very serious and very influential trade agreements made with alien cultures…enough to ignore the publics desire to know the truth. No longer is America a government of the people, by the people, for the people. Big Brother is in control. SCW 

News states:
Technically Incorrect: John Podesta, a senior White House adviser who’s leaving to, reportedly, head up a Hilliary Clinton bid for the presidency, says his biggest regret on departing is not securing the release of “the UFO files.”

The notion of any government telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth is quaint in its optimism.
However, those who believe that there are alien beings who have visited our Earth and even partaken of our Burger King believe that the truth is (somewhere) out there.
Clearly, it might cause panic in streets and palpitations in hearts if the US president suddenly stood up and announced that half the Senate was from the Planet Plim. For myself, it would cause no surprise at all, other than to wonder whether everyone on that planet lived alone, married themselves and self-cannibalized late in life.
Still, outgoing White House senior adviser John Podesta is sad that the government hasn’t told us what it really knows about UFOs. He took to the most extraterrestrial medium he could find —

It’s reassuring, in one sense, that there is some truth that hasn’t been revealed. Otherwise, all the comic book artists, movie makers and conspiracy theorists would have been unnecessarily winding us into a tizzy for decades. (More at source)

And Now – GMO Apples

USDA Approves GMO Apples. Here’s How to Know The Difference

GMO ApplesToday, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) let down U.S. apple growers and the public by wasting resources on a useless and risky food. To make matters worse, these new genetically engineered apples are NOT required to be labeled and consumers will not know that the sliced apples they are feeding to their children have undergone genetic modification. What’s more is that this genetically engineered specialty fruit has been created to prevent apples from browning over time, as if that is an important issue worth harming the environment and consumer health.



They are called “Arctic Apples” and have the ability to resist browning when sliced, something apple growers and consumers have been able to deal with forever. This is a mere cosmetic trait which can mislead consumers into thinking they’re eating a fresh apple when in fact they are eating apples on the verge of rotting.

Ecowatch reports:

The USDA’s environmental review received 73,000 comments that overwhelmingly opposed the commercialization of Arctic Apples. This decision marks the first approval of an aesthetically-improved genetically engineered food and will expand the reach of GMO products into the produce aisle, which currently only offers a small number of GMO foods.

The USDA has neglected to look at the full range of risks from these apples. In its environmental assessment, the USDA glossed over the possibility of unintentional effects associated with the technology used to engineer these apples, potential economic impacts on the U.S. and international apple market, effects of potential contamination for non-GMO and organic apple growers and the impact of the non-browning gene silencing which also can weaken plant defenses and plant health.

The new method used to modify the apple is known as RNA interference. RNA is similar to DNA and deals specially with gene coding and regulation. Mounting evidence has shown that meddling with the genes can result in unintended effects within the plant and within those who eat the plant.

The genes altered in this apple are heavily involved in a plant’s natural defense system against pests and disease. This could lead to apple trees that are more susceptible and therefore require more chemicals to produce a crop. It begs the popular question, why is our food being made and modified by chemical pesticide and herbicide companies? That is a huge conflict of interest in and of itself. Besides, this wouldn’t be the first time an unintended result from genetic engineering resulted in an exponential increase in the amount of poison sprayed on the food supply.

The amount of Roundup used on the biggest three GE crops has increased 1000% from what it was before the introduction of genetically engineered seeds.

gmo glyphosate chart

One huge con to genetically engineered food is that the crops have been known to infect organic crops on the other side of town through pollen drift. This can spread like wildfire and devastate the local organic and even conventional industry. This is a major reason the domestic apple industry opposes the new franken-apple which will be marketed as Arctic Granny and Arctic Golden.

Some food companies have stated that they would not sell Arctic Apples. The U.S. Apple Association, Washington Apple Commission and other grower groups have spoken up and pointed out the negative impact GMO apples could have on the apple industry and environment. Even GMO-peddlers Gerber and McDonald’s stated that they would not use GMO apples in their food products.

The bottom line is that the GMO apple is a risk that is unnecessary. Cosmetic issues should be the last priority for an industry that claims they want to end world hunger, which of course is a lie. The world has enough food, people are starving because there isn’t enough money to pay for it. They really just want to sell more pesticide.

The biotech industry is in a prime position.  They modify the food supply which creates crops dependent on more and more poisonous pesticides and herbicides, have monetary ties to giant pharmaceutical corporations that bank off of sick people, and all the while they are the ones selling these very same pesticides and herbicides, which make people sick.

Consumers and the industry have dealt with browning apples successfully forever. The USDA has let down hard-working farmers who go back generations in America, again. They have let down the everyday consumer who wants to know what they are eating. They have jeopardized the environment and the health of the very citizens these alphabet governmental agencies are supposedly meant to protect. And for what? A prettier apple? Yeah, one that tastes like shit because it’s seconds away from rotting. But you won’t know that until you bite into it.


On Finding Community

Connecting with Your Tribe: 10 Essential Keys to Calling in Your ‘People’

Connecting with Your Tribe - 10 Essential Keys to Calling in Your ‘People’ insert14th February 2015

By Michele Peppler

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

In this era of new earth consciousness, people are ‘waking up’ at an exponential rate. If you’re one of these newly awakened souls, well, chances are you’ve outgrown your life.

Suddenly jobs, living situations, romantic relationships and even entire friendship circles seem foreign, so it’s an understatement to say you probably feel a little isolated. Especially when, as you are deep in the abyss of the big questions like ‘Why am I here?’, ‘Where did we actually come from?’, ‘What is my higher calling?’ and hey while we’re down the rabbit hole, ‘Just who the hell AM I anyway!?’, people around you are discussing who won X-Factor, which royal married what celebrity, or how much they hate their boss!

Rest assured, if you’re embarking on a spiritual journey, you are right where you are supposed to be, and finding your tribe is as fundamental a piece of the awakening journey puzzle as finding your calling.

The great thing is, it is not only possible to be a conscious creator in this realm, but to accelerate how this happens, who with and how to catalyse your growth, your visions and each other.

So today, I offer my top ten tips to consciously calling in ‘your people’ – the ones that fit with and will support you on this new journey.

10 Essential Keys to Calling in Your ‘People’

1. Be Authentic

Quite simply ‘You gotta be real!’ Before you can create a soul community you must know who you really are and be living a life in alignment with your truth. Until YOU are clear on who you really are and act congruently with who that is, you ARE attracting like-minds – just ones who are matching what you are projecting out to the world about who you are. So if that’s a mask, you’re relationships are likely to be circumstantial at best.

2. Take Responsibility

Understand the roles that people in your life up until now, have played in your greater understanding and experience of self, spiritual growth and personal evolution from a place of personal empowerment and self-responsibility. Often blame justifies our current shitty situation and can be a wonderful excuse for not having or creating what we want in our lives. When we take full responsibility for our lives, the part we played in our past relationships and the role we are playing now in our current relationships we create a gateway for the authentic level of connection required to truly connect with our tribe – tribe won’t put up with your B.S – they’ll hold you accountable to being the best version of you, call you on your stuff and inspire you to evolve and expand or bring into being what you are here in this life-time to create.

3. Consciously Decide

Make a conscious decision about who you want to be for yourself and where you are headed in life, what you want and don’t want for your future, and create a life and people around you who support that – many times you know what you don’t want because you’ve experienced it, but we continue to complain about the experience rather than just focus on what we are now clear we desire.

4. Evaluate Relationships

Recognise old relationships that no longer serve who you wish to be for yourself – this doesn’t mean they are ‘bad’ or what they are choosing to do with their lives is wrong – it just doesn’t support who you want to be for yourself now. This takes a commitment to yourself to know what fosters the best version of you and what doesn’t and to create personal boundaries around who you chose to allow into your circle of influence.

5. Cultivate Relationships

Identify the kindred spirits already in your life that support your highest evolution and consciously cultivate those relationships.

6. Cut the Ties That Bind

Cut energetic ties that bind you to the past and to old ideas about who you think you are, and who others think you are. Allow yourself to be who you want to be from this moment forward and only create and sustain relationships that nourish and support this.

Connecting with Your Tribe - 10 Essential Keys to Calling in Your ‘People’ insert 2

7. Shine and Evolve

Shift blockages that lower your vibration and keep you attracting people into your life who mirror any negative beliefs around expectations of what you deserve. Give yourself permission to shine. This one may require re-educating some people about who you are as you evolve.

8. Raise Your Vibration

Call in your soul people by becoming a vibrational match for who and what you want to attract into your life. For instance, where are you not honouring your truth or fulfilling your potentiality? If I want creative people who respect me and share an aligned vision, ask: Am I expressing my creativity? Do I respect myself and am I clearly living my own vision?

9. Seek Higher Guidance

Ask for guidance from your ethereal wayshowers to connect you with people your soul-tribe. The law of non-interference or ‘free will’ means that unless we invite celestial help, everything in the universe is what we create for ourselves (or co-create with others), and since every person involved in co-creation has already given their consent to what is happening to them there is no need to mess with it. However, if you ask to be connected with your soul people with the caveat of it being for the highest good for all, it’s likely that the connection will be accelerated.

10. Recognize Your People When You Find Them

Understand how to recognise your soul people when you connect with them. Be brave, notice if someone feels good to you energetically and take action to follow up the connection. Hint – If someone keeps on coming into your consciousness, chances are there’s a reason.

Connecting with Your Tribe

See a lot of people feel they want like-minded people in their life and that they don’t have that.

The thing is though, generally they do – it’s just that what they are really seeking are their ‘soul people’, but who they are attracting is more consistent with the mask they have been wearing.

So if what you desire are kindred spirits who understand who you ‘really’ are; who are in ‘your conversation’; light you up, inspire you to be a better person; restore your faith in humanity and make you believe again that we are all connected in oneness; and help you feel alive, important, appreciated, valued, and deeply understood… get real – drop the veil, follow the tips above and your people will be waiting on the other side – promise!


On Hollywood & The CIA

As always, do your research:

Hollywood and The CIA: A Dark Marriage Revealed

Hollywood and The CIA - A Dark Marriage Revealed - Copy13th February 2015

By Jay Dyer

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

One of the more fanciful, or thought to be fanciful, topics I’ve been covering for a good while now is the subject of the relationship of the CIA to Hollywood. 

Recent blockbusters like Zero Dark Thirty and American Sniper focus on the military and intelligence agencies in supposed “based on true events” scenarios, but is more at work here? The film industry has always loved tales of espionage, but in reality, the creation and manufacturing of a completely alternate reality and history is far more extensive than most would assume. While many films have nobly challenged assumptions about war in figures like Kubrick or Stone, for the most part, film has functioned as one of the most powerful forms of propaganda in the western establishment’s arsenal.

Watching some old G.I. Joe cartoon episodes for an upcoming analysis, I was not surprised to find Harvard psychological consultants as part of the production of the show, as reaching the youth with propaganda is central to creating cubicle dwelling automatons later in life. Likewise, researching this as a thesis topic was also instrumental in making these connections, as was the mass of information in Peter Levenda’s Sinister Forces trilogy. More recently, a plethora of news articles have surfaced that highlight this deep relationship, as this rabbit hole never ends. The coalescing of intelligence agencies, secret societies and Hollywood in reality is more sensational than any incestuous cult a pulp crime fiction writer could dream up.

Author John Rizzo has recently published a book titled, Company Man: Thirty Years of Controversy and Crisis in the CIA, which is an amazing admission of this scandalous affair between intelligence and the film industry. The L.A. Times comments:

“The CIA has long had a special relationship with the entertainment industry, devoting considerable attention to fostering relationships with Hollywood movers and shakers—studio executives, producers, directors, big-name actors,” John Rizzo, the former acting CIA general counsel, wrote in his new book, “Company Man: Thirty Years of Crisis and Controversy in the CIA….

The CIA also recruits actors to give more visibility to propaganda projects abroad, such as a documentary secretly produced by the agency, Rizzo said. And the agency sometimes takes advantage of the door-opening cachet that movie stars and other American celebrities enjoy. A star who met a world leader, for example, might be asked for details about that meeting.

The CIA has officials assigned full-time to the care and feeding of Hollywood assets, Rizzo wrote. Other former CIA officials added that some of those operatives work in the Los Angeles office of an agency department called the National Resources Division, which recruits people in the U.S. to help America spy abroad.”

Controlled Commodities

Hollywood and The CIA - a Dark Marriage Revealed - Britney Spears' meltdown

With that in mind, recent news regarding Britney Spears may reveal much more than the headline suggests. Researchers have opined that “rehab” centers may actually be used for “programming” the “stars” for various mind-controlled objectives (as John Marks hints at in his Search for the Manchurian Candidate), whether as sex slaves, or spies, as Rizzo discusses.

Author Dave McGowan has detailed the military and intelligence connections to Laurel Canyon, the home of the budding counter-culture rock movement in the 60s, which spawned acts like Frank Zappa and the Doors. Military and intelligence connections thus come to the fore here with Britney’s ex, who “coached her through rehab”, being killed transporting “dignitaries” in Afghanistan – obviously an intelligence cover. Was Sundahl her helpful boyfriend, or was more at work here?

The notion of mind controlled and Dissociative Identity Disorder/Multiple Personality Disorder actors and singers is something still far-fetched for the masses, yet more and more information supporting this idea continues to come forward.

Quoting the Church Committee hearings on MK Ultra and its attendant programs that relied on the work of famous programmers:

The names associated with the programs are Dr. Ewen Cameron, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, Dr. Jose Delgado, Dr. Jolyon West, Dr. George Estabrooks, and others. While this itself is easily tracked down in terms of the existence of the programs, what is lesser known are articles like Dr. George Estabrooks’ article from the April 1971 Science Digest, Hypnosis Comes of Age.  Included in the article are some striking admissions, especially since the OSS, CIA and FBI utilized Estabrooks and his skills. The article mentions, first of all, Estabrooks’ claim of the use of secret couriers and keywords that function as the triggers in the operative: The system is virtually foolproof. As exemplified by this case, the information was “locked” in Smith’s unconscious for retrieval by the only two people who knew the combination. The subject had no conscious memory of what happened, so could not spill the beans. No one else could hypnotize him even if they might know the signal phrase.”

Thus, all the way back to World War II the program had been perfected to give handlers the ability to program alters within preselected, highly suggestible individuals. The key trigger words, phrases, signs or codes unlock the alter, with the front persona having no knowledge of the information locked in the alter.  The potential for abuse here is quite obvious. The modern psychiatric “bible,” known as the DSM-V still cites Dr. Estabrooks’ old essay, showing that the present establishment views all this as authentic, as well as a host of films that portray mind control themes. In fact, it seems as if mind controlled assassins and alters are appearing in countless productions with increasing frequency.

Hollywood and The CIA - A Dark Marriage Revealed  - CIA Owns the MediaRemember – it was Hollywood that was making films about MK Ultra before it was even known to the public as a real program, as we see in the 1962 The Manchurian Candidate.

With this direct Hollywood connection in mind, we can see the likely possibility of the abuse of pop stars, who become high-priced commodities for the same establishment. I have written before about Candy Jones, and all the way up to the present, top stars are now alleging they were abused by their “handlers” and/or producers. While some cases may be publicity stunts, it is hard to believe they all are.

News hounds will recall Amanda Bynes believing she was brainwashed and implanted with a microchip and Ke$ha recently suing for abuse by her “handler”, Dr. Luke, with Luke in turn counter-suing. Prior to that, we have witnessed a barrage of news stories the last few years recounting a stream of victims alleging networks of sickos using and abusing those under them. Let us not forget Penn State and Jerry Sandusky and Jimmy Savile of the UK, as well as a host of UK government officials. Recent reports also arose from actors like Corey Feldman, who alleges similar crimes.

Britney Spears – Alter Egos?

Excerpt from Britney Spears’ 2003 interview with Diane Sawyer.

Mysterious Death

Details surrounding the death of screenwriter Gary Devore (author of Raw Deal and Time Cop) who was killed in 1997 also made the news this week, with the production of a new documentary on his questionable death.

The Daily Mail reveals that Devore was in fact working with the CIA, while the strange dating of the severed hands suggests a possible ritual connection:

“When the skeletal remains of Hollywood screenwriter Gary Devore were found strapped into his Ford Explorer submerged beneath the California Aqueduct in 1998 it brought an end to one of America’s most high-profile missing person cases.

“The fact that Devore was on his way to deliver a film script that promised to explain the ‘real reason’ why the US invaded Panama, has long given rise to a slew of conspiracies surrounding the nature of his ‘accidental’ death. It didn’t help that Devore’s hands were missing from the crash scene, along with the script, and that investigators could offer no plausible explanation as to how a car could leave the highway and end up in the position it was found a year after he disappeared.

“Now the Daily Mail can exclusively reveal that Devore was working with the CIA in Panama and even a White House source concedes his mysterious death bears all the hallmarks of a cover-up.”

Hollywood – the Flip Side of the CIA

Hollywood and The CIA - Propaganda PosterIn analyzing J.J. Abrams’ Alias, I recently wrote that Jennifer Garner was recruited by the CIA to be a kind of PR front to sell recruitment as glamorous. A few days later, the Washington Post ran a revealing piece entitled “Ex-spies Infiltrate Hollywood as Espionage TV Shows and Movies Multiply”. Although the Washington Post article treats the issue as if this is some new move, we know this is nothing new but a classic dark marriage that existed all along.

Consider the laughable irony here: The Americans is a Hollywood-produced TV show about KGB infiltration of America, screened in the midst of an article about actual CIA usage of Hollywood, as propaganda. As the Post writes:

Hollywood tends to be a destination spot for a lot of Washingtonians,” said David Nevins, the president of Showtime, which produces the spy juggernaut ‘Homeland.’ There was the ‘West Wing’ crowd of former politicos. I’ve met with more than one former Navy SEAL. And now, certainly the intelligence community has been the most recent in a long line of Washingtonians trying to come out and tell their stories.

The show’s creator and co-head writer, Joe Weisberg, is a former CIA officer… Weisberg, whose show begins its third season on FX on Wednesday night, is perhaps the most successful of the CIA alumni who have infiltrated Hollywood. “The Americans”, about two deep-cover KGB operatives living in suburban Virginia in the 1980s, was ranked by many television critics as one of last year’s top 10 shows.

But Weisberg, who left the CIA in 1994, is hardly the only ex-agency guy trying to cash in on the spy show craze. (Spy shows, one executive at a major Hollywood talent agency observed, have become as ubiquitous as cop shows.) Former senior CIA officials Rodney Faraon and Henry “Hank” Crumpton are the executive producers of NBC’s “State of Affairs,” which stars Katherine Heigl as a CIA analyst and member of the agency’s presidential daily briefing team — one of Faraon’s old jobs.

Let us also not forget the role of Melissa Mahle, former CIA operative, in “coaching” and “advising” Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member Angelina Jolie in her role as triple agent in SALT, the 2010 espionage thriller. The film itself was loosely based on Mahle, as the Telegraph reports:

Jolie’s role is based, loosely, on the experiences of Mahle and other spies. “I was very impressed when I met Angelina”, says Mahle. “She was very intent upon understanding not only what a real CIA officer was like but also the motivations behind our actions.”

Indeed, it is becoming more and more apparent that Hollywood really is the flip side of the CIA, when we think of Ben Affleck doing a film like Argo, based around CIA operative Antonio Mendez, one of the Agency’s Masters of Disguise. Indeed, Affleck revealed to the Guardian that Hollywood is “probably full of CIA”, in the wake of his film about the CIA staging a fake B-movie shooting in Iran.

As these revelations continue to leak, we can expect more evidence to confirm that the dark side of the CIA may run far deeper than even I imagine; especially when we think of individuals like Sammy Davis Jr. and Jayne Mansfield, who were known members of the Church of Satan, as well as a host of other celebrities who fancy dabbling in the occult – for examples, see here and here. In fact, films like Eyes Wide Shut have revealed these very associations, as have films from Black Dhalia to Mulholland Drive to Milla. These CIA/occult connections are real, especially when we understand films like Zero Dark Thirty are in fact pure CIA propaganda fictions.


Attacking The GMO Supporters

Why Are We Being Attacked? The Gory Details On A Dirty PR Campaign Finally Revealed.

Recently an activist friend reached out to me in desperation looking for advice, counsel and support. My friend is being attacked, threatened, cyber-bullied and harassed because of her recent critical work in exposing Monsanto’s glyphosate in popular food products that children eat. Unfortunately, I know all too well what’s happening to her because it’s happening to me too. This is why I think it’s absolutely critical for us to stick together and not be afraid to tell the truth. These bullies want to intimidate us into submission. They want us to be too scared to write, investigate and share our findings. So scared, that we quit.


Well, we cannot let that happen. I need you to read this shocking new report and tell everyone you know. The non-profit group U.S. Right To Know‘s report “Seedy Business: What Big Food is Hiding with Its Slick PR Campaign on GMOs” couldn’t have come out at a better time! This is an expose (with lots of details, evidence and facts) on the shady public relations tactics that the biotech industry has been employing. After reading their report, everything is starting to make sense to me now. I have personally experienced these tactics and finally can pinpoint what’s happening to me and other activists.

The big players in the industry – Monsanto, Dow, Syngenta, DuPont, Bayer – are engaging in an extensive public relations, advertising, lobbying and political campaign to make sure that genetically engineered crops (GMOs), and the pesticides they require, continue to proliferate in the U.S.

To improve their public image, they are attempting to manipulate everything we see and hear about GMO crops in the media and on TV, the internet and print articles – using propaganda-laden commercials, “mommy-blogger” articles, farmer endorsements, and front group websites. The biotech industry is feeling threatened, and their profits hang in the balance. This is their last stand.


Their agenda is clear. They desperately want you to believe:

  1. GMOs are safe,
  2. Anyone who disagrees is untrustworthy, and
  3. The biotech companies that produce GMOs care about our farmers, families and a sustainable environment.

I’m not going to go into great detail about all the juicy details that are aptly described in the U.S. Right To Know’s report, because I want you to read the entire report yourself. But – here are some of the most important highlights:

The Biotech Industry is using the same PR firms used by Big Tobacco.

The tobacco industry wants us to forget their deceptive advertising from the 1950s that depicted smoking as “Best for You” as approved by “50 years of scientific tobacco research”. The truth is the tobacco companies only cared about their own profits and not about the health of their customers. They hired big public relations (PR) firms to spin their message and to help them manage the flow of information and truth that was coming out about cigarettes and disease. This is similar to what’s happening in the biotech industry today. Several of the PR firms hired by biotech companies were “once employed by the tobacco industry in its efforts to evade responsibility and liability for the millions of Americans they killed. These PR efforts on behalf of the tobacco industry – perhaps the most significant and destructive PR campaign ever – raise questions about whether these same firms are spinning a similarly deceitful PR campaign for the agrichemical industry to hide any health or environmental risks of genetically engineered food”.

Fleishman Hillard – Monsanto retained the PR firm Fleishman Hillard in 2013, to help them “resuscitate its image”. A couple decades ago, Fleishman Hillard represented The Tobacco Institute, the main tobacco industry lobbying organization that was forced to disband following a suit brought against the tobacco industry by the U.S. National Association of Attorneys General. Fleishman Hillard has been implicated in converting Healthy Buildings Institute into a front group for the tobacco industry to hide the dangers of second-hand smoke. So, next time you see those Monsanto commercials on TV (and ads in Oprah’s magazine!), keep in mind that this is who is behind them.

Ogilvy & Mather – DuPont Pioneer hired this PR firm that had an agreement with The Tobacco Institute to provide strategy development, writing assignments, media tours, and contact with target coalition groups.

Ketchum – The Council for Biotechnology (a biotech industry group openly funded by BASF, Bayer, Dow, DuPont, Monsanto, Syngenta) recently hired the PR firm Ketchum to run their website, GMO Answers “to help promote the industry’s views on genetically engineered food”.  Ketchum worked on cigarette advertising campaigns in the 1970s, trying to convince Americans that Fact brand cigarettes were safer than regular cigarettes. Now their focus is on GMOs. This firm is actively communicating with some of my detractors, who brag about getting included in news media about me.

Jayne Thompson & Associates and White House Writers Group – Both of these PR firms hired by Syngenta, previously worked for cigarette-maker Philip Morris to help them with a public relations crisis a little over a decade ago.

Attack anyone that disagrees…

Scientists that speak out against GMOs do so courageously, knowing they will likely be attacked by the biotech industry’s PR minions. If a scientist publishes findings that go against what the industry wants the public to believe, they are harassed, their findings are suppressed, and some careers have been destroyed. Syngenta has been known to have “trained critics” that have undergone media training follow scientists to speaking engagements that have dared to speak out against their products, in an attempt to discredit them. Some notable victims of the biotech industry’s wrath are Dr. Tyrone Hayes, Dr. Ignacio Chapela, Dr. Arpad Pusztai, Dr. Gilles-Eric Séralini, Manuela Malatesta, and Emma Rosi-Marshall.

This same thing is happening to myself and other activists as well…

As part of their “multi-million dollar” campaign for the biotech industry, Ketchum closely monitors Twitter conversations and “seeks out negative (biotech-related) tweets on Twitter”, and attempts to counter their arguments. They are being paid by the biotech industry to discredit any negative information about GMOs, just like Monsanto’s new Director of Millennial Engagement, Vance Crowe, who recently claimed on Twitter that he’s “paid to help untie the knot of fear and misinformation woven together by people making money selling snake oil”.

Ketchum is described as “notoriously secretive” and has a history of targeting consumer and food activist groups like the Center for Food Safety, Friends of the Earth, and GE Food Alert, through their work with the private investigation firm Beckett Brown International (BBI), which apparently hired officers to spy on the activist’s computers, phone records, and trash during Taco Bell’s GMO scandal in 2000. Likewise, Monsanto’s PR firm Fleishman Hillard has targeted public health advocates in the past, conducting espionage and secretly taping tobacco control meetings and conferences. Monsanto has also been caught using “mommy bloggers” to promote the idea that they are a sustainable company that cares about farmers, and about you. Meanwhile, they are largely responsible for the millions of pounds of harmful pesticides that are dumped on crops, polluting our land, water and food.

GMOs don’t benefit customers, just the biotech industry’s pockets.

Don’t believe for one minute that GMOs were created with your best interests in mind. Companies are spending over 100 million dollars to prevent us from knowing the truth!

  • Most GMO crops were genetically engineered to either be (1) pesticide-resistant or (2) herbicide-resistant (or both), and not to be more healthy for us.
  • The GMO crops that we eat most here in America – soybeans, corn, sugar beets, canola – are not more nutritious or tastier than non-GMO crops, and are definitely no improvement.
  • Just like the overuse of antibiotics can create “super bugs”, these resistant crops are creating “super weeds” and “super bugs” that require them to be sprayed with heavier doses of poisonous chemicals – which are often made by the same companies.
  • The biotech industry is contributing to a “pesticide-treadmill”, by creating an environment that fosters the growth of pesticide-resistant weeds and pests. This allows them to sell more of their toxic chemicals along with their GMO seeds, to further increase their bottom line – and it’s escalating fast.
  • Remember that the companies that produce GMO seeds often also produce the chemicals that are sprayed on them – it’s a win-win situation for them!

If you are not following U.S. Right To Know (USRTK) on Twitter, please do here – they are doing some great things and really need our support! They just filed a Freedom of Information Request for correspondence from science professors employed in public universities who write for the GMO Answers which is a website funded by the biotech companies. U.S. Right To Know wants to better understand how these professors (including one that has attacked me personally) are working with biotech companies and PR firms, such as Monsanto, Syngenta, DuPont, Dow, Ketchum, Fleishman Hillard, Ogilvy & Mather.

I never thought in a million years I would be subjected to this disgusting PR game. The only way I and other activists can continue our work is for you to share the truth and spread the word!!! Please share this report with everyone you know.

Thank you so much for standing with me and with everyone who is working for a better food system.


Quake off Taiwan – 2/13

Very Strong earthquake off the coast of Taitung county, Taiwan

Last update: February 13, 2015 at 11:26 pm by By

Update : Below the CWB (Central Taiwan Weather Bureau) intensity values. CWB is considering the shaking strong Taitung County.

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Update : We do not expect any serious damage from this earthquake as the epicenter is located out of the Taitung coast.

Screen Shot 2015-02-13 at 21.32.52 Screen Shot 2015-02-13 at 21.33.15 Screen Shot 2015-02-13 at 21.33.31 Screen Shot 2015-02-13 at 21.33.44

25km (16mi) ESE of Taitung City, Taiwan
100km (62mi) NE of Hengchun, Taiwan
106km (66mi) ESE of Yujing, Taiwan
110km (68mi) E of Kaohsiung, Taiwan
744km (462mi) E of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : 6.2

Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2015-02-14 04:06:31

GMT/UTC Time : 2015-02-13 20:06:31


Ridge Quake Atlantic Ocean 2/13

Massive earthquake in the Atlantic Ocean

Last update: February 13, 2015 at 11:06 pm by By

Update : A very special and massive Ridge Earthquake generated by a transform part in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Certainly no shaking will be felt at the nearest islands (Greenland, Iceland and Ireland.

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1165km (724mi) SE of Nanortalik, Greenland
1393km (866mi) SSW of Hafnarfjordur, Iceland
1398km (869mi) SSW of Kopavogur, Iceland
1401km (871mi) SSW of Reykjavik, Iceland
1504km (935mi) W of Tralee, Ireland

Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : 7.1

Local Time (conversion only below land) : Unknown

GMT/UTC Time : 2015-02-13 18:59:12


Limits Placed on Civil Forfeiture

Holder limits seized-asset sharing process that split billions with local, state police

Holder limits police ability to seize assets(2:21)

Attorney General Eric Holder is barring local and state police from using federal law to seize cash, cars and other property without proof that a crime occurred. The Post’s Robert O’Harrow Jr. explains the most sweeping check on police power to confiscate personal property since the seizures began three decades ago,
Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. on Friday barred local and state police from using federal law to seize cash, cars and other property without warrants or criminal charges.

Holder’s action represents the most sweeping check on police power to confiscate personal property since the seizures began three decades ago as part of the war on drugs.

Since 2008, thousands of local and state police agencies have made more than 55,000 seizures of cash and property worth $3 billion under a civil asset forfeiture program at the Justice Department called Equitable Sharing.

The program has enabled local and state police to make seizures and then have them “adopted” by federal agencies, which share in the proceeds. It allowed police departments and drug task forces to keep up to 80 percent of the proceeds of adopted seizures, with the rest going to federal agencies.

“With this new policy, effective immediately, the Justice Department is taking an important step to prohibit federal agency adoptions of state and local seizures, except for public safety reasons,” Holder said in a statement.

Holder’s decision allows limited exceptions, including illegal firearms, ammunition, explosives and property associated with child pornography, a small fraction of the total. This would eliminate virtually all cash and vehicle seizures made by local and state police from the program.

While police can continue to make seizures under their own state laws, Equitable Sharing was easy to use and required most of the proceeds from the seizures to go to local and state police agencies. Some states have higher standards of proof for forfeitures and some require seized proceeds to go into the general fund.

A Justice Department official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the attorney general’s motivation, said Holder “also believes that the new policy will eliminate any possibility that the adoption process might unintentionally incentivize unnecessary stops and seizures.”

Holder’s announcement drew praise from some groups who have denounced the seizures and criticism from some police organizations.

The decision follows a Washington Post investigation published in September that found that police have made cash seizures worth almost $2.5 billion from motorists and others without search warrants or indictments since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

The Post found that local and state police routinely pulled over drivers for minor traffic infractions, pressed them to agree to warrantless searches and seized large amounts of cash without evidence of wrongdoing. The law allows such seizures and forces the owners to prove their property was legally acquired in order to get it back.

Police spent the seizure proceeds with little oversight, in some cases buying luxury cars, high-powered weapons and military-grade gear such as armored cars, according to an analysis of Justice Department data obtained through Freedom of Information Act requests.

‘Your property is guilty until you prove it innocent’(11:36)
In the wake of Sept. 11, 2001, an aggressive brand of policing called “highway interdiction,” which involves authorities seizing money and property during traffic stops, has grown in popularity. Thousands of people not charged with crimes are left fighting legal battles to regain their money. 

News of the policy change surprised advocates who have for a long time unsuccessfully sought to reverse civil asset forfeiture laws, arguing that they undermine core American values, such as property rights and due process.

“It’s high time we put an end to this damaging practice,” said David Harris, a constitutional law scholar at the University of Pittsburgh. “It has been a civil-liberties debacle and a stain on American criminal justice.”

Holder’s action comes as members of both parties in Congress are working together to craft legislation to overhaul civil asset forfeiture. On Jan. 9, Sens. Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa) and Mike Lee (R-Utah), and Reps. F. James Sensenbrenner Jr. (R-Wis.) and John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.) signed a letter calling on Holder to end Equitable Sharing.

Grassley praised Holder’s decision on Friday. “We’re going to have a fairer justice system because of it,” Grassley said. “The rule of law ought to protect innocent people, and civil asset forfeiture hurt a lot of people.”

He said he planned to continue pressing for legislative reforms.

“I commend the department for this step and look forward to working with them on comprehensive forfeiture reform that protects Americans’ property rights,” Sensenbrenner said. “Equitable Sharing has become a tool too often used to bypass state law. ”

The new policy could become one of the more notable pieces of Holder’s legacy. Holder has already announced that he is leaving the department, and it is clear that he is taking steps to burnish his place in history. On Thursday, he pushed in a speech for better tracking of police use-of-force incidents.

But Friday’s action is sure to engender its share of controversy.

The policy will touch police and local budgets in every state. Since 2001, about 7,600 of the nation’s 18,000 police departments and task forces have participated in Equitable Sharing. For hundreds of police departments and sheriff’s offices, the seizure proceeds accounted for 20 percent or more of their annual budgets in recent years, according to a Post analysis.

The action comes at a time when police are already angry about remarks that Holder and President Obama made after the police killings of unarmed black men in Ferguson, Mo., and New York City. Some have accused them of being “anti-cop.”

“It seems like a continual barrage against police,” said John W. Thompson, interim executive director of the National Sheriffs’ Association. “I’m not saying there’s no wrongdoing, but there is wrongdoing in everything.”

Critics of the decision say that depriving departments of the proceeds from civil asset forfeitures will hurt legitimate efforts to fight crime, drug smuggling and terrorism.

Bill Johnson, executive director of the National Association of Police Organizations, said, “There is some grave concern about the possible loss of significant funding while local police and state police are being asked to do more and more each year.”

Over the past decade, thousands of people have had to fight the government to get their cash and property back, often hiring lawyers and spending more than a year in the process, The Post found. Many of them were people of color and immigrants swept up in police dragnets on the nation’s highways aimed at stopping drug dealers, money launderers and terrorists.

That includes people such as Mandrel Stuart, who was stopped in 2012 by Fairfax County police, detained without charges, handcuffed and stripped of $17,550 in cash that was to be used for equipment and supplies for his barbecue restaurant in Staunton, Va. He eventually hired a lawyer, and a jury gave him his money back in 2013. But he lost his restaurant while fighting the government, because he had no working capital.

“A lot of people won’t be harassed the way they are harassing them now,” Stuart said Friday after he heard about Holder’s action. “It’s some justice at last on our side.”

Civil asset forfeiture is one of the most powerful — and unusual — law enforcement tools. Police do not need to prove a crime to use it, because it is a civil action against an object, such as currency or a car, rather than a person.

As a consequence, protections common in criminal law do not apply. In fact, owners who want to recover their cash or property generally must show it is theirs and demonstrate it is not tied to crime.

Forfeiture has its basis in British admiralty law, but it became a part of the fight against drugs in the United States beginning in 1970, when Congress allowed police to seize aircraft, boats and other property used to transport narcotics or bought by drug lords with ill-gotten gains.

In the 1980s, the law was expanded to include cash. About the same time, the Justice Department created its Asset Forfeiture Program and began allowing federal agencies to adopt seizures made by state and local authorities. Those changes led to a massive increase in money deposited into the federal forfeitures fund as seizures by local and state police surged. Allegations of police ­abuses also increased.

Searing reports by the Orlando Sentinel and other newspapers about abuses spurred Congress to pass the Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act in 2000. But a key change — ending the sharing of seizure proceeds between local police and federal agencies — was cut from the bill after fierce opposition from police and prosecutors. Some lawmakers called the sharing of money a “perverse incentive” for overly aggressive police tactics.

After Sept. 11, 2001, the use of the asset forfeiture law and the Equitable Sharing Program rose to new heights as federal authorities called on local, county and state police to help keep watch on the nation’s highways, not only for drug smugglers but also for terrorists.

The Departments of Justice and Homeland Security paid private firms millions to train local and state officers in the techniques of an aggressive brand of policing known as “highway interdiction.” That training, developed by the firms, included methods for ferreting out suspicious drivers and coaxing them into granting warrantless searches of vehicles, according to internal company training documents obtained by The Post. The files emphasized the importance of targeting cash.

The federal government also encouraged police to collect and share intelligence about drivers. One training firm started a private intelligence system called Black Asphalt that enabled thousands of police to share tips about drivers across state lines and funnel raw reports about drivers to federal authorities.

Civil asset forfeiture has become one of the few public policy and social issues that united activists and lawmakers across the political spectrum.

After The Post series, John Yoder and Brad Cates, two directors of the Justice Department’s asset forfeiture office under President Ronald Reagan, said the program should end. In an opinion piece, they said the program began with good intentions. “Over time, however, the tactic has turned into an evil itself, with the corruption it engendered among government and law enforcement coming to clearly outweigh any benefits.”

The Institute for Justice and other libertarian-leaning groups teamed up with the American Civil Liberties Union and left-leaning groups to press for changes in the wake of The Post’s investigation.

“This is a profoundly important and path-breaking change in the ability of the government to take property of Americans,” said Scott Bullock, a senior attorney at the Institute for Justice, which produced a study about civil asset forfeiture five years ago called “Policing for Profit: The Abuse of Civil Asset Forfeiture.”

In recent months, Grassley, the new chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and Sen. Patrick J. Leahy (Vt.), the panel’s ranking Democrat, joined the effort, along with Sensenbrenner and others.

Holder said seizure adoptions will continue to be employed by local and federal authorities, but only in limited circumstances when public safety is at risk and where local and federal authorities are collaborating in cases clearly involving criminal activity.

Most of the money and property taken under Equitable Sharing since 2008 — $3 billion out of $5.3 billon — was not seized in collaboration with federal authorities, The Post’s analysis found.

In announcing the new Justice Department policy Friday, Holder said there is also less need for federal seizure adoptions. In the 1980s, when the policies took effect, few states gave police the authority to make civil seizures and forfeit the assets of criminals in the way that federal law allowed.

“Today, however, every state has either criminal or civil forfeiture laws, making the federal adoption process less necessary,” Holder’s statement said. “Indeed, adoptions currently constitute a very small slice of the federal asset forfeiture program. ”

Some police departments have shown an apparent preference for federal law over state laws. Equitable Sharing allowed many departments to make or benefit from seizures in ways they could not have under state law. The program required the seizure proceeds to go back to the departments, while some state asset forfeiture programs mandate that the money go into general funds.

The Treasury Department is also changing its asset forfeiture program to follow the same guideline included in Holder’s order, the statement said.

Federal agencies make larger seizures of cash and property through avenues other than Equitable Sharing, typically in cases involving defendants ranging from drug cartel kingpins to Bernard L. Madoff, whose fraud case has resulted in more than $9 billion in forfeitures in recent years.

Those programs are not affected by the changes to Equitable Sharing, but Holder also said the new policy is the first step in a “comprehensive review” of civil forfeiture in general.

Justice Department officials noted that civil asset forfeiture has hurt criminals and their organizations. It also has enabled the government to refund money to crime victims — about $4 billion over the past 15 years.

“Asset forfeiture remains a critical law enforcement tool when used appropriately — providing unique means to go after criminal and even terrorist organizations,” Holder said. “This new policy will ensure that these authorities can continue to be used to take the profit out of crime and return assets to victims, while safeguarding civil liberties.”


School Grades for “Grit” & “Gratitude”?

As always, do your research:

California-school mind control: grades for ”Gratitude”

Jon Rappoport
Activist Post

The Sacramento Bee has the story. 1/27/15, “Grit and gratitude join reading, writing and arithmetic on report cards,” by Loretta Kalb:

“Across the state, report cards are undergoing a sea change in how students are measured for academic performance. Where teachers once graded students [only] on traditional math or English skills, they now judge attributes such as grit, gratitude or being sensitive to others… Districts are changing their report cards to reflect the new Common Core State Standards…”

“…when it comes to attributes such as grit or being sensitive to others, they [teachers] give [third-grade] students one of four marks: A for almost always, O for often, S for sometimes and R for rarely.”

Report cards for young children. Grit, gratitude, and sensitivity to others. Welcome to the madhouse.

Where are the massive parent protests? Apparently, nowhere. So they’re brainwashed as well.

In case I need to point this out: a child of eight isn’t naturally gushing gratitude and sensitivity toward others. In schools, these are taught values, and they are now attached to report-card grades. The child is being conditioned to behave in prescribed ways, in order to earn a “gold star.”

It’s all synthetic, artificial. It’s operant conditioning. The baffled clueless child learns to take cues. He learns to speak certain “grateful sensitive” words. He becomes a waddling little duck who’s taught how to quack. They all quack in concert.

As far as the schools are concerned, the child mustn’t think of himself as independent. There are no positive grades for that. Early on, he’s led into the goo-pond with the other kids.

The parents, clueless as well, can make no distinction between what a child learns on his own and what he is taught and how he is taught (conditioned). If the child appears appropriately “grateful and sensitive,” then he actually is.

The mothers and fathers are in for quite a surprise, later on, when their kid rebels against all this mind-control and turns into a hostile force. Or knuckles under, and acts like a perfect android.

This method of programming comes from the school of psychological behaviorism. Its foundation is the idea that personality develops from conditioning—because there is nothing else.

“No one is home” until someone else teaches him “how to be.” And that’s life, that’s experience, that’s perception. Case closed.

This is all true for a computer or a car or a toaster, but it doesn’t happen to be true for a child.

Let’s stop calling them schools. Let’s call them conditioning centers.

“Yes, my little Jimmy is doing quite well at the conditioning center. He says ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ forty times a day. His sensitivity responses are in the ninetieth percentile, and his gratitude quotient is eighty, up from seventy-two a year ago. We’re thrilled. Last night, when we went for ice cream, he told us he appreciated our sensitivity to his preference for a cone over a dish…”

Flash forward a few years: “We don’t understand. Jimmy burned down the garage last night. When we asked him why, he stared at us in a challenging kind of way and said he was expressing his gratitude for fire. The psychiatrist told us over the phone that Jimmy has a dissociative disorder. He needs medication to calm him down. He has a chemical imbalance…”

Or how about this: “Last week in school our Bobby learned more about sexual parts of the body. He was also instructed about gender-reassignment surgery. He told us he was sensitive to people’s choices in life…”

Good for you, Bobby.

It’s wonderful. Who are these crazy terrorists who want to home-school their kids?

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.
