Talking openly about money is something many people don’t feel comfortable with. I’ll admit it, I feel vulnerable publicly announcing how much money I made last year, too.
But it’s this reluctance to be open about money that causes us to struggle with our finances. If we remain in the dark about any subject, we can’t improve it. Consciousness is the key to growth.
If you want to improve your financial reality this year, you have to bring awareness to your relationship with money. Below are steps I personally took to increase my awareness with money; follow these steps, and I guarantee you’ll improve your relationship with money, too.
1. I strengthened my wealth vibe.
The “vibe” you have about any subject is simply how you feel about it. It’s a belief system within you that has a certain energetic “frequency.”
For example, think about your childhood home. What does the memory of that home feel like to you? Whatever it feels like is its “vibe.”
The platform for creating more of anything in your life is strengthening the “vibe” within you. This was one of the first steps I took to improve my financial reality.
At the beginning of last year, my finances didn’t reflect what I thought of as “wealthy,” but I could still identify a feeling of “wealth” within me. As I practiced this wealth vibe, the frequency became easier for me to feel. Doing so strengthened my internal state of wealth, priming me to attract more money into my life.
2. I confronted my fears about money.
We all have limiting beliefs and fears about money. These are the beliefs that keep us stuck in a financial reality that isn’t working for us. In order to create more abundance in your life, you have to confront these fears.
To improve my finances, I had to ask myself: What beliefs about money are making me feel stuck?
By asking this simple question I was able to face my dysfunctional patterns with money (patterns such as: unconscious spending, under-saving, avoidance of money, etc). After these patterns where brought to light, I could take conscious steps to change them. This increased my confidence with money, automatically calling more of it to me.
3. I empowered myself through action.
You can’t become wealthy if you feel like money is more powerful than you. In order to be in the commanding position with your finances, you have to change your actions with money.
For me, this included creating a savings account (and actually putting money in it), increasing my rates to reflect the worth of my services, being aware of my spending, and other steps that helped me feel more empowered with money.
Making small changes that put me in charge of my finances increased my confidence, which in turn, strengthened my wealth vibe even more.
4. I recognized my true source of wealth.
As a spiritual person, I know that money is not my source of wealth; my connection to Source is my source of wealth.
What does that mean? It’s knowing that when I’m connected to my internal “vibe” of love and abundance, I feel complete. The seeking for anything melts away when I’m centered within. Connecting to Source (which I can do regardless of the money in my bank) will always make me feel infinitely wealthy.
Our external realities always reflect our internal realities; when I practiced staying connected to my true source of wealth within, more wealth naturally made it’s way to me.
5. I took inspired action.
As I simmered in a wealthy state of being, ideas naturally flowed to me that became my next steps in creating more income. Out of nowhere, an idea would pop in my head; if I felt excited about this new idea, I would immediately take action!
Inspired action feels like action your soul wants to take. It’s a great idea that you want to make happen!
By acting on ideas that naturally and effortlessly flowed to me, I was guided to ways of increasing my wealth that I’d never even imagined were there.
6. I believed.
Perhaps the most important step in creating your wealth is believing both in yourself and the power of the Universe.
Luckily, I already had plenty of proof that I create my reality from the inside out. Because I’ve done it in so many other areas of my life, I knew that by aligning to an internal state of wealth, more opportunities for money would make their way to me. I followed the steps, and once again, the Universe didn’t let me down.
As one of my favorite philosophers, Joseph Campbell, once said, “Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls.” Magic happens when you believe in yourself and the flow of creativity that’s available to us all.
Your internal reality is the foundation for everything you create in the world, including your wealth. Get to know your experience with money, connect to the vibe of wealth within, trust the Universe, and you will absolutely take your financial reality to the next level in 2015.
Photo Credit: Getty Images
from: http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-16739/the-6-mental-steps-i-took-to-manifest-a-6-figure-salary.html?utm_campaign=recommendation&utm_medium=interfeaturebottom&utm_source=feature