Further – The Oft Neglected Path

by Zen Gardner
How many times have we been faced with the decision to move on to the next level of commitment to truth? How often has a new level of personal sacrifice been standing at our door, beckoning? How did we respond? Were we willing to go further, no matter the cost?
That’s pretty much what it takes in the pursuit of truth. A constant shedding of the old, no matter how attached we’ve become to our self image and familiar surroundings; to be relentlessly following the signal from this esoteric siren of love and a greater reality that we know awaits. Much like mountain climbing, the decision comes first, then the climbing. But each step of the way presents more decisions. Will we go on in spite of fatigue, doubts, discouragement and obstacles? Which path will I take at each upcoming juncture?
It’s not a one time thing. The decision to pursue quickly leads to a myriad of ensuing decisions along the way. We don’t decide once and for all and then on the truth train we chug up the mountain to a land of ecstasy and complete fulfillment. It doesn’t work that way. This is why so many faint along the way and give up. They become daunted with the often lonely and arduous task. They turn around and move back down to the security of the valley with all of its comforts and self assuaging reinforcement.
It happens to many and we’ve all been there. The initial rush of adventure wears off and the stark reality of the life and death endeavor of the nitty gritty pick and shovel work and climbing through thick and thin starts to dissuade the less determined. But in spite of the fatigue and humiliation, living in foreign mental and spiritual surroundings in usually spartan and often excruciating living and social conditions, the real true seeker eventually faces, confronts and overcomes these mirage-like obstacles.
Opting Out for Comfort and Security and Its Many Levels
The previous life of relative comfort repeatedly calls the less committed back into the seemingly easy way inside the matrix of deceit and its delicacies. It’s a compromise, but so welcomed by the throngs waiting for us back in the valley who don’t want to hear there even is a mountain to climb, never mind see someone climb it.
This is not an easy saying for most. We’ve all compromised at one point or another. But those who’ve kept on know who they are, and the price they’ve had to pay. It’s really miniscule compared to the rewards, but it seems a daunting task to those with no truth seeking musculature, conveniently snipped and shorn in their formative years. They hear the distant call, but feel it’s not for them, especially since so few seem to hear and heed the call and have been so relentlessly conditioned against it.
Ignoring Is No Excuse
But there really is no excuse for ignoring the call. It is what drives the heart of man and is the natural draw of every living soul. This is why youth are so altruistic and idealistic until the educational system and societal “norms” start to clip their wings. And even those who begin the quest often opt out for convenient way stations on the climb to full-on truth. People park on their particular perch which they feel is sufficiently above the valley of deceit and think they have enough perspective to pass judgement on the rest.
The very fact of this judgmental, dishonoring attitude is a symptom of settling for partial truth, and a subconscious stance to protect one’s unwillingness to go all the way or remain open to new and even greater possibilities. However, that very openness to greater truth is the attitude we should each maintain.
Those still attached to their status, income, good deeds, moral high ground, or sense of superior intellect or spirituality in an exclusive and judgmental manner can be the worst enemies to full on truth and spiritual freedom. It takes on many forms and we all fall for these attitudes when in an unconscious or semi-conscious state. After all, it’s fiercely reinforced by the matrix and its tear down mentality.
They will dis and dismiss anything that surpasses their little ledge of advantage they think they’ve climbed to, and be quite militant and aggressive about it. If it doesn’t meet their criteria, it’s to be vigorously attacked as false information. A very sad psychological state to be in, but we see it in society at every level and have all experienced it from both ends.
The most obvious manifestation of this mindset is how anything contrary to the mainstream narrative is marginalized as “politically incorrect”, “conspiracy theory” and now even “terrorist activity”. But this permeates every level of information sharing, and is a huge hindrance to those seeking the full on clarity and empowerment awaiting anyone with the will to pursue it.
Hence the battle we all face and the very serious challenge of climbing the mountain to truth.
Such Is Our Challenge
The simple solution is to keep climbing. The distractions along the way are expected and endemic to our controlled society and upbringing, cloaked in the sheepskin of “normalcy”. Not just political correctness but social correctness are both very confining while appearing to be guiding principles to true freedom of speech and expression.
The question I wish to pose is – are you willing to go further? Even all the way, no matter the cost?
That’s a serious proposition. There are very real personal costs involved, including a complete forsaking of self. It requires sharing – of your thoughts and dreams and conflicts, even using your so called “assets” for the quest over personal security. The beauty is Universe meets us as we step out on faith and conviction. Those who care, give of themselves completely and unselfishly. Those who only think they care, don’t. They hang back, for whatever reason. Everything is conditional to them with all kinds of strings attached, a defense mechanism of matrix infected thinking. Again, we’ve all been there.
It comes down to heart vs mind in many ways. Where do we invest our time and energy? In things that reinforce our personal security and support our personal stance? Or in unselfish efforts that resonate with our own hunger for real truth and social justice for the betterment of all in an atmosphere of love? Are we willing to even lay our lives down? It happens one step at a time.
In Summary
Some things to consider. March on fearlessly. The battle rages, mainly to keep us from getting to the top of the mountain where clarity and boundless empowerment await. From there all becomes clear. But remember – we can’t take our baggage with us. And that’s not a sacrifice, that’s liberating!
Don’t stop. Every awakened soul is already where they need to be in many ways and we can operate in peace once we’re truly aware of what’s going on. But climbing on up even further as life’s signs call and synchronicity so frequently prods and confirms is absolutely imperative.
Further. Together. Now’s the time to step on the gas. We cannot leave the world they’re proposing for our children and grandchildren to inherit. It’s our time to take the stand – and keep climbing.
We’re in this together.
With much love, Zen
from: http://www.zengardner.com/further-the-oft-neglected-path/